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MARCH 2025

Iran Considering 13 Revenge Scenarios, Even Weakest of Which Would Be “Historical Nightmare” For the US

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Iran Considering 13 Revenge Scenarios, Even Weakest of Which Would Be "Historical Nightmare" For the US

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Iran is considering “13 revenge scenarios,” the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani said on January 7th, Fars News Agency reported.

The initial report has since been removed from the website, it could be found on this dead link.

Other media, such as Hezbollah affiliated al-Manar, however, republished the story.

Ali Shamkhani was quoted as having said the following:

“Iran has 13 scenarios to respond to America, in retaliation for the blood of the martyr leader Qassem Soleimani, the weakest of which will be a historical nightmare for America.”

He spoke of the scenarios in a press statement:

“We tell this to the Americans, let them know that 13 scenarios have been put forward to the Iranian Supreme National Security Council, and even if the consensus is reached on the weakest response, its implementation will be a historical nightmare for the Americans.”

He added that based on some considerations, Iran cannot disclose more information to the media. However, he promised the Iranian people that the operations to avenge their “martyr brother” are not scheduled to be within the framework of one operation because according to the contents of the statement of the Supreme Leader, all the forces of the resistance will take revenge for Soleimani.

In fact, I say frankly that the Americans were shouldn’t have committed this crime, and now that their hands have been stained with the blood of Qassem Soleimani, they are responsible for all possible repercussions resulting from that.”

He explained that “when making strategic decisions, the international position of a country cannot be determined on the basis of emotion, but there are hundreds of other factors that play a role in the issue.”

He further added that “the Supreme National Security Council has put the issue on its agenda in its agenda, although decision-making will be on The basis of security and international considerations, but there are in total 19 bases, including 11 major bases that are American command bases in the region and located a short distance from the eastern and western borders with 8 American military bases to the north and south of the country.”

According to Shamkhani, Iran is aware that those bases in a state of emergency, and are aware of accurate data of the numbers of troops and equipment in the US bases, and they are carefully monitoring every single movement.

Separately, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps’ Navy Rear Admiral Ali Tangsiri said that there would be a strong response to the assassination of Qassem Soleimani, but the time, location and scope of the revenge would be up to Iran.

“The enemies will see that people similar to Hajj Qassem will take a harsh revenge but we will decide about the time and geography of revenge not the enemies,” he said.

“Our message to the enemies is to leave the region; their staying is both a problem for the region and will inflict very heavy costs on them; they should leave the region before being revenged harshly,” he added.

Rear Admiral Tangsiri underscored Iran’s full preparedness to confront enemies on seas and islands, noting that the IRGC Naval forces will increase their readiness more than ever after assassination of General Soleimani.


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Jimmy Jim

psy-ops persian style….freakout the septic tanks….


Go ahead, then Iran burns, then Iran cries out aggression plays victim, then takes “Revenge” then burns some more. When its all out of control US will say to hell with the consequences and it will go all out short of man on the ground invasion because it wont have to, at that point Iran would be in the stone age without the need of discovering fire. the Iranian people will rebel and there will be regime change. THIS is the exact reason cowardly Iran never attacks directly but uses their proxy slaves. This time they will pay on their soil and rightly so.

Free man

Very blatant, but you express what could be expected for the poor Iranians if the mullahs regime respond. I hope for all of us that this will not happen.

Joe Kerr


Walk it kitty, love to see more U.S. cowards crying their eyeballs out when their navy turns into fish food.


most of the countries around Iran have nukes.. You think they will all lie down and accept to get radiated because of the US? You should prepare to lose many cities and learn to start using horses and plows again in such a case.


Who said of anyone using nukes, and most don’t have Nukes and third Iran is a very large country allowing any radiation to spread thin before it reaches a country that matters, Fourth there is something called micro nukes which have extremely limited radiation levels dissipated quickly, Fifth US possesses a huge stockpile of missiles, and a good stockpile of MOBs.

There will be limited fly overs and just long range missile strikes. I believe that would be the first stage strategy of US on all lballistic launch targets and Airports plus navy targets.

I can assure you Russia and china will stay aside and watch.

Also US will not be the only one in the strikes, EU Saudi and Israelis will be involved.

Lebanon is extremely divided and Hezbollah will not dare launch any strikes from Lebanon to Israel because this time no one will be begging the UN to stop the war in a month, they all want to see the Hezb die off badly.

Syria is paralyzed, they have never struck Israel and will not do so plus Russia will not let them.

Iraq is too far off and is easily exposed to any airstrike.

Yemen will be Yemen only this time they will be fully blockaded and their support will diminish.

I can go on.

The only thing standing between the utter destruction of Iran is the political will of the US.


“what if” the killing of Soleimani benefited both sides ;

1) the POTUS (gained at least 6-7 poll points as “imam-buster” super cowboy) and 2) Iran regime (now people will unite against evil US (this one I also agree) and any opposition would be rightfully taken down by the regime w/o people questioning as its a time when national-defense at steak)


I would say that the US government is a regime.


The weakest ? + Zarif said revenge will be proportionate ! Is Iran already scared stiff ? They will kill a corporal and the US will claim : it’s a 4 star general and this will settled the murder of a hero ! In Lebanon the 13 february 2008 Imad Mughniyeh was killed by Israel. Hezbollah vowed retaliation. 7 January 2020, still waiting !

Free man

“Is Iran already scared stiff ?”- Yes and rightly so.

Joe Kerr

You wish.

Mighty Mongrel

hehe, oh, they will have their revenge, lucky for you, couch potatoes talking shit from the internet are safe, though thousands of Americans that are in close proximity to Iran are sitting ducks, lol, Murica gonna feel this real good.

Joe Kerr

The thousands of dumb murikans in close proximity can expect to be sacrificed by the chosen one, assuming he doesn’t have a fit and presses his big button and blows up the world. Now lay on your couch and eat that.

Tony B.

Won’t phase him. After all, a dead goy is considered a good goy.

Tony B.

It’s the sane part of the Pentagon which appears to be scared.

Joe Kerr

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LM0e3gBDXSo Missed it? This Hezbollah attack on an IDF convoy occurred 5 years ago. Revenge is best taken cold, and patiently planned.


That was not a revenge for Imad Mughniyehbut but for an israeli attack earlier in january 2015 that killed several Hezbollah members.

Ricky Miller

Did Nasrallah clue you in on that? What, he told you when you caught up to him at your high school reunion.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


Free man

As the jihadist mullahs increase the level of threats, it is clear that they don’t intend to do anything significant. Imagine if Iran had killed the most esteemed general in the US or Israel. The deadly response would have come with in minutes. So why threaten and risk another blow? Didn’t they see what happened to Saddam?


True, then again Iran has the experience of 5000 years to rely on for experience while the US cowboys think the entire world is full of defenceless redskins..

John Wallace

Those nuclear warheads were Russian and went back to Russia under an agreement for Russia to protect Ukraine .. Ukraine stuffed that one up . Israel is the only country to have nuclear weapons. Those in Turkey if still there are American under American control pointing at Russia. 2 Five nuclear-weapon states under the NPT 2.1 United States 2.2 Russia (formerly part of the Soviet Union) 2.3 United Kingdom 2.4 France 2.5 China 3 Other states declaring possession of nuclear weapons 3.1 India 3.2 Pakistan 3.3 North Korea 4 Other states believed to possess nuclear weapons 4.1 Israel


The armchair warrior strikes again. What happened to Saddam? 1st the US attacked in 1990 (not alone, but in a coalition). Then they starved them with extreme sanctions (ensuring their military was weakened for lack of equipment) for 10 years killing upto 1 million, 500 000 of which were children, all the while enforcing an Internationally enforced NO Fly zone, taking out all the Air defences (ie, Iraq was ganged up on by a cowardly superpower AND all his buddies). AFTER that, weakened by the aforementioned, Iraq was attacked a second time under the false pretext of WMDs and defeated not by the US but by a coalition which contained amongst them, the world’s most powerful nations. Thats the cowardice of the west. It will NEVER fight alone. and it will only fight extremely weak nations. Iran does not count as a weak nation. If the US or Israel COULD attack Iran, they would have done so 2 decades ago, hence the sanctions and the desperation ‘cos ALL their plans and money were blown to the wind by 1 man. You are either a deluded inbred Hick (in which case you are excused, or a pathetic Fake- Jew HellAviv Hasbara troll, either way, your’re an idiot

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

The blessed nation of Iran will always be victorious, it has God as its mightiest defender


Good luck with your project. You will need it.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

I already have it, thanks:)

Debunking Arrogance

Don’t say that. I have observed you shoot off with your mouth on this forum quite too often. I wonder if you are Muslim. Pride and confidence in your military capability is often the cause of defeat. Allah taught us that lesson in the battle of Uhud. so instead of saying how powerful Iranian weapons are, just pray for victory. This will be much better for the Iranian soldiers in this war. Just pray and keep praying until everything is over.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i have been praying my friend, but i also realize the reality of the situation and the advantages and capabilities iran has. iran is the strongest enemy USA has ever faced in the middle east. they have been under sanctions and threats for 40 years now, God is on their side


Well, I see the trolls have gotten here early. I guess up until the Iranians strike, we can look forward (GAG) to seeing a lot of them. Thank god they can be blocked as soon as they pop up. The US/Israeli propaganda mill is in high gear, trying to make silk purse out of a sows ear. Since the Axis of Resistance is pretty far reaching and includes several different countries, the US, Israel cannot protect themselves. Funny enough, they’ve put all their people on bases, like that will make them safe. They need to review Lebanon in the ’80s. Not withstanding the trolls, people understand that revenge will be when Iran decides and none of the baiting to encourage a careless strike will work. Trump’s threats to the Iraqi PM (RE: China, infrastructure repair, demonstrations, US military snipers, threatened assassination) now being revealed is problematic for even Trumpets back home, especially the fools that really believed he was serious about peace moves. I wonder if Trumps request for a ‘proportional response’ from the Iranians will get airtime in the US? Boy, was that a stupid question. Read the reports on this and Trump threats. If it sounds to you like lines from a movie about the mafia, you won’t be far off…the Khazarian Mafia is far worse than Cosa Nostra. They don’t want the blood of fodder, they want the scum that floats on the top. Hopefully, when they strike, they’ll get rid of some of the problems we have. Our biggest being Lardo PompAss, followed by Lowlife Esper. Ridding the world of the likes of the orange babboon would be too much of a dream (if they get a chance, please nail Graham). At least having the US and ‘friends’ (oh yeah, they already cut and ran) out will be a fitting epitaph for the true warrior and patriot Soleimani, may he rest in peace. There is no comparison between the Iranian military, who vow not to strike civilian targets, and the US/NATO criminals who strike civilians first to create terror and will assassinate even their own to perpetrate hoaxes and FFs.

Joe Kerr

“The assassination of Soleimani isn’t an Israeli event but an American event. We were not involved and should not be dragged into it,” Netanyahu said, according to Israeli news outlets.


Yes, the chickenshit is showing his true colors. Israel tried not very long ago to assassinate Soleimani in Iran with explosives in a tunnel. Now that his criminal cabal have instigated the weak-kneed Trump into doing their bidding and the Iranians didn’t fall for the knee-jerk response they were looking for, now he is rightfully scared, as is every one in Israel. Now that they are truly targeted and not just rhetorically, the Israelis see just how out in the open they really are. As for Israel not being involved, that is not the impression Trump gave to the Iranians when he asked them to retaliate ‘proportionally’. Who in hell would believe a word that Nutsack says in the first place?

Joe Kerr

A false flag knee-jerk response is always on the cards, knowing how Israel plays them. But it needs to be better than the tanker fiasco of last year.


When has the Israeli dictator ever told the truth?

Joe Kerr

The closest he came to the truth was when he said “9-11 was good for Israel”.


Yeah, The canny Jew throws his Tramp under a Very Big Bus. Bibi doing his: Slip, slither and slide

Tony B.

What else is new?


talking abt hitting civillians first, it reminded me of hiroshima and nagazaki,…. they got away by making everybody (most of everybody are fools) believe that nuking japs was for saving much more lives and thus legitimate, (even today when I write that was a crime against humanity people defend the nukes).

just one of their countless crimes against humanity….think abt creating the mujahiddeen and thus al qaida and then isis…man how on earth the world dont stand up against anglu-zio-us tyranny, I can’t comprehend. probably they own almost all the leaders one way or the other.


Great list of who shouldn’t be who… If I had the chance and wouldn’t get caught I would give up tRumph for the bounty.

Tony B.

Don’t forget satanic child raper and sacrificer to the devil, Pense. There is hardly a worse poison up high in U.S. government.


Troops motivation level

IRAN: motivation for fight: 100% U.S. : motivation for fight: 0.1%

IRAN: motivation to defend Iran : 10000 % U.S. : motivation to invade Iran : 0.0001%


But the sad fact is it’s the one percent that make the decisions


Power must go back to the people again. People must fight again, to get it back. No other way to do it


Your right we must fight these monsters if we are going to have a decent future but there are more ways of fighting than shooting bullets and missiles at people that’s playing into they’re hands and what about people that live in the western world most western countries have disarmed they’re population so we don’t really have the option of using violence to overthrow our government


There are million ways to fight. Mahatma Gandhi used to bring people on the coast of the sea to collect salt not to buy Brittish salt and ask the women to make hand made close not to buy them from the Britts. They were fighting empty handed against weapons and they won because they were ready to follow through what they have started despite all the danger. All in all our “fight” against “these monsters” doesn’t go well since people doesn’t show moral stamina or even will to fight which is essential for any fight or victory. They are out of any kind of moral, psychological “bullets and missiles” as well. The desire to fight the oppression for the personal freedom is very low.

HUGE majority just sits and waits that somebody else do that for them. So that they can take all the advantages of other peoples fight and scarifies.


True i despair at the state of the resistance to all this we seem to be divided and lack direction i think we in the western world have become soft and lazy and complacent but i do believe if everyone knew what was going on there would be change but the level of ignorance out there is astounding we have suffered so much indoctrination and been exposed to so much propaganda most people are clueless to the dangers we all face…


Thats why I admire people from the West who are not like the rest of the bunch… And I keep asking myself : HOW did they do that? Why are they not like the all others. Aren’t they incredible, being soft and to resist all the same…


Start with Diego Garcia. At least 6 B52’s plus many more airplanes. Give it back to the natives.


Alas it will be under water before it goes back to the rightful inhabitants.

Joe Kerr

The best revenge would be the U.S. being kicked out of Iraq, followed by Jordan and Syria. Soleimani may well have achieved in his martyrdom what he lived for.


US waiting for her well deserved pearl harbor take two, we know what comes after that.

Guess Iranians are more sane than the Zio-US and that is the reason they look the weaker side.


The perception of Iranian weakness is all in the US/Israeli media and gov propaganda (and their trolls, I might add). The wiser among us know a studious response is coming. It’s always been the shoot from the hip US responses that have gotten the US in shit. I think they are mystified by Iran’s ability to resist doing something ‘yankee’, instead opting for the Russian-style revenge served cold.


I am pretty certain none of those 13 involve any US positions.. But 2 countries that will lose their heads will feel the heat for sure. The 2 were used to setup this hit and responsible for it.. Iran is not suicidal or insane..


Guess that is why they won’t directly attack Israel.


just so guys know, most people in the US do not support what happened here. I’ve watched the media and comments on both sides and spoken to plenty of people. You’ll always have your morons here being overly patriotic and buying into the BS that this man was responsible for 9/11 and all the other nonsense accusations. But most know better. And maybe the General can rest in peace knowing his sacrifice did more harm to the US than any action could have. The proof is in the fact that not one single ally of the US (forget Israel) came out in support of this. People are staring to see that my government is “the bad guy” nowadays unfortunately. Maybe it always has been. But the reputation damage stings more than any attack could. People are getting fed up and that bodes well for the future of humanity for us ALL

Tony B.

A lot of the “flag wavers” are going to be CIA liars anyway, for helping the media attempt to spread the phony patriotism.


You should see the Breitbart webpage. Yikes

AM Hants

Been reading Gateway Pundit and having difficulty keeping anything down. Could not handle checking out Breit Bart. Daily Mail, comments over in UK, trolls are out, but, some of the articles, the sane have them covered.

Daily Mail, yesterday, was commenting on Lockerbie scenario from Iran, so no doubt yet another typical false flag coming. They always go for the airlines and just check the passenger list, if deciding to take a flight, over the next month.


Yes…the ‘diner attack’ in DC averted scenario….a bit thin.


Yea people are getting fed up but there is no cohesive direction there are a lot of divisions amongst us l mean look at the comment section here there is a lot of squabbling over things and most people who read southfront would be pretty aware of whats going on and yet still fighting. we really need to somehow unite everyone if we want to save humanity

Rhodium 10

13 scenarios means 13 targets….in diferent countries or in one country….I bet 1000$ that it will be all in Bahrein!.. near Iran and with large Shia popùlation…..another could be 13 in US bases in Irak….again near Iran and with large shia population and easy for Ballistic missiles,Rockets and drones….Qatar has ties with Turkey..while Emirates with Russia….Kuwait with Iraq…Saudi Arabia was attacked by Houttis…Jordan has a large Palestine population….and Israel dont have US troops deployed….another scenario could be 13 ICBM vs Diego Garcia or even United States East coast…but I dont think that Iran has that capabilities and system!

Ricky Miller

What if they went for a U.S. General’s plane arriving later this year for the annual exercises in the Republic of Georgia? I’m wondering about some of the thirteen scenario’s and that’s one that came to mind. I looked at the map and the distance from Tblisi to the Iranian border across Armenia is tight geography, for supersonic aircraft. Iranian F-14’s could Mach 1.5 sprint across Armenia and shoot the aircraft down from more than fifty miles away. Even if the aircraft is USAF escorted an entire F-14 squadron could overcome the escort and down the plane. A General for a General.


Well, if they even tried that, it would be the end of its entire Airforce, all its nuke facilities, Navy, most of its Missile facilities, oil industry and the homes and offices of all its Murdering Mullahs and than some. Any other stupid idea?

Ricky Miller

You don’t know that. The United States and it’s war tired public are casualty averse and have limited trust in government institutions. By putting the onus back on the USA to escalate to total war changes the game. They are going to respond and U.S. military officers are going to pay the price. And Iran has the capability to strike all U.S. Airbases in the region. American aircraft won’t be flying unmolested and Iran’s Army in the region has far more force than the U.S.


Iran should do military drills throughout their country, moving equipment around going to whatever color condition is high alert for the next 6 months. The US will have to be on high alert, complete lock-down, the whole time. The state of anxiety will drive the US military nuts… or even nuttier.


So 250-13 leaves 237 heads left over to wipe that slate clean off the map…

Ukraine had sold 250 nuclear warheads to Iran.



Nahhhhhhhhh…not a one. And why would they not keep back that 250 for themselves? Or just say, 50? If they had, Crimea would not have been illegally annexed by Russia. However, to be real, Israel does have those couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles just in case Islamist Iran does something stupid and suicidal.

Kell McBanned

No they gravity bombs and they cant launch because Hezbollah will turn the airfields to ash, any in the air will be eaten by S-300s/400s lol


Well, this would definitely save Iran a lot of time and money trying to enrich 4% Uranium 235! Any rumors that Iran sold some of those to Syria? :D

Raptar Driver

Destroy the terrorist bases surrounding Iran and let cards fall where they may!

J Roderet

It has begun. Iran has struck back at Zio-America’s occupation bases in Iraq. The Neocons started this war, Iran will finish it.

Liberal guy

Few minutes a ago news come iri struck ain asad air base

Liberal guy

Source press tv

Liberal guy

Take this iron zion and azriel u zio scums

Liberal guy

So much for your nonsense u zio scums

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