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MARCH 2025

Iran, Syria Comprehensive Military Agreement Amid Growing U.S. Pressure

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Iran, Syria Comprehensive Military Agreement Amid Growing U.S. Pressure

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Iran and Syria has reached a new comprehensive military agreement, a move aimed at countering growing US pressure.

The agreement, which would enhance military and security cooperation between the two sides, was signed by Syria’s Defense Minister, Ali Abdullah Ayyoub, and Chief of Staff for the Armed Forces of Iran, Mohammad Bagheri, on July 8 in the Syrian capital, Damascus.

After signing the agreement, Gen. Ayyoub praised cooperation with Iran as a means to confront U.S. pressure. The minister also slammed Israel, accusing it of being a “partner” in the war in Syria.

“If the American administrations could subjugate Syria, Iran, and the axis of the resistance, it would not wait for a moment [to do so],” al-Mayadeen quoted the Syrian commander as saying.

From his side, Maj. Gen. Bagheri revealed that Iran will work to improve Syria’s air-defense capabilities as a part of new agreement. No further details were provided.

“The signed agreement reinforces our will and determination to cooperate in the face of American pressure,” Bagheri said.

The Iranian officer also mentioned the situation in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib, calling on Turkey to fulfill its commitments under the agreements reached in Astana. Bagheri said that Ankara should talk and cooperate with Damascus to address its security concerns.

Iran supported the Syrian military’s recent operation in Greater Idlib. Forces backed by Tehran are still reinforcing Syrian troops in the region.

The new Iranian-Syrian agreement is yet another major blow to the U.S. “maximum pressure” campaign. The campaign, which was supposed to subdue Iran and drive it away from its allies, is apparently back-fired. Tehran and its regional allies are now cooperating closer than ever to overcome U.S. pressure.


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it’s a great setback for the jews in palestine and we will soon see an exodus of jews to anywhere but the middle east. doubt also they will be granted asylum in the disunited states of A, where the unwashed rabble dislike jews as much as the rest of the world so the criminally corrupt, bought and paid for traitors of the disunited states, presently occupying the white house and congress, won’t be able to hand out green cards and so on.

Bill Rood

You are far too optimistic dabout the US. The sheeple haven’t even figured out that the high death toll from Covid in the US was deliberately encouraged by WHO recommended treatment protocols that over-emphasized ventilators and ignored less invasive methods, and by ordering nursing homes to accept patients with active infections. Even that wasn’t enough, so they counted everything they possibly could as Covid. As a result, we are on a steep and slippery slope to 100% surveillance through contact tracing and an undertested, unsafe vaccine that you must take or lose your right to function in society.

When the sheeple started asking questions, the media distracted everybody with BLM. Of course, everything is blamed on “white supremacy” and “white privilege” even though Jews are way over-represented in positions of power in government and media both. They are the most privileged demographic in the US. If you speak the truth about that or about discrimination against gentile whites, you are branded an anti-semite, white racist. Even science is now referred to as a white supremacist tool.

Israeli Jews will be welcomed to the US.


There wouldn’t be a US maximum pressure campaign against Iran if 6 million Jews didn’t live in the US. Who need to be gotten rid of as part of dejudifying the US. If they want to leave that’s fine. Good riddance. If they want to stay as former Jews, that’s fine to. But Judaism needs to be outlawed and the synagogues and yeshivas permanently closed.


Let’s make a deal Richard, 6M Jews to Israel in exchange for 5M Palis to you. I’d vote yes.


The problem is the Jew ideology and it’s practitioners. Not the Palestinians, most whom simply want to live in peace on the land that their ancestors have lived on since they were neandrathals and then homosapians. Hebrew Canaanites were a sect that came and went because of their antisocial issues. And are a minor part of the area’s history over the past 10,000 years and before.

The Palestinian’s ancestors were building cities in places like Jericho, Gaza, and Jaffa thousands of years before Judaism even existed. They’ve always been there. It’s their land.


Race specific bioweapons cull can be used as part of the planetary dejudification process. It’s messy and isn’t the way that I’d go about it. But if Jews are using them against Iran and others. It raises the possibility that they’ll be used against Israel.

You’re familiar with how I’d go about it in a lawful and humane manner with minimal violence and death. Far less than what Jews are guilty of.

It’s also worth pointing out that Jews have a history of fratricide. How many the Nazis and Russians killed is open to debate. The Zionists collaborated with the Nazis so that the genocide could fuel Israel’s creation. And the Bolshevik Jew’s successors killed up to 2 million according to some reports.

The omnicide plan that Alex Jones has outlined is almost exclusively, and top heavy with, criminally insane Jews and Zionists. A number of whom are purportedly Satanists. They’re planning to genocide most Jews in a fascist dystopian nightmare of their creation along with everyone else.

Bobby Twoshoes

I’d take that deal, you can have all the European and Australian parasites too. Without your lobbyists in the US they will start focusing on their own problems and stop funding your genocidal brutality. With an impoverished and overpopulated Israel it will be like shooting fish in a barrel, it’ll be easy to avoid collateral damage too; just avoid bombing the remaining Palestinian concentration camps and the world could be balanced overnight. This is the least evil idea I’ve ever heard from you.


I think you forgot our retaliation weapons if it ever happened…

Bobby Twoshoes

The only thing using your nukes will achieve is convincing your few remaining apologists not to mourn the passing of your insidious death cult.


What’s that? do I hear some crying? don’t worry, we will do what we have to do when the time comes.

Bobby Twoshoes

How the fuck would I know what you hear? It’s probably some Palestinian mother whose child you have murdered. I’m disgusted, not worried, you have to die and the time is coming soon.


Come kill me bobby, if you can.


Lol no. The jewish problem has always been racial not religious.

Zionism = EVIL

Jews are not a race.


How so?

Zionism = EVIL

The “maximum pressure” on Iran has backfired like the Pimpeovirus :)

Bill Rood

That too is wrong. It’s like saying all Christian churches should be closed because some of them are dispensationalist, ie Christian Zionist. Some Jews, even entire sects, are anti-Zionist. However, Jews must be forced to accept the same consequences of affirmative action for blacks and hispanics as gentile whites have been forced to accept. Currently, in college admissions and employment, if gentile whites are under-represented, that’s just fine but if Jewish enrollment or employment suffers, it’s anti-semitism. Ron Unz has written about that particularly with respect to elite colleges and universities.


What’s wrong?


Jews are huge trouble makers. We wouldn’t be in the middle east fighting their wars for Israel if 6 million of them didn’t live here and hadn’t disproportionally infiltrated large segments of the control functions of US society to it’s detriment. Like they’ve done countless times elsewhere throughout history. Which is why they’re so disliked by so many.

They rape 1,000 children worldwide every week. Why do you defend these evil blood sucking Jew baby rapers?

johnny rotten

Little by little everyone will send Isisrahell and her North American colony to the ass, the fucking Yankees are bankrupt, they have nothing to sell except wars, fake democracy, weapons and a lot of lies.

Zionism = EVIL

You are 100% correct. Kids you should listen to your elders. As I have been telling you, the Zionnist cunts are slowly being done. Iran in the last 3 months has moved more troops and material to Syria than during the entire decade. Iranian footprint is now permanent and growing. The best the dumbass Americunt losers and Zionist cunts could do is to set fire to a couple of kitchens in rural Iran and a parking lot grass. Stay tuned as the Zionist cancer is eradicated,


How are you able to estimate the numbers of men and materials…do the Iranian military authorities make these public to the press? It may be that losses to IDF airstrikes are not very significant in the broader picture?

Zionism = EVIL

In this era of smart phones and dumb people nothing can remain hidden for more than a few minutes. Over 95% of good intelligence is collated via open sources, so Iran being a vibrant open society nothing remains hidden, and that is why the Americunts and Zionist liars have failed. Iran is a large country with over 84 million people and young demographic profile, which is a military planners dream. The real Iranian losses fighting terrorism in Syria and Iraq are less than a few hundred, and less than the daily traffic deaths in metro Tehran. Iranians is Syria and Iraq are mostly in technical and advisory roles overseeing the over 200,000 Shia and allied militias. The Iranian forces in Syria are well dug in and dispersed and a few cosmetic Zionist cowards stand off attacks are hardly a matter of concern. In reality, they provide Iran with a bonanza of intelligence and also expose of impotency of Zionist cunts. Iran is winning the wider strategic war with growing military power and influence. So this is a very positive low cost victory for Iran and shows the growing power and resilience of the Axis of Resistance. Just see how all this unfolds over this decade.

Brother Ma

There is no doubt that the US overeached in Iraq and Syria. They are now much more Iranian- influenced than ever(from an American point of view) and has only allowed Iran to get even more war experience.

The Neo Cons or NeoCohens in fact have brought America to the point where her own Allies despise her. Anyone who wants to know what will happen should read a history of the Peloponnesian War . Athens- the superpower- was brought down by her allies after they were simply used and abused. Ie Us/Israel and it’s Western Allies is brought to mind.

Zionism = EVIL

Like even the west German puppet chancellor Willy Brandt once said “Americans are like a dumb teenager armed with as shotgun”. The idiots are stupid and can’t think strategically, the endless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were suicidal and sapped their bankrupt deadbeat economy as it had hardly recovered from its defeat in Vietnam. The idiots should have learnt from the fate of the USSR in Afghanistan. Look, Iran and China are ancient stable seasoned powers who were hardly going to let the dumbass Americunts off the hook.


It reminds me of situation on Eastern Front November 42 with Germans over extended in many useless salients and no retreat orders . Many usa bases do opposite of control…merely giving Iran targets close up…this is how 6 Iranian tankers made it sate to VZ Far away… Tramp dare not risk Iran missile strike…

Zionism = EVIL

You know, if you take the Hollywood bullshit propaganda out, the Americunts are very dumb and weak, why do you think the fuckers lose every war and are now killing each other in the streets. They are loudmouth braggarts and basically cowards. I visited the Hanoi war museum once, and the curator was a little, very kind looking but all firm muscle NVA colonel who had fought the dumbass Americunt cowards for over a decade in the South and he said that they are cowards who dropped bombs on civilians and when it came to fighting men on the ground they were like crying little girls and had no stomach for a fight. I still believe his calm reflection and prophetic words. The stupid fuckers are morons so sure. The Jew cunts have involved them in these draining wars that has destroyed their shithole failed state, and a war with Iran will be a swan song, but the fuckers won’t fight Iran.


Military in usa no longer has reserves for a full war…notice major troop deployments now expressed in mere hundreds…in 90s it could be 100000 …this is why Tramp needs troops out of Germany…but system is too stupid to allow it.

Zionism = EVIL

Also the black and hispanic cannon fodder do not join the loser military due to racism. In this year’s west point graduation there are no blacks or minorities, such a racist shithole system will fail anyway and that is what is going to happen.


US always was a paper tiger, now it is even worse than that.


Glorious Iranian government filled with Psychopaths in Power who allowed the assassination of General Soleimani just so they can save their Power Positions in the Iranian government. We are so safe.. Syria’s future is so bright with this alliance..

Swift Laggard II

so how does not signing the agreement help you?

Zionism = EVIL

Well, it is a huge embarrassment and a sign of impotence for both the dumbass Americunts and their Zionist parasitic masters, the stupid cunts have been barking for a decade now that “Iran will be removed” from Syria and the exact opposite has happened. Now there are more regular Iranian troops in Syria than ever and the Tehran-Beirut highway is open 24/7. Just watch new development as the real strategic agreement between Iran and China is becomes operational.

Brother Ma

How? Wasn’t the main road the m4 ?

Zionism = EVIL

No it runs from the Iranian border crossing at Mehran and then to Syria via Deir Azzor. Iran has secured the region now and there are bases all along.


Brother Ma

And yet Russia has not given Assad any s300 etc

Zionism = EVIL

Correct, Putin is the main problem as he is a Zionist stooge. Why do you think Syria has turned to Iran and soon China. The Iranians and SAA were on the verge of defeating the headchopper cunts and their Turkey masters, but Putin stopped the offensive and cut a deal with the goat fucker Erdogan. The Syrians don’t trust Russians anymore, actually never did, dating back to the 1973 war, when USSR abandoned them in the middle of the conflict as they had to fight the Zionist cunts all by themselves, with support from Algerians and Iraqis who fought well and stopped the Zionist cowards as Sassa Ridge.

Brother Ma

Yes ,I looked as if Syria was giving Turkey and it’s cutthroats a walloping and Russia stopped it dead in its tracks.

At best it looked to my inexperienced mind like folly or at worst it was a deal cut with Erdogan ,at Syria’s expense.

Zionism = EVIL

It was the most disgraceful Putin act of collusion with the goat fucker Erdogan and resented by Russian military and most Russian generals in Syria were replaced or simply disappeared. The Syrians and Iranians were literally on the verge of total victory.

Brother Ma

No good at all. . “Disappeared”? No sign of them as in murdered or sent back to Russia had told to shut up on pain of death?


Russia is playing all sides in Syria and does not want any harm come to the Zionists. The Jew oligarchs that manage Putin are too strong.

Zionism = EVIL

New trolling account by “paul” the Hindu street shitter, LOL


Big mistake Syria, which you will pay with blood.


I guess all those strikes failed to change anything on the ground.


So maybe it’s time to use ground forces.

Zionism = EVIL

ROFLMAO. Dumb cowardly Zionist fuckers could not fight quarantined Hamas, let alone Iran. Keep the comedy routine going, you stupid Jew teenage cunt.


Like against unarmed Palestinians? not working out well.

Ashok Varma

Do you even as a paid hasbara teenage troll ever get tired of posting nonsense and usual hate?

Zionism = EVIL

As if killing sleeping Syrian women and children would have made any difference. It just increased Iranian resolve to destroy the Zionist parasites. You guys need to understand the stubborn Iranian psyche.


Those strikes have killed innocent Syrian civilians in 99% of the cases. Iranians are too well protected.

Zionism = EVIL

Stop watching violent videos you little Jew PUNK :) you are a liar and an idiot like your other freeman account. You are such shameless cunt that every day you get voted down but still keep posting crap.


You are a dumb kid, still posting nonsense I see.

Me&Myself None

You display all the symptoms of a scared little Zionist man.

Ashok Varma

Very well put. Iran has basically outsmarted the US, these Zionists are nothing in reality and barely six million alien squatters in Palestine and are on stolen land and on borrowed time. For a decade now they have been boasting of expelling Iran from Syria, but every day the Iranians get more entrenched. A very humiliating outcome for the Zionist regime.


You are a disgraceful creature indeed. You have no shame or honor after being caught out so many times.


Just saying what’s going to happen, we gave them enough warnings not to help Iran on their land. So be it.


So far every one of your rant has proven to be delusional. You need a better outlet than debate with adults. I am sure there are suitable teenage war gaming sites.


Then go there, I like it here.

Brother Ma

Excellent news, as it has been proven that nice guys don’t win defensive wars. Iraq and Libya disarmed and it made them that much more easy to conquer.

Zionism = EVIL

The biggest news in the region and giving the Americunt imploding losers the shits is the China-Iran strategic agreement. That is the top news in the region. It will bring immense prosperity to Iran and heavy industrial expansion, especially in defence field. A 4.5 generation fighter is already completed and will be unveiled soon along with new tanks and ships.

Ivan Freely

What 4.5 Gen fighter? Are the Chinese involved? If so, is it CAC or SAC?

Zionism = EVIL

Yes, it is an improved version of the J-10 with western avionics that China improves in hours, mostly Italian Grifo stuff. The tank is the upgrade of Chinese MBT-3000 and a robotic APC as I posted photos. A prototype was shown last week.


Brother Ma

Sounds good as I’m for a multipolar world. As long as Iran and China don’t start acting all imperialist then I am fine with that .

Zionism = EVIL

Iran and Chinese ties go back 3,000 years and the Chinese really like the calm and civilized Persians as they were the first to make contact with the Han tribes on the Silk Route. Today, China is the preeminent global power and is expanding its strategic and socioeconomic power globally and is building long term alliances, Iran is the perfect partner, due to its size, military strength, wealth and stability. This is very good for the region and the world. China is trusted by Iranians as it was the first to unconditionally come to Iran’s assistance in fighting the CIA spread Pimpeovirus.


This is more than strengthening Syria’s air defences, it is a comprehensive mutual defence pact that will integrate their militaries.Syria’s has made a wise choice as Iran is the strongest power in the region with immense experience and knowledge of regional conditions. Iran also now has a uninterrupted land access to Syria and Lebanon, which makes it easier to rush men and material in case of Zionist aggression. This is an great boost for the axis of resistance.

“We will strengthen Syria’s air defense systems within the framework of strengthening military cooperation between the two countries,” Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri said on Wednesday after signing a “comprehensive” agreement with Syrian Defense Minister Ali Abdullah Ayoub in Damascus to boost military and defense cooperation.

The agreement provides for the expansion of military and security cooperation and the continuation of coordination between the Armed Forces of the two countries.


Free man

Wise words from someone who knows: 1-Russia wont allow it, because Syria have strict contracts with them on this. 2-Syrian AD command don’t want Iranian system because the whole network is RussianSoviet and they recognize Russia as the only contractor for the country ADEW network. https://twitter.com/WithinSyriaBlog/status/1280903213894565893

Zionism = EVIL


Brother Ma

Well I hope that Syria can get some Iranian arms as well. I don’t like relying solely on one country as they can turn against you . I know that the Serbs couldn’t use much their American and French missiles as many were remotely switched- off.

Zionism = EVIL

The poor Argentine’s suffered the same fate, as the froggies fucked up their Exocet’s in the middle of the Malvinas conflict.

Me&Myself None

Yes, that was true. In the middle of the most critical moments in that war, right after the Argentina sank a British warship, France sold the keys to deactivate France made Argentinian weapon systems to the British.

Zionism = EVIL

Would I tell you anything other than the truth. Yes, the Argentines were stiffed by the froggies and the Zionist cunts who sold them the dud Dagger Mirage5 knockoffs and sabotaged them. The Zionist cunts had over 30 technicians working at major Argentine airbases like Comodoro Rivadavia: 480 nautical miles (890 km), San Julián: 425 nautical miles (787 km), Rio Gallegos: 435 nautical miles (806 km) and Rio Grande: 380 nautical miles (700 km). All the bases were at the endurance end of the Mirages and Skyhawks, and Stanley runway on the Malvinas was not extended or covered with SAMS. It was massive cluster fuck.

The Jew cunts sabotaged the avioinics on the Mirages and also ruined the Matra AAM. The Argentine pilots were very good but the ground troops, mostly untrained conscripts very poor quality. The dumbass Galtieri junta should have armed themselves with Soviet weapons first.


Syria and Iran share similar religion, culture and history and this is a wise decision as Iran will be with Syria till eternity, while Russia has temporary interests and is trying to please all parties. The Syrians were never given control or access to the S-300 for the fear that they may down Zionist aircraft. Iran will soon be receiving latest upgraded Chinese HQ-9 and has already deployed the JY-14 surveillance radars from the China National Electronics Import-Export Corporation. The radar can detect targets up to 300 km away and is now part of Iran’s air defense system and Syria’s as well.


Me&Myself None

Since the Russian’s S300, S400 systems prove to be useless in Syria, and little man Putin is scared of offending his western and Zionist masters, then now this military agreement between Iran and Syria should let Iran put its latest air defense and missile systems in Syria in order to respond accordingly to any Zionist aggression. Unlike little man Putin, Iranian leaders are not cowards.


Additionally, China will be granted the right to delay payment for up to two years and, significantly, it will be able to pay in soft currencies that it has accrued from doing business in Africa and the Former Soviet Union states.


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