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Iran Is Hunting For Spies In Its Ranks. Four Fighters Arrested In Syria – Report

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Iran Is Hunting For Spies In Its Ranks. Four Fighters Arrested In Syria – Report

Iranian-backed forces massing around Deir Ezzor city

Iranian forces had arrested four of its own fighters who were suspected of collaborating with Israel in the eastern Syrian governorate of Deir Ezzor, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on June 28.

“Iranian forces launched security campaigns targeting its own personnel and collaborators, on charges of collaborating and dealing with Israel, at least four have been arrested, thus far,” the monitoring group said in its report.

According to the SOHR, Iranian forces were also redeployed in southern Deir Ezzor. Furthermore, a number of positions in the region were fortified.

The UK-based group claimed that two waves of Israeli airstrikes had hit Iranian forces’ positions in Deir Ezzor on June 28. A number of Iranian-backed fighters were allegedly killed or injured. This incident was not covered by other sources, which casts doubt on the accuracy of this information.

Earlier this month, Commander of the Iranian Quds Force, Brigadier General Esmail Ghaani, paid a secret visit to Syria’s Deir Ezzor, where he oversaw ongoing operations against ISIS remnants.

Iranian forces maintain a large presence in southern Deir Ezzor, especially in the city of al-Bukamal which is located on the Syrian-Iraqi border. Israel is openly trying to push Iran out of the region.


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Deluded Iranians, everything is about Israel in their sad little world. They will keep dying in Syria, with or without spies. P.S, I hope their proxy Hamas tests us 2 more days, it will be a good fireworks show in Gaza. Also all the haters, I don’t give a flying fuck about your opinions. Cheers.


If there’s one country that keeps Israel awake its Iran the obsession works both ways


True, but they started the conflict with us when they chose to use proxies for their little plans, we just respond accordingly.


No, you did when you started to unilaterally bomb the Syrian state when it became too weakened by the civil war to respond to your repeated, opportunistic aggressions that persist to this very day, IZ. Remember, you sheltered, equipped and gave air support to anti-Assad militias allowing several of them among which notable Sunni extremist ones like Harakat Nourideen Al Zinki,to set camp in the Israeli-occupied side of the Golan and fight beyond the separation line. The Iranians and Hezbollah only went in in 2012 when it became apparent that the SAA was getting overrun by the rebel/Jihadi coalition boosted massively by their Gulf, Israeli and Western backers, and furthermore when Syrian Al-Qaeda aligned groups started to sow mayhem in neighboring Lebanon as well, that bleeding effect scared the Lebanese public a lot and with reason, and as a result it lifted Hezbollah’s popularity back to its 2006 heights by contrast to a global deterioration right before the civil war. You started attacking and contributing to a concerted destabilization effort against a strategic ally of Iran, it was only legitimate and predictable that they would step in some time down the line. You didn’t honestly except Russia and Iran to just sit back, stand idly with their hands crossed while you were slowly but surely destroying their common partner in the Mediterranean right under their noses, did you ? You were on the verge of total defeat in the 1973 war and Kissinger himself marched in and provided a historically massive airlift to compensate with the huge losses of the IDF in the opening week of the war, it was called Operation Nikel Grass. And he also directly threatened Sadat with direct US military involvement should he try to bomb the gap created by Sharon’s brigade between the Egyptian 2nd and 3rd armies, and “offered” him a Peace Deal instead, in return for quitting the Soviet sphere of influence. Well, just consider 2012 and then 2015 the Iranian-Russian Nikel Grass moment for Syria. Fair game.


You’re right gryzor, both Iran and Israel have their own agendas for the new ME, I believe Turkey too. But the big difference is, for Iran it’s a war to gain influence among other Shias in the region, for Israel it’s a war we must win or we would face serious security concerns. We don’t really have a choice here, we must confront Iran and its allies anywhere they try to harm us, although peace would be the best option but it can never happen with the mullah regime.

Lazy Gamer

And yet, you were able to have relations with your neighbors and even Saudi Arabia. Maybe it is time to sit down and talk with Iran. As a side note, if Israel is so bent on fighting Iran, why doesnt it strike Iran directly? And if you cant strike it directly, what use will it be to continue belligerence relations? And if Iran wants Israel destroyed then why has it not directly attacked it? Answer in all of this is there is still some rational thought somewhere, and if there is, a deal is workable.

Free man

I wish you were right.


the KSA-Israel rapprochement is called Machiavellism and has only led to bloodshed, tragedy and chaos every time it was applied in recent history, the same kind that led to the very creation of the Afghan Mujaheddin that then spawned Al-Qaeda and of course, ISIS, after the situation was further aggravated when the US tried the Chiite route during their occupation of Iraq post 2003 and made the once secular country a true temple of AQ and sectarian strife with their Shiite opponents. The same approach that lead to an Iranian Islamic Republic to run to the help of a secular Syrian regime. The same one that led to Western Democracies supporting Neo-Nazism in Ukraine and Salafism in Syria, and Zionist leaders such as Netanhyahu de-facto condone and flirt with the likes of anti-semitic Viktor Orban in Eastern Europe and Julani’s hordes in the middle-East hand in hand with MbS. THe list goes on.

Brother Ma

Next time don’t try and unseat Assad. Iranian now ten times more involved in Syria than before.

I detest idiots who make the clouds and then CRY when it rains!


True of Iran, their Shia Crescent project is real and I oppose it in full, as I said many times before on this site and elsewhere, in that regard I am in favor of an overthrow of that regime by its own people and only it, as you know. But I equally oppose Israel’s Zionist hegemony project of which the only goal is to gain unquestioned dominance over the whole of the ME, that we witness expanding literally day by day and expand its occupation further by destroying or expropriating Palestinian property and completely disregarding the huge concession made by the PLO then the PA after the Oslo accord it insults plainly by doing so. It has so far annexed the Golan, then East Jerusalem, and now is about to take the same illegal and immoral step in 30% of the West Bank. It does not want to relinquish its illegal possession of the Lebanese Shebaa Farms either, and only gave back the Sinai and the Suez to Egypt after a quasi-defeat in the 73 war where Kissinger moved in extremis to save it, and forced negotiations upon a reluctant Tel-Aviv for years afterwards. It used the beginning of the Syrian Civil war to completely destabilize the Quneitra frontier and has time and again attacked regular SAA positions and infrastructures while claiming its related to the IRGC and Hezbollah every single time that the regular army scores a key victory against Jihadist armies. Israel, just like Iran and Saudi Arabia, is a source for permanent conflict and chaos because chaos helps its illegitimate agenda to move forward. All three must be put down in their intentions and actions as none of them are a source for good or peace.

Fog of War



I can put up so much, I don’t tolerate Holocause deniers. Apologize now or you’re blocked for good.

Icarus Tanović

Nor do I. Nobody does. Nobody sane. But you’re Zionistic prick.


the hollowhoax and money bagger, it woikds for juvs who get rich off goyam stupid enough to believe they were not the victums.

Icarus Tanović

No it is everything in your heads about Iran every day.



Kenny Jones ™

1 July is off, they postponed it again, shame

Free man

As I always write, the mullahs regime are experts in killing Iranians. The Israelis bomb them nonstop and they hang (this is what will happen to the scapegoats) their soldiers.

Tommy Jensen

Links please?

Free man

Do a small research on the fatalities at last November’s protests, shooting down of the Ukrainian plane, Iran’s execution number …..

Free man

” see how much damage their air force can do now. ” – This article is proof of the damage the Israeli air force is doing to the Iranian forces. “we’re too busy preparing for it to be playing their little games.” – Many things only happen in the propaganda of the mullahs regime. In reality, the Iranian economy is collapsing in Iran. And the Iranian forces are bombarded, without retaliation, in Syria. And don’t tell me that two things are not related.

Icarus Tanović

That guy must be stupid or something.

Zionism = EVIL

This guy is a certified idiot, just laugh him off :)


When your IRGC will meet us face to face on the ground, we will see who laughs Ali.

Sylvain Jeuland

I think that meeting face to face to fight is useless for QUDS. But building and securing a land business road from Chabahar&Mashad to Méditerranée sea is far more useful.


You Zionist w@nkers can’t even defeat Hezbollah……and they’re miles stronger now then they were in 2006 The Iranians would crush your military in a conventional war….no contest!


the jews in palestine can never win since it’s all a numbers game and 250 million close neighbours can trample the friggin jews into the ground (6 feet under of course) so that they never can or will appear again, simple and it will happen once Turkey and Iran and Syria and Iraq and Lebanon/Hezbollah and Egypt get teir joint act together. then it is finito jews.

Icarus Tanović

Wahhabis are damn problem.

Brother Ma

Almost impossible now to get them all together.

Icarus Tanović

Yeah, we laughed many times and we will laugh, because you are laughable.

Zionism = EVIL

This is coming from a faggot teenage PUNK living in his mommy’s basement and posting daily hasbara crap.

Tommy Jensen

The enemy from within.

Free man


Zionism = EVIL

Not really, this normal field intelligence vetting, most professional militaries do it regularly. This is also good practice if major hostilities are imminent and also keeps the soldiers and officers alert and on their toes. Snap counter-intel sweeps are regular features. Iranians have good counter-intel and General Ghaani is perhaps the best man for the job as he runs a much tighter ship compared to the kind and more benevolent soldier diplomat Soleimani. Ghaani has spent years in covert operations from Afghanistan to Yemen.

Assad must stay

Great j0b iran

Zionism = EVIL

There are over 150,000 Shia and allied militias from the global diaspora as far away as Latin America, Armenia, Afghanistan, Palestinians, Pakistan etc operating with the Axis of Resistance in Syria and Iraq and the dumbass Americunts and Zionists are desperate to place spies in their ranks as their HUMINT (human intelligence) is next to zero. However, General Ghaani is a very good counter-intel man who has spent his entire life in the shadows of asymmetrical wars from Afghanistan to Gaza and he is just doing some regular house cleaning and preparing for a major next phase of resistance in the region. This pretty much normal procedure as Russia GRU periodically does the same to keep their ranks clean. Hezbollah has the best field security in the world as they have very strict vetting procedures. The SAA has also done a pretty good job considering how much money the dumbass Americunt arseholes and Zionist cunts have spent on recruiting terrorists and spies. There has not been a single company defection from the SAA over the past decade, which is really pissing off the desperate Zionist child beaters.

Brother Ma

Great news indeed. That means the Syrian company leaders are loyal. Latin America had Shiite Moslems? I know many Lebanese went there one hundred years ago- most Christian- but I didn’t know that there were many Shia amongst the Moslem ones.

What kind of vetting do they do? Any ideas?

Zionism = EVIL

Without giving too much detail, I will give a overall view. Iranian and Hezbollah counter intel is basically a defensive program, which all major powers run to periodically vet important personnel in sensitive position. Both Hezbollah and the Sepah (IRGC) are almost impoosible to penetrate due to their closed ranks. Hezbollah for instance recruits from well vetted Shia communities mostly. There are large Lebanese Shina communities in Africa, Latin America, Europe and Asia. However, top Hezbollah leadership cadre is very small and only known to each other. Same for the Sepah. The dumbass Americunts and Zionist cunts have failed largely as they have no HUMINT (human spies) in the region and entirely depend on NSA and CIA ELINT (wiretapping) and this useless as most intelligent people don’t post of Facebook lol. Hezbollah is so good that it taps into Zionist faggots phones and taunts them. Now the IDF faggots are not allowed to have smart phones on active duty as Hezbollah sends them taunting texts and to their boyfriends. The effectiveness of Iranian and Hezbollah counter-intel can be gauged by the fact that not one senior officer has ever been compromised. So these security sweeps are common part of good field security. Defensive counter intel analysis is focused practice of looking for vulnerabilities in one’s own organization, and, with due regard for risk versus benefit, closing the discovered holes and vetting any leaks. In Syria and Iraq, all the leaks have come from the Wahhabi cunts that have sold out to the Ameriunts for a few dollars and the Kurd turds also spy for Zionists. But on the whole Iranian and Hezbollah security has been very good and getting better.

Swift Laggard II

not true. Mughiyeh was killed and he was a senior commander. Solemani was killed and he was the top most commander. These two cases must have required humint which means their security was penetrated. An Iranian general went missing in Lebanon a few years ago and it is suspected he defected. Iranians two years ago executed a Colonel who was spying for the Russians. Like in all other organizations, there are always those willing to sell out for whatever reason

Fog of War

Damn traitors. Sold their souls for a few Shekels.

Brother Ma

Or blackmailed them with etc homosexual vids . Very easy to do.

Zionism = EVIL

That is what Hezbollah did to the Zionist IDF faggots in 2006, and sent them taunting texts. Now the Zionist child killers are not allowed to have smart phones when on active duty.


The beginning of the end , when you can trust your own soldiers anymore.

Karl Wolfe

This is typical of how the Germans were misled by the Allies to believe there were people leaking information, and they wasted resources looking for spies but it turned out their Communications were being eavesdropped electronically. People have to not be fooled in such cases. It’s easy to trick people. Such is war….


the jews in palestine have spies everywhere and in particular in Iran and in Turkey and in Syria and in Iraq and in Lebanon and in Egypt and in England and in Germany and in France and in friggin Norway (although the latter 4 accept the jew spies and do nothing about them in order not to piss off the morons in the white house and their own domestic jews) but the first 6 should make an example of any suspected spy and hang them high in the nearest lamppost.


Fake Jews living on our tax dollars.

Icarus Tanović

The best way to deal with punks is this, Iranian way. Iran is about to build a Nuke and that is a fact.

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, Iran has a lot of allied forces in the region and these counter-intel sweeps are normal procedure in any professional military to root out any spies or infiltrators. General Ghaani who just spent a week in Syria is one of the best Iranian counter-intelligence covert warfare specialists around and is making sure that there are no security leaks in the Axis of Resistance and so far Iran has done a very good job as even acknowledged by the Zionist cunt Lieberman who openly said on TV that Iran has succeeded in both Iraq and Syria while the Zionist arseholes could not even make a dent.

The former Israeli Defense Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, said that Iran and Lebanese Hezbollah are pushing Israel to the brink and are succeeding in their main goals of creating a powerful resistance infrastructure in the region which is detrimental to US and Israeli interests..

cechas vodobenikov

some will do anything for USD—-it is interesting to observe the few that defected from the USSR did so for money—2/3 of all defections were to the USSR and no money was provided to these anti-fascist peoples that sought to live in a civilized society

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