Iran has completed its revenge for the US assassination of General Qassem Soleimani and won’t take any new military steps if there is no US aggression, Iranian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Majid Takht-Ravanchi said, according to TASS.
“Our action was proportionate to the assassination of Qassem Soleimani. Our action was completed. So if the Americans do not act militarily against Iran, as far as Iran is concerned we are not going to act in return,” Majid Takht-Ravanchi answered to a TASS question on Iran’s reaction to US President Donald Trump’s January 8 statement.
The Iranian diplomat emphasized that his country acted in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter fulfilling its right to self-defense.
“But if they decide to act militarily Iran will have no other option than to respond.”

Iranian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Majid Takht-Ravanchi. IMAGE: Iran’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations
Takht-Ravanchi also noted that Iran is ready to hold talks with the United States on aspects of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on the Iranian nuclear program, but only if the US returns to the deal.
“It is better for the US to come back to JCPOA and come back to the negotiations,” he said. “If they come back and implement JCPOA in its totality, I believe we can have discussions within 5+1 status [five permanent UNSC members plus Germany].”
“The US is not in a position to dictate its will on others,” the diplomat stressed. “They withdrew from JCPOA one year and a half ago. And they are punishing the member states who are implementing Resolution 2231 [endorsing JCPOA] which is part of international law. The US should change its position and should adhere to its obligations.”
The diplomatic reaction reaction of the Iranian side to President Trump’s adress indicates that the both sides involved in the conflict chose to avoid a further military escalation.
In his address to US citizens, President Trump declared that the Iranian missile strike on US bases in Iraq was the American victory because no US or Iraqi citizens were killed or injured. (possibly because there was a warning in advance) Additionally, Trump said that while he’s the President Iran would obtain no nuclear weapons and claimed that the US was right when it assassinated the Iranian national hero. He also criticized the Iranian nuclear deal calling on Russia and other countries to abandon it and draw up a new agreement.
The only announced response to the Iranian direct strike on US military facilities was additional sanctions. Regardless the formal rhetoric of the Trump administration, the United States accepted the Iranian slap in the face confirming its declining influence around the world.
Iran has proved its point and capabilities, now it is up to the local resistance forces to inflict pain on the savage Americunt cowards and their Zionist masters. Interesting to note the similarities, the Americunts shat and hid under the beds when the Fateh and Qaim started flying, the Zionists even left their stained undies and rotten food at Aviavam barracks when Hezbollah Dehaleveih hit.
Hey, a few holes in the ground and a few hangers are sure worth that dearly departed top general plus the head of his lap puppies in Iraq and a half a dozen more Islamist officers. Yes the Iranians made their point. They didn’t want their country destroyed in an all out war. And Trump was magnanimous by turning the other cheek which the Iranians have said they won’t slap. But are thankful Trump heard their plea to let them have their symbolic attack for home consumption.
Still an idiot with no comprehension.
There’s no point playing nice with the USMIC. They have no honour, just all out greed and a disregard for human life.
So, i would advise the Iranian admin that the next time they issue advance warnings of missile attack to would-be invaders, that it should be….3….2….1.
And if that caused significant US casualties, the US wouldn’t give any warning before destroying Iran. You have such great suggestions that I don’t think the Iranian people would appreciate.
Shut up, we dont care about your gorilma chest beatings.
Go argue over what bathroom to use and gtfoh
Since when has USadmins and the MIC given a fuck about anything? and since when did the USadmin intend to give Iran any warning of invasion? They didn’t the last time their security forces invaded, got lost in the dessert, and had to be rescued by Iranian forces.
If the US wants to strut around talking war, then it shouldn’t be surprised when war eventually comes looking for them.
USA will never ever in its existence destroy Iran.Both Israel and USA will be defeated by Iran. USA does not have real friends in Middle East.Only puppet instigators and oil,gas thief’s trading partners in crime.
Shoulda killed the KIKES!
That comes next, depending on the isreali regime expansion plans.
Hello Peter. I served in the USMC for 4 years. What you just posted about them is highly inaccurate. There is a lot that can be said about the Corps on the negative said but, you addressed none of it.
As examples I was taught to kill without end…… sadists kill for fun, mercenaries kill for money, Marines do it for both reasons ( yes that little blurb was passed on to us at close combat training on PI, where I did recruit training in 3rd Battalion H company, ISSIS still has nothing on us ) I was indoctrinated with the understanding that I problably could be dead very quickly in horrible fashion and nobody really cared. Destruction for the soul purpose of lawful orders ….. and God likes it that way. After life, reward? …….. none coming except armed patrol of the streets of heaven, to make sure nobody gets any funny ideas. Welcome to the realm of the children of hell on earth.
The problem there is that the USMC, like the rest of the MIC at this point, has sold out. When I did my time with them in the early to mid 80s, it was still a warrior organization. Today, as in all officer corps with the US Military, they have become businessmen, padding their careers and are nolonger warriors. It was a slow process as to how it became this way. The last Commandant who was for very real, was General Grey. That was a long time ago.
So, as Iran has demonstrated in it’s attack, going after especially the Marines, born to die born to kill, is not the right way of doing it. It just makes them mad and that is not a good idea. You go after those little punks in the suits, who couldn’t handle a cockroach, and make a mess for them. Iran did it beautifully yesterday. I admire the Iranian discipline and determination. What a contrast to the murderous cowardice displayed by the current US President and his thugs. My regret is that I was convinced into accepting that the people of Iran, not just the government, were my enemy for so long. I have completely changed my understanding and opinion on that but, I was part of what hunted them without a shred of just cause and will answer for that one with the Creator in the end.
I wish well to you Peter and hope these idiots accept the turning of the page of history gracefully and begin helping in the evolution of the human race, not the pursuit of something as empty as money.
By the way, down votes are for pussies. :)
I missed the thrust of your rant, can you please explain in Queens English and you will get an upvote from me at least. Namaste!
You had to be there, it was a moment.
Hey John, that’s for the reply. There is s distinction between warrior and defender.
I’m sorry it took you a while to realise that honourable people like yourself have no place in the modern MIC. I couldn’t address all of the USMIC failings in such a short post, so i thank you for your reply and for pointing out a few others. I sincerely do not wish anyone to lose their life fighting for fallacies. However, if one allows oneself to be put in harms way by another…..?
No doubt, as you have figured for yourself, education, experience, and understanding, cuts through propaganda and ignorance like a knife. All the best.
Thank you for your courageous post. It must have taken a lot of soul searching to to that’ John.
I had a similar moment in the 1970’s . Its a tough time when much of what one believed in is shown to be a fraud.
You nailed all of it Florian. Thank you.
That is why armies like 18 year olds. Mold the mind and send them off to kill . It is not until one grows up and reflects on what one has done and was it worth it and/ or for the right reasons does one wake up and think perhaps not. It is interesting that many of those that were at the frontline become the most ardent against war while those at the back or never seen are the ones that cry for more.. I accept that at times war are just and necessary but most if not all that is going on today in the ME is not.
The second line occupation troops are usually the ones who engage in rape and pillage of civilians as well.
They targeted the American portion of the base. They meant to hit it and they did hit it,” said Jeffrey Lewis of the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, California.
Two satellite photographs – provided by Planet Labs Inc., a commercial satellite firm – reviewed by Reuters showed five impacts that appeared to have destroyed or damaged at least seven buildings and other structures. At least three of the destroyed structures appeared to have been aircraft maintenance hangers.
Maybe the buildings were housing jammers or satellite surveillance systems?
A few hangers and holes in the ground for Islamist Iran’s top general, the head of Iran’s lap puppies in Iraq and some half dozen other top Iranian and Iraqi Islamist leaders. Not a bad deal.
??? I don’t get it, how is this quid pro quo? A great general for some minor material damage? And talking about signing another JCPOA is insane, as if the Americans won’t renege as soon as the ink dries. If this is the official position then the “slap” to America was just a bit of foreplay before the Yanks slip their dick back in. Very disappointed.
Yep, they should have gone all out at the Americans and had their country destroyed in return. It is so great that the Iranians are not as stupid and suicidal as most all their supporters around here.
Its only you that is stupid and suicidal here, advocating what your advocating for.
Hahaha!!! It is true yanks will slip their dick back in.One of most fragile regime is USA regime.It can be easily remove without coup by own lobbyists. If few USA soldiers dies then civilians will take over USA administration .Because their like killing but dont want to die.
So…. when are the american terrorists leaving the ME?
When they feel like it. And that would be a very rare feeling for a long time.
It will be gradual. I think, in order for the US to save embarrassment. I would surmise that there will be the same pressure to leave Iraq as before, and this time with a far a more unified Iraqi resistance. IED’s focussed the minds of the US before and would do again.
I don’t think the US will be convinced to leave Iraq, Syria or any other part of the region unless they are forced to …. their population is easily persuaded by their lying politicians & media and only the regular appearance of bodybags will persuade them otherwise. Anybody who thinks the US political elite have ‘learned their lesson’ from these ‘show of force’ strikes by Iran has not been paying full attention these last 20 years or so.
Kikers need to be nuked!
Twice, just to make sure :)
I’m pretty sure a lot of people have already lost faith in their politicians and media for decades now, but more and more people are gradually waking up to the truth on a daily basis.
This was not a proportionate response, if Iran had responded by the assasination of Mike Pompeo or Gina Haspel that would be the equivilant of the damage that was inflicted.
Warning the target indirectly through third parties (Iraq perhaps Russian) as to the timing of an impending attack, directly in official statements as to how and where the attack would come from when they stated it would not be a proxy response but an offical action by Iranian forces. That was a direct piece of information that the response would be from Iranian territory, the Iranians were never going to cannonfodder their airforce in a suicide attack and the U.S had no ships in the area therefore it had to be a missile attack.
If the U.S emptied the targeted bases (irrespective of Iran claims they didn’t give attack location to Iraq or not the U.S knew in advance because flight trajectory would give them 20-40 mins advance warning Finland and Lituania had two hours notice to move their troops out of harms way) The U.S could then use the analysis of the aftermath to properly assess the Iranian strike ability to gauge their potential in a future action or conflict,. Perhaps this is the reason the missiles were not intercepted over Iraq, it may not have been because the Patriots performed poorly but that the US wanted an exact ability chect by letting the missiles impact.
It suited Iran also that they could demonstrate to the USA that their missiles are exremely accurate and effective over long distances and therefore they are a serious threat and not just a paper tiger. If there was naysayers in Washington disputing the Iranian ability to wage war on American bases or shipping or for that matter American allies in the region in the event of a conflict, then this event will bring clarity to their doubts.
The damge caused has to be viewed in a spectrum of theory. The fact that the missiles did not land on grass or beside runways or taking the corner off a roof in a general area land blitz that they actually hit the middle of the units heavily argues in favour of precision targeting ability. So the buildings were not hit at random but selected, yet hangars with aircraft were deliberately not targeted, not that it mattered as most aircraft were already removed. However neither sleeping quarters, control towers, munitions sheds or fuel tanks were targeted either. Basically equipment sheds and workshops were selected because they were of minor importance and would be of little irritation to the U.S
This was all posturing it was Iran showing they are willing to engage directly with US in a conflict situation and that their abilities are to be respected and feared. It also allows Trump to dust off the missile attack as minor and insignificant while still claiming to have liquidated a dangerous terrorist to the West. That he as President has the will to make people to comply or die in the face of U.S interests, indeed that this action just may get him reelected in 2020
So it’s a win win for the U.S and a face saving exercise for Iran, a disappointment for the US military industrial complex and the oil futures markets. Saudi UAE Qatar Bahrain and Jordan now have to alter their attitude to Iran as the Iranian ballistic potential was given a new shop window to parade in, it’s not a possible threat but a military reality and one that platforms their status in the region. Undoubtedly the ones most with the most disappointment will be the family and friends of General Soleimani who watched their iconic leader being assasinated by the great Satan and had to settle for a blown up tool shed as revenge.
This is no response at all and appears staged. I hope the Iranian public is not that gullible.
Allm posturing, so were the 224 wounded also a dry run to “test” Israel’s military hospitals then?
Suck it up man.
US got sucker Punched.NuttyYahoo sold Pompeo on Soleimani’s Assasination who then turned his boss into a Patsy.
No surprise… twitter, like FB is run and controlled by the CIA, as this censorship shows.
Something stinks here very much. This looks like some deal between Trump and mullahs in Teheran. We will see the result in few weeks or months.
But they said they would destroy the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the people from Mars. I still do not understand the threats of the mullahs regime. Don’t they realize that the more they make terrible threats, but in reality they don’t do anything, they look more and more ridiculous?
Keeping the theocracy in power in Iran is western aim as it keeps Iran from developing to its true potential. They do the same in India by supporting RSS extremists like Modi.
Not as ridiculous as this: US desperate to hide casualties it seems
This appears like a phoney strike that will help the theocracy retain power. Trump is more than likely getting money from Iran. This will not satisfy the public anger.
Why won’t it satisfy the public anger? Do the majority want the planet taken out, to keep Washington DC and their masters sweet?
The Straits – the tankers are having to pull out, owing to insurance problems, in sensitive times. Who loses out, not being able to transit oil through the straits?
US Patriot system – which allowed the Iranian missiles to hit the US military base, yet again, showed they are nothing more than duds. So where are the customers flocking to do business? Over in Russia. The S-300 and S-400 looks so attractive, compared to what the US can produce and you get the freehold version as well.
Russia – Iran – China, working closely together and avoiding the $US, with their own automatic payment systems and methods of trade.
US Military and NATO friends/allies – thrown out of the Middle East, if Iraq carries out it’s plans to kick them out.
How many nations are turning away from Washington DC business deals?
There are many ways to skin a cat, without taking out the planet.
Well said, AM, the voice of sanity.
I am sure that you will have noticed how the murder of General Soleimani has flushed out another group of Iranian detractors here. They are not so vitriolic as the Zio Bots, but use the talking point of ‘Is that all Iran has got ‘etc.
All of them seem to be looking for a Cassus Belli for WW3.
Hi and thanks. No what you mean about the newbies, who always turn up with the same soundbites. Seriously believing nobody would notice.
Haven’t the UK just budgeted for more cyber trolls? No doubt under the control of Integrity Initiative or whatever they call themselves today, and the same crowd funding the White Helmets.
Must admit, what did make me smile, was the fact that Iraq was kicking all foreigners out of the country. It fact, I found myself laughing at the ‘false flag’ having the exact opposite results of what it was meant to achieve. There again, did the neighbouring nation, so desperate for war with Iran, actually think further than what happens next? They don’t normally.
Apart from Boris getting us out of the EU, do believe he is more ‘Make Israel Great Again’, then working for the benefit of the UK. No doubt why he will not cut the International Aid Budget, or the Rothschild Petty Cash fund, as not in the interests of his friends.
Boris must compromised by Israel in some way. He must be fully aware that public distaste for the Squatters is growing in the UK.
As for his toadying to Trump and the US, this is foolish in my opinion , as Britain will need all the friendly nations possible, and excluding Russia and lambasting China is not a wise move.
In my experience , the majority of British companies seeking fortune in the US have mostly been a disaster.
The Lost Tribes so come to mind and Boris being programmed for the position he holds today. Owing to his granny from the Caucus and grandpa from Turkey, or were they great-grandparents. Know that sound a bit conspiracy theory, but, do not trust Boris and have no idea what he actually stands for, besides ‘party time’. There again, besides Zac Goldsmith, is he actually close to anybody or anything?
So agree with you with regards toadying to his New York neighbour, from his childhood days. There again, I do believe he has tried to distance himself from Trump, as much as he can. The fact he was Foreign Secretary, when the UK intelligence services, operating under Boris in 2016, were digging the dirt on Trump, no doubt has given Trump a lot of bonuses, where using Boris is concerned.
Will never forget Boris turning up for a meeting with Sergey Lavrov, which President Putin attended and then going out on the Bridge, to lay a wreath, where Nemstov got taken out. Bill Browder, must have been so proud, that his boy managed to lay a wreath on the bridge.
With regards the US taking control of UK companies, why do I have a feeling they will make the asset strippers look like philanthropists? We have already just handed over the ‘air refueling’ company, which one goes next?
Boris’s crass behaviour may well impress some, but in reality he is less effective on the international stage as a result. Manners cost nothing and can open a lot of unexpected doors over time.
Being politely rude is an art, whereas Boris and Trump only have a trade NVQ in rudeness.
As for ‘which one goes next’, after a bit of deliberation could I suggest the BBC ?
Could Boris be our Claudius of Londinium? Stranger things have occurred.
I digress.
As we know AM, the Brits are a very independent thinking lot. If Boris wants to get really pally with the Trumpster and allow the american way of enterprise to ruin our great institutions like they have ruined their own, there is going to be trouble. Boris will have to put Britian first, ala the Trumpster, if he still wants majority support from the British people. Brits don’t like being pushed, or swindled.
Sadly, we also have the masses, addicted to reality tv and seriously not noticing what is happening.
Hope enough of us have woken up and he finds he cannot run the UK the Trump way. Steamroller first, negotiation later.
I find that most of the younger people seem to have something nagging away at them in the back of their minds. It was the same for me decades ago when we were swamped with the global warming nonsense and gulf war lies. At the time i was busy with a professional job and didn’t have the time to research too much, but the nagging feeling never left me. At that time the internet was very young, so it was down to books and talking to people older than myself. The young know something is amiss and are on the internet looking for answers. People such as we should stay around as long as possible to counteract these trolls who seem to come and go like fireworks. Chin up.
Cheers, take care and a belated Happy New Year.
I was expecting waaaay harsher than this
That’s the American gangster tactics.
Iran has a strategy that has worked for 40 years and the Iranian response was in accord with the wisdom of General Soleimani.
His murder has unified the Iraqi’s as never before and the consequence’s of that are huge. That unification will assist the removal of the US.
In the era of instant gratification in the West, even wars are expected to be short affairs. This has been possible with weak adversary’s who cannot really strike back.
The US has now realised that Iran can strike back and the Israeli’s are ‘deeply deeply worried’ :)
The Iranians are not vengeful people are they?
They have embarressed the US on the world stage. What happened to US air defence systems, to allow their airport to be taken out, and so easily?
Iran has now handed it back to the US, stating and showing they have shown they have the means to fight back, if the US wishes to carry on being stupid.
How are the NATO strength Pamper sales going over in the Israel and Saudi? How many Middle East nations want to be part of the US/Israel/Saudi coalition? Plus, do not forget, tankers are having to pull out of the Straits, owing to sensitive times. There are many ways to skin a cat, without having to take out the planet.
Be patient and if the US and friends have to pull out of the Middle East, leaving all the oil behind, then what a tribute to the Martyred General. Good luck Iran.
Yes ive been praying for that for a long time, all US leaving the Mideast and protect Iran
Wouldn’t that be a wonderful legacy for the General to leave? Rather than more innocent lives lost, because whatever happens, on the war scene, it is always the innocent that suffer the worst.
Do wish Iran and the Middle East all the best and for them to eventually find some form of peace.
Yes, all US forces going home forever
“Iran Plans No New Military Action If United States Does Not Respond: UN Envoy” Just as the U.S. and Iran planned it.
This was actually well played by the ZioAmericans. Now that Dump was ” corralled ” into the Iran provocation by the impending Impeachment hearings, the Democrats are now starting to talk of dropping the whole thing. The ZioAmericans knew that the Iranians had no real ” equitable ” revenge they could take against the US without killing some ” innocent ” US troops and pissing off the US populace, thus leaving them with little realistic recourse short of total war. The US secretly told them that it was all a big misunderstanding and that they were sorry, and agreed that Iran could ” save face ” by some meaningless missile strikes, which caused no casualties and weren’t defended against. The ZioAmericans probably also told them that Dump would make a speech to calm the situation down and would offer true peaceful incentives to Iran, such as lifting some sanctions. When the time came Dump got his Generals to join him ( very symbolic ) on stage, immediately placed more sanctions on Iran, belittle Iran’s puny attempt at revenge and made the US look like an sensible party to the American sheeple and the rest of the dumb world, ” see sheeple the US wants peace and didnt retaliate, but it will if it happens again. ”
Now that Iran ” blew its wad ” any further action will be called unnecessary and the public will call for war, that includes the rest of NATO as Dump mischievously hinted. On top of that , the Zios took out the Ukrainian airliner , and quickly placed the blame on Iran. Now whatever sympathy the world had for Iran will be diminished, and it will also possibly provided more reasons for taking Iran out. All Devilishly clever, Iran should have went big when it had the chance. Now the Iraq PMU’s, the Iraqi government, and Sadr are all towing the line and calling for no attacks against the ZioAmericans. The US stays and everything goes back to the status quo. In the meantime ZioAmerican assassins will just patiently take out more opponents, maybe even Assad. Iran has just shown it cant protect them.
USA and Israel gaol is to demonize resistance countries and keep on stealing oil.Every good agreement with Iran will be sabotage by USA and Israel.Through lies of none Compliance. While Israel and USA are supporting and creating terrorism.If not militarily defeated which is very easy because their dont have proper missile defense system like Russia.USA will never leave.If their move to Afghanistan their will instigate war between India and Pakistan.If their move to Japan their will instigate war between South Korea,Japan and North Korea.If USA move to Saudi Arabia Qatar is 8n deep shit.