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MARCH 2025

Iran Deployed Advanced ‘Suicide Drones’ In Yemen – Report

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Iran has sent advanced “suicide drones” to its allies in Yemen, the Houthis (Ansar Allah), Newsweek reported on January 14.

According to the report, the drones, which were identified as “Shahed-136,” were deployed in the northern province of al-Jawf. The province is located right on the border with Saudi Arabia.

An unnamed military expert, who follows Iranian activities in the region, told Newsweek that the suicide drones have an operational range of 2,000 to 2,200 kilometers.

“They are forward deploying or prepositioning these drones in order to stage an attack against a variety of targets they have within range,” the expert told Newsweek. “What they’re trying to achieve is plausible deniability, as in being able to strike either a US, Saudi, Gulf, or Israeli target and then having the strike traced back to Yemen, and hoping for deniably against any kind of retribution.”

Similar suicide drones were used by the Houthis in Yemen before. Nevertheless, this specific model, “Shahed-136,” has not been spotted in Iran, yet.

In the last few months, the Houthis stepped up their drone and missile strikes on Saudi Arabia and Saudi-backed forces in Yemen. The group said the strikes were a response to the Saudi-led coalition airstrikes and its siege on Yemen.

According to the Houthis, the Saudi-led coalition has been carrying out airstrikes on different parts of Yemen and violating the UN-sponsored ceasefire in al-Hudaydah on a daily basis.

Iran Deployed Advanced 'Suicide Drones' In Yemen – Report

Click to see full-size map

  • The Liaison and Coordination Officers’ Operations Room (loyal to Ansar Allah) reported 143 ceasefire violations in al-Hudaydah during the past 24 hours.
  • On January 13, Saudi-led coalition warplanes conducted 4 airstrikes on the Zahir area.
  • On January 13, Saudi-led coalition warplanes conducted airstrikes on Jabal Murad district.
  • On January 13, Saudi-led forces captured the Oshal area in the Rahabh district.
  • On January 13, the Saudi military committee in charge of monitoring the ceasefire in Abyan province left the city of al-Shuqra.

Newsweek’s report highlights Iran’s growing support for the Houthis. Iran’s support has been enabling the Houthis to take a stand against the Saudi-led coalition. At the same time, it allowed Tehran to mount serious pressure on US allies in the Arabian Peninsula.


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Hadi Heidary

i never heard of Shahed-136 UAVs! and i live in iran. this is probably a fake allegation published by US or israel or anyone who may benefit from it. us and israel have a history in publishing such fake news calling it “immediate threat from iran” to serve as pretext for their operations against iranian interests.

Concrete Mike

I agree, you see the buzz word, “suicide drone” raise red flags for me.

IDF calls theirs loitering munitions… you see whats happeming here?


they call the terrorist assassination of martyr soleimani “suicide attack” and if you dont believe me look at this liveuamap or how its called

Zionism = EVIL


Zionism = EVIL

It is loitering munitions and Iran has increased the loitering time to 12 hours and they pack a deadly punch.


Arch Bungle

A beautiful sight to behold …

Just Me

Loitering munitions produced in Yemen.


Icarus Tanović

Yes I see what do you wanna say with that comparison of two same things with different names. It is actually corectly known in military terms as explosive drones, or missile drones.


actually this is fake news the yemeni drones arent iranian even if iran gives them education and technical support all yemeni drones are made by ansarullah

Just Me

Yemen is indeed producing a wide range of weaponry, including missiles, APC, MRAP and now loitering munitions.


Zionism = EVIL

Kids as I said years ago, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Iranian marines are on the way.


Icarus Tanović

Oh yeah, that’s right babe.


I love black cats … eh?

But … unlike the Egyptians … I’d fire away … to hXLL with the cat … eh?

Egyptians then (or now) for that matter are susceptible to myths … they’re still believers in Islam … eh?



You’d have a hard on watching 80 million people die in nuclear flames you motherfucking neo-fascist, of course cats wouldn’t be a problem, “eh” xD

PS : Egyptians are the Arabs that actually de-facto killed the dream of Eretz Israel by “persuading you” to forget your hold on the whole of the biblical Sinai, including its natural ressources, + exclusive rights on the Suez canal that you had imposed for 6 years straight prior to the ’73 war.

Besides Sadat even threatened to resume total war in 76 when negotiations in that regard were deliberately stalled by the Israelis whom didn’t want there settlers to pack and leave as agreed.

So believers or not, I wouldn’t crack jokes about them that easily ;-)


It’s easy to crack jokes … if they’re funny!

As for 1976 … the Israelis negotiation position was whatever it was … I visited the Sinai prior to its hand back … eh?

Nice trip … great for climbing desolate areas … and Jebel Musa was uninspiring … but the resorts are nice I guess … those areas are not Israel so returning them was easy … PM Begin was right to do so …


The biggest jokes is how much you live in wonderland in your depiction of history.

Golda & Dayan celebrated the conquest of Suez and the Sinai almost daily and her zionist followers such as yourself chanted the coming dream of Eretz Israel come true, the historical steps of Moses being reckoned with Israel extended onto the entirety of the holy region. You lost blood and treasure to avoid having to give it back and then fought tooth and nail to hang onto to whatever area you could all the way to 76.

Expensive and extensive fondations were laid in immense infrastructural projects aiming to establishing sprawling settlements there with state-of-the-end irrigation system were also put in place for agriculture. Israel would have been a giant had this groundwork continued, with Israel 3x its current surface. Gosh I wouldn’t imagine Israel being anything bigger that the tiny stretch of land it is today considering the amount of hostility and destruction it already sow everywhere around it as it is lol xD

And why exactly should I give a fuck about how it looks in your stupid eyes ? what determines its value is not how much touristic attraction it creates in the eyes of some twatz, besides unlike the simpleton, countless Israelis until recently queued to be able to visit the whole “desolate” area every year. Go figure why they all insist on that sort of “pilgrimage if it’s that worthless to everybody.

Israel lost close to 300% of its landmass after losing the desert, and with that the all-important monopoly it held on who crossed the Suez canal. The amount of strategic loss of giving it back to Egypt was of epic proportion, and was described in no other terms by Golda in her final memoirs.


I mean, seriously, I would cry, too :D

LOOK AT THAT SIZE. The Six-Day War was truly some achievement, long gone and rendered utterly useless a mere 6 year later, but I’ll give you that guys !



You go on and on … Golda and Dayan felt terrible about the Yom Kippur War … to them so many soldiers were lost … ~2600

Eretz Israel means the Land of Israel = from the River to the Sea … it’s still under control … the Sinai was never an obsession but it deprived the Egyptian enemy of a border close to Israel’s heartland … Peace brought the same result … the issue of the ‘73 Yom Kippur War was the Arabs wanted to prove to themselves that they could fight and defeat Israel … the Arabs fought bravely BUT were still defeated / crushed again … with the IDF 25 km from Damascus and close to Cairo as well … hello?

As for the Sinai … it’s what Sadat wanted back in exchange for peace … PM Begin a ‘tough guy’ made the deal !!

Israelis are rich compared to most states $40,000 USD per person … so they travel a lot

Golda didn’t give it back … Begin did

You’re a punk … Peace is the absence of war and Egypt and Israel have had Peace for 46 years … hello?

In 1973 … Egypt / Syria / Iraq / Cuba / Morocco soldiers attacked … they lost

The IRGC / Hezbollah / Shia Brigades are losing today …


You go on and on … Golda and Dayan felt terrible about the Yom Kippur War … to them so many soldiers were lost … ~2600

That and the 300% territoral reversion, yes.

“The Sinai was never an obsession”

It absolutely was, at least as much as the Golan, that Israel holds on to this day. AS I said the Israeli cabinet at the time had grand very long-term implantation plans for that entire region, they famously wanted to “turn the desert green” for fuck sake.

They had the same plans about water-rich Southern Lebanon by controlling the Litani river, losing countless young officers in 17 years straight obsessively clinging to it. Now, guess what, it is the heart of Hezbollah.

Israel has time and again demonstrated over its short history that it NEVER relinquishes anything by will or wisdom alone. Peace had to be forced upon it by both the price of war, the crossing of the Suez, a huge able 3rd army on the eastern banks even though “besieged” but deemed untenable for much longer even by Israeli generals to the last day of the war, and that radically stopped both Israeli penetration attempts at key cities before the final ceasefire. Plus Kissinger pushing negotiation as a precondition for his crucial military aid to Dayan & Golda. Without the sum of all that pressure, the cabinet wouldn’t have blinked about giving back the region. You wish it was “unimportant”. You certainly wish.

You go and go about that “Kilometer 101” thing that was pure propaganda from wary Israelis willing to appear different than total losers on that front, 250 Egyptian planes were ready to bomb Sharon’s brigade to bits, eagerly awaiting strike orders, and Kissinger warned Sadat not to do that if he wanted out of the Soviet’s sphere of influence and into the loving arms of America, his ambition dating even prior to the war, he didn’t even think twice about his choice. You moron never read history outside of Israeli hasbarah schools.

“You’re a punk … Peace is the absence of war and Egypt and Israel have had Peace for 46 years … hello?”

You’re a certified ignoramus : Peace is achieved when you give back lands by will or force, and Egypt forced your will, end of story. Facts are more stubborn than your lies.

Israel showed throughout its relations with its neighbors that it needs the motivation of a stick to start talking : Sadat understood that force was necessary as a means to complement diplomacy, a day prior to the start of the war, he famously told his commanders such as revered General Shazli : “Go get me the Canal, I’ll get you the desert.” And this is exactly what happened. He proved a visionary.

I for one salute that brilliant strategy, even if by some perspective it was technically a betrayal of the Syrians that provided diversion for his own war effort at the Suez front. But this is better than still having a triple-sized Israel to this day for me to sill watch.

“but it deprived the Egyptian enemy of a border close to Israel’s heartland … Peace brought the same result …”

War happened, killed close to 3,000 people on the Israeli side, pushed the country to the brink of total military defeat on both fronts, made it entirely dependent on American aid, forced its shortsighted, stubborn ,overconfident leaders to the negotiating table for the first time ever.

And then after all that debacle and damage, yes, “produced the same result.”

You missed a few painful episodes in-between, thus I took the liberty of reminding them ;-)

“Holllowww ?”


Egypt lost … the IDF would have wiped out their entire army trapped in Sinai … the Russians were ready to drop a Nuke … lol

Egypt was the aggressor in ‘67 & ‘73 and LOST … Although bending … the IDF never broke … hello?

There are now millions more Jews in Israel … with each bringing skills and the strategic ‘depth’ Israel always yearned to achieve … REMEMBER in ‘48 there were only 650,000 Jews that defeated ALL the Arab States … today there are +7.2 Million … still socking it to their enemies … eh?

Entirely dependent on American aid? Israel’s GDP is $400 BILLION USD … they sell Iron Dome to the USA … other countries will line up as well Israel is the best advertisement for US weapons … except the Saudis /UAE aren’t as good as Israel’s military …

Israel is alright … I lived there for 2 years but I’m North American …

I’m ok here …


Gosh you just copy-paste your previous bullshit pile of a comment, you didn’t even bother changing it one bit it’s pathetic how indoctrinated you are.

“Egypt lost … the IDF would have wiped out their entire army trapped in Sinai … the Russians were ready to drop a Nuke … lol”

No, Golda and Dayan were, and they backed down when Kissinger triggered Operation Nikel Grass, the biggest massive military airlift of the USAF’s entire history to save Israel from certain defeat on both fronts, you are miserable in your denial, they acknowledge it themselves.

They tried TWICE to advance on the 3rd army, and lost 80 men in one attempt, got slaughtered will fleeing to helo evac and fled from a full column of tank at the first ATGM hit from anti-tank teams elsewhere, they tried and failed at both Suez city and Ismahilya, prime target they absolutely wanted to secure to have a massive boost in bargain-ship for the negotiation phase. part of the reason they couldn’t keep an inch of the Sinai was precisely those crucial defeats there on those two towns.

It is now common knowledge that Sharon couldn’t hold his wedge for very long because of very long, overstretched and unsustainable logistical lines for much longer should a ceasefire not materialize.

Sharon was this close to being bombed by the bulk of the Egyptian air force that stayed COMPLETELY operational until the last day of the war, only Kissinger stopped him from doing that you dumb fuck.

“Entirely dependent on American aid? Israel’s GDP is $400 BILLION USD … they sell Iron Dome to the USA … other countries will line up as well Israel is the best advertisement for US weapons … except the Saudis /UAE aren’t as good as Israel’s military …”

You’re brain dead, 6 month without US aid and your public servants would be out of a job, Shimon Peres admitted such reliance on US financial aid was catastrophic and had to stop, it was 10 years ago already. Even now you have record numbers of the educated population leaving the country like never in 70 years of history, brain drain is destroying your future and the average number of people migrating there from other parts of the world aren’t even remotely near what they use to 20 years ago, since opportunities are so scarce and competition so dure. 35% of your children don’t even get dental care and unemployment is ripping through you like never before, what kind of illusion do you live in ?

“There are now millions more Jews in Israel … with each bringing skills and the strategic ‘depth’ Israel always yearned to achieve … REMEMBER in ‘48 there were only 650,000 Jews that defeated ALL the Arab States … today there are +7.2 Million … still socking it to their enemies … eh?”

There will be more Palestinians than Jews in your deared Israel in less than 10 to 15 years, what are you even talking about ?

“Israel is the best advertisement for US weapons … except the Saudis /UAE aren’t as good as Israel’s military …”

Are you kidding ? Israel cannot even sell a bolt abroad without explicit US consent and it showed in many occasion in Eastern Europe.

Even its prized Lavi fighter couldn’t fly without US General Electric turbofans, as Israel is not in the Aeronautics manufacturer club on that key aspect.

As every piece of so-called “Made in Israeli” weapon system depends on US industrial prowess on its most crucially sophisticated core components, namely its chips that Israel does NOT make, no independent ICC foundries anywhere, only Intel gives you licenced production like it does to Mexico. Hi there what’s up high in the clouds ?

“Israel is alright … I lived there for 2 years but I’m North American …

I’m ok here …”

Hey you know what ? I still don’t give a fuck about your worthless, uninteresting anonymous internet troll bot life, hey ? :)

Arch Bungle

Nothing in Palestine is israel.

All of it will be returned to it’s rightful owners within a decade.


Laughable … but those attempting will be dying in great numbers



Now .. that’s funny ROTFLMAO


poor creatures now tell me why would we allow them to sustain their stay


either they blow the jews into space like their space cults mormons and whatever or they see their broken tools burn because they cant sustain themselves they will surely suicide themselves by thinking that they can take on iran just look at the last decade it was the decade we were told to have heroic patience and flexibility to show that we arent the problem and that all we do is reactive not pro active but soon enough they wont be lucky anymore

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbarse arsehole LOL NEXT…..

Arch Bungle

You speak more gibberish the older you get.

Time to retire, you senile old fart.

Just Me

He is supposedly an American Jew, albeit quite illiterate. Hasbara pensioner recruit.

Arch Bungle

He also claims to be Canadian. That’s where the retarded “eh” comes from.

Another interesting thing is the complete lack of factual content in his posts:

Even a broken clock is right twice a day but twatz is not even right once!


I retired early … the market has been exploding … the new Biden package will be good for the market me thinks … stay tuned

Just Me



Leon Panetta explicitly stated in a 2012 public Pentagon briefing that the Strait of Hormuz is a definitive no-go for ANY naval assets, big or small,heavy or light, surface or sub-surface in the event of a conflagration with Iran, as there is simply too many anti-shipping assets in Iranian arsenals, both quasi-ballistic and sea-skimming all along the coast, + submarine-launched and airborne via dedicated Su-22/24 and modified F4 being the spearheads of attack squadrons specially equipped and trained for anti-naval warfare.

In that regard, the very first visible and measurable step in actual war preparations by the US should things come to overt confrontation would be to entirely vacate their insanely packed, massive, extremely expensive and vulnerable Bahrain 5th fleet anchorage. On top of being a vital step, that would be a telltale of their intentions to the Iranians,and counter-steps could be devised for immediat retaliation.


The war should it come would be fought with missiles and planes … attacking the US Navy would bring an end to any and all ships Iran holds dear … hello?


And where do you still the bulk of those missiles will have to come from in the crucial opening phases of the stand-off war, fuckin asshole ? I guess we’ve never heard of the importance of modern naval assets being at the forefront of American power projection,namely with thousands of cruise missile capability, + ABM systems to absorb an enemy counter-attack via a second strike. Navy elements always enter wars long before the first manned planes get even close enough to strike their targets with certainty and securely enough for their pilot.

You proved you utter ignorance on basic, completely common military concepts once more. I guess American war planners have forgotten about twatz’ caveats when burning taxpayers money into 11 battle groups and the highest number of heavy surface ships in ANY navy in the world.

“eh?” “hello” “Next” ? what’s it gonna be ? oh, maybe “LMAO” this time ! ahah


Modern war is without the navy … Israel’s navy is NOT first strike … loon

USA is a world power … ergo the need for a navy

Israel lords it over the Middle East neighbourhood they inhabit … without a huge navy … but they do have subs with nukes locked & loaded


“Modern war is without the navy … Israel’s navy is NOT first strike …”

No, Israel’s navy is too weak to take a serious part in a war effort far from its own shores, nuance.

” without a huge navy … but they do have subs with nukes locked & loaded”

That illegal, 200-warhead strong secret arsenal they hold without being signatories to the NPT while lecturing compliant NPT member Iran that hasn’t got one nuke you mean ?

Yeah those assets proved extremely useful in loosing the Sinai, loosing Southern Lebanon, and getting spanked again when they attempted to get in there anew in 2006. They will remain “locked and loaded” forever without ever firing a shot, just like Russia’s and America’s nuke subs. Congratulations on wasting both your money and US taxpayer money on expensive prestige weapons while the likes of Iran use the same ressources to pile up THOUSANDS of heavy ballistic missiles with enough precision and firepower to wipe out every bit of your crucial infrastructure if you ever dare attack them at their home directly.

Nukes for life hey, ignoramus ? Like Israel could ever afford to nuke a non-nuclear Muslim country and get away with it in the face of Pakistan. The guys lives in Wonderland, better than Alice, I swear. LOL.

Arch Bungle

Modern war is with smart missile and drone technology both of which Iran has mastered.


Both of which Israel has been using and developing over the last decades …. add in a superior Air Force AND a 4 tier Anti-missile defence … it won’t be pretty


cechas vodobenikov

satin curtain missile defense cannot deter Palestinian kites nor homemade rockets from Gaza lenny knows http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xu8u9ZbCJgQ


One of my favourite songs … he was a Canadian Jew … during the Yom Kippur War … he went to Israel and entertained the troops in the Sinai … meeting Gen Ariel Sharon … ya gotta love Leonard Cohen

Thanks for the memory … eh?


And yet, when the Palestinian freedom fighters sends off a firecracker into the occupied lands, collective panic accompanied with mass diarrhea takes place.


AND … Israel takes immediate revenge on them …

Arch Bungle

Your subs are not locked and loaded they are bent and puckered.


GPS coordinates with multi warheads … the ‘die is cast’

The Future is About to Land …

cechas vodobenikov

canada colony believe masters world power—LGBT/BLM powerlessness—antifa invades Canada and sell to China for fentanyl




I do recall during 2006 when the non-state actor, Hezbollah, severely damaged and nearly sank the INS Hanit. The zionazis suddenly were not so arrogant anymore.

‘Subs with nukes’ – yeah, try that. Will unfortunately not have a port/base to return to – would all have been destroyed.

Better get you passport ready rat.


Surprise … Lebanon is a basket case since 2006 and Israel’s GDP is $400 BILLION USD

Who won the war? pmsl

Just Me

TWATZ no one pays you any attention :) humiliating trolling for a few shekels.


The Future is About to Land …

Just Me

It has landed dear girl. FUTURE:


Arch Bungle

It will bring the destruction of Tel Aviv, Haifa and Dimona.


Code for Qom / Natanz / Tehran

cechas vodobenikov

too much LSD tritz in canuk village…US missiles could not destroy Serb tanks–idiot amerikans only destroyed cardboard decoys, bombed civilians on bridges…anglo cowards lose all wars


Stupidity …

Mark Jhorr

Iran does not hold many ships dear, they are all disposable assets.



Proud Hindu

Houshits and camel fuckers are both runnong low on ammo lol.

Zionism = EVIL


Arch Bungle

I’m surprised they’re not anointing his lingam …

Arch Bungle

Have you raped your cow this morning as usual?


Oh dear, cow-piss drinker is back.

chris chuba

Another twisted excuse to commit genocide against Yemenis. ‘It’s all a plot to encircle Israel’. Every drone strike against Israel is equated to an attack by Iran, so how does Iran have ‘plausible deniability’.

If it is an attack against Saudi Arabia, it is an attack by Yemen because there is a war you friggin’ imbeciles. That’s how wars work.

Furkan Sahin


Arch Bungle

He certainly aged well.

Arch Bungle

Coming to a kibbutz near you!

cechas vodobenikov

reported at backdoordanefront.com hindu, jens, bacon suicide pact after video taped by CIA in menage de trois

Mark Jhorr

isn’t a missile a “suicide drone” ? Why the change in discription?

Zionism = EVIL

To put it simply,a missile is launched to attack a specific target. A loitering munition is launched to hang around an area, identify a target and then attack it.

Arch Bungle

Assymetric warfare was born in the Middle East. The Nizari sect of Alamut comes to mind …

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