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MARCH 2025

Iran Releases Videos Showing IRGC Personnel Fall Aboard British-flagged Oil Tanker

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Iran Releases Videos Showing IRGC Personnel Fall Aboard British-flagged Oil Tanker

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Iran’s Tashim News Agency released a first video showing the detained British-flagged oil tanker Stena Impero.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) announced on July 19 that its naval forces had seized it under the pretext that the tanker was not observing international maritime regulations in the waterway.

At the same time, most of the observers in retaliation for the UK’s capture of the ‘Grace 1’ off Gibraltar earlier in July.


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Stena Impero moving at pretty good speed when boarded. Good flying by the helo pilot.

Salman Alfarisi



And The Saudis release the Iranian tanker that you didn’t see in the media TIT for TAT – Iran plays hardball – happiness all round.



Interesting report, the Happiness 1 released the next day. I guess the Saudis got the message. :)


Too sharp for this site! All of you live in a 2D world! There are more dimensions to this that are OBVIOUS if you take the time to read what is happening in DC! Is anyone on this site focussing on DC? NO! because they are in a black and white world of Good guys and bad guys! Dumb as dogs balls!

Zionism = EVIL

Justin, whatever you are on, its working. Let’s discuss the meaning of life and aliens in universe. Jews were rocketed to earth to destroy the planet, parts of the rocket broke up on entry and got implanted in their nasal cavity, hence the ugly honkers.


Epstein (FACT) worked for a foreign intel agency! Im 10 times above your knowledge on how this world works! LEARN! Im on your side, but youre not!


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/38905565806e9bcdf42074644974c0aeb8c683090ccba874e22529f2b437d1eb.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/34e0a3dd105fc648f16ac1f26994eed6f1a8d75c22b2d5d310bc9520e813ffca.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a8903fbd75df26732eff21a9bc2dda1099f9eeb3882251c4b0036e53fd834630.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bb63305a8617bed16f32eefc30a2616c37c46d1ce04650a06e33a63b596b1571.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/976fc1ce6983cf4c655ef53f86c6b6a80b6e6a7ab9ddf117120521286145be19.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ab394cfc5d711c8f17f89e92c4f2775592144cf43b90bf4dc292cd08e19bf83f.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6bbe5badbba8ee0a6b527e20e4616fc3d0763549572b7f37f4eded55c657997c.png

Rothschild and Ghislaine Maxwell (Daughter of the most decorated Mossad Agent Robert Maxwell) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/22877d26ef154cd3314376a4023e5f9b1f110dccd89b2bfdd100736f68fd07ae.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0fadc6bc15797cc662bbdaa13b406094fd4a332ead40fc4fc76687109989277a.jpg

Rothschilds and Bronfman family! Maxwell Mossad Rothschild + Maxwell = Epstein Pedo island Bronfman = NXIUM

All arrested! ALL ARRESTED!!!!!


You can laugh but you will remember my name! JUSTIN he was right! He was always right!


Trying to understand what it is you’re saying. Are you telling us the power brokers at at war with each other? If so, who are they? What are they warring over? Why are they divided now? Are their ” good guys? If so, who are they? What are their means and end? With all sincerity, your a bit confusing and I’m only trying to understand.

Concrete Mike

Ok we have some factions.within the.us gov.struggling for power, is this what you are implying?

If all these factions have the same.bankers, errr i mean backers, that just makes them all puppets.

Some factions do not put american intetests first, they must be reigned in at all costs!


forget banks! Think intelligence war! Remember when Russia used their intel services to put Putin back into power to save Russia from collapsing? The same thing is occurring right now in the USA!

Because those who have held power for so long (the zionist bad guys everyone on this site rightfully dispises) their plans have been killed!

Do u think North Korea just suddenly decided to meet Trump for no good reason? Do u really and honestly take the main stream excuse that their scientists died in an earth quake? Or that Trump scared them? So what, they start to meet and shake hands?

North Korea Was OWNED by the same people who OWNED and CONTROLLED ISIS and Al-quieda!

Bad guys are owned! All fo them! (After the fall of the soviet union hence gulf war 1 they go into middle east for oil)

Israel created Hamas in the same way the CIA created al-quieda!

Why would Soros (Jew), Alaweed Bin talal (Sunni Wahabbi) and Valerie Jarrett (Shiite) all work, back and fight to get Obama into power? How does Obama’s treaty with Iran help Israel and Saudi?

People cant answer these questions! I can!

People on this site have no idea what is going on int he world besides what this site prints!

im sick of explaining to people!

Think about it….. why are they Attacking Trump so hard? What does Epstein mean? He got off so easy last time! Now?? Refused bail!! Power out in NYC Sub incident between Russia and USA water borders? Right at the time the USA had its first July 4 military parade in DC? Thus tonnes of military equipment (think umbrella of protection) around the time a nuclear sub incident occurred?


I know much more than this, but people on this site have no fucking idea! They are fast to say Al-queida and isis are Mossad and CIA Why arnt they fast enough to say China, NK are controlled by the same? Why do u think US industries were transferred to China over the last few decades?

i could go on and on!

people on this site dont realise that every nation is compromised! Now an intel war occurs!

Concrete Mike

Prometheus said much the same.

Let me digest this a bit , ill get back to you.


If Iran sanction US and UK oil tankers then they cannot enter or use Persian Gulf. In case if Israel do any bullshit then Israel will be wiped out completely. Israel will end in 2019.

Iran is not Afghanistan where UK and US will win. They have lost war even from Afghani Taliban. This is world record that how many wars America have started all they have lost.

Toronto Tonto

Still Russia holds the title of wars started and Iran will be an easy dust up .


“Russia holds the title of wars started” let’s count these past 30 years.. Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq again, Libya.. Yeah, get the picture..

Toronto Tonto

30 years NO fucface lets count the last 100 years . loser Russian goof.


I didn’t know you can count over 10 but sure, give it a try. The record comes even worse for US of A and its decadent empire ¯_(ツ)_/¯


begone juden

Zionism = EVIL

Did a Russian diddle your ugly mom? Jew faggot.

Fleecing Rabbi

“America Has Been At War 93% of the Time – 222 Out of 239 Years – Since 1776“or 134 conflicts against mostly small defenceless nations from Dominican Republic to Afghanistan.

Zionism = EVIL

Another Jew faggot troll hiding behind a maple leaf ;)


yeah and like you he can’t read a compass (or google for information)


FUCK YEAH, AN EYE FOR AN EYE MOTHERFUCKERS> Want to be some Highly Likely BRITS and take Iranian Oil tankers well, here it is REPEAT. DEJA VU. When you will return the Iranian one back you will get this one back, and only if Iran wants it.


Already started to happen https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2019/07/20/601432/Iran-oil-tanker-Happiness-I-Saudi-Arabia


Fear is inside the bone, they say.

Zionism = EVIL

Americunt loser fat faggots not joining the military. Pentagon asks for lowering recruitment age to 16

The best way to fix the U.S. armed forces’ recruiting challenges may involve dipping further into the nation’s high schools according to a new report.

As the Army,Navy and other services contend with a thriving economy and a directive to expand their ranks, there is a growing debate over whether the military should consider lowering the minimum enlistment age from 17 to 16. More than a dozen countries, including the United Kingdom, already have adopted the policy.

Critics say the idea is deeply flawed and presents a host of societal problems, but supporters argue that the Pentagon needs to think outside the box if it wants to continually overcome one of the toughest recruiting environments in decades as on-going military quagmires from Afghanistan to Syria take their toll on an exhausted and floundering US military.


Everything that is occurring is being done on purpose! The people that had the iranian tanker hi-jacked were the same people who ordered the British tanker to be hi-jacked!

You need to expand your thinking! Those that controlled isis and Al-quieda also control Iran, China! They are pushing for a war! WHY? Because the elites of this world are under threat! Watch the news, when you see more and more people being busted for pedophillia and sex trafficking children, you will see war ramp up in order to divert our attention and to also counter anything done to the elites (if u do this, we will do that)

Dont worry, i know u will laugh, the difference is that i know what is going on and most people on this site have no idea!


Yeah right Justin. No doubt you are the sharpest tool in the shed. :)


you got that right! Watch the news! im right

Sorna Karbaschi

There is a saying in Parsi ” Donkeys, and Cows won’t obey your orders if you don’t carry a big stick ! See How Saudis responded in less than 24 hours.

Sorna Karbaschi

There is a saying in Parsi ” Donkeys, and Cows won’t obey your orders if you don’t carry a big stick” ! See How Saudis responded in less than 24 hours.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

so many salty british zionists on twitter… just look at ELINT news and his following lol

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

you mean much smarter people than you?

Zionism = EVIL

Jew faggot with no life :)

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

says the antisemitic troll

Zionism = EVIL

Only Arabs are SEMITES, and your mom should have swallowed for sure :)

Zionism = EVIL

The reality is that Iranian forces, especially special forces have had a lot of real combat experience since the Iran-Iraq war and subsequent combat all over the region. The limey gits and Americunt arseholes are not facing another small defenceless country in the Persian Gulf, but a large nationalistic nation of over 83 million people whose illustrrious military history dates back several millenium compared to the loudmouth Americunts or devious limey gits. Iran is quite prepared for a long drawn out asymmetrical war in the region and anyone who has been to Southern Iran lately would know the large amount of military movements in the Bushehr to Hormozgan region. Both Salami and Bagheri were in Jask this week inspecting the coastal defence batteries. There are also credible reports that Russia has transferred S-400 and other defensive weaponry to Iran. The Iranian S-300 are actually as capable or more than the S-400 thanks to Russian engineers working with Iranians upgrading them. I am no fan of the mullah regime, but attacking Iran will unleash hell in the Persian Gulf and beyond which no one would be able to control. The first to burn will be the Zionist scum, followed by Saudi shitheads and Emirati pimps and the little Bahraini faggots. My advice, DON’T FUCK WITH IRAN!

Iran May Have the S-400 in All But Name; What Russia Really Delivered in 2016 and Why it Matters

In April 2016 Russia began delivery of the S-300 system to Iran, and delivery was confirmed by both parties to be complete in October of thatyear. What was notable about the delivery was that Iran received a heavily customized variant of the missile system with unknown capabilities. While Russia and Iran both confirmed the fulfillment of a contract to deliver the S-300 to Iran, no further details were given regarding the variant Iran had acquired or the weapons system’s capabilities. What was delivered to Iran, a country with a robust missile development program and engineering skills, had capabilities comparable to the more advanced S-400, in some respects an S-400 in all but name, and such a delivery would have served both Iranian and Russian strategic interests. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/25994f8ca9e9c58cafe793e88400f30d7342383f60da0eda8c111d4b8a521e5d.jpg

Iranian S-300 battery spotted at Jask.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

funny because an Israeli F-35 flew over Tehran UNDETECTED in 2018 :-]

Zionism = EVIL

No JEW FAGGOT PUNK! you are are proven liar and a fraud and banned from almost every site. In any case what would a 21 year old ugly hooked nosed gay Jew liar know anything about military issues :-] SF needs to do the same PUNK!

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Takes a faggot to know a faggot, faggot! I bet you can’t even make 10 dollars. I ran a hedge fund! ha!

Zionism = EVIL

Got ya PUNK!

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

what are you talking about?

Zionism = EVIL

You dumb Jew faggot, you are proven liar and banned everywhere. You are 21 year old fag with no life.


LOL Rocket Nose literally just admitted he’s a faggot XD


You have been owned.


This – The National Futures Association (NFA) banned Wohl for life in 2017. The NFA had received investor complaints about his activity, and upon completing its investigation, concluded that Wohl was guilty of refusing to cooperate with the NFA as required, misrepresenting investments and misleading investors.[3][24][25] Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) charged Wohl with 14 counts of securities fraud in the same year, and forced him to pay $32,919 in restitution.[26][27][24]

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

you’ve been added to the twitter list “Nazi Filth”. Congratulations. Btw, none of what you wrote is true :-]


Wikipedia says otherwise. My sock puppet is scared.

Can you send a link of the list please, shalom in advance.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

look it up yourself @joshgladwin


But I don’t have a twitwat account, it’s full of idiots like child rapist trumpy


Jacob, I think I might know your mum. That’s a worry for me and Hasbara Hunter.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

I’ve filed a suit against that antisemitic impersonating account, don’t worry :-]


The National Futures Association (NFA) banned Wohl for life in 2017. The NFA had received investor complaints about his activity, and upon completing its investigation, concluded that Wohl was guilty of refusing to cooperate with the NFA as required, misrepresenting investments and misleading investors.[3][24][25] Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) charged Wohl with 14 counts of securities fraud in the same year, and forced him to pay $32,919 in restitution.[26][27][24]


begone rocket nosed kike vermin

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

go back to 1945 and be defeated, nazi filth!

Zionism = EVIL

AshekeNAZI hooked nosed spawn of NAZIS. Your mom should have swallowed ugly by-product ;)

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

ouch so hurtful. just remember, you’ve been added to Josh Gladwin’s twitter list “Nazi Filth” along with thousands of other antisemites. have fun

Zionism = EVIL

Suck on my kaboodle you dumbass Jew PUNK.

Concrete Mike

Keep it up soon enough you will.be alone.on twitter.


Youve been added to the Jew rat meme list (your photos and comments)

Jacob Wohl

lol and I could care a less. Stop being fascinated by jews. You’ve got this massive conspiracy mindset where you think jews are behind EVERYTHING bad and evil in the world. That mindset was what led to the Holocaust. And Israel is NEVER going to let another one happen


actually my people were the ones who defeated the nazis. maybe your nose size is interfering with brain function?


Your cousin Joseph Mengele would have given you a free nose job if the Soviet people had not defeated the Nazis, your role models.


Thank the USSR and 26 million Soviets who sacrificed their lives for that.


go back to 1940 and be gassed, Jew rat!

Jacob Wohl

some of my ancestors escaped the Holocaust and some were unfortunate not to. Dick head

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

you’ve been added to Josh Gladwin’s twitter list “Nazi filth” have fun :)

Zionism = EVIL

You are a NAZI yourself you liar.


oMg iM sO sAd :(


It’s you who is the Nazi, but your too blind to see it


Youve been added to Wayne Smith’s instagram meme list u Jew Rat! have fun!

Zionism = EVIL

You are convicted FRAUD punk!

Concrete Mike

Ouhh big wow ran a.ponzi scheme.

Build a 4million dollar building and come talk to us after loser ear cheerleader?


Just in case you hadn’t seen it

The National Futures Association (NFA) banned Wohl for life in 2017. The NFA had received investor complaints about his activity, and upon completing its investigation, concluded that Wohl was guilty of refusing to cooperate with the NFA as required, misrepresenting investments and misleading investors.[3][24][25] Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) charged Wohl with 14 counts of securities fraud in the same year, and forced him to pay $32,919 in restitution.[26][27][24]


Yes and you’ve been banned for life

The National Futures Association (NFA) banned Wohl for life in 2017. The NFA had received investor complaints about his activity, and upon completing its investigation, concluded that Wohl was guilty of refusing to cooperate with the NFA as required, misrepresenting investments and misleading investors.[3][24][25] Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) charged Wohl with 14 counts of securities fraud in the same year, and forced him to pay $32,919 in restitution.[26][27][24]


according to debkafile rocket noses, not according to reality :)


Yeah, Israel will soon take F-35 to moon. How many F-35 were there?


Not likely, but one did have a “bird strike” over Syria.


Another Hollywood fantasy.

Fleecing Rabbi

יש לי כאב בתחת


You made up the death threats against yourself Jacob.You are a deluded fool. An Israeli F-35I was hit and damaged by a Russian-made S-200 surface-to-air missile during an Israeli air strike in Syria. Israel says one of its F-35s was damaged—after colliding with a bird.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

not true, but whatever you say antisemite


Is Chrissy Teigen on the list? Lol, snigger

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

she’s a fat, old asian woman. Literally every single asian granny I’ve seen looks like her. She was never attractive anyways. Plus once I get back on twitter I wont hold back against her and will insult her like she’s never been insulted before


She smashed you on twittwat, everyone mocked you for being less popular than an old Asian prostitute. Even in the sauna house the boys said she gives better head than you.


I overhead it in a hipster (kosher) coffee shop


I own you and Hasbara EVERYTIME

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

I don’t work for them. I’m my own advocate and free man. I make tons of money trading stocks, forex, options, bonds, and currencies every day. What do you do, antisemite?


I don’t send myself death threats using fake acciunts


Ask your mum


You probably need to see what the anti SEMETIC Wikipedia are saying about you



I asked a few people that were more learned in this subject and that answer I got time and time again is that this story of an F-35 flying over Tehran undetected is a sheer propaganda piece disseminated by Kuwait (a non-friendly country towards Iran).

I will copy-past the answer I got from people who are more knowledge then you in the field.

The good thing about fighter jets are their vast tactical uses, more so in non high-intensity was scenarios. Israeli F-15 used U.S IIF codes to be mistaken as USAF F-15s and attacked from a totally unexpected vector. Israeli special mission drones operated form Azerbaijan.

So the biggest issue, the range limitation, of the F-35 could have been solved via a disguised in flight refueling or cooperation from Irans enemies (USAF tanker, Saudi tanker, Bahrain or Azerbaijan airbases, airliner IIF codes)

That’s the tactical toolbox they can play with.

From Irans side there are also limitations: If the IADS is not in alarm state of an incoming conflict, many of its assets will not be active. Emission control (to keep system signature, capability and position secret) and MTBF issues with especially gap fillers will keep them off, in situations like today’s tension level. Hence the IADS operates at around 25% of its nominal capability.

Knowing this another tool is created for the Israelis: If they know which systems are off and carefully study the terrain, they can use masking and radar horizon effects to plan a flight profile that avoids Irans IADS assets to its best and allows higher level flight, where possible, to increase range performance.

Ok, so this is the situation. Such a situation lead a small prop aircraft to intrude into highly dense Soviet airspace and land in Moscow at the end of the cold war. Back then Soviet IADS was at an impressively high state, their terrain was almost flat (almost no terrain masking possible), and the prop aircraft had no intel on best possible flight path. They eventually detected it and has issues with justifying a shot down of a civilian aircraft but the PR damage to their capability was done.

So this is the situation. If I’m asked, I would say yes it is possible if the Israelis did their best use of all those tactics. Would it be possible above Tehran, Shiraz and Esfahan? A clear no. Would it have any added value which space based assets would not provide? Doubtful. Would it be a representative display of Irans war-sate IADS capability? Absolutely not. Would it create a psychological effect on IADS professionals? No. On amateurs? Likely. Would it be possible if Irans next generation OTHR assets become available? Almost impossible.

Do I think Israelis are confident and brave enough to risk such a operation? I doubt that: Many Iranian IADS capabilities are unknown, sudden appearance of a mobile system somewhere or non-Radar IR assets, all could lead to a catastrophic end. Clean F-35 stealth performance is simply not good enough, neither its range/speed performance to make such a mission justifiably robust. But maybe they had excellent planning´, excellent intel, support from Irans enemies, very brave/PR-blinded pilots and ready to risk it. So I don’t exclude it on regions around Irans periphery.


I heard that rumor too. Two questions.

1. The F-35’s supposedly visited 3 cities including Tehran and loitered to look at various bunkers and nuclear facilities. Iran is a big country and the F-35 has a small gas tank. How did they refuel over Iran?

2. Israel has some of the best spy satellites on earth. Why would Israel risk a pair of $80 m fighters on a very expensive cowboy mission over Iran when they have a fleet of perfectly good satellites that are designed specifically for this mission? That Japanese F-35 that crashed into the ocean still hasn’t been explained. Just the risk that the Iranians could allow the planes to fly over Iran so they could collect elint on them would be enough to scuttle the mission.


You’ve essentially answered your question in full. The event that Jacob flaunts never happened. To even talk about it lends credence to a physically impossible/impractical story that would defy all conventional military logic known to mankind.


I will forward a post to a forum user who is rather knowledgeable in this field and I did ask him about this very almost certainly fake event and his response is truly enlightening. Please take a look, you might be interested!

The good thing about fighter jets are their vast tactical uses, more so in non high-intensity was scenarios. Israeli F-15 used U.S IIF codes to be mistaken as USAF F-15s and attacked from a totally unexpected vector. Israeli special mission drones operated form Azerbaijan.

So the biggest issue, the range limitation, of the F-35 could have been solved via a disguised in flight refueling or cooperation from Irans enemies (USAF tanker, Saudi tanker, Bahrain or Azerbaijan airbases, airliner IIF codes)

That’s the tactical toolbox they can play with.

From Irans side there are also limitations: If the IADS is not in alarm state of an incoming conflict, many of its assets will not be active. Emission control (to keep system signature, capability and position secret) and MTBF issues with especially gap fillers will keep them off, in situations like today’s tension level. Hence the IADS operates at around 25% of its nominal capability.

Knowing this another tool is created for the Israelis: If they know which systems are off and carefully study the terrain, they can use masking and radar horizon effects to plan a flight profile that avoids Irans IADS assets to its best and allows higher level flight, where possible, to increase range performance.

Ok, so this is the situation. Such a situation lead a small prop aircraft to intrude into highly dense Soviet airspace and land in Moscow at the end of the cold war. Back then Soviet IADS was at an impressively high state, their terrain was almost flat (almost no terrain masking possible), and the prop aircraft had no intel on best possible flight path. They eventually detected it and has issues with justifying a shot down of a civilian aircraft but the PR damage to their capability was done.

So this is the situation. If I’m asked, I would say yes it is possible if the Israelis did their best use of all those tactics. Would it be possible above Tehran, Shiraz and Esfahan? A clear no. Would it have any added value which space based assets would not provide? Doubtful. Would it be a representative display of Irans war-sate IADS capability? Absolutely not. Would it create a psychological effect on IADS professionals? No. On amateurs? Likely. Would it be possible if Irans next generation OTHR assets become available? Almost impossible.

Do I think Israelis are confident and brave enough to risk such a operation? I doubt that: Many Iranian IADS capabilities are unknown, sudden appearance of a mobile system somewhere or non-Radar IR assets, all could lead to a catastrophic end. Clean F-35 stealth performance is simply not good enough, neither its range/speed performance to make such a mission justifiably robust. But maybe they had excellent planning´, excellent intel, support from Irans enemies, very brave/PR-blinded pilots and ready to risk it. So I don’t exclude it on regions around Irans periphery.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

it was confirmed by Debkafile. keep crying


I had to look up Debkafile.

According to it’s wiki page Israeli intelligence says 90% of what they report is bullshit while the sites operators claim 80% of what they report is true. This one smells like the 20% bullshit guaranteed by the site operators.


Confirmed by Debka (which is owned by israel) hahaha! dude we arnt dumb on this site!

Dude i zoomed in on your photo, your nose points down! can u give us a side view so we can confirm if u have a hook nose?

Oh shit u do aaaa hahahaha! U know as you get older your nose and ears grow! This is another reason why people call jews rats! imagine your ears and nose much bigger and that hooked nose hooking more and more!

Dude u have the worlds worst genetics (equal to indians from India). i feel sorry for u but not enough to give u someone else’s nation!

Jacob Wohl

lol ok is that all you’ve got? dick head



Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

nope. confirmed by Debkafile


yeah and thats because you know right? lol


Iranian military is one of the few real fighting armies left and should never be underestimated. They have been preparing for any eventuality since the US and Zionists started an undeclared war on Iran since the revolution. Iran has many weapon systems it has not showcased.


To further add to your post, I would like to move forward the assertion that indeed Iran has and is currently receiving advanced aid in critical Air Defense sectors to insure a palpable level of deterrence/defense when needed, especially during such a volatile time. I don’t see a feasible reality where Russia or China leave Iran to just die off in another U.S. lead bloodbath for Israel. It doesn’t seem to be the case this time around, so we can soundly put that argument to rest. In short for the naysayers, Iran is not alone.

As we know of now correlating directly with what you said about Iran receiving a heavily customized S-300 which (if I got my information correct) is actually the S-300PMU2 which is, for all intents and purposes, an S-400 in all but name, this is a rather huge point that many arguing that Iran will be an easy target seem to just overlook (amongst many other things). I would also like to believe that Iran/Russia hasn’t disclosed the actual number of physicals systems brought into Iran. Meaning simply that Iran can have more than what we think they have and thats makes a monumental difference in how the U.S. or Israel can go about bombing Iran. If the number of systems is indeed more than the reported “4 batteries” then we can also say with a great deal of surety that Iran is ‘safe’ for now.

To the ill-informed, what you must understand that the S-300s are only a part of a wider, well integrated Iranian air defense infrastructure that is very real and very deadly. Iran took it upon themselves to invest massive amounts of capital and man hours into honing Iranian capabilities in building AD systems and offensive missile systems (systems that are now battle tested and proven to be HIGHLY LETHAL). This isn’t some childish propaganda piece, these are real life facts that must be taken into consideration to those assessing what a possible kinetic conflict between Iran and U.S. would look like.

To those of you (like Jacob Wohl) who believe that Iran is just shit/incompetent, ask yourselves a very simply question. Why hasn’t the self-claimed strongest military the world gone to war with Iran up until now? Why does the U.S. constantly bringing in its most advanced weaponry to the M.E.? Why did Trump chicken out of a retaliatory strike last month? — of the course the answer will not be to your liking but it is the answer those in Tel Aviv and Washington get paid to hear and subsequently paid to ascertain. That answering frankly being, Iran isn’t a nation that will fold like Iraq did, it has the kinetic capability to inflict massive amounts of damage on enemy nations capital to such a degree in which the reverberations will be felt worldwide. Iran can and will destroy U.S. military assets the region over, leaving decision makers in the U.S. scrambling to find resources to pull from other parts of the globe (which in turn makes U.S. standing less effective in other areas Washington wants to exert influence over). Iran seems to simply cost too much, there, that’s your answer in a nutshell.

Furthermore I will argue that Iran has the means to directly engage top-of-the-line U.S. stealth aircraft such as the B-2, F-35 and F-22. Here I will argue that Iran-Russia-China have been working on clandestine radars that can effectively detect stealth air-craft at long ranges, as well as intercept them.

alejandro casalegno

The SF have AK-103……..perhaps the first operation in iranian service.


Iranian special forces bought 10,000 AK-103 in 2017.

Iran buys Russian AK-103 Kalashnikov assault rifle for their special forces units. The AK-103 is a full-size assault rifle. It is chambered for7.62×39 mm ammunition. It is the original ammunition that is used by the older AK-47 and AKM assault rifle in use by many Iranian regular forces and militias.

alejandro casalegno

Yes, the 7,62 reborn in the SF after decades of “5 something” fever, the Spetsnaz have 103, in NATO the G-3, M-14 and the SCAR 17 are in first line.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

rookies being rookies. IDF special forces could fast rope faster than these 10 year old kids


Indeed, the IDF cowards have killed more 10 year old kids than any other.




want to know what happened to the Jews between 1940 and 1945? (NUMBERS WERE GREATLY EXAGGERATED) Want to know how many countries they have been kicked out of throughout history? Want to know who funded the BALFOUR DECLARATION? Want to know which families are involved in creating pedophilia honey traps to control politicians? Take one guess? If you notice the lifestyle of Israeli’s going down in the next years, if you notice your govt making peace deals and giving back land to palestinians in the next 5 years, if you notice more US troops become stationed to occupy Israel in the next 5 years, if you notice your military loses its 3billion dollar per year grant from the USA in the next 2 years, if you notice your former President in jail for the next 15 years, if you notice Mossad spies are accused of treason, if you notice very very bad things start happening to israel in the news over the next 10 years! Just remember…… I TOLD U SO!

GOD WINS! You lose! it has already begun! “keep your friends close but your ENEMIES even closer” You cant hate Trump because he did good things for your country BUT you are about to get FUCKED by Trump because of what you have done to the US and the world!

Mark my words! the Next 2 years are going to be very bad for israel! it has already begun!




Genetically u are smart people! Genetically you cant be trusted (you are rats) Genetically you are physically inferior to white people, black people, asians and Arabs! The only people you have equally bad physical abilities as is Indians (from India)!

Jews would have to be the weakest people! i know u think “gee im fit” but u are 3 times inferior to us! but u have your brains and that counts for something!

But never brag about your physicality! you are mostly small people, petite people, thin boned, poor body type (ectomorphs). Nobody is scared or intimidated by a jew! They are scared of your technology!Not your physical abilities! you are so easy for the average white man would easily beat an average Jew in a fight! so easy!

so understand what u are talking about! better u talk about your weapons and not about your abilities to fast rope! in fact im sure this is why the USA is fighting your wars for u! Hezbollah defeated u in 2007! Your tanks were soooo bad! defeated by $15,000 ATGM You had to ask for a ceasefire and return captured soldiers!

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

lol I can bench your body weight, fat kid. I work out 5 days a week. Jews are just as white as other people. They tend to have higher IQ’s though :) But we’re all just evolved apes like every other human being on Earth.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4bfb7892a24756c6f22bf8b3e5acba13a82364ea40e6d1301f206fdf95fc473a.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d4deaeeadaaa0d19162d9988319d700d41a838a986ed91d3bee61e2557f5a3fe.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/80c0d67a93697328048d5febc04715d657d60173bfc38798e5038166462951e3.png

Remember, Israeli intelligence officers are going down! Your Special Forces (physically inferior to our special forces) are being arrested as we speak)! Did you know that one of your former Presidents and special forces hero’s is currently in a US military tribunal for acting as a foreign combatant? He (along with others) created a child sex slave honey trap via NXIUM and Epsetin island! Also running drugs from south America to the USA via the same island! You didnt know this?? Oh yes Ghislaine Maxwell (Daughter of Robert Maxwell the great Mossad agent), Epstein, former Israeli President Ehud Barak (Israeli special forces soldier) and other agents, have been arrested for child sex trafficking, espionage, drug trafficking, foreign combatants! Many Mossad and Israeli special forces have been killed and arrested in the USA! Military tribunals are being held right now! Hence the quiet news! Epsetin was a US citizen therefore gets the rights of a fair trial (not your israeli’s though)! But dont worry, other big names are involved too! Be ready for your loss of money from the US! no more 3 billion a year free money! How will u pay ur soldiers? Chick peas? how will your country start to fight its own wars? What about Hezbollah? you guys are FUCKED! im gonna eat popcorn and love it! its funny u should say that Jew scum! If i sent u a picture of my Torso, you would say “hahaha, thats not you, you got that picture from the internet, how stupid do u think i am. There is no way u look like that”. Thats what u would say! And id just sit and smile and be proud of myself! A guy who works out for NO REASON AT ALL! As for Jews, you HAVE to work out because you ARE genetically inferior! I HAVE ALREADY TOLD YOU THAT JEWS ARE VERY INTELLIGENT! This statement should be enough to show that i am being truthful and unbiased! But the fact still remains that you are all physically inferior!

Its simple to understand, why does the Olympic 100m final contain only black men (mainly African)? Because they dominate in the physical world! Why do Japanese have small dicks? Why are certain races gifted in some areas but not in others? These are logical questions to ask and scientists have answered them!

As for Jews, you are one of the smartest races (one of) But physically you are equal bottom of the barrel (with Indians from India)

White people (in General) are varied greatly because we conquered so much of the world we have a larger genetic pool that is very varied when compared to other races! Thus we have Scandinavian / Icelandic Giants, blonde hair, blue, green, brown eyes, tall, short! But our average heights make us the tallest race (even taller than blacks) we are as smart or equal to Jews! Did you know that Belarussians have the biggest brains? Russians have the second biggest! (scientific fact)(Im Australian populated by people looking for Gold) We have the 2nd biggest dicks (compared to blacks)! So you could say we have the “preferred” gene pool!

i believe Jews have an average gene pool! Small dicks but Smart brains, usually short, hooked noses (ugly), love money, rude and arrogant, physically the weakest bodies! This put you on equal footing with black people because they have the exact opposite gifts and flaws thus making you equal! (Except that black people dont try to control others)

Jews are disgusting people! I have had a few experiences with them so i dont need to “open my eyes” i have had too many run ins with them and made up my mind a long time a go, the more i meet them the more i am convinced they are scum! Ive only met one Jew that was nice (From Ukraine)

So if you need to work out to be a BETTER man, thats fine! Good for you! I am more interested in what u look like when u dont work out! How tall are u? Whats the he shape of your nose? How smart are u? The size of your dick (in order to please women)? Do you use people in order to make your own life better? Do you fight your own wars? Does your intelligence service use children as sex slaves to manipulate foreign governments? Jews typical body shape is narrow shoulders, wide mid section, hooked nose, short, relatively small penis, love money, smart brains, no morals outside of their own religious beliefs, sacrifice others for themselves (as written in their Talmud), believe all non Jews (Gentiles) should be treated as animals and used for work while the Jews sit, eat and drink! Basically making them SCUM and why they are labelled as Rats! (The hooked nose helps to drive this label forward with vigour).

So you work out, i work out, thats great! im certain your body could never reach my bodies genetic potential but good for you anyway! But youre a Jew and im white! So i already won! Easiest win ever!


Remember, Israeli intelligence officers are going down! Your Special Forces (physically inferior to our special forces) are being arrested as we speak)! Did you know that one of your former Presidents and special forces hero’s is currently in a US military tribunal for acting as a foreign combatant? He (along with others) created a child sex slave honey trap via NXIUM and Epsetin island! Also running drugs from south America to the USA via the same island! You didnt know this?? Oh yes Ghislaine Maxwell (Daughter of Robert Maxwell the great Mossad agent), Epstein, former Israeli President Ehud Barak (Israeli special forces soldier) and other agents, have been arrested for child sex trafficking, espionage, drug trafficking, foreign combatants! Many Mossad and Israeli special forces have been killed and arrested in the USA! Military tribunals are being held right now! Hence the quiet news! Epsetin was a US citizen therefore gets the rights of a fair trial (not your israeli’s though)! But dont worry, other big names are involved too! Be ready for your loss of money from the US! no more 3 billion a year free money! How will u pay ur soldiers? Chick peas? how will your country start to fight its own wars? What about Hezbollah? you guys are FUCKED! im gonna eat popcorn and love it!

its funny u should say that Jew scum! If i sent u a picture of my Torso, you would say “hahaha, thats not you, you got that picture from the internet, how stupid do u think i am. There is no way u look like that”. Thats what u would say! And id just sit and smile and be proud of myself! A guy who works out for NO REASON AT ALL! As for Jews, you HAVE to work out because you ARE genetically inferior! I HAVE ALREADY TOLD YOU THAT JEWS ARE VERY INTELLIGENT! This statement should be enough to show that i am being truthful and unbiased! But the fact still remains that you are all physically inferior!

Its simple to understand, why does the Olympic 100m final contain only black men (mainly African)? Because they dominate in the physical world! Why do Japanese have small dicks? Why are certain races gifted in some areas but not in others? These are logical questions to ask and scientists have answered them!

As for Jews, you are one of the smartest races (one of) But physically you are equal bottom of the barrel (with Indians from India)

White people (in General) are varied greatly because we conquered so much of the world we have a larger genetic pool that is very varied when compared to other races! Thus we have Scandinavian / Icelandic Giants, blonde hair, blue, green, brown eyes, tall, short! But our average heights make us the tallest race (even taller than blacks) we are as smart or equal to Jews! Did you know that Belarussians have the biggest brains? Russians have the second biggest! (scientific fact)(Im Australian populated by people looking for Gold) We have the 2nd biggest dicks (compared to blacks)! So you could say we have the “preferred” gene pool!

i believe Jews have an average gene pool! Small dicks but Smart brains, usually short, hooked noses (ugly), love money, rude and arrogant, physically the weakest bodies! This put you on equal footing with black people because they have the exact opposite gifts and flaws thus making you equal! (Except that black people dont try to control others)

Jews are disgusting people! I have had a few experiences with them so i dont need to “open my eyes” i have had too many run ins with them and made up my mind a long time a go, the more i meet them the more i am convinced they are scum! Ive only met one Jew that was nice (From Ukraine)

So if you need to work out to be a BETTER man, thats fine! Good for you! I am more interested in what u look like when u dont work out! How tall are u? Whats the the shape of your nose? How smart are u? The size of your dick (in order to please women)? Do you use people in order to make your own life better? Do you fight your own wars? Does your intelligence service use children as sex slaves to manipulate foreign governments? Jews typical body shape is narrow shoulders, wide mid section, hooked nose, short, relatively small penis, love money, smart brains, no morals outside of their own religious beliefs, sacrifice others for themselves (as written in their Talmud), believe all non Jews (Gentiles) should be treated as animals and used for work while the Jews sit, eat and drink! Basically making them SCUM and why they are labelled as Rats! (The hooked nose helps to drive this label forward with vigour).

So you work out, i work out, thats great! im certain your body could never reach my bodies genetic potential but good for you anyway! But youre a Jew and im white! So i already won! Easiest win ever!

Jacob Wohl

ok calm down with that, I can bench your body weight


want to know what happened to the Jews between 1940 and 1945? (NUMBERS WERE GREATLY EXAGGERATED) Want to know how many countries they have been kicked out of throughout history? Want to know who funded the BALFOUR DECLARATION? Want to know which families are involved in creating pedophilia honey traps to control politicians? Take one guess? If you notice the lifestyle of Israeli’s going down in the next years, if you notice your govt making peace deals and giving back land to palestinians in the next 5 years, if you notice more US troops become stationed to occupy Israel in the next 5 years, if you notice your military loses its 3billion dollar per year grant from the USA in the next 2 years, if you notice your former President in jail for the next 15 years, if you notice Mossad spies are accused of treason, if you notice very very bad things start happening to israel in the news over the next 10 years! Just remember…… I TOLD U SO!

GOD WINS! You lose! it has already begun! “keep your friends close but your ENEMIES even closer” You cant hate Trump because he did good things for your country BUT you are about to get FUCKED by Trump because of what you have done to the US and the world!

Mark my words! the Next 2 years are going to be very bad for israel! it has already begun!



Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

from hereon fourth, any antisemite to say anything offensive towards the Jewish People or the state of Israeli will be added to @joshgladwin twitter list “Nazi Filth”. so think twice before you say shit about me, my people, or my nose

Zionism = EVIL



and how about the compass – north, south and then west and east – been practicing lately!


lol ok. u can add me to. ROCKET NOSED kike :===)


Список должен быть очень длинным, как его нос.




запустите Яков носом в космос и назовите его спутник 2.0


Proper English and educated posts are definitely not your forte. It appears that you are a discredited professional troll that seeks attention.


Maybe send them to bed with NO supper. Your writing style is hilariously stupid.


I think this guy enjoys being insulted. Some people are just like that, they want to be abused. He’s begging for it and unfortunately our friends are readily giving it to him. Ignore him and he’ll go somewhere else to satisfy his needs.


He is delusional and a sad poster boy for those who blindly follow U.S.-Israeli dominance mantra.

I don’t have anything against this “Jacob Wohl” person, if that’s even his real name. But what he represents is reprehensible.


Agreed. Though calling yourself the Wraith is a bit of wanky thing to do.


That’s my whole point. Is he really representing anything? As far as we know, he is swimming against the stream here, say’s something unrelated and provocative and enjoys the insults in the replies. Are we sure he doesn’t do the same on other forums, perhaps pro-empire one? Now I even doubt if the account really belongs to the name sake, the real guy is a fraud and scammer and won’t waste the time he can use for stealing money here.

Remember, a Hasbarat’s job is to fool the people who sit on the fence and they don’t act like this guy; never waste time to fight in an openly anti-Zionist environment, and never alone. They want to create the illusion that Zionism is popular, right and just. This is not how they do it. I highly recommend “The Hasbara Handbook”. Although the copy available to us is dated and is focused on the Palestinians, it gives a general idea about the strategies (which remain the same) with different goals (like Israel provocations in Syria, Iran’s peaceful nuclear industry, US/Israel/West support of ISIS, MeK and other terror groups, Yemen, relations with Arab monarchies, etc.)

There were some heavy activity here before, but recently not much because they know they can’t fool the people who come here (and forums in similar sites) to get news, analyzes and discussions as they already made their minds. The remaining trolls target “hope”. Beware of the ones who openly insult the empire without saying anything useful and mix lies into their comments (like Syria is already partitioned, Russia is sold-out, Iran is working with Zionists, etc)

This guy IMO is just a sad Masochist, a classic and typical case.

Concrete Mike

I cant help myself…better to give it to.him than to.my wife.

Its theraputic in way :)))

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

I enjoy destroying antisemites, pro-assad trolls, and Russkies with Facts and Logic. Now get lost or join your beloved shia terrorists


Sure you do ;) Are you into BDSM as well? Coprophagia? Urolagnia? Donkey punched? Keep up the good work.

What a case study!


Epstein works for Mossad! NXIUM funded by Bronfman working for israel!

im already on a black list and i hate jews!!!!!! i fucking HATE THEIR GUTS! DIE YOU JEW SCUM!!!!! DIEEEEEEE!


Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

wow. antisemitism at its finest. Want to know what happened to the antisemites in 1945? They were defeated! Now Israel has its own state! Take that, antisemitic looser :-]


The truth is an offence to the state of Israel.

Concrete Mike

Shut the fuck up you racisct pig now poor excuse of a heretic jew!

The state of israel is a state sponsor.of terrorism and where large noses reign supreme and anyone that isnt a “WHITE JEW” is subhuman!!

You peices.of shit cant even get along amonst your own supposed kind and you come here and threaten us?

So once you take josh gladwins balls out ofmyour mouth tell him to add me to hisnlittle list.

See if I give a shit what fascist racist pricks thinks.or does!

Calling israel a state is an insult to despotic states like zimbabwe .

Show some.respect!!!


Iran’s actions are within maritime laws and the ship was impounded after it ran into a small fishing boat and did not render assistance. Even Panama agrees with Iranian action and has de-registered the ship.


nah, the ship panama de-registered is the small uae rhia which is accused of having contraband oil onboard, i.e. has loaded a cargo on the sly and shipping it, I would guess, to somewhere on the east coast of Africa. it was a common practice out of nigeria when a loaded tanker would be offered to take a few thousand tonnes of stuff on the side, i.e. not included in any b/l or manifest, to be sold and lightered say in the mediterranean to some mafia outfit.

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