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MARCH 2025

Iran Holds U.S. Accountable For Soleimani Assassination, Says Appropriate Measures Were Adopted

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Iran Holds U.S. Accountable For Soleimani Assassination, Says Appropriate Measures Were Adopted

Iranian weaponry and military equipment exhibition in Tehran on February 2, 2019. Image source: AFP

Iran’s Supreme National Security Council said on January 3 that the U.S. is responsible for the assassination of Quds Force commander Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani, revealing that it has adopted measures in response to the incident.

“The Supreme National Security Council in its extraordinary session held today adopted appropriate decisions with reviewing various aspects of this tragic incident and hereby, it announces that the United States will be responsible for all consequences of this criminal adventurism,” the council said in an official statement.

Maj. Gen. Soleimani was killed along with several Iranian and Iraqi commanders in the early hours of January 3 when U.S. aircraft struck their vehicles in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

In its statement, the Supreme National Security Council said that the attack was “the biggest U.S. strategic blunder in the West Asia region, and America will not easily escape its

Iran appointed Brig. Gen. Esmail Gha’ani as the new commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Quds Force in its first response to the U.S. attack. The measure echoes Iran’s high military readiness.

While it is almost certain that Iran will respond to the assassination of Maj. Gen. Soleimani, the nature of the response remains unclear. Tehran could opt to attack U.S. troops in Iraq, where the incident took place.

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Rhodium 10

US Embassy Green zone is an easy target for Iranian missiles….


Think the Iranian response will be a lot more sophisticated than taking out the green zone in Baghdad. The Harry S Truman strike force is sitting in the Gulf of Oman, probably where the strike was launched from. A 3,000 Ballistic missile strike would most probably leave most of that strike force on the sea bed. But what would be the consequences? Iran would probably also communicate to US that they are ready to launch 10,000 missiles at IsraHell if attacked. All we can do is wait and see. Could be the beginning of the end for all of us as Mad Yanki Fascist regime might launch nuclear attack. However, as the Saker noted a day or 2 ago the Deep State rulers of US might have something to say about that


10,000 missiles? lol. I wanna see just ONE missile shot from Iran over here, see what happens to Tehran and the mullahs next.

Hasbara Hunter

War is Comin’…..War is Comin’….Finally.. you asked for it Motherfuckers….WHOOP! WHOOP! Eradicate the AngloZioNazi Cancer

Azriel Herskowitz

Do these mullah worshiping, anti-western people actually believe what they say? It’s like they block out reality and think up these grand schemes for Iran to fight the US in their imagination. When in reality, no rational person thinks Iran could fight the US.

Hasbara Hunter

What are you still doin’ in here little Filthy Jacob Wohlski Women & Children terrorizing piece of Excrement? You are nothing Parasite…


Azriel Herskowitz

Jacob is an innocent man who is being attacked simply for supporting the POTUS and Israel.

Hasbara Hunter

Jacob is a Filthy fuckn Paedophile….just like all his ZioNazi Faggot friends….

Raptar Driver

You support obvious evil.

Rhodium 10

But Iran also need a war..because…many countries would be hurt for collateral damage…Petrol prices, Stock falling, economic crisis…then Iran will ask to lift sanctions!


Define fight – do you mean:

“The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.”

A-la Ghengis Khan? (yes, Maimonides said these people have no religion, but hey – you channel them most perfectly!)

Iran does not want to fight the US in this pre-Bronze Age practice. Iran wants to survive, and defeat its attackers. Survival, is all Iran wants. For a Jew, having suffered 1800 years of a lack of sovereignty, this impulse should be understandable.

Personally I feel the religion of Judah has reverted to a level that only Noah had the misfortune to encounter. That it fails to recognize that all of Israel is the breaking of the 8th commandment, and therefore… well, what is the punishment for breaking one of the Decalogue?!

Hasbara Hunter

I am Dutch…we will fight AngloZioNazi Motherfuckers boy….Start a War with Iran & you will notice how many frI ends you have got left…tell them Dutch ZioNazis to go on Aliyah….this is a promise not a threat…

Azriel Herskowitz

If you are Dutch then why are you a Nazi? Look what the Nazis did to the Netherlands in WW2.

Hasbara Hunter

My Grandparents Harbored Jews & Crashed pilots alike on their farm….this perhaps tells you on whose side I am….call it Resistance if you like….I’m with’m common folks who are Betrayed & Deceived..YOU PARASITES WANT WAR YOU WILL GET YOUR WAR….I WILL EXTERMINATE AS MUCH ENEMIES AS I POSSIBLY CAN….and I very well know who my Enemy is….ZioNazis & Dutch Banksters better start packin’…all these Filthy fuckn Elites are in Deep Shit…Hard & Legal Targets…Europe can go up in Flames…just like that….there is a lot of Tension inEurope Boy…One Spark can be Enough & the Truth is out there…don’t underestimate your problems boy

Daniele Rossi

who sold the weapons to nazi in ww2?

Jimmy Jim

ROTHSCHILD leeches ….

Daniele Rossi

russia n china can. They both support iran.


There are like 25000 US military in the region all of whom would never return either.. and that settler state would not exist any longer.. so keep your wet dreams..

Daniele Rossi

And next see what happens to your homeland, with russian n chinese missiles. Iran is allied with russian, u fool.


Russia nor China would go into a war vs Israel over Iran, so who’s the fool?

Jimmy Jim



I don’t think the U.S army need to risk its’ troops with any invasion to Iran. The thing is the mullahs care alot of their precious Tehran (but not about other states or proxies), so hitting them in their own capital would make them rethink or change their actions, they don’t wanna lose the power. Also, hitting Iran’s oil facilities would also hurt their economy even more, they know the U.S has the ability to do it.

Hasbara Hunter

The Oil-Production in Wahhabistan is switched off in one Big BOOM!! too…Fire some Test-Nukes from Dimona & see how far they will get

Nuno Cardoso da Silva

Sinking the Harry Truman carrier, if at all feasible, would be the proper answer. But I doubt it will come to that.

Rhodium 10

Not needed to sink air carrier….its better to smah US bases in Bahrein..a country with a large population of shias but rule by Suni Hedonist sheihks…

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Take out the heads of Bahrain, occupied Yemen, as well as KSA

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Make life miserable for Western powers subsequently


that would end up with the juice half full and leaking..


Killing one general is not the same as sinking an aircraft carrier, Iran’s counter needs to be proportional if they’re to avoid this spiraling out of control into full-blown war. Iran would be better served by blowing up a US convoy in Iraq or killing a US general.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Or causing some trouble for the US in Syria and also Iraq.


A lot of retired CIA and Military people think they will do just that. They will take out a high ranking US Military officer or politician. Watch out for Israeli false flags to be blamed on Iran.

Albert Pike

Iran needs have enough nuclear warheads first, otherwise 10000 missiles will be of no use…

Daniele Rossi

I add to the lottery… : Force a Stop to export OIL to the western world. Including OIL from Saudi etc. Which would be the consequences?


They wont attack big US bases. They will bluster,shoot some inaccurate artillery unguided rockets in their general direction and at a time and place of their choosing will go after US military officers and maybe other government people. The real danger is that Israel and the neocons will pull some kind of a massacre, 911 style in the US or maybe kill some high ranking people here and blame it on Iran.

Codenamed 'Gordon'

Or the Pompeo’s plane is shot down with a SA-18: it should not be difficult to organize such a retaliation. Pompeo often travels to istrahell, it’s on their payroll.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

yes, a big juicy target like that


Tehran is an easy target for psycopaths’ nukes. The resistance must tread carefully.


US Embassy Green zone https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_LBgofYCq5pY/TNh14UEazgI/AAAAAAAAABE/LmH4awVEtR0/s1600/green+bullseye.JPG

Jimmy Jim

Kill the filthy rat Kikes and save the planet…….


“Appropriate Measures Were Adopted” (see below) !!!!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/85520f43b665ca360795db05a22499e9b3ebf811e63118a6937980a636c455f1.gif “


yep that is exatly what the mothers in the unhinged states of A won’t ever accept. body bags galore with american youth. no way.

the friggin jews will have no where to dispatch the body bags of dead jews so they will be left rotting in some deep mass grave. what is srebenica compared to Gaza – nothing! the most evil person walking this otherwise fine place – netanyahu of course. his head should be looped off at should-height.

Azriel Herskowitz

So you found some Americans that were killed. Now try finding a picture that fits the thousands of dead IRGC members that were killed over the past couple of years alone.


Real soldiers die with dignity fighting terrorists and protecting their nation and people. Have not seen a single US soldier die other than to protect the banksters and nothing else and they always died badly.

Daniele Rossi

what a pity to be US soldier. The same as being Italian soldier. “Mission of Peace” they call it in italy. Just a bunch of lie from our politician.

Mehmet Aslanak

US ordered late for its citizens to leave Iraq, that means rebel generals didn’t consult the president to assassin an Iranian general in Iraq. Iran should ask interpol to arrest those boomer generals in Pentagon. Trump should not defend those rogue generals from the justice. Their irresponsible behaviour will cause havoc on US citizens everywhere around the world.


Not rogue generals Mehmet. Operation carried out because of limited time and target of opportunity. Order given from above and no time to inform anybody, maybe CIA and Mossad ops.


Kicking OUT of Iraq occupational US force would be best and most efficient and long lasting answer. That would also be the best tribute to the memory of Maj. Gen. Soleimani !


The United States of terrorism reeks of despair and it is that they are definitively out of Iraq, if not by the Iraqi parliament, then they will face the same fate as in 2007 by force and violonce, Iraqi resistance leaders that once took up arms has called upon the fighters to prepare for the fight against American terrorists… after Qasem Soleimani’s funeral on Sunday, Thing’s are only going to go up from there. from what’ve seen and heard, Hezbollah commanders and fighters were also mobilized and disappeared. IMO, it’s time to get rid of these Kikes once and for all. IRGC new commander said earlier: We tell everyone, be patient and see the corpses of Americans all over the Middle East. Here are the invincible US marines on the ground … bunch of cowards who pray over the weak; at least ISIS accepts the fact that they are going to die and does not cry about it. https://youtu.be/w1V3c0BWOnU


I certainly do hope so that ” they are definitively out of Iraq”. Since death of Qasem Soleimani by US terrorist act and act of war can’t pass without being answered. And because it has happened in Iraq, the Iraqi government have full responsibility now to react on US terrorism. And kick out US occupational troops. Also as long as US terrorists are in Iraq ISIS terrorists cells will have direct supporters.

” it’s time to get rid of these Kikes once and for all.” So you see new Hezbollah war with IsraHell starting soon?

” We tell everyone, be patient and see the corpses of Americans all over the Middle East.” So many people are waiting for that to happen. Somebody has to fight back against US aggression, destruction and occupation of Iraq and Syria. For their support of terrorism. Somebody has to revenge million of Muslim civilians killed in Middle East together with assassination of Qasem Soleimani and all others who died by US troops hand must be be revenged somehow.

Thanks for the video I saw it already long time ago but it is fun watching it again. To see how “Super Power” looks like in action…


Soon, yes. Inevitable, yes.

Free man

the Supreme National Security Council said in a statement : “These criminals will face severe vengeance… in the right place and time,” = We’re too scared to do anything significant anytime soon. So we make empty threats as usual.


I am sure buckley will ever say such things since he experienced it first hand and now knows better..


Yup, if there ever was any doubt about how sick Trump really is, and He did blow all that away, Iran havent won any war, yup, after Your Army, the IDFs, the ZATO, backed Iraq for 8 years, incl gassing of Iranians fighting against the devils spawn, you lost. You havent managed to win anything, apart from Granada and maybe Panama, and the hysteria in the idiot bin UssA have even morphed into fear of Iranians coming, ugh…. yeah, skalping the PC-infested freaks in NY, hell I will not even go there if you pay me, you have nothing, other than to many idiots, and thats it, and UssAs Trump is the only nation on this earth that managed to consider Nicaragua as an National security threat, yeah, big, big bad Nics, right Yankikes.

The UN, again, this attack happened on an person invited and cooperating with the Iraq army and thereby their Gov, and was murdered in broad daylight by an force whom have been ocupying and plundering, killed lord only knows how many hurndres of thousand, directly or indiirectly, thru crashing Iraq completely an nation whom had an standard maching even Europa, and despite the f…. obviousness in this crime, what did the UN manage to say, eh…. its likly, yeah, close to highly likly, never have the UN show the entire world that what they indeed are what we have claimed for years, an bunch of Yankike spitlikers, the lowest you can possibly come as an human begin, and thanks for that one, if anything good comes from this, its the facts that this murder shows for us all how rotten the UN is, the EU would just droool something and the Brits is showing their true faces and what did we tell you about MiniMe Bozo the shithead Turk, huh and GoreBin the lame. F….. scums. The rest is irrelevent to mention because they are just pathetic vassals, and in Norway they never stop lying, and attacks anyone whom isnt in their propaganda, yeah, lacks just to be named Anti-semit, right.

I just realised that Trump indeed is mentally deranged, the King of Jerusalem, huh, the American hero, and cant get even His stupid lies right and do also notise how eh…. suddenly everything from been an Russian asset to the Impissment saga just evaporated, completely, and now, Trump is the hero, and the Jews in charge is dileriously happy, and the MSM is even more extatic, and on top of it, if you stil didnt get this, the entire Impissement saga and the Russian acusations was just an TV show, and the organe monkey was on it, you can fool some ot the people some of the time, but now everybody.

I will from now on, boycot everything made in the UssA, never buy anything, because they dont even have something, just crap. May the lord have mercy upon this people, whom sacrifyed their life for fighting the great Satan. May the Americans rott in hell.



go for israel full scale – 80 million iranians v what 4 million slimebag coward jews – what’s not to like. israel is the source of all evil and it can threaten and threaten with nukes and hope the iron dome will save them, it won’t. they will be slaughtered like lambs and never to be heard from again. some hardship for iran, sure as a clucking bell, but they are really already under the moron’s hardship rules so what’s the difference. and what about the oil and what about the hormuz and the entrance from the red sea into the gulf of aden – anyone think trump would sacrifice the world economy in order to save the illegal settlement called israel – no way. thus full missile attack on tel aviv – nothing to lose for Iran. and no one, no one needs the jews, either in the illegal settlement called israel or anywhere else.

so iran – full tilt on israel and full tilt attack on the unhinged states of A’s carrier group presently in the persian gulf and let the saudi clown prince know that ras tanura is next if he farts in his sleep.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Lol you think all Americans and Europeans will fight for Israel??

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Good point.


nah trump won’t sacrifice world economy for israel and neither will europe. nato might consist of what 25 countries but there is only 3 that would turn up at muster, the us, uk and canada, australia is not certain unless someone is prepared to try the limits of the coomonwealth.

Hasbara Hunter


Daniele Rossi

… should not speak so easily words about bodybags.

Hasbara Hunter

I’m Dutch and I’m Entirely & Completely Done with the American Parasites…America conducts Genocides, Wars, Rape & Pillage since 1776….enough is enough…let this become their Last Stand….Bring in the American Cannonfodder… & some extra Bodybags….And may it become the Final Death of an Empire…simple is that…the World gets tired of them Yangeese-Parasites…wtf do these Psychopathic Retards think?

Daniele Rossi

I’m from Italy and i’m also Completely done with the American Parasites. Including these USA bases in Italy. I wish for them to leave Italy alone. Sadly our corrupted politician get bribed by USA. And every day on the main TV news i have to listen about a lot of USA bullshits-news. Full of Lies. Still i hope there will be a solution that demands the less possible sacrifices. Both in human life n nature.

Hasbara Hunter

I prefer to be a man of peace….Come as a friend and I will shake your hand….but America wants War….America will get their War…and Europe better stays out….

Daniele Rossi

Yes i hope for Europe to stays out of this too. Not sure britain will not join, but i hope not.

Hasbara Hunter

European Lapdogs got no business being up there…Let those Filthy Autocratic Traitors in Brussels decide to send troops…In that case Burn Brussels together with those ZioNazi-Puppeticians if they do….I don’t care…hang them Treacherous Trojan Horses…I see treason everywhere…no more jokes…We were all betrayed…

Wolfgang Wolf

just put a high bounty on every dead american. done.


Iraqi sovereignty was violated by US which has no legal authority in Iraq except to help fight ISIS. The generals who were killed were effectively involved in the fight against ISIS. Since the US has unilateraly undermined the effort to eradicate ISIS, and that the Iraqi PM, spiritual leader Sistani, and Sadr have all condemned the violation of Iraqi sovereignty, there will be intense political pressure to convene Iraqi parliament to demand withdrawal of US troops from Iraq. If this happens, the US will lose important Iraqi airbases and military presence there. This will be the price they pay for this imprudent action.

Daniele Rossi

i hope finally US goes back home. But i fear you make it too easy. They will not move out just because a bunch of politician from IRAQ demand them to do so.

Graham Steinberg

In 2014, BAGHDADI was caught out meeting Sen.JOHN McCAIN in Iraq. (They were photographed.) The Americans “two faced” ? No ! They have many more faces than two…….


*2013, in Syria https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8402df6668a58ab3048425764a649c04185e6a510ff47a7be8f3d43dc77a5cd2.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a0fea35bd7e9e3608cf985dd324e4b4e7ed3a788ceb2897bf3685ab1d4084468.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f47c5b5a5ed0fda4812e9a20b7778b631a50220804245df0ba9c9c0f4d99fa3e.jpg *2013 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8df61f94ed96720a546855d3744dcf5eb77d9300627719edcc2a27a1ce6e58c7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6827802b7c03cf0f795d9e035e8b98ee008d0f13d53838439a7f71a720c0a7a7.jpg


The best thing that could happen would be for the Iraqi government to expel the US from Iraq for it’s crimes. Which should also end the US occupation of eastern Syria. If that doesn’t happen, then it’s a serious problem. If the current Iraqi government capitulates to the Zionist agenda and doesn’t expell the US. Then it needs to be replaced with a government that will act in Iraq’s national interest. And send the US packing.


and if so expelled, do you think that the unhinged states of A would just up the sticks and go home – of course not. Iraq is too weak to order the more than stupid unhinged states of A to do anything so they will remain there as long as it pleases them! if germany told the unhinged states of A to leave, the latter wouldn’t do that, just laugh in merkel’s face and say ‘you’re funny’ – it’s just remnants of the ww2 occupation there and remnants of the iraqi war 2003 (ww1)


Yes, I think that the US would leave both Iraq and Germany if told to do so.


wishful thinking sorry to say. the us would go nowhere unless it wantedto.


Then it would find itself in a hostile occupation with the Iraqi government and assorted actors which led to it’s original withdrawal of 95% of it’s forces until the remaining 5% are gone.

But with most Americans very tired of the Jew forever war for Israel. I think that you’re the one who is mistaken, not me.

Daniele Rossi

“hostile”…it sounds like iraq would be all against USA. I believe corruption is there in Iraq too. It just won-t be that easy to spell the miracle words: GO BACK HOME. As for me, i really hope it happens. From Iraq to everywhere.

Raptar Driver

The Persians won’t do shit, they desire to be part of the Beast under their terms, that’s what this is about.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

keep dreaming pal, did u expect iran to down a global hawk drone? i bet not

Raptar Driver

My dream is that the Persians take out the total threat to their existence by eliminating the terrorist bases the U.S. Has surrounding them but that would take balls that they don’t have.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

they have the balls and the brains

Raptar Driver

Don’t see that so far. This General should have known better but didnt.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

he was not afraid of dying, he actually wished they would target him, a general of his caliber cannot be found in any other country anywhere

Raptar Driver

Not being afraid is noble, dying for no good reason is not.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

he did not for “no good reason”, he is now more famous than he was alive

Raptar Driver

And a great military mind is lost. For what, being famous? Better that he was still alive. This is a great loss.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

yes, i wont argue with you there, did you know he was going to reply to saudis’ letter of peace, and US found out and killed him? they didnt want peace. if US was trying to avoid war before, it is absolutely at war with iran now, as well as its allies, and the entire region

Raptar Driver

Yes, it was a trap. He should have known better than to believe in liars. May he rest in the peace he couldn’t find here.


well, truly hope Iran can get their act together and revenge the assassination of suleimani in a way that the US never will forget, like a sunk carrier in the hormuz strait stopping the 20mbd leaving the area and thus putting a spaniard in the works of the world economy. but most important is to finish off the illegal settlement in palestine once and for all. there shall be no home anywhere for the jews. they should just rot in hell.


This means the end of the current uprising in Iraq, and also means the US will be completely ejected from Iraq within the year.

Doom Sternz

Fullscale war will be avoided. Iran will use its political influence to unite Iraqi political forces to officially ask for the removal of US troops in Iraq. Kicking the US out of Iraq will mean that they can no longer occupy eastern Syria either as their troops will be in danger between two hostile states. If the Americans leave Syria and Iraq, that will be the ultimate revenge for Iran without having fired a single shot.

Iranian state television called Trump’s order to kill Soleimani “the biggest miscalculation by the U.S.” since World War II. The Iraqi Parliament is scheduled to debate a resolution demanding the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq.

Daniele Rossi

man, can u imagine? Arabs> ” Please US go back Home ! ” US> ” Sure as i would !

George Evans

sadly,,rather like the measles ..or fleas…the Americans are not easy to get rid of…which explains why they are still in Europe and Jap[an and Korea after all this time…the British were difficult to dislodge..the Romans hard to move..but the Americans ???

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

they need to do that and al-tanf needs to go


There are options if one wants to debate retaliations, but they are not violent per-see, but economically, and if there is something, Uncle Samuel dont like, its when it hurts their wallet.

First, nobody, at least I, dont see any reasons for an all out war, for the moment, not because of Iran and its people, take an long hard look at an map, morons, and what do you think happens when the insane UssA nukes the place/sess inside Iran, along the cost line to big citys, agricultural land will be radioactive, but hey acoding to Japanes scientists you only need to smile and radiation will not harm you, and this isnt an joke, the seas, the black sea region, the gulf of persia, radioactive, other nearby nations will suffer from downfall, and here is the real deal, you may drop an nuke on one place, but the firestorm or similare like citys burning, will infact make the fall out be worse in an longer distance from where the nuke actually detonated, winds, heat and water ways will spread it wider and wider, and neighboring regions as Saudi-barbaria to Oman etc, Afganistan, will have an empidemic of cancer etc due to nukes. And if Iran then retaliates, against lets say ISISrael wack Dimona etc, the situation will be really bad for the scums of this earth, along with the downfal from the attacks on Iran. And then in thhe longer run, nobody can stay there, not even the USArmy, because it will to dangerous. And I am not shure how far others willl alow the insane Yankikes before they have to do something.

Yeah, be carefull f…. with what you wish for since its like talking to f…. idiots. Its easy to sit there in the banana republic and drool, isnt it, far away, that, morons depends on whom is going to retaliate, Iran cant, but some others can, and they can infact level your largest citys to mere dungeons, and render regions inhabital, and why waist an army on going into the shithole when the insane Yankikes will kill eatch others much more effective than any one else could. Do you idiots understand, what bugs me, is that the bonkers Yankikes thinks nukes is cool, and is willing to use them, and never forget this, nukes isnt just an local problem, nukes will always escalate to be an regional/global problem, etc to weather changes because of shit and shinola.

The second issue again is retaliations, and remeber, they started this, they attacked you, they lied, faked and killed their way into your land, they have killed more humans than anyone else in history, for milleniums, and why on earth should we treat them with what, respect, again non violent, the only thing I can think off, is to burn everything they have in your land to the ground, every ambasy, every consulat, every bank, every corpoRat house, every store, every school, infact, burn everything American to the ground, and let them walk home. Trail of tears 2.0 so the insanely evil Yankikes can expirience something they have done to others, yeah, and let them freeze, lett them starv, lett them die off in the gutters and road sides, and dont lift an finger, just tell em, this is yours, this is what Trump wanted and the jews started, this, is payback. I know, one thing, if this would happen, the world would change, period.

But then we have the traitores, the enemys inside, the 5 colums whom sould out your land and resouces, and never think the UssA will leave when they have your Gov by the balls and their hands on everything of value in your land, from oil to minerals, you will never ever get them back to benefit your nationa and its people, unless you throw them out. You may not like what I say, but the future looks even darker, if you dont do anything, when your children and their children will be born into an nation of bare slaves, tenant farmers in your ansentral homeland, and will never learn what it is to be free, generations to come, and the time is closing in, and can you look at any mirror reflection and stand the face that stears back, knowing you filed because of been corrupted or coward, better be alive qujone than a dead hero. What we do now,, desides the future of us all, and we need to do something or something will be done to us. May the lord have mercy upon this that did that, and tought the lost it in vain, but I know those that didnt do anything, will burn in hell.

Wake up and fight. Burn them down and chase them out. And tell the Brits and French, you are next if you dont follow our rules. Russia is an ISISrael bitch, never forget that, and I would not trust them at all, as long you have something to offer, yeah, but when the shit hits the fan, never.


J Roderet

Washington can either leave Iraq peacefully or it will very soon find itself stuck in another bloody and costly quagmire inside the country. Iran will now be more than happy to provide the Iraqi resistance forces all the weapons they need to win the war.


What I would do is lay a few mines in the Strait and start throwing suspicion at the israelis and if it happens to sink a US, Saudi, UAE or Bahrain vessel then the groundwork has been laid down and the israelis will have to try and worm their way out of the accusations and based on past history regarding their violations it will be hard to do. Roadside bombs targeting US and coalition and civilian contractors would also be a good start but I would take my time about the main attack and let the US and coalition waste their funds and manpower and strike when it is least expected and destroy the US bases in the ME.


No war is coming… Iran won’t do anything! It has raised its voice a little bit only to save honor, but they know that an american fart is enough to destroy Iran and its limited military capacity. Deal with it, I’m sorry…

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

keep telling urself that


Hey, I’m not happy for this US terrorist attack… but if you think that Iran can represent a problem for the coalition US/Saudi Arabia/Israel you need a psychologist. They haven’t still wiped out Iran only for political reason… they need a reasonable pretext.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

lol yea right, russia and china will not let those band of thugs take out iran, you can bet your dirty ass on that


Actually, Russia and China have been very moderate in commenting this attack. I think they wouldn’t move a finger in case Iran was attacked. Note that Iran is completely surrounded by Us bases. If Russia and China wanted help Iran, they would be involved in a direct confrontation…

In Korea, Vietnam, Syria and so on, China and Russia avoided any direct confrontation with US. And now do you think they would intervene in defence of Iran? You are dreaming…

Listen to me… they (US, Russia, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia) would simply be sit at the same table, trying to understand how to make profit from this war.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

iran will always be victorious, it has God as its mightiest defender

Brother Thomas

That Israel and the neocons would love to draw Iran into a regional war is no secret. However, whenever threatened or attacked, Iran has always responded by growing stronger. It should use this incident to make itself stronger still, and respond in its own time.

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