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Iran Revenges: Iranian Missiles Pounded Israel

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Iran Revenges: Iranian Missiles Pounded Israel

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On the evening of October 1, Iran launched massive waves of missile strikes on the Israeli territory. The IRGC confirmed the attack claiming that it was launched in response to the recently launched Israeli operations in southern Lebanon, aggression in the Gaza Strip and assassination of Hezbollah leader.

During the attack on Israel, the Iranian military launched ballistic and hypersonic missiles, which broke through the Israeli air defense system and reached the targets. According to Iran, up to 80% of missiles were not intercepted and struck their targets. According to other preliminary estimations, the Israeli Iron Dome and aircraft failed to intercept about 40% of targets. The footage confirms that the Israeli air defense failed to repel the attack.



The full text of the IRGC statement claims:

In the name of Allah, the All-merciful,

We take revenge on criminals

The great Islamic nation, the noble and illustrious people of Iran! Some time ago, after a period of restraint in response to the violation of the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran in connection with the terror of martyr Dr. Ismail Haniyeh carried out by the Zionist regime, and in response to the country’s right to legitimate self-defense in accordance with the UN Charter, as well as to the intensification of the atrocities of the regime with the support of the United States in the massacre of the people of Lebanon and Gaza, and also to the martyrdom of the great fighter, the leader of the Axis of resistance and the outstanding Secretary General of Hizbullah, Syed Hassan Nasrallah, and the martyrdom of the outstanding commander and senior adviser of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in Lebanon, Lieutenant General, a decision was made, the details of which will be presented later.

It should be noted that this operation was carried out with the approval of the Supreme National Security Council and under the leadership of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, with the support and assistance of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Ministry of Defense.

We warn that if the Zionist regime reacts to this operation, which complies with the legitimate rights of the country and international laws, with military action, it will face crushing and destructive retaliatory strikes.

Iran informed the United States and Russia of its intentions before striking Israel. No strikes were carried out on civilian targets.

Israel came under at least two waves of strikes. Air raid sirens are sounding throughout Israel. People were asked to stay in shelters. In about an hour, Israel claimed that the attack ended, so the population could leave shelters until further notice.





The first reports claimed that Iran launched about 200 missiles but in fact the attack was much larger and according to preliminary estimations, up to 400-500 missiles were used in the attack. The scale of the attack confirms that if such a large number of missiles were used in the first attack, then the Iranian military has accumulated much larger reserves of missiles for the case of the further escalation than predicted by the Israeli and American intelligence.

Explosions thundered throughout the country. The Israeli military acknowledged ” several strikes in the center and in the southern regions of the country”.

“At this stage, we are still assessing [the attack], but we are not aware of casualties,” the IDF reported.

UPDATE: Iran emphasizes that it specifically hit the IDF military facilities and gas platforms, so there will not be a large number of civilian casualties. The Israeli Ministry of Health reported that there were no casualties from rocket fire in the country, with the exception of minor injuries from shrapnel.

Iran Revenges: Iranian Missiles Pounded Israel

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Biden ordered the Pentagon to assist Israel in “protective measures.” According to Al-Jazeera, the US air defense forces were intercepting Iranian missiles from the Ayn al-Asad military base in the west of Iraq. Soon there were reports about missile strikes on the US Ayn al-Asad military base in Iraq.

Several Iranian missiles were shot down over the territory of Jordan.

At the same time, the northern Israeli regions came under strikes launched from the Lebanese territory amid the ongoing escalation on the Israeli-Lebanese border.

The scale of the damage and the exact targets of the Iranian attack are yet to be clarified. According to preliminary reports, Israeli drilling rigs were struck in the Mediterranean Sea. According to local reports, there were strikes at a military bases, airfields etc. Launchers of air defense systems were also struck.

Iranian media claim that 20 F-35 fighter jets were destroyed during strikes on Israeli air bases with hypersonic missiles. It is reported that the Nevatim airbase was struck. F35s took off from the airbase to strike Lebanon.



Some of the Iranian missiles reportedly struck the Netzarim area in the Gaza Strip, “destroying a large number” of Israeli tanks.



The military standoff is accompanied by media battles. During the attack, reversed videos of the alleged Iranian strikes were widely shared online. In fact, the footage showed the launches by Israeli air defense forces.




Tel-Aviv is threatening Teheran with response, while Iran calmly response that it is ready for any escalation. The Israeli revenge attack is likely to be launched in the nearest future, probably, today or tomorrow night. The targets could be facilities of the Iranian energy system. The ongoing escalation can be assessed as another battle of the WWIII.


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Alexander Swallows

haz no bollsa, bolla, this is most anty semantic buldogshit ive seen in 1009 ears.

Last edited 3 hours ago by Alexander Swallows
Crocus Shooting Gallery

iran nails israel to the wall like a stinky carcass….heheheh

Huckelberry finn

they must´ve hit the troll factory pretty hard, it´s really quiet here lol

Nigga Nigga Nigga!!

lololol 😂

Yo Dipshit!

.. we are all anty semantic here… now go fk yourself


aww somebody upset all their tanks in gaza got blown up along with f-35…etc probably heheheh


targets could be iranian power system facilities. targets could be iranian power system facilities. remembering that the zionists don’t even have the right to this and iran can turn it into dust


looking forward to the complete destruction of the jews illegally occupied palestine – and i mean complete destruction and netanyahu naked in a cage.


eeew, not a good vision. i would settle for charred remains.


❤️ ممنون ایران

Conan M

this day had to come. especially when those in the highest echelons of power refused outreach to make sure that i$rael wouldn’t do what it has perpetually been allowed to do in the me without restraint since it’s existence as an occupier. i only wish the russian federation, prc and india had done more in the last 2 decades by threatening to leave their seats permanently at the un, world bank and imf, opec to stand up the briics as the new model to the world.

Last edited 3 hours ago by Conan M
Conan M

… lets hope that is still possible.

Joseph Day

the un is a joke, as was the league of nations. they could have stopped it, if it was legitimate


it could have stopped it, if it wasn’t controlled and paralyzed by the usa

Fabricio Lustosa

what a wonderful thing to see. the evil beings now know that they are not untouchable.

K. Lewis

people cheering for iran almost everywhere, even youtube. i find it hilarious how much anti jew sentiment there is in most of the world. it’s well deserved — that’s for sure.


considering how they use the world as their plaything, it’s no wonder. hopefully one day they will be a myth.


don’t forget there are many very decent jews, public figures and ordinary people, who have been at the forefront of calling out the gaza genocide for what it is. not all are rabid zio psychos by any means.


yes, i am personally anti-zionist not anti-jew. not all jews are zionists, and not all zionists are jews. it is important to be aware of who the enemy is.


amazing!! those explosions hitting israel made everyones day!!


first check if the objectives are reached🚀🚀🚀


just take a look what jordan did. what a cunning b..ches they are.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Ragnar
Joseph Day

same as last time, jew lackeys

Huckelberry finn

anyone who doubted iran attack would come should go fill in an iran apology form right now lol journalist: is this escalation? john kirby: we´re still assessing lmao


john kirby: we are not aware of anything anywhere, we only hear and see what netenyekhoo says we can

Last edited 1 hour ago by Mowaten

it brought a tear…. absolutely amazing! thank you iran for standing up to the terrorists.


i hate one thing of iran why do they notify us that they r going to target israel anytime . did israel gave worning to iran before launching attack on nasarralah or haniyeh. look like iran is playing dirty game here . even us dint notify iran about attack on hezbollah leader. iam starting to hate iran leadership now.


they still want civilians to be out of range. .iranian are civilised people


israeli’s are not, they are all soldiers and should not be spared. remember how civilians broke out of jail those who raped a palestinian in front of others. they are not civilians. they are not even human, but evil garbage.


there’s something going on behind the scenes we don’t know much about it.


that’s for sure. and still waiting for those 300k volunteers from yemen that want to fight for gaza🤫


i don’t think they notified this time, it was us satellites and/or spies who detected preparations for launch

Nigga Nigga Nigga!!

so kremlin and beijing have chosen wise! now all the middle east needs is for erdogan sending his army to stop israel by land and air and stop them from continue invading neighbors.


erdogan is a snake, supplying israel with oil.

Joseph Day

has nuttyhahoo crawled out of his shit filled bunker yet


probably, but he will be easy to find, just follow the trail shit running down his pants, like his buddy trump.


since the disunited states of a issiding with the jews, iran with the hands on the world economy’s stop button should just close it down – the hormuz and the bab el mandeb straights and stop oil escaping from the gulf or sneaking up the red sea. nothing much to think about!


please tell us that they obliterated their air bases. this does not look anywhere near comparable to what they did to beirut. why are there lights still on? unless they eliminated air bases, the scum will be back to slaughter even more. are their oil refineries on fire? are their oil tanks on fire? what about offshore gas wells? israel is target rich and if they truly penetrated defenses, there should be massive destruction.


tak toto sa darebáckemu štátu usa nebude páčiť. irán dáva kopanec do zubov židom za to čo napáchali proti iránu!!! ako sa hovorí. pomsta býva sladká, vždy keď je studená. žid to isto nečakal. a že irán informoval predom? nuž zdá sa, že u iráncov je to už teraz taká tradícia. svetu mier!!!

Damien C

warning them was fucking stupid

V for Victory

that clown called rybar (yes, that one) had the courage to say that the most part of iranian missiles hit the desert and some were just sam israelis in reverse playing (to mimick the air-to ground way). really shameless. why he says those bullshits, losing any credibility in a matter of hours?

V for Victory

▪️according to the footage, the main impact sites were more likely deserts.

▪️nevertheless, arab and iranian media are disseminating statements about the effectiveness of the raid. fars agency commentators claim that at least 80% of the missiles hit their targets, and shafaqna reported that at least 20 f-35 aircraft of israel were destroyed. another alleged target was a “tank concentration” in the netzarim intersection in the center of the gaza strip.”

V for Victory

▪️the internet is full of all sorts of fakes, including reverse footage of air defense missile launches, passed off as impact footage, and even the arrival of a ukrainian uav over moscow-city.”’ (from telegram)

sooooo according to rybar the videos that all we saw are just dumb cheap iranian missiles that hit the desert making no damage?

he is drunk or what?

V for Victory

those texts are made by rybar, the renowned russian analyst. he is more zionist than bibi i think.

Henrik Persson

above all, the internet is full of idiots who write stupid stuff 🤡 😆😆😆


“the military standoff is accompanied by media battles. during the attack, reversed videos of the alleged iranian strikes were widely shared online. in fact, the footage showed the launches by israeli air defense forces.” are you f’ing serious lol?! look at both damn videos and you can clearly see that those rockets were falling and hitting the ground and exploding! not being launched from the ground lol! why u troll sf? you got a zionist supporter among your editors now?


the audio also makes it clear which one is original and which one is reversed. :]


no, guy just reversed what he was on to say.


die jews, die!


kill the jews!

“adversaries to all men”


dead jew brats are a blessing to humanity

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