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MARCH 2025

Iran Threatens To “Sink” UAE & Israel Over 3 Disputed Islands In Gulf

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

Recall that following last month’s historic UAE-Israeli peace deal, which marked the first time in history Israel inked a peace deal to open formal diplomatic relations with an Arab gulf state, Iran angrily reacted by telling UAE it’s “now made itself a target” in response to any future Israeli aggression.

Iran interpreted the White House brokered agreement as yet more bolstering of what was already an increasing Gulf Sunni and Israeli alliance to break the so-called ‘Shia crescent’ – which is largely what regime change efforts targeting Syria’s Assad were all about.

It now appears Tehran is ready to heighten its own pressure campaign on its weaker but wealthier neighbor which sits just across the volatile Strait of Hormuz by pressing Iran’s claim over three small contested islands.

Iran Threatens To "Sink" UAE & Israel Over 3 Disputed Islands In Gulf

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On Monday the Iranian Foreign Ministry issued a statement asserting that the three Persian Gulf islands of Abu Musa, Greater Tunb and Lesser Tunb are an integral part of the Islamic Republic.

Crucially near-future plans to construct an Emirati oil pipeline with Israel starting from the Gulf were revealed, no doubt outraging Tehran that Israel ambitions are now so geographically close.

An Iran FM spokesman, Saeed Khatibzadeh ​​said Monday as quoted in state-run Fars News Agency: “Regardless of the amount of error that one of the neighboring countries commits, we are trying to return it to the right track of regional procedures according to the policy of good neighbors. The UAE has gone in the wrong direction in some areas for years.”

He continued, “Iran does not allow anyone to do anything on its borders and territories with regard to the three islands, and the three islands in the Persian Gulf have certainly been part of Iran, and these allegations do not create any rights for anyone and do not affect the exercise of Iranian sovereignty.”

From there he specially lashed out at encroaching Israeli influence in the Gulf region, given the recent peace deal with the UAE, threatening:

“The Zionist entity is in the gutter and is trying to drown everyone with it, and we hope that the UAE and the current government will not sink with the Zionist entity,” he said.

Iran Threatens To "Sink" UAE & Israel Over 3 Disputed Islands In Gulf
The leaders of Israel and the UAE signed historic bilateral agreements in Washington last month.

The three islands at issue are tiny, yet considered strategically very important given they overlook vital oil shipping transit in the Strait of Hormuz.

Both Iran and the UAE claimed sovereignty over them after the British government withdrew from the region in the late 1960s.

In 1971 Iran seized the islands by force upon British withdrawal and the establishment of the UAE after Britain’s administration ending in the Gulf. The Emirates says Iran’s administration of the islands remains illegitimate.

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Khazar Supremacy

Flip flop wearing hairy monkeys cant sink s..t

Free man

“IRAN THREATENS TO “SINK”…” – Indeed cowardly dogs bark the loudest. In their speechs they will “destroy”, “burn”, “sink” …… cities and countries. LOL.

Potato Man

You are not young, act your age Free Ape, 1.

The Zionist entity is in the gutter and is trying to drown everyone with it, and we hope that the UAE and the current government will not sink with the Zionist entity,” he said.


Regardless of the amount of error that one of the neighboring countries commits, we are trying to return it to the right track of regional procedures according to the policy of good neighbors. The UAE has gone in the wrong direction in some areas for years.

LMFAO what are you reading there bud? Check your eyes.

In their speechs they will “destroy”, “burn”, “sink” …… cities and countries. LOL.

Bitch WHAT …?????? Where???? FAKE NEWS LMFAO let’s go with what you made up in your head buddy okay, have they done such thing? NO Israel – Yes – Palestine, Syria UAE – Yes – Yemen, Iraq, Syria Grow up or fuking quote something right and don’t make shit up bud. Yet Apes can’t understand humans….you get a “free” pass Ape. LMFAO the first thing he read is “sink” and dosen’t fuking read the report LMFAO make shit up in his head LOLOLOLOLOL.

davie wonkie

Might be SCUMBAG EPSTEIN ISIS IsraHELL speaking FOR them again.


Both of the islands are controlled by Iran though.


3. All three has been part of Iran and therefore controlled by Iran long before creation of UAE. Iran has no claim on the 3 islands to “press”, Iran simply owns them.


Should the Chinese be invited to build a base there?

Free man


Potato Man

Bahrain was and still some what part of Iran LMFAO, bahraini are Shia, those 3 Island were also used by Iran during gulf war. UAE invited Zion to build a base in one of Yemeni Island they are doing same thing here LMFAO, I remember what happened to Japanese during WWII – (those who stay in a Islands). US bombed their mother of those Islands Iran can do the same. It is not a problem for Iran but it is a wet dream for Zion and Wahhabi morons.

Vox Populi

That is historically correct and Iran like Azerbaijan is entitled to liberate Bahrain which is illegally occupied by US and Britain.

Potato Man

Did you know this, “Leader’s Adviser: Armenia Should Leave Occupied Azeri Lands” https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2020/10/06/2364004/leader-s-adviser-armenia-should-leave-occupied-azeri-lands

I take no side between Azer and Armenia both side at fault in my point of view.


Azerbaijan is part of Iran too, USSR separated them but Armenia was there for for long time. Iran should not trust nethier but now Israel is more connected to Azerbaijan so Iran need to be very careful and if they cause any problem go get his land back fuck Azerbaijan

Potato Man

yeah…it so fuked over there, that’s why I don’t really want to comment. I watch it happen, I’m not Iranian or Azer/Armenian. I better watch my mouth and just watch it. Mainly because I can see why Armenia and Azer fight and I get them, if say fuk Armenians than I saying fuk Palestinian. But the same time N-K under US is part of Azer and even Iran said so, but Azer love Zion and I have read report how Zion and Azer worked together to plan an attack on Iran before…. Then Armenian backstab Russia…. I take no one’s side on this matter.

Free man

You should be careful Azerbaijan won’t liberate the Azerbaijani territories, which are ruled by Iran.

Concrete Mike

Hah dream on. Im gettinf bored to death hearing yall say, christmas in Tehran!!!

Be more original mr zionist swine!

Good day!


I must admit I’m not familiar with those isles problem, I need to learn more to form an opinion.

Ivan Freely

In those locations? I don’t think they’ll be that retarded.


Why do you think so?

Ivan Freely

First, the islands are in disputed territories and the last thing the Chinese want to do is piss off all parties. They could be under attack by all parties should things turn hot. There’s also the traffic in that area to consider.

Second, Chabahar port is rumored to get Chinese investment which is downstream and more importantly, neither contested nor confined like those islands.

Third, you need to think in terms of return on investment. A military post is only an expense to the Chinese. But Chabahar can also host commercial activities which would play a part in their Silk Road project.


Nice put. I was 50% joking but I wanted to know more on the subject also. But it wouldn’t be the first time when China occupies a contested zone, invited by one if the claimers, see Kasmir.

Ivan Freely

No it certainly wouldn’t be the first time. I forgot to mention that these islands are outside of their Spheres of Influence unlike Kashmir and the South China Seas. In addition, they would be foolish to create more problems for themselves if they tried.


By that judjement they are also out of Israel spheres of influence. And China would have a lot more reasons to control that strait. That’s where 80% of the oil for the entire Asia passes by.

Ivan Freely

When you say ‘they’ are you talking about those islands? If so, Israel considers the entire Middle East within their Sphere of Influence.

As for control of Hormuz, Chabahar is a better place to operate from, from a logistical perspective.


Yes, those islands. China also consider its trade routes within their sphere of influence.

Under which Israeli influence sphere falls ME, trade, military, religious?

Ivan Freely

I do not understand your last question.


Sorry for my English. I said Chinese consider their trade routes fall under their sphere of influence. Therefore Hormuz strait falls under Chinese sphere of influence.

What criteria does Israel use to have Hormuz strait and the ME under their sphere of influence?

Ivan Freely

Natural resources such as water and land would be the criteria for Israel. It’s no secret they covet South Lebanon’s water supply and land for their population between the Euphrates and Nile River. Whether they achieve it is another question all together (which I doubt).

I do not consider trade routes part of Spheres of Influence (SoI). It belongs more to “national” interests. IMO, SoI involves more use of diplomacy while the military for National Interests. Naturally, diplomacy is used first for either one (cheapest option) but when push comes to shove, the big stick gets used for National Interests. There are situations where the two overlap such as the South China Seas (SCS). Hormuz MIGHT fall under the same situation. China does have alternative routes for their oil supply. We’ll see if the rumors are true regarding that Iranian port.

Some might not make a distinction between the two like the Americans, but I believe the Chinese do. National Interests is more security related while SoI leans toward cultural/social. Any confusion between the two is due to overlapping criteria. Another way to look at SoI is if you think along the line of: “We want it and we’ll work for it but not bleed for it.” Look at Chinese investments in Libya and Bolivia. They lost big and they didn’t even bother to fight for it. They tucked their tail and ran away. They would also have ran away from Venezuela if Russia was not there. In the case of Libya, their military was only used for evacuations of their citizens working there. However, this does not mean complete abandonment. It just means they’ll find another “peaceful” way to achieve it. I hope I made sense. LOL


Thank you for your comment, veey clear and interesting to read. I agree with 90% of it, though the unclear part for me is in the beginning, ‘Natural resources such as water and land would be the criteria for Israel.’ It is quite a distance from south Lebanon to Hormuz to look for water and land. IMO since military will be involved in the very beginning, combined with diplimacy, it falls under ‘national’ interest to start a war with Iran rather than SOI for resources.

Rafik Chauhan

UAE will dreaming . if they want it to be destroyed then they keep claimig. UAE President PM all are Gays. selling thier women and buying zionist women for pleasure.

Potato Man

Fun fact, Wahhabi love fuking donkey and monkeys. I can see why they would sell their woman for Zionist LMFAO.


You can’t buy anyone you dirty kalb especially not our women, fuck you and fuck your Ali the bastard.


Now I’m scratching my head wondering that you cursed in Arabic or Hebrew?


I called him a dog, even though dogs are much better than him and I love them.


I know what it means, my problem was which language it came from as it’s the same in both. Given your recent fondness for Arabic, and the language you speak, it’s really confusing sometimes to find out which language you are cursing in. Leave some breadcrumbs man or write a complete sentence.

PS.I don’t find much appealing in cursing others… but each to their own


It was in Arabic garga, I know many words from my grandparents but it doesn’t mean I can read a full book in Arabic for example and understand it all. For Rafik it’s enough though.


How should I know you meant کلب and not כלב?

Oh oh! I know! With every common curse you write, you post yourself too to explain it was in Arabic or Hebrew. I have always been very good at finding practical solutions!

PS.Now that you called somebody as an animal, do you feel satisfaction? Or you preferred you spilled his blood? And if you like kalbim why do you use ’em as insults?


You should know, a dog is an unclean animal in Islam, like Pigs. Orthodox Jews also hate dogs, I guess religions do fuck up the heads eventually. I’d rather have a dog friend, than a friend dog like Rafik or some Baba from Netivot.


You didn’t answer my question. How can I know when you throw a single word, you meant its Hebrew meaning or Arabic meaning? I’m more a cat person myself. They are evil and want to murder humans in their sleep. Nothing against dogs though, specially ancient Iranian breeds are excellent guards.


I love cats too, and I also have one. My parents have a dog, but I don’t visit them too much lately. How can you know? well I can say it’s Hebrew or Arabic, but if you see me replying to an Arab guy here then it’s probably so he can understand me in his language.


See? We have so much in common! First Boobs and now our evilness..

What did you name your cat? Is it a male or female?

About languages, I bet all people on this board understand English. You want to insult but feel shy that others know you are insulting someone? How about we stick to languages we know and don’t embarrass ourselves by Google translate spelling?


Female, Luna is the name. so cute. Maybe I’ll upload a picture later. and yea, English is fine.


Garga, I present you Luna. I adopted her at 6 months. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7438932271d0f08c29898bec72c51c1b9ad56eb355ba4b8f29e093160fb1d3e7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7241b4d1cdf1780fe01ae4fcbb7e266b890390fe0bc124f219e15c3a5ec23ade.jpg


Oh dear. Is she a Chartreux? Very rare, very intelligent. I want to eat it whole!


Close :) It’s this type – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Blue very intelligent indeed, she know when I call her, when it’s food time and when to wake me up lol. I love her.

Lone Ranger

I love cats too ? Have two lil guys :)


Check the picture I uploaded to Garga’s comment.

Lone Ranger

Beautiful kitten. Female kitten? She looks young, less than a year old, very cute ?. Mine are siblings, 4months old. They are bad boys, fighting and chasing eachother for hours than they eat, than I have to cuddle them, than they go to sleep :)


Yup Ranger, she’s 1.5 years today. I fell inlove the moment I saw here, I knew I had to adopt her and my wife couldn’t agree more :) And yeah I know what you means, she likes to tear up my sofa and run alot inside the house, but when she clam down she comes and sleep on me. Only cat persons know how much love they give!

Lone Ranger

Indeed.? Cats are the best pets, you cant force them to anything, but when they want to cuddle, its ?. I got them from my girlfriend, she has a cat, and it was an “accident”, wanted to gave the lil kittens away, and I couldnt let it happen, so I took the two bad boys.?


I’m glad you did, most of them don’t live long on the streets or in shelters. What type are they?

Lone Ranger

I know, I read a lot about cats in recent times, tonpreoare myself, I never knew there are so many cats in need on the streets, Im in multiple cat groups on Facebook (Hungary), and on avg around 10 kittens needs to be saved every day from the streets, thankfully we have a lot of good people, most the kittens find a home in a short time. What type?, honestly I dunno, I think they are a mix, they look a bit like American Bobcats but they arent as massive, they both have stripes and spots, one is dark brown, best camo I have ever seen on a cat, no joke. The other one is dark grey and white, but like I said they both have stripes and spots all over like an ocelot or ocicat, and they are very agressive, but not with me, I can pick them up anytime and they wont try to scratch me to death :)


They sound great bro, I’m happy you have them and they have you :) My cat is this type – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Blue Very pleasent cats in general, sometimes too vocal and can wake me up in 4 am but i’m used to it anyway so it’s okay. We also adopt many cats here, but sadly not all of them have a home so the city hall takes care of them in shelters. But anyway, cats are your best friends I learnt it in the last year.

Lone Ranger

Thank you, you are very kind ? I know that type of cat, they are very cute :) Did you know that Tom, from Tom and Jerry series was inspired by that type of cat, while Jerry was inspired by a common American mouse, I think thats funny, because the original series started in 1941, way before the Cold War. Still a Russian cat and an American mouse played frenemies :) My cats, (depending on the weather) will stay up to midnight or 1am, than they wake me up at 5-6am to feed them, than they go back to sleep. My 8 hour sleep went down to 5-6 hours, but I dont mind, they are worth it.


Haha cool, didn’t know that actually. But yeah, she is adorable and just liek you I don’t mind waking up for her, my wife is even more attached to her and we both take care of her very good. She’s my first cat too.

Lone Ranger

A person who loves cats cant be a bad person :)

Lone Ranger

P.S. cats are also excellent at warning of danger, from intruders to carbon monoxide. I cant prove it, but I think they see a wider spectrum on the EM range than us, they will sometimes just look at one point on the wall like they have X-ray vision or a ghost, sometimes its a bit creepy :)


yeah I know what you mean xD they also hear sounds before I hear them, such an awesome pet :)

Lone Ranger


davie wonkie

zioNUTS love NOTHING but themselves

Jens Holm

Its being polite. They will come if we ask:)

davie wonkie

Those are WOMEN????? ROFL

Icarus Tanović

Hahahahahahaha. Ask me something about that.

davie wonkie

Of COURSE TZATS would vote this down. hasbaRAT P0S


Let’s see how brave they are to do any action against us or the UAE, one stupid mistake and we will sink down every Iranian ship that is crossing the Suez canal into the East Med. If that doesn’t help and they keep provoking us, we can make sure they won’t be a problem to anyone else in the region for alot of time.


Oh come on, have mercy on us, you destroyed us by your threats!

The truth is, ain’t nothin’ your regime can do. It just waits to find someone stupid enough to do it for them.


Nah Garga, how do you think the Israeli public would react if your army sank down an Israeli ship? that would be a war. The one thing the mullahs care above all just like Bibi is their power, we can remove them but at a great cost for both countries. They know it, just like Bibi the mullahs love to bark but never bite.


Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? I know someone in this board who loves to threat everybody, specially civilians.

One of these times I would come to visit you, if I trusted you enough because as you can imagine, the stakes are high for me. Shame.


You should define “civilians”. A child is a civilian, a woman is a civilian (in most cases), but a man who wears civilian clothes and hold a rifle, is he a civilian too? or if he hides rockets in his house to be used against us. What is he for you?


You define yourself, their meaning gets clear for you. with the same rules.

The disturbing part is that you can claim anybody was not civilian after you took their lives and destroyed their homes, destroying any possible evidence in the process. It happened before with your military, hundreds of times.

If children are civilians even by your very narrow definition, why you keep killing them?

Chris Chuba

The first time I heard the term ‘human shield’ was during one of Israel’s brutal bombing campaigns in Gaza, or was it southern Lebanon, hard to justify bombing a hospital building ‘filled w/weapons in the basement’. Funny, no one ever even considered the possibility when Assad was fighting real Jihadists, his troops just like targeting bakeries and the ‘last hospital in Aleppo’.

No military force would be dumb enough to store valuable weapons near civilians when Israel is bombing.


Ah no? then what exactly is Hezbollah doing right now in Beirut and in other areas in southern Lebanon? hiding rockets next to the popualtion even after we published a video to warn them not to do so, for their own sake.

El libanes

the video have been proven fake. All the media went there st the same day and there was nothing, just comic propaganda from bibi.. you are so full of shlt


yea yea, it’s always fake to you. When you will expload from their rockets, don’t forget who warned you.

davie wonkie

Like you WARNED US about 911 Shlomo? Yet it was YOUR TERRORISTS who were there filming? And on the 80th floor? Yeah…..

davie wonkie

Slimy scuzbag 911 doing EPSTEIN ISIS IsraHELL NUKED Beruit


Arabs count on Western democracies to use ‘Geneva Conventions’ and therefore HIDE IN PLAIN SITE IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS WITHOUT FEAR OF BEING EXPOSED … eh?

Wake up Chris Chuba!

Israel has shown Western armies how to fight against such vile Muslim Jihadis …. lol

1:1 Ratio is the Gold Standard set by Israel’s IDF

1 DEAD TERRORIST : 1 dead civilian


davie wonkie

You mean like ISIS that are actually ISRAELIS? How many FAKE terrorists like Adam Gadahn aka PEARLMAN have we seen now SHLOMO?


Gadahn was raised a Christian to a Christian father and a Christian mother … his Grandfather on one side was Jewish … eh Mo?

IS/Daesh aren’t Israelis … hello?

Sheesh … davie

davie wonkie

NUMEROUS zioNUTS CAUGHT PRETENDING to be ‘moslem’ terrorists widdle hasbaRAT SHLOMO. Nice TRY!


So many ? Is it a fad thing? pmsl


davie wonkie

Those interested will recognize you for the zioNUT P0S you are and look for themselves.


Thanks for the vine Davie …

Adam Gadahn was raised a Christian … his father and mother were Christians … his Grandfather was a Jew ….

As for IS/Daesh are Israeli? lol

Nobody buys that bs …


davie wonkie

NUMEROUS IDF and other Israelis impersonating arab terrorists. zioNUTS are WORSE than NAZIs. Epstein, ISIS, 911 Beruit NUKE. Pure zioNUT SLIME!


Ok … unthinking one … I get it


davie wonkie

No you dont. You’re a zionist PROPAGANDIST hasbaRAT here.

davie wonkie

ISIS = ISRAELI Secret Intel Service. MANY know its’ the Israelis whom ISIS NEVER attacks and widdle Crime Minister widdle Whiny BABY NITWITYAHU is pictured with medically repairing THEIR ISIS Fighters. https://biblicisminstitute.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/netanyahu-and-isis-terrorist.jpg


IS/Daesh never attacked Israel … it was incapable of success … so they avoided combat.


davie wonkie

Again they are IsraHELL’s PROXY ARMY. Created by first Jewish pres H0M0BAMA and funded, ARMED and RESCUED by Demented Donny EPSTEIN GUILTY TRUMP. Repaired and directed by CRIME Minister widdle whiny BABY NITWITYAHU! https://biblicisminstitute.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/netanyahu-and-isis-terrorist.jpg


That’s just an excuse they use Chris, the real intention is to play with the warriors’ psyche. Always have been.


I love this propaganda, claiming we kill kids just for fun. I dare you to bring me a picture or a video of an IDF soldier shooting a child and killing him just like that. Please do.

El libanes

stop fooling your self google israeli soldiers shooting and laughing at civilians.


I won’t, YOU find me a proof as you claim.


You want me to show you a video of an Israeli “soldier” while he or she is killing a child at that very moment? Like I stand above their head and filming while they shoot?

I suppose the aftermath evidence doesn’t cut it for you, am I right?


No, because the Palis are mastets in fake news and propaganda. For example, during the July 2014 operation in Gaza (which I participated) 4 kids were killed by an Israeli ship. The whole world called us child killers etc. BUT, what the Palis hid, is that Hamas shot rockets from that position into Israel that’s why our ship responded with fire to that location. The aftermath? 4 dead kids, but does it mean we meant to kill them? NO. you see my point? it’s how you present it to the media.

davie wonkie

Again IDF are worse than WW2 NAZIs. And they DO shoot unarmed women, kids and men OFTEN.

davie wonkie

TRU News has VIDEO of your SCUMBAGS doing JUST THAT. Shooting unarmed people in the BACK. Your IDF slime are so BRAVE doing that to unarmed women and kids yet run like RABBITS from HAMAS! PATHETIC

davie wonkie

and how many of your SLIME have set these people up Shlomo?

El libanes

Your goverment are good at hitting ships but not in sinking them. Remember uss liberty.. Oh right you ment civilian iranian ships, yeah you are good at sinking them. Oh btw how saaer doing these days?


You are so outdated..check again our navy.

El libanes

I wiill check them while they burn infront of beirut. Beautifull view i remeber


Seriously, you are in no position to ask for a war. If your Hezbollah do try to pick a fight with us, then the port explosion you had would be a small thing compared to our bombings.

Free man

On SF everyone can start wars and even win them. Especially the talkers from the so-called resistance axis .

davie wonkie

But RAPE little girls to BLACKMAIL parties in nations and they meekly give you whatever they want right Shlomo?

Free man

Was it in English? no comprendo.

davie wonkie

Of course you dont Shlomo. Nor do I speak Yid trash.

Free man

No hable estupidez.

davie wonkie

Oh no thats what you EXCEL in Pookus! ROFL

Jaime Galarza

¿Hablas español y defiendes a la basura de Israel? Vergüenza debería darte.

davie wonkie

OK we will give you pictures widdle gurl https://thefilmstage.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Wheres-My-Roy-Cohn-1.jpg

davie wonkie

Because SCUMBAG SATANIC IsraHELL STEALS US secrets and nuclear MATERIAL. Everybody forget Jonathan Pollard?

davie wonkie

But its ok for your TRASH to try to sink the USS Liberty right Shlomo?

davie wonkie

Blah BLAH BLAH! I saw how brave you PUSSIES were when Hamas kicked your ASSES!

Vox Populi

UAE will be destroyed in minutes and all the expats will run home. The Sheikhs should be careful.

Potato Man

UAE population 2020: 9,890,402 people, their cities run by expats. They have 3 major cities in the UAE: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Sharjah. That’s it, the are paying African Sunnis to fight for them like Saudis in Yemen. What a strong “country” US protect them and they are asking for Zion to save their asses, watch as Zion rape this morons. Dealing with Satan children gonna cost them.

Free man

“UAE will be destroyed in minutes…”- LOL. In your speeches, you have already destroyed Israel countless times. It would be better if the mullahs regime switched to more realistic threats. Like: “From now on we will bore you to death with our threats” or “We will be very angry and cursed a lot if Israel builds military bases on your land” etc.

davie wonkie

Epstein Guilty Trumpy works for the zioNUTS. He MURDERED the one guy good at killing Israeli ISIS TERRORISTS.

Peter Jennings

The islands were up for grabs when the British left. The Iranians got there first. Possession is 9 tenths of the law apparently. Perhaps the UAE could buy Abu Masa, like the buy everything else.


UAE and Bahrain was part of Iran before uk put his puppets dictators there, if they make silly move, Iran should not hesitate to bring all parts lost back to motherland.

Free man

Or maybe more parts will free themselves.

davie wonkie

Many times when we are TOLD Iran said this or Iran said that its coming from the fetid mouth of the zioNUTS who RAPED US girls to BLACKMAIL both parties. From the same SWINE who DID 911 and IS ISIS and NUKED Beruit. Get it? Whenever they want Iran perceived as the ‘threat.’ Iran killed ISIS with Soleimani and Epstein GUILTY Trumpy MURDERED him for the zioNUTS. Get it?

davie wonkie


davie wonkie

Bipartisan Bill Would Give Israel Veto Powers Over US Arms Sales https://news.antiwar.com/2020/10/05/bipartisan-bill-would-give-israel-veto-powers-over-us-arms-sales/


Far as I’m concerned, they can have Bahrain for all that matters

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