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Iran Expands Intelligence Network Near Jordan And Israel

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The situation in Syria’s Idlib appears to be, once again, on the brink of escalation, with the US preoccupied with what’s happening at home, and Turkey attempting to push towards Ain Issa, while being targeted by its own proxies.

The terrorist threat is far from removed, and attacks are common, moments of calm in the country’s east and northwest appear to be few and far between. The situation that’s transpiring is, to a large degree, due to Turkey’s actions and its policies.

Ankara, too, is suffering from it, since the many of the groups that it backs, officially or otherwise, seem to be eager to bite the hand that feeds. On January 16th, Turkish troops in observation posts in Idlib were targeted by sniper fire from a group that calls itself “Saryat Ansar Abu Baker As-Siddiq”. According to the group itself, three Turkish soldiers were shot. One appears to be in critical condition.

This is the group’s third attack against Turkey, with the first taking place in November of 2020, and then in December of 2020. The December attack resulted in one Turkish soldier’s death. Other reports of Turkish proxies attacking Ankara’s armed forces occasionally take place.

The Turkish military maintains more than 60 posts, camps and bases throughout Greater Idlib. Most of them are located in terrorist-controlled areas, and attacks on them are rather infrequent due to Ankara’s close ties with terrorists operating in the area. Nonetheless, as the recent attacks show, this policy has some weak sides for the Turkish personnel deployed.

Ankara is attempting to encroach near the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF)-controlled area, attempting to establish an observation post near Ain Issa. A push on SDF positions is expected, but there will be a defense.

Meanwhile, Iran has been expanding its presence in Syria despite the endless Israeli-US attempts to oppose this. Tehran’s forces deployed a signal intelligence system along Syria’s border with Jordan. This may be used to either spy on the US forces deployed in Jordan, or even on Israel.

Iran has ample opportunity, Tel Aviv is likely to be on the back foot, since the US’ Biden administration is likely to support Israel less than that of Trump. This provides Tehran with a chance to dig in and reinforce its position and prepare an asymmetric response to its geopolitical opponents.

There is likely to be an advent of a new round of confrontation in the conflict zone, with the Syrian Arab Army still struggling to get rid of ISIS cells in the Homs-Deir Ezzor desert, Turkey focused on the SDF and being targeted by militants in Idlib, and Iran attempting to focus on its opponents.

Both Ankara and Tehran are likely taking a chance to improve their positions in Syria due to the lull in American activity in the face of the unprecedented chaos in the United States. At the same time, the new US administration would not likely support the Trump-announced troop withdrawal effort. So, Washington still has a word to say.

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Potato Man

Iraq tightens security along flashpoint Syria frontier, military says

Iraq is tightening security along its 600 km (400 mile) border with Syria to curb the movement of Islamic State militants, drug smuggling and other illegal activities.


“EXPLOSIONS ROCK POSITIONS OF IRANIAN ALLIES IN IRAQ. US FIERCELY DENIES ITS INVOLVEMENT” “Last night a series of explosions rocked positions of Iranian allies from the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) of the Iraqi Armed Forces southwest of Baghdad in what was described by local sources as US-Israeli strikes.”

Iraq, Syria, Lebanon need to get some S-400s to kill some flies.

klove and light

and israel gets the codes…..


Lavrov reminded everyone yesterday that Russia was gonna do nothing about the Ziocorporate US terrorists’ invasive presence in Syria as part of Putin’s “business and partnership” strategy so it’d be logical for Iran to expand its security network.

Fuck the US and EU, Tehran shouldn’t keep trying to revive the JCPOA when the terrorist Ziojews could stage a false flag a force their Western political poodles to sanction Iran at any moment, in the long run it’s the best for Iran to develop its economy without any dependence on Ziocorporate trade and investment.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Iran has just lost all EU support for the revival of the JCPOA and EU policy has now fallen in line with US policy, including anti ballistic policy, so this is going to isolate the Iranians completely now, which means there’s no one left to help them, they’ve practically become a Pariah Nation overnight.


Frankly, shut the fuck up and enjoy Iranian special forces power. Iran, Russia, China, US and Turkey are the only countries that can air drop a whole brigade and secure large chunks of enemy territory.

55th Air borne brigade BMP2 being airdropped from C-130 and IL-76 transport








Jens Holm

Once we did garbage cleaning like that. There was unwanted children here and there too.


You came in the garbage you piece of gay dumbfuck

Jens Holm

Pigs are turning into Islam https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/065355b5cb20854b92b523c399cadc5618025d53d867d848f458d9f0d433c995.jpg


U jews are leaving your cult?

Jens Holm

So why do the pilot leave.


Because he had to go fuck your wife… something that you can’t do with that small warped dead prick you have

Gregory Casey

Well said!


Frankly, these wankers need to learn reality. Thanks.

Jens Holm

You are like this, but the carrot is smaller https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/45e13ec9b6b26f615f13064fd906319307010a333c23f11a0d2b06aca22baac6.jpg

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You live in a fantasy world of your own making don’t you, but the fantasy you believe in is being destroyed by stark reality, so choke on it.

Just Me

but, but, BUTT hurt!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Everything I’ve been accusing Iran of doing in Syria over the last 2 years has just been confirmed by several articles on SF, so why would I be butt hurt [homosexual innuendo hey] about anything, I’m actually ecstatic at the moment, it’s all you pro Iranian supporters who should be butt hurt, but that’s only a taste of what’s to come, so get out the homo lube kiddo’s, you’re going to need bucket loads of the stuff soon.

Jens Holm

It would save time, if they had no parashutes.

Free man


Gregory Casey

You wish!! Just because Blinkin’ on/off is looking for additional measures with Iran in order that US sign-up again to the JCPOA does NOT mean that Iran is going to surrender, decommission or otherwise destroy its ballistic missile stocks. For so long as Iran is possessed of its Missile Arsenal the Israeli section of Palestine is fugged. You honestly believe Iran is going to surrender that advantage? particularly when it’s medium-range missile arsenal can flatten Riyady and Saudies entire Oil infrastructure if necessary!!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Why do you people keep putting words in my mouth, I didn’t say Iran was going to do anything, can’t you read a simple statement and understand it, obviously not. What Russia and I both understand but the simpletons like you don’t is this, it didn’t have to be this way, it could’ve worked out much differently. But the Iranian Government is as stupid as you and many other SF commenters are, so now they’re in a position where reality is hitting home and their make believe world is about to be shattered into a million little pieces, and so will yours. Russia could have and still could help Iran out of this mess they’re in but they don’t, and the reason they don’t is Iran doesn’t do a SINGLE thing to help stop making the mess, like an obstinate child they keep pulling tantrums and shitting in their cot. But Russia’s going to let them wallow in their own shit from now on, they’re not going to keep cleaning up the messes Iran keeps making, it’s time for them to learn the hard way. Russia the most diplomatic country in the world partnered with the least diplomatic country in the world, and you somehow thought the Russians would follow their example did you, no it was supposed to be the other way around, but Iran learnt nothing from the masters of diplomacy, instead they tried to change the Russians into something they’re not and will never be. People like you are probably autistic to some degree, you prefer your own sense of reality to the one everyone else is operating on. “you can be anything or anyone, or do anything you want to if you just try hard enough or want it bad enough, LOL, NO YOU CAN’T.

Alekai Mordechai

Buddy, as for your name you forgot to put an end bracket after the “Truth”.

Also, you’re putting too much emphasis on Russia’s diplomatic prowess.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

For two and a half years I’ve been making the same claims on SF, and for two and a half years people like you have been calling me a liar, and even when SF publishes a story a few days ago, that confirm EVERY SINGLE THING I’VE BEEN CLAIMING, people like you are still calling me a liar. The real truth is people like you not only refuse to believe what I tell you, you also refuse to believe what SF told you a few days ago, or what the Russian International Affairs Council has been telling us for years now. Truth doesn’t just mean believing what your own side tells you, it means listening to everyone and deciding for yourself, something we’re not supposed to do due to LGBTQI brainwashing, but I do all the time. :] I support Assad and yet he lies to me all the time, but I never blame him for it, I know he has to do it because he doesn’t have a choice, but I nearly always know when he’s lying. Maybe I am putting too much emphasis on Russia’s diplomatic prowess so I’ll rephrase it better, I should’ve said the absolute lack of any sort of diplomatic prowess on the Iranian’s part. But when you believe in Martyrdom and a reward in heaven as the Iranians do, diplomacy is completely irrelevant, so it’s no surprise they break so many eggs and leave a mess everywhere they go. The people you back are cowards, they hide in Syrian neighborhoods and threaten the Israelis, when the terrorists in Idlib do it we call them animals, but when the Iranians do it people like you call them heroes. I’m on the Syrian peoples side, I think you’re all cowards hiding behind innocent Syrian children.

Alekai Mordechai

Syrian and Palestinians Children all are dozen a dime and dispensable. Eh??

Where’s your empathy when israel arrests and shoot Palestinians on daily basis?

You wrote an essay to convey a message. In reality a smart human being can wrap up their banter in few sentences.

Al Assad is a criminal, I for one don’t have anything good to say about Iran either. Dolan Rump exposed the fault lines of Shia narratives, meanwhile emboldened cretinous saudis.

In a region where murder and mayhem is needed to break eggs, which way is the correct way to Damascus ?? or perhaps Jerusalem?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I wrote an essay to convey a simple message and you still didn’t understand a single word I said, maybe I have to write even longer bibles before the mindless and the brainwashed begin to understand anything more than 3 simple sentences strung together.

“You wrote an essay to convey a message. In reality a smart human being can wrap up their banter in few sentences.”


I’ve been saying the same thing for two and a half years and I still wasn’t able to get through to the “smart human beings” on SF, and then SF tells you all exactly the same thing I’ve been telling you and most of you are still too stupid to accept the truth. I have just as much sympathy for Palestinian children as I do for Syrian Children, but we’re not discussing Israel’s involvement in Palestine, we’re discussing Iran’s involvement in Syria, and Russia’s problems in dealing with the problems that Iran is causing. Smart human beings are never bigots, the two things don’t go together, so you should never bother reading any of my comments ever again, all the important ones are way too long for you anyway.

Not a fan of Israel

Oh….and here comes another one.

Not a fan of Israel

Willing is doing a PsyOps number for the Israelis.

His commentary is pure convoluted Zionist nonsense.

Arch Bungle

The Turk’s bashi-bazoukh strategy is backfiring as predicted it would 6 months ago. Those who play with fire and think it can be controlled, get burned.


Remember your silly biased question you have asked me? This title is the answer; “IRAN EXPANDS INTELLIGENCE NETWORK NEAR JORDAN AND ISRAEL” So stop your bias bullsh*t against Russia and have some balls and dignity (if you are Iranian) to take responsibility for acts of your country finally! If Iran is very active in vicinity of IsraHell than they can’t run back to Russia for baby sitting once IsraHell starts to bomb them. You ignore Russian interests and Russian preferences…OK it is your right, but do not f*cking complain afterwards because it was your effing choice to make another front in Syria! Russia is not in business of baby sitting and protecting those who want to fight for their own objectives. And if you do start the war against IsraHell in Syria, you can be sure that Russia will be completely on Russian side and China on Chinese side.


1. you are right that I shouldn’t jump on conclusion (why is he lucking objectivity so much than?!) like Russia is proven traitor and Russia is flip flopping every day changing sides…Iran was and still is allay in Syria and not IsraHell. Also Russia has “friendly” relations with few NATO countries (Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, even Turks now ) not only relations with IsraHell (on enemy side)… 2.everybody sometimes needs “help” even Iran (depends who is attacking)… if not direct help than indirect …(and survival of Iran is of pivotal importance for China and Russia, so far that position haven’t changed – pure interest and common sense logic) 3. I honestly can’t understand that people see Russia as country sitting on 2 chairs (like Turkey) I can’t imagine Russia support militarily Israel against anybody let alone Iran. Israel will always be an enemy, albeit with good relations. 4.Israel will not attack Iran alone, not without US-NATO help… or if they do ; the attack will be very limited and of not big importance. 5. For some reason people don’t get it that Russia’s biggest problem is not Syria but Ukraine and NATO on western border. Russia can’t afford financially bigger conflict in Syria from this one. Russia doesn’t want war with Israel or Turkey for Syria’s or Iran’s interests. Russians try to prevent those wars from 1st day they arrived in Syria! 6. Those are Russian limits, why people can’t understand them?


2. Russia – China can’t afford losing Iran (since India is on opposite side) Their project of Asia independent from West is not possible without Iran 3. Money talks for everybody… no doubt. But there are few other things as well. If it was only for money than US would be total masters of the world since they have printing machine for decades. They didn’t buy Iran, China and Russia for sure since they are their enemies.

4. I do not agree here. Russia have lost 14 million people in the WW-2. That’s why is Russia now in Syria. To prevent terrorist arriving to Russia from Syria. and if need be they would help Iran because they don’t want NATO in Central Asia totally surrounding Russia (Same goes for China)

Gregory Casey

Russia lost 27+ million in WWII


Revised figures speak of 28 million plus.

Gregory Casey

And that is double the figure advanced by HiaNd above. I cannot imagine from where it is he gathers his information !!

Just Me

He is not the sharpest tool in the troll shed.


OK “Just Me the sharpest tool” I am listening, O wise One! Share some of your “wisdom” please, take me out of darkness!


I never confuse USSR and Russian Federation unlike you westerners

Jens Holm

Gather information about it is easy. But only tell max numbers and in a total stupid way is much worse.

I dont blame people for, what they have learned in school. But I do blame people to insist to belive a lot of the hardly biased propaganda is even close to truth.

Any Outsiser can see the Russians are learned totally upside down fx for Belarus and Ukriane. Here its even ignored borders has moved as well as millions of people and jews hardly exist even fx Kharkov and Donetsh has 30% Jews in them and many of them even was expelled from other parts of Russia for stupid reasons.

Jens Holm

I agree. Some herehas learned that crap from school and still dont know, how complicated things are.

Russians supported the Nazis well to invade Tjekkoslovakia, Poland, Norway, Denmark, France, Holland, belgium, Luxembourg and the Balkans with Greece.


Not true! USSR is not Russia

Jens Holm

Thats max speculations. You can look at the try for good numbers.


I allow me to addif People from Finland, Baltics, Poland, Jwes a.s.o. are Russians too.

Many dont see Stalin as their father or or mother.


Not true! Russia (as country today) have lost about 14 million (Since Russia have lost so much territory because of new created states). USSR have lost 28+million

Jens Holm

No it hasnt.Their Neocolonialisme is collapsed by their bad systems and many millions now finally again are their own.

Its no exuse that terrible mixing was done with Russians as well.Where do those uprisers in Ukriane come from? Well they are Russians in Ukraine. So go home or accept facts are not, as they used to be. Move borders whatever.

The Ukrainians didnt do it.

It no wonder so many there hated Bolsjevics and nothing has been done to change that. They are there because Russia can say, they “protect”. They are hostages.

Jens Holm

No, they didnt. Stalin wasted most of them.

… And : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties_of_the_Soviet_Union

Arch Bungle

Stop being a child and try responding to my posts under the correct article.

I posted a response to your fanaticism back under the relevant article. Go check it out.

Also, stop posting random adverts for military equipment under all articles that have nothing to do with the article’s topic.

What are you, a n00b?

Another thing: WTF do you get the idea I’m Iranian, fuckwit?


I really don’t care who you are. I don’t post “random adverts” but articles on new Russian military equipment . SF does exactly that also… I don’t need your permission to do so.

Gregory Casey

Must be nice to be in the pocket of the US Military in the Saudi terrorist State Ali …….. oh! my apologies! It’s US is in your pockets insofar as they continue robbing you blind in return for rotting equipment that is decades behind Russian and Chinese tech despite the enormous sums of money spent on padding the Military fat-arses annually!

Jens Holm

I like that comment very much.


than I should be very worried….



Gregory Casey

A few more disappearing Turk-tanks would warm the cockles of my heart!


Landing CH-47 Chinooks at high tide in the Persian Gulf is no mean feat. Iranian military has come a long way in professionalism.




Jens Holm

It seemes tired. How many kilometers an hour. The Iranian army has reinvented the walkman too.,

Jens Holm

You will not see a single american, if they attack You.

Theuy will remove most infrastructure from distance, and You will be like no arms and legs. Your brains already is damaged.

GET IT. ITS NO MATTER OF SHINOOKS gone with wind or not.


Frankly, you have hand it to the canny, determined and strategic thinking Persians,

Gregory Casey

I wholeheartedly agree Frank!

Serg The Purge

Biden’s administration will support Israel even more than Trump!!!!

You will see the return of Assad Must Go rethoric! Plus hyper anti-Russia. They may try to deceive Iran into braking with Russia (which won’t happen), and then just give the green light to Israel to escalate Ops in Syria

Gregory Casey

“to escalate Ops in Syria” ??? You mean that IAF will engage in bombing runs over Syria more often than their usual (almost) daily dose from the protection of Lebanon’s mountains and, far more importantly, under #sTrumpet’s protection over the course of the past 4 years. Israel has been attacking Iranian & Hezbollah facilities in Syria on an increasingly more desperate cycle over the past 3 months ever since it became clear, in the run-up to the election that Jarhead Kashner and sTrumpet wouldn’t be returned to the White House. Unfortunately for Israel and despite their best efforts, they haven’t (yet) managed to stop the transfer of Missiles and Launchers into Syria (and S Lebanon) from Iran and nor has the ethno-state managed to prevent very considerable Iranian weaponry being transferred to up close to the Golan. sTrumpet disappears into oblivion tomorrow while Kashner will have enough problems warding off FBI Investigations into his mercenary activities with binSalman to pay much attention to protecting Uncle Benjamin’s ass, not to mention the fact that both he and Lady Tramp are now persona non gratis in NY social circles …… I guess they’ll simply have to bail out and seek shelter in TelAviv ….. or Riyadh where there’s a v good chance they might get hit by a Houthi attack:) Time has tick-tocked down for the ethno-state and despite killing quite a few Iranians, Iraqis, Syrians, Lebanese and Palestinians in theri aerial bombardments, Israel really hasn’t blunted Iran’s edge as it moves closer and closer to Golan and the River Jordan.

Jens Holm

That might be partly correct. Trump was elected because he would withdraw troops. Obama kind of tryed but alos hesitated.

So it partly can be true Biden will make some stabilisation.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Has Iran really expanded it’s intelligence network or is this just more propaganda, because there’s no news form Jordan, the US or Israel, who would all be aware of the fact if it was true, but none of them have said a single word, and they’d all be jumping up and down about it if it was true, so I suspect there’s probably no truth at all in this story. The did move the listening post away from the Israeli border but it probably got shipped straight home to Iran.

And the SAA are standing down alert levels, LOL, are they really. Al Ghab plains is about to rock soon from what I can see, so even if Assad has lowered the alert levels for the SAA, it still doesn’t mean there won’t be any military action, I don’t think he’s sending so may troops there just to guard the battlefront. The opposition are already complaining about the SAA making their lives hell in the region and I suspect they’re going to do a lot more than just complain soon enough. :]

Jens Holm

I see it as a kind of propaganda war against Russians there. They have disputes.

Assad must stay

Very good


Bad call mullahs….

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