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MARCH 2025

Iran Launches Advanced Uranium Enrichment Centrifuges Amid First Indirect Talks With USA

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Iran Launches Advanced Uranium Enrichment Centrifuges Amid First Indirect Talks With USA

On April 1, Iran has started testing the improved IR-9 uranium enrichment centrifuges at the underground plant in Natanz, according to the statements by the official representative of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Behruz Kamalvandi.

“One of the advances made in the field of [uranium] enrichment is the beginning of the mechanical test of the IR-9 centrifuge,” Behrouz Kamalvandi told ISNA.

According to the claims, IR-9 centrifuges have a capacity of 50 SWU (Separative work unit, one of the centrifuge capacity indicators). The official added that “this equipment is entirely of domestic production, created and functioning in accordance with the new standards.”

Iran has been working for many years to create new and modernize existing centrifuges for uranium enrichment. In response to the unilateral US withdrawal from the nuclear deal, Tehran has begun using advanced centrifuges at its nuclear facilities.

Thus, Iran is going to use the fourth cascade of IR-9 class centrifuges, together with IR-1, IR-2m and IR-4 centrifuges. Under the terms of the nuclear deal, Iran can only use IR-1 ones.

At the moment, it seems that there no coming solution for the Iranian nuclear deal, as the U.S. and Iran cannot find any agreement.

The same day, on April 6, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Arakchi repeatedly claimed that the lifting of US sanctions against Tehran is necessary for the nuclear deal to be restored.

The statement was made amid the on-going indirect talks between Iran and Washington in Vienna. As follows from the message of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the first round of negotiations of the joint commission on the JCPOA has already taken place, during which it was decided to hold expert consultations on the issue of lifting sanctions and nuclear activities.


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Since the Russian Tochka and Iskander attacks on the oil thieves, there has been no Israeli attacks against targets inside Syria.


I would surmise that Putin had a serious talk with naziyahu a couple of weeks ago (reported in the press as a telephone conversation and no more) but the stop in the jews’ attacks on Syria stopped more or less right after this occurence. Putin probably had a rather stern voice telling naziyahu what not to do.

Supreme Blyat

Do you mean in all the discutions with Bibi, Putin didn’t manage to have a stern voice until now, so Bibi thought he was joking all the time?

Jens Holm

He has no idea. They know more about it from the Marslander and its helicopter:(


Sometimes actions are louder than words.

Jens Holm

Aloha Verner Von Brownies from Your behind.

You win a bag of sand from Al Tanf, if You get it by bicycle Yourself.



Well, Jews are trying to destroy Russia, so the military may have read Putin the riot act. Russia is being squeezed from all sides.


There was, Izzies threw a hissy fit (March 16th) right after the flow of stolen oil has stopped (March 6th and 14th). Their attacks stopped for some time because the election has passed and no one knows who will be the next PM.

That being said, I’d be very happy if their lack of aggression is the result of Russia taking a stand and this calm continues. Better for Syria. Time will tell.

Blue In Green

There was an attack on Iranian flagged vessel in the Red Sea apparently:


Free man



Frankly, is there any point to these blank tweets? besides frustration. Do these blank comment spaces mean anything? or to whom. Quite perplexing sign of desperation.


If confirmed, this is the second time this ship is being attacked. Iran-Saviz is a logistic vessel to support Iranian anti-piracy task force in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. It was there because the littoral states denied Iranian ships entry into their port and resupply, the official excuse is Covid pandemic (a rubbish excuse, a lot of ship enter those ports). While Tanker Tracker says the vessel in the vicinity of the Suez canal (!!!) while it dropped anchor in the southern Red sea close to shores of Eritrea.

There are conflicting reports, from missiles to limpet mines and so far some shady Arabian and Israeli sources claimed an attack by Israeli “commandos”. We have to wait for more info. If confirmed, the first punishment will fall on Saudis’ heads and then “Karma” will teach the Izzies a lesson on the necessity of shipping safety.

Blue In Green

I believe Tasnim news reported this story to indeed by accurate (idk about the overall veracity thus far).

This was almost certainly done with limpet-mines attached to hull of the ship by Israeli Commandos abroad Dolphin-Class submarines utilizing dry-docks situated on the back portion of the vessel:


We can (hope) expect Iranian retaliation against more critical Israeli-assets in the future since this represents a different type of target. By nature, this vessel isn’t commerce or trade related as it’s supposedly used as a spy-vessel and intelligence gathering ship (sophisticated equipment would presumably be onboard). Meaning that an Iranian reciprocal strike would have to target an asset of similar value but going after more commercial vessels would suffice (imo).


Well, this unidentified submarine was picked by satellite this morning moving to the south in the Red sea. So maybe there’s a truth to that unconfirmed report. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/baced1786b836f450cb79507fe46c2d29971db8780a651d39a28dc9b43bfa902.jpg

Still, waiting a few hours for confirmation isn’t such a bad idea.

Blue In Green

And there it is:

https://twitter.com/Global_Mil_Info/status/1379587399039193089 https://twitter.com/ELINTNews/status/1379587275932196865 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/06/world/middleeast/israel-iran-ship-mine-attack.html


It has been confirmed. The extent of damage is not disclosed at this stage.


It has been conformed by International Maritime Agency as well.

The Iranian vessel, Saviz, was targeted by limpet mines in the Red Sea, the maritime sources reported on Tuesday, citing information obtained by local authorities in Djibouti.


There is no confirmation or news reports. It could be the usual Zionist psy-ops.

Jens Holm

Oh yes.

The reasons are not as You assume. In some countries they fx has elections, where the country are inside themself fx like Jom Kippur as well.

John Brown

Yes Israel’s cheap oil has been cut off. Hurt the Zios in their wallet, make it cost them lots of $$$$$.


Well done! Iran should have nuke, as israel has it, and since the nazi US has it and already use it on civilians


Iran has 6-8 working 10 kt nuclear weapons and that is the reason it has not been attacked. It is now too powerful to be bullied as China has its back. Frankly, the US and Zionists will need bigger diapers.


It would be a very good news, but where did you get it? Where are evidence of that?


It is now universally acknowledged by most informed sources that Iran passed the nuclear state threshold when it introduced fast enrichment centrifuges. With the vast and most modern nuclear infrastructure, Iran can process to 90% in matter of hours not days. If Iran did not have the nuclear deterrent, the Zionist barking mutts and their US pussies would have attacked or occupied Iran years ago like Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Yemen, Serbia, Libya and also all of Africa. With Iran they know that they will get more than a broken nose.


This is true to a large extent. Iran today without a doubt is a threshold state for at least the last decade. The decision to go hot is merely a political one. I believe Iran can roll out a number of bombs withing a month or so, if the order is given.

John Tosh

The world is becoming very interesting. I hope to see fat People run from a nuclear war !

Blas de Lezo

Looks like Biden will have to hurry up lift the sanctions and rejoin the JCPOA or Iran will get very close to a nuke.


Not close to a nuke but close to China,


The Sino-Persian alliance is unique as China is very careful about strategic alliances and has FM Wang Yi said in Tehran, the Persians don’t change their mind after one phone call from Washington, a not so subtle insult to Arab vassal states and Pakistan. The broader regional and global implications have been covered very extensively in Asian media.

Simon Ndiritu

Why should Iran continue adhering to JCPOA when it is being sanctioned? It should enrich as much Uranium as it needs and produce Nuclear weapons if it wants. Let the Hypocritical E3 deal with it!


Even if the American lift the sanctions, it will play right into the hands of reformists without mentioning what is the huge price. Even if Biden lifts the unilateral and illegal sanctions, it’ll be done by suspending sanctions every few months or so, it will never become a law (or abolish the bills that passed) in the congress, so every single one of those sanctions can return overnight. Something like that really isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.

We’d better make the sanctions ineffective by turning our attention to domestic abilities and trade with friendly countries. Good luck doing that with a Reformist admin, Mr. Garga. Rohani and his cronies are hard at work to smear one of the most capable presidential candidates and make insane claims, like “if it wasn’t for us, the people would’ve starved to death” or “no other administration is the history of Iran has done what we did”.

Some people attribute the sudden shift in US admin’s (I don’t know who’s admin, certainly not Biden’s) tone to signing the roadmap of next 25 years of Iran-China relations, but it might be to help and give something to their fifth column to win the elections (which has nothing to offer but a ruin after 8 years), because if a patriot becomes the president, Iran will do what I wrote above. The US and west can’t have it.


Americans are not agreement capable.

John Brown

There is no US or UK government. They are conquered vassal slaves of the racist supremacist global Jewish slave empire dictatorship and ordered by their Zio empire masters. Biden, Trump, Johnson, Merkel etc. are all like the toilet cleaners at Microsoft. Making any deal with them is like making a deal with a toilet cleaner at Microsoft and expecting Bill Gates to follow it. If Iran wants a treaty with them they will stick to, Iran must negotiate with Rothchilds (Macron) Soros (Biden) Adelson (Johnson) etc. not Biden Macron or Johnson, only with those decision makers with power. Iran needs to negotiate with the bosses openly and stop wasting time and effort trying to make toilet cleaners look good. Biden, Trump, Johnson, Macron Merkel etc. can clean the toilets at any summit Iran has with their bosses. The same goes for China and Russia as well talk to the bosses not the toilet cleaners.

This is simple negotiation basics, talking to those without power, not the decision makers, means they will never fulfill any agreement reached.

Trump the previous toilet cleaner had no power to make the Afghan deal in the first place.

Notice how Trump the sitting president had his right to free speech taken away while he was a sitting president because as I said, it proves sitting presidents are toilet cleaners. For at least 60 years sitting USSA presidents have been toilet cleaners.

I forgot to add Afghanistan to the list, look Biden the toilet cleaner can’t honour that deal either as he has no power to do so. All must negotiate with the masters not the toilet cleaners.

If B_ll Gates wants to shut up his toilet cleaners at Microsoft he shuts them up, end of story.

Jens Holm

Some link for something better would be nice.

So funny reading You and Your toilet cleaner analyses. Much as You are veteran in this hardly using dieper Yourself anymore.

John Brown

OK change it to dish washer, broom pusher whatever.

This is simple negotiation basics, talking to those without power, not the decision makers, means they will never fulfill any agreement reached and why USSA puppets of the Zio empire are not agreement capable.

Blue In Green

Let us pray that the upcoming elections will yield positive results or Iranian patriots and leaves these “reformist” idiots in the dust-bin of history.

The United States cannot be trusted: empires in the decline, all that jazz….


It would be hard to fathom Iran’s reason to negotiate with terrorist Ziocorporate globalist scum the likes of France, Germany and, of course, Perfidious Albion, the queen mother of terrorist Ziocorporatism if one didn’t know the level of ascendancy they hold over most of this world.

John Brown

Even if Biden lifts the unilateral and illegal sanctions.

Then never will totally lift all sanctions, Obama never did.so Iran will never have to comply with the deal either.

Use the opportunity to withdraw all frozen Iranian assets from the the Zio empire the USSA EU, Korea, Japan etc. make them all pay cash up front for oil etc.

Continue working with China, Russia Venezela etc withdraw from Swift permanently and use the Russian Chinese version of Swift and the digital Yuan.


I agree wholeheartedly if it limits to what you said.

Just as the US won’t lift all the sanctions, they won’t give back all our money in cash and will try to give their rubbish instead, at least for half of what they owe us. Unfortunately it will affect the outcome of the elections, the admin uses this opportunity to hurt the newly developed industrial items (like the tech in oil industry) and export as much as raw material and keep the heavy and mother industries starved (steel, copper, zinc, polymers, etc) like they used to. And with the slightest smile from Europe, they will saboutage our relations with Russia and China again (even right now Zarif is trying to down-play the importance the Iran-China roadmap).

Don’t get me wrong, I want elimination of all sanctions on my country, but at the same time its price is also important. One of the worst outcomes is yet another limbo of extending suspension every few months, but I’m sure Rohani just doesn’t care, he wants some pointers for reformists in the elections.

John Brown

If Iranians will believe as you say after the USSA broke the deal on their Zio masters orders, I surprised Iran has not been wiped out already. The goal of the empire is not peace with Iran but to destroy it and the Iranian people forever the same for Russia, as they are doing with their slaves in the EU and the USSA they already conquered.

Conquest is not enough for the the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic dslave empire dictatorship, they want to wipe out exterminate forever.


Hezbollah to open diplomatic and strategic cooperation in Moscow.

The Russian government and Lebanon’s powerful Hezbollah resistance movement are reportedly considering the possibility of opening a representative office for the Lebanese popular organization in the capital, Moscow, following high-level meetings between the two sides last month.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov received on March 15 a delegation of senior Hezbollah figures led by Mohammad Raad, the head of the Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc — thepolitical wing of Hezbollah — and media reports indicated that the twosides had held “open and friendly” talks aimed at bolstering already close political and military ties. Hezbollah units serving in Syria have worked very closely with Iranian and Russian forces involved in anti-terrorism operations and ensuring security of the legitimate Syrian government and fighting US sponsored terrorism.


Frankly speaking, Iran is a nuclear power and these lame illegal sanctions have created the unique Sino-Persian alliance. The US is an impotent loser and can not impede the inevitable.

John Brown

Yes the only reason the USSA and its empire masters came to the table with Iran is China’s deal completely negates USSA sanctions. The USSA will lift most of them soon as they don’t want the world to see China can now veto USSA Zio sanctions, so any nation that makes deals and increases trade with China will be pretty much immune from USSA Zio sanctions from now on.

USSA Zio sanctions will just be ceding a market to China making China richer and more powerful faster. USSA Zio sanctions are good for China.

I expect The USSA will drop sanctions altogether in 3 o4 4 more years when China’s economy approaches twice the size of the rapi8dly declining USSA economy


Frankly, your comment is spot on. China is getting bolder and about to ruin the toilet paper dollar as well. Asia Times has good objective reviews. The US morons have made too many enemies and China is not Russia. It is a massive giant of 1.4 BILLION homogeneous and industrious people and treating China like during the Opium era is a fatal mistake. The Chinese Han people have very memories of western racism and exploitation of their great country. The Dragon has awoken and is rich, armed to the teeth and building alliances with other great powers very selectively. The US and its hubris laden Jew masters pushed Iran into China’s arms. It is too late to the US now, it is going down.

Free man



Frankly, you need to get a life as Iran is now an official member of the nuclear club and allied to the only superpower left in the world, CHINA.


Retaliation for this is coming quick…….you don’t have to wait too long.


Iran will eventually have to goad the Zionists into a sapping ground war over a large area. The Zionists are cowards and simply don’t have the strategic mass and manpower to fight beyond 2-4 weeks as the casualties will destroy them and most hold dual passports and will run back to US and EU hovels. In the meantime Iran needs to increase its military advisory role in Yemen, besides a few Hezbollah advisers that have destroyed Saudi armor.


Something is holding Iran back from doing exactly as you profess. I wonder what this strategic patience being bandied about means?

cechas vodobenikov

the exceptional fake amerikan liars sleep with mongrels—they have so many fleas the Covid virus has a special mutation to protect itself

Jens Holm

People doing that should be desintegrated and take a turn in the centrifuges and added glue and nwe brain with better program.

Blas de Lezo

If the hermit kingdom of North Korea with its $28.5 billion GDP can get nukes and ICBMs, I’m pretty sure Iran can if they want. Heck one may even assume the NKorean programs are funded and accessible to Iran.

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