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MARCH 2025

Iran Is Preparing To Attack Israel From Iraq – Reports

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Iran Is Preparing To Attack Israel From Iraq - Reports

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Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has ordered his military officials to prepare a retaliatory attack against Israel, The New York Times reported on October 31, citing Iranian officials.

The order came after a series of Israeli strikes hit Iranian military targets, including air defenses and missile sites, on October 26. The strikes were themselves a response to a large-scale ballistic missile attack launched by Tehran against Israel on October 1.

The New York Times, citing three officials with knowledge of Iran’s war planning, said that Khamenei had ordered plans drawn up by his Supreme National Security Council on October 28 after being briefed on the extent of the damage from the Israeli strikes, which killed four Iranian officers.

Khamenei said a day after the strikes that Iranian officials should determine how best to demonstrate Iran’s power to Israel, noting that the Israeli attack should “neither be downplayed nor exaggerated.”

The New York Times reported that Iran’s response would not come until after the United States presidential elections, which is set to be held on November 5.

The officials who spoke to the newspaper said that Tehran would hold off until after the election, fearing that increased tensions could boost former president Donald Trump’s chances against Democrat candidate Kamala Harris.

Nevertheless, both Axios and CNN reported on October 30, also citing officials with knowledge of Iran’s war planning, that the Iranian retaliatory attack could be launched ahead of the U.S. presidential election.

A more recent report by Axios from October 31 said that Israeli intelligence was preparing for an attack in the coming days involving a large number of ballistic missiles and suicide drones launched by Iran-backed armed factions in Iraq. The report cited two Israeli sources.

Carrying out the attack from Iraq could be an attempt by Tehran to avoid another Israeli attack against strategic targets in Iran, the U.S. news site said.

Also speaking on October 31, Major General Hossein Salami, head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, warned of an “unimaginable” response to Israel.

“Israel has reached the stage of collapse and these days it acts blindly and without abiding to any rules it commits every crime,” the commander said, according to the semi-official Tasnim news agency.

Despite all recent reports, it is still unclear if Iran will respond to the latest Israeli attack. Iran’s alleys in Iraq have been launching missile and drone strikes against Israel since the outbreak of the war in the Gaza Strip last year. Linking their action to Tehan may be an attempt to justify future Israeli military operations against Iraq, whose airspace was allegedly violated during the attack on Iran.


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this time use 4,000 drones and missiles to finish the job once and for all. get rid of the colonization send them back to whatever hole they come out of.

get out of palestine you bunch of children killer’s

Last edited 4 months ago by FOAB

it no longer matters if iran attacks israel before or after. trump is going to win. what iran should be doing from now until inaguation is getting ready in case trump decides to apply maximum pressure and the best way to prevent that is geting nooks and weapons of mass dissuasion to prevent anyone from threatening iran from anihilation.


yes, i hope trump wins

Stomping on uncle Sam!

revolution! fuck republicans and democrats


amen brother, amen, we haz 2 poor choices, communist fake black lady from indian, irish parents, vs. zionist actor gone bankrupt more times than fingers on a hand covering the all seeing eye… meh vote shiva…


one bootlicking goy stooge or another, it makes no difference.


trump does not become president until january 21st, 2025. that’s a life time away when you’re talking about the lunatics trying to start ww3 from the hole they’ve dug for themselves in occupied palestine.

The Old Man

do you remember the weird sismic event that happened last month in iran ? they have been warned.

Zionist child killers

zionist child killing bastards need to be eliminated.


that’s one way since the jews army isn’ much good, cheaper anyway in terms of money but not lives! attacking the iron dome with large number of heavy missiles in a second and third wave and aiming for the society supposed to protect the jews is costlier bur wreaks havoc quicker than via iran. one two three all at the same time!


correction : last line should be iraq!


also supplied with the latest stuff from russia, sam:s in iraq to take care of the jews’ f35s and whatever the impotent brits can put together and while at it, send the king of jordan together with the jews to kingdom come. never to heard of again!

Rabbi 4 Skin

usa has 3 enemies. russia, china and iran.

russia is busy in ukraine.

china is about 10 years away from taking on the usa

iran is a sitting duck.

usa will take on iran alongside the filthy jews and russia and china will do nothing.

infact the only country on erth that will ever attack israel are the iranians.

every other country is run by jews and their puppets- including every muslim country.

for goodness sakes- the house of saud are ncient jews- they aint even mudslimes


you stand corrected no need for war the brics will be the end of the american empire we don”t need wars to destroy the america just kill the us petrodollarr

with no america israel will no longer exist

Last edited 4 months ago by FOAB

if iran is destroyed, the country will be run by a us puppet, with us missile bases and us proxy terrorists on its border. it can’t allow that to happen.


i can’t take you or your bullshit seriously… 3 enemies???? no no no no… the us has couped, bombed, destroyed, enslaved, harassed, and bribed into corruption way way more than 3 countries… how about 103… more like that…

Christian J Chuba

iran will not attack israel from iraq; not now; not ever. iraq has begged both the u.s. and iran not to drag them into a proxy war. unlike the u.s.; iran respects iraq’s sovereignty.


out of hibernation?!?!

witness mathias

israel launched the attack on iran from iraqi airspace, neutrality for iraq just went right out the window.


yeah chuba woke up in an alternative dimension this morning, taking about summat from a totally different earth time line…


iran can only degrade the israeli military by intervening, the complete elimination of the regime is the right and the will of the locals of the region: the palestinians, syrians and lebanese, and the egyptians if they stop cowering.

Zionist child killers

iran has enough manpower and needs to send special forces to syria and lebanon and bleed the zionist child killers to death. the zionists are cowards and only drop bombs on women and children.


we’ll see what iran does, we know it’s going to be successful, unless russia and iran decide to confuse israel with a limp offering, only to follow up with with a massive attack 3 hours later, after nato pilots are back on the tarmac making themselves excellent sitting ducks…


sssh, the whole world has stopped in anticipation of the result of a rigged election between two puppets who will do exactly as they are instructed by aipac (etc) anyway.

meanwhile the lebanese pm talks with the us m.e. ‘peace envoy’ who, being a ‘us-israeli businessman’, has no ‘conflicts of interest’ and will ensure a fair and just ceasefire.

i’ll now wave me dinky striped flag and chant… “usa, usa, etc”

gawd bless ’em all!!


good sarcasm… very refreshing. best way to have fun trolling sf comments, is not to take it too seriously, not to get personal, except went dicks spout death threats like the “fuck elon musk” retard who cries too much…


“israel has reached the stage of collapse and these days it acts blindly and without abiding to any rules it commits every crime,” the commander said, according to the semi-official tasnim news agency.”

it’s time to overload (((their))) defence systems one last time! just maybe this time the (((mentally ill fools))) will pay attention.


The Old Man

these (((mentally ill fools))) dragged us into two world wars : – the first to create israel with the balfour declaration (1917) and the sikes-picot agreement (to use the goyim armies to occupy middle east). – the second world war was used to force european jews to emigrate in israel.


yer correct old man, as long as the bankers perpetrating this shit keep sitting cozy in their estates… it will carry on… flush a banker down the well today, make a real difference.


can someone ask the jews why their idiot brothers in the pentagon advised george bush to kill saddam who acted as a wall between iran and the rest of todays resistance axis?


that’s easy, one word… kuwait


útok z iraku s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou nevykonali židia, ale bastardi z darebáckeho štátu usa!!! tí majú v iraku svoje vojenské základne. tie by mal teraz irán zničiť!!! usa boli varované, aby nezasahovali!!! rozhodli sa ako sa rozhodli. o nepriateľa menej!!! svetu mier!!!

Joseph Day

this time do it properly and take out their air force. no planes for the kiddy killers. then if there are airial attacks we know its the yanks.


if there are two nations on this earth that need to be wiped out for the betterment if not salvation of all life on earth, it would be the us and israel.


so this is bullshit. how does the jew york times know what iran is planning or not planning? sounds like a but of projection too, as it was israhell that attacked iran using iraqi airspace. these msm zionist whores make me sick!


i never get a chance to read the news paper, it’s always lining the guinea pig hutch and gets covered in piss and piggy turds… prolly how i manage to keep my iq level…


evil nato will loose middle east beyond doubt, house cleaning is going to start top to bottom.


it is time for iran to get nuclear weapons.


i’m not a military expert. but how effizient it would be to carpet bombing an idf deployment zone right in front of gaza or lebanon.

i mean destroying one or two entire brigades who already are lined up for picure shooting.


(looks at watch) i go start the popcorn, this is going to be very exciting when it goes down…

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