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MARCH 2025

Iran Says Its Aligned With Turkey Regarding Libya and Yemen, Announced Natural Gas Transfers

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Iran Says Its Aligned With Turkey Regarding Libya and Yemen, Announced Natural Gas Transfers

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On June 15th, Iranian Foreign Minister said that Iran shared Turkey’s views on ending the Libyan crisis.

He made his statement while on a visit to Ankara, and said that both Turkey and Iran were aimed at reaching a political solution in Libya.

“We support the legitimate government in Libya, which can end the ongoing war. We have common views with the Turkish side on ways to end the crisis in Libya and Yemen,” said Zarif.

Likely related, Muhammad Javad Zarif, announced that Iranian gas exports to the Eurasian nation would resume at the end of June.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that the entire world is interdependent and that unilateral policies cannot be the solution to international problems,” Zarif said after meeting with his Turkish counterpart, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu.

“The coronavirus has shown us that the major powers are powerless against the emergence of a virus and that they cannot cope. The idea that some can lead the world is a misconception,” he said during his speech.

Earlier, the Turkish government announced that it was postponing the meeting with the Russian defense and foreign ministers that was to be held in Istanbul.

The meeting with Iran happened.

The Iranian foreign minister landed in Ankara with the aim of further strengthening diplomatic relations with this country.

“Relations between Tehran and Ankara are close in several areas, but require further consultation,” Zarif said, according to the ISNA news agency.

In response to speculation about the cancellation of the meeting between Moscow and Ankara, the Turkish foreign minister has announced his intention to continue making progress in negotiations with Russia to reach a lasting ceasefire in Libya.

“In order to achieve a lasting ceasefire in Libya and to plan detailed measures to be taken afterwards, we have decided that it will be better for all concerned to continue discussions at the technical level,” said Çavuşoğlu. “What we cannot have is just two parties, Russia and Turkey, meeting and agreeing on the issues. We have to consider what the Libyans are saying. We cannot unilaterally announce a ceasefire,” he added, according to Ahval News.

During the meeting, Ankara reiterated its opposition to the unilateral sanctions imposed by the United States against Tehran.

“Unfortunately, the United States has a very bad record during the coronavirus pandemic. They continued their sanctions against Iran, even more intensively and with the aim of hitting the Islamic Republic,” Zarif said at the end of the meeting.

“The stability and peace of Iran is important to us. We oppose unilateral sanctions. In fact, the pandemic has taught us that the world needs greater cooperation and solidarity,” said Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu.

It is potentially possible that the meeting with Russia was postponed, so as to see what agreements could be reached with Iran. It appears that Iran, voicing its support of the Government of National Accord (GNA) in Libya, and both being aligned in terms of Yemen, when it is known that Iran supports the Houthis against Saudi Arabia.

It is likely that the two countries, in addition to the purely economic aspect of transfer of natural gas, and the opposition of US sanctions against Tehran, have agreed to some additional, undisclosed matters.

“The dialogue between Iran and Turkey is in everyone’s interest, and we need to bet on our neighbours at the regional level to fight instability, extremism and terrorism,” stressed Zarif who welcomed the Turkish government’s efforts to resume the transfer of natural gas at the end of June.


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Zionism = EVIL

The fact is that the Turkey has pissed off all the other neighbors and needs to keep Iran on side. The Iranians hate the Zionist cunt Sisi. Also Iran and Turkey have integrated populations and share the same outlook on the Kurd turds, Iranian and Turkish special forces just conducted a joint operation against the Kurd turds in Northern Iraq. Turkey is also softening its position regarding Dr. Assad. Interesting times ahead kids.


Thanks for the inside perspective. I find it hard to believe sometimes they can be head to head in Syria yet in complete agreement in other regions. I guess I don’t trust Turkey frequent expansion into other countries. It seems very similar to the conduct by Zionist Israel.

Zionism = EVIL

Turks and Persians have no history of conflict was in 1746 and during Shah Abbas and Ismael era, since the Iranians declared Shiaism as their national faith and many Shia Alevi 20% of Turks now live peacefully in Turkey. On a personal level the Iranians and Turks have no problem, most are opposed to Erdogan’s policies in Syria. But regarding the Kurds and Saudis, both have always been on the same page. Iranians and Turks are the only Muslim superpowers as Stephen Kinzer wrote and both play the long term strategic game, albeit the Persians with more finesses and subtlety.


Thank you very much, I appreciate the insight!

cechas vodobenikov

false—linguistically completely distinct; Iran Shia, turkey sunni


That’s true languages came from seperate roots, but there are hundreds of Persian words in Turkish. I think he meant this.

Rhodium 10

Turkey is not a Trusty ally!..is a NATO member and its goals are to expand the wahabi/salafist doctrine among neighboring countries as we have seen with the support to terrorist brands ( Al Qaeda&ISIS) in Syria, Libya,Iraq among others!…its role as a NATO member is to establish links with Sunni Islamist radical organizations in Ukraine ( support exiles Crimean Tatars), Russia ( Muslim Etnic Turquic population), East Europe( Kosovo, Bosnia, Albania, Cyprus) and Central Asian&Caspian countries!..with the purpose that in case of war NATO vs Russia..they will be the 5º column or Trojan Horse! they are the true Gladio red!

Zionism = EVIL

All true, but do not forget that Turkey was the only Muslim along with Syria and Libya that did not hurt Iran since the revolution. During crazy Saddam’s war against Iran, IRIAF aircraft would occasionally overfly Turkish airspace and the Turks would turn a blind eye or sometimes even escort them on their bombing missions. The Turks also did not allow Soviet arms deliveries to Saddam via their airspace, while again turning or even facilitating Iranian arms purchases. Turks and Iranians have more in common than most.

Rhodium 10

I dont think so!..Iran support Assad and supported Armenia vs Azerbajan when both countries were fighting in Nagorno Karabaj in spite of close ties with Azeri shia population….all they have in common is economic ties, hate to Al Sisi and Kurds!..

Zionism = EVIL

Azerbaijan was part of Iran and to be honest Azeris are real Zionist cunts. Armenia always had good relations with Iran. Iran and Turkey simply can not allow a Kurdish state that will be a staging post for Zionists. So there is more in common than divides. Erdogan is the real problem, even for secular educated Turks. Why do you think 1400 officers are in jail?

Assad must stay

im really tired of erdogan and cannot stand him anymore

Mustafa Mehmet

OK go and jump

cechas vodobenikov

azerbijian is Turkish—they speak the same language and claim a “special relationship”


Khashoggi was carved up on Turkish soil by MBS gang as well.


And boy did scumtard branson as the rest of them nwo/cia/kweer shills hate turkey for it!

Assad must stay

wait is turkey supporting houthis in yemen or saudis? i was surprised iran supports turkey in these matters, as turkey usually uses jihadists to further its goals

Al Balog

I believe Turkey is supporting Houthis, based on the things I’ve read and heard from others. There seems to be a sort of “bad blood” between Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Very deep-rooted and my interactions with others correspond with this.


But even still, it doesn’t stop Erdogan from being the criminal that he is, even if he chooses the right side in Yemen and sides with Iran against Saudi Arabia. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7948482bb7a9d3cf242430258fcad286b87651472879f952c281f1bd94e5cc6d.jpg

Assad must stay

good he is supporting houthis but yes he is still criminal in other regards


They are not gonna stop chinas one belt project which emphathises win-win for imports and export world trades alike,from victoria in oz as they will not ccp from branching also to iran,turkey and syria,interesting indeed,oh course the cia/nwo hegemony wannabes will try anything to stop it,however that very outcome of events may also explain why putin put the brakes on there, Me thinks lets see who pretends to be good european guy,then lets see their bluffs been called, True,interesting times indeed,this situation is not russias move,but to observe,wait n see effect! The last meeting between turkey and russia compromise free libya for the time being,still better muslims in control at the end rather than cia/zio/swiss/nazi fascist hegemons:

cechas vodobenikov

it is natural that Iran and turkey share some interests and disagree in others–both maintain good relations w Qatar. they oppose each other in Syria; Iran has no interests in Libya…they share a border and turkey must import both gas and oil—the majority of which is purchased from russia

chris chuba

Iran is pragmatic. Unfortunately Erdogan is addicted to playing everyone off against each other. He’s addicted to the highwire act which gives the illusion that things are about to get stable but everything remains unstable.

Trap Is Not Gay

The game is as clear as it can get,

Right-Wing = pro-Jew and anti-China

Left-Wing = pro-Jew and anti-Russia

Only fools don’t notice they’re on Jew’s cock and claiming this is “Right” or “Left”.

All the word salads end up in pro-Jew and anti-anti Jew, that’s why the Jew’s vassal state cannon fodder mouthpiece USA is up for.

The Objective

A very good development. Erdogan is doing all he can to unite the Muslim countries, which is why some many Europeans and Westerners hate him. I knew one day Iran and Turkey will have to team up against Israel and the West. What I am expecting next is an agreement that will unify Syria under an Inclusive government that maintains close ties with Iran, Turkey, Hezbollah, Iraq, and Russia. Turkey in the axis of resistance will scare the Zionists to death. Unlike Iran, Erdogan will make no secret of a Turkish bomb program. I believe the Turks are getting ready for the day where they have to develop their own nukes. Maybe that’s why they have got so close to the Pakistanis lately.

For some Shiites who don’t seem to grasp what is going on, it is true that Turkey and Muslim Brotherhood are Sunni, and Iran is Shiite. We and the Sunnis have irreconcilable differences, but we must not let this divide up to the point of fighting each other. The enemies of Islam (the West led by America & Israel) want us both death (Sunni or Shiite). They want to see us fight and kill each other so they can come in and finish what remains of our strength, taking over everything we have and hold dear. Much of the Arabs have sold out and they are hopeless in the hand of their Zionist masters. The G.C.C is useless in this struggle to liberate the Muslim world. An alliance between Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan is a much needed development and I trust Erdogan to achieve this with time.

Even Russia will ditch Haftar. He is a western puppet.


Bring the whole Muslim world against us and you will still fail, if we ever had to lose then rest assured we would blow up your Al Aqsa Mosque into tiny pieces before we disappear.

The Objective

Unfortunately, that seems to be the likeliest outcome. If you blow up the AlAqsa, other Muslims will simply rebuild it. If you threaten someone with death and destruction, do not threaten a true Muslim. For he loves death more than you love life. Nobody is saying Jews should disappear. They just need to stop terrorism.


I’ve told you many times Muslims can worship in Jerusalem like Jews and Christians. I have no problem with it and we don’t limit Muslims worship here unless we have a concrete intel some of them will make riots in the Al Aqsa Mosque on friday then we limit the age to prevent bloodshed. But if for some reason like you wrote both Turkey and Iran gang up on us and somehow manage to overwhelm our country and we lose, then we would have to make sure that if we die you die with us. Then both of us will get death like you love so much.

The Objective

Your government’s policies is the cause of this persistent animosity and insecurity. They think nukes will terrorise every Muslims into submission. You will likely kill millions in the middle east, just like the Hadith states that a third will die. But that doesn’t mean you have conquered the Muslim world. You’re just too small a challenge to Allah’s religion. Greater empires hve tried and failed. Yours will only add to that list.


Israel doesn’t fight the Muslims, you can ask all the 1.8M Muslims that live here at the moment. We fight terrorists which happen to follow Islam, it’s not the same.

The Objective

AL Aqsa has nothing to do with your terorrists. Who exactly are these terorrists? The Palestinians? Syrians? Jordanians? Lebanese? Or who? Your problem with neighbours have been documented at the UN. There are more condemnations of Israel by UN than all your so-called terorrist enemies combined. So who exactly is the terorrist? Israel or Palestine? Or which is a bigger terror state? Israel or Palestine? The Jews indeed have biten more than they can chew by taking on the Muslim world. May God keep us long enough to see how this ends. The West and Israel have the upper hand now, but one thing is certain: they still cannot declear victory over Islam. They are still fighting and struggling just to hold onto their current declining power. Anytime Islam gains victory, there isn’t a single group capable of resisting in any meaningful way. Right now, you need to totally defeat and controller the following people, then you can declear victory: Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt. Over 95% of the populations of these countries are against Israel and the West. Even Saudis and Emirates have anti-israel populations. The government’s in some of these countries are reluctant to defend Islam, but this will change, as clearly stated in numerous hadiths. From my observation, there is no denying a strong proislamic awakening sweeping the Muslim world. That is the reason for the increases troubles for Israel, America, and their puppet Arab governments. And this tide will not reverse untill victory.


For all I care you can live your Islamic life the way you see fit far away from me, BUT if some brainwashed Islamic terrorists decide to fight us for their faith then we are ready to face them anytime to the death. Our problem is that we have a traitor leading us, he is the master of lies and deception. Without him, we could have already crushed Hamas and then move on the Hezbollah, so don’t also be confused between the Israeli leadership and the people. Bibi likes to talk alot but doing nothing, that doesn’t mean that when another PM gets the power then the IDF won’t fight our enemies. I do prefer peace like we have right now with 2 Arab states, no love but aslo no wars. However, if we need to fight to protect ourselves and and families from Islamic terrorism, then just know me and hundreds of thousands of IDF troops are ready for the job. When that moment comes, it will be all or nothing.

The Objective

Then no need for us arguing on these issues. We’ll never agree with each other. War is certainly inevitable somewhere down the road. May God grant victory to the “good” and destroy “evil”.


I guess so, may the best one win.

The Objective


The Objective

We’ll simply rebuild what God permits you to destroy. And let God judge you for those innocents you murder


Which innocents? your Islamic Hamas friends that terrorize Gazans even more than Israelis? most of them try to escape Gaza to Europe and run away from your Islamic death.

The Objective

If most are truly running away to Europe why don’t the Israeli government facilitate their escape by making it easier for them? The last time I checked, these guys were increasing in number. Sorry buddy, but this is just the opening stages of the great war. No normal person should promote war, but then it is still gonna happen. Too early to declear victory yet.


Because NOBODY wants them, if we could we would let them all leave. But to where? they try to get visas or citizenships but Europe blocked its borders to immigration.

The Objective

I have read many comments by people here claiming that Turkey is a Western puppet. This was the case before Erdogan came to power. By his actions, Erdogan is a Muslim by heart, unlike the devils at the house of satan/saud. Erdogan is will to fight a war to stabilize the ISLAMIC government in Libya. A stable Libya is very good for the Islamic world.

Any Muslim Brotherhood government will not be hostile towards Iran. Because Turkey will not allow it. Even the Taliban and Iran will soon play along.

It is high time we Muslims ditch the sectarian conflicts and unite against this common enemy that is bent on our destruction. You can see the enemy stoking the fire of sectarian conflict anytime it appears to start dying out. This is what they want and we have been giving them exactly that for years. It is time to change, and sure we will defeat them..

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