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MARCH 2025

Iran Investigating Possible Sabotage of Its Radar System That Led to Downing of Ukrainian Boeing: Report

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Iran Investigating Possible Sabotage of Its Radar System That Led to Downing of Ukrainian Boeing: Report

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Iran is probing into a possible disruption of the country’s radar network, which the US could have allegedly carried out, General Ali Abdollahi, the deputy commander of the Armed Forces General Headquarters for coordination affairs said.

“The U.S. mischiefs in the region have been proven before, and so far Iran’s cyber systems have observed and recorded virtual objects manufactured by the U.S. in the country’s airspace,” the General said.

“Disruption in performance of radar systems by the United States is not unprecedented,” the military official added.

He said that a team had been established to investigate such a possibility.

Abdollahi said there had been a report about a U.S. cruise missile attack in the wake of Iran’s missile launches. He said the operator who fired missile at the plane had difficulty in receiving the message of the command center.

There was a widespread criticism for the late announcement that the plane had been downed unintentionally by Iran.

“The commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Aerospace Force was on a mission in the west of the country and after an hour, he was informed (about it) and reported this to his superior,” he said. “(Anyone at) every level who reports (something) should make sure about (the accuracy of) the report,” he said, adding, “Naturally, the initial examination takes time.”

In addition, Radio Farda, which is a US-government funded outlet, reported that another high-ranking Iranian official suggested that “enemy sabotage” could be the cause of the downing of Ukrainian Airlines flight 752.

The outlet suggested that “the hardliner Chairman of the Guardian Council” Ahmad Jannati suggested that “enemy sabotage” is being investigated by authorities. It should also be mentioned that Ahmad Jannati is 92 years old, and the original source of the report is Radio Farda itself, and its unmentioned sources.

A new video of the crash was released, showing that two missiles had been allegedly launched, 30 seconds apart, and struck the plane, which remained in the air for a bit, prior to an explosion that led to it crashing.

The version of possible US sabotage is not completely implausible, as it has already been speculated that such a narrative could have been what actually happened.

A thorough investigation is sure to reveal more information, as any versions currently fall in the scope of speculation. Currently, the official version is that a “human error” caused the passenger plane to be downed, and there are on-going investigations that are certain to provide more details and insight.


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so we’re still on the mossad track, the ever evil hymie posing as an iranian infiltrating the various military units with sabotage foremost on the mind – very likely and precisely why the hymies can’t be allowed to continue its existence in the middle east. they should either be rapidly kicked all the way to kingdom come or be evicted for, say, the disunited states of A, which most likely is the only country that would welcome the hymies at all, at least washington dc would, bought and paid for that they are, while the rest have no say in the matter.

Free man

As one reads your posts one understands why the mullahs regime is so backward. You guys never deal with reality. You always look for someone else to blame.

Syed Javed Rizvi

No I am asking you if you are prooving that Iran intentionally downed a passenger Jet. You must also elaborate the possible reasons.Why would Iran shoot a passenger Jet?


If they had the balls to asume they downed the plane in 3 hours, not 3 days, this investigation was ended by now and the effects more credible.

Wayne Nicholson

They could have done what the US did in 1988 after shooting down an Iranian airliner on a known flight path inside Iranian air space. They declared it an honest mistake, gave the crew medals for bravery and Iran had to sue for compensation.

Capt. Will Rogers III said he thought is was an F-14 on a missile run and that was good enough for Americans.


At least the US didn’t shoot down an airliner with most all Americans aboard. Your Key Stone Cops Islamist Iranian military downs an airliner with mostly Iranians aboard. So the similarity is two fold, both mistakes and most all are Iranians killed in both cases.

Wayne Nicholson

“At least the US didn’t shoot down an airliner with most all Americans aboard.’

Oh I see …. you regard the US shooting down of an Iranian airliner full of civilians as a military victory while the Iranians “key stone cops” was an accident.

Do you commemorate the Battle of the Persian Gulf every year to honour the brave killing of 290 civilians?

Well at least that explains Capt. Will Rogers medal for bravery then.


Sadly the criminal acts of one person do not make the acts of other persons any better. And the criminal actions of the US are a perticular low bar to judge someone. I defend Iran, Russia, China or any other nation against any country that breaks international law. I attack any nation that acts in a criminal way, including US, UK, NATO, Russia, China, Iran and also my very own when it is warranted. We should not loose objectivity and take sides, and ignore the actions of the victims.

The world is never black and white. There are no pure evil and no pure good. Only nations and persons with more or less bad actions and more or less good actions combined. We need to defend international law when it is attacked. We need to defend the values we believe in, not side with one nation against the other. Otherwise we sooner or later betray those values we planed to defend..

Wayne Nicholson

“The world is never black and white.”

I agree with you pretty well across the board.

International law allows for due process. There is no way of knowing with certainty the cause of an airplane crash until the investigation is complete including the analysis of the black box recorders.

Two missiles were fired at the aircraft but that’s only one vector of information. According to some Russian made air defences can’t hit anything however in this case it’s argued that they hit with certainty all the time.

Other vectors are the crash site analysis and black boxes but also the radar tracks of other air defence units and civilian aviation to ensure that one of these missiles did hit the target and that there weren’t other aircraft in the air at the time or other missiles were being fired.

They also have to check for EW operating in the area, the radar signature of the airliner could have been spoofed to show it as a cruise missile.

After the scandal over the OPCW reports I’m sceptical of any claims made before a full investigation is made. “Likely” and “probably” isn’t certainty.


Damn, those Rusky missiles are good. They keep shooting down civilian airliners and Rusky spy planes. Oh, if you missed it, a confession is quite adequate even in criminal court for a conviction. The Key Stone Cops Islamist Iranians fessed up. They did it. Period. No, others don’t have to prove the Martians didn’t do it. But most important, at least the Iranians have the integrity and balls to admit to their incompetence. Not you Ruskies. To this day you lie about the great job you did downing the Malaysian airliner.

Wayne Nicholson

“To this day you lie about the great job you did downing the Malaysian airliner.”

WTF are you babbling on about?

I’m not Russian. Never in my life have I posted anything about “the Malaysian airliner”. If it wasn’t for your post I wouldn’t even know how to spell ‘Malaysian’.

Check your meds and start using paragraphs …. the crap you post is nearly unreadable.


If you’re not a Putz Putin Troll you do a great job of posting like one.

Wayne Nicholson

Идиот действительно думает, что он изгнал русского оперативника. Давай посмотрим, как долго мы сможем натянуть его “fellatio”

Wayne Nicholson

“you do a great job of posting”

Thank You

Arch Bungle

Why? They could not have known what truly happened in 3 hours. What about investigation? Who does that anyway? No western country would do that.

Free man

1. The plane took off so it flew upwards away from Tehran towards the border. No enemy aircraft / missile would fly that way. 2. The missiles were fired over Tehran, far from the border with Iraq. 3. The missiles were fired 30 seconds apart. If it was an American missile it would have exploded as a result of the first Iranian missile hit, it would not have turned back towards Tehran Airport. If it was an American aircraft, after the Iranian missile hit, it would try to flee toward the border, it would not come back for more. 4. If American missile attack was to take place, Rader systems would have detected the missiles far from Tehran. A missile is unlikely to appear suddenly above Tehran.

All the evidence proves it’s an intentional action.


Are you trying to belittle mossad and its abilities?

Free man

What would you do if the mossad didn’t exist? Who would you blame for all your troubles? Be serious.


Good question! Thanks. For starter, I shall not miss “it”; second: with all your “sound knowledge” are you saying that mossad is incapable of doing it?; third:I have no troubles thus … no need to blame anyone! And fourth: have you missed the trade-mark -modus operandi of mossad? I usually ignore trolls!

Free man

I say the stupidest solution is always to blame someone else. I also think that the mossad is not able to do anything. If that was the case believers should have changed God’s name. “I usually ignore trolls!” – Should I not answer you?


……………they did, their god is Lucifer, and they chose him the second they butchered and murdered Jesus Christ. If it wasn’t Mossad, then it was Shin Bet or the IDF and Unit8200. BTW, they are really proud of all the murder and chaos that they have wrought in this world, and they say as much. Beats me why you find it so hard to believe that is was the usual culprits.

Free man

Because if someone else is always guilty, one never has to fix his ways. If the mossad is to blame then everything is fine with the Iranian air defense system. So no investigation is needed.


“Because if someone else is always guilty, one never has to fix his ways.” Every organisation goes thro’ a period of introspection, the Iranians are no different……….. Has it occured to you that the Iranians are at war with Israel and the JewSa and Nato and many others………… perhaps you have not noticed ? So why would the Iranians shoot down a civilian airliner ? Your premise is that the Iranians are too blame ? Its a false premise. If I buy a German gun and it is held too your head, and an Israeli pulls the trigger, but the chambered round is Italian, who is to blame for your death ?


NICE ! Finally intelligent and witty comment for change on this retarded forum full of MSM news parrots.


suggest you fuck off to some other outlet – try an israeli rightwing one. otherwise you’re just a bore and void of any good and erudite (too difficult, shall I spell it out, the meaning of, idiot) thinking.


I shit on everything you “suggest “. And if that pisses you off than I can’t find better reason to rest to read your copy pasted news that you present as your “opinion”. I didn’t talk to you pathetic mediocre German monkey. So fuck off to your cage where your Sadomasochist Domina is waiting for you and put the carrot up your fag ass like you Western LGBTQ fag’s like!

Wayne Nicholson

When the USS Vincennes shot down a regularly schedules iranian civilian airliner that was on a flight path that was every day the USA said it was an honest mistake and refused to take responsibility.

The captain and crew got medals for bravery and Iran had to sue for compensation.

Capt. Will Rogers claimed he though it was an F-15 making a missile run at him and that was good enough for Americans.

So Iranians took responsibility as soon as the evidence supported it, threatened criminal against the perpetrator, had the general in charge apologize on TV and you’re outraged.

Americans deny responsibility for shooting down an airliner even when their commander admits he made a mistake, give him a medal and had to be sued to compensate the victims and have never apologized and you’re fine with that.

Either you are ignorant of the USA’s history in the region or a hypocrite …. which is it.

Free man

I’m trying to understand your logic. What is the connection between U.S. misconduct in the past and the shot down of the Ukrainian aircraft? Did the general not know that his soldiers had fired the missiles? Did he need 4 days to figure it out? I say that the Iranians admitted only after they realized there was too much evidence and they could not lie anymore.

Wayne Nicholson

The connection is that the media and supporters of the USA are holding Iran to a higher standard than they hold the USA.

You can’t express moral indignation against an enemy at the same time as refusing responsibility for a similar action yourself …. that only works on the ignorant and uninformed.

“Did the general not know that his soldiers had fired the missiles?”

I would guess he did but that’s not the right question to ask. What you should be asking is did the general know his men were shooting at an airliner.

“Did he need 4 days to figure it out?”

At least. You can’t find and analyse the black boxes in 4 days. It’s a huge job reconstructing a crash site and the data from the black box has to match the data from the SAM’s, data from air traffic control and witnesses and the evidence from the crash site. Boeing didn’t admit culpability for the 737 MAX crashes until all the evidence was in and that took 2 crashed and months to conclude. It took the Chinese to ground the 737 MAX and the threat of lost sales to get Boeing to even acknowledge there was a problem and they KNEW there was a problem all along …. you’re going off on the Iranians for not throwing themselves on their swords immediately for an accident in the fog of war

“I say that the Iranians admitted only after they realized there was too much evidence and they could not lie anymore.”

That’s lynch mob mentality.

Free man

I say something here is fishy. The Iranians knew immediately that they had fired missiles and shot down the aircraft . The general said he immediately updated the leadership. Why did they explicitly say that there was no chance that a missile shot down the plane? They could just say the matter was under investigation. Why did they immediately bulldoze the aircraft fragments? At best, they tried awkwardly to whitewash the event. I think there’s more to it.

Wayne Nicholson

“The Iranians knew immediately that they had fired missiles and shot down the aircraft”

It’s not like they get a video of the target you are firing at …. it’s electronic data. It could have been an airliner, it could have been a missile, it could have been an aircraft with EW spoofing an airliner, it could have been an attack aircraft using an airliner as a shield …. that’s a common Israeli tactic.

“They could just say the matter was under investigation.”

I’m not sure the Mullahs have a Madison Avenue PR coaching them on what to say. Someone misspoke at a time of great stress …. they’re human …. so what.

“Why did they immediately bulldoze the aircraft fragments”?

Did they really do that? What’s the source?

Free man

The general said that he informed the leadership, that night, that they had shot down the plane by mistake. That is, when official Iranian spokesmen claimed that a missile could not have hit the plane. They knew two missiles hit the plane. People who visited the crash site testified that a bulldozer had scooped it up.

Wayne Nicholson

“The general said that he informed the leadership, that night, that they had shot down the plane by mistake.”

That doesn’t prove anything. The general said he shot down a plane but that doesn’t mean it happened the way he thinks he saw it. In oreder to determine for certain they need to review the radar data from the SAM that fired the missiles but also from other military and civilian radars as well as they have to look for evidence of EW operating in the area that night.

The USA have stealth aircraft and according to them the best EW in the world. How do we know they didn’t spoof cruise missile radar signature onto an airliner.

I agree the evidence was damming from the start and the Iranians were wrong to make false statements but they owned up to it when the evidence pointed to them as the culprit.

As far as any statement from Ukrainian officials, the US president is under impeachment for shaking down the Ukrainian government over a military grant. Trump is accused of strong arming the Ukrainian president into making false statements. Until this matter is cleared up there is no way of knowing whether the Ukrainian official was making an honest statement or if there was pressure on him by the USA to make a false statement. I am sure he’s a trustworthy man however people lie when under threat.

Iran has accepted responsibility so this whole discussion is just dick wagging.

Syed Javed Rizvi

If I believe you that Iran intentionally targeted the passenger airliner,would you please tell us why Iran did so?What was the benefit of Iran to down a passenger Airliner? Definitely such act would cost Iran and benefit U.S. and Israel..Early in 2019 while standoff between India and Pakistan when Pakistani jets attacked open area within indian border in a response to Indian airforce attack inside Pakistan ..An indian Apachi helicopter was shot downed by Indian air defense .The indian Govt admitted after two months that it actually downs the helicopter that killed 4 of crew member

Free man

I have no idea why this was done and who in Iran decided to do it. To me, too, it is unlikely that the regime decided to shoot down a civilian aircraft. But it is also unlikely that such a mistake could happen to people whose job is to operate air defense systems.

Wayne Nicholson

“But it is also unlikely that such a mistake could happen to people whose job is to operate air defense systems.”

it’s called the fog of war.

Iran had just attacked a US airbase with missiles.

Just a day earlier Trump had threatened to strike 52 targets in iran if Iran dared strike the USA.

Aside from all the airbases the USA has surrounding Iran, the USA had 2 carrier groups, one marine escort carrier with F-35’s and B-52 bombers into the region specifically to strike Iran.

An hour after iran struck the air base with missiles the operator of an air defence system sees a blip on his scope headed in the direction of an Iranian base. If it’s a missile he has seconds to respond or hundreds of iranian soldiers could die. That’s his duty.

Given the timing, threats and weapons the USA had in the region specifically to retaliate how can not see how it’s easy for anyone to make a mistake in such a high stress environment.

Do you hunt. Ever heard of Buck fever? Ever heard of a hunter mistaking a squirrel for a bear or a dog for a deer or even a human for a deer? Now ratchet up the stress 100 times and make the operator responsible for hundreds of his comrades lives and you get an idea of the stress these guys are under.

Free man

1. How can there be a fog of war over Tehran when all civil aviation is operating normally? 2. “operator of an air defence system sees a blip on his scope headed in the direction of an Iranian base.” – Did he just wake up from sleep? This blip just took off from Tehran’s airport. 3. Why did he fire a second missile when the passenger plane turned back towards the airport ? The base was no longer at risk. He could have asked at the airport if they recognize this plane. It is the responsibility of air control authorities to monitor aircraft from takeoff to departure from the country’s airspace. No matter how you turn it, it doesn’t make sense.

Wayne Nicholson

“1. How can there be a fog of war over Tehran when all civil aviation is operating normally?”

I tried to remain respectful and patient however this question is asinine. If you have to ask this question you’re an idiot.

“2. “operator of an air defence system sees a blip on his scope headed in the direction of an Iranian base.” – Did he just wake up from sleep? This blip just took off from Tehran’s airport.”

Are you a trained operator of Russian radars? if not fuck off.

“3. Why did he fire a second missile when the passenger plane turned back towards the airport ?”

Read up on the TOR. It’s a semi autonomous point defence system. The operator likely pushed a button and the system decided how many missiles to engage.

“No matter how you turn it, it doesn’t make sense.”

Only to you.

Free man

I understand why you get annoyed, you try to excuse something that can’t be excused.

Wayne Nicholson

I don’t excuse anything. Iran accepted responsibility, what more can you ask.

Where is the moral outrage at the Pentagon denying casualties during the Iranian missile attack on the US air base? There were witnesses who saw medivac helos at the scene but the pentagon denied any casualties now there are 11 wounded and 2 “found dead” in their bunks.

Then there was the Danish reports of destroyed helicopters and drones that weren’t reported and cleaned up before CNN was allowed access to the base.

Frankly just like the iranian case I’m not vilifying the US government for covering up casualties and destroyed military equipment. This is war, you don’t divulge anything that benefits you enemy.

King Cliff

The families should be compensated for they loss,not just just by thr airlines insurance but by the Iranian nation.Its only right .


Correct, ….. however…., let’s first wait and see who did what, right? In our village, we know that no conclusion can be made before the reading of the black boxes is decoded. Patience please.

Free man

Do you really believe that the Iranians will give the black boxes voluntarily? The Ukrainians said yesterday that the Iranians refuse to give them both black boxes.


Honey, the black boxes were handed over to France last week! Write less ( nonsense) and read more! Woops, that’s what you are paid for! My bad.:)

Free man

The news I read yesterday: “Ukrainian official says Iran has not responded to our request to inspect the two black boxes of the downed Ukraine Int’l Airlines flight 752”.


……………..and that is why the Iranians have said in more than one media outlet that ;- they gave them too the French…………..

Free man

We’ll probably hear where the two black boxes are soon.

Ricky Miller

Of course they’re not going to give them to Ukraine, as a matter of honor. The United States violated a civil air treaty by not selling aircraft parts to Iran for planes Iranian airlines bought from Boeing. An International Court last year declared the the U.S. was in violation so Bolton engineered a quick U.S. withdrawal from the relevant air safety convention. Why would Iran cooperate with an American satellite country in regard to air safety devices? France is a suitable and technically competent alternative.

Wayne Nicholson

“Of course they’re not going to give them to Ukraine, as a matter of honor.

And Ukraine doesn’t have the ability to read black box data …. France does. The Ukraine is just doing what it needs to do to keep US aid flowing.

Free man

” France is a suitable and technically competent alternative.” – I agree. You assume that the Iranians delivered the two black boxes to the French. Soon I guess we’ll know if that’s true.

Free man

“Honey, the black boxes were handed over to France last week!” – To date, the black boxes have not left Iran.

Damien C

Which is quite normal, it’s an Iranian investigation where Ukraine has input and direction but not control

Free man

If the Iranians are innocent, they should be transparent.


Iran has emphatically stated that compensation to families/dependents is forthcoming, so have no fear on that point. on the contrary, see it as a straightforward acceptance of guilt and no intentions of hiding behind sovereignty, like ukraine most likely did with the one they downed in 2014 or how the disunited states of A would deny any knowledge if an airliner was downed in or near the usa, even if a tow.missile is found in the wreckage, the american way – deny, deny, deny all and everything (clinton style)

Damien C

To be fair if I was launching missiles and i fired one then the target turned to come back at my capital you bet your ass I’m firing a second, third, fourth and fifth if required. People are forgetting that the flight was not targeted as a passenger plane but as a military target heading for the capital.

The action itself was understandable, the failure to identify correct targets while a civilian airport continued to operate during a conflict incident was not.

If the Iranians were stitched up by outside electronics so be it, they would have to take it on board for future events and build in safe guards to prevent a repetition. Other nations would also be wise to pay attention to actual events. If the Iranians were not stitched up and this was down to unprofessional conduct and substandard equipment then they need a major overhaul of their ADS and a major cheque on bended knee for the victims


Under the circumstances having fired off missiles Iran should have grounded all commercial aircraft for safety until the situation cleared. Instead you have on edge anti aircraft crew getting confused.

Damien C

True AJ but i think Iran was using civilian aviation as an early warning system, if the ceased coming to Iran then they would know an attack by USA was imminent

Assad must stay

Yes definitely investigate this Iran, I hope the black boxes are being decoded and will shed more light on this matter, although the airport should have been closed for at least one full day after the missile strikes I think. Either way if it was sabotage then it will actually benefit Iran now they will know how to counter it in the future


The Iranian civilian air control authorities are ultimately at fault. No civilian airliner should have been flying when air defense weapons are expected to be used. Period.

Gabriel Hollows

This. Even if there was sabotage, not closing air traffic before launching a fucking missile is just dumb.

They better avoid these mistakes in the future, because ZOG will instantly jump at the chance to fuel dissent among the populace.

Free man

“They better avoid these mistakes in the future, because ZOG will instantly jump at the chance to fuel dissent among the populace.” – I thought the reason not to shoot down civilian aircraft is not to kill innocent people.


And so they should.


Yeah. And with that stupidity, those authoritys willingly risked the lives of 100+ civilians. Only to save face and do business as usual after the missile launches on US bases in Iraq. A total disaster. For the dead and families, but also a total PR and propaganda desaster for Iran. Had they closed their air space, they would have not only saved those lives, but also had scored a brilliant strategic win against the US. Now the look like a regime that gambles with the lives of their own citizens. No wonder Donald was happily tweeting that night “All is well”. He knew the US could now paint Iran as a bad regime even to many of those who are otherwise defending Irans leadership. An absolute mess.


Iran has air defenses at the airport already, because they are in a de-facto state of war: what with the sanctions, assassination of their top official, and threatened strikes on even their cultural centers. Is Iran supposed to cease all air travel because of it? The blame rests ultimately on Trump.


No mention of the aircraft’s transponders being shut off just after take-off. While normally only the pilot can do that, maybe there is a backdoor. Cyber-hacking is likely.

Azriel Herskowitz

Oh please. The new head of the IRGC Quds force even admitted that he lied to the nation for three days about the downing of the plane. Shameful of the mullah regime to do this.


Missing the Shah? …….. 1973

Nixon: Let’s turn to the Middle East. We recognize that the UN can’t work. You understand the Israelis despite your natural tendency towards the Arabs.

The Shah: No, our natural tendency is towards Israel.



Hey, dodo, having friends in your neck of the sandy woods is way better than having enemies even if they aren’t the nicest guys. If you don’t know that, you’re not who you claim you are.


You want the foreign Jews to continue to cling to stolen Palestine?


Better them than foreigners like you. Besides they have an internationally recognized deed to the place from the UNSC and most all the countries in the world. Oh, and they do have those couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles to back up that deed if need be. And you?


It’s a bit rich for a man who supports isreal to talk about lying


new layer of lies

Free man

Why do you think they are lying?


Dementia in the house o.ff chaos


To all those people who are complaining about Iran not being straightforward about last week events the US has just admitted 10 of its soldiers are being treated for what they say is concussion

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