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Iran: Israeli Actions Against Lebanon Threaten Global Security

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Iran: Israeli Actions Against Lebanon Threaten Global Security

Artillery shells are lined up beside an Israeli self-propelled artillery gun, near the Lebanese border on the outskirts of the northern Israeli town of Kiryat Shemona, on September 1, 2019. IMAGE: AFP

Iran has strongly condemned Israel’s recent actions against Lebanon, describing it as a threat to global peace and security.

“The Israeli regime’s act of aggression against Lebanon is a blatant violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity of an independent country, which is a member of the United Nations, and constitutes a move against international peace and security,” Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi said on September 2.

“As a result of the international community’s meaningful silence and lavish US support, the bankrupt Israeli regime is trying to undermine the Lebanese people’s honorable resistance.”

The foreign ministry spokesman said that Lebanon does have a powerful president, government and army and seeks to protect its territorial integrity and independence in the face of Zionists’ aggression. He also blaimed Israel for trying to undermine the resistance of the Lebanese people.

Iran: Israeli Actions Against Lebanon Threaten Global Security

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On September 1, a military situation at the Lebanese-Israeli contact line escalated after units of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) shelled the Shebaa Farms in southern Lebanon. An Israeli drone also dropped several incendiary grenades at Bestrah causing fire. In response, Hezbollah launched an anti-tank guided missile at an Israeli military position near Avivim allegedly destroying a military vehicle. Then, the IDF targeted southern Lebanon with at least 100 shells and employed combat helicopters. MORE HERE


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of course it does and that is exactly why it is of imperative and paramount importance that israel is terminated forthwith – i.e, cease to exist. nothing else will do! any rights israel once may have had/earned are long since forfeited and if voluntary flight isn’t in the cards, it will be brutal!

Zionism = EVIL

You excitable kids don’t realize that Pisrael is in a very bad and vulnerable shape. Its new generation of fake Jews are soft and perverted, most have nothing to do with Judaism as there are 2 million Russian and Ukrainian welfare overnight Jews, they are only interested in freeloading off western taxpayers and will not fight if there is a real war. So-called Israel is a Hollywood creation that is unraveling fast. In military strategic planning calculus, the key element is called “strategic mass” or basic national fundamentals like size of landmass, natural resources, educational level of population, size of population, military age population pool, nationalism, military reserves, size of economy, industrial capability, food and supply security, and above all ability to sustain combat combat and absorb losses. The Zionist arseholes are all dual passport holders and have zero connection to occupied Palestine and will run when the going gets too rough. The only reason they have survived is by dividing the Arabs and getting support from corrupt Wahhabi puppet regimes. In a total war against determined foes like Hezbollah they will collapse and they know it.


Hezb and Iran. This days of stupidtys, idiot propaganda and false acusations, I dont know if I am about to cry or laugh my ass off. We have in Norway an debate, about whats called Islamification by stealth, crawling into our land and attacking our people and constitution, where as the rightwinged is screaming it as loud they can, and the left is hiding the problem under an mile thick carpet, and denies everything. The thing is, its an real time bizzare verbal theater, wher the right winged and our present CONservative Gov, have as the presvious Left/Labour Gov with the Jens the Liar in charge, was both, then and now, suporting the Saudi-Barbarian Wahabi scumsbags, and our MSM was hailing anyone whom went down to fight the “dicktatores” as heroes, even the right winged was extatic and saw this people as freedom fighters, in Libya, and in Syria, and all the way back to the war on Serbia/Kosovo. Both sides have done that up to this days as we speak, refused to acknowledge the facts, they have armed and suported the ISIS/Al-CIAedas, etc for decades, and even to day, the Norwegain Gov is suporting them with training, aid and arming, since it goes thru Saudi-barbarians hands, both to the hideous war in Yemen and Syria, while fighting eh…. terrorists in Afganistan, yeah, the exuse is remarkable similare to what the Germans claimed about the Norse home front, witch was accused to be, terrorists.

Yup, the have the nerves to whine about Muslims, but dont differenciate at all, to me, most of this scums are Wahabis, and have nothing to do with Islam what so ever, like the equally insane Judeo-christian nutt cases, and a lot of Paki scums hide behind this, MSMs acusations of everybody been Islamphobic because we want this scums out of our land, and anyone saying anything like this, is an Neo-Nazi, yup, and so on, ad infinitum.

Its an facinating mental circle jerk. But they also denies the second fact, Hezb, Iran and Syria, have garded the Christians and been their life line in this terror witch have been comitted thru years of terror, and suported by ZATO and others like the Paki rats, their pets, the happy head chopping Wahabi scums, to the moderate happy head chopping “rebels” and not once have anyone critizised the White rats packs called helmets, like the Doctores without No Borders of Shame, helping the invasion army crossing the Mediterain sea. Whom is been manufactoring a lot of fake news, incl HRW and AmIn ala the usual gang of western backed NGOs.

It must be something in the water, huh, people are de facto so f….. ignorant, willfully or not, that its downright bloody impressing, but it boils down to the third problem, the MSM, whom have never admitted anything, its not once talked about the truth, we always gets the UssA version of everything, incl the latest HK spectacle.

Again, my respect for Iran and Hezb stands, rock solid.


Icarus Tanović

How many skins you got…


the ZioNazi-Scums Isisrathell also used BANNED WHITE PHOSPHORUS! How come that it was not on the news!

Zionism = EVIL

Americunt and Zionist dehumanized losers have been using banned weapons from Agent Orange, DU, Phosphorus, cluster bombs and even gas for a long time but has not helped much besides killing the civilian populations. Kids in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq are still been born with birth defects due to the use of these banned and inhuman ammunition on women and children.

Zionism = EVIL

Let’s get REAL, Zionist fucks chickened out as I had predicted. This sets a whole new ball game as Hezbollah now holds all the strategic cards. It is interesting that even a loudmouth like dickhead Nutter Yahoo has gone to ground after such humiliation. Believe me, the Zionist child killers will not be attacking Lebanon anytime soon as Nasrallah is mission debrief today clearly stated that Hezbollah is willing to go to total war to defend Lebanon. The message has been passed through Russia and that is why the Zionist scum backed down. People don’t realize how weak and vulnerable the Zionist cowards. The new generation of IDF child killers is used to living a soft life of luxury with western welfare money and are not motivated to die against a well armed foe like Hezbollah. The Zionists are now in real trouble as their Hollywood myth of “invincibility” is up Nutter Yahoo arse.

The military transport was fielding advanced counter measures. The IDF used it as both bait and to test their new systems. CCTV showed the rockets detonate close to the transport and the car continued and drove right in front of the CCTV. They did however cause a tired to blow out and some scratches on the paint. https://twitter.com/i/status/1168632155708231682 https://khbrpress.ps/uploads/images/2019/09/eMn3k.jpeg

Zionism = EVIL

How Russia saved the Zionist scum …It is also worth noting that Moscow hastened to step into the exchange of fire between Hizballah in Lebanon and the overreaching Zionists on Sunday, Sept. 1, Russian commanders in Syria carried messages between the warring sides to keep the flareup in check and prevent it escalating into all-out war. This would have damaged Russian interests in Syria and would have brought the Iranians, Iraqis and SAA into the conflict and would have wrought utter destruction to the Zionist entity.


the israelis have been a menace during its existence and a threat to world peace and this is emphasized when they employ trolls like zionism=evil to spread misinformation and disseminate fake news and belittle the relevant parties in the middle east.

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