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Iran Showcased Vestiges Of Downed U.S. RQ-4A Global Hawk

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On June 21, Iran showcased vestiges of the US RQ-4A Global Hawk spy drone, which its forces had shot down on June 20. According to the Iranian side, the drone entered Iranian airspace in Kouh-e Mobarak area, near the Strait of Hormuz. The US claims that the drone was in international airspace.

The incident triggered a new round of escalation in relations between the US and Iran. According to reprots, US President Donald Trump event threatened to order a strike on Iran.

Iran Showcased Vestiges Of Downed U.S. RQ-4A Global Hawk

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Iran Showcased Vestiges Of Downed U.S. RQ-4A Global Hawk

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Iran Showcased Vestiges Of Downed U.S. RQ-4A Global Hawk

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Iran Showcased Vestiges Of Downed U.S. RQ-4A Global Hawk

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Iran Showcased Vestiges Of Downed U.S. RQ-4A Global Hawk

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Iran Showcased Vestiges Of Downed U.S. RQ-4A Global Hawk

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Iran Showcased Vestiges Of Downed U.S. RQ-4A Global Hawk

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Zionism = EVIL

The Americunts are proven liars and cheats again, not to mention thug cowards. As I posted initially, Iran has been telling the TRUTH from get go. The Americunt flying junk was downed in Iranian waters and the dumb fuck Trump tried thuggery with Iran and failed.

Toronto Tonto

Iran and Moscow don’t know what truth is they say what they want the minions to believe .


Please raise these downed drone body pieces on international platforms like UN and in Moscow etc. As Netanyahu did it before. Learn from your enemies.


Iran is a mature nation and Persians historically are not braggarts, that is why they have such confidence in their ability. The US acts like a brat and school yard bully.


Trump is careless keeping his navy, nation and country in risk.

The Iran policy is so clear if any country violate Iranian aerospace or committing intrusion then there will be clear retaliation. Iran keep all his rights reserve. Iran cannot keep its own nation in risk. This is a clear message to Trump and to any other country.


and I bet they got some of the spy gear too ………..


Unless it had been stripped down with all the sensitive stuff removed and they used it to antagonise the Iranians. When you think about it, this shoot down and the alleged tanker attacks only plays in to the warmongers hands and the public might just buy it. I can’t see an invasion but airstrikes on the Iranian nuclear and missile building facilities is exactly what some neocons want and indeed the Israelis. All fun and games, it’s been like groundhog day for the last 20 years.


Iran is not Iraq and any attack will destroy the region, starting with the Zionist criminals in Palestine.


Israel has around 100-150 nukes according to leaked emails from Colin Powell. I agree though, I don’t think an invasion would be sucessful.


Nuclear weapons simply can not be used in such a sensitive geographical region. The loss of the RQ4A is big set back for the US as it is their most advanced ELINT workhorse costing well in excess of $200 million and Iran easily brought it down with a single domestic missile. The message is not lost on either Russia or China on how vulnerable US is.


I think this is payback for the US shooting at the oil tankers.


YES, but they can’t get them to Iran. Israel does not have the missiles or the planes to reach Iran.


I like your idea but, due to the incredible amount of arrogance on the US side vis Bolton, Pompeo and President Trump, the Hawk was probably fully loaded. A good one to you Nikko


That’s just plain fkn stupid.

opet ja

Nice hit, not left much to see lol. The best thing it wasn’t S-300, but upgraded US Navy Standard missile with origins from 1960s ha ha ha

Pavel Pavlovich

They might have used the S300s radar. Integration of the very different systems is of utmost importance, and it would make sense for the Iranian forces to move a few batteries near the straits of Hormuz.

Taz T

Do S300 work. They have not shot any Israeli planes yet or any missile yet.

Tudor Miron

They work very well and US knows it. BTW, Old S200 was good enough to shot down Israeli F16, if you didn’t know by now.

Toronto Tonto

Russian junk .


So where will you run to when they come for you?

Taz T

Is that the reason Israeli planes bomb Syria so frequently because they are so effective. They have not been seen in action ever.


Highly unlikely, the S300’s would be inland, guarding high value targets. Iran is very advanced in rocketry, probably more advanced than the USA.

Pavel Pavlovich

Ridiculous. It makes perfect sense to send at least one division = 2 batteries to the Straits of Hormuzd in face of recent developments. As to the capabilities of the Iranian SAMs, I am not saying that they are incapable of surprising, but that does not mean that they could survive high intensity EW.


They aren’t fighting Russia, American EW is blasting the enemy with Barry Manilow.


yeah it’s really funny a 1960’s missile knocking down a state of the art drone.

Toronto Tonto

The drone is still in the drink .


Even funnier, the US is still using the RIM-66. The US is actually a very old military in terms of equipment, they just can’t build modern weapons.


Iranian version of events backed up with facts and now debris had complete veracity from the onset. The US miscalculated Iranian technical capability and determination to defend their borders. The culpability of UAE in hosting US aggression is also very dangerous.


Unlike you who runs from the disinfo that you peddle here. Where’s the quote and link to support this whopper about Bolton ordering airstrikes behind Trump’s back: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5b760e5153e7d6a0eed4a7bba01838b4a903aeab98466d3627e58f8ff8f6791f.png https://southfront.org/big-mistake-u-s-is-preparing-to-respond-to-global-hawk-shootdown/

Dušan Mirić

They are always miscalculating :D weren’t they? It is not easy to count 86 billions for “intelligence”. There’s no time for other trivia.


The UAE like most of the gulf states are really American colonies, the leaders either follow orders from Washington, or have fatal accidents.


So, the Iranian navy has displayed debris from the drone wreckage. The US navy has no debris, says it can’t find any. Could this be because the wreckage is in Iranian territorial waters where our navy dare not go poking around? The US Navy suffers in the credibility department. Just last week they were accusing the Russian Navy of “reckless and unprofessional” behavior in a near collision with one of our ships. The navy’s own photo and video show the Russian ship with the clear right of way. Did any western MSM point out the obvious? No! They just mouth out the lying words they are paid so well to speak…

Dick Von Dast'Ard

U.S. isn’t a signatory to UNCLOS, so as a naval asset the drone had no right to be over the territorial waters.

AM Hants

Do they have little ‘black boxes’ containing all the intelligence they pick up, as well as carry? Hope Iran has hold of it, if so.

There was an article, not the one below, but, another one on Sputnik, stating that the NSA was going to send a response to Iran, but, notice the Iranian Missiles were locked and load on all US ships in the area. They soon backtracked.

Iran Refrained From Attacking US Plane Accompanying Downed Drone, IRGC Claims MIDDLE EAST 14:49 21.06.2019(updated 14:52 21.06.2019) Get short URL 0 10 Earlier, the Iranian foreign ministry said Tehran had “indisputable” proof that the US shot down by an Iranian SAM had violated Iranian airspace. Washington has disputed the claim, saying the shoot down took place over international waters in the Strait of Hormuz…. https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201906211076008026-iran-refrained-from-downing-us-plane-that-was-accompanying-drone-irgc-claims/

chris chuba

Funny how that always happens. The Turks claim they shot the Russian jet in their territory but it crashes in Syria. The U.S. claims the Syrian jet was attacking the SDF when they shoot it down but it lands in ISIS territory. The Israelis claim the Syrian jet was in their territory but it crashes in Syria. And now this, the enemies of the U.S. are always lying.


Is there any public and open (transparent) logic to even one sanction against Iran? Where’s the beef? If they are promoting mideast defense in places like Yemen – where is the smoking gun that they are doing so? It is a form of public insanity to be ‘against’ Iran without public proof. Any bullet list should have valid evidence attached, not just claims. To a reasonable man this whole affair is one sided ridiculous based on ‘words’.


It’s about the oil, BP claimed ownership of all Iranian oil. When Iran said no, BP gave half of Iran’s oil to Chevron, in exchange for the US installing a puppet Government in Iran.

All wars are about money.


Way to go IRAN !!! Balls of steel.


Exactly and it works, whilst the rest of the world cowers before the US, Iran fights back, and look at how it scares the Americans.


Yep. the enemy is not supposed to be actually striking back (as opposed to the Gulf of Tonkin type false flags)!

Pavel Pavlovich

DPRK too. But guess what, India has finally decided to stand up against the eyes of the white european masters. This has not happened for a very long time.

Toronto Tonto

Looks like debris but that’s not a global hawk anymore or ever was , its crap they dug up from a god knows what , nice try you learn this shitt from Moscow .


Is that the best you can do, pathetic.


I read now several of, in my opinion, very stupid posts. Thinking seems to be not any of your strength, and I would really like to know, if your brain starts paining under the immense stress when expressing your intellectual capabilities in your posts.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i wish they hacked into it and took it over like with the other drones


I know this is off topic, sort of, but has anybody else noticed how the price of gold went up by nearly $100 in the last week because of American aggression in the gulf? Now you would think that would be news, but it was buried, didn’t even show up in the commodity reports? There is a saying “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” Usually that refers to the Jews, but in this case, don’t talk about the price of gold. To me that means the banks are scared.


Hmm, international waters ah. Why always the US is saying we were in international waters etc., what would a Global Hawk Drone just do in international water, inspect the fishes and the wails and the sharks?



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