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MARCH 2025

Iran Presents New Stealth Cruise Missile In Russia’s MAKS Air Show

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Iran showcased a new stealth cruise missile on the sideline of Russia’s International Aviation and Space Show, MAKS 2019, which opened its doors on August 27.

The new missile, dubbed Mobeen, has a radar cross-section (RCS) smaller than 0,1 m2. If this is true, this should make the missile stealth for most radar systems, especially on longer ranges.

According to an information sheet, the missile has a range of up to 450 km and can deliver a variety of payloads with a weight of 120 kg.

Iran Presents New Stealth Cruise Missile In Russia’s MAKS Air Show

Click to see full-size image. Source: Tasnim News Agency

The Mobeen is supposedly equipped with a digitized scene-mapping area correlator (DSMAC) and a terrain contour matching (TERCOM) system for navigation. The missile also has a terminal guidance system.

Mobeen’s design shares many similarities with the US-made Teledyne Ryan Model 324 Scarab unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The drone was developed in the 80s exclusively for the Egyptian military.

In the last two years, Iran revealed several land attack and anti-ship cruise missiles, some of which could be launched from air, or even submarines.

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chris chuba

Iran has a very successful missile program for their Defense industry but their Space Program is having lots of issues including an explosion on their launch pad before their next scheduled satellite launch attempt.

Am I to conclude that these are run by two completely different depts and that their Space Agency runs on a shoe string budget? Nothing wrong with that but it certainly refutes the notion that their space program is some kind of cover for an ICBM program.


I’ve read that the Iranian space program is entirely “made in Iran” and does not depend on Russian engines as the US one does. It would obviously be easier for the Iranians to purchase Russian engines but alas, the sanctions.

Toronto Tonto

Any putin the criminal cares about sanctions !!!!


Unilaterial sanction as the US likes them are illegal under international law without a resolution by the UNSC. I really had a good picture of Canada. You Tonto sound more to me like Boltons challenged bastard son. Makes me consider that you Canadians are not so different to many in the US as i thought. Like the Donald says: “Sad.”


Tonto is a special brand of conservitives that inhabit the area code 905 belt around Toronto. They worship Rob and Doug Ford. They are mouthy but harmless …. unlike US conservatives they don’t have guns, money or power. These guys are so simple that Doug Ford won a provincial election by promising “buck a beer”. Beer costs more than a buck to produce and the province has no power to control the price of beer so figure that one out. I don’t blame them ….. I blame living in Toronto and having to put up with the the NHL’s most consistent losers, The Maple Leafs. That would put sand in anyone’s vasaline.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, he is not a Canadian, he is a Jew and his English syntax is that of a ESL speaker. He also does not know a lot of North American idioms.


Actually he is more literate than many Canadian kids I went to school with. I had a friend who graduated from high school in an academic stream that thought the name of wild dogs that hunted in packs were “woofs”. The guy could barely write a sentence.

Toronto Tonto

You my friend should open your eyes .

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbass Jew jerk, you are desperate to call people “friends”…ROFLMAO

Toronto Tonto

SAD is how Putin treats his poor populace .

Zionism = EVIL

SAD is that you are a dumbass Jew jerk with poor English :)

Zionism = EVIL

You are back dumbass Jew. Russia, Russia and more Russia eh. I have noticed that your poor English has not improved after taking hasbara 101 refresher :)


There is no greater criminal here on this website than YOU, you worthless sack of shite.


Budget-wise, Iran’s space Agency runs under the ministry of information and communication while the missile program goes under the ministry of defence. For the fiscal year of 1398 (March21, 2019-March20, 2020) Iran Space Agency’s total budget is about 400bn IRR (roughly $3.6mn).

It’s basically nothing and most of this budget (about 220bn IRR) is operational budget. You’re right about the cover, but the ones screaming about Iran are hoping no one notices that.

chris chuba

The people who carry on about Iran wanting satellites are total lunatics. It’s not like the U.S. is going to give them telecommunications in our lifetime and if I was in their position, I’d want satellite imagery to keep eyes on U.S. military bases too.


Yeah, the missing own satellites for intelligence, but also as a GPS type thing for guided weapons and navigation are a major problem for Iran. Maybe with the newer concepts of cheaper mini satelites and cheaper transportation into orbit this could change in the future. But it will take many years still.

Toronto Tonto

Ha ha ha must have been a Russian built unit . 50/50 % chance it works .


As compared to the USA heavy lift Rocket motor that has 0% chance of working because they haven’t figured out how to build one that works yet.

Since the days of Apollo, Werner Von braun and his team of nazi rocket scientists the USA hasn’t had much success in the field of rocket science. The whole world has left the USA in it’s dust. Even Iran builds better missiles than the USA does …. hell even the Houtis do.


you are wrong

btw. also russians have not in production such rocket engines. the protons are quite another category.

Toronto Tonto

The USA is light years ahead of the Russian wasteland dufus , google it

Zionism = EVIL

Post in ENGLISH.


Not even close. The USA doesn’t have supersonic cruise missiles let alone hypersonic missiles.

The USA went all in on stealth technology and figured that Russia was finished as a military power in the 1990’s so the MIC spent the years since the end of the USSR bilking the US taxpayer while failing at everything they tried. The USA hasn’t had a real technological breakthrough in weapons since stealth in the 1970’s. Every big weapons program they try fails. Even their latest stealth aircraft, the F-35, is over budget, behind schedule and isn’t the aircraft they hoped it would be.

In the mean time Russia has made huge leaps in offensive and defensive missile technology that the USA has no defence against and China has made similar gains in offensive missiles and is ahead of the USA in military AI, quantum computing and has a naval rail gun ( a weapon the USA has been failing at for decades in sea trials.

Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia the patriot missile system has performed so badly that the Saudi’s are buying the S-400 from Russia. The Houti’s are able to strike the saudi’s at will with missiles and drones and the patriot’s can’t do a dam thing about it. The USA is working on upgrading the patriot but they say nothing about the Saudi’s buying the S-400 because they know the patriot is failing.


Remember Challenger?

Tiresia Branding

perfect weapon for installation in south Syria and Lebanon ;)

You can call me Al

Also Iraq now.


i can provide the exact gps-coordinates for either netanyahu’s residence or the knesset and some other places as well – just ask!


Another persian tale.

Zionism = EVIL

I hope one day Iran will use these weapons on the Zionist scum and they will not rust like the Russian S-400 flower pots in Syria.


yep 50 of those from a makeshift barge in the Caspian Sea and israel’s iron dome will become the iron doomkaboooom, soon pleeease, before christmas will do!!

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