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Iran Seeks Revenge For Sabotage Attack On Natanz Nuclear Plant

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Iran has identified the perpetrators of an act of sabotage at Natanz nuclear facility in the central part of the country in July, according to a spokesperson for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran. Behrouz Kamalvandi said that while the details of the act of sabotage are still being investigated, the security forces “have detected the agents [who committed the act of sabotage] as well as the motive, methods and manner of the sabotage.”

According to the Iranian side, the saboteurs sought to disrupt the uranium enrichment process at the Natanz facility, but they were not successful in this respect. The act of sabotage reportedly caused no casualties and failed to stop the enrichment work at the facility. The AEOI spokesman likened the current conditions facing the country to the battleground adding that security forces allegedly “succeeded in confronting a large number of cyber attacks on its nuclear facilities.”

The AEOI for the first time described the July 2 incident at the Natanz nuclear facility as a sabotage attack on July 23, and since then pro-Iranian sources have repeatedly vowed to take revenge for the attack.

Meanwhile, Iran’s Defence Minister Amir Hatami announced that the country is working to expand its missile capabilities even further. In particular, the military is working on air-launched cruise missiles that would be able to hit targets in the range of up to 1,400km.

These statements cause expected concern in Israel, the United States and Saudi Arabia, as the main geopolitical opponents of Iran in the region. They also claim that Teheran has been ramping up its proxy efforts against the Saudi-Israeli-US block in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.

Despite loud claims by Iranian officials and state-linked media, Iran is in fact not interested in an open military confrontation with the US-Israeli alliance. Therefore, it is logical that the Iranian response to the Natanz attack will likely be asymmetric. The recently increased IED attacks on US convoys and rocket strikes on US-affiliated facilities in Iraq could be a part of this campaign.

At the same time, Israel has been actively strengthening security measures on the contact lines with Lebanon and Syria, and continues its low intensity bombing campaign against ‘Iranian-linked targets’ in Syria.

Iran cannot leave attacks on its nuclear infrastructure unanswered. Nonetheless, if the Iranian asymmetric response appears to be too successful, Israel and its allies in any case will blame Iran, even if they have no smoking gun evidence. Therefore, the confrontation will escalate even further.

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chris chuba

Well it’s our fault. Since the readership of southfront is too stingy to contribute to running its operations then why shouldn’t they turn to Zionists for funding? This article had the ‘Iranians are on the march tone’ that I can read on FOX, the WSJ, or any number of places but it is our fault.

“They also claim that Teheran has been ramping up its proxy efforts against the Saudi-Israeli-US block in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip”

This mysterious ‘they’ was never identified but every single country mentioned in this sentence is itself under ruthless attack by the U.S., Israeli, KSA alliance. Attacks which violate the Geneva conventions by targeting the civilian population. Iran is not harming anyone and certainly not on any scale comparable to what we are doing in Yemen alone.

The title should be … ‘Iran seeks to deter future attacks’, revenge makes Iran sound petty, Iran is not petty at all but constantly has to weigh the pros/cons of responding to attacks.

Jim Allen

Shut the fuck up stupid. Your self-important know-it-all, had you paid attention you’d damn well know who “they” are. Instead you’re just too busy with trying to interject your prejudice, and bias. into the report, poorly. Only the most pitiful, uneducated, wilfully ignorant sub-standard trolls, armed with only the pretense of knowledge would embarrass themselves in this manner.

Stephan Williams

You are a rude, arrogant and belligerently ignorant man, Mr. Allen.


Hateful … the poison must find a way out … eh?

Jim Allen

Thank you. I have a low bullshit tolerance.


Wow … stabbing another slug in the back?

You can’t make this stuff up …

Fog of War

” its is important to note that the IDF contains all the of the available man power that Israel has military. ” Also remember, most citizens of Israhell are either current or former members of the military or reserves. Therefore, most of the Israhelli population are legitimate targets.


maybe but not likely in a fit state to partake in a war (the majority of the jews illegally occupying palestine that is). but even so, the 150 million from turkey and iran and syria and iraq and so on can easily send the jews screaming down the road to nowhere.


How do jews illegally occupy Palestine? Its both the land of “jews” and “Palestinians” stop continuing to propagate hate.

Fog of War

Land of Palestinians and Jews you say ? What about the people prior that those two groups stole the land from ? Chalcolithic Period (4500-3200 BCE) 3500 BCE – First Settlement of Jerusalem Early Bronze Age (3200-2220 BCE) 2500 BCE – First Houses Built in Area Middle Bronze Age (2220-1550 BCE) 1800 BCE – Construction of First City Wall Late Bronze Age (1550-1200 BCE) 1400 BCE – First Mention of Jerusalem in Cuneiform Amarna Letters Iron Age I (1200-1000 BCE) 1200 BCE – Jerusalem is conquered by Canaanites (Jebusites) Iron Age II (1000-529 BCE) 1000 BCE – King David Conquers Jerusalem; Declares City Capital of Jewish Kingdom


Find one and hand him/her the keys …

Just one …. pmsl


fairytales you tell yourself? lol

150 Million Man March … lol

Like Sinwar at the Gaza border?




As are their enemies … lol

The vile enemies hide behind ‘human shields’ in the belief they will not be targeted … pmsl

Wanna bet?


Ryan Glantz

Can we all establish the fact that there are unseen powers at play, ancient and sometimes foreign in nature…. as in annuanki councils and tall whites or mantids… reptilians, that have surface dna hybrid populations they manage and that’s why there’s racism and wars, or are we just going to avoid that subject?

Fog of War

You are quite close to the truth. For instance, notice where all the world’s hot spots are ? Also, note where certain military bases were built, Iraq being an example. How many ancient artifacts have been purposely destroyed or stolen ? One of the main reasons for all of this is to forever hide humanity’s true history. The ” controllers ” are in a rush as our technology and sciences are starting to reveal the lies we’ve all been fed collectively and people are starting to catch on. Sadly, China, Russia, Iran and pretty much every other country are on board with this.

Icarus Tanović

Seem like you watched They live recently.

Fog of War

Seems like you need to expand your field of knowledge.

Icarus Tanović

Thanks anyway. Right now I’m not interested in Sci-fi.

Fog of War

Little do you know it seems.


Even funnier!

Icarus Tanović

Whatever you say.

Fog of War


Icarus Tanović

Thank you, but I’m not interested.

Fog of War

Of course not, you wouldn’t want your world view challenged would you now ?


LMAO…I love those videos where 20 others will prove them wrong. “What if”…”maybe it”…”perhaps this”…very scientific! You are a joke, little man!

Icarus Tanović


Icarus Tanović

Is that Return of Jedi? Man, read my comment from above. I really have nothing else to say. All good, bye.


Where do they come up with this crap?

Icarus Tanović

Discovery channel, sci fi, brainwashing. Tv news are lying, lying and lying some more. People can’t understand what is going on, people are going crazy, and many are affraid.


Coming from you, that’s quite hilarious!


I am always amazed with what some will come up with and of course, without a shred of evidence to support their crap. It’s quite amusing, really.


WOW…that is impressive stupidity!

“How many ancient artifacts have been purposely destroyed or stolen ?” A hell of a lot but simply because Americans are thieves just as they are when it comes to Syria, Venezuela, Ukraine, and Libya.

Albert Pike

There is Aquinos ‘MindWar’ – but none of the crazy stuff…

Tommy Jensen

I have already told the audience that Dr. Manhattan is real and that he supports America in our struggle for freedom. But MSM and the sheeple refuse to listen, and alternative media remain silent about facts! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bfe2a985cb5b387ae4b20affef8ff3b05e34efc1ae4267af6408d29c4a5113b8.jpg

rightiswrong rightiswrong



The forces to play are angels and demons. And they manipulate us based on our own egos and defects, if we have no defects “hidden forces” would have no power over us. But we are to stupid and weak to realise WE ALL HAVE TO CHANGE. WE NEED TO STOP BLAMING EXTERNAL FORCES.


Can you do 15 minutes of that sh Xt?

Standup comedy is looking …

johnny rotten

Iran together with the countries of the Middle East is waging an anti-colonial struggle, this unequivocally puts it on the right side, every struggle for liberation from marauders from Europe and North America is sacrosanct and must be supported by anyone in good faith.


At what cost? Do you think thee entities you mentioned are any better than the foreign colonizers? They are by far worse, hence why the denizens of the Middle East have and still to date beg for help from the westerners.


So … the intersectionality bs

Jews struggling for liberation from 2000 Years of Christian predators were rewarded in 1920 / 1947/8 with sovereignty …

That’s comforting …


Free man



Iran benefited from it and upgraded its centrifuges and now has enough U-235 for at least two nuclear weapons of medium yield.

Stephan Williams

Do you have proof of your ridiculous allegation? Of course not. You’re a hasbarabot doing what you do best – LIE.

Raptar Driver

Silly, revenge is for the weak.

Traiano Welcome

Indeed. Naked unprovoked aggression is for the strong.

Raptar Driver

That’s not what I meant.


They are both for the weak. What is your point? Because provoked aggression is weak does that mean revenge is not? Ah my IQ reduces the more I read the weirdos on this site.


Obviously not a Raptor fan … eh?

Raptar Driver

The word is Raptar not Raptor, Which is a bird of prey. It is not a misspelling, it is a different word.



Raptar Driver

I’m not the one that can’t spell idiot.


As well they should. Wall know it was the Israeli Imposter semites.


It appears that Iran has updated its centrifuges to even faster ones. Iran always overcomes any adversity and that just humiliates its enemies even further.


There is something called feigning military advancement. Iranians are known to bark a lot. And its sad fools believe them.


YOU mean … act like a Paper Tiger


they, the iranians, won’t have to travel further than tel aviv to arrive at the den of criminals responsible for all the strife the middle east has suffered from over the last 100 years or so, but it’s nothing a swarm of icbm’s can’t rectify and sending the jews all the way to hell.


Israel is facing oblivion even according to MSM.

Coronavirus-infected Israel, on brink of anarchy as its economy in tatters and military exposed as inept. Israel is facing a doomsday scenario as unemployment reaches historical high and its western financial lifeline dries up.

As Israel records more than 3,000 new coronavirus cases a day, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s opponents and also his ultra-Orthodox partners gang up against him for abject failures at all levels..

Tommy Jensen

Iran and Israel work closely together in many areas in business and other exchanges.

The war against Iran is a CIA/MSM paper war and the political sanction part is about Western Investment bankers usury control of Iran’s $42 trillion oil/gas reserves.


Verner you are really not intelligent. Its so easy, old, typical and myopic to blame Israel for everything. But now its a bit too far fetched to say the are the cause of their issues, look Middle East has been in conflict ever since the dawn of Islam. Blaming Jews only fuels crazy terrorists to attack them and as a retaliation jews kill Palestinians in the name of defending themselves, do you see why such posts are really useless? Its better you stop posting


the Iranians won’t have to travel far … they ALREADY live in ‘a Hxll on Earth’

The 200 nukes on 3 platforms will be able to destroy those who attempt to harm the Jews/Zionists/Israelis … eh?

The IDF / IAF will be preempt … eh?



is that you twat at it again -the mere fact that the jews are threatening with nukes is sufficient reason to annihilate the lot of them and the quicker the better – decidedly forfeited any right to co-exist with the rest of mankind.


200 + nukes on GPS warheads …

On subs – multiple warhead cruise missiles

On ICBM’s – named Jericho

On Planes … air launched

Sleep well …


so you’re one of those jewish twats that actually think the jews’ nukes will stop the neighbours from slaughtering the palestinian jews. a number of nukes deployed will just make the issue of ridding the world of jews, all jews, a much more urgent issue and it will be done. rest assured.


For YOU for sure … but the Jews have sovereignty today … something they lacked previously …. the Jews are armed loaded and ready … lol

YOU obviously have noticed … eh?



If Mossad agents are walking around Iran, any significant response will also invite a further retaliation on the nuclear facilities. The best option for Iran would be to suck it up and quietly continue what it has been doing.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Just come out and say it Iran, the Israelis hacked your security system for the second time, they took control of your centrifuges and then sped them up to a point they self disintegrated, and they did it in exactly the same way they did it the last time, so Iran needs much better security systems.

Jim Allen

Or, the capabilities either….well except US/NATO military forces.


No country can absorb mass casualties … full stop

The US in Vietnam suffered 50K casualties … and fled the battlefield … a country with 250 Million people

Israel in 1948 suffered a LOSS of 1% of its TOTAL POPULATION as casualties in the Naqba err War of Independence …

1% casualties in USA = 3.5 MILLION

1% casualties in Iran = 830,000

“thus political leadership will … when the risk of major casualties are too high” … pmsl

Worry about the casualties the IDF/IAF will deliver on their enemies …


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