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MARCH 2025

Iran Increases Uranium Enrichment, Israel Says Its Updating Its Strike Plans

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Iran Increases Uranium Enrichment, Israel Says Its Updating Its Strike Plans

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The Israeli military is updating plans to strike Iranian nuclear sites and is prepared to act independently, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said in an interview with Fox News.

Israel has identified numerous targets inside Iran that would hurt its ability to develop a nuclear bomb.

“If the world stops them before, it’s very much good. But if not, we must stand independently and we must defend ourselves by ourselves,” Gantz said.

Gantz said the Iranian-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah has hundreds of thousands of rockets. A classified map of targets shared with Fox News shows many of the rockets among civilian areas along the Israeli border.

“This is a target map. Each one of them has been checked legally, operationally, intelligence-wise and we are ready to fight,” Gantz added.

The Biden administration has signaled a willingness to return to the Iran nuclear deal, Israeli officials from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Gantz believe the issue of Iranian proxies must be addressed in any future agreement.

“The American policy should be American policy, and Israeli policy should stay Israeli policy,” Gantz said.

Meanwhile, Iran is using new machines to enrich uranium at the Natanz facility, Reuters reported.

Iran has started enriching uranium with a third set of advanced IR-2m centrifuges at its underground plant at Natanz, the International Atomic Energy Agency reportedly told its member states.

The move is part of a recent acceleration by Iran of its violations of restrictions under that deal, which granted Iran relief from financial sanctions in return for curbs to its nuclear activities.

The Iran Nuclear Deal allows Iran to enrich uranium only with first-generation IR-1 centrifuges at the underground, commercial scale Fuel Enrichment Plant (FEP) at Natanz.

In November Iran started enriching there with a first set of IR-2m machines, which are far more efficient, and has since been adding to it.

“On 7 March 2021, the Agency verified at FEP that: Iran had begun feeding natural UF6 into the third cascade of 174 IR-2m centrifuges,” the International Atomic Energy Agency said in a report obtained by Reuters, referring to uranium hexafluoride, the form in which uranium is fed into centrifuges to purify it.

“The fourth cascade of 174 IR-2m centrifuges was installed but had yet to be fed with natural UF6; installation of a fifth cascade of IR-2m centrifuges was ongoing; and installation of a sixth cascade of IR-2m centrifuges had yet to begin,” it added.

In addition to its IR-1 machines, Iran is now using 522 IR-2m centrifuges to enrich uranium to up to 5% fissile purity at the FEP, the IAEA added. That is more than the 3.67% purity allowed under the deal but less than the 20% it is enriching to at another facility, Fordow. Uranium enriched to 90% purity can be used to make an atomic weapon.


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Albert Pike

Well Dimona is most certainly also in range of Iranian rockets. Two can play that game, and if the pressure from the Persian people is strong enough, then even the Zion bribed Hojjatieh leadership of the mullah regime will do, what there needs to be done then…

Jens Holm

Most of Dimona is dep below. You probatly only can cut their grass and trees.

Albert Pike

I am not so sure, about your ‘deep below’. I have see howitzer manufacturing lines deep, deep below – but the nuclear facilities which I have seen, where not even below -never mind ‘deep below’ – they were for what ever reasons on top…

Blue In Green

Iran isn’t going to back down from this one, so to all those here interested in how this’ll play out. Keep watching, as it will be getting increasingly interesting as the subsequent months of 2021 roll on.

Can’t say I’m too worried about what Israel is “threatening”: remember, Israel was also hollering out a chorus of threats back when Obama’s administration and the P5+1 signed and implemented the JCPOA in 2015, and to absolutely nobody’s surprise, Israel didn’t do anything (lots of bluster, little substance). Lots and lots of threats, sabotage and assassinations yet the Iranians have only expanded, strengthened and moved on (tangible benefits of the martyrdom ideology).

As always, the year is 2021 and Iran has ‘options’ available to it for reciprocal action should the Zionist-enclave launch an ill-fated attack.

Zionism = EVIL

I normally don’t write meaningless redundant sensationalist comments, but for the millionth time, THERE IS NO POWER ON EARTH THAT CAN ATTACK IRAN. The ZionistCUNTS are done. Iran has over a dozen nuclear warheads and you can take it for what its worth, even the dumbarse Americunt losers are not that stupid to f uck with Iran.

Jens Holm

Those two point of views are not connected even added USA.

Great Khan

hahahaha Zionist rat mishkin just katoosh katoosh like little khanees girl,,,,,shitin big diaper,,,,,,mamtu kishmish,,,,hahahhaa IRAN BROTHER STRONK!


Good Mongol.


the quickest road to end the jews continuous threats is for Iran to do a bit of shopping in North Korea, the real stuff, the finished missile attachable nuke with which to threat the jews back, over and over again. the jews are doomed (sooner or later) and they can’t do anything about Iran which is well prepared and a large country with a large population ready to defend against the jews and the jew’s nukes (would they be so stupid to employ them) can only make small and insignificant obstructions while at the same time enrage the entire world. so the jews are more or less neutered waiting for the end of the jewish world in the illegally occupied palestine.

Jens Holm

Its so funny and pathetic to read something like this. Here the very small new one actually so far is the winner. And You dont look at the very good reasons for it. You are in totally denial.

It seemes You have no idea about what most of the world feel about it.

johnny rotten

Is there anyone in the West who asks Isisrahell to account for his atomic bombs? no because they are all in the service of the Zionist bankers.

Jens Holm

Thats highly incorrect. By USA the Israel nukes are promised to have been taken apart but most likely can be in service relative fast.

But as for Iran, we dont know.


After reading the whole IAEA 20 page report twice, you realize how many experiments and tests Iran has conducted to master all elements of building the nuclear device itself . I have a Physics background and once a nation has developed high quality Type 304 steel maraging, and has mastered Exploding Bridge Wire (EBW), they simulated and then tested a device without Uranium Metal ..used Tungsten instead of Uranium , they simulated the implosion as the report details,the Iranians have conducted so many individual experiments and these experiments are the ones IAEA knows about ..many other tests they do not know….and these carried out beyond 2003.It is quite evident that the Iranians with their high speed P8 centrifuges are enriching U-238 to their hearts delight and have passed the nuclear threshold a decade ago. Israel needs to be careful, not to boast idiocy as it does not have the capability to stop the Iranian nuclear program which is far too advanced and the IAEA is carefully releasing information to prepare the world for a new member to the exclusive nuclear club. The Persians have arrived.

Blue In Green

I’m in contact (or have been in contact over the years) with some ‘people’ about Iran’s latent nuclear capabilities have come to the personal conclusion that Iran does indeed have active (low warhead count) nuclear weapons ability.

Do you also concur or would you suggest that Iran’s nuclear breakout period is just very, very small?


I have followed both India and Pakistan’s nuclear program and have taught graduate students, the Iranians compared to the South Asians in 80’s have the most sophisticated nuclear program with a very modern infrastructure and very diverse. Nuclear technology is over 70 years old from the heavy water reactors to modern enrichment centrifuges. Iran has some of the best western trained nuclear scientists like Dr. Salehi and also thousands of locally trained and Russian trained scientists, so the question is sort of moot.

Blue In Green

Done and done then lol, Iran is (logically) a nuclear weapons equipped state.

But I won’t hold it against someone for thinking otherwise given all the back-and-forth rhetoric Iran espouses about said WMDs in the first-place. Becomes a little confusing after a while.


As a Scientist, it is the knowledge and command of technology that counts. I lived in Iran when the auto industry produced Hillman Hunter as the Paykan. Today, in mere 40 years despite the worst sanctions Iran has the largest auto manufacturing sector in the Middle East. So once a nation masters technology, assembling products is like working with a Meccano set.

Blue In Green

My personal degree isn’t in the traditional STEM fields but in Psychology/Social Work/and other areas of Science, so I can’t exactly give an informed perspective where Nuclear Physics and the all appropriate intricacies which lie therein. Never was cut-out for math lol.

Thank you though for the insight!

Jens Holm

Indications is perfect, if there is nothing else.

Clarence Spangle



you are being ignored now because you are a hypocrite. That’s all……you got that?

jack duras

love it and is true

Lazy Gamer

I think they probably have a few but they will need tests. Not unless, the Nokor test was also the Iran test? lol

Blue In Green

I don’t think it’s necessarily a few but enough to level the playing field (as it were) with Iran’s principled rivals in the region, that being the United States foreign presence and the Zionist-Enclave of Israel.

Clearly they have all the data needed and have tested their own Nuclear Warhead designs long-ago and produced however much they needed and, essentially, been playing pseudo-kabuki theatre with the West in order to garner concessions.

Lazy Gamer

Ayatollah will have to find a way to justify the weapons he was previously denying. lol

Blue In Green

Eh, over the years you get used to not worrying too much about what sort of rhetoric comes out of whomever’s mouth.

You tend to focus on what is real and where the data is pointing too. As Condor adequately elucidated to earlier in an aforementioned post in this thread. Iran’s nuclear apparatus is neither small nor rudimentary. And they’ve done a very good job of testing all the different components of a bomb throughout the years in ‘stages’ in order to assemble or quickly assemble how ever many is needed in a truly short time period. One that Israel cannot do anything about , and one that America is severely reluctant TO do anything about.

Just Me

In Islam under existential threats, all means of self-defence are justified. Ayatollah Khamenei alluded to it last month.

Jens Holm

Yes anybody in Islam can make fatwas. So its about support for it.

Porc Halal

In islam, everything is justified … killing non-believers, enslaving non-believers, rape, etc, etc. The list of “justifications” is too long …


No its not. You must be thinking of that shitty squattealong the Mediterranean or that terrorist nation in the middle brushed by the Atlantic-and Pacific Oceans.

Porc Halal

yes, it is … it is the islamic writings, the quran, the reality on the ground, historical accounts, islamic scholars, etc., that prove this …

Just Me



he won’t be around when the fatwa will be reversed…..wake up!

Ashok Varma

Iran has started enriching uranium with a third cascade of advanced IR-2m centrifuges at its underground plant at Natanz, the UN nuclear watchdog told its member states on Monday, further accelerating Iran’s breakout time. The IAEA further reported that the fourth cascade of 174 IR-2m centrifuges was installed but not yet fed with uranium (Natural UF6), that installation of the fifth was ongoing and the sixth yet to begin.

Blue In Green

Israel and the United States only have themselves to blame for forcing the Iranians to push the more sensitive parts of their nuclear apparatus into safer, way-less accessible areas such as underground facilities and the like. Iran will only expand on this sort of nuclear enrichment set-up and will continue to iron-out the holes within its security regime that allowed for the Natanz sabotage to happen in the first place.

Too big, too strong, too difficult to change: that is what Iran represents to Israel and a reluctant America.

Sad thing is, the JCPOA was a working international diplomatic accord that could have been the basis for eventual normalization between Iran and the “rest of the world” (lol). But the Israelis and their small-handed lapdog Trump, ruined everything all in the name of greater Zion (what a joke). Biden is unfortunately not looking all that better as he woefully wants to play big-boy poker with an Iran well-poised in a stronger position than America is. I guess that ~3 billion dollars worth of Iranian assets that was unfrozen in Oman, South Korea and Iraq was a means of breaking the ice but we’ll have to see when and where Biden’s administration is going to act retarded and ruin things even more. We know Biden cannot ill-afford to make America come off as ‘weak’ (although it is), but he runs the risk of further exacerbating the problem and pushing the Iranians firmly into China’s camp (something the United States ultimately doesn’t want) if him and his team miscalculate.

I think we’re in for an interesting rest of the year.

Ashok Varma

The Zionist lobby and deep state in the US do not want peace. They are scared of China, but will keep on provoking Russia and Iran. Blinken is openly boasting of launching cyber attacks on Russia, it is quite humiliating for a once powerful superpower to be treated like that.

Proud Hindu

Mooh band rakh apna bhadve nabi ki najaiz aulaad

Clarence Spangle



your conclusion is wrong and what if iran does research on nuclear weapon technology for the sake of researching it


the issue is that irans weaponizing and actually using such technologies is absurd and that shows how you dont understand how iran actually poses a threat to america and when i say you that there are atleast 1 million in number militia inside of america which can cause huge damage on america and cells all over the world than you might understand that irans threat to others is much more direct


we are right behind our enemies and they know it which is why they are so scared of iran because its hybrid warfare they cant beat and starting a war will mean washington dc looking worse than mosul did


nuclear weapons used inside the atmosphere are unislamic for sure but the rules are not counting on the orbital detonated ones


the use of weapons of mass destruction in space is actually limitless in islamic rules aslong as it hits enemies and not innocent so iran has to have the capability to be able to produce warheads that is simply logical to do and also american and more generally global norms of space warfare dont apply to iran


Frankly, the dumbass Americans are pushing Iran into electing a more hardline IRGC backed government.

Iran’s Hardline Generals Line up to Replace Hassan Rouhani as President

Prominent members of Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps are lining up for this summer’s presidential election, which marks the end of so-called moderate ineffective President Hassan Rouhani’s term and likely a pivot to a more combative and inflexible regime in Tehran.

Several battle tested IRGC figures are hoping to capitalize on a conservative wave, buoyed by the failure of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action nuclear deal, former President Donald Trump’s failed punitive “maximum pressure” campaign on Tehran, and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s desire to secure the future of the Iranian theocracy. Impotent American sanctions and relentless efforts to diplomatic isolation have been an epic failure Iran’s economy endured, which has even advanced to stay afloat amid the chaos unleashed by the coronavirus pandemic globally. Iran with Russian assistance quickly overcame the pandemic.

There remains strong grassroots support the theocratic regime in Tehran which has endured and now totally secure, but within the hybrid setting of Iran’s managed democracy, the conservatives—including the influential ideologues within the IRGC—are in the ascendancy.

U.S. duplicity and belligerence has empowered the hardliners who always warned against the deal. For them, Trump’s term was all the proof needed that Americans cannot be trusted to respect any deal, regardless of what party they represent.

Among the expected candidates is one of the IRGC’s youngest generals, Saeed Mohammad aged in his forties, who until his resignation this week, was the commander of the IRGC’s Khatam al-Anbiya engineering body.

The young popular general would fit the “young and ideologically hardline” criteria set out by Khamenei, and his rise to the top of the powerful Khatamal-Anbiya shows he is trusted by the ayatollah and has impeccable combat and professional credentials. General Mohammad hold a PhD in Civil Engineering. Other major contenders are Hossein Dehghan, the former IRGC air force commander and Defence Minister.

Jens Holm

Sure. Israel and others are aware of this and are carefull.

Just Me

Wow, very informative.

jack duras

according to the Albert Pike and others, the WW3 will massively increase,when IsraHell attack Iran

Just Me

Nothing but Zionist A$$holes barking, while the caravan moves on.

Ashok Varma

Zionists are impotent and used to dealing with weak disunited Arabs, they are spitting the dummy dealing with Iran. They have become a global laughing stock with daily threats.

Hasbara Hunter


https://youtu.be/BRSanJlkYLo https://youtu.be/67ZpTU9ATXg https://youtu.be/A83mKD1QM_o https://youtu.be/RkIsJ44O7Wo https://youtu.be/fOSdSCWb4w8

Jens Holm

I hope they foire them from Teheran airport:) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/06bc179ea60b32f9fd762d8dd2811e6c3f53f84db8847c176cccca214b55f0c6.jpg

Im in the protection business. Sales would be better for me if You say soon. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b8f320e2d0ac2bfe0e393d5e744961452f205b7ef50ab14a1745324a196e8a90.jpg

Ashok Varma

Israel is little brat that wants the US to commit suicide. These Zionists are hideous creatures and absolute liars.

Ashok Varma

Benny Gantz is a protege of Baghdad Bob and has become a joke threatening Iran for decades. Either act or shut up.

Arch Bungle

The were stopped at Lebanon, Bint Jbeil.

Nay, they could not even pass Gaza …

Ashok Varma

Israel is a Hollywood creation and a B grade myth. Their stolen design weapons are not that good, all the SPICE ordinance sold to India failed. The IDF excels in killing unarmed women and children though.


Shia apologist … bs


anyone surprised that anti-semitism is a growth occurence in todays society, given the way the jews in palestine are treating the palestinians, the way the jews ignore rules in force for hundreds of years on how the intercourse between human beings should be, the way the jews steal other people’s properties, the way the jews operate concentration camp Gaza and the way the jews carry out the ethnic cleansing of palestinian program, the way the jews with apparent impunity shoots to kill kids throwing stones and so on ad infinitum. anti-semitic sentiments is a corollary of the jews’ actions over the last 100 years.

in fact given the jews criminal actions over the last 100 years, they need to be put on a red list and then be brought on to the list of extinct species – like the dodo-bird. what a larf.


Repetitious bs …

80 years ago Jews were hunted down in Europe

• WITHOUT a single settlement • WITHOUT a soldier firing at ‘kids’ • WITHOUT a Gaza ‘concentration camp’ • WITHOUT stealing any property • WITHOUT ‘ignoring the rules in force for hundreds of years’

YOU’RE the scum that exists eternally … the anti-Judaism HATER … eh?

TODAY … the Jewish State is sovereign and can take care of itself … those seeking to harm Jews are learning … no ‘other cheek’ being offered … ONLY an Iron Fist … eh?

The Jews/Zionists/Israelis aren’t going down … they’ll take Iran or any others down FIRST without blinking an eye … COUNT ON IT … ladies


Porc Halal

Well, it is interesting to see where this new thread is going…However, i think israel is bluffing


yes, true bud……but, Iran has to adjust to the new realities. The west has threatened Iran with tactical nukes (dial a low yield) type…….so on Irans part this is an emergency.

Porc Halal

Others will not stay and just look at what will happen …

Porc Halal

Ps. ..

So it is complicated even for the “mighty” army of NATO and israel together


others don’t even count bud…….What can be said? Iran will do what’s required, and on that it’s ahead of schedule. From now on, its just goin be strategic ambiguity. Both Russia/ China strongly back Tehran on this……just like the DPRK.

Porc Halal

By others I meant not the allies of NATO and israel … I meant China, India, Russia … do you feel me?


yes, I do…….the issue now is if somebody arms the camel jockey in Riyadh or the oglu goplu toglu in Istanbul with nukes…….then we’d know it will be 100% with the blessing and consent of the West.

Porc Halal

Yes, it will be interesting to see


you know 100% that if guppu mongol turk or bastard camel jockey suddenly reveal nuke capability, who it is who will do it? and the buck passed on no?…….lol. We all know bro.

Porc Halal

But I do not think US is going to move any time soon nuke capabilities in turdistan …


I think guppu and turdistan are a couple of in debt slaves. They are both in da hole more than their entire GDP’s in debt to the IMF no?……lol…..We know doc…..we all know!……the west can end those two junkies in a heartbeat…….create a storm of civil wars overnight if need be. They are a joke, and my point being they are more useful intact then turnin the into Libya or Afghanistan. Watch what Iran does then…..

Porc Halal

Yes, that’s right … regarding the possibility of moving nuclear weapons that were previously withdrawn back to turdistan, I think the US will not do that at least not until the islamist-fascist regime of the dog erdoggy dog is removed from power together with him. ..


but I don’t think these oglu toglu are islamist. At their core they are very liberal. Alcohol/ drugs flow freely in Turkey. Totally westernized no?…..They are a low income tourist haven for poorer westerners. Take a trip to Istanbul, you’ll totally see it.


I spent 6 weeks touring Turkey …

the countryside is rural primitive … they wear suits in the city? So what …


At the end of the day they owe more to the Euro central bank and the IMF than their GDP put together no…..lol…….Not a threat brah……A westernized secular society. Not ideologically driven at all. They just get told.


Erdogan is an Islamist … he’s ideologically driven … his mandate is expansionary … the economy is hampering him … just like Iran’s economy … any sanction on Turkey will bury it


Doc……you gotta come on out as a stand alone entity, on a single Zartosht ID……come on now, stand up for your rights. Over here its only me, you, Farbat, Blue in Green and Garga. Nobody else here can claim Persian heritage. Get real.


WTF are you talking about?

I’m Canadian … eh?

No Farsi in my blood … full stop

Blue in Green is a ‘superior’ in his own mind a Persian supremacist joke …

Far at is a Persian loon

Garga is an Islamist Police State slug

You’re a follower …


lol……sure doc…..whatever you say……eh?……lol


China / India / Russia ain’t coming to Iran’s Defence … lol

They’re alone …

Porc Halal

Well, they may or they may not … but that’s what US and israel don’t know, right? … no one likes uncertainties before taking a crucial step


Not logical …

When have Russia / India / China come to the rescue of another country under attack by the West?

Porc Halal

Picking russia, syria is the best example I can give you …


Russia got something from Syria … a new airbase and a Mediterranean port

China … saved North Korea in the Korean War for communism

So what?

They’re not going to war for Iran …

Porc Halal

You asked me to give you examples so I gave you…you think iran does nothing to give in return? …come on , you are a jew … you disappoint me


You ya goy … you don’t disappoint me … eh?

Russia bit off a piece of Iran … 100-ish years ago … hello?

What does Iran have to give? Oil?


The moment the IAEA is told to get out … the fireworks will start … hello?

Yossi knows …


man stop joking with me……lol…..come on man……lol. IAEA is staying put. Nobody is leaving.


Bluffing? lol

The Israelis aren’t bluffing they can’t live with a Jihadi/Islamist Mullah Police State Nuke … it’s an existential threat

Porc Halal

Yes ?! And who is responsible for creating this situation? … and not only this in particular, but globally ?? … the jews are just a bunch of supremacists who are believed to be a kind of superior race (just like the nazis) and whom their false god (i.e. satan) has “appointed” them to rule over other nations and races (same like in the case of muslims, the two religions are so similar!) … they, the jews, have created a whole false narrative of victimization and a constant need to punish others as their so-called oppressors (especialy the white christians) …



You said: ‘a superior race’ / ‘fake god i.e. satan) … to rule over other nations’ / ‘the jews have created a false narrative’

Wow … YOU’RE a christian with a ‘hate on’ for both Jews and Muslims … eh?

What a f/kn loser … your christianity is dying out .. the Western EU is post-christian only the moribund East Europe is still clinging to the christian myths … lol

YOU among them … eh porc?

Porc Halal

since when is telling the truth equal to hatred ?! … I tell you, you jews, live in your own bubble of “victimization” created by yourself to best serve your interests … in terms of Christianity in the area where I am, It is more present than ever among the people, especially due to the oppressions coming from the liberal oligarchy trained by their jewish masters …


“I tell you” … lol

YOU tell me what YOU have inside YOU … hate towards ‘Jews’

You’re a goy … born a christian but YOUR worldview depicts Jews as ‘masters’ … a real nazi POV … a ‘protocols of the elders of Zion’ POV … pmsl

A f/kn anti-Judaism / anti-Zionism HATER … irredeemable

Porc Halal

Yeah, but they can sponsor a sunni islamic state instead, ofcourse without nuke capabilities and fully controlled, right? … at least they had been tried it in the recent past… no one can argue with that

Porc Halal

Yes, but they can sponsor a sunni islamic state, of course, without nuclear capabilities and completely controlled, right? … at least they’ve tried in the recent past … no one can argue with that


You said: ‘sponsor a sunni islamic state’ …

Which one exactly?


“The American policy should be American policy, and Israeli policy should stay Israeli policy,” Gantz said.

Yeah right. It’s all Israeli policy.

Lazy Gamer

But then America might have no hesitation throwing Israel under the bus. lol


Then Iran should have even more to fear … eh?


Are you also a gargoyle?


Shouldn’t you be sucking everyone off at Haaretz?


That lefty rag is your ‘go to’ ?


Proud Hindu

Islam will collapse and along with it Muslim civilisation will get wiped out 🤩


Brain poisoned by drinking too much cow piss?


Persky: why are you hiding behind an Indian identity?


I was not kidding about it, Israel will act on its own if needed. The mullahs will not get a nuke.



Bibi has said so … I believe his words aren’t ‘empty rhetoric’ … eh?


Not really tzatz, he has been saying the same stuff for years and has done no pre-emptive strikes against Iran. Gantz however is more serious, and he will do it when the time is right.


You don’t like Bibi … so that’s your issue … he can be trusted to do the right thing for the Jewish People … the Mossad will know and the decision made in the security cabinet …

No nuke for Iran … that’s imperative

Stay Safe … heck I haven’t even had 1 shot yet … lol


Why is the white Jew not back home where he belongs? https://i.imgur.com/9H3fcz9.png=w=300


these jews have an obsession that says iran should have no nukes but iran will wipe them out without having to use nukes so their obsession is simply pathetic they are obsessed to the idea that iran is as disgusting as they but what these jews are is beneath all of humanity and filled with misconceptions which cant be called anything but delusional


we will burn them good and after it they can do nothing but jump into the sea and swim as far as they can


these creatures believe that iran is their mortal enemy and that iran has nothing to do other than concentrate on these ants but they are wrong they are just a broken tool and iran will throw that useless mess they are into the sea and concentrate on the real issues which again the jews are way to much beneath iran to take themselves that serious


these creatures are utterly fake and their fear is a symbol of their falsehood they are filled with fear and one just has to take notice on how they freak out all of the time fearfully blaming the world of all kind of betrayals against them when the entire existence of the zionist usurper entity is betrayal against all of humanity and every day these zionists get to be living is a day they better not be wasting because we wont allow them to have much more days left




Why did the white Jew call himself “Israel”? He is not related to the Israelites, is he? His DNA confirms = 0% Middle Eastern. That means 100% alien to the Arab region, right?

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

The civilized West will win all wars because the wars will be in the Middle East where they still believe in gods and other supernatural beings. Muhammad is so ugly that one is not allowed to show his face in pictures or drawings. When Islamists try to govern themselves, it only results in poverty and misery. This is where civilized powers from the civilized world come in to correct the madness.

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