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Iran Sells Record-High Amount Of Oil To China Despite Looming US Sanctions

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Iran Sells Record-High Amount Of Oil To China Despite Looming US Sanctions

Illustrative image: Reuters

Iran sent a record amount of crude oil to China. Tankers carrying approximately 22 million barrels of Iranian oil are en route to the Chinese port of Dalian, according to an unnamed Iranian shipping source and data on Refinitiv Eikon cited by Reuters.

This comes ahead of the US sanctions that are due to hit the Iranian energy sector and oil exports on November 4th.

Reuters cited an unnamed source in the National Iranian Tanker Company who claimed that the country is shipping the record amount. “As our leaders have said it will be impossible to stop Iran from selling its oil. We have various ways of selling our oil and when the tankers reach Dalian, we will decide whether to sell it to other buyers or to China,” the source said, without providing any more details.

According to data that dates back to January 2015, Dalian usually receives 1 to 3 million barrels monthly from the National Iranian Tanker Co (NITC). However, the amount of approximately 22 million is expected to arrive between October and November.

Iran is the third largest producer in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). However, it appears to be having difficulties finding buyers for its crude oil, due to the incoming US sanctions and the constant vows of US officials that want to reduce Iran’s oil exports to “zero.”

Dalian holds some of the biggest refineries and commercial oil storage facilities in China. Iran used to store its oil at Dalian in 2014, prior to the Iran Nuclear Deal. The oil was then sold to South Korea and India, according to Reuters.

Reuters also reported that one of 11 Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCCs) – Dune – discharged oil into a bonded storage tank at the Xingang section of the Dalian port on Oct. 8. The VLCC Dino I switched off its transponder on Oct. 13 near the port. Dino reappeared near Taiwan and has no cargo.

Reuters cited sources familiar with the matter that China National Petroleum Corp is not expecting any Iranian oil to arrive in Dalian. The source also added that it is unlikely for buyers to lift Iranian oil from bonded tanks due to the US sanctions.

According to Refinitiv Eikon shipping data, Iranian tanks are now switching off their tracking devices when they load or discharge oil to avoid US authorities.

There is currently no comment from the NITC and the Dalian port.

Reuters also cited industry sources which claimed that Turkey’s top refiner, Tupras, is in talks with U.S. officials to obtain a waiver allowing it to keep buying Iranian oil after Washington reinstates sanctions on the Islamic Republic’s energy sector in November. There has been no official confirmation from either the Turkish or US side on this.

It might actually happen as a package of several US concessions due to controversy around the disappearance and possible murder of Khashoggi. Ankara is the side, which has capabilities to impact a possible public and diplomatic damage that the US and Saudi Arabia will likely suffer when the truth over the assassination is revealed.

If this information is in fact true, this is a large blow against repeated US vows to reduce Iranian oil exports to “zero.” As SouthFront previously reported, constant US pressure on Iran, China and Russia will more than likely result in their deeper cooperation. This is further reinforced after on October 18th, US Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations Kurt Volker said that the US may impose new sanctions on Moscow every month or two. This is due a supposed attempt “to increase the pressure we are putting on Russia in order to get them [Russian leadership] to negotiate toward a solution.” The approach includes keeping existing sanctions in place and introducing new ones periodically. He also praised the EU for being resilient in imposing its own sanctions.

On July 25th, the Daily Beast claimed that the former US Secretary of State had advised Trump to “box-in” China by working with Russia. In the cold-war era, Henry Kissinger was the mastermind behind US policy to improve diplomatic relations with China to isolate the Soviet Union. “That particular article was a great piece – of fiction,” Kissinger said on September 13th. In the modern day, he continues to claim that it remains a useful tool to deter Russia.

“I visualize China as a potential partner in the construction of a world order,” Kissinger further commented. “Of course, if that does not succeed, we will be in a position of conflict, but my thinking is based on the need to avoid that situation. So, our problem is not to find allies around the world with which to confront China.”

However, it is to be expected for relations between China and Russia to improve. Because currently, with its policy the US is pushing both Russia and China away from itself and towards each other. Thus, the end goal of asserting dominance appears to be undermined from within.

This is further reinforced by Putin’s remarks on October 18th that Russia may become a guarantor of North Korean security and had nothing but praise for China. The stability of the Korean peninsula is a security goal of significance for both Moscow and Beijing and they may cooperate on it. Securing stability in the region would further reduce US military influence, since that is one of the arguments for US troops to be present there.

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Zionism = EVIL

As if China gives a shit about US morons who are out to destroy Chinese economy.

Promitheas Apollonious

I dont think the chinese forget what west have done against them and the opium wars. The moronic western politicians may have selective memory and single cell brains but that is them. I am sure if they start pushing it and I hope they do soon will receive the proper answers. In the mean time they are lured in like a fish but they too stupid to understand that.


What most Goyim don’t know was that the Opium wars was being conducted on behalf of a kike Jew named David Sassoon. Many of the crimes that have been conducted under the label of “The West” have been in reality Jewish crimes. Not ironically the current war against China is still being led by kike Jews and once again most history books will ignore this key fact.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes jewish crimes with stupid brits and settlers of the colonies fighting them. So maybe is time to stop hiding behind the is the jews fault and behave like brainless puppies that force you do, what you been doing for centuries. Defective dna is not only jewish and is worst in the mixed blood clones they produce.

Zionism = EVIL

Correct, Jews are a historical pestilence on humankind. They also were major instigators of slave trade and barbarianism against Africans as they plundered gold and diamond. Today Jews control organ harvesting, drugs, white human trafficking and prostitution in the world. Opium trade was a Jew enterprise to enslave China.

John Brown

I don’t think the chinese forget what west have done against them and the opium wars.

Yes this racist supremacist Jews not the west who almost single handedly destroyed China, transforming it from a 1st world to a 3rd world country, flooding it with opium etc. killing hundreds of millions an example of yet another Jew perpetrated holocaust shoah against the goyim from which China has still not fully recovered from, to this day.

The entire trade was controlled by Jewish families only. Sassoon would not allow any other race to engage in “the Jews’ business” of importing and selling opium.Opium was strictly a Jewish monopoly, but these Jews were working under British passports.The corrupt British monarchy honored them with privilege and knighthood – to the disgrace of the Crown which was coming under rothchild control.



THE MAGNIFICENT SASSOONS AND THEIR OPIUM WARS Posted on April 11, 2014 by Indian Gentile 220px-David_Sassoon_and_sons David Sassoon (seated) and his sons Elias David, Albert (Abdallah) & Sassoon David.

India has had many famous and infamous criminals and crooks but one of the most underreported and devious of them is not even Indian He was a Bhagdadi Jew called David Sassoon

David Sassoon was born in Baghdad, Iran in 1792. His father, Saleh Sassoon, was a wealthy banker and the treasurer to Ahmet Pasha, the governor of Baghdad (Thus making him the “court Jew” – a highly influential position) In 1829 Ahmet was overthrown due to corruption and the Sassoon family fled to Bombay(Mumbai), India.


In Mumbai, David Sassoon did a Rothschild and sent his eight sons all over India Indo China and China He built the international business called David S. Sassoon, with the policy of staffing it with people brought from Baghdad. They filled the functions of the various branches of his business in India, Burma, Malaya, and east Asia. In each branch, he maintained a rabbi.

In the beginning, David Sassoon wanted to trade cotton cloth with China in exchange for tea, but the Chinese did not want the cotton that Sassoon wanted to trade.At the same time, Britain had an insatiable appetite for Chinese tea, but the Qing Dynasty and its subjects did not want to buy anything that the British produced.

a_1824_PZ0240_Lintin_n70297 The Opium Ships at Lintin in China, 1824

The Chinese were, however, willing to trade tea for silver, since at that time China had a currency fully backed by silver. But the government of Queen Victoria did not want to use up the country’s reserves of gold or silver in buying tea.However, Sassoon considered that the Chinese might be susceptible to opium, which could then be exchanged for tea.

Armed with this knowledge, he sailed back to England to make a new proposition to the Queen. And, on the advice of David Sassoon, Queen Victoria decided to export opium from the Indian Subcontinent to China where her military would enforce its importation and use.

OPIUM ROUTES Opium routes between British-controlled India and China

In Order to boost the trade David Sassoon forced the farmers in Bengal to stop farming food and turn to growing opium poppies. This change in cropping patterns was to have disastrous consequences later for Bihar Bengal and Uttar Pradesh The climate in Bengal was very good for growing opium and Sassoon’s business flourished. He became a MEMBER OF THE EAST INDIA COMPANY, A FIRM OWNED AND RUN BY JEWS(a fact few Indians know even now ) out of the City of London. So successful was the opium business that the tax the East Indian Company paid to England paid for all English wars between 1831 and 1905.

Sassoon’s sons were busy pushing this mind-destroying drug in Canton, China, and their trade expanded alarmingly. Between 1830 – 1831 they trafficked 18,956 chests of opium earning millions of dollars. Part of the profits went to Queen Victoria and the British government. In the year 1836 the trade increased to over 30,000 chests and drug addiction in coastal cities became endemic.

By 1880 it had skyrocketed to 105,508 chests, making the Sassoons the richest Jews in the world next to the Rothschild’s.The Sassoons were now licensing opium dens in each British occupied area with large fees being collected by their Jewish agents.Pretty soon the Rothschild’s and Sassoons were tied in marriage when one of Davids many grandsons Sir Edward Albert Sassoon (1856 – 1912), the son of Albert, married Aline Caroline de Rothschild,

kaifeng jews

And many of these Jewish agents were the Chinese Jews of Kaifeng.These Jews had immigrated to China along the Silk Road hundreds of years ago and had so intermarried with the Chinese that they looked entirely Chinese.But they still were practicing Jews and were thus the perfect Chinese agents for the Sassoons.The entire trade was controlled by Jewish families only. Sassoon would not allow any other race to engage in “the Jews’ business” of importing and selling opium.Opium was strictly a Jewish monopoly, but these Jews were working under British passports.The corrupt British monarchy honored them with privilege and knighthood – to the disgrace of the Crown.

Promitheas Apollonious

one question to you because what you posted is ok, but you preaching to the chorus so relax and think, is not illegal yet.

What you call jews is a cult following the talmut so is a faith not a race. Same as the rest of the religions. So to me the worst of the kind is their followers who commit for them the genocides and execute their planning. So I dont really give a sh*t to give a name to my targets as they are just that targets.

To me is simple it is them and it is the rest of the normal world. Them who ever nationality or names they are called by, is just targets kind of same sh*it different name. As for historical fact, I am very well versed on it.

John Brown

Yes I agree a cult not real Jews as there haven’t been any Jews since Jesus . The fake Satanic Jews now follow the Torah Kabalah etc. not the bible. However to not name who the Satanists are is protecting them as they need darkness and anonymity to hide in order to have their evil grow. so why do you protect them by not naming them? It’s like the police not having a suspect in a crime. How would they arrest anyone?

Promitheas Apollonious

you missed the point kid. As I said is not illegal to think learnt o think, put the dots together.

Zionism = EVIL

There is a difference though, the Jews are self-anointed “chosen ones”. They are the worst of the Abrahamic “religions” and totally devoid of conscience or morals. The Talmud is a disgusting perverted charter for evil.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes well….. the question is who believe they are? beside the religious sheep fanatics? From what I seen up to now only the colonies population have been buying the story.


Great read, what is your take on China hiring Eric Prince for its ‘Belt Road’ security. He is setting up offices in western China, close to both the ‘Shan Tribe’ of north Burma, and Afghanistan. Would he then not be an agent for the Sassoon – Rothschild ( Crown ) and the US owned IMF ? Has China’s CCP already sold its people out ?

John Brown

Would he then not be an agent for the Sassoon – Rothschild ( Crown ) and the US owned IMF ?

Anything is possible. If he helps China to become stronger militarily how does it help the Rothchild’s explain it to me.

Is he betraying the Rothchild’s for Chinese money?

Will he meet the bone saw like the Saudi Washington Post reporter?

Was Patton a Nazi for reading Rommel’s book on tank warfare?

Are military tactics political?

If I read Sun Tsu “The Art of War” and follow it, does it make me pro chinese?

If I use Pythagorean theorem for math does it make me pro greek?


Thank you for your humor, just thought you may have more information than myself regarding Eric Prince’s role in the Belt Road Security . Interesting to note that your post giving the Sassoon family history in India and China has now been placed , “awaiting moderation”.


Or what the west did to them during the Korean war.


From the article: “On July 25th, the Daily Beast claimed that the former US Secretary of State had advised Trump to “box-in” China by working with Russia. In the cold-war era, Henry Kissinger was the mastermind behind US policy to improve diplomatic relations with China to isolate the Soviet Union. “That particular article was a great piece – of fiction,” Kissinger said on September 13th. In the modern day, he continues to claim that it remains a useful tool to deter Russia.”

Age old Jewish divide and conquer tactic. This doesn’t require any “mastermind” thinking or innovative mind, this is literally what the Jews have been doing since time immemorial.


Divide and Rule is what two spoilt children often to with their parents.

What we see today from the US/Israel and Saudi Arabia in particular is just another example of the base instincts of man.


If China and Russia can help facilitate an end to the north / south Korean War, and reunite that country, it would be a great benefit to Korea, China and Russia. One less smouldering spark that could flare out of control at any time. The US would not like it, but Japan could tip the balance towards peace.


Peace and reunification in Korea would be a breaking point for the American empire, they will do almost anything to stop it.


I would guess that this is to get as much oil before the sanctions kick in.

China however will continue to buy Iranian oil, at a discount, after the sanctions kick in, so the rest of the world will pay more for oil than China. The American sanctions will certainly increase profits in China, and make China more competitive in the global market. A lot of Americans think Trump works for Russia, but his actions point to him working for China, or maybe he is just plain stupid.

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