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Iran Sends Warships To Gulf Of Aden As Clashes For Yemen’s Al-Hudaydah Continue

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Iran Sends Warships To Gulf Of Aden As Clashes For Yemen's Al-Hudaydah Continue

On June 21, the Iranian Navy allegedly dispatched two warships to the Gulf of Aden, where a fierce battle is ongoing between the Ansar Allah movement (also known as the Houthis) and the Saudi-led coalition for the port city of al-Hudaydah.

According to Iran’s Tasnim News Agency, the Iranian naval group composed of the Kharg Helicopter Carrier and Sabalan Destroyer. The Iranian side publicy describes its move with a need to secure naval routes and protect merchant vessels and oil tankers against pirates.

The deployment of Iranian warships in the area will likely further complicate relations between Riyadh and Teheran. However, two warships will not be enough to lift a naval blockade from al-Hudaydah.

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leon mc pilibin

The Saudi Zionists need to be put in their place,HELL.


Read Pave Way IV.

Wise Gandalf

With these rafts?

Richard M

The text reads that a helicopter carrier and a destroyer have been sent. Obviously, the pictured patrol boat is neither. Maybe SF just chose a stock photo of any Iranian Naval vessel?

Wise Gandalf

I made only a joke. :)

Russie Unie

Go on Iran !

Otto Heinrich Wehmann

Iran should send Ghadir-class submarine to strike terror in this pirates.

Michał Hunicz

They want to show Saudis muscles, nothing surprising.

Pave Way IV

This is the normal, six-month or so rotation of the Iranian Navy anti-piracy patrol in the Gulf of Aden, relieving the previous one returning to Iran. It has always included two ‘warships’ – usually one of their destroyers and a replenishment ship, plus a number of smaller ships.

The Kharg ‘Helicopter Carrier’ is an old Royal Navy oiler (fleet replenishment tanker) with an added helicopter deck and hangar. Nothing unusual about the rotation and I doubt the Iranian Navy is planning on sailing them anywhere near al-Hudaydah.

If Iran seriously wanted to put an end to the Saudi/UAE invasion and occupation of Yemen, it would light off a few of its SCUD-C clones across the Persian Gulf into Ras Tanura Refinery or the Abu Dhabi financial center. I don’t think a naval battle in the Red Sea with their ‘fleet’ would be part of the plan.


That’s the correct interpretation. Nothing special in Persian media, no war drum, no nothing. I was surprised to see that news in AMN first and then here. That’s the usual media hype to turn things insignificant or routine into something they’re not.

Khark went under a lengthy and somehow significant overhaul (domestic, Britain didn’t and doesn’t give service to the British-made equipment serving in Iranian armed forces) and this is it’s first voyage after that. However it didn’t belong to the Royal Navy, unless one counts the time (6 years) in which the British didn’t deliver the ships which were fully paid for by Iran, at the time of war when Iran needed them. Yes, Khark had a sister vessel and ofcourse the British didn’t deliver the second ship. Their excuse? Iran will use the utility vessel in war. A war that Iran didn’t start. I know, Britain is totally fair and unbiased, amiright?

Wise Gandalf

The second blasphemy combined with witch catwheel on the world cup was ineffective. :)

But your guys tried to play good. When you learn individualism, will be better.

What is most interesting, how many iranian players had american military haircut. :P Aping west, aping west? :))


What happened to your Danbo? Did you it the poor guy?

By the way, I think Tudor is still interested in our transaction. At least I hope so if he’s not too busy cheering for their own team which is steamrolling Arabs. Let’s go to Siberia. He’ll be gentle, I promise…

You almost ruined my financial plans by running away and re-branding yourself.

Which reminds me, where did you learn to re-brand yourself? Al-Qaida/HTS?

Wise Gandalf

Oh, Garga burd never sleeps :))

I know, you both want to kill me. Next year i will visit Moscow. And him. With my russian partner. But i think, he will be very little and very polite servile muzhik. :))

And i will visit also teheran within 2 years. Shall i bring also coffin? :))

I change profiles, while in MSM i am always banned as anti israeli, pro russian guy. So it is.

My thesis: IDF is strong, IAF is strong, no arab country around IL is able to defeat them. On the other hand, i disagree with IL politics.

For first part i am hated here, for second part in MSM.

My thesis: Russia has some good weapons, will survive sanctions. But has not enough developed industry for their mass production, not good electronical industry, not enough money… For the first part i am banned in MSM, for second part hated here.

People with overview are not liked by people with tunnel vision.

Tudor Miron

Kill you? You have zero significance and do not worth a bullet. You’ll rot all by yourself – no need for help from us. You and your partner are planning to visit me? Now that was funny, but sorry I don’t accept sodomites in my shop.

Wise Gandalf


angry muzhik.

yes, i will visit you. this is on my todo list. my partner is well known in russia, i think, you will have no chance to regret him :P

we will see, who from us two is mature for siberia :)))

Wise Gandalf

yes, you planned to kill me. both of you write this several times.

Tudor Miron

No, this is what you are trying to accuse (using highly likely formula) us :) But we don’t do harm to little creatures that are annoying but too small to do any damage.


You got Garga and Tudor all wrong. Next time you visit, worst case scenario is that you be sent to work camp, in order to keep up vodka production.


Wow. That’s surprisingly deep. Some of them I share. Anyway, happy to have you again.

Wise Gandalf

I am no victim. You will be victim, when USA will attack your country.

Beriya is dead, Putin not.


Your important and big friend is Putin? Dude, you’re da boss!

I didn’t say you are victim, I said you play victim. Why are you so afraid of an innocent meeting with us? Merijn and matt met each other and they say it was a nice meeting (although I doubt if any of them plan on selling the other one but both are man enough to not scream “Look! He wants to kill me! I’m a victiiiim!!…”)

Still, we love you. Solomon Shimshillewitz says hi too.


IDF is strong only in propaganda level.. Facts check 2006 war – IDF elite units cannot break hezbollah defense belt and villages , they have to call up reserves who even more unready and incompetent – IDF armor cannot breach hezbollah defense due to constant ambushes , the tankers call for helicopter gunship support but rejected as the IDF command afraid they gonna be shotdown like the 2 AH64 before (reported as collision) – IAF bombed decoy missile sites and killed civilian cars fleeing the warzone. zthr hezbollah missile attack never let up and IAF cannot detect the cleverly hidden launch sites – Hezbollah commandos only numbered less than 1000 and reinforced by equal number of local militia , while Israel put in 30.000 , yet the IDF still lost the war – many IDF soldiers and officers from elite units refuse to assault enemy position and mutinied en masse , they got courtmartialed and jailed for short time before released.

IDF today are not the same as IDF of 66 and 73.. they become dependant on air power and their soldier so afraid to die , they rather got punished than die from enemy bullet..

They are tough hombre when facing unarmed palestinian in gaza , yet when facing an armed enemy they show the true color of IDF

Tudor Miron


Wise Gandalf

yes, garga sometomes writes comical comments :DDD

Pave Way IV

Oh for fuck’s sake… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b013c708f0f64c0d5464b4cdfd5ea1364cfc9f8dadef60f21bfcef9164bf92b7.png

I didn’t even use the “This is not spam” button – it’s like it was pushed automatically for me. Was that supposed to trick me into thinking that it wasn’t censored?


Detected as spam. Thanks, we’ll work on getting this corrected. :DD

Discuss sometimes goes into maintenance mode. And then strange things happen, I have even seen my post repeated 3 times.


If you didn’t edit your post more than 3 times (too many edits marks the post as a spam, I learnt the hard way), then since you didn’t correct previous spam “detections”, your Disqus reputation lowered and triggered by a hair now.


sorry paveway , seem like your name instantly got reported as spam by some people who do not like facts and truth. and now you got blacklisted as spammer..

Pave Way IV

Disqus (not SF) maintains some kind of account-based spammer score based on 1) their detection algorithms, and 2) history of manual spam flagging on individual posts. They can see exactly what IP addresses, users and fake accounts are abusing the spam reporting flag to censor users and comments they don’t like, but Disqus apparently does nothing about it. Neither users nor board moderators (like SF) can see which accounts abuse the spam reporting flag, so it’s impossible to report them to Disqus for TOS violations. The self-styled censors can just create new accounts for this purpose if the old ones are removed by Disqus.

Disqus leaves it up to the individual board moderators to release comments that Disqus first marks as spam and then users respond with the ‘not spam’ button. Mods can mark and account as ‘trusted’, but that only does what I saw above – it automatically marks the message in the spam folder as not spam, but does not move it out or make it visible. The mods still have to find it and release it. That creates useless busy work – board moderators have to take time to sift through the spam bucket in order to release such posts. The comment is hours/days old by then and the thread is stale.

Of course I can report this directly to SF via email every time this happens, but this just causes them more work. They have to stop what they’re doing and go look for my held comment to release them (like they did here). That’s just wasting their time and does nothing to prevent the same thing from happening again. They can waste even more time by reporting this to Disqus, but – at best – Disqus will just ban the disposable, fake account and/or its fake IP used for abusive flagging.

Disqus (and Zeta Marketing) make money by selling their service and the gigabytes of data they subsequently collect about users/comments, not by wasting time resolving censoring wars. It’s not broken enough for them to fix, and the board moderators that depend on their service are not going to waste even more time convincing Disqus that this is any kind of a major problem – it isn’t.


you already been marked , as many people who post facts and truth.. while the obvious trolls like smaug, wisegandalf , richardD all post without any control..

Pave Way IV

The “Iranian Fleet Dispatched – Threatens the Universe with Imminent Attack!” stories have shown up during almost every past patrol rotation for years now, Garga. It will happen again when this patrol rotates out. Iran should just play along next time and troll the MSM for the lols.

I should have said the Kharg was based on an old Royal Navy oiler / replenishment ship design – a relatively fast ship intended to keep up with the destroyers they accompanied. Not a navy guy, so I may have that wrong. I know the IRIN calls the Kharg (Khark?) a helicopter carrier, but this conjures up images in the west of a full-deck or dedicated helo carrier with a dozen or so helicopters. The Kharg has hangar space for exactly two large helicopters as far as I can tell, which compliment the ship’s logistics (or in this case, anti-piracy) tasking. Hardly a threatening ‘warship’, except in the small minds of the MSM. And Israel – they cried like little girls the when this ship went through the Suez canal a few years back. Are the two Kharg helicopters invisible and secretly nuclear powered? Well, there ya go! Does the Kharg even have guns?

Didn’t know the Brits stiffed Iran on a second one already paid for… But to be fair, those were ordered by the Shah’s Imperial Navy, right? So they were really a MI6/CIA proxy purchase. If MI6 got to keep the money for their undelivered ship, then Iran should at least pay the CIA for the Kharg, right? No wonder the US is so pissed at Iran! Not to mention all the Shah bribes that cost us a small fortune back then. Repression isn’t cheap!

Richard M

It would sure be fun to get a half dozen patrol/torpedo boats in proximity of the Saudi and UAE fleet of 2 Billion $$$ Destroyers! Sink a half dozen of those Bad Boys and haul /$$ for the coast to be rescued by Houthis the way WW2 Allied aircrews were rescued by partisans in occupied Europe! :D

chris chuba

It’s newsworthy because the ‘Masters of the Universe’ expect Iran to sit in a corner wearing a dunce cap when they are doing something important.

Who cares if Iran does regularly scheduled patrols in the Gulf of Aden, they shouldn’t be doing that anyway because the Almighty U.S. and allies own international waters. They better sit back for a while while we are taking care of business.


everything is being set up for the big war against persia,syria and lebanon….there is no way back anymore…..even the jew slave country germany is now pouring oil into the fire…read what the fat east german jew slave slut merkel said in the press conference in jordan…”we the world must contain iran and its evil doings in the world”……and it will go nuclear soon after the war starts……the iranians know perfectly well what is coming, so do the syrians and the lebanese….the last countries in the world that do not recognize israel…..and the countdown started the second the evil jew slave trump called out jerusalem as the capital of the illegal jewish satanic entity named israel.That was the point of no return. A one world government, with jerusalem as its capital under jewish satanic leadership. and there aint alot we can do about it anymore.Its there time sadly to write…just take a look at our countries, our continents, only a satanic prick can truely say that the world is moving in the right direction.Its evil everywhere.Evil against our brothers and sisters, evil against our children,evil against the animal kingdom,evil against mother nature.

ps. whatever happens, be it devastation of the war, devastation of the monetary system…dont let them put the sign of satan arihman on your body……….resist by all means…even if it means going through the chambers of death…….thats when our time comes, the time when satan arihman shows his face..no more secrets then…no more bs at last…no more lies about this and that….men and women all over the world will unite, and resist, and fight.and we will win at the end.Light will always beat darkness.Love will always prevail over hatred. peace,love and harmony.

Paul Barbara

I agree with a lot you say, but we will not win, till Armageddon and the Last Judgement. That is when the Luciferian a**holes will wish they had never been born.


There’s no “armaggeddon” or “last judgement”. There is just stupid human beings that will either collectively wise up as a global civilization, achieve peace and conquer the stars, or will destroy one another, without any “divine” or supernatural intervention.

Paul Barbara

We shall see which of us is right eventually!


Yes, and I am going to be right and you are going to be wrong. These religious “prophecies” and all this wailing about the “end times” gets a little fucking old after centuries and generations of being peddled the same garbage. Religious texts were meant to be allegorical stories and valuable lessons about the human condition, much like ancient mythological stories before that. They were not meant to be taken literally. It’s honestly pathetic how in some of the most prosperous, enlightened, and literate countries in the world, we still have idiots peddling this garbage.

If you were in some shitbag, half literate, Taliban infested valley in some tribal corner of Pakistan reciting a Quran all day, I’d maybe understand. But you live in modern, industrialized countries. I cannot begin to even articulate to you how embarrassing this kind of stuff is.

John Mason

So what you are really saying is that Hitler should receive a medal instead of condemnation?

Richard M

Calling PM Merkel a “fat East German Jew slave slut” is both rude and insulting………….to fat East German Jew slave sluts! :D

Rodney Loder

A very smart move,!!!! US, israel, Saudi Arabia and UAE will do nothing, daring to start a war on this Iranian humanitarian gesture would be like starting a war on a reversed psychological false flag, Iran is the Champian of the World.


Champian ? sounds like a canned mushroom brand

Rodney Loder

Iran was alone, both Russia and China abandoned Iran to it’s fate late 1980’s, and all through the 80’s Iran as a nascent State fought Iraq who had the material support of the West / GCC and all Arab States except Syria and Libya that’s why US demands regime change in both, so far US has failed to achieve regime chang in either, Syria is still there and Libya is still there with no US client ruling either.

US is a failed Empire US clients are now absent in Yemen Syria Libya Egypt Tunisia Iraq Turkey and most important of all Lebanon.

US won’t engage with Iran or Syria without sincere allies who are impossible to find, Iran can enter the Yemen conflict because the West can’t support KSA with body bags coming home at local US airports, would you sacrifice your life for a pox infected Prince of Saudi A rabbi-a ??.


the only one who keep saying russia abandon iran is a hasbara troll .. variety of the same hasbara narratives : – LIE : Russia scared of Israel , thus they abandon iran and syria (since 2011 this been the constant narrative) – LIE : Putin scared of netanyahu thus putin succumb to israeli demands – LIE : china abandon iran becaues they afraid getting sanctioned – LIE : Iran fight along the houthis , otherwise how could sandal wearing houthis killed so many modern equipped saudi/gulfie military and merc with ease – LIE : everyone in middle east scared of israel – LIE : IDF best military in the world or at least in the middle east – LIE : hezbollah scared of israel. their missile are junk and wont work – LIE : Israeli iron dome works wonders

the reality ? they just the opposite.. the MORE israel lost in the real world , the MORE OBNOXIOUS their propaganda becomes..

Rodney Loder

Agreed that is now, but in 1988 to 2011 Russia and China were scared of israel. In 1988 China was using Soft Power for an economic push, while the Soviet Union under Gorbachev and then 1991 the Russian Federation under Yeltsin Putin and Medvedev all scared of israel that’s why Russia and China supported sanctions against Iran, but then a big change happened in 2012 Medvedev steps aside for Putin because NATO bombed Libya and Gadaffi fell, but that didn’t secure Libya, Syria, Egypt or Yemen for US proxies, Morsi was jailed and the Brotherhood were vanquished and so swapped sides.

The only bright spot for israel was that King Abdullah’s reign ended and was replaced by a New regime supporting israel.

Because Assad didn’t run after seeing what happened to Gadaffi and fought back and survived israel is now very marginalized compared to 2011.

And China who was threatened by Obama’s pivot to the Pacific has stepped away from Soft Power and now backs DPRK, so Trump wants peace on Korean Peninsula, however China is still afraid of israel because Chinese people would be offended supporting Muslims more so than Westerners.

IDF is a very bad military and can’t take looses, also most israelies with dual Citizenship will leave israel when the war over the Golan heights begins.

The Golan war should start shortly first with Dara, US and Iran will stay out and that is OK, because Iran will keep it’s powder dry to take on Saudi Arabia, that scenario would be acceptable to all parties and has developed since 2011 as one way traffic.

Hezbollah has excellent fighting capabilities Putin won’t let israel bomb them out of existence because that would reverse the all international developments since 2011 and NATO would then be unassailable and include Crimea so the bridge would be cut up for scrap metal.

Probably israel will get upgrade iron dome.


IDF back in the 60s and 70s have different concept of warfare , they are conventional army designed to stop conventional invasion. The ROT start in lebanon 1982 , where IDF got stuck in lebanon and bleed white until they got kicked out by lebanese shia militias (Hez)..

even the 1980s IDF still vastly more prepared than the 2000+ IDF , where the ground troops are used for LIC/COIN and Checkpoint duties , harrasing unarmed civilians and fighting badly equipped insurgents in massive overmatch of firepower. Even their ‘best’ arm of military , the IAF , have no one left that got combat experience from previous wars , IAF never faced real enemy since 1980s.

a military that labelled as the ‘best’ in the media , yet their only success is against unarmed civilians , that’s just bad propaganda at any level.. and anyone who believe in this propaganda is a FOOL or a paid astroturfer aka Hasbara.

IRONDOME , another propaganda tool from Israel , with low chance of success at super expensive cost .. remember they use 2 interceptor missile for every inbound target , and one irondome interceptor cost 100k ++ USD.. against an $500 GRAD type rocket

Rodney Loder

I heard on a few occasions that the reason IDF went bad during the 1982 israeli invasion of Lebanon that ended in israeli defeat and also in 2000, the defeat of their Christian Maronire allies was because the defenders would engage the enemy at very close quarters by ambush tactics then not retreat, so it wasn’t hit and run it was hit and stay, this prohibited the israelies using air support or artillery bombardment.

The South Lebanese Army was disbanded in 2000 and so ended the succession attempt by the West who instigated the Lebanese Civil war of 1976, Hezbollah did not exact revenge on the Christians and Hafez al-Assad even fought Yasser Arafat to save the Christians, now the Christians in Lebanon are not as bad as the Christians elsewhere, because israel sold them out to save a few miserable IDF personnel.

Israel will probably get Thaad soon.


the lebanon war of 1980s public information was drenched with endless propaganda from israel. Informatin regarding losses that IDF took are hidden in deep documents..

– how the hyped merkava mark 1 tanks lost the first battle against syrian T72 during a long range ambush. – how the PLO destroyed merkava by using RPG on the thin rear turret. This is the reason theres ball and chain hanging on the next version of merkavas – how the syrian MiG25 shot down israeli F15 , and no one talking about it because it is a shame for israel – how the lightly armed PLO use attrition warfare to kill IdF soldiers in urban locations.

the final symphony is the event where IDF left lebanon in disorderly panic leaving their allies , due to hezbollah pressure

Author writes “further complicate relations between Riyadh and Teheran” Fact Number 1: Tehran and Riyadh do not have relations. Fact Number 2: Those Iranian vessels are likely being tailed by their own submarine force for both security and in case of a draw-out, more firepower and more options for any possible engagement. Tehran also pry has subs in the area in case Saudi Arabia chooses to Strike First and sink both Iranian ships, then Tehran would want a quick and decisive response option already on the board.

Richard M

I like the way this Orc offensive is proceeding up the coast forming a salient with a Houthi hinterland behind it. There are so many historical analogies that may be drawn, but sufficient to say that the chances of the advance Orc forces around Hudaydah have a very good chance of being surrounded and cut off from support like Custer at Little Big Horn or like German 6th Army at Stalingrad! :D


Kharg 431



“The Iranian ship Kharg is a modified Ol-class replenishment oiler of the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy, named after Kharg Island. Built by Swan Hunter in the United Kingdom and launched in 1977, she was delivered to Iran in 1984.”


– Iranian ship Kharg –



Frigate Sabalan http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ZTtgnfNTa-Q/UOQZPfolKaI/AAAAAAAAE6k/M8bKvFveCLQ/s1600/File_4902_88389.JPG


“Sabalan (in Persian سبلان) is a British-made Vosper Mark V-class (or Alvand-class) frigate in the Iranian Navy.

Commissioned in June 1972 as part of a four-ship order, the Sabalan was originally named IIS Rostam”


– Iranian frigate Sabalan –



It will be interesting to see if they dock at the Port of al-Hudaydah.

“According to Agence France-Presse, The United Nations called Saudi-led coalition to instantly/completely lift the blockage on Yemen.”

– Blockade of Yemen –



These are pictures of upgrades that I made to my 9mm pistol and .40 S&W folding carbine for this summers ET/ED contact ops in remote wilderness areas beyond the high passes that are snow covered most of the year. Shown are 9mm +p woods carry large dangerous game rounds with up to 18 inches of penetration capability, tactical light and laser sight combinations for both guns, 31 round stick magazines for the Sub 2000 with a 90 degree coupler, and a light gathering fiber optic front sight for the Sub 2000, and a high capacity mag loader for the stick magazines. I’m going to order in fiber optic front and rear sights for the 9mm and have the gunsmith install and sight those in as well.

The 200 grain +p ammunition that I’m planning to buy for the Sub 2000 will have up to 36 inches of large dangerous game penetration.


Sub 2000 & PF-9



Fiber optic front sight upgrade:



26mm area illumination parachute flare:



and this related to the topic , where ?


It’s a site about military, special operations and politics. If it’s psychiatric counseling that you seek by attracting attention to your mental issues. Try a cleric, shrink or counseling center.

You’ve lied habitually and demonstrated zero knowledge of special operations to even be able to provide any type of competent opinion on the topic.

This is you:

“Pathological lying (also called pseudologia fantastica and mythomania) is a behavior of habitual or compulsive lying.”

– Pathological lying –


“in·fe·ri·or·i·ty com·plex noun an unrealistic feeling of general inadequacy caused by actual or supposed inferiority in one sphere, sometimes marked by aggressive behavior in compensation.”


“unable to read and write: an illiterate group. having or demonstrating very little or no education. showing lack of culture, especially in language and literature.

Semi-illiterate | Define Semi-illiterate at Dictionary.com”



read the article above and post accordingly , otherwise you are a troll who want to disturb the comment section


OK, sometimes Richard goes a bit overboard with posts. But are you spamming this site now as SF moderator? :D


so you are defending an obvious troll ? i know you and your posts and you are threading between the line so it do not register on the troll-o-meter.


His material is mixed, I do not care for his racist hate. I do not not see you posting anything pro-Syrian on this site. So perhaps you should put your “troll-o-meter” where the sun does not shine. :DDD TIGER SPAM! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/891e929023165434e107503c7242adab16412632a94090f58610e3ea8e81df4e.jpg


I want what’s best for everybody. The Jews are a fratricidal Nazi collaborator death cult that co created the holocaust with the Nazis to get Israel admitted to the UN. They have more resolutions against them than any other UN member by far. And they’re one of the smallest members. The synagogues and yeshivas should be closed so that there are no more Jews for everyone’s good.

If you haven’t read this article on Jews mass murdering Jews during WWll, you should. I’ve fact checked it and found it to be well written and accurate. It is simply Talmud rabbinical Judaism in action, of the type witnessed in Palestine every day. It’s why the Jews started getting kicked out of the Levant thousands of years ago, as well as over 100 other places since then.

– The Zionist-Nazi Collaboration –



Not only you believe in silly bigfoot and pretend to be hard ass marine and special force , now you also a zionist too ?

a liar , a braggart , a gun loving zionist.. whats not to like


You’re a headcase disinfo troll spamming these threads with obvious lies. When your lies are outed you ignore it and double down with more lies and false accusations against truthers exposing your lies.


a wannabe commando still pretending to be an ex military and spout lies in comment section ? have you no shame ?


aww , a fellow troll suddenly got concerned because your ‘friends’ are exposed as troll and you tried so hard to defend them..

that’s so brave of you .. so ‘heroic’.. now you want a thank for your service too ?


You’ve been proven to be a habitual liar. My posts are true. So who’s the disinfo troll troll? —


now you spam the same comments over and over , a sign that you already lost the argument and the only thing left is spamming nonsense


You are the proven liar and disinfo troll spamming these threads with habitual lies. You repeatedly lied about the consensus of researchers on the PG film that it’s fake, when no such consensus exists. That special forces don’t post pictures of their guns, when they do. Which “proves”, according to you, that anyone who does post pictures of their guns is a fake and psycho. Which makes your alleged “proof” that I’m lying based in the lie that your posting. And you’ve posted other lies that I’m not going to waste my time listing. You’re a truth hating liar and head case spamming these threads with inflammatory disinfo . –


another copy and paste spam from a fake marine and fake special force.. isnt it funny how these fake military guys suddenly act high and might once their shenanigans got exposed in public ?

truly a sad person


You are the proven liar and disinfo troll spamming these threads with habitual lies. You repeatedly lied about the consensus of researchers on the PG film that it’s fake, when no such consensus exists. That special forces don’t post pictures of their guns, when they do. Which “proves”, according to you, that anyone who does post pictures of their guns is a fake and psycho. Which makes your alleged “proof” that I’m lying based in the lie that your posting. And you’ve posted other lies that I’m not going to waste my time listing. You’re a truth hating liar and head case spamming these threads with inflammatory disinfo . –


i guess you still under embarassment from being exposed as fake marine and fake special force , so much so you posted repeated SPAM here


Hand held 40mm parachute illumination rocket flare with a 40 second burn time:



I just ordered in fiber optic front and rear sights for my 9mm pistol. These will considerably improve my weapons capability during night ops. Particularly if the electronics go down and I need to switch to back up systems:



If the electronics stay up. These security lanterns will provide about a 40 yard circumference around my base camp that will provide lights and sirens in the event that the perimeter security is breached: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6d82c2fa078b7e4a532a664b2d7a7584ce03d2f6653bdb73558b7c3e40d81df8.png


They have a 360 degree motion detector suite built into each lantern with a 35 foot detection radius. Set up in a triangle formation with two in the front of the tent on each side and one behind it at a 50 foot line of sight distance from each other. They should provide a good overlap of coverage:



CampGuard security lantern:



Stop posting unrelated topic and replying to yourself


Getting our planet’s security situation stabilized to improve our ability to make a safe and peaceful transition into becoming an ET race and civilization ourselves is why I’m here. If that bothers you then don’t read my comments. I skip most of the comments here. And if you weren’t harassing me with your lies, ignorance and stupidity. Your comments would be skipped. Unless you become to disruptive. Then I might engage you to help stop it.


stop hijacking the comment section with off topic posts


You’ve been proven to be a habitual liar. My posts are true. So who’s the disinfo troll troll? —-


you are a sad soul seeking attention in comment section by posting other people’s guns and pretending to be ex military.. i suggest you get out from your delusions and start facing facts of life


You habitually lied about there being a consensus of researchers that the PG film is fake when there isn’t, that special forces don’t post pictures of their guns when they do, and that I’m lying because I post pictures of my guns when spec ops don’t which is a lie. Your false accusations against me are based in lies from a habitual pathological liar and head case who up votes their own comments. You’re pathetic.


yet another copy-paste from your previous posts.. i guess you lost the discussion and now relegated to spamming to cover up your mistakes


so , after you got exposed claiming falsely as an ex marine and ex spec force , you continue spamming endlessly to cover up your lies ?

typical wannabe


stop posting off topic comments in every SF article. You are a troll who tried to distract the comment section by multiple posts. If you want to seek attention that bad, go to usual wannabe firearms forum and post any gun or postol fantasies while pretending to be ex military.


If special operations where you are in mortal danger bother you so much, why are you even here?


stop your selfish off topic posts in every article in SF , you are trying to disturb the comment section by posting non related posts.

might as well post some recipes while you at it


Here is a Viking recipe: :DDD Meat 1. Viking Lamb 2. Leg of Lamb with Mint and Garlic Butter 3. Apple Bacon 4. Boiled Pork 5. Honey-Roasted Chicken 6. Meat Soups 7. Kale and Salt Pork 8. Boiled Chicken with Leeks and Prunes 9. Tabahajah 10. Chicken Stew With Beer


why post fictional recipe when traditional viking recipe abound ?


You’ve been proven to be a habitual liar. My posts are true. So who’s the disinfo troll troll? —


maybe if you get off your opoid induced delusions , you might be able to post better stuff than just copy pasting spams


It seem the old hasbara veloricaptor and joe dirt now change ID to wise gandalf.. the same ignorant baiting posts by him to distract the comment on topics above.. He even use a fake Id to reply to himself AKA sock puppetry , to increase his post count and to give illusion that some people agree with him.

I recommend anyone not to reply to wise gandalf and reported his posts as spam…


They are not the same people, can tell by their english skills. You should be more focused on Joe dirtbag. His input is pure trash on this site.


you do know these hasbara trolls shared user ID among their group ? no matter who currently use the ID , the posting pattern remaind the same. Use software analysis for determining their posting pattern and you will find match for them

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