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MARCH 2025

Iran Deploys Dozens Of Tanks To Border With Iraqi Kurdistan. Separatist Government Blames Tehran For “Escalation”

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Iran Deploys Dozens Of Tanks To Border With Iraqi Kurdistan. Separatist Government Blames Tehran For "Escalation"


Iran has deployed dozens of battle tanks to the border with Iraq’s Kurdistan Region, Reuters reported on Monday citing an official from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) security council.

Reuters’ source argued that the move further escalaed the Iraqi crisis erupted after the Kurdistan Region independence vote on September 25.

“The tanks can be seen from the Kurdish side,” the official told Reuters, arguing that this is a “dangerous escalation.”

The deployment in the  border area was a part of joint military exercises conducted by Iranian and Iraqi forces ahead of the expected effort of the Iraqi government to establish control over the Iraqi Kurdistan borders with Turkey and Iran.

Iraqi Kurdistan President Masoud Barzani says that the independence vote in September was the first step to negotiate a peaceful secession from Iraq. However, the Iraqi Fedral Government describes it as an unacceptable move violating the Iraqi constitution.

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Zainab Ali

iran has the right to defend herself from zio satanic terrorists

Rafik Chauhan



defend yes, but this is intimidation by iran, wich is close to terrorism


It’s a legitimate joint exercise with a sovereign neighbour, inside our own borders. The intimidation is when your referendum question asks: “Do you want that the Kurdish areas outside KRG become independent” without specifying they are only talking about Iraq, not neighbouring countries. Terrorism is when the KRG gives safe haven to PJAK, which murders Iranians, Kord or else in western Iran. Some of the terrorists who did the last terror attack in Tehran were members of Kurdish separatist-terror groups.

Now please put yourself in the Iran’s place and tell us what would you do?


I would start a revolution against the fascist ayatollah regime, stop oppression against the kurds and all other minorities and give them FULL equal rights. Iran has harsh laws against their minorities, death penalty for several NON crimes, like homosexuality, apostasy, blasphemy, and rebellion. Further no alcohol is alowed, and other ridiculous laws, like force women to wear the hijab, one of the reasons, why NON of my female friends do not go there to see the very beautiful country! with its beautifull people!

Solomon Krupacek

you can go to fight, little mattie… and write here your battle experiences :DDD


There have been peaceful revolutions SOLO. And you were the creator of new ideas???? All you write is the same old stupid human behaviour that humans repeat over and over again.

Solomon Krupacek

peaceful revolution does not exists. this is oxymoron. peaceful chane is possible.

in ME can not be peaceful change. bloody mentality.


one example: the carnation revolution. there have been more…


WOW, what a good education your are showing up.


I’d say one revolution for a generation is more than enough, but it was not the answer to my question, was it? So, thanks but no thanks.

OK, what rights are you talking about which I have and Kords don’t? Can you name ONE person who has been executed because of NON crimes, like homosexuality, apostasy, blasphemy and rebellion? Surely there must be several examples which I don’t know but would be happy to know about.

FYI, Iran executes drug smugglers (there’s a minimum amount for each kind of drug which if someone has excess of and it’s proved the drug is not for personal use), rapists (sodomy or rape by force), terror act resulted in death and murder (if the victim’s next of kin doesn’t forgive). Alcohol is forbidden but there’s no shortage of it, thanks to the smugglers bringing it from KRG and Republic of Azerbaijan.

Thanks for your kind words. It’s a shame your female friends don’t come, perhaps someday. In the meantime, mine do.


your question was, what would you do in Iran’s place. Well i answered you and i know a lot of Iranians are also fed up with the ayatollah regime. I support decriminalisation of ALL drugs. I happened to coach an Iranian Kurd here in Europe that ran away for islam oppression. This agressive Seyed fascist just prooves how many muslims want to shut op other opinions based on the quran, excactly why i don’t like islam. I like Mevlana, or Rumi as he is caled in Persian. This is the kind of islam that is humanistic and peacefull, open to discuss instead of treatening with violence. For alcohol in Iran, not all is imported, many Iranians make it at home since ancient times, just like the caucasians.


That’s the strawman argument. I wrote about the referendum’s question, then about PJAK, and then about the terror attacks done by Kurdish separatists. What would you do if you were in Iran’s place? Surely you wouldn’t revolt against yourself.

You can conveniently ignore all my other questions regarding your claims too, or create another strawman to avoid answering them. Fine by me, I’m used to this kind of behaviour against my country.

Aggressive people are everywhere, you either help them correct their way, ignore them or retaliate in kind. One person or even 1000s of them are not the embodiment of 80millions Iranians or 1.5billions of Muslims.


I agree that agressive people are everywhere, but not equaly divided over the planet. Why? wich countries are considered the happiest countries? the ones with the least violence, wich happen to be ALL small (in number of citizens) secular democracies with freedom of expression and less diference in income. Kurds have been bad in Iran, but not without reasons…So i can repeat it, treat kurds better and violence will decrease, tanks and massive arests do not.

Seyed Hadi Aghazadeh

opposing our beloved islamic system makes u a candidate for a gas chamber

all “non” crimes u mentioned are among the worst crimes possible

ur a disgusting little terrorist i hope the state where u live takes an eye on you due to the fact “Rebellion” (terrorism) is not a crime for you

u r disgusting hijab is part of our culture u have no right to critize our law we lost hundret thausands in defending our right for self determination only to see some subhuman anglo saxon mixing into our affairs again

death to USA and England we will burn your PKK “rebells” after we finished your Isis “rebells”


Hadi, please don’t. A mere opposition doesn’t justifiy a gas chamber, please reconsider your reply. Let him express his views, the readers will decide who is right. Meanwhile, this kind of verbal attacks does not help us one bit. I understand you but you shot yourself and us in the foot with that.

PKK is not Iran’s problem, YET. It’s PJAK who needs our attention.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Think the gas chamber would be a septic tank full of feces that should do well under the circumstances.

Seyed Hadi Aghazadeh

salam Garga Pjak and PKK have no difference both are Socialist kurds from turkey attacking iran

Pkk is the head of the snake that we see today (in various forms like YPG/Pjak)

A mere opposition to Iranian right of self-determination and the support of terrorists who kill iranians is a crime against Law . Its Mentioned in sura 5 aya 33 for the case of Moharebeh

I know Pjak and Komala terrorists negotiated long time with iranian authorities in the Chatami Era to get the term Mohariba/moharebeh only implemented on armed combatants

i deeply refuse that kind of defformation of islam due to the fact that 5:33 even is used to punish corrution (what is also non armed) i respect your opinion but i also beg you to see it from my definition and point of view .

A person who openly fights (armed or not) welayat al faqih is a Mohareb and can be punsihed by death (hanging or by crucifixion) or hands and feet can be amputated . terrorists only deserve this . and i dont think they should be spared if they drop their weapons when caught and scream that they are non violent. we saw in syria how fast a non-violent humanitarian helpers went to suicide bombers in a matter of months

iran is not safe because its special iran is safe because terrorists are eliminated and ever strong and safe nation like Russia for example acts the same (chechneya)

every unislamic political movement in the middle east that oppose Imam Khamenei and the return of Imam Mahdi(aj) is Irans problem

i say that as an Iranian Kurd khoahaffez Azizam


Hi. I was talking about @matt:disqus, the by “mere opposition” I meant his opinion which differs from me and you but I don’t think the same about armed rebellion which needs to be dealt strongly and with no hesitation.

Kawa Asinger

? you say that as an Iranian Kurd! Funny, fuck piece of shit. Keep proving my point, and show the world that you are nothing but garbage.

Kawa Asinger

He should reconsider his reply, utterly disgusting. This is what happens to anyone in Iran or Turkey if they merely oppose the laws implemented, they will not even get a chance to debate. They will immediately be labeled as a terrorist and falsely accused of secessionist intentions, then hanged or imprisoned for life. Pff! And you wonder why Kurd rebel stupid fuck!


dream on buddy boy, where i live, i have ALL rights to say what i like!!!

Kawa Asinger

Another neonazi detected on SouthFront, I wonder where the SouthFront moderators are to take notice of people like this who openly call for genocide. But hey, as long as they’re Islamo-fascists and support Russia it’s okay. ??

Kawa Asinger

and more of a reason why this type of pedophile genocidal mentality must crushed. Iran thinks Russia is on its side, ? Russia will fuck Iran its ass, if they have reason too. Russia just made a gas and oil deal with SA, and now selling s-400 systems to them. Pff. And Putin warned Turkey about closing the KRG pipeline.


Yes, alcohol, drugs, prostitution and corruption laws are ridiculous laws. Human being has the right to drug himself and destroy his family and society. Yes, you are right, Iran must be a very bad society…..all societies must be like USA.

Kawa Asinger

Prostitution is very high in Iran, and beside Prostitution you have temporary marriage, another form of prostitution. Pathetic muzzrat trying to lecture other people on morals.


Your list is backwards , first , are its very beautiful people , then it is a beautiful country . While the hijab is worn in smaller towns , generally women seemed to wear just a head scarf . While alcohol is forbidden , ganga and hashish seemed to be a socially accepted social after work “pause that refreshes” . I say Iran is the rebellion , not because of the “Ayatollah regime” , but because it is the first Islamic nation in the world in which everyone received an education . It is responsible for an explosion of knowledge into almost all other Islamic nations . It took Europe 600 years to free itself of the Roman church’s oppression , what Iran has done in one generation is remarkable .


you are right i a way

Kawa Asinger

Kurdistan does not force, but asked the people to make decision and they did. And here are the pedophile Ayatollah’s people trying to oppress them and suppress the freedom of expression. And again proving the point that Kurdistan needs to become independent. They don’t need to specify you stupid fuck! It is inside Iraq and held in KRG and disputed areas under Peshmerge control. No Kurds from Iran, turkey nor Syria participated. So your argument is illogical. If I was in Iran’s shoes I wouldn’t make threats to neighbours because they held a referendum that does not threaten them in anyway possible.

Solomon Krupacek

american doctrine: preventive strike. yu must be happy about americanization of iran :DDD

Solomon Krupacek

PKK is terrorist organizationa. Because iraqi kurds support PKK, this would be a terrorrism-supporting country.


hahahahahah, PKK pro american???? hahahahahahah


If you are so passionate about this cause, why not join them? The group is known to be easy to join due to its internationalism and friendly to outsiders.


my daughter is 7, she still needs me

Solomon Krupacek

only you wrote, they are pro americans


PKK is the best rebel group in the ME!! NO FUCKING FAKE GODS INVOLVED!!!

Deo Cass

Don’t bet on it! They’re good as long as they have the Zio/Nazi US terror coalition air force on their side to topple the Syrian government and President. Once that is done, expect another Halabja from the Americans. You know the Americans carpet bombed the PKK stronghold of Halabja in 2003 with B52 bombers to help their puppet Barzani take control of the Kurdish region in Northern Iraq, murdering more civilians than the false flag gas attack conducted by Turkey there but blamed on Iraq, do you or don’t you? Well that is what the PKK have to expect once the Americans have no use for it.

Kawa Asinger

The PKK were trained in Syria by the Syrian government dumb fuck! ???

Solomon Krupacek

commie terrorists


communism is not so bad. humans are social beings by nature. the soviet union was fake communism. did you ever read kropotkin?


I would say the the USSR was the Leninist version of communism. The distinguishing feature of which was the vanguard party. Created to lead the revolution within states and internationally until Stalin and the socialism in one country philosophy idea came along and Trotsky had to escape. Considering the Marxian view was almost like a Darwinian style view of capitalism into socialism and finally communism, it’s safe to say Lenin flipped it on its head. No longer was this a spontaneous movement of the people but instead members of the intelligentsia i.e. bourgeois not proletarians who would lead. Stalin and Mao both further pulled the Marxism out of the Marxist-Leninist governments they headed. You have to go back to France in the early industrial revolution (people like Fourier) and learn about communism in the proper sense. It must be one of the most abused terms along with socialist and fascist of course.


USSR ultimately was more Stalin based then Lenin based. The NEP of Lenin was a return to private farming, small industries, all abolished after Stalin took over and started wholesale repression.


Yes, very true. Stalin was the father of the USSR as we knew it. I’m quite sure that the seeds of its destruction were also laid well before 1953. It is a topic that requires its own care and should not be weighed down with a survey of communism in general.


Are you saying that Iran does not have the right to deploy tanks on ALL parts of it’s country?


I prefer NO tanks AT ALL!!!!


But you do acknowledge Irans right to deploy tanks anywhere on it’s OWN Territory?

You do agree with Sovereign rights of countries?


Apparently No, if the said country is not pro-Zionism. But it’s OK for Peshmerge to deploy them to non-KRG areas of Iraq, OK for PYD to deploy them in Syria, OK for NATO to deploy them all over Russia’s borders and all over the world, and specially OK for IDF to do whatever the hell it wants.

Kawa Asinger

The Peshmerge were deployed because Iraqi army’s three divisions ran like cowards from a couple dozen terrorists. Leaving their weapons to be confiscated. So don’t make it as if the peshmerga forcefully took those areas. And others were liberated from ISIS. And Peshmerge is part of the Iraqi military, as per the constitution.

Kawa Asinger

Iran has the right to deploy tanks anywhere within its borders, but it came only after the Kurdish Independence vote after which Iran has made threat against Kurdistan. So this deployment only escalates the situation, it doesn’t help calm the tension down.


So far, there is no “Kurdistan”. . . There are Kurdish regions within the countries of Iran, iraq, Turkey and Syria.

And when some Kurdish people say they will create a statwe where the borders are “Wherever their Tanks stop”, Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria have the right to say No.

Indeed, the Kurds of Syria are invading Arab parts of Syria and saying they will not leave the parts they are foreigners to.

You seem to have it back to front about who is threatening who. . .


there is no kurdistan there is an autonom region in north iraq no nation iran cant threat things that dont exist we will defend iraqs sovereignty like we defend our own

even in saddam era and war against iraq we did never intended to seize iraqs territory even when they used WMD´s against us

now with iraq as irans ally we would never accept any separatism

Seyed Hadi Aghazadeh

again u try to dictate ur arrogance upon us iranians we cant even have tanks in our country? alhamdullilah we got them so subhuman scum like you stay out


no tanks at all means no tanks at all for anyone dumbass

Rakean Jaya

Very typical a hasbara, pretending to be atheist/non religion in fact Zionist.

Real Anti-Racist Action

From America I am both a Patriot and a follower of Christ, and I support Iran fully! You are a good people with a long history of defending all Monotheist. Know that everyday Americans have no problem with Iranians, it is our Z.O.G. Zionist Occupied Government that keeps making up lies and plots against the good Iranian nation. I as a Christian stand proudly alongside my Monotheist brothers, no matter if they be Shia or Sunni or Alawite or Zoroastrian. Monotheist must Unite against the evils of Zionism! Let this become the rallying cry heard across the world, no more fighting among Monotheist ever, our common enemies are Zionist and Atheist and Polytheist who wish to keep Monotheist turned against Monotheist. A Monotheist I can always respect, for God Himself is a Monotheist, a Believer. The Unbelievers are the plotters against all of us believers in the Creator who created all of creation. http://ihr.org/


crazy christians, the biggest supporters of israel because they want their scary prophecy forfilled as written in their disgusting book i despite and condemn all religions in general and the abrahamic ones MOST!


Real Anti-Racist Action

we iranians like american people we have no hatred towards you we love jesus christ and await his return just like you do salam to all children of god and enemies of zionism

god wills it we will burn down israel

Deo Cass

But the US and Israel can deploy tanks and troops and set up military bases in Kurdish inhabited Northern Iraq to counter Iran right?


ok, i said i PREFER NO TANKS!!!! I NEVER said Iran is not alowed to defend themselves. And i also never said USA is doing a good job. How nice it would be if the Kurds could just have a free choice about self governance without the dirty politrics that are being played by ALL sides Sadly, this is the reality in the ME. As long as the world economy is oil based, there will be no peace

jhon malakiat

kurd no to choose to become independent country. they choose to become zionist’s slave.

and that choice harms Iranian sovereignty.

kurd is coward. salahuddin alayyubi will crying seeinh kurd is coward..

Kawa Asinger

No, Kurds chose to become independent. Just because they refuse to call for genocide against the whole world like their neighbours, doesn’t mean their slaves. Bias much.


You have a point fella. You frequently do. When you’re not just stirring.

Solomon Krupacek

all right, let be flamethrowers

Assad Did Nothing Wrong™

Kurds better hand back all the equipment that the US gave them, hypocritical toxic waste.


if their enemys do as well, that would be great!!!! FINALY A PEACEFULL SOLUTION

Kawa Asinger

Kurds won’t hand back nothing, come and take it big boy. ?

Assad Did Nothing Wrong™

You really think you can fight the US? Kurdish hubris is almost as bad as Israeli hubris.

Kawa Asinger

US won’t attack


I prefer no Kurdistan AT ALL !!!!!

martin aguilar

And I prefer that you had a minimum of common sense !

Seyed Hadi Aghazadeh

the only terrorists are the Zionist Kurds

i say this as a kurd and muslim we will crush that zionist project like we crushed isis


you are a nasty devil

Deo Cass

Iran never attacked the Kurds. The illegal Kurdish vote was not carried out in the interest of the Kurds but in the interest of the US and Israel to target Iran. Iran has a right to defend itself in front of the existential threat posed by the US and Israel for whom Barzani works. After all the true land of origin of the Kurds is in Iran’s Kurdistan since the Kurds are Iranians in culture, language and origin. In Iraq and Turkey they are settlers while in Syria their presence is very recent and dates back only a couple of decades when Hafez al Assad first, and his son, the incumbent reformer Bashar al-Assad granted the Turkish Kurds asylum on Syrian soil in the Qamishli province bordering Turkey to shelter and protect them from the Turkish persecution. They were later granted full Syrian citizenship, with full language and cultural rights and a limited autonomy.


every human was a settler once in history, you stupid dickhead you think iranians evolved from homo erectus into homo sapiens within the borders of current iran??? whahahahaa!!!! people are migrants by nature

Deo Cass

The difference is that certain indigenous people exist from millennia. The Assyrians (Syria) and the Babilonians (Iraq) are a typical example. These indigenous peoples not only have been living there for thousands of years, but they built a civilization, rich in cultural and historical traditions and art. The history of the Kurds is intrinsically linked to that of Persia. They have no cultural or historical roots in Iraq, Turkey and much less in Syria where they arrived as refugees. Put in a nutshell, the Kurds have no right to steal other people’s lands, carry out mass ethnic cleansing of the Assyrian, Yazidi and Arab population and claim it as their own calling it independence.


i disagree and see no arguments in your story. rights have nothing to do with how long people live somewhere

Deo Cass

Because the Americans are European settlers who build their country over the dead bodies of 50 million native Americans and 1 million native Mexicans, does not mean that everyone else is a settler. Now if the US is inhabited by dickheads who think that everyone else is like them, well! That’s their problem.


Bullshit!!! All cultures took over others. Never red about the Siberian conquest and the genocide of the indiginous tribes? How hundreds of diferent cultures were forced to become Han Chinese? a process that is still happening today in Tibet and Uyghuristan. The history of South East Asia: Genocide and bloodshed. Most Blacks wiped out, others marginalized same in China. History of South Asia: similair story with an aparheid system incorporated in the Hindu faith. The pre Colombian cultures: human sacrifices imposed on the enslaved enemies of the Aztecs and Mayas You clearly know very little about homo sapiens


And i forgot to mention the countless genocides, wars and other atrocities in Europe and the ME offcourse. Maybe the Africans have been the least violent off all….


They are no exception either.

Rwanda, Sudan, South Sudan, Lybia, Angola, Niger, Mali, Somalia, Ehiopia, Eritrea, Congo, Equatorial Guinee, Burundi, West Sahara, Nigeria/Biafra etc etc.


That was in all cases the result of colonialism or geopolitical games of USA/Russia. Can you name me attrocities done in Africa before the whites came?



All the slaves coming into Turkey and Arabia were taken by arab slave traders, from 7th century to 20th century (from Egypt and East Africa)

The destruction of christianity by arabs all over north africa.

The destruction of the christian nilotic sudanes kingdoms by islamic tribes.

Egyptian armies (pharaoic) conquering lots of non egypt areas

The attacks by islamic north african raiders on europe between 7th century up till early 19th century.

Intertribal warfare destroying many tribes within Africa, forcing them to leave their homelands and migrate to the south. “written up” in oral tradition.

Many think Africa was peaceful. It has never been, just like no area on this world has ever been peaceful and muslim areas least of all. It has (mostly) not been written down, that is correct.


are u dumb? arabs are not african and islam is not either


While I often agree with you, not in this.

Like Matt commented, except for Iceland, all nations are built upon the ashes of earlier ones.

As for the specifics. What we now call Americans are also Blacks, imported as slaves so they are not responsible, also many americans have some “native”blood in their veines and Mexcicans are not natives either as they they are the Americans of the South, though their portion of native blood is higher.

All this BS talk about others is posturing and does not help at all in keeping our world under control. Who cares how many Israelis are descended from Khazars? Only some antisemites.

What is important is the situation now, not one, two, three or even twenty centuries ago.

Deo Cass

And hey! Homo Sapiens Sapiens our direct ancestor, in fact emerged very close to that area in the Middle East, namely Iraq.


then he moved on and he still does


yes they did, long time ago after WW 2 and today they oppress them

Kawa Asinger

They keep denying history these people, but what do you expect they are not allowed to think for themselves.


they are, but have chosen to repeat each others nonesense…

Kawa Asinger

I hope I see the day Israel soldiers put the Ayatollahs necks in nooses. They are the most vile savages I have ever seen. No different to ISIS.


that is nonesence

Real Anti-Racist Action

The Kurd’s have committed hundreds of Car Bomb attacks and assassinations against Iranian citizens including Kurdish-citizens over the past 40 years. Iran has carried out no car bombs in return against the terrorist-Kurd’s. And Iran is put down for intimidation??? Iran is right to intimidate the terrorist, letting the terrorist know that if they commit another Armenian Genocide against Christians living near Kurd’s, that Iran will respond in defense of the minorities that are stuck living side by side the Kurdish-bigots. http://ihr.org/


you are a weird character, calling yourself real anti rascist action, while calling yourself an indiginous japethite, whatever that might mean in your sistorted world view.

jhon malakiat

haha. kurdist fuckig terorist grabing iraqi and syria land trying foolish us saying iran is terrorist.

iran has absolutely right to defend their integrity..

Kawa Asinger

Bring your evidence that Kurds stole Iraqi (An artificial country carved up by the colonial powers) land. No evidence just emotions.

jhon malakiat

The Kurds in Syria are currently led by the PKK/YPG, a political cult and militia which follows Abdullah. Though only 8% of the population, they have now occupied some 20% of Syria’s land and control 40% of its oil reserves. Continued U.S. support for Syrian Kurds and the example in Iraqi could incited them to split from Syria.

in iraq, pashmerga invade kirkuk, arab land. there is no kurd in kirkuk.

its crystal clear , fucking kurd is zionist slave. they are invader..


Do not confuse terrorism with self defense. Do not play with words to confuse people. Any country has the right to defense itself under any treat made by other group or country. Not only tanks but missiles must be deployed, and it is totally justified.


No – this is a state entity, Iran, openly and directly defending its territorial integrity. That is the complete opposite of ‘terrorism’ – which is an inherently covert activity.

martin aguilar

Matt , ok you are a zionist pro yankee. So sure you want Iran not to defend itself so Israel and USA-kurds can destroy them. But things have changed a lot my dear Matty. Iran will put the tanks , the planes, the missiles and I hope someday their atomic bombs. Because USA and Israel have them, you know Matty? and they will use them to destroy Iran whenever they can. As they destroyed Irak, Siria, Libia, Afganistan, and intimidating North Korea , China, Russia, Venezuela …I´m sorry for you Matty ! but things have changed a lot !!


Escucha me pendejo, no me gusto israel e estados unidos. Eres claramente mas tonto que un culo de una mula

martin aguilar

Hablas español Matt ! que bueno ! asi te puedo putear mejor ! espero que un tanque iraní te pase por arriba como a todos los yanquis y sionistas criminales e hijos de mil putas !

Rafik Chauhan



Stinky Muslims are always eager to attack a weaker opponent. But maybe they get bombed by US – what then? Cry about the failed opportunity to slaughter inncocent people?

RTA (Bob or Al)


Davey Price

French fighter jets riddled 100s of innocent Libyans in Tripoli and coming from a French man, it took Germany under two days to get u too surrender The whole Country, I’d hold a shit longer than u French


LOL. It is Iranian territory. If the US attacks, they will be shot down.


Zionist dreams should never come true. Send hundreds of tanks, anti tank guided missiles, howitzers, MLRS, and air defence missile systems. God bless Iran for ever. The division of Iraq will become a chain. After Iraq division Syria, Turkey and Iran division may occurs. Therefore, click the threats in the buds.


Exactly 100%…

Solomon Krupacek

divide judea from samaria


divide solomon from krupacek

Solomon Krupacek



Time for the Kurds to wake up to reality, the bordering countries aren’t going to allow the breakup of their respective territories. That is one thing all of the neighbors are agreed upon.


well you asked for it….your arrogance has given you 4 militarys that want to crush you….have a nice time running to the mountains again for salvation.


They should just move in and purge the ziokurds


they should purge you

Solomon Krupacek

hands off kurdistan from iraqi and syrian territory!


Nah, I’m good, I’d rather you be purged lol


Will they bring “Persian Spring”?


Haha yes :)))


You are talking about Genocide.

There will be a better and more peaceful way.


Kurdistan will only pose a threat to Iran and Russia and CANNOT be allowed to exist


I think that it is time to discuss the idea of a “Kurdistan” at the UN. . . There are about 32 million Kurds in the region. Their voice shoudl be heard.

But one issue is, a Kurdish Military person said that the borders of Kurdistan will be where ever their Tanks stop. . .

In Syria, the Kurds are driving deep into Arab areas and saying that they do not intend to leave.

That makes for a war between Non Kurds and Kurds in Syria a certainty.

The Kurds should agree that when ISIL is defeated, they will move their troops back into Kurdish populated areas. Otherwise, it is all on.


I agree. Besides, US and Israel are trying to use them to contain and threaten Iran and Russia. We CANNOT let that happen!!


The Kurds have no realistic claim to any part of Iran, they are a tiny group in that country and the territorial integrity of Iran remains strong. Iraq, Syria and South-East Turkey may be falling apart, but you can’t include Iran in that group.


10 percent is kurd


Can you share your source? I am interested in how this can be calculated.

Travis Kelso

And they will sit there.


Kurds have had strong Israel links for decades. Kurds were instrumental in selling oil for Daesh and made a lot of money from that. Kurds have been ethnically cleansing Syrian Arab areas already, including re-naming towns. Nice start for a new state. No lofty aspirations or creative core to this group. So is it going to be just another state of crime and an area where the moral code is quashed and where evil ways are given quasi-legal protection.


It looks like kurds are the key elements used by USA-Israel to attack and destroy Iran. We eill see what plans USA-Israel have for Iran.

That Guy

KRG, get your rectum ready.


More like ready for Persian Spring.


The Barzani clan are little more than a Mafia – their time in the sun may well be over.


lol look at that so called kurds named ‘matt’ he’s really jumping till making look more white people than kurd


Many comments. Many opinions.

My final opinion is that if it makes Iran happy to play with its toys on its side of their border, let them go ahead. A kind of masturb*ation for soldiers one might say.

As long as they let other countries be, just go ahead.

Reports elsewhere state that Iran has reopened the border to KRG and are letting trade continue.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x