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MARCH 2025

Iran Confirms Attack On One Of Its Ships Near Syria, Calls It ‘Piracy’

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Iran Confirms Attack On One Of Its Ships Near Syria, Calls It ‘Piracy’

Screen grab from IRISL footage.

An Iranian merchant ship was damaged as a result of a “terrorist attack” in the Mediterranean Sea, a spokesman for the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Line (IRISL) Group told the semi-official Nournews on March 12.

An explosion rocked the ship, named SHAHR E KORD, as she was sailing a few kilometers away from Syria’s shores. The explosion forced the ship to anchor at Baniyas Port.

According to IRISL spokesman, SHAHR E KORD was slightly damaged by an explosive object but no one on board was hurt. The ship was en-route to Europe.

“Such terrorist acts amount to naval piracy,” the spokesman, Ali Ghiasi, told Nournews.

Iran has not yet held any side responsible for the attack on SHAHR E KORD. Nevertheless, many observers believe that Israel was behind the attack.

A recent report by the Wall Street Journal revealed that the Israeli intelligence targeted over a dozen Iranian vessels bound for Syria in the last two years. Most of the targeted vessels were carrying oil.

Some observers saw the attack on SHAHR E KORD as a response to the February 26 explosions at the Israeli-owned vessel MV HELIOS RAY in the Sea of Oman. However, the Wall Street Journal’s report claims that Tel Aviv was attacking Iranian vessels way before the attack on MV HELIOS RAY.


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Servet-i Funun Literature

ı hope damaged container belongs to Ali.😁

Free man



Just like when ISISrael raided a Turkish ship trying to deliver food and medicines to Palestine and killed a bunch of Turks. Well, that was actually worse, cause Iran isn’t a Mediterranean nation.

Just another NATO terrorist bitch.

Servet-i Funun Literature

Bs,ı was making joke to Ali due to another topic.He knows it.

Servet-i Funun Literature

Bro,it takes you 10 minutes to post this,congrats.Since you are running toilet-cleaner material, bottle business,it shouldnt be hard for you to find anyone to clean your toilet.ı hope you made insurance to your container.

Concrete Mike

Thats all the mighty IDF can muster?

Pathetic warmongers, dont you know when to stop?

Turkpig below confirms my point.

Hasbara Hunter


Jens Holm

Thats a good choise. Rotchilds has money and Iran has a lot of space for them.


Frankly, it is quite disturbing act of piracy that the incompetent Zionist blew up a container load of cleaning bleach bottles from China in the era of Covid. Syrian bathrooms will remain uncleaned.

Jens Holm

NO its not. Its symbolic. They dont do as the Iranians making Israelien oil all over.


Anyone with basic penchant for empirical evidence suggests that Israel is either very incompetent or just scared to face the wrath of Iran without US military support. Even anecdotal circumstantial evidence would suggest that Israel in its arrogance fixed some achievable lofty goals against Iran.

1. Removing Iran from Syria since 2012. 2. Destroying Iran’s nuclear infrastructure. 3. Maximum pressure in the economic, military and political realm via the US and its NATO vassals. 4. Destruction of Hezbollah. 5. Establishing dominance in the region.

It is glaringly obvious that all of the Zionist goals have failed in a spectacular fashion. Iranians have played a very canny strategic game, as expected from a great historical power. They have achieved all their strategic objectives in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and the the region largely. Iran has overcome the “maximum pressure” and is now in a geo-strategic pivotal position. The Israelis look weak, confused and impotent, reducing to blowing up consumer goods on a commercial vessel in international waters. Under International Maritime Law, Israeli actions constitute piracy and commercial terrorism. They also underline the poor state of Israeli military capability.

Ashok Varma

The Zionists are hyped up by the western media, they are just another third world failed state that lives on western aid.


Hardly a significant military result for Israel, they destroyed a few plastic bottles


What are you talking about? They clearly killed a lot of toilet cleaner bottles!

So Iran confirmed it, It’s still hard to believe that this was an attack, but in the pics I think I can see the shrapnel damage on the container.


Hey Garga, sadly I can not run a DNA test where I live but I might do it in Tel Aviv. About this incident, well if Iran claims it was us bring a proof. I also don’t blame Iran unless we have evidence, like supporting its proxies all over the ME. The question is, how far will it escalate? Bibi knows his days are numbered, he has nothing to lose.

Hasbara Hunter

Bibi “Jim Jones” Satanyahu has got nothing to lose…so he decides to commit Suicide together with all inhabitants of ISraHell….sounds fairly logical to me…


Looking forward for the test result. Holler of you needed a spit sample from me.

With Adelson gone, first Trump went and now Bibi will probably follow. That’s a shame, really. About the explosion in the ship, the investigation will be performed. if a projectile is used it will leave some parts behind. We’ll wait for the investigation to be completed or confirmed. So far someone from IRISL made the statement, It needs to be confirmed by relative investigators.

Hydrochloride acid is known to do this sort of thing, The pics aren’t clear enough to determine the explosion were from inside or outside. So for you and me the best course of action will be to wait. But if it is confirmed that IDF was the culprit, I cannot foresee any limit for the escalation. Even in his last [seemingly] days, Bibi is hurting your regime and even perhaps ordinary people. The reason mentioned in the WSJ and NYT is a bunch of bull$#it. The oil and fuel shipments is for the use of Syrians, not to make a profit. Anyway, this sort of insanity is what makes yours and perhaps my life unsafe. If the reports about attack on a dozens of merchant ships by you is true, there’s no room for objection when the retaliation comes.

Let me know if you managed to get the Language pack.


It has exposed yet again Zionist incompetence and cowardice. They are scared to attack openly so they blew up a bleach cleaning container LOL

Jens Holm

Its symbolic.


A very poor outcome for Israel and exposes its poor military planning and execution.

Free man

what goes around comes around.


If thats the case then Israel has a lot to come around for the hundreds of strikes they already carried out

Emad Irani

ok so, soon Tel Aviv and Haifa under missile strikes?

Blue In Green

They’re playing with the idea of an open-conflict for quite some time now and Biden’s administration is continuing Trumps “maximum pressure” policy.

There won’t be any sort of de-escalation going on at all. It’s a matter of ‘when’ not if.

Emad Irani

it is a good opportunity for us to get rid of those liberal reformist. Let Biden keep his maximum pressure, we all know there is not a government who got weakened by sanctions, this method of sanction is only aiming for a few days riots nothing more


You do that, see what happens to Tehran next.

Emad Irani

he said what goes around comes around, so it means Tel Aviv and Haifa next because of Damascus. You will be surprised soon


Bring any of your “surprises” Emad, just like Nasrallah it’s easier being said than done.

Emad Irani

it is called long term goals, something you are not aware of. You didn’t ask yourself why Ansarallah never attacked UAE during the war like it did with Saudi Arabia :) do a simple research (fyi bibi cancelled UAE trip)


Bibi’s trip was above all, for internal political needs due to the coming elections more 11 days. It has nothing to do with the Houthis, I’m happy that in the end the UAE leadership didn’t give him that credit.

You have been sponsoring terrorism against my beloved country for far too long Emad, when that traitor goes to jail and a new Israeli PM sits at the office, then your proxies will feel us on the ground. Bibi was your best friend here, you’d only realize it after he’s gone.

Emad Irani

how many PM changes did you have in the last 50 years? Anything changed? No. Iran and Resistance Axis don’t care about persons, only about ideology, strategy and tactics. Trump, Biden, Bibi, another clown, nothing and nobody will change our path because we have a deep hostility towards Imperialism and Zionism


Emad, the quantity is something, the quality is something else.

They had terrorist PMs who killed a lot of people, from the British to the Palestinians and Lebanese, Christians, Jews and Muslims like Begin. The same animal (who won the Nobel peace prize like the hag Ebadi) gifted them the Likud party which later was overtook by the Russian mob and laid an egg which Bibi came out of.

They also killed a PM which used to be a butcher but later saw a burning bush or something and got interested in peace, so he was assassinated by one of the “ordinary citizens”.

Behind Bibi there are 3 idiots (3 kalle-pook) in the line to become the PM. It’ll be fun to watch.


Rabin, Begin and Sharon were our bravest leaders, each one of them did something great to be remembered in our history. Unlike what you may think Garga, we do want peace with the Palestinians to end this conflict, however the settlers hold a great power in the Knesset and as long as they rule there would be no agreements.

Bibi is just another one on their tools here, they hold him from the balls to do anything they want. Secular Israelis like me know the best thing is to get seperated and let them run their own lives. Trump’s deal was a good start but needs modifications so the Palestinians also realize a peace is a good thing for them.

The extremists on both sides hold the power, and it’s time to change that. Those 3 clowns you mentioned will work to change this reality, unlike Bibi who has done nothing but talks and insert fear. We have woken up, Israelis will say it best on elections day.


Stop the threats, for over 40 years you have been saying you want to destroy us, same as Bibi has been saying for 20 years. You want the truth? Israel needs Iran and Iran needs Israel, in every region there would always be 2 opposing powers to counter each other, your regime must portray us as the “small Satan” same as Bibi says you are going to destroy us. I don’t believe anyside can destroy each other, you have tens of thousands ob ICBM’s and we have nukes. That is MAD, and both leadership can only use threats. So stop with your fake ideology, it’s more needed to control Iranians at home rather than hurt Israelis. It’s vise versa too.


Your beloved country is going to be Iran, that I’m sure of when you find out your roots. Seriously, what is so lovely about the occupied Palestine? You don’t even produce a good beer or wine and apparently there no pretty redhead as far as I’m concerned. And you ruined your beaches which translate into no bitc#es for me. Damn!

By the way, did your police do anything about the animals who gang raped the poor girl in Eilat? The hotel had security cams and I’m sure they left a lot of DNA behind. Besides, the girls seems to have a usable description of those subhumans.

If they are caught, kindly direct me to the relevant info and If the police didn’t do anything, I announce my readiness to make it right the next time I paid occupied Palestine a visit if you are game. My treat.


Sorry Garga, the police sent them to a house arrest which here is a joke and no one even checks if you leave your home or not. It’s up to the court to decide the punishment, I hope they get atleast 15 years but they might aswell bribe the judge so I’m not even sure how it would end.

Also, I don’t have anything against Iran as a country, Iranians have a rich history and it wasn’t always like that for you. 43 years out of thousands of years are only a small dot in the Persian history, as Free Man always says (I think he knows better what’s going on than most of us here) the Ayatollahs downfall is a matter of time. In no way does it mean other countries should intervene in your domestic issues, the people themselves need to decide that, and only you. Maybe one day we can see secular Iranian and Israeli youth party together? who knows.

P.S, please read my comment to Emad down below, that is the real truth and both of us are played like pawns in this big chess game.


Some justice. The least punishment should be something that prevents them from repeating the crime. Anyway when you see there’s injustice you do something about it, I’m in if you are. And thanks for the laugh (I’m sincere) for mentioning “Free Man” and “know” in the same breath.


I hope justice would be made, and not only in this sad incident.

Ashok Varma

You are an Iraqi Arab Jew silly boy.


your beloved country is Morocco bro……lol…..stop lying.

Ashok Varma

No, the silly chit of boy claims to be an Iraqi. That certainly makes him an Arab.


Half these guys in Israhell are camel jockey. All middle eastern yahudi. I’ve seen them. Look very camel jockey.


Shades of 2006.


Damn, lets hope so. Israel has been terrorizing the world since its inception. It needs a taste of it’s own medicine…and they’ll find it quite bitter.


What is going to happen to Tehran? I live here and I’m preparing my guest house for you, don’t threaten me or my house, it’s costing me an arm and a leg, brah!


Frankly, I wonder why people respond to these juvenile PUNK hasbara trolls? They are just seeking any attention with multiple accounts.


Nothing will happen anyway Garga, no one will start a war over some ships. About the nuclear program however..there might be an attack but definitely not under Bibi, and only if the Americans allow it. So right now the players are static, waiting to see what will unfold.

P.S, it doesn’t matter there are hostilities between out countries Garga, I like you and too bad most of the guys here don’t write and express themselves aswell as you. farbat is good example.


So you need another country’s permission to defend yourself against alleged annihilation and “da bomb”? Everything seems normal to you, nothing is fishy?


Everything is fishy my dear friend, I don’t even know whom I can trust. I only know that after 13 years of Bibi in office, we must have a change. Any change, just not him. And I do hope everything works out diplomatically, in the end it’s regular Iranians and Israelis that would die. We don’t need that. Israel and the Arabs states were in enough wars till both realized it’s futile, so technically it should be easier to reach some understandings between us as we don’t share borders. But Ideology is not something you can change, we saw it very well in WW2.


You have a big mouth Kid.

Ashok Varma

And also very desperate for attention by calling others on the internet dear friend.

Lone Ranger

It didn’t sink, same as the USS Liberty… Inferior Shlomo weapons…

Blue In Green

So they did some minor damage to a Crate containing some chemicals (some detergent?)

You know what’s the most funny thing here, Israel attacked an Iranian oil vessel off their own coast (retards apparently ) causing an oil spill that’s now decimating Israeli local marine life. Imagine wanting to get at Iran that bad, you’re willing to hurt yourself in the process in order to achieve it……

Cheers to the coming open-conflict gents, not long now.


Israel will push for US to get into an armed conflict with Iran as on its own, it will be destroyed in a week. Iran has played it cool and wisely while it achieves its strategic goals at a minimum cost.

Tommy Jensen

There will be no war.

Ashok Varma

Israel is all bluster and their military is not that good, Indians were sold a hype and now don’t even train with the IDF as our airforce is better. The SPICE bombs sold to India all proved to be dud.

Hasbara Hunter

Shipment of Chlorine….Chemicals…naughty…naughty Iran…


Bottled in China.


Blowing up chlorine bottles will greatly upset Trump who advocated injecting bleach to overcome Covid 19.

Assad must stay

Zios have absolutely no brains hhhahahahahah


The packaging is quite nice, better than what is sold at my Safeway :)

Raptar Driver

Worse yet, it is state sponsored piracy.


Commercial terrorism.


and since the jews have failed to understand how human interacts with other humans for more than 2000 years and are now yet again in flagrant breach of each and every such rule, they have forfeited the right to be part of mankind – it’s about the same as capital punishment on a lesser level but the same result in the particular case of the jews. they failed to understand that you play to get along and when you don’t consequences are about to hit you hard on the head – like extermination, not a second too soon. think dodo-bird now extinct.

and in fact the jews are sort of the ones without a chair when the music stops and have been without a chair for a long long period put have managed to use their parasitic mindset to entrench and embed themselves in innocent societies to their benefit and none for the host-societies.

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