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MARCH 2025

Iran Has Armed Its Forces In Eastern Syria With Russian Laser-Guided Artillery Rounds – Reports

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Iran Has Armed Its Forces In Eastern Syria With Russian Laser-Guided Artillery Rounds – Reports

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Iran has armed its forces in the eastern Syrian governorate of Deir Ezzor with Russian-made 2K25 Krasnopol guided artillery rounds, the Annahar al-Arabi reported on March 10, citing a number of Syrian sources.

According to the Beirut-based news outlet, Iranian-backed forces in southern Deir Ezzor recently received a shipment of the laser-guided round.

Iranian-backed forces reportedly held a training course on the use of the Krasnopol system near the town of Sabikhan. Around 70 fighters attended the course.

Most 152 mm artillery guns can fire the 2K25 Krasnopol that is guided by a semi-active laser. The advanced round has a range of 20 km and can hit its targets, which can be illuminated from the ground of the air, with pinpoint accuracy.

The Krasnopol system was spotted with Iranian forces in Syria before. A video showing Iranian military advisers firing several 2K25 Krasnopol rounds at militants’ positions in Aleppo surfaced online earlier this year.

The precision-guided weapon system will likely be used by Iranina-backed forces to neutralize ISIS cells’ hideouts and equipment in western Deir Ezzor.

Iran’s ability to deliver such state-of-the-art systems to its forces in Deir Ezzor is a heavy blow to Israel. So far, Tel Aviv has failed to stop Iranian weapons shipments to Syria.


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Cheryl Brandon


Cheryl Brandon


Zionism = EVIL

Southfront information is correct. I had posted this in detail last month with photos of Iranian and Russian artillery officers working together. People don’t realize how closely the two work together as brothers in arms. Iran has also brought in air defence systems and several electronic warfare specialists. The ZionistCUNTS are a joke. Russia and Iran are getting serious in eastern Euphrates.

The Objective

“The ZionistCUNTS are a joke” You’re yet to prove that, my boy.

Assad must stay

when will they kick out al tanf, other US forces?

Zionism = EVIL

Sorry for the belated reply. I don’t post as often now as there is no point in repeating the obvious. If you read my archived posts going back to the inception of this site, I had posted Syria faced the worst Americunt, Zionist, Wahhabi and NATO arseholes terror campaign since 2011. However, it has all failed and President Assad is secure, Syrian government has total control over 90% of its population and 80% of its land. The Americunts and Turks are the remaining problem left, but that will be taken care of. As I had written, considering that over half a million headchopper terrorists have been trained and sent to Syria by their Americunt and Zionist masters, it is remarkable what Russia and Iran have achieved in less than 6 years, since their major intervention in 2015 at the request of the Syrian government. I estimate that this war has another 5-7 years to go before Syria is totally free of all foreign occupation forces and their terrorists, Iran and Russia have planned to stay in Syria for a very long time. The Americunts are facing severe problems in the world and will cut and run. Have patience, these things take time. The Axis of Resistance has proved absolutely victorious.

Assad must stay

sure no problems, i agree

John Brown

Yes 100% right


“Iran and Russia have planned to stay in Syria for a very long time”

I would if I were Russia and Iran for obvious reasons: 1.You just don’t take to heel when your best friend, who had just served you dinner with a room to go, gets burgled by real Hannibal types. 2. You are not worth a soul if you cower even one micrometer. 3. Truth is always yours like you married your dream-come-true love. 4. You can outlive the usurper and evil thug in this long-game since you don’t have to try to use the money game “who has the bigger budget approach”. Allow them to bankrupt their coffers in this long-game. 5. Ordinary civilians, the largest population thus far in government-held areas, tend to be more resilient than traitors and they are on your side.

John Brown

The Zio slave Biden is preparing to start a major wars in the middle east and in Eastern Ukraine and perhaps with Taiwan as well all at the same time probably to use it as a reason for the coming total economic collapse of the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship. I expect China to then put in a total embargo on the USSA and the rest of the Zio empire on all rare earth metals and electronic parts critical to USSA military hardware which will result in the total defeat of all empire forces in all 3 of the conflict zones. . The the Zio USSA can default on its debts to China Japan etc

Freemon Sandlewould

Another weapon against ISUS. ( Pronounced Izzzzzzz You Esssss )

Zionism = EVIL

The Americunts are too weak and bankrupt now to start multiple wars, they will never confront China, but will try to destabilize Russia, Iran, Venezuela but will fail. US is a genuine banana republic now and in dire straits. The world geo-strategic balance has totally shifted and wait for the next 10 years to see the real profound impact.

John Brown

The world geo-strategic balance has totally shifted


and wait for the next 10 years to see the real profound impact.

yes again.

However don’t underestimate the evil of the Zio empire and their willingness to fight until to the last of their USSA Goyim slaves dies.

You have the name Zionism is evil, then don’t underestimate evil. This is how evil wins. Don’t think defeating Satan will be easy. many Goyim have made this mistake which is why the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship has murdered over 300 million Goyims and controls so much of the earth today.


The seed of destruction planted through decades long thought-shaping intrigue via the Holy Bible has culminated in the total enslavement of the US population e.g. some 70 million Zionist-evangelists with the real power to make this transformation complete.

John Brown


Christian zionists have no power and are just brain washed slaves of the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship.

They are brainwashed by the Rothchild created satanic Scofield Bible from hell.

Frank G

the worlds major manufacturing hub is china, a war with them is suicidal and once russ and china form a defense pact it will be worse add sco members and others and it is game-over, period! you can see and hear the western panic/anxiety as it is all over their msm, china this, russia that, and so on with syria, cuba, Venezuela, Belarus, iran, Hezbollah, etc…seeing guido, ukraine, etc…in the msm more and more often. i think NK will soon be making some moves as they have been too quiet.

Rhodium 10

Accord some Russian media the last US airstrike vs Iranian backed forces was a failure as GPS and Radar of 6 GBU 39 bombs were Jammed and hit empty areas in Homs desert…only one of them fell near a mobile outpost.

Freemon Sandlewould

Hope so.

Just Me

New Iranian military combat boots:


Just Me

Iranian forces consoliating their presence in eastern Euphrates. General Bagheri, Iranian Chief of Staff seen near Palmyra this week.

Iranian forces continue to expand their military presence in parts of eastern Syria, a move, analysts say, that could spell disaster for US and Israeli efforts to “dislodge” Iran from Syria and limit is growing partnership with Russia.

Iran, a major backer of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government controls most of the eastern Syrian province of Deir el-Zour, particularly areas along the border with Iraq. With the help of thousands of foreign and local militiamen, Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has consolidated its hold over a large territory in Syria since the beginning of the country’s civil war in 2011. Iran’s bold move has humiliated Israeli efforts to check Iranian growing influence in Syria and control over the crucial Tehran-Beirut highway.



“…controls most of the eastern Syrian province of Deir el-Zour, particularly areas along the border with Iraq”.

Of course that is what they say is “changing the population demography” in geopolitics? Erdogan has somehow done that in at least one city in Idlib by smuggling in Ughurys.


It is quite apparent that Iranian forces are very capable and their extensive combat experience in the region has honed their military prowess. The accuracy of Russian munitions to muster a 152mm laser guided shell through a window is very impressive.

johnny rotten

The NATO terrorists will have nothing left but to dig deep holes and hide inside, but even the most lousy rats need to eat and will return to the light, only to meet their punishers for one last time, before leaving this world that made them so unhappy.

Kenny Jones ™

Time for dead US troops

Chloe Salpa

How’s that going to help? The sunk cost fallacy is chronic. Best to go after yellow PKK terrorist leadership. Kill the host and the virus goes away.

Kenny Jones ™

The “host” doesn’t have an air force, the “virus” has Besides, Kurds can come in handy as cannon fodder against Turks, why waste them?




———Quote of the Day———-

People are always teaching us democracy but the people who teach us democracy don’t want to learn it themselves.

– Vladimir Putin

Lone Ranger

Mossadisis sweating intensifies…

The Objective

I find this statement very funny: “Iranian-backed forces reportedly held a training course on the use of the Krasnopol system near the town of Sabikhan. Around 70 fighters attended the course.” As if it were some university studies. LOL. I hope those 70 trainees don’t get wiped out in a few airstrikes.


The UA has all the land routes into Syria from Iran blocked and IAF has been taking pot shots at the Iranians on a weekly basis for years now.

The Iranians are up against the regional high tech military superpower in Israel and the world military hyper power in the USA. Iran is under sanction and has a military budget of $17.4 B. The USA has a military budget of $720 and Israel has a budget of $20B …. that’s 42.5X the money Iran spends on their military.

WTF …. HOW is it possible that even though the iranians are cut off and and under the microscope of the most technologically advanced and most powerful military in history are the iranians not only surviving in Syria but still receiving advanced weapons and training?

Either the forever wars are a scam meant to bilk US taxpayers or the US and Israeli military leadership are the most inept in history.

Assad must stay

both ahhaaahahhahahaahhahaha


“”” The USA has all the land routes into Syria from Iran blocked and IAF has been taking pot shots at the Iranians on a weekly basis for years now.”””

US neither Israel have the ability of blocking Iranian movement of personnel and weaponry along the Teheran, Baghdad and Damascus axis.

“”” WTF …. HOW is it possible that even though the iranians are cut off and and under the microscope of the most technologically advanced and most powerful military in history are the iranians not only surviving in Syria but still receiving advanced weapons and training?”””

US is not currently the most advanced and powerful military, regionally or worldwide, their renown and wasted military budgets are PR BS.

Ashok Varma

Iran has very patiently and methodically built the axis of resistance and consolidated its strategic interests in the region. The strategic view from Tehran must be very satisfying.

The Objective

Many of their generals and soldiers have died so far. I think this is a good indication that Iran is really feeling the heat.

Emad Irani

you should hope for your 90 lost soldiers in al Bab

Ashok Varma

Quite a desperate Wahhabi madrassa troll eh. You teenagers need a more productive outlet than trolling farms. You in particular are a totally discredited and rejected deviant.

The Objective

Good news. More weapons for target practice.

chris chuba

Since the IAF should be renamed the ” ISIS Israeli Air Force” because they routinely attack the forces fighting ISIS.


I’m a bit surprised to see Iranian forces buy that directly from Moscow, even with the latter being a partner nation.

I recall back in 2013 that the Artesh (?) unveiled a supposedly homegrown equivalent, called the “Basir” guided artillery system. At the time a lot of observers claimed similarities with the Krasnopol, but Iranian officials insisted it was home-made, so go figure, maybe there’s been some level of ToT involved in that deal with at least some parts produced (and even made) in Iran, a bit like they seem to be doing with the Karrar tank which is a de-facto licence from the T-90 + a bit of reverse engineering and local customization. It wouldn’t be that far off since Iran is otherwise known to make its own guided ordnance and sensors when it comes to air-to-ground rockets and bombs, with litle reliance on the outside for key components.

Besides Iran usually never relies on net imports devoid of any know-how in any military deal, contrary to incapable client states such as obses Gulf pimpdoms that simply buy them to put them into storage for a day when their masters can rely on the stockpile once they finally have the guts to directly attack neighboring Iran using them as obedient launchpads.

chris chuba

The Iranians might be exaggerating their technology, I wouldn’t be shocked about that. But it could also be that they prefer to expose Russian equipment since there is a serious risk of capture in Syria / Iraq and they don’t want the U.S. / Israel to know what they actually do have.


Oh yes Chris,tjey certainly do,as all armed forces i. the world tend to do. Inflating actual capabilities no matter how real they are, is a staple of PR and psy warfare, especially true of a relatively younger newcomer to the field of homegrown military-i.dustrial capabilities like Iran,eager to make itself recognized as a true power to the “historical players”so to speak. Many in-depth publication have underlined similarities with Russian and Chinese tech and assets all along documented Iranian R&D and their resulting systems, namly in air-defense and ballistic missile areas,and the Iranians have made no real efforts to even hide it. It’s only been a few years that seemingly unique, all-Iranian weapon systems with no obvious connections to any existing designs have emerged in quantity,like the Sejil-2 or Ghadr for MRBMs or more and more advanced and diversisfied SRBM designs such as the Fateh-110 derivatives,not to mention the bi-static detection apparatus of the multiband Bavar-373 and its electronically-scanned arrays.

You are also right in what seems to be an obfuscation effort in such a volatile region. Iran itself having secured both US and Israeli ordnance and damaged / hijacked drones in the recent past,it’s only expected that they try to avoid falling victim to the very same scenarios themselves.


Must be for some serious events to use expensive precision-guided weapon systems like this, means also someone has to be close enough to point a laser at the holes..

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