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MARCH 2025

Iran Threatens To Close Strait Of Hormuz If US Blocks Its Oil Exports

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

With oil surging to a six month high after a now confirmed report that Trump will not reissue Iranian oil export waivers after they expire on May 2, removing up to 1 million barrels from the market…

Iran Threatens To Close Strait Of Hormuz If US Blocks Its Oil Exports

… Tehran has gone on the offensive and on Monday a senior Iranian military official said the Islamic Republic will close the Strait of Hormuz if it’s prevented from using it, the state-run Fars news agency reported.

Iran Threatens To Close Strait Of Hormuz If US Blocks Its Oil Exports

“The Strait of Hormuz based on international law is a waterway and if we are prevented from using it, we will close it,Reuters reported, citing Alireza Tangsiri, head of the revolutionary guards navy force.

Separately, the semi-official Tasnim news agency on Monday quoted an unnamed Iranian oil ministry source as saying that “whether the waivers continue or not, Iran’s oil exports will not be zero under any circumstances unless Iranian authorities decide to stop oil exports … and this is not relevant now.” The source added that “we have been monitoring and analyzing all possible scenarios and conditions for the advance of our country’s oil exports, and necessary measures have been taken … Iran is not waiting for America’s decision or the lack of it to export its oil. We have years of experience in neutralizing efforts by enemies to strike blows against our country.”

* * *

To be sure, this is not the first time Iran has made such a threat: back in December Iran warned it would close the global oil chokepoint, when it said that “if someday, the United States decides to block Iran’s oil (exports), no oil will be exported from the Persian Gulf.”

Iran Threatens To Close Strait Of Hormuz If US Blocks Its Oil Exports

President Rouhani’s December threat had been welcomed by hardline clerics and military officials, including Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Revolutionary Guard’s elite Quds Force.

Previously, in early November, a prominent hardline cleric told a Friday prayer gathering in Mashhad, considered Iran’s spiritual capital, that Iran has the power to “instantly” create conditions for $400 a barrel oil prices if it decides to act in the Persian Gulf.  Shia cleric Ayatollah Ahmad Alamolhoda grabbed headlines at the time by declaring, “If Iran decides, a single drop of this region’s oil will not be exported and in 90 minutes all Persian Gulf countries will be destroyed.”

And during the prior summer, after similar threats were issued from Tehran the spokesman for the US military’s Central Command, Captain Bill Urban, told the Associated Press that US sailors and its regional allies “stand ready to ensure the freedom of navigation and the free flow of commerce wherever international law allows”.

The Strait of Hormuz is a narrow waterway carrying a fifth of the world’s traded oil that Iranian officials have threatened to block in retaliation for sanctions targeting the country’s nuclear program.

Iran Threatens To Close Strait Of Hormuz If US Blocks Its Oil Exports

The U.S. has said it would move to stop any Iranian attempt to block the waterway.

As such, if Trump is indeed serious about not renewing Iran’s export waivers, it may launch a sequence of events that culminated with regional war that pits Iran against the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Whether or not Russia and China back Iran could mean the difference between a localized conflict and World War III.

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Rhodium 10

Iran can close Hormuz strait easily without US navy can do anything to keep open….No petrol vessel crew will risk their lifes…

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

yeah keep telling yourself that, it’s cute :-)

Jacob Wohl's Nose

I’d love to see ur reaction when iranian anti-ship missiles smash some US Navy terrorist ships :-)

Real Anti-Racist Action

He does not care, because those ships are stacked with Goyim. It will be more funny to see his reaction when 1,000 missiles a day touchdown in Tel Aviv and destroy his peoples economic sector.

Rhodium 10

I tell myself that Trump has the same way that Jimmy Carter in Iran..

Jens Holm

No, he hasnt. Carter had backup in the american governess.

Its also should be of some importance that EU only are for small boycuts of Iran and today partly do what Trump says.

Concrete Mike

Yep keep shootin kids in the nads like your cousin did, or tribe.


Actually its very easy – Iran can mine the waters it would take weeks or months to clear & no tankers would risk passage.

Jens Holm

We all know that. The important things is, what comes next and next…

What do You think – a couple of Tomahawks – China comming and India as minesweepers or what ….


I was only speaking hypothetically I dont see any prospect Iran would resort to that.

Jens Holm

I am sure Iranians are not hypothecs in that. Its the only weapon they have apart from the missiles.


Iranians are pretty cool customers and will simply wait out Trump and Bolton. Iran has been around for 3,000 years, thanks to Persian canny tactics.

Jens Holm

But Iran will pay for it too. USA can do a lot to re-open that strait. Its a matter of importance.


I think Iran will scuttle its many tankers in the channel, and it would take years to move the wrecks.

Luke Hemmming

Why destroy the tankers that help generate income? Better to fill the strait’s underwater area with US naval vessels dont you think? Hypothetically speaking of course or more precisely wishful thinking. Good way to trigger WW3. That would make the Rothschilds banking family happy now wouldn’t it? And no a crop circle didn’t tell me this nor did aliens probe my ass so don’t bother replying with that stupid comment Sinbad.


What American ships? The Americans ran like rabbits on the 7th of October 2015, and apart from the occasional ship to show they aren’t really scared, they have not been back to the Persian Gulf since then.

Romeo Pesiao

An abnormal act of a state..


It is IMPOSSIBLE for US to open the Straits as it is IMPOSSIBLE for air power to neutralize all the missiles.

All it takes is to sink ONE Merchant ship, no ship will dare to pass

In fact US fleet will stay out of the Straits itself or risk being sunk by massive land based missile selvos


remember the excocet missiles the french sold to iran during the iraq iran war in the 80s. sank a few crude carriers and that put paid to that war. and then the french sold the exocet to argentina who used it against the brits in the falkland war – excellent anti-ship missile and I bet you can find a few in stock in iran. hormuz straight is just plain aiming shooting gallery and you can’t miss.

and if anyone thinks that moronistan can sort of take out iranian installations on the hormuz, think again. but I would suggest that iran aims for ras tanura and reduces the marketvolume by some 7 mb/d. bet donny the dunce, preparing his re-election, would love that and his supporters as well.

Jens Holm

I dont think I wrote that. I meant that USA and allies as reaction can make Iran into stoneage as a result.

That seemes to be forgotten by several here.


Closing the Straits of Hormuz is not in Iran’s strategic interest. Iran needs to play it cool as Trump and his Zionist advisers are facing mounting problems at home as even Bernie Sander called Israel an Apartheid State. The arms embargo will be lifted in full in 2020 under the JCPOA, which the US is trying to force Iran out of.

Fleecing Rabbi

Persians are cool cats!

urkahn khan

If they do that I guraantee you they will get invaded and pounded. This is 100% certainity


Israel will be wiped off the map if a war breaks out so (((you))) better hope it doesn’t.

Jens Holm

No, they wont. Only Russians and Turks might have forces for that. They never will give any support.

You are totally misinformaed about things in Your own regions.

Which troops or missiles are able to hit Israel hard ???

Make a list 1) 2) 3) …..


Iran literally has hundreds of thousands of missiles of various ranges and payloads that it can fire with pinpoint accuracy not only from Iran itself but from Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. And that’s just one of many capabilities Iran can use. Good luck if you think the boomerange missile Patriot air defense system and the fake Iron Dome will be able to intercept even 10% of these missiles. Israel is a small nation, it can literally be wiped off the map in minutes and your leaders know that which is why there won’t be a war:


Gregory Casey

Israel ain’t going to war. It is sending its village idiots, Trump & Pimpeo & psychoBolton to go to war against Iran on its behalf.


Doesn’t matter, if war breaks out it won’t be limited to only two parties it will quickly spread world wide.

Jens Holm

No, it wont. Fokus any time will be Iran down to stoneage remaining like that.

Next Putin loves You too and send You extra Baluga and beeer with no alcohol hahahaha – 2 jokes a day keep the Doctor away.

Jens Holm

And USA and others as usual of course will sit in their best chair drinking tea hardly having an umbrella against it.


You asked me how Iran could wipe Israel off the map in case of war and I gave it to you, I didn’t say anything about what US would do. However I can assure you that in case of war not a single US base of operation will remain intact within a 2000 km radius. At the end of the day you will deny Iran’s abilities but your lack of actions speak louder than words. Sorry but you will never dare touch Iran. Reality is proof of that.

Jens Holm

You make me laugh and cry. You have no idea about even military capabilities as well as how the rest of the world are.

Did Your longbears in Qaum fall down the stairs, You should start shawing them.

Hahahaha :) and :( for Your low level of knowledge.


No not true, in a real war, the Arab slaves would rise up and go house to house, killing them all.

Elin Ohlsson

Well, pounded maybe, but “invaded”??? By who? US invaded iran? Dont think so for a second.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Iran can shut down Hormuz, which is what the collective-Jews around the world plan on them doing and want. It is hard for the Jewish owned media to justify war on Iran unless Hormuz is shut down. But Jews already have the massive aerial bombing plans laid out. They want to bomb Iran’s power plants, airports, supply depots, hospitals, universities, research, naval ports, bridges, police stations and s forth. The Jewish war over the last 100 years had moved from from Palestinians, Germans, Egyptians, Italians, Iraqi’s, Serbians, Iranians, Afghans, Japanese, Lebanese, Irish, Syrians, Yemenis and on and on.

Sorna Karbaschi

Closing Strait of Hormuz, is euphemism !, Strait of Hormuz is also Iran and her Friendly allays life line. some Years ago, Iran said if it’s national interest comes under attack and pose danger to Iran national sovereignty, they will attack and destroy Saudi’s Oil filed and facilities, Iran is fully capable of destroying or diminishing Saudi’s oil production capabilities, by stopping daily productions of 2 to 3 millions barrel of oil for weeks or mounts. Eliminating such amount of oil from global market will cause sudden economic hart attack!

Gregory Casey

And if Pompous and the intemperate Trump with Israeli Citizen, NSA Bolton, muttering in his ear from morning til night continue with their rank stupidity against Iran seeking to block them shipping oil to anyone else on the planet, there is nothing surer than that the Straits of Hormuz will be closed and will remain closed until such time as Tehran decides. There is nothing Washington can do about it apart from persuading the Saudi-Emirati thugs to withdraw northwards from Yemen and start digging a trench through the Emirates linking the Indian Ocean with the Gulf ……… should take 5 – 10 years even if they move every digging machine in the world to the Gulf to carry out the excavations!! And by the time Oil once again flows from the Gulf, Trump and Pimpeo together with PsychoBolton will long since be dead and buried.


The situation is very fragile. Even a single tanker being attacked would send the oil price into a headspin. Closing the Strait of Hormuz or attacking Saudi oil fields would be a catastrophic event that would take years to bring back, if it was even possible. US attack on Iran with the risk of all kinds of retaliations in the area is a complete no-no. Such a thing would probably make most US military alliances to unravel, as allies would be bearing the horrendous cost of US military adventures.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

BREAKING: SDF/FSA preparing to launch joint offensive to seal off Iraqi border and liberate Mayadeen, Al-Bukamal, Deir-Ezzor, Al-Qaim from IRGC and SAA

Jacob Wohl's Nose

LOL didn’t know ur a comedian now

Rhodium 10

What a Joke!..US backed FSA terrorist in Al Tanf have failed to advance to Qalamoun and Damascus because Russian air force smash them!..since then..they remain in that Dump!

Jens Holm

Thats totally dumb. Until a few months ago ISIS was beteen them and by that, it was totally impossible.

Do You believe that Yourself ????

Jens Holm

What a joke. It make no sense at all. Your informations are totally fake.


Where did you get this from the Mossad Times.

Gregory Casey

That’s the same rubbish you posted on other stories. South Front? I thought you didn’t allow that? Anyway, so you know, the FSA are Turkish-backed you fool and under Turk command. Far more likely that if SDF see members of FSA, they will shoot them on sight. And vice versa.

Romeo Pesiao

It might possible, for preparation that Iran can never sell their oil by land, after the May 2 waiver expiration ..


You are aware that Russia is providing air cover west of the river I assume. And that there is a no fly zone there keeping the Jew blood sucking baby rapers and their American lackeys out of Syrian airspace. Any SDF advance would be meet with the same response that Isis advances are meet with, a Syrian government coalition superior ground force, and air strikes on an as needed basis.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

This is hilarious. US Navy would obliterate all Iranian vessels in a heartbeat. Then their F-18s and F-35s would start a massive SEAD bombing campaign against iranian SAM sights and military installations. Iran would surrender in 1 week tops :-)

chris chuba

Iran has a large arsenal of ballistic missiles and an unknown number of cruise missiles that they can fire at U.S. bases, naval ships, oil terminals and tankers. They don’t want to do this but blockading their exports is an act of war. How should they respond.

Romeo Pesiao

Yes they have but the US have more than them. .


Serbia was bombed for 78 days straight by NATO & still fought back – Iran would only be defeated by a full on invasion which the US is hardly up for.

Fleecing Rabbi

But they did destroy the Chinese embassy!


You do realize that Iran would respond against all US assets within range, so Israel would take a pounding. And whilst the Iranian missiles are throwing plutonium into the air from Dimona, Syria and Hezbollah might start going house to house.

You stupid cxnts always end up bringing catastrophe upon yourselves.

Romeo Pesiao

Maybe possible, bcoz two CSG are now on the Mediterranean Sea..

Gregory Casey

Imagine if all those Iranian Vessels were at anchor in the Straits when bombed? straight to the bottom! and then, B L O C K E D. By the Americans themselves.

Fleecing Rabbi

Meshugennah, the Persians are cool cats and have outlasted everyone. The sinus issues are blocking your judgement. Mazal Tov!


You claim to be a hedge fund manager. What would $200.00 to $300.00 a barrel oil do to the US economy? As far as Iran surrendering in a week. You can’t be serious. Unlike Iraq, Iran actually has offensive quantity and quality that even NATO would have trouble with. And in case you haven’t figured it out yet. The US has no defense against against hyper sonic missiles, and Iran has them. The US navy and Persian Gulf bases would be sitting ducks.

Just in case you missed it, Mr. so called military strategist, look at this map and who Iran’s neighbors are, particular the big one to the north: https://mtr1600iran.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/physical-map-of-iran.jpg

Real Anti-Racist Action

Iran can do this easily sure, but they cannot sustain this for a year as within 12 months Iran would have no more surface nor sub-surface vessels left. Unless of course Russia or China would ship multiple S-400 systems to Iran. 2 importation options must be in Iran’s hand’s in order to defend themselves. #1 an anti-air defense that is far better then the S-300 must be deployed. #2 A satellite killer missile system so when the shooting starts Iran can drop enemy satellites. Or even merely the threat of ability to shoot down satellites could halt the war before it even starts.


The S400 hasn’t shot down a single plane in 30 years ?

Jacob Wohl's Nose

That’s because the S-400 has only existed 12 years! You dumbass fuck :)

Make sense

Nice reply. Now how many planes has it shot down?

Gregory Casey

How many did it need to shoot down? Where?


S-400 is a defensive Russian Federation SAM weapons system – to grasp the effectiveness of these SAM’s – when was last time NATO warplanes attempted to violate Russian airspace…? NATO pilots assiduously avoid flying anywhere near operational S-300/400 family SAM installations – noticed how despite all their recent threats US warplanes do not fly over S-300 equipped Venezuela. Apparently it has escaped your grasp that SAM’s are defensive deterrent systems – not offensive weapons systems designed to wage aggressive war.

Make sense

Bob, anti aircraft misses are clearly not offensive. I have no illusions. How do you know US warplanes are not flying over Venezuela? You read it? Ding be foolish


What has the patriot done in that time it couldnt even shoot down a single confirmed scud during first Iraq war according to a House committee report https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/03/28/patriot-missiles-are-made-in-america-and-fail-everywhere/


And no aircraft have attacked Russian airspace defended by the S-400 in 30 years even though it’s only been in existence for 12. Apparently the S-400 is so good it can defend airspace 18 years in the past. I’ll go out on a limb here and say that if the S-400 can defend airspace in the past maybe its already shot down the entire USAF in the future and we just don’t know it yet.


Israel bombed under 5 KM from an S400 during the Latakia strikes

The only casualties were Russian ;)

Real Anti-Racist Action

That is like saying that the S-500 has not shot down a plane in 30 years. Cause they did not exist even 15 years ago lol.

Gregory Casey

Did it need to?


Not true . By the time Iran has finished their Missles, hundreds of ships would have been sunk.

Can the world function for entire year?

Fact is US is bluffing. They have nothing to stop the anti ship missiles


The US already sank half the Iranian fleet in the 80’s ????

We turned the Sahab into a coral reef


Jacob Wohl's Nose

Lol since when is a couple ships half their fleet? I knew Americans were mostly fat, redneck, and retarded like yourself… but c’mon you can’t even do simple mathematics? And you think you’ll outsmart Russians and Chinese in missile technology? XD


The super sophisticated Russian technology that got humiliated by 30 year old F16’s and shot down an IL20 LOL

S400 pisses on itself while Israel launches hundreds and hundreds of strikes without casaulties

Concrete Mike

And the boomerang partriot missile must have hit you and gave you amnesia!


Syrians dont have S400s only Russia has them – talking about humiliation what about that IAF jet last year which was hit by a 50 yr old S200 lol


You mean the IL20?


SX00 junk systems have killed more Russians than Israelis


and turkey soon, and qatar soon, and india soon. and the s-500 is soon in production if not already so.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

lol without casualties… except for dozens of UAV’s and an F-16?


An F-16 shot down an IL-20? Really!?! Give us details. You know not to listen to the machine elves when you’re high on PCP don’t ya? Sober up then go back and re-read then news that day and get your story strait before posting.

Btw. you know an Il-20 is a 60 year old prop driven airliner don’t you? And you’re bragging a 30 year old fighter shot it down. It would be news if it tried and didn’t shoot it down.


Most Russian planes are prop planes or shitty copies of American jets

The F16 is ancient, over 30 years old and has bombed in the presence of S400’s without a single Israeli being killed

Pathetic LOL

Gregory Casey

S-400 has never been deployed against the Israelis by the Russians.

Fleecing Rabbi

That is is the most loony version of events. It was an accidental shoot down as the hoked nosed ones, like yourself were ghosting a civilian airliner. Russia should have retaliated though and flattened a few Jew noses ;)

Rhodium 10

US failed to attack North Korea…and will fail to attack Iran..

Jens Holm

It seemes You have not seen how many local missiles North Korea has against SEUL just across the border.

Monte George Jr

And Venezuela.


Trump is all talk just part of his strong arm tactics to force an opponent to negotiate a deal on his terms.


Was he all talk when he killed 200 Russians in Deir Eizzor?


Iranians have been getting slaughtered like sheep by IDF, like the infamous T4 strike that killed over 14 IRGC

Even Nasrallah admitted it LOL

Gregory Casey

14 unarmed Iranians on the ground in Syria. Struck by Israeli missiles? I’m not surprised they were killed. Are you?


Iran was too scared to retaliate, that’s the point

Jens Holm

Thats long time ago. They have kind of regain. Now they have produced toy jets too.

Concrete Mike

Yea i remember you were helping your old chum out saddam hussein.

With friends like you who needs ennemies.


Sure you will, and Irans know it. You’re missing the point though …. $400 oil ….. That effects everything in the economy that has to be moved or needs energy to produce. It’ll result in a deep recession at best and what do you think that’s going to do to the US debt bomb. Last month was the first time since the USA got off the gold standard in 1971 that there were more sellers than buyers for US dollar backed paper. The whole house of cards comes tumbling down with $400 oil.

Fleecing Rabbi

Are you Indian? what is Sahab? under the RAJ it meant master. You are no American though ;)

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Normal nose :-) Jacob Wohl’s Nose :=======)

Jens Holm

Nothing new in that.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Going to see a lot of Persian tankers parked up in that narrow straight and rigged with explosives, if fatso Pompeo pushes it.

Jens Holm

Muslims often use firecrackers at the end of Eid :) They might add some grenade as well for guniness world record.

Next will be Qaum into Qabooom … for guiness world record too.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Looks like SouthFront is going to have yet another ‘hot’ conflict to report upon soon.

This could be the war to finally bankrupt the U.S. Empire.

Make sense

If Iran does it then Iran will be destroyed.


The statement is: “The Strait of Hormuz based on international law is a waterway and if we are prevented from using it, we will close it,” Besides, what if China, India and others simply ignore lack of waivers from loud mouth Trump clown. Since this is a unilateral economic warfare by the US.


Well the US better destroy them quickly, because the US cannot survive without those petrodollars.

Jens Holm

You might see which actually are the owners of the production there being stockholders – as well as which the users are.

Lazy Gamer

It remains to be seen whether Iran will put actions into its threats, However, I fear, it is precisely what the US and Israel wants. How deep will the revenue cut be to force Iran to light up the region? Failing that, there will be a response in some other form.


nah iran won’t start a war, that will be for the squatters and moronistan (aka usa – home of morons ready for icc and/or the padded cells) to start – blocking hormuz straight by the morons will be an act of war and will entail the entire area and bet your hard sweet broad behind that ras tanura is the first strike point for iran and that would take out say 7 million b/d from the world market, and then kuwait and an oil price in excess of 200 bucks per barrel.

and if the chinese load iranian crude on chinese vessels, moronistan would be seriously hampered, or russian or indian vessels loading crude from kharg island. to board and/or sink vessels from kharg is hardly an option.

it seems moronistan is hard painted into a corner and is struggling to find a way out – disobedience is all around today, fortunately.


Palestinians are traitors who support Iran and Turkey against the Arab world

In the end the Arab world will win that struggle and will get rid of the Palestinian problem once and for all

Jens Holm

Facts are not like that at all. Most of the Palestinians actually are arabs themselves. They also are Syrians according to the landscape map just more then half of Jordan.

So they do support themselves against other arabs taking the allies, they can. I cant see Turks support any Palestinians, but Iran kind of does.

I cant see which arabic world, You refer to at all. Arabs never has been only one unit. As I recall it Saudis of today never has been a part of Assads as well.

Its only true arab culture and Islam for good reasons as the best in the old days rapidly spread out.

Your ideas are fairytales for today as well as the future build on wishes, hopes and lies.

I think You should read about it. Most of You “arabs” as well as Turks and Iraniens are not allowed by Your Goverments to know Your ancient history. Most they You think to know is made by filthy national constructions just after WW1 for support of new nations to divide You in stead of joining.

That of course are well helped by strage dividings mainly done by Britts and French helped some by Turks as well(Lausanne/Sevres).


not traitors, clever joining up with turkey and iran and hezbollah and the rest of the gang and kick the squatters far into the med – won’t be missed by anyone, except the american congress which is on the take from aipac and the other crappy jewish organisations.


If I ran Iran, I would offer to sell oil for 10 bucks a barrel, in gold.

Using greed against the USA is the ultimate weapon, even American oil companies would break the blockade.


I’m sure they already sell it in a variety of currencies for trade. But yes, anything other than USD.

Gregory Casey

Best idea of all!! Bankrupt the Arabs in Riyadh together with their Emirati cousins ….. and oh! bankrupt Houston while you’re at it!!

Promitheas Apollonious

good thinking but is better to sell at 30 euro that will help them and not become a bleeding wound on them.


iran can take out say 7 million b/d from the world market by taking out ras tanura, which is saudi’s main loading port with about 60 to 70 % of the saudi loadings. another couple of million b/d easily from kuwait and then there are a number of other loading facilities in the emirates. sure a lot of things can and will happen when the squatters and moronistan (aka usa – home of the certified morons) start the war the squatters have fomented all by themselves (for which they deserve to be annihilated) but one thing is certain and that is that iran won’t start any war and will have every right to defend itself once under attack.

rest assured that mohammed bin salman is aware of how vulnerable ras tanura is and would never agree to be part of a war on iran even if the squatters (jared kushner) have tried to convince him to lead the charge.


Saudi Arabia finished its pipeline project last year, to reactivate its Red Sea terminals. It doesn’t need the Persian gulf. It can fully supply it’s export contracts from the Red Sea.

The USA has massively increased its oil exports, and can fully supply its allies with all the oil and gas they need in the event of disruption. Indeed the USA has sufficient reserves to supply the whole world for approximately 40 years.

Disruption would suit the USA, as it would cause more states around the world to become reliant on them, and the geopolitical leverage that would bring them.

U.K. recently stated they were intending to buy commercial ferries and convert them to troop ships because of some sort of urgency. They stated the ships would be located at both ends of the Red Sea.

This could of course just be designed to exert pressure. But who knows.

Iran looks to be caught in a very hard place.


70 pct of aramco’s volumes goes east from ras tanura. to pipe oil to the west coast is just a half measure since in the north there are restrictions with the suez canal with maximum load of say 1.2mb and in the south there is the aden gulf loaded with houthis. but disregarding the houthis, they would have to load 3.3 2mb vessels per day to cover deliveries to the east and then the balance 3mb for transport through the suez to europe. would cause some serious congestion in the yanbu port. sumed pipeline, nah too expensive and the same there, commingling and congestion but sure might alleviate in a tight spot. but on the whole, yanbu and the red sea is not something aramco would go for except in the most dire circumstances.

sure iran is in a tight spot but the dumb morons won’t succeed in reducing iran’s export to zero – china, india and turkey and russia and possibly south korea will make certain that it won’t happen. it takes time to reschedule a refinery composition so if it’s geared for iran it’s what they will strive to maintain.

so ras tanura is a priority for saudi, whatever the pipe tells you, and thus is a prime target for iran should it come to that. and then you have kuwait, the uae und zu weiter.


Your right, more accurately, I should have said continental North America had sufficient unconventional reserves to supply the whole world with oil for 40 odd years.


unconventional reserves is what – not even if they fracture the land to pieces can they supply the world with oil for 40 years. tight oil is an environmental disaster and financially highly questionable.

Xoli Xoli

USA knows if Iran closes Hormuz strait iran will settle in for war.This alone and closing East China sea will destroy USA Nato ability to move their warship with devastating financial collapse and break up of NATO fo survival. USA will loose NATO and allies trust and respect.Billionairs will run to China and Russia for investment and life saving.

Jens Holm

Hahaha. You are economist for Maduro in Venezuela ? Haha.

Run to Russia. You must be joking. China already are an important part of Western economics, but they get problems by lack of import by that strait such as India does,

You have no ideas about things there at all. The main losses are by civile transportation by sea many times bigger then any Nato vessels, which by the way mainly are not there at all.

Joe Kerr

Garbage in, garbage out… your single celled grey matter at work.

Jens Holm

Some here really dont get it. USA can take half of Iran every friday, if needed.

Joe Kerr

Is that why 12 U.S. navy seals cried like babes after being caught by the IRGC?

Fleecing Rabbi

Most rednecks are bullies and cry babies.

Promitheas Apollonious

well none told them that real life is not just changing fluid in the showers getting drunk and play rambo.

Jens Holm

I dont think its as where You are.

Jens Holm

I cant see any relevancy in that.

I dont remember those, but they probatly was cought in Iranian territorial waters and can expect being in prison and traded after years.

Joe Kerr

Dunno about Russia, but China will support Iran to protect its investments… just like in Venezuela. War with Iran will mean war with China, and the end of Israel and its bankrupted U.S. slave colony as well.


Do it.


226,000 b/d bought by “unknown”.


Promitheas Apollonious

good thing where I am we also use horses for our moving around. They need absolute no fossil fuel to be operational.

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