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MARCH 2025

Iran Test-Fires ‘New Generation’ Anti-Ship Cruise Missile (Photos)

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On June 18, the Iranian Navy announced that it had test-fired ‘new generation’ anti-ship cruise missiles during a military exercise in the northern part of the Indian Ocean. The missile, tested during the drills, codenamed ‘Ramadan Martyrs’, reportedly hit targets at a distance of 280 kilometers.

The drills were conducted forty days after a mishap during a military exercise near the waters lying close to Jask and Chabahar ports claimed the lives of 19 Navy personnel and injured 15 others.

Iran Test-Fires 'New Generation' Anti-Ship Cruise Missile (Photos)

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Iran Test-Fires 'New Generation' Anti-Ship Cruise Missile (Photos)

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Iran Test-Fires 'New Generation' Anti-Ship Cruise Missile (Photos)

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Iran Test-Fires 'New Generation' Anti-Ship Cruise Missile (Photos)

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Jimmy Jim


Assad must stay

very nice iran, you know how to win :)))

Zionism = EVIL

On top of that the new Iraqi PM has said the Iraq is totally committed to an alliance with Iran. Ten minutes after that 6 rockets fell near the Americunt cowards “embassy” aka CIA station. Looks like some cunts were killed as there were medivav helicopters.


Iraqi politicians say a lot of things including threatening Turkey to stop military activities inside Iraq or asking Americans to leave though they never move a finger.

Zionism = EVIL

Iraqi decisions are not made in Iraq, as it is an occupied state and that is why there is growing resistance against the Americunts.

Tommy Jensen

Nobody are telling an American what to do. Nobody!


Correct, but they are still losing the war, baby, and there ain’t no American who can reverse that. We’re close to seeing over & out.

Zionism = EVIL

This is more than likely the Hoveyzeh heavy long range sea skimming cruise missile intended specifically to sink large ships and carriers. Its pinpoint accuracy is 1 meter and has a 1000lbs multiple variant warhead.

Iran will be introducing a lot of new weapons in August, including a new fighter, being designed with Chinese allies.


namulit emperor

The missile in the first picture doesn’t look like this one at all…


The Anti-ship missiles shown of recently are indeed not all that related to the 1,000km+ Cruise Missile shown above.

The Nasr-1 is rocket powered and the Ghadir uses a rocket powered first stage to get the missile air-borne whilst a secondary turbojet engine takes the missile the rest of the way.

Zionism = EVIL

Correct, the one he is referring to is a Noor, and that is not a cruise missile , but an active homing SSM, very effective and ideal for Persian Gulf and taking out the infrastructure on the other side.

Zionism = EVIL

The missile you are referring to is not a cruise missile, but an upgraded C-802 NOOR, mainly used for coastal defence and Iran has deployed thousands on its Persian Gulf coast on trucks, camouflaged hydraulic jacks, coves, caves and bunkers.



The arms embargo under the nuclear deal is due to expire in October despite US attempts to extend it. I would expect Iran to acquire some new gear


Another milestone development for Iranian forces.

There were 3 AshCMs (Anti-ship cruise missiles) fired. 2x Nasr-1 and 1x Ghadir.

Both of them have had their ranges extended, targeting systems vastly improved as well as their warheads substantially increased.

Nasr-1 is rocket powered so its range is limited to 35km~ but it’s impact is profound (as the phots above show).

Ghadir though is much more impressive. Ghadir has a range of 300km but the test firing was conducted at a range of 280km (still quite good).

What we should note is that both missiles had a very low altitude of attack when they were on their terminal approach to their targets. Very important development as this low-level of attack will greatly reduce detection/interception by CIWS systems installed on board Navy vessels.



Hi B.I.G, great to see you too mate , hope everything is fine on your end of the world too !

Back on topic, the sea-skimming flight profile of these assets and specially the deadly Ghader are the core of what makes them so deadly despite being subsonic or barely faster than Mach 1 at terminal speed. Used in numbers, and it is public knowledge that Iran literally fields hundreds upon hundreds of these in various stocks, launchers and both fixed and mobile firing positions, we can be sure that in the unlikely event of a total war in the PG, potentiel enemies will suffer tremendously from saturation attacks coming from multiple sides and levels (surface, air, sea, subsurface).

As a reminder, the Ghader is a design improvement on the Noor, which was based on the Chinese C-802 design that gave the Israeli navy something to remember for a long time ever since 2006, when its cutting-edge Hanit frigate was famously hit dead-on by a much less developed, early model of this weapon fresh out of then brand-new Iranian production chains.

With all of that said, it is high time though that Iran finally moves on to supersonic weapons for their A2/AD apparatus. They have publicized dedicated research towards that goal in the past years notably with a new wind tunnel specially designed for supersonic testing, but few updates have been produced since, even though I’m pretty sure something will appear in the coming 5 years or so, it is the next natural step in Iran’s R&D considering its interdiction doctrine at seas.

EDIT : I just read you other entry on the matter, and will be waiting for announcements. If confirmed true, this could well be a regional game changer with regards to the USN.

You mentioned a Chinese-designed fighter ? could it be an Iranian version of the Paki-Chinese JF-17 with some level of ToT and joint production finally secured by Iran ?

Zionism = EVIL

More like a J-10 or F-16 clone. Iranians have been flying and examining Iraqi F-16 for years, one intact one defected from Bahrain a few years ago too.


Hi, and thanks for the kind words ! I’ve delving into these topics and research since circa 2008, so I guess I have my ways with getting the right source for the right info… I truly hope you are right about the J-10/J-16. Iran needs foreign help and a bit of ToT to jumpstart its entry into the aeronautics game for real and go beyond overhaul and partial upgrades line avionics and weapon systems, specific fuselage and turbine parts etc which are all great achievements of course but not enpugh to keep an ageing fleet airworthy for much longer. No shame in securing joint production programs with friendly powers , to whom they also owe in part these very anti-ship assets (originating from the C-802 and C-704 if I’m correct)and some of their air-defense apparatus and early warning radars (like their Talash systems and hot-launch canisters,Kavosh and Matla-Al Fajr EW radars, and some Sayyad missile variants). Bottom line : enough with the tweaked F5s,now that the navy, ground forces,air-defense and ballistic developments are downhill efforts.


My apologies for this late reply Gryzor, got caught up in other things that took up my time lol.

As far as a Chinese-designed Iranian fighter goes, I have indeed heard rumors/confirmations that Iran plans on debuting or at least showing off a “new” plane sometime this year (what exactly they mean by “new” is up for debate). The jet, if real, would most likely be shown off during a defense week or national defense event. So we can only hope that Iran will be able to show us something different other than another version of the F-5 lol.

If Iran got the JF-17 then I think that would be a nice deal as the JF-17 would play a role in Iran’s Air-Force but what Iran truly needs to procure is SU-30SMs and SU-35s with some level of TOT. Some extra aerial refuel tankers and AWACS planes would also be essentially in a potentially large arms deal.


Hey no worries mate,to each and eveyrone his daily hurdles,hope all is ok now for you though ;-)

Well there’s effectively nothing to add from my end ,the long overdue Su-30/Su-35/Mig-35 + basically any given level of ToT would all fit very nicely within IRIAF ranks and would take great advantage of pre-existing Iranian knowhow ,experience and infrastructure to support,overhaul and even upgraee them optimally and with little dependancy to its Russian providers on the long run shoudn a pro-western President succeed to Putin in the coming years. Both pilots and engineers/skilled technicians would have what it takes to get the best out of these new additions, and modify /tweak them further locally with custom sensors,avionics and weapon systems of their own wherever the Russians come short on a given requirement because Bibi says no to Putin,for instance,which has haopened many times before on other sales like the S-300s. I bet you that bar some internal conflagration and foreign meddling less than 10 years will be neeeed to Iran to finally reach the level of self-sufficiency in aeronautics manufacturing as they have achieved in missiles of all kinds,naval assets, radars, air-defense, heavy self-propelled artillery, tanks,all-terrain MRAP like vehicules , super-heavy TELARS and TELs+ advanced infantry gear and arms. I simply hope the economic situation improves post-sanctions and finally gives some breathing room for the people along with some swift and concrete action against widespread corruption from within if at all possible,but that’s another topic lol,first things first let’s congratulate Donald out of office and see what happens ;-)


Hy Gryzor!! I’m sending this to you as I think you will find it really interesting.

I’m going to share this post (copy&paste) that a new member on PDF (Triangle is his name) posted regarding Iran’s missile production. He used the serial numbers located on the Dezful rocket engine to make his assumptions.

It took exactly 4 months from the production of the booster till putting together of the whole missile

P/N(production number?):M(P/F?)067-250 S/N(serial number):042 B/N(batch number):005 Date: 1397-07-14 (06-10-18) Date of news item showing underground production facility: 07-02-19

If serial number is total production amount then 42 produced in 4 months is 126 produced in one year. I think that this is the minimum annual production amount and the real production rate is higher.

On the 26th of may 2017 Hajizadeh proclaimed that a 3rd underground missile production facility has been built and that the Dezful missile will be produced in the ‘near future’. If the number 250 in P/N(production number?):M(P/F?)067-250 is the total amount of produced boosters and assuming a 1 booster per day production rate, we get february 2018 as a production start date, which is 8 months after Hajizadehs proclamation on 26th of may 2017 saying that they built the underground facility and that the Dezful will be produced in the ‘near future’. 8 months is enough time in my opinion for an experienced missile producer to set up a such a production line as shown in the news items.

In my opinion we have a low rate figure of 126 and another figure of 365 per annum production. Which number is closer to the truth, we can only guess..

PeeD also liked his comment which leads me to believe that his estimations might just indeed be close to the actual production rate!!


chris chuba

Impressive, can they launch them from the air or naval vessels or are these all land based systems?

Assad must stay

They can even launch them from pluto


Currently we know that Iran can luanch these AshCMs from land-bases launchers, Naval Vessels as well as submarines.

I believe there was footage of an Iranian helicopter/jet firing some sort of cruise missile at a ship but it was quite some time ago.

I think we can safely say that, yes Iran does AshCMs that are launched from the air as well.


Yes ,they indeed fire air-launched versions the Noor ,Qader and Nasr missiles from both dedicated and customized Su-24s and F4. There is ample footage available with one of them tracking the missile in flight throughout a whole part of its course over the naval testing range,quite impressive. It was still on YT last time I checked. I’ll post when I can source them back.

Keep in mind that Iran’s naval strike doctrine is to hit targets with saturation anti-ship salvos coming from simultaneous launches coming from multiple and distant attack paltforms,what the Pentagon calls a “360° threat”. In particular, the USN’s Bahrein anchorage is extremely vulnerable to such weapons employed en masse combined with quasi-ballistic vectors such as the Khalij Fars, and one of the core reasons why the Pentagon has resisted going all-in with Iran overnight despite having a perfect casus belli with the post-Soleimani missile strike on the Al-Asad airbase.


Hey Gryzor!!! long time no see man, hopefully everything is going well for you and you’re staying safe given all the commotion that’s been going on lol.

It’s been a pretty exciting week for Iranian military developments. Iran just released (literally a couple hours ago) footage of the Third of Khordad system being fired from a IRN Naval support vessel.



Thanks for the info BIG, saw it also on the Forum. Seems like active testing of naval versions of existing Iranian air-defenses is not conceptual anymore !

Zionism = EVIL

They have also armed attack helicopters with Noor.

Zionism = EVIL


Dick Von Dast'Ard

Hmmm, if you put the missile launchers in hardened anti-ship shelters, then Iran would have formidable coastal defenses.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran already has the most dense SSM network on its 2200 kms Persian Gulf coastline as it is a natural barrier with thousands of caves, coves, mountains, islands and inlets. It is also shallow confined body of water with only one exit from the straits of Hormuz and that can be turned into an inferno with modern missiles, coastal artillery and loitering suicide drones and fast attack swarm boats.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Lights, camera…. Action!


which is why the cowering yankee-twats can’t do much about it and neither can the deplorable jews in palestine except resorting to their much talked about nukes. but would that be the case, the jews will soon be a memory in the world’s mind after having ceased to exist.


anything flying at a hefty speed and can hit an american ship somewhere in the indian ocean or gulf of oman with a high degree of precision is welcome and can it hit tel aviv with the same kind of precision it’s just another nail in the jews’ coffin and defanging the ynkee-twats is not too hard for the Iranian’s rather clever engineers. and as is well known, trump and his band of morons are thinking long and hard at any overt or covert attacks on Iran since they know the consequences can spell another defeat on top of vietnam, afghanistan, iraq, syria and so on. which leaves the thieving and murdering jews in palestine quite vulnerable and extermination goods once turkey and iran join forces against those jews.


It may be another nail but I haven’t seen anyone start building a coffin for the “Jews”. Let me know when the coffin building starts.

Zionism = EVIL


cechas vodobenikov

Israel USA can only complain and impose sanctions—they will never challenge Iran mIlitarily; they would be humiliated….geopolitical and economic considerations preclude an attack by the USA/israeli imperialists


1. Israel USA = United Snakes of Israhell. 2.

…… they will never challenge Iran mIlitarily; they would be humiliated ……

The humiliation is a minor irritant, not worth the consideration. What is a real show stopper in terms of an attack on Iran is the fact that the zioracist entity would received missile rains from Iran as well as from Hezbollah, and would basically be turned into a pile of rubble. Even a nuclear attack on Iran could not prevent that from happening. No U.S. president in his right mind could justify that, never mind physically survive it.

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