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MARCH 2025

Iran Is Building Secret Missile Factory In Syria’s Tartus – Report

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Iran Is Building Secret Missile Factory In Syria’s Tartus – Report

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Syria, Iran and Hezbollah are working to establish a secret missile factory in the countryside of the Syrian governorate of Tartus, Channel 12 reported on February 7.

The Israeli channel claimed that an organization named “Anas Group” had been created to facilitate the work of the factory by purchasing materials from Italy, China and Asian nations. The factory is supposedly being run by Jamal Said, who is a known figure in the field of missile production in the Middle East, according to the channel.

The secret factory, which is located in the town of Safita, will allegedly turn Hezbollah’s missiles into precision-guided munitions, which can strike positions inside Israel with high accuracy.

By spreading such claims, Israel may be setting the ground to resume its attacks on the Syrian coast, where hundreds of Russian service members are deployed. Israel paused its attacks on the coastal region following the Russian Il-20 incident last year.

Russia will not likely tolerate any new Israeli attack that could endanger its troop in the Syrian coast. Beside two Russian-operated S-400 air-defense systems, the region is also protected by at least one Syrian-operated S-300 system, which was supplied last year.

“With regard to the latest Israeli attacks, we said that such arbitrary attacks on sovereign Syrian territory should be stopped and excluded,” Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Vershinin said in an interview with Russian media on February 8.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will reportedly visit Moscow later this month to discuss the situation in Syria, among other issues. Netanyahu’s visit will be the first since the IL-20 incident.

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northerntruthseeker .

Really???? Why not say Iran is building a nuclear weapons facility on the border of the psychotic state of Israel while they are at it!

How dumb do they think people are???

Promitheas Apollonious

they dont think people proving in every opportunity given how dumb they are, with their actions and voting. The zionist just take advantage of this fact. The question is the ones who repeat them how dumb are they you should ask.


excellent idea, if true, if it means that the squatters, the israelis that is, will finally be kicked off the land they so brazenly stole from the palestinians and be on their way, swimming, with no moses to save the day, towards their next diaspora of at least 5000 years. what a larf and they have themselves to blame solely and they won’t be missed by anyone!

join the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement now!


Good comment !

H Eccles

no need to explain.. we all know who the ‘squatters’ are..

Xoli Xoli

Russia Iran Syria information is always leak

Concrete Mike

Just like the crap out of your anus…i mean mouth!

Xoli Xoli

Your mothers anus shit hall ass sexes child.

Xoli Xoli

USA NATO have nuclear arsenals in Japan ,south Korea, Germany Italy,Turkey etcetera.

Pave Way IV

In nuclear-hardened bunkers, no less. But any potential target nations know the exact locations. While adversaries might not be able to destroy the old-school aircraft-delivered nukes in those bunkers, they are perfectly capable of turning the air base and everything on it into a glass-paved parking lot. The US and it’s NATO vassals know that – they were put there to make a statement (and waste my tax dollars) – NOT to be useful. For the US, it’s a convenient early-warning system. If the Pentagon sees reports of a few mushroom clouds above Buchel Air Base in Germany, then they’ll know “IT”S ON!” and randomly kill a few ‘adversary nations’. Danke, Germany, for the heads-up.

Xoli Xoli

Why is USA NATO and Israel eyes always on other countries development, resources and capabilities.

Pave Way IV

That information will come in handy when they regime-change and occupy those future vassal states, steal their land and resources, and make those people debt-slaves to global creditors. It’s a lot of hard work to take control of another sovereign nation’s government and courts, and beat the little people there until they recognize their proper master and obey without question.


Because the US and NATO countries are so deep in debt that only theft and fraud can save them.

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, all I have to say is Fuck Pisreal and the Zionist parasites and set humanity free.

Chris Chuba

I would think that Iran would be helping Syria develop their own missile force to deter Israeli attacks but bringing up ‘Hezbollah’ makes for a better Bogeyman than a poor nation trying to protect their own national sovereignty.


Here we go again, SF reporting the Lies and Propaganda of IsraHell……. why the fuck do they do this????

Promitheas Apollonious


Pave Way IV

Don’t you have any intellectual curiosity about how Israelis think or at least what their MSM wants them to think? And by extension, what they want YOU to think? There’s way more information in the actual lies and propaganda produced by Israel than just reports of their regional evil aggression and inhumanity (which everyone expects) followed by tiresome comment rants about how evil, aggressive and inhumane they are. SouthFront doesn’t seem to be aimed at the weak-minded – they are not ‘promoting’ Israel anything by reporting what Israel MSM is claiming.


I agree with your POV. How many times has Israels propaganda and lies been exposed when closely looked at? This opens the door to damage Israels faux integrity. But I think that rug cleaning shop was actually an illegal yarmulke factory.

Pave Way IV

To Redadmiral’s point though, there do seem to be more Israeli/FUKUS-sourced stories lately. I’m interpreting that as them switching around or ramping up the propaganda. Lord knows the Gasser Assad, impending Iran/Hezbollah Shoah and Russian Novichok tripe has all fallen flat on it’s face and pretty much run out of steam. Or maybe Zeta Global (Disqus) has seen one-too-many anti-propaganda comments and had an Israeli agent secretly buy SF. Hope they didn’t whack the staff.

Pave Way IV

To Redadmiral’s point though, there do seem to be more Israeli/FUKUS-sourced stories lately. I’m interpreting that as Israel and FUKUS switching around or ramping up their propaganda campaigns. Lord knows the Gasser Assad, impending Iran/Hezbollah Shoah and Russian Novichok tripe has all fallen flat on it’s face and pretty much run out of steam.

Or maybe Zeta Global (Disqus) has seen one-too-many anti-propaganda comments and had an Israeli agent secretly buy SF. Hope they didn’t whack the staff or take their kids hostage.

Khazar Mafia Don: “…tell them.. tell these ‘South Front’ people that they can say anything they want about our supposed influence. If they happen to choose to rat us out, then we’ll send their kids back.. in pieces. [slowly puffs cigar while contemplating his own words] Underling (Al Pacino): Holy crap… that’s just f’king EVIL! OK, off I go….



Well said, those who would censor dissenting opinions are emulating the Americans. And as you pointed out, it gives you insight into their plans.


I read the propaganda and lies of the Zionist apparatchiks at source, I do not believe SF should be giving their cyber space, column inches and time to re-posting msm crap.

Pave Way IV

Well, if nothing else, SF is a good place to vent about it. Posting a comment on any MSM site is useless and quickly buried by Israeli-firster FUKUS sycophants and neocon chickenhawks. That is, if the MSM site even allows posting and doesn’t aggressively censor critics. I usually avoid MSM sites in general unless a site like SF points out some relevant spew.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, it is Zionist impotence that is causing huge disinformation campaign to garner support in the brainwashed west. Zionist options in Syria are getting worse by the day so the arseholes have to fabricate some lies. Not going to work!

Pave Way IV

From what little I understand of Israeli television, Channel 2 was spit into Channel 12 and 13. Channel 10, 12 and 13 were the three commerically licensed broadcasters in Israel. The only one I heard of is Channel 10, who’s news department sometimes published more edgey stuff, e.g., critical of Israeli politicians. That channel merged into Channel 13, but combined it’s still smaller than Channel 12.

Too early to make a call on Channel 13 diverging from the state line, but Channel 12 news seems to be for internal consumption and broadcasts a lot of sensationalist, fear-mongering propaganda to Israeli sheeple (at least when I see it cited in Western news reports. That’s not to say Channel 13 is anything more – I only note that Channel 10 citations on occasion in the past seemed a little less willing to toe the government line. I don’t understand or read Hebrew nor have I ever watched any of these stations. Whenever I see any Israeli MSM cited, I just assume it’s an order of magnitude less credible than Western MSM propaganda trash like The Guardian (UK), BBC (UK), WashingtonPost (US) or CNN (CIA annex in Atlanta). Not a complete list – post is too long already.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

“The secret factory, which is located in the town of Safita” ROFL Its not secret when you know where it is you idiotic reporter!

Reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=3QxGhRPuGXI

You can call me Al

LOL, but true.


subterfuge you moron, subterfuge


Well done, be strong against evils Zionist’s craps.


hopefully russia and syria don’t hesitate to use S-300/S-400 and blow any kosher z!on!st aircraft out of the sky that endangers the syrian coast. israel will go crying to usa and ask usa to attack syria and russia if this happens.


Even a few non kosher zionist warplanes being shot down over Syria would be good :)

Jacob Wohl

Israel will have no choice but to destroy every Syrian Air defense piece and topple Assad’s government. Then FSA and SDF will take over and democracy and peace will be restored to Syria. 95% of its people want assad’s government out. USA must remain to protect Israel and preserve syrian territorial integrity.

John Wallace

Are you taking the piss mate or have you been sitting on your mothers dildo again.


On his dads dildo I would think. :)


I can only hope that you are subjected to the US export version of ‘Democracy and Peace’, wherever you live.

There is a special cage and some petrol waiting to help you on your journey to paradise, Jacob.

Pave Way IV

What? Is the petrol free? How big of a cage?


This was the ISIS murder of a Jordanian pilot in 2015 and there are many such instances that include being drowned in a cage and groups of women being placed in cages as human shields by the insane Wahabi barbarians.





The USA is a dead man walking, and once they are gone, most Israelis will leave Israel for greener pastures. Perhaps your house could take 20 Jewish refugees?

H Eccles

“.. 95% of its people want assad’s government out.”

Got to admire the way the cockroaches turn up here and take it upon themselves to speak on behalf of Syrians… putting aside the fact that nowhere has it ever been withessed that 95% of them want Assad out.

Talk about plucking things out of your Tel Aviv trained orifice.

Pave Way IV

It’s kind of a tough crowd here, Jacob. Facetious remarks are taken literally and sarcasm seems to fly over the heads of many here, especially if people don’t recognize you. In the case that you were NOT being facetious or sarcastic, then welcome to the dark side of SF and good luck. It’s always feeding time here and the crew is insatiable.


Jacob Wohl

Thank you Pave Way. Long live IDF.

Zionism = EVIL

Yeah Jacob, fuck the IDF child killers too.

Jacob Wohl

If you think the IDF does so purposely and not to protect themselves, then you’re wrong. IDF are always completely upset and emotional whenever young people and anyone in general from the opposing side, get hurt or die. IDF has no choice but to protect its borders, its troops, and its nation from a huge amount of people who want to breach its borders and start molotov cocktailing every single Israeli they can find.


Every nation has the right to defend its borders, this guy expressed Israeli foreign policy exactly.

This is the last territorial demand I have to make in Europe, but it is a demand on which I will not yield.(Adolf Hitler)

Just the sort of thing Netanyahu might say?

John Wallace

Don’t talk sh#t. What about that IDF soldier that shot and killed an Arab lying on the ground completly surrendered and detained with a dozen IDF soldiers around him.Remember the one that just raised his weapon and shot him in cold blood. Half of Israel wanted to give him a medal for being a hero. he got a couple of years in jail. What about the IDF soldiers using sniper rifles in Gaza shooting weaponless women and children who are behind a massive fence. Take your bullshit and shove it where you use your mothers or fathers dildo. Either totally ignorant or a lying piece of bull droppings.


IDF are upset and emotional when they lose one fakejew conscript ‘cos they are P@ssies.

John Wallace

A Trump loving joo , what a surprise. You are right though . Muller instead of looking for Russian interference should be looking for Israeli interference and payments. Lock up the son in law ..


Intern ALL jews in USA in Camps. Only then will USA be free.


IDF will be long lived as long as it sticks to bombing women and children in Gaza. If it fights a real army like Hezbollah, it will not live too long as the entire world witnessed in 2006.

John Wallace

Run your pointer over his pic and you will see he wasn’t being factitious or sarcastic. He was talking from the bottom of his heart as a Zionist Israeli lover.

Pave Way IV

Well, I guess #2 above applies then, doesn’t it?


Welcome Jacob, you are a cut above the usual Hasbara trolls. Most of them just rant and giggle like the children they are, but you have the knack.


Yeah sure and how will that pan out? it had 8 years to do that and 5000 airtsrikes but Assad just got stronger. you are a delusional ZioC@nt. Israel planned and executed the entire Syrian “uprising” and shot itself in the foot. Before Syrian war, Iran was, well, in Iran. After Israeli intervention, Iran is now on Israel’s border. Hows THAT for Israeli “Choice”. Go $crew yourself FakeJew.

Joe Kerr

“Assad will be gone in 6 months”- Shimon Peres, 2011. Yeah well, we know how that prediction panned out.

Concrete Mike

B Wahahaha fuck off drone

John Wallace

What’s so secret . Everytime they build a new carpet factory we ALL KNOW what it really is. wink wink .


Obviously lies by the Israelis. You would think the master race could come up with a convincing lie.

Concrete Mike

Yep story is pretty cheesy aint it mate?


Let’s wait for the Mossad to tell us that Hizbullah has a pocket-sized atomic bomb. We should give one to those in Gaza who would make good use of it.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Iran’s already built and building even more secret missile assembly factories all over Syria, if this is actually one of the factories as the Israeli media claims it is, they don’t really have to be secret to remain safe from Israeli airstrikes, the S-400’s will protect them from harm, or at least deter an Israeli strike against them, well maybe. A few weeks ago Israeli media also claimed that Putin himself threatened to launch surface to surface missiles against Israeli ground targets if they continued their airstrikes against Iranian targets in Syria, but there was no confirmation or denial from the Israeli military or government. I have a sneaky suspicion there may have been some portion of truth in those claims, the Iranians have vamped up their air transport deliveries to Syria but the Israelis haven’t made any more strikes for a while, by rights the Israelis should have escalated their attacks as a response to the increased Iranian activity, but so far they haven’t. Just a coincidence?

Pave Way IV

Iran reportedly moved its logistics / delivery base to T-4 and their cargo flights have been going there in the last few days. Partially to remove any excuse for Israel to bomb Damascus Airport from now on… because IRAN, and partially to enable a much more robust aerial defense response away from population centers and commercial traffic. See how inhumane they are?

Since they know they’ll be a target anyway, I’m guessing they’re also trying to lure in a few Israeli aircraft. Maybe even another F-35 for an unfortunate mach 3 bird strike with an exploding buzzard. You just know Israel is eventually going to take the bait. I can’t wait!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes they’re the first to cry terrorism when their civilian population is at risk, but then they happily go about terrorizing everyone else. Most of the civilians living near Damascus Airport probably couldn’t care less about the Iranian Israeli conflict, but they still get Israeli missiles flying over their heads or worse, with no choice in the matter and no concern from the Zionists either. Burning Zionist jets are always a beautiful sight, but alas we may have to wait until the next round of talks later this month before we see that glorious sight, and if the talks go well, there’ll be no need for the Israeli jets to hit Iranian targets anymore anyway. On Feb 14 there’s supposed to be a meeting that the Iranians are mediating between Turkey and Syria, they’re supposed to discuss the pre civil war Adana agreement, which allows Turkey to strike PKK and YPG targets in Syria legally according to Syrian law, but only to an 8 mile penetration zone and no further. The talks are aimed at ending this agreement and restoring friendly relations between Turkey and Syria, which means they want Erdogan to say, “Assad can stay”, like everyone else has been saying since June last year. Putin is supposedly helping Iran mediate a security zone agreement that would allow Assad’s forces to control the security zone on their side of the border, but still give Erdogan the assurances he wants without having his own troops there, but I don’t think that’s what’s really going to be discussed. I think the Iranians are going to offer to pull their troops out of Syria at this next meeting and ask that Erdogan to do the same thing. It’s what the Israelis and US want, and it’s what the Iranians actually want too, they don’t want to be there in Syria if they don’t have to be, it’s Erdogan that is the only sticking point, until he leaves all of Syria totally, the Iranians won’t leave either. If the talks work out well we may never see another burning Zionist jet, which would be even better than watching them burn, meaning there would never be another reason to see one burn if they had to behave themselves. But I keep saying it, Erdogan’s as mad as the mad hatter and he can’t control himself, he’ll stuff up what should be the easiest of settlement to make by being too stubborn and too greedy, as he always does. If Israeli jets do burn, the Israelis will blame Erdogan as much as they do anyone else, if it wasn’t for him refusing to leave Syria, Iran may have already have pulled out by now. Thanks to Erdogan we may yet see burning Zionist jets falling from the skies, but I’d prefer to see Erdogan burning instead.


It would seem to make very little sense to me for Iran to build missiles in Syria knowing full well that would just invite an Israeli response… these accusations made by Israel have to be pure bunk – the usual.

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