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MARCH 2025

Iran Seized UAE-Registered Ship In Persian Gulf

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Iran Seized UAE-Registered Ship In Persian Gulf

An undated picture of an Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy patrol craft.

Iran announced on August 20 that its border guards had seized a United Arab Emirates (UAE)-registered ship that violated its territorial waters in the Persian Gulf.

The Islamic country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in an official statement that the incident had taken place on August 17.

“On Monday, an Emirati ship was seized by the border guards of Iran and its crew were detained due to illegal traffic in our country’s waters,” a state-run TV quoted the ministry’s statement as saying, according to Reuters.

On the same day, UAE coast guards opened fire at Iranian fishermen in the Persian Gulf, killing at least two of them and seizing their boat.

Iran summoned the UAE’s chargé d’affaires in Tehran to protest over the incident, according to the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The ministry said that the UAE had expressed regret for the incident and in a letter, on August 19, it announced its readiness to pay compensation. Abu Dhabi released the seized fishing boat and its crew. The legal procedure for delivering the bodies is underway.

The two incidents in the Persian Gulf came a few days after a historical peace agreement between the UAE and Israel. Iran condemned the agreement, with President Hassan Rouhani calling it a “big mistake.”


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Lone Ranger

What goes around comes around… Wasnt such a stellar idea by the U.S. to steal tankers from Venezuela loaded with Iranian oil.

The Objective

Iran should retaliate by seizing U.S. ships instead of those of its neighbors. Such incidents only further plays into America’s hands.

Lone Ranger

Iran is testing the waters. UAE was a logical step since they killed two Iranian fisherman recently.


have you seen a ship with the star spangled banner at the end of the ship lately and if not, it’s because the american merchant fleet all sail under panama or liberia or vanuatua flags of convenience. need to take one step behind the veil to find the yankee-twat owners but then it’s straight sailing.


Yes indeed,find out which is US cargo.

Zionism = EVIL

Unless you have a ships manifest or docking port information, it is very difficult to trace the origins of the cargo as containers constantly change transit ports. That is why intelligence agencies pay a lot of bribes to port and customs officials to get hold of cargo manifests as the CIA and Zionist Beirut blast amply demonstrated. However, the Persian Gulf is a small body of shallow waters and Iran’s control of Hormuz gives it visual access of most ships passing through and they can be boarded and inspected as in this case. This is a UAE flagged container ship and was easy to detect and intercept. The Iranian island of Abu Musa has excellent shipping intelligence station.

Zionism = EVIL

Exactly, these kids are clueless :)

The Objective

I’m sure the Iranian intelligence will know some ships that belong to America even if they sail under different flags.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Not really, the US are thousands of miles away, the UAE are 20.

If the US cannot protect them and their shipping, then what good is a military alliance with them? Attacking US ships is all fine and dandy, if you could find one near the Gulf. But why relieve the UAE of that burden.


There are barely any US commercial ships that dare to enter the Persian Gulf. Meanwhile, UAE and all of the tiny Sheikdoms are very vulnerable as their only access is via the straits of Hormuz which Iran controls.

Zionism = EVIL

Well here is more humiliation for Americunts, this is just breaking news but I had posted the outcome of desperate US cunts days ago in advance, the fat moron Pimpeo was laughed out of the UN today:

US demands restoration of UN sanctions against Iran but faces rejection, yet again

Tehran, China, Russia and European governments reject US call for a ‘snapback’ of international sanctions and a US resolution did not garner enough votes to even be tabled.

Lone Ranger

Good news. U.S. is starting to turn into a pariah state even amongst their own vassals.

Zionism = EVIL

No ones takes these Americunt clowns seriously after the dumbasses can’t even provide face masks to their hapless population dying in the streets like rabid dogs. Even EU vassals now refuse to be dictated too. Even the British poodles kept a low profile, but Germany and France flatly refused to meet the fat pimp. This is utterly humiliating for the self anointed “exceptional” cunt losers.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The UAE kill two fisherman, in a small boat?

Must have been a condition for allying with the Jewhadis.

Zionism = EVIL

Two Iranian fishermen were killed in international waters by a UAE pimp cowards and within hours Iranian impounded a emiRATi cunts cargo shop. The Zionist evil arseholes will now ensure that the shaky kingdom is destroyed. The Wahhabi cunts are now running around shitless and offering to pay compensation but I believe they will suffer soon.


Please correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t see the UAE as a pimp; rather I see them as “israel’s” b*tch.


This has Zionist strings attached, UAE is being set-up for destruction by provoking Iran.


More, please. UEA Ziowahhabi terrorist scum used the US terrorists’s Pentagon network of mercenaries to bring even Colombia and Mexican narcoterrorist-for-pay scum to Yemen to fight on the same side as ISIS/al-Qaeda. That alone should warrant a harsh Iranian response.

Now that Wahhabistan and the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine came out with their decades-old LGBT globalist terrorist partnership, the gloves are off. Those abortions of British imperial scum can’t be allowed to keep profiteering off petrodollar schemes just like that.

Aaron Aarons

Why are you bringing “LGBT” into this? Aside from all of them being targeted by Wahhabis, what do the individuals in these four categories have in common regarding Middle East politics? Inside the United Snakes, there are Zionists and there are supporters of Palestine among those labelled “LGBT”, with lesbians, in particular, being prominent among pro-Palestinian activists.


If you weren’t so stupid and could stop feeling offended for a second you’d understand the metaphorical use of the “coming out” expression to describe the seemingly contradictory circus initiated by ISISrael and UAE with the US terrorists’ so-called “mediation”. And even if lesbians are so pro-Palestinian, the LGBT flag is waved even more “proudly” by the global Ziocorporate terrorist new world disorder designers for their schemes.


UAE coastguard must have been so terrified of some fishermen, idiotic response

Putin Apologist

These terrified UAE coast guardsmen reminds me of that incident a week or so back when those Jews were so afraid that Hezbollah was coming to get them they starting shooting at their own fence.


Who told you that? your deluded brain? we want them to respond, but oh no they are so brave on the media. They know once we come for them we will wipe out all of SL.

Putin Apologist

Careful what you wish for.


You mean what THEY wish for, they just need to give us a good reason to whoop their asses.

Ashok Varma

You silly sick boy child, you Jews are sick perverts and cowards, and much worse than the headchoppers.

Outrage in Israel over gang-rape of teenager

Protests held in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem following reports 16-year-old allegedly gang raped by dozens of men in Eilat.


It happens in other countries too.

Zionism = EVIL

HUSH stupid CUNT!


And next you will say you didn’t shoot down your own UAV?

If only the cost for wiping out SL wasn’t WI. If only. Khizballa will mop the floor with you. Lucky for you, Merkava4 has a fantastic reverse gear. As long as our man has the helm there, this won’t happen.


Hezbollah are not a match to the IDF, sure they can shoot rockets on civilians but we can also wipe out every shia village in SL and they know it. It took us 10 days to reach the Litani river after the ground operation started back in 2006, and that was when we spared most of the shia villagers to avoid a mass garveyard. It won’t happen again and they will pay the price with Hezbollah too, as one top Israeli commander has said: “if Israelis will have to stay in shelters, then in Lebanon there won’t be anything left of their shelters”. If you know what he means.


Hezbollah are not a match to the IDF ……

History tells a different story, in fact it tells the converse. To wit: 2000 and 2006. Bwa ha ha ha, you guys had to beg for mercy. ROFLMAO ?


You did great! So you marched towards a river that is located 3.5km from the border (in closest part, about 23km in farthest) in juussst 10 days, in a country that has no viable air force, air defence, no armour or even APC, no artillery, in other words no army and all you were facing was a few thousands guerrilla fighter which in no way can compare to you in numbers, fire-power, support, logistics and armament? Not to mention you pounded them with your airforce which they didn’t have any defence against for days before you set foot on their soil.

Yeah, you scored a great victory against all odds…and have every right to brag about it!!

And you feel sorry for yourself why you didn’t massacre every single unarmed civilian while you were there despite murdering a large number of them?

My man!


Yes I think it was a mistake to keep them alive, Shias in SL clearly supported Hezbollah as they let them use their villages in order to shoot rockets into Israeli cities, AFTER Hezbollah kidnapped 3 soldiers and started the war. Also, we used just 5% of our firepower back then (it is alot stronger now), and only 10K soldiers entered while 30K stayed on the border and waited for orders because if they did then no village would have been left untouched. Google Beirut 2006 after just one month of bombings and you’ll understand why Hezbollah got the message and only bark today. However make no mistakes Garga, regardless the political situation here if a war comes we will annihilate them.


They know once we come for them we will wipe out all of SL.

So how come you guys failed so miserably in 2000, and even worse in 2006 when you had to beg for mercy?

Oh, sorry, I forgot, you stated in a comment earlier this week that your revered sewer rats need 3 attempts before they hit their target ! ROFLMAO ?

Better to stick to your specialisation of defenceless women, children and elderly people, that way your sewer rats can feel like heroes. Bwa ha ha ha.



LOL!!! its a nightmare,big bad Hezbollah man coming to get them.


Saw this one coming. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fG51nwQsfAA


Don’t be such a hero, we can also take over any of your vessels in the East Med if we want to. The UAE is now our ally, and we will help them against you.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

When do they get their ship back then dickhead?

You silly little boy, go play with your sister.



Emad Irani

cry me a riverrrrr you don’t even allow ur lovely “ally” to purchase F35 khkhkh nice joke dude but UAE couldn’t handle Houthis in Yemen so we don’t give a shit about you and your wannabe lion allies


We approved it, part of the peace deal is for them to have modernized weapons like F35.

Traiano Welcome

Goats flying F35s are still goats at the end of the day.


Actually they are one of the smartest Arab countries, unlike the Houthi goat fuckers. With a new Israeli and American weapons the situation will change too.

Traiano Welcome

You can’t fool me. I’ve worked with those guys. The entire UAE is run by expats – if all the expats left tomorrow, the collective IQ would drop to 20.

Of course, by your definition any Arabs that are actually capable of fighting back and don’t placidly stand by to be slaughtered are “Got Fuckers” …


That is actually great news for us if they have a modernized version of any weapon. Please sell them your best toys.

Aaron Aarons

It’s quite fitting that the allies of Nazi-adjacent apartheid Israel now include another absolute monarchy.


Keep crying from your armchair leftist scum, you’re half way in the grave already.

chris chuba

This in retaliation for the UAE shooting the Iranian fisherman and not the stolen Venezuelan gasoline.

The Iranians took a UAE flagged ‘ship’, it didn’t say tanker or oil tanker, it does not sound valuable enough to barter for 1M bbls of gasoline. Also, I think Iran wants to let the stolen gasoline play out in U.S. courts as Venezuelan property rather than respond w/force. If a judge ordered a return to Venezuela it would be extremely humiliating for Trump. Not a bad play but it might sour relations w/Venezuela a bit because they are currently left holding the bag for the stolen cargo.


Chris, if this playing out as you suggested, rest assured it is coordinated to last details between Iran and Venezuela. Nothing short of a regime change can sour the relationship between the two countries.

Zionism = EVIL

For that very reason, it has been called the PERSIAN GULF for over 3000 years.

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