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MARCH 2025

Iran Now Threatening Withdraw From Landmark 1970 Non-Proliferation Treaty

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

With the 2015 Iran nuclear deal now unraveling given the move by the UK, Germany, and France to trigger the dispute resolution mechanism which will ultimately lead to the next step of EU nations filing complaint with the UN Security Council that Iran is in violation, Iran’s participation in yet another historic treaty is on the chopping block.

Iran is now threatening to withdraw from the landmark Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), which since taking effect in 1970 (after initiating in 1968) is recognized as the only binding international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, while promoting peaceful use of nuclear energy.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif announced to Iranian lawmakers Monday“If Europeans continue their untenable conduct or send Iran’s nuclear case to the United Nations Security Council, we will withdraw from the N.P.T.,” according to state media.

Iran Now Threatening Withdraw From Landmark 1970 Non-Proliferation Treaty

File image: Iranian ballistic missile on display.

Prior to Zarif’s statement Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi vowed that Iran is planning “one last step” in drawing down its commitment to the JCPOA which is to ultimately have “more effective consequences”. Many have taken this to mean the Obama-brokered deal is now all but dead, especially following the Jan.6 declaration in the wake of the Qassem Soleimani killing that Iran no longer accepts limits on uranium enrichment.

In a televised address to the nation last Thursday President Hassan Rouhani Rouhani reaffirmed that “no restrictions on nuclear energy” remain and that Iran is “better off in terms of nuclear power.” He claimed further that:

We are enriching more uranium [than] before the deal was reached… Pressure has increased on Iran but we continue to progress.”

But he also left an opening for dialogue, emphasizing that the process remains reversible at this point, but only if Europe takes specific immediate action to allow the Islamic Republic to export its oil.

Adding fuel to the fire, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had responded to last week’s development’s by suggesting a new deal brokered with the Trump administration: “If we’re going to get rid of it, let’s replace it and let’s replace it with the Trump deal.”

This reportedly infuriated leaders in Tehran, who’ve repeatedly rebuffed past White House suggestions to scrap the 2015 deal altogether and start afresh with direct talks.

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Xoli Xoli

Scrapping the deal just as USANATO has withdrawn from NPT is the right to do. This will ensure that all unnecessary communication and time wasting meetings will forever cease.Because this racist puppets of USA namely France and Britain and suppress Germany dogs are always doing things in favor of Israel and boss USA.While existing from resources and minerals of Middle East and Africa.Their deny countries to sell and export.


but at the end of the day, Iran sits on the Hormuz strait and whatever the jews try to do, the closure of the Hormuz will cause the world economy to turn turtle and the 23000billion bucks of national debt will just turn the criminally corrupt cabal in washington dc to mush.

Xoli Xoli

Another reality thank you.

Assad must stay

Yes definitely and test a bomb!

Zionism = EVIL

There is no other choice, Iran faces an existential threat and now even the clergy is coming around to that realization. Iran has enough uranium for 2-3 ten Kiloton weapons now.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

F’n A! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/03acb52f89a1d19a89addb676dda3d571277938906f88f3238314b239ab9a82a.jpg

Jimmy Jim


Free man

“Iran now threatening…” – sounds familiar. Is there anyone who believes the Iranian threats?

Zionism = EVIL

Idiot back to trolling again :) from one site to another. Dumbass.

Free man

Are you looking for war again? You won’t get it again, the mullahs regime is too cowardly. But keep searching for death and killing, that’s what drives psychopaths like you.

Jimmy Jim

hahaha KIKE fucktard!

Arch Bungle

No. They’re quite harmless. The US however is every bit the murdering genocidal imperium it threatens to be, as is that fake colonial outpost called ‘israel’.

Free man

“They’re quite harmless” – I agree that the mullahs regime is harmless to the US and Israel, but the mullahs regime is lethal to Iranian citizens. The mullahs regime has killed hundreds (others say thousands) of Iranians lately. At the November rallies, on the Ukrainian plane, in countless executions and even at the funeral of the assassinated general. But that doesn’t stop them from threatening the West.

Zionism = EVIL

The puppet shah signed the NPT and Iran should have never signed it in the first place. Now Iran is heading in the right direction in its nuclear program. The dumbass ignorant Americunts have totally underestimated Iranian resolve and Shia historical propensity not to back down in a righteous fight. The whole Shia faith over 1400 years ago was a profound political statement in face of injustice and oppression. Shia notion of martyrdom is a slap into the ugly face Western cultural hegemonic aspirations.

The Anglo-American and generally western irrational hatred of Shi’ism stems from its strong sense of resisting injustice – the story of Karbala and Imam Husein and the Shi’a stress on protecting the oppressed, defending the oppressed and standing up against the oppressor. That is something that the United States and the hegemonic Western powers simply cannot tolerate. The ignorant and culturally blind west prefers the extreme Sunni Wahhabism that the British created and is so close to Zionism. There are even Zionist researchers who have come up with documents which seem to prove that the House of Saud is a Dunmeh tribe of converted Jews expelled from Medina by the Prophet after they tried to murder him despite having signed a peace treaty.

Based on the existential threat Iran and the embattled Shia face, it is is necessary for them to have nuclear weapons.

cechas vodobenikov

amerikan cowards will never confront Iran; unfortunately Western Europe has putrified, failing to preserve the 2015 agreement—likely Iran will develop nukes in the next 3 years immunizing it from US/anglophone imperialism


Iran threatening to admit they never complied with treaty nobody else ever complied with either.

Jimmy Jim



Iran needs to build Nuclear Missiles ASAP! Nuke is the only choice to confront Evil USrAel!


good, more nukes for Iran and more nukes on netanyahu’s illegal settlement called israel.

more nukes in the hands of Iran/turkey and so on will stop the jews from continuing the ethnical cleansing of palestinians,

stop the lebensraum program presently being implemented (golan heights, jordan valley, west bank) and

force the closure of concentration camp Gaza, being part of the etnical cleansing pogram and

stop the jews from selling something they are in the process of stealing, viz, the gas under the palestinian sebed and which belongs to palestine.

what else does the world need to know in order to terminate the jewish occupation of palestine?

good american

The Brooking Institute came out with paper some time ago called ‘which path to persia’. It details the method in which they will entrap Iran. Advocating nuclear weapon tech will only help to hasten Iranian demise. Its what they want to happen. https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-iran-nuclear-deal-leads-to-war-not-peace/5610442

Arch Bungle

That’s not logical. If posession of mere conventional weapons has kept a US invasion at bay for 40 years then it stands to reason that posession of conventional + nuclear weapons would simply make the standoff more frozen than before. Rule of the past century: nuclear powers don’t attack other nuclear powers.

good american

If they already had them it might be a different story. So far the Israelis and the US have accused them of ”6 months until they have the bomb’ for a couple years. Each time they open their doors and say go take a look. Empty accusations and everyone goes back to what they were doing. If Iran’s enemies did have actual proof, how long until they get their European vassals on board the war wagon? They’ve been working the nuclear boogeyman for some time now.They need the public’s support, and once they have it it’s off to the races. I wouldn’t overestimate the public’s intelligence.

Arch Bungle

My prediction: it will be found, at the 11th hour that iran has a substantial but untested nuclear arsenal. They will conduct their first underground nuclear detonation the week before the US attempts a first strike on Teheran. This nuclear test will be shortly preceded by the launch of a nuclear capable missile. Shortly afterwards will follow the normalization of relations with the West.


Good, NPT is bunk!

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