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Iran Is Sudying Possibility That COVID-19 Is Biological Weapon

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Iran Is Sudying Possibility That COVID-19 Is Biological Weapon

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Iran’s Mehr News Agency reports (source):

Head of Health Department of General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran said comprehensive studies are underway to address the possibility of biological warfare behind the COVID-19 outbreak in the country.

In an interview with Mehr News Agency, Second Brigadier General Hassan Araghizadeh said, “Every country is looking into the matter to see the likelihood of any biological warfare behind the issue.”

“The Iranian scientific centers are also conducting researches in this regard, however, a definite decision needs more time and effort,” he added.

General Araghizadeh noted that the armed forces are equipped with necessary skills and facilities to identify any biological threat in time and carry out treatment procedures, adding that special health sectors are dedicated to carrying out extensive research and taking the necessary measures in countering bioterrorism.

The Iranian armed forces have been playing an active role in combatting the new pandemic.

According to General Araghizadeh, 70% of the capacities of the Iranian armed forces’ hospitals are dedicated to the treatment of coronavirus patients.

“We have also committed ourselves to provide about 10,000 beds for the patients recovering from the disease,” he added.

The armed forces have also been active in disinfecting public places across the country.

The deadly coronavirus has infected over 1.7 million people and taken the lives of over 100,000 around the world since its outbreak in China’s Wuhan in December.

Iran is one of the hard-hit countries with 70,029 infections and 4,357 deaths.

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it’s a corollary to make an analysis of the virus and the likely, well, the more than likely result of such analysis is that the jews in tel aviv were behind the corona strain manufactured in their bio-lab in palestine and then released in a few inconspicuous localities around the world and play innocent. more than likely the treasonous lawmakers in the disintegrating states of A were in on the scam and paid play along.

Harry Smith

Highly likely Americans did it. https://www.nature.com/news/engineered-bat-virus-stirs-debate-over-risky-research-1.18787

Daily Beatings

Highly unlikely ANY nation engineered this:

“Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.”


Since you sourced nature.com in your post I can conclude you believe they are authoritative.

Aleks Noir

Your entire theory is based on the fact that an unusual solution was used to cause the mutation. very strong claim with very weak evidence.

Daily Beatings

No it’s not a theory. It’s fact based evidence from authoritative sources.

Aleks Noir

no, its an article written by some loon who has an agenda, the entire evidence is based on the fact that the author would have used a different technique to engineer the virus.

Daily Beatings

And these “loons” would be the following, but not you:

Department of Immunology and Microbiology, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA Kristian G. Andersen

Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK Andrew Rambaut

Center for Infection and Immunity, Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University, New York, NY, USA W. Ian Lipkin

Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity, School of Life and Environmental Sciences and School of Medical Sciences, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia Edward C. Holmes

Tulane University, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, New Orleans, LA, USA Robert F. Garry

Aleks Noir

great, five guy and ladies are willing to stamp their names on poorly reasoned propaganda. i am not persuaded, thank you for clarification of your view.


should be enough to make you fuck off and stay fuckeoff – participants from the leper colony doing tel aviv’sbiddimg is as welcome on these threads as, well, covid-19.

Aleks Noir

We havent properly met, so i have no idea what you are talking about. have a shit day.

Aleks Noir

its a fact! well fantastic, lets see who accepts your facts

Daily Beatings

Most of the civilized world have already accepted them as facts. I don’t see any declaration of any nation with definitive proof of otherwise.

Aleks Noir

great, thanks for all your evidence.


Is that the US ‘civilised world’ that continues to fight wars of choice with all the weapons and methods of war? Many of which being warcrimes.

Harry Smith

Or yeah. Why don’t you mention the fact that your article is published AFTER COVID-19 epidemics started? While my link is to the article from 2015 when nobody heard about COVID-19 yet. BTW when Trump and his acolytes name COVID-19 as Chinese virus is very straight sign that Americans did it and now are trying to hide it by making guilty others. Same way as with MH-17.

Aleks Noir

yeah, obviously, america is behind it… be careful posting stuff like this without your tin foil hat.

Daily Beatings

Your logical fallacy is:


Harry Smith

Do you have to say anything about COVID-19 warning in 2015? If not, sorry but any other conversation with you is useless.

Icarus Tanović

Why do you wasting your time with two stupid paid trolls… All knows that it is American product, just like previous outbreaks. It is American stuff…

Harry Smith

Why not discuss with them? Maybe they have some interesting ideas.

Aleks Noir

Highly unlikely americans did it, as the US economy is one of the largest loosers in this outbreak, if US did it, they would have sold the treatment and cashed in on a 5 trillion dollar market, stupid stupid comment.

obviously the chinese subhumans are behind this, and more so, likely they released the virus before they had the kinks worked out.

Due to hep C like properties, it is very likely the chinese treatment does not completely work.

Harry Smith

Another racist spotted. Hey Aleks, if Chinese are subhumans how could they strike “the most powerful economy” in a such bad way? Or USA is not so powerful or Chinese are not subhumans. As for me, I think both. USA is a paper tiger, while Chinese have much higher IQ than Americans. Google for IQ result by nation and you will be very surprised, I think.

Aleks Noir

I didnt say they were mentally retarded, they have stolen an incredibly amount of technology from the west, and used it for evil purposes. i look forward to total economic and hopefully physical destruction of china.

Aleks Noir

I use the term subhumans to bait israeli public relations officers like yourself out of the woods. You cant help it.

Harry Smith

What? You failed the mission stupid Ukrop. Only those who use Cyrillic alphabet will write Alex as AleKS. So no vodka bonus this month from your supervisor.

Aleks Noir

your analytical abilities are exceptional, you must be a spy.

Harry Smith

Bond. James Bond. https://youtu.be/fFqr01joQGw


quite obvious that aleks noir is just another one of the leper colony doing the bíddings of tel aviv and thus better just ignored.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

I’m blocking the both of you. Good riddance!


military games in wuhan in september 2019, the closing of fort detrick for some 6months and the contingent of military personnel from the quickly disintegrating states of America participating in Wuhan – what more do we need. yep, forgot the jews in palestine but they sure as a klucking bell can be found there as perpetrators of one of the worst crimes against humanity ever. thus, the jews need to be taken off the grid to ensure a peaceful future for mankind less the jews

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

covid 19 is a psyop Certificate Of Vaccinated ID benefits (COVID) there was panic buying and not a single supermarket was shut down due to an outbreak. nobody thinks this is strange? even now with supermarkets being visited more and more by people there is no significant rise and not one supermarket in the whole world has been shut down this benefits those like amazon and those at the top of the supply chain trading stock and futures this benefits big business creating a massive redistribution of capital and supply chain control relegated to even fewer people even now the cashier handles products which passes biological residue on to other peoples products name one of these huge supermarkets that has been closed down to a coronavirus outbreak as they trade with impunity. (as long as they police for the government and ensure a two metre social distancing policy so we do not break the legislation of being in a group with somebody not from your household…)

vaccinated id on your fone will help usher in a smart grid 5G network benefits big tech and the government (as does censorship)

(have left my mobile at home for years so i havent actually changed that habit. but i recommend people dont walk with their trackers while lockdown is in place)

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

only thing i can think of why a lot of countries feel like they are being put on a war footing is because the military has been hit with a bioweapon. not the general public

Peter Jennings

Mobile phones are part of the convenience trap.


It is certainly looking more plausible that this virus was a US bio-warfare attempt to weaken its most resolute opponents People’s Republic of China and Islamic Republic of Iran, that went rogue and perhaps also a template for future tightly controlled police state on the format of what the Zionist regime has been conducting in Occupied Palestine. Credible sources like Mr. Snowden and others have alluded to the creeping surveillance police state being implemented in the frightened west, where false flags and fake news are now the norm. First attempt to scaremonger the docile western populations was so-called terrorism bogeyman, when the internet and cyber surveillance were at an embryonic stage, now the governments have more meta-data to implement a total police state and lock-downs, the GDR Stasi and Soviet era KGB look like rank benevolent amateurs compared to today’s ruthless totalitarian states backed by CIA and NSA and western capitalist oligarchs. The proliferation of smart phones did not happen by accident.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

italy’s health ministry as reported by the financial times said of the covid death toll on 12% of the numbers given was as a direct cause of covid.

if somebody is battling cancer and pnuemonia gets them, then both pnuemonia and ancer would e listed as cause of ceath

covid is an incidental disease not a contributing factor

there is no pandemic

Daily Beatings

Once again COVID-19 is not a biological weapon:

“Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.”


However this does not discount the fact that certain nations are exploiting the outbreak for their own nefarious purposes.

Aleks Noir

where is the evidence for your conclusion? just empty quotes. Covid is most certainly a bioweapon. The only question is whether it was released intentionally by terrorists, or state actors, or through negligence at Chinese bio-weapon facilities in wuhan.

Daily Beatings

In my post there is a link and at that link there is paper by six virologist that came to this conclusion. I present evidence, you present conjecture.

Aleks Noir

I read the article, its incredibly weak evidence, the entire thesis rests on the idea that the virus wasnt engineered because the people who engineered it used a different solution than the author imagined would have been used. brilliant.

Its really not evidence of anything, but if it makes you feel better, good for you.

Daily Beatings

Then please post your CV so we can weigh your credentials versus those experts. We’re waiting …

Aleks Noir

Who is we exactly, which propaganda department are you with?

Daily Beatings

Your logically fallacy is:


Aleks Noir

you failed to cite evidence for your claim that the virus wasnt made, just started questioning my authority, now you are going to talk about fallacies, back to the yashiva.

Daily Beatings

I have evidence, it’s cited, it’s authoritative. And you have what? All I see is you having a temper tantrum for everyone to see. It’s pretty pathetic.

Aleks Noir

No, your evidence is an opinion, who’s conclusions are written down, and we can analyze the reasoning, i did that for you. The author claims that if the virus was made a different solution would have been used. This claim ignores the possibility that the creator of the virus employed a solution not considered by the all knowing author.

Daily Beatings

It’s based on the opinion of experts in the field of virology and is well documented and sourced. Your argument that somehow the virus was constructed outside the scope of their detection methods is pretty weak. Once again I ask that you show evidence that this is the case. We’re waiting …

Aleks Noir

google appeal to authority, for your fallacy education for the day. You are making a claim, i need to show nothing other than laugh at your impotent efforts.

Daily Beatings

We’re still waiting …

Aleks Noir

you can wait until your circumcized pecker falls off.


A US company, Pirbright Institute owns a patent for coronavirus and Bill Gates has a large stake in the company. The patent number is US10130701B2. They even list its inventors. What all this mean is that the coronavirus is engineered and manufactured by US.

Daily Beatings

… but not this strain as my link goes into great detail.


Won’t matter and once it is released, it has a chance to mutate. Most importantly, CDC director Redfield admitted in the hearing that some deaths attributed to the flu were discovered posthumously deaths from the coronavirus last year, So the coronavirus was thriving in the US last year.

Aleks Noir

total lie

Daily Beatings

Then please post some authoritative sources discrediting my argument.

Aleks Noir

Your own article discredits your claim, the virus wasnt found in ANY host thus far, thus no natural source has been identified, it binds to human ace receptor with particularity. I would be willing to educate you if i was paid for it. i refer you to pub med, to research evidence for your unproveable claim

Daily Beatings

No it’s doesn’t and your false claims do not make it true. Thank you for playing, please try again.

Aleks Noir

haha, keep sticking to your article hoping nobody reads it.

Daily Beatings

I hope everyone reads it so they can laugh at your pathetic attempts to deflect.

Aleks Noir

i hope they read it to, so they can no they wasted 15 minutes of their life on some clown named daily beatings who made a ridiculous claim, but only relied on some paper with faulty reasoning and could do nothing to support his case.

Daily Beatings


Aleks Noir

you made an annoying debate, but who have you persuaded?

Daily Beatings

Your argument that somehow the virus was constructed outside the scope of their detection methods is pretty weak. Once again I ask that you show evidence that this is the case. We’re waiting …

Aleks Noir

i gave an alternative theory, to your claim that the virus wasnt made, a strong statement, without any evidence other than an opinion you found. alright, i credit you with an opinion who agrees with you, despite the fact that his reasoning is not persuasive. There is a virologist who agrees with you. excellent. I do not need to show anything further, if you rest your case.

Daily Beatings

“There is a virologist who agrees with you. excellent.”

Actually there are five virologist that agree with me, but who’s counting?

Aleks Noir

yes, awesome, the entirety of your evidence is not terribly persuasive. thank you for explaining your point of view.

Daily Beatings

You mean this patent?


Let’s read the abstract:

“The present invention provides a live, attenuated coronavirus comprising a variant replicase gene encoding polyproteins comprising a mutation in one or more of non – structural protein ( s ) ( nsp ) – 10 , nsp – 14 , nsp – 15 or nsp – 16 .”

So they don’t have a patent on coronavirus itself, but only a variant of a mutation. Always go directly to the source.


Coronavirus has a chance to mutate once it is released in the air.

Aleks Noir

coronavirus doesnt live in the air for very long, and thats true for literally anything. insane claim. There are thousands of coronaviruses, all over the world, this specific one, comes from bioweapons facilities in wuhan china. china will be punished for their crimes.


coronavirus was planted by US to wreck chinese economy. US has experiences and motivation to do it.

Aleks Noir

your statement makes no sense, as US is the worst effected country in the world, illogical, and obviously false


But they got it from the Russian bio-weapons scientists who were working there. In a typical Russian techno fuckup, it got released. Give credit where credit is due.

Aleks Noir

what? makes no sense

Arch Bungle

Idiot. The USA is the one with the global network of bioweapons labs and you pick *Russia* to fantasize about? http://dilyana.bg/the-pentagon-bio-weapons/


Bio weapon or more likely an accident, but we will know soon enough. Virus mutate, and that is the problem of waiting for a “vaccination”. There are three known mutations. Starting in the US, it broke down and mutated en route to China, mutated en route to Italy/Iran. From the National Academy of Science (US)



If you continue to read the abstract after your quote, it states; “The corona-virus may be used as a vaccine for the treating and/or preventing a disease”. So what the Pirbright Institute has patented is a vaccine.



Interesting differences between your source link and mine. If you scroll down on mine, under ‘Field of the Invention”, it clearly states “For use as a vaccine”.


Aleks Noir

Thats absurd on its face.

Arch Bungle

You seem to be talking about two different things. The fact that sars-ncov-2 is not (likely) a biologically manipulated virus does not preclude it from being a biological weapon. If you get my drift …

Daily Beatings

Plague ridden bodies were tossed over castle walls in medieval times to infect the enemy, so this idea is nothing new.

Arch Bungle

That’s exactly what I meant. We can agree on the evidence being *inconclusive* that this is an engineered virus – I think the jury is still out on that. However the possibility of this having been used as a bioweapon is still open ( I mean ‘dumped over the castle walls’). The story is unfolding …

Ivan Freely

Nature.com is covering their asses. Five years ago (2015) they published a paper that they’ve successfully engineered a bat virus that infects human airway cells.


What if this is coming from a singular source the satanic world government that rules over us the one that few people realise exists

Rhodium 10

Covid is not a BIO weapon….But now can be used as a BIO weapon!

Icarus Tanović

It is 100% sure that they have used this as biological weapon in Iran and China.


Sure, Igor. Covering for yet another typical Russian techno fuckup.


It is logical and quite appropriate to assume that a pandemic outbreak causing death and a country that introduces sanctions that prohibit the ability to combat that pandemic then that country is guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity by using that pandemic to conduct war. US is guilty on all accounts.


Sure junior. Your word is law. You sure are arrogantly funny and ignorant.


Go and play with yourself.


LOL…as I said, you sure are arrogantly funny and ignorant, Igor.


nah he should go out and contract the corona virus and …


Damn, they are late comers. Everyone knows this is a Russian bio-weaponized virus from the Russian bio-weapons program. It was given to the Chinese for study in their main bio-weapons lab located right there in Wuhan. Since they pay their lab techs so little, the guys sell the lab animals in the local Wuhan wet market as an income supplement. And the rest is history.

Arch Bungle

You’re shit at fiction too. Get a new job Shitstein.


but on the whole, the jews’ plan to infest Iran with corona virus has failed and the one suffering the most is the co-perpetrators, like the disintegrating states of A, uk, and so on. iran some 80 million people and about 4500 dead and uk, about 70 mllion people and more than 10000 dead and the friggin dysfunctional states of A, some 300 million people and more than 20000 dead and rising, a truly cheerful comparison which should tell the world where the dumb pricks can be found – in washington dc, in london and most certainly in tel aviv. I think boris the animal should send the bill for the cost of preventing a full scale covid-19 outbreak in uk to the jews in tel aviv and if the fuckers don’t pay up, nuke the assholes to dust.

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