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MARCH 2025

Iran’s Qods Force And Modern Proxy Wars

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On January 3, Major General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Qods Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units were killed by US strikes on the Iraqi capital of Bahdad. The US strike caused a new regional crisis and put the entire Middle East on the edge of a new open military conflict.

In this light, it’s especially interesting to recall what the Qods Force is and how the unit provides the Iranian interests all around the world. The analysis below was originally released by SouthFront in July 2019:

The Qods Force is the irregular warfare unit of Iran’s Corps of Guardians of the Islamic Revolution (Sepah-e Pasdaran-e Enghelab-e Eslami).  Created during the Holy Defense to augment the capabilities of the Sepah to include irregular warfare, it has since become one of the chief means of expanding Iranian ‘soft power’ within the Middle East and throughout the world.  Carrying the Persian name for Jerusalem, it is emblematic of the eschatological significance of the Islamic Republic’s regional military strategy.  More has come to light about this secretive organization since its inception, but precious little of its organization, personnel, weaponry and operations is known, and comes to light only in the wake of its suspected activities.

The close of the Holy Defense in 1988 saw the completion of the first chapter of the history of the Islamic Republic – conventional war.  The peace which followed left the new government intact but the population war-weary; the government needed to turn its attention to rebuilding the infrastructure and bringing orderliness to the disrupted lives of its people. The armed forces – both the Artesh and the Sepah – though rich with battle experience, had been worn down and desperately need this peace.

If this war taught the Iranian leadership anything, the lesson was: prevent another conventional attack by pushing the frontier for possible conflict as far as possible from the border.  To safeguard the home of the Revolution – which Khomeini and his followers viewed, and still view, as the only legitimate Islamic government, and the one which is meant to prepare the way for the return of the Mahdi – a sizeable buffer had to be constructed to allow for its endurance.  While Iran had not been defeated in the Holy Defense, it had been severely wounded by Saddam’s army with Western backing. At end of the war, Iran was in shortage in key resources and finance. The war clearly exposed the weaknesses of both the Iranian economy and the armed forces. The mujtahid rulers needed to create and perfect a national defense based upon self-reliance in order to turn Iran into a fortress for Islam from which calls for Islamic unity in the face of Zionist and Western imperialist influence could issue.  Having survived this baptism of fire intact, and with geopolitics still centered around the bipolar contest between the United States and the Soviet Union, the time for such a reconstruction appeared optimal.

The Sepah was created immediately after the Revolution in order to counter threats from armed opposition groups inside Iran such as the MKO (the Mojahedin-e Khalq or People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran) and to protect the ideological integrity of the new political system. Originally a paramilitary formation, during the Holy Defense it necessarily took on a military character while shouldering with the Artesh the burden of fighting.  During the war, in addition to the many conventional battles fought against the Iraqis, the Iranians also deployed special forces to the front line in the mountainous terrain of the north, and behind the lines to support the Kurdish struggle in northern Iraq against Saddam Hussein regime. To mirror this unit within the Artesh, the Sepah created the Qods Force to engage in all aspects of irregular warfare. Thus, the role of Quds force in the establishment of Hezbollah’s Islamic Resistance (al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya) in 1982 during the Lebanese Civil War was inevitable; following this it was used to support the operations of the Hezbe Wahdat Shia mujahedin in Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation.

By supporting Hezbollah and the Hezbe Wahdat, Iran was able to counter, respectively, the American/Zionist coalition and the Soviets, thereby keeping these two groups from threatening the territorial integrity of the Islamic Republic.  When Khomeini died in 1989 and was succeeded by Ali Khamenei, who oversaw the transition from a war to a peace economy, Qods was able, along with its parent Sepah, to maintain its level of funding and even to increase its relative importance within the military strategy of Iran.

Having discussed the ideological and strategic origins and purposes of the Qods Force, let us look at its structure and methods of warfare.  Apart from its three senior commanders, no names can be attributed to either its leadership or the remainder of the force.  Major General Pasdar Qassem Soleimani, presently the most well-known Iranian soldier, has commanded the Qods Force since 1997, and his two deputies are Brigadier General Pasdar Ismail Qaani and Brigadier General Pasdar Ahmad Sabouri.  Because all members of Qods are taken from the larger Sepah, one can presume that it retains the same rank structure as its parent, although it is impossible to verify or deny this.  Similarly, although the size of the Qods Force can be approximated, its small-level tactical organization can only be guessed at based upon the arrangement of other comparable military units.  As indicated previously, Qods has two missions: advising and training of foreign military and police, and clandestine operations.  Teams of men for either type of mission may be formed ad hoc out of the service pools of each of the eight directorates suspected to exist.  According to the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff, Qods is divided into the following eight directorates:

  • Iraq
  • Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen (Persian Gulf)
  • Israel, Lebanon, Jordan (Middle East)
  • Afghanistan, Pakistan, India
  • Turkey
  • Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldovia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia (former-Soviet Union)
  • Central and Western Europe and the United States and Canada
  • North Africa

Further, US military intelligence suggests that Qods is divided into several branches of specialization:

  • Intelligence
  • Finance
  • Politics
  • Sabotage
  • Special operations

Because however its operations are unconventional, there is no reason to think that the Qods Force has an organization remarkably different from other secret services.  For its clandestine operations, something approaching a commando team of varying size (anywhere from 5 to 15 men led by one or two officers) seems reasonable.  Also, there could be organic, permanent units of Qods assigned to each directorate, each with a different operational specialty, and these would invariably be combined-arms units but with the component men varying depending upon what needs to be accomplished.  For the advisory and training missions, arguably what constitutes the greatest percentage of Qods assignments, one can imagine an officer/NCO structure corresponding to the level of the ranks needing training; e.g. so many officers of such a rank to train their peers or lower ranking officers, and likewise so many NCOs to train their peers or enlisted men.  As a side note, it has been suggested that Qods trains most of its clients in either the Sudan or in Iran itself.

For all of these missions, the officer/NCO ratio is necessarily higher than in the rest of the Sepah.  For this reason, it can be argued that officers and NCOs comprise a large majority of the Qods Force personnel, seeing that enlisted men would not be used to train or advise their superiors.

Where does the Qods Force carry out its clandestine operations?  From reasonable conjecture regarding the structure, the reach of Qods is world-wide.  It has been suspected of involvement in South America (e.g. in supporting the government of Venezuela), of continuing to intervene in Afghanistan against the American presence, of constituting a permanent training and advisory role to the Islamic Resistance of Hezbollah, of supporting the Syrian government since the conflict of 2011, and most of all of involvement in Iraq since 2003. Since 2008, the Qods Force has been given control of all military operations in Iraq, and it formed and currently oversees the three primary Shi’ite paramilitary organizations which work in conjunction with the Iraqi military: Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq (“League of the Righteous”) with 10,000 members, Kata’ib Hizb Allah (“Brigades of the Party of God”) with 30,000+ members, and the Saraya al-Salam (“Peace Companies”) with anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000 members.  This theatre of operations, provided indirectly to Qods by the Americans, gives the most continual experience to its members through the training and directing of these militias.  In the theatre of the Persian Gulf, the recent attacks against oil tankers bear the mark of what Qods is capable of, but the Iranian Government has consistently denied responsibility.  Conversely, American and Israeli special forces possess the capability to carry out such false-flag attacks and their histories give plenty of examples.  Currently, the most important missions which Qods directly or in which it participates are:

  • Missile shipments to Hezbollah
  • Arming and directing of Shi’ite militias in Iraq
  • Support of Syrian Government
  • Support of Houthis

As to types of weapons, the Qods Force probably uses the same species as other special forces (e.g. United States Green Berets, Russian Spetsnaz, British SAS), that is:

  • Handguns (e.g. PC-9 ZOAF)
  • submachine guns (e.g. MPT-9, KL-7.62mm)
  • heavy machine guns (e.g. MGA3)
  • portable MANPADs (e.g. Soheil)
  • rocket-propelled grenade launcher (e.g. Raad, RPG-29)
  • anti-tank weapons (e.g. Saeghe 1/2)
  • portable mortars (e.g. 37mm Marsh mortar)
  • plastic explosives (e.g. C4, Semtex)

The use of heavy equipment does not correspond to its missions.

In terms of size, the active personnel of Qods has been estimated to be anywhere from 5,000 to 20,000, although the most common number given is 15,000.  Globalsecurity.org asserts that in 2008, the Iranian Supreme National Security Council authorized an increase in the size of the group to 15,000, but this cannot be presently confirmed.  By comparison, the Russian Spetsnaz has a strength of roughly 5,000, the United States Green Berets 7,000, the British SAS 400 to 600.

Moving to consider its place in the Iranian political ideology of Twelve Shiism, Qods Force bears great eschatological significance.  A fact which receives barely any coverage in the Western press, the founding of the Islamic Republic was clearly stated by Ayatollah Khomeini to coincide with the approach of the end of the world.  As Twelver Shias, Khomeini and his successors are convinced that the maintenance of velayat-e faqih is critical to the return of the Twelfth Imam, Mohammad al-Mahdi.  The eschatology of the Jafari School of Jurisprudence (the official legal teaching in Iran, named after the Sixth Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq) names Jerusalem as central to the return of the Mahdi and to the establishment of Islamic government throughout the world; i.e. the golden age of Islamic rule as promised by the Prophet Mohammed. According to Sunni and Shia prophecies, the army foreordained to conquer Jerusalem is to be comprised of mostly people from the region of Iran with Iranians having a great and important role in the event. Thus, the naming of the special operations subset of the Sepah after the Persian name for the Holy City of Jerusalem should show the rest of the world just how important to the Iranians is the maintenance of their system of government by all means possible.  Currently, the use of Qods to engage in asymmetrical warfare against the American-Israeli alliance is the best means to ensure this end.  Presently, Qods can be seen as forming a ‘shield-forward’ for the Islamic Republic from a strategic point of view; this gives eschatological importance to their continued support of Hezbollah in Lebanon and to their great commitment in men and material to ensure the continuance of the Syrian government. They believe that when Imam Mahdi returns, Zionism, which Shia regard as one of the main tools in the struggle between Good and Evil, will be defeated in the final great battle for Jerusalem. Therefore they are approaching as close as possible to Israel, serving at the front line. They have succeeded in giving Iran a reasonable amount of protection, if at the expense of their allies who are physically closer to Israel.  The American Navy remains a threat in the Persian Gulf, but the wider Sepah, to whose vigilance this theatre is committed, are confident they can close the Strait of Hormuz if necessary.  The strategic balance is currently in favor of Iran and they have thus fulfilled what they believe to be their role in preparing for the Mahdi’s return.

Of those who believe in the eschatological purpose of the Islamic Republic, the Qods Force is unquestionably the vanguard of the coming march on Jerusalem, and the Western press ignores this to their own peril and the continued ignorance of their audiences.

From military and political standpoints, Qods has been very effective.  Iranian strategy has, since the 1979 Revolution, been to keep the American-Israeli alliance and its proxies at bay.  As stated previously, due to Iran’s inability to wage a full-scale war against both countries, the use of unconventional warfare has made the Qods Force come into prominence within Iran’s national defensive strategy.  Through both its advisory/training roles and its clandestine operations, Qods is used to prevent Iran’s two chief enemies from realizing strategic objectives in the Middle East and Persian Gulf and to make their continued presence within Iran’s immediate zone of security as costly and unpleasant as possible.

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Wow what a fantastic article!

A total admission of who Iran uses a terrorist organisation with the ultimate aim of destroying Israel and imposing an authoritarian religious dictatorship across the greater middle east

No wonder the USA just killed some of leadership at the top of this terrorist organisation


Maybe the US should abandon their plan of illegally toppling 7 countries in 5 years. We are 15 years in already. As if funding and creating terrorist groups like ISIS to try and topple the legitimate government of Syria is the work of “exceptional” people. Poor US can’t even make sovereign decisions while it’s being ruled by illegal occupying state, Israel, dictating every US policy. What an embarrassment.


The Syrian government has zero legitimacy in the eyes of millions of Syrians, who either fled or went to war with what is a corrupt dictatorship

The only reason it still exists,the Assad dictatorship, is because the Russians would almost certainly lose their base, same reason Russia invaded and took Crimea

What we’re witnessing is extreme acts by desperate people who are on the wrong side of history, these are people who run corrupt crappy countries, which have economies going nowhere

Frankly America doesn’t need to do anything as these regimes will topple themselves, oh and I’ve never seen, and neither has anybody else seen a ‘ top secret ‘ documents about which you refer, just blather from some retired US general


hahha dumbass….



And who is to say? You arrogant imperialistic pig are to decide about “legitimacy”?! Does your oil thieves and killers of Syrian civilians supporters of the terrorism have any legitimacy in Syria or anywhere else maybe?! They should be killed like rabid dogs to the last one for bringing death and agony to Syria!


The millions of Syrians who live in refugee camps, thats who

They ain’t going back whilst Assad is still there, besides i think it was some high ranking idiot in the Syrian regime who basically said they ain’t proper Syrians, whatever that means so they’d be killed, unless they bent the knee to Assad

Like i said its a dictatorship, and a nasty one


And what guarantees you that “millions of Syrians” didn’t escape a war,your bombings and the terrorists that you have trained and armed to destroy Syria?! They have still nothing to come back to thanks to Western and Israeli pigs support of ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists! IF EVER OFFERED free internationally controlled elections to Syria they would have been accepted! But because West knows that Assad is still winner in such elections they still keep supporting terrorists and reject only reasonable option for the peace!

Only thing that is 100% sure that you pigs are direct supporters of terrorism, killers of Syrian civilians and common thieves and destroyers of Syria! If Syrians do not support Assad on elections he will have to go weather he likes or not but what right do you have to be there and destroy and rob Syria out of their oil?! You FUCKING PIGS!


Why do you people always have to personalise everything?

I’ve personally had zero involvement in this Syrian madness

I can’t and won’t support a dictatorship though, who basically caused this mess due to their inability to create a modern economy

Ashok Varma

President Assad has wide ranging support and that is why he is still there.


He’s there because of Putin and an Iranian religious dictatorship

Personally i can’t think of a more incompatible and potentially dangerous combination

Concrete Mike



Well excuse me all over for getting it soooooo wrong!

But please tell that to a bunch of mush brains who appear on RT International, or Sputnik news, plus their website, because unless I’m very much mistaken thats how those two internationally esteemed news outlets have spun it for the last couple of years

Oh plus a number of other assorted useful idiots like Vanessa Beally , Pepe Escobar the Saker must have also got it ‘wrong’


Tens of thousands have already returned to government liberated areas like Aleppo. If Assad is the nasty dictator why does the army still fight for him, there would have been mass desertions


General Wesley Clarke confirmed the 7 countries takedown its widely reported for years are you saying hes a lying about this.

Ashok Varma

Please read the Yinon Plan as it is widely accepted as the regional blueprint for destabilization.


No I’m saying he has to show you,me and the whole world the document which stated such,until then its nothing more than some blather he said in a presentation/talk he gave

Evidence,dear boy i need evidence, obviously you don’t and neither do the idiots who upvoted you

Concrete Mike

Well no evidence was provided for iraq invasion.

We are in the 21st century. If you havent noticed, evidence is not.necessary, all one has to do is manufacture.consent. insert the facebooks and main stream media, and voila!!! No evidence needed as the consent is there anyways. Its an artificial.consent but consent is good enough.

So your living in a.gingerbread house buddy, wich is it, food or shelter? Cant be both!


Don’t play silly games

Clarke needs to show the world this mythical document

Plus there’s a big difference between public BS documents for political purposes and what have been produced for internal consumption, what Clarke called top secret purposes as i recall


I regret commenting on what you’ve said. It was clear that in this case the following saying applies: – “Don’t argue with a stupid person, they’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

Ashok Varma

Well said. Seems like all is not lost on this forum.


yea bob thinks sodomy with oneself is at the heart of happiness..


he doesn’t only “think” that but he knows that !


not bothering to read some jerks ignorant rants.. waste of time…


But you read mine, which incidentally are facts

Unfortunately we seem to be breeding a bunch of spoilt brats in the west these days who unfortunately can’t see past the propaganda of low tolerance authoritarian regimes,who mysteriously seem to have been given position of creating a new and fair world order!

How can you be creating a fair world order from Venezuela,Russia,Syria,Iran and China, you’ve gotta be having a laugh!

Well after i stopped laughing,thats after i first heard this i actually started taking it a bit more seriously when i became aware of all the stupid half wits who apparently believe this BS

If you honestly think the Assad regime can give anything positive to the world,well you’re simply delusional

Concrete Mike

Did.you ever stop.and think what would be the alternative to Assad? You dumb fuck?

We all.know what it is, ill tell.you anyways, the black flags.over damascus is what you dream.of.

Paint it however you want, the refugees were fleeing al nusrah and not the governement.

Your a liar, a terrorist supporting motherfucker. Learb to swim shithead!


I dont need to ‘ Learb’ to swim, I’m actually not sure what you mean, as i learnt to swim years ago thanks for the advice though, I’ll encourage all my mates to ‘ Learb’ to swim


You will regret your relentless propaganda trolling, when you see that which will become of it’s purpose, and you witness those you care about losing everything a peaceful life would have otherwise offered them. I hope you get to witness tragedy for those loved ones before you too meet the same fate that befalls most -if not all- of us.


Colin, you’d be happy to be ruled by a bunch of religious fanatics, a religious dictatorship?

Serious question!


Yeah like….



You sound like a nazi


And you sound like Zionist slave




You don’t know what a NAZI is except for what you’ve been told. Now flock off.


If Assad had fallen Syrias secular system would have been replaced by violent extremism the people know this.


No,what you mean is Syrian/Assad dictatorship

Stop blathering about it being a secular system, it was, and is a dictatorship, a dynastic one, just like North Korea

Its a failed state as its precious so called secular system was a totally bent and corrupt system incapable of operating a n economic system fit for the 21st century, therefore its failed

All Putin has done, along with others, is prolong the pain by maintaining Assad


The Kikes sure have you brainwashed mate!


Don’t think so!


I know so.


He might be one A Zionist pig

Free man

You can’t mess with a superpower like the US. Indeed, Soleimani was stupid.



Free man

You didn’t think of that because you are a very stupid fly .

Concrete Mike

Shut.up MEK punk. Treasonous scum!

Free man

pussy mike Take your sedative pills and go to sleep.

Free man

Spitting your ignorance again. Old stupid pussy mike.


Delusional, the US suffers from illusory superiority. The same goes for Israel. The bully always dominates, until he gets punched in the nose by the many.

Free man

Keep believing it, if it comforts you. I would suggest to Iran not to respond.


Man, I’m 1000% for the resistance and downfall of the anglozionist hegemony but talk about handing your enemy a MASSIVE victory …. the US were ALREADY bombing significant Iran-Shia militia targets in Iraq and this convoy rolls into a Baghdad, THE most US-controlled zone in Iraq, under constant US surveillance almost BEGGING to be targeted, and with the highest possible gain targets in the first 2 vehicles. I mean, COME ON !!!!!!!!


Because they’re dumb!

The Iranians that is

Ashok Varma

I would refrain from making blanket and ignorant judgements, maybe expected from a brainwashed racist westerner. Persians have had a profound impact on human civilization, cultural development and language perhaps you should visit the Taj Mahal and Persepolis. Over a billion people speak a Farsi derivative language from the Caucuses, Central Asia, Afghanistan to India.


He is troll so… check his other comments

Ashok Varma

But even a troll can be educated. These are racist and ignorant people who think all non-westerners are stupid. They have the same racist attitude towards Indians whom they exploited and mocked for centuries and now have to come begging for trade and investment. Persians are good and decent people and attacking them is not going to work. India is the 4th largest economy today after our Asian neighbour China as number 1.


“These are racist and ignorant people who think all non-westerners are stupid”

Oh please let them think that, they are heading for hell of surprise

Ashok Varma

Hubris brother, the arrogant British used to think the same and now they come begging to Mumbai and we own all their major companies from Jaguar onwards.


So what!!

What exactly has iran done since its religious revolution in the late 70s?

Not much apart from antagonism

Ashok Varma

It has free education, national health service, no debt despite 40 years of illegal sanctions. I am not about your level of travel or global awareness but you do need an education. Iran graduates as many engineers as USA and only behind China, Russia and India.


Yeah whatever, so what?????

Tell me exactly how many globally important multi-national corporations does it have?

Tell me how big its financial service sector is?

What does it do,apart from make trouble,what does it manufacture?

As for travel,i certainly wouldn’t be traveling to Iran, why should i put money into the coffers of a religious dictatorship?

Concrete Mike

Is that your only measure ofnsucces?? How “good” one is at capitalism??

How good.one is at globalism?

If that is your yardstick, well do i have a bridge to sell to you.

You stupid war cheerleading cunt!!



I’m afraid when you live in a capitalist world, based upon certain forms of globalisation, rules based system created by the most successful economies thats the only way you can define things

However you can retreat into fantasy lala land and wish the real world away!

Which seems to be the way many people on this site see things

If you live in a capitalist world you have to play by the rules, something daft socialist just don’t have the capacity to understand, instead they go off and create silly alternative system which unfortunately for the poor citizens of those countries fail, just as they did in the Soviet system and all those other countries in the Warsaw Pact, they all failed how much of that can’t you understand?

Unfortunately for the third world this madness was exported to them, including places like Syria

And when it all goes tits up, what do these half wit anti capitalist/imperialist mush brains do?

Yup, they blame the successful countries and economies for all their mistakes

You need to grow up and get yerself a brain


You don’t deserve anything but “antagonism” from Iran. Because US has endless list of hostile and even terrorist acts against Iran.


Irans a big nothing burger

A self perpetuating failed state

Iran has a bunch of people, the elite, who’ve basically run iran into the ground

Not my problem mate, i didn’t do this, they could have been reliable partners to the west like the Japanese or South Korean, but no they had to go all teenage socialist,with religious Iranian characteristics,didn’t they

So now they’ll suffer what they must, their fault,simple!


“A self perpetuating failed state” will kick your American arse no doubt about that! Killing Iranian general is state TERRORISM since Iran was not in war with US. You will be kicked out of Iraq for start than from Syria also! Than from whole Middle East! This is the beginning of the end of US in Middle East and global dominance in general. You will start to retreat now and never stop again US is true nothing burger!




Still dumb af, wearing his military clothes on the most supervised place in Iraq, was like serving his head on a plate.

Free man

Indeed, Soleimani was stupid.


Yep, did not know the evil Kikes and their hold on the dumb Americans….


Ashok Varma

Based on a US fake IQ test?

Free man

He planned the attack on the American embassy, according to the Americans, and then returned to the crime scene. Do you think it’s smart?


What is not “smart” is to take American word or explanation for anything of value. American MSM is full of lies on totally insignificant things let alone something as important as this

Ashok Varma

Americans are fed totally controlled corporate media diatribe. They are clueless about the world as it is by-passing them. They are like Nero fiddling when Rome was burning. No rational nation can survive on endless wars and militarization. The world belongs to the peaceful and innovative.


Yeah I’m sure you have the same reflex….. When you meet a person on internet, very arrogant and with very low level of general knowledge on just about everything…. and with luck of common sense on top…… I would often jump to conclusion hmmm…this guy must be American and often enough I was right.

Ashok Varma

I studied in America and was hosted by some families, on a individual level they are nice, but are fed pseudo-nationalism and flag waving as the country has a very violent and racist beginnings based on slavery and thuggery and collectively that is how they behave. That is their downfall as Chinese are cautiously watching American commit suicide by a death of thousand cuts.


In that “death of thousand cuts” at least 500 are self inflicted

Ashok Varma

Anyway, it has been sad to hear of more killings and conflict. Peace to all humanity and good karma to the righteous. Good bye.


Peace. And greetings to the sleeping giant India.

Free man

I wrote “according to the Americans”.


OK sorry

Concrete Mike

Dont be sorry with that fucking mek troglodyte, tell him to.go pound sand.

Ashok Varma

Do you think the invasion of Iraq on fake WDM premise, sanctions and killing millions of Iraqis and Arabs had anything to do with it? your clown of a president even made vulgar immature statements like “taking Iraqi oil”. These are not the acts of a civilized nation.

Free man

The US invasion of Iraq was wrong and the US president is vulgar. Does that change the fact that Solimani was stupid?

Ashok Varma

I would refrain from passing non-objective assessments. The profession of military is laced with danger and perhaps the general overestimated his Iraqi hosts loyalty. Taking pleasure at any persons death in Hinduism is sign of an evil soul and karma awaits.


Yes! Iraqi Swiss cheese like top “secret” service. And swarms of US, NATO Israeli spies and Iraqi sellouts.

Extremely dangerous place for any Iranian

Ashok Varma

Iraq as nation state post the British colonial era has been unstable since the CIA assassination of anti-Israel Hashmite Feisal. The British carved up Iraq into Jordan and Kuwait, just like India’s partition and then the Baathist’s like Saddam ruined it. America has been killing Iraqi leaders since Nuri al Said.


You are knowledgeable person. From which one can always something to learn.


Why “stupid”?!? He went to Iraq because that was something “for his ears only” or because he had to transfer some orders from the Iranian top level. It obviously had to be him because Iran would not let him go to take unnecessary risque otherwise.

So do not be insolent towards Iranians because those people are not known to lack cognitive capacity. At the contrary! That label you like to use, much more sticks with Americans. I immediately think about George Bush the Stupid

Free man

Both of my parents were born in Iran. I know what the Iranians are. I referred to Soleimani’s “non-secret” appearance at Baghdad airport, one day after the Americans said they considered him as responsible for the attack against the embassy.


“Both of my parents were born in Iran” Are they Persians, Iranians or from other ethnic origin?

Soleimani’s “non-secret” appearance? Yeah and when was that? Any source for that to back up the claim?

Free man

They were born in the Azeri part of Iran (where Khamenei was born). When you land at Baghdad airport it is “not secret”.


So they are of Azeri origin…or…

OK I get it when you land it is “not secret”…. Once they knew he was there he went away already in unknown direction…

But the only true problem which you don’t mention in your explanation is that they knew when and how he will go back . That is the key of the problem how they got to him.

Concrete Mike

MEK prick!

Free man

What’s the excuse for your stupidity? grumpy old pussy mike


You do sound sometime like somebody who hates Iranians or has hidden agenda..

Free man

As a secular person, I don’t like what the mullahs have turned Iran in to.


You are on the wrong side now. Since US are definitely not “good guys” here either way you turn things. Maybe it is better to stay neutral for while.


In sex it is called premature ejaculation. In thinking, jumping on conclusion. Somebody is declaring end of the war and true battle didn’t even start.

Set back is part of the war games and only fulls declare that as defeat or cardinal error when it is but part of the game that is about to start

Free man

I think the game started long ago. Soleimani just fell into the trap.


It might be so but…You don’t know that…nobody does. Bottom line is that… if it is “trap” or something else that doesn’t change anything for us simple observers. It is up to Iraqi and Iranian secret services to get to the bottom of this. They need the right answer.

Iraq is full of betrayal and Iraqi spies bought by the West

Free man

Bolton : “Congratulations to all involved in eliminating Qassem Soleimani. Long in the making, this was a decisive blow against Iran’s malign Quds Force activities worldwide. Hope this is the first step to regime change in Tehran.” Notice the “Long in the making”.


Yeah good point.. He was definitely on theirs “to kill” list. But we still don’t know how did they get to him.

He is wrong with the conclusion though. This will only unite more Iranians.

Free man

“This will only unite more Iranians.” – On the one hand he was very popular in Iran on the other hand his death is a very serious blow to the regime.

Ashok Varma

Just an objective note, a country as rich in history, like India is not built around a single major general. Iranian policies are linked to their current government and will not change but harden. Mature nation states think strategically, India has very close relations with the theocratic regime because it is in our interest. US thinks like a teenager with a shot gun, wild, angry and suicidal. Do you seriously think that the murder of a single Iranian officer will collapse a 3,000 year old civilization?

Free man

“Do you seriously think that the murder of a single Iranian officer will collapse a 3,000 year old civilization?” – NO. The mullahs regime is not Iran/ Persia. It’s just a short 40-year episode of a long 3000-year history. Iran will exist after the mullahs regime is gone.

Ashok Varma

Wishful and illogical thinking at best my friend. Anyway, good luck to Iran and its noble people.

Free man

“good luck to Iran and its noble people.” – I agree.

Ashok Varma

Iranians perhaps did not accurately gauge US hostility towards them as they are seem as challenging the illegal US invasion on Iraq and Syria. This article has huge flaws like omitting Iranian religious and cultural influence in Iraq and the author omits Syria completely. This does not auger well for US, Iran or a very fragile region. From a legal point of view US action was an act of war and state sanctioned terrorism. US thinks it can get by with immunity as Iran made the fatal mistake of shunning nuclear weapons. Killing a North Korean general in cold blood would have had a totally different outcome and the US would never have dared to commit such a blatant crime.


Visit was supposed to be top secret on urgent matter. In war one must take risk sometimes and thing don’t have to go as they were planned.. The enemy won because shit happens sometime not because they are more intelligent… Many reasons could be behind…a luck, treason, unpredictable circumstances etc. People get killed in war (even the brightest and most intelligent) and this IS a war

Ashok Varma

However, General Soleimani should have been more prudent coming by air in an airspace controlled by US.


Maybe he didn’t have time for that luxury (to be prudent) He did what he had to do as Iranian patriot in war against the “Great Satan”

Ashok Varma

Or fatalistic. Every human being must face and accept death as being mortal is our currency. “May the eternal heavens give gati /sadgati (speed) to his soul.”


Yes The people in his line of duty must come to terms with death long before that it can actually happen. He seamed to be very intelligent man so I doubt that he didn’t know that he might be killed easily. It was part of his duty and within his patriotic desire to serve his country and his people by risking his life.


How was that top secret when he was wearing not only his military clothes but also his jewelries, in the biggest airport from Iraq?


Yes …”clothes …also his jewelries” Obviously “top secret” part was lost somewhere during his trajectory…and that is even more important as “clothes, jewelries” I suppose that they didn’t at least trumpet about his arrival. And they were planing quick departure immediately after arrival but obviously not quick enough. The attack assets, drones were already in place and ready to go.

General could have been tracked already from Syria or which ever place he came from. Somebody didn’t do his job to protect him properly


It was not top secret! Everyone knew where he was! He was in Iraq at the invitation of Iraqi government!


If that is true…. Than his blood is on their hands now. Since they were the guarantee for his security Iraq has now all the responsibility to kick out occupational US troops for their terrorist act of war.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

iraq PM was warned hrs before the attack, nothing could be done apparently. maybe iran figured out his death would do more good in the long run. iraq really want USA gone from their country now

also impeachment paperwork is mostly done. if this aint a legal strike remember pelosi stated they would add more evidence as they get it before the papers get handed in


The Kikes have got the Muricans in another pickle. Not gonna end well………

Rodney Loder

General Soleimani preyed for martyrdom and Allah (swt) granted his request, may Allah (swt) also grant Soleimani a high status in Paradise.

Also why did Trump jump ? Crazy to think he’ll be better off politically, peace candidates always win in the US, so why does Trump want war in his first term, it’s because the Freemasonry is desperately trying to keep me Jesus Christ here so these Zino swine can keep using the power of God on behalf of satan.

Trump is totally mind controlled by the Freemason Zino swine.

Raptar Driver

Iran won’t respond in any meaningful manner, the resistance block is a farce, they want to be in bed with the Zionists, only on their terms. This is what the fight is about, how warmly to be under the dragons wings.


So much disinformation, this was not a top secret visit. He was visiting Iraq in official capacity as a diplomat. And American govt decided to assassinate a diplomat on foreign soil! It is called changing the rules (if you have noticed American and NATO officials have stopped referencing International Law [unless it suits them, which isn’t often] and talk about some bs “rules based order”). It seems to me that assassinating diplomatic personnel is now part of the “rules based order”. This makes every American “diplomat” anywhere in the world a fair game too. Who can be this stupid – oh yeah, the zionists.

Swift Laggard II

Pretty clear Iran is weak. They believe in rhetoric. They talk too much. Iran is not DPRK

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

shared to gab

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

house voted to impeach trump, havent said what for, is this strike legal? did military industrial complex just capture the president?

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