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MARCH 2025

Iran Says S.Korea To Release $1BN Of Its Frozen Funds After Tanker Seizure

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

Iran and South Korea have been engaged for the past two months in intense crisis meetings triggered by the Jan.4 Iranian seizure of the South Korean-flagged tanker MT Hankuk Chemi off the Islamic Republic’s southern waters. From the start of the IRGC’s capturing the vessel and detaining its crew, Tehran pointed to $7 billion to $10 billion in Iranian assets in Korean banks previously frozen by Seoul in compliance with US-led sanctions. The clear message has been that the tanker can be released when the funds are released, despite the official Iranian claim that the Hankuk Chemi violated ‘environmental protocols’.

And now Iran’s Central Bank says Seoul has agreed to release some of these funds. It’s expected that $1 billion cash will be unfrozen in the first phase. “In the meeting with the South Korean envoy, we stressed how Iran could use its resources,” Governor of the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) Abdolnaser Hemmati told state media on Wednesday.

Iran Says S.Korea To Release $1BN Of Its Frozen Funds After Tanker Seizure
Via Tasnim

“Great damage has been incurred on the Islamic Republic. It was Koreans themselves who asked and [came] to say that they are seeking to pay Iran’s assets and we showed them how to do so,” the Iranian bank official added.

Ironically it had been Tehran officials that charged Seoul with “hostage taking” – in the form of badly needed funds at a moment the Iranian economy is being strangled by Washington sanctions.

While the release of the 19-person crew was already accomplished in early February, it appears Iran is still holding the oil tanker itself. South Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs had said of the crew’s release at the time:

“The two sides… shared the view that the release of the sailors was an important first step to restore trust between the two countries and they will work to resolve the issue of frozen Iranian assets in South Korean banks,” according to The Hill.

Iran Says S.Korea To Release $1BN Of Its Frozen Funds After Tanker Seizure
Iranian state media photo of talks on Monday.

At this point there hasn’t been clear confirmation from the South Korean side that it’s unfreezing $1 billion as touted in Iranian sources. However, it’s clear that intensive talks have been ongoing, with South Korea previously scrambling to send diplomatic teams to Tehran over the tanker issue.


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Better late than never:

Just Me

The days of stiffing Iran are long gone. If even a barrel of Iranian is illegally seized, the whole Persian Gulf and Indian ocean are fair game for Iranian retaliation and most nations know it now. US is slowly lifting sanctions anyway and Iranian diplomats can now travel anywhere in the US without restrictions. The Zionist a$$holes are crapping in their diapers. US wants to lessen Chinese influence in Iran and will work out a major deal sooner than most think. Bill Burns in his confirmation hearing said that China is now the prime target.

Just Me

The Iranian message was read loud and clear in Seoul. It is good as South Korea is a good customer of rising Iranian oil output and also views the 84 million people Iranian economy as a lucrative market. Iran is about to get a half a trillion dollar injection of funds from China and released assets.

Ashok Varma

Biden is going after Russia and China. Russia more internally as it has Jews, who serve as US 5th column and China more economically by destroying the manufacturing sector in China as the New York Times op-ed stated.

Biden’s trade attack on China will reverberate around the world

President Joe Biden’s ordering of a 100-day review of vulnerabilities in America’s supply chains highlights the dependence the US, and other developed economies, have on third-country suppliers, especially China, for products and technologies critical to their medical, industrial and defence sectors.

Biden’s initial review will cover computer chips, medical equipment, large capacity batteries and rare earths, with another 12-month review of other sectors including technology more broadly and food production. The idea of targeting China on a wider scale is to destroy its manufacturing and restore the US as the world’s dominant economy and manufacturing hub.


Many now in the West concede that Iran’s only rival in the region is Turkey. However, I don’t even believe that to be the case as turkey is sanctioned now, on the out with the EU, heavily in debt and nearing the moment of being expelled from NATO. Thanks to mr turdo having mismanaged and pulled a number on that country. Biden admin absolutely hates turkey to the hilt. I wouldn’t be surprised if they try another coup sometime in the future. Israel is not a threat to Iran as its too small and just has nuisance value. Iran and Russia also got turkey boxed in, with China keenly watching. With the US rapidly losing interest in the ME in general, things are looking up for Iran.

Ashok Varma

Turkey, like Pakistan is a major sponsor of Wahhabi terrorism and has bad relations with every one of its unfortunate neighbors. Iran is widely respected, especially in India, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Tajikistan and all central Asian neighbouring states. Turkey has delusional imperial goals in Syria, Greece and Iraq and Russian regions.

Narine Joa

Hahahaha. An Indian who got completely bashed by Pakistan on Febuary- 27- 2019 Is expressing his pain to Iranians as if they will come and save you and hand feed you.

The Pilot said: Tea is fantastic muhahaha!

Throwing muslim countries against each other. Iran, Turkey or whatever country is none of your business. They are Muslims together never forget this..

And keep remembering how Modi got humiliated by Pakistan

Proud Hindu

Your donkey pakistani soldiers are getting butchered in balochistan and waziristan worry about that idiot 🤣.


These cvnts are a failed state…….just watch Iran turn turkey into a failed state soon. We’re half way there already. Not long to go now.


you are a loser! You can’t fukk with Afghani, let alone hendu……and you want a third enemy in Iran?……lol….don’t try to fukk around or else Iran and hendu will squash you like a puss filled zit between themselves. You got that? Yous a bhungi…..lower caste of hendi…….lol…..Don’t even dare to fukk with us or we’ll dismantle you. Yous weak as fukk!

Narine Joa

Lmao if only India fairytales were right the skies would have been a rainbow 24/7


Mr Narine joa of punjabastan…….you just blew your cover didn’t you? you fukkin dalit. Your time is up. You’re that same guy ‘Punjabi objective’, aren’t you ya lower caste dalit……lol. Fukk you you piece a shit.


man please…….neither you, nor turkey have reasonable prospects anymore. Both o yous are bankrupt! You can’t fight. You’ve tried very hard in the SyRaq/ Yemen and miserably failed. You getting the drift bro?

Proud Hindu

Ignore that paki donkey.He is a sold saudi a$$hole


they can’t win doc…..you know it……their time is up.


for thelong term interest of peace and tranquility in the middle east, turkey and iran and syria and iraq should make a short story of the jews n israel and send them packing – since the jews were allowed to settle in the area about a 100 years ago, there has one continuous stream of murder and misery caused by the jews, so they have forfeited the right to exist in palestine, which, by the way, they have no right to from the start so if they are kicked out, it’s only fair. and Erdogan hates israel and netanyahu and given the chance to dislocate them from palestine he will be first in line. rest assured.


yahudian are no threat bro……8 million vs 80 million ain’t goin cut it……..

Proud Hindu

First control mutah in iran idiot


you are revealing yourself as a pakistani wahabbi aren’t you?

Proud Hindu

Well Ahson, he always posts lewd commebts on india and hindus even when im talking about China.This is just a counter arguement.Iranians are soft spoken people whom i have no issues with.But the muslims in Indian subcontinent arr a$$holes.


doc……be yourself please……so we know who we’re talking to. Learn to earn respect. You know we talk to people based on their racial backgrounds……you know its been like this for 2,500 years and counting.

Proud Hindu

Im not parsi ahson although I know parsis.I knew some iranians who came to study as well.They were good people.Iranians and Indians have similar cultures.We both have pulao and biryani.Our languages are similar(some words are similar).


lol……ok doc…….lol

Proud Hindu

Gn Ahson or in hindi ur name would be Ehsan :)


just like your half a dozen nicks around here doc……lol

Proud Hindu

Ehsan in hindi means favour.what does it mean in farsi?


VsDoc and Pademchen…..doc……when was your last trip to Iran?…….honestly? What do you guys do over there? Do you go to Erbil too?

Proud Hindu

Dont understand farsi.I know hindi. I know some farsi words.


yeah I know doc…..but you know all them prayers no?…….lol…….the mazdayasni magi weaves the spell and casts it on the badbakht no?……..lol…….you getting pretty slick doc from all this cyber interaction. Just hold on tight……..Iran won’t let you down.

Proud Hindu

I am not a parsi ehsan.i know some parsis in my city.

Arch Bungle

He’s a Jew. He lies like one.


He’s the good old Parsi doc….lol…..shit he’s everywhere man….lol……watch out! kheli Iran obsessed. His goal is to turn Iran into the Sassanian kingdom, and from the looks of it he’s half way there already…….lol……he’s a zartushti fanatic. You can’t argue with him because he knows what’s up. I’ve tried many times and come up empty handed. You just gotta accept him for what he is……..when you grow older you’ll understand what I’m saying. He’s not yahudi…..you’ll insult him if you called him that. He’s an old (internet warrior) a Parsi Zoroastrian patriot.

Ashok Varma

South Korea is a US occupied puppet and only acted in its masters orders.

Kenny Jones ™

Unified Korea is coming soon, Koreans have enough of the crapitalist regime and would prefer to join with their northern neighbors, without a (((central bank)))

Ashok Varma

A united Korea with a young hard working population would dwarf aging Japan, which committed massive war crimes against the Koreans.

Tommy Jensen

Thats exactly why we are there. To secure our Japanese Ally for the sake of peace.

Kenny Jones ™

And that’s how you do business!

Proud Hindu

China and Russia soon to be whacked followed by the rogue iranian thieves😁


Change your name to proud pakistani wahabbi jihadi.

Arch Bungle

Stupid Jew, ‘israel’ is the only one that’s going to get whacked.

Russia and China are too big to fail.

Proud Hindu

Ive got nothing against iran.If it stays independent and stops threatening its neighbours, Iran will prosper and will overtake the dumb saudis.


that’s not true doc…….When he defeated emperor Julian of Rome and crushed his skull under his feet, Shapur Bakhtiar famously quipped that if Iran is not an empire, it is nothing! Don’t tell me you’re forgetting your own history.

Proud Hindu

Dont know much abt parsi history as im a non practicing hindu


sorry, I had to bust you like this…….now everyone knows yous here……lol

johnny rotten

Who started playing dirty was Korea, Iran should also make him pay interest, as is the custom in all transactions. Who the fuck is Korea to hold Iran’s money?


half of the money “released” = half of the tanker sent back :)


and why just 1 billion bucks, why not the entire enchilada of 7 or 8 billion bucks plus interest. the united states of prime idiots have most likely agreed to 1 billion in the hope to keep the iranians quiet so they don’t start causing a brouhaha and stop the orderly traffic in the persian gulf, which they can do and which is the best hand to have in the area. the jews,10 million thieving and murdering parasites on a sliver of land, have no such compelling argument and is reduced to threaten the world and the Iranians with their nukes, as if those are going to save them, which they won’t. they’re doomed and neither the iron dome nor their nukes will save them to become an extinct specie. what a larf.

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