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Iran To Attack 10 Times More If Attacked By Enemies: Ayatollah Khamenei

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Iran To Attack 10 Times More If Attacked By Enemies: Ayatollah Khamenei

SOURCE: twitter.com/EnglishPars

On June 4, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei adressed people in the Mausoleum of Ruhollah Khomeini.

He said that all measures taken by opponents of Iran are the result of their desperation and confusion.

“We are well aware of the enemy’s plot and disclose it to people,” he said, mentioning economic, psychological and practical pressures as three major components of the plot against the Iranian nation.

He said that the measures taken again the Iranian nation may slow down the forward march of the nation, but cannot stop its progress.

Khamenei  also warned of Iran’s harsh response if attacked by its enemies and said that the country’s ballistic missile program is essential for its defense.

“Tehran will attack ten times more if attacked by our enemies… Our enemies don’t want an independent Iran in the region… We will continue our support to oppressed nations… our enemies have engaged in economic and psychological warfare against us and the new American sanctions are part of it,” Khamenei said in during the speech.

He described attempts by the US-led bloc to impose restrictions on the Iranian missile program as a dream, which will never become real.

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Proud nation and a straightforward.leader. If only he was secular it would be at least a bit easier for his country. Politically speaking, Iran is one of the few bastions of true freedom from the capitalist-imperialist transnational complex of the west. It has to resist until more people will start becoming aware of the madness that dominates today’s balance of power and therefore their own lives. Iran has been in the empire’s sights for quite a while, I hope it keeps dodging bullets, because if it comes to war it is bound to have global consequences, mostly of the bad kind. Sanctions might hurt, but they will persevere thanks to their committed partners.


Iran IS secular in the sense that China is secular, or Russia. You fall for the standard racist jewist west-centric propaganda.

In Iran you are NOT born muslim, and can select ANY personal set of religious beliefs for yourself at adulthood. Yes, Iran has a muslim culture like the UK has a christian culture. And yes Iran is strongly muslim flavoured like the UK is strongly christian flavoured.

In the UK, for instance, ALL children (whose parents do not opt out) suffer a disgusting JEWISH idoctrination at school via ‘religious education’ that massively biases to the OLD Testament.

Today in the UK, male children were told they could come to school in SKIRTS, but not shorts. In the USA, in many states, black men are fined and/or imprisoned for wearing their trousers LOW when their ‘taboo’ regions are fully covered by very modest boxer shorts. Idiot NON-SECULAR cultural norms are enforced across the West just as they are in Iran.

Iran has dress codes like the West has dress codes. Iran has rules on public entertainment like the West has rules on public entertainment (try arranging a party in the UK in the form of a ‘rave’ and see how much freedom brits have).

Jewish trolls POSING as peeps on our side will always use this method of claiming the West has a better system than Iran. But they will NOT name the wahhabi muslim nations where you are forced to be muslim from birth, and severely punished if you try to choose your own religious beliefs at adulthood, like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia (and friends), malaysia or indonesia.

Shia are the good guys. Pro-wahhabi sunnis are the bad guys. Anti-wahhabi sunnis are the good guys. Russia, like the West, gives ALL of its real support to the pro-wahhabi sunnis.


Can I have my Links??? Cut your Bullshit and gimme my links….Theresa!!


Iranian people are always very smart, beautiful, friendly and very cultured people! They are very different from the Pakis, Afghanis, Arabs, etc. Another thing is that Iranian people, even those who are religious are not extremists and are very peaceful, friendly and accepting to people of other cultures and faiths. May God keep Iran and its great people safe, strong and free!

Tom Tom

all true, but they wear too many gold chains. Israelis, too.


Rick Steves, an American traveler visits Iran, watch the hospitality and the kindness he receives from the Iranian people and you wonder what would happen to him if he visits Saudi Arabia and mingles with the Saudi Wahhabis. He would very likely get kidnapped and then beheaded! Watch:


Wise Gandalf

Iran IS secular

HAHAHA! You made my day!

Secular country where the religion police spies everybody. :DDDDDD


Everything except your last sentence is spot on Starlight. And thank you Christianblood as well. May God keep Iran and its great people safe, strong and free.


Amen to that! Thanks Roland!


I don’t usually reply to trolls, but secular means that religion has no political power. Religious freedom, prevalent culture, dress codes are a whole other thing. You are the brainwashed fool, unable to grasp even basic concepts and spreading lies according to what fits your shekel holding masters. You are a classic anti Russia troll. At least hopefully you are not a Takfiri prick as well.


Only religion is impervious to the tactics the US uses to control other nations, and I’m agnostic.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran is a 3,000 year old civilization with a illustrious military history. The Persians are not aggressive people but know how to defend themselves. Iran is a large resource rich country of 82 million people with a battle tested military. Due to illegal Zionist inspired sanctions since the 1979 revolution and the bitter experience of crazy Saddam’s invasion supported by US and the west, Iran was left with no choice but to develop a pretty robust military industrial capability. The Zionist cowards strut on western taxpayers largesse and should be careful not to push Iran too far. The Persians are very civilized and polite people but no pushovers, do not test Iran or Zionist hovels will burn.

Wise Gandalf

BS! This iran has nothing to do with ancient persians. Iran is shitty moslem land.

“The Persians are not aggressive people” persians existed in the ancient age and were extremely aggressive. were conquerors.

later, their posteriors centuries fought with the byzabtian empire. in new age the newest offsprings centuries fought the osmans. and yes, always tried to conquere.

j. jaxson

you are a lunatic.

Wise Gandalf

after you


Iran better build hundred thousands of missiles able to reach and destroy US military bases in the region. It’s the only to be free. Nothing works unless good new and efficient weapons.

paul ( original )

Iran talks a good game, but its actions are cautious to the point of timidity. Take for example the case of the USA’s withdrawal from the JCPOA. Before this happened Iran was full of dire warnings on the terrible, but unspecified, consequences that the USA would bring on itself. Now after the event Iran is shuttling round desperately trying to preserve the deal and throwing itself on the mercy of the the EU. The whole demeanour of Iran is that of pleading.

I don’t say this as one who is against them. But all I see is boastful words hiding a timid and indecisive nation.


Iran can do nothing but search for west allies or Russia. Iran can’t defend against USA terrorism.

The problem is not Iran, the problem are the european and the sunnis puppets.

paul ( original )

I agree with the fist paragraph. But this is a measure of how weak Iran is. They are dependant on the ‘political will’ of others. Also the USA is not as stupid as all that. They are unlikely to attack when they can destroy Iran by strangulation. That is not to say there will not be war but I think the USA will choose to inflict a slow death.


It is not a sign of weakness. It’s just that Iran is alone against the world of slaves. Even USA is nothing withour their allies and will collapse if their slave allies are removed.

paul ( original )

And do you think the USA’s slaves will ever be removed?


No. they can’t. USA did Civil War, WW1, WW2, 9/11, ISIS, …. to occupy them and will never withdraw.


Iran has as many ground to ground missiles, with high explosive war heads, as it can build. A SECOND WORLD response to a first world threat- and in the history of warfare, no matter how brave and well prepared a second world power may be, the first world powers can crush them trivially.

This is why a second world power in the cross-hairs of one or more first world powers MUST ally with a first world power. However, zionist appeaser Putin ensures Russia is the WORST ally in Human History.

So Iran has no first world power at its back, and world jewry (with dominant influence in all three current first world powers) seeking the FINAL SOLUTION for Iran.

Trump is due to declare war on Iran on the anniversary of 911 this September. Un-noticed by most of you, American courts have already ruled that Iran was ‘responsible’ for 911, and this is what Trump will use as his excuse.

Putin is rushing to complete the partition of Syria, in order to DECOMPLICATE the situation for Trump (same as with Putin and N Korea), so the american people don’t question why Trump doesn’t focus on Afghanistan, Korea, Syria, Iraq and Russia rather than Iran.

Remember, Russia had the West’s back during the Kosovo War, and all the wars post-911, especially Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. Russian votes at the UNSC were key in assisting each of these vile depraved wars.

Putin still uses his votes at the UNSC as his EXCUSE for not providing any decent air defense to Syria, and only offering after an insane delay the out-dated version of the s-300 to Iran.

If the West chooses to war on Iran, Iran is toast, and who here denies the West’s build up to war on Iran?


American courts have already ruled that Iran was ‘responsible’ for 911, and this is what Trump will use as his excuse.

Can you send me some Jurisdiction and official courtpapers or links? Because I am still waiting for ALL the links I EVER asked you for….you got shit Evidence!!! NEVER…. Guilty Until Proven Innocent… I know who you are…. you are that Cunt Theresa May… a.k.a…Starlight… here have a Sniff of Novi-Coke




like I always wrote…Persia is the only big one left…….the jew satanic and its slave will attack pretty soon….time is not on theor side…..more and more people are waking up….u see it in most countries in most elections…..more and more people all over..south america,north america,europe …thats why they are so brutal by all means including starvation and disease to chemical and even nuclear weapons being used on syria and jemen and afghanistan………they are essential by all means..and iran knows that too…if u will, thats the first line of defence…so whatever u hear about agreements and deals…take my word….they will not let go……they made jerusalem capital already…that was the countdown.


You copied my style bro….with all them dots & shit….

Alen Crow

The Iranian people are united like never before in their history. They have everything they need to defend themselves successfully. The only way to win over Iran is to destroy them completely with nuclear weapons.


The only way to get rid of IsraHell is send them Swimming the Mediterranean….Bunch of friggin’ Supremacist-Fascist-Kid-Killers…

Joe Dirt

Iran is on the verge of revolution, the Iranians hate the authoritarian government right now.


Hasbara Checklist:

Baron Von DonkeyBasher, Starlight, Roger Smellyman, Frank Behrenstein, Jens Holm, Joe Dirt, Smaug, Mountains, Joe, Lord of the Wankers, DutchNational, Just Watching, Hamster, retiredSOFguy, Terry Penis, Daula, Vidura, Neil Barron, Total Pinocchio, Derapage, Fatime Oomayadin, Free man, King Tudor777, Velociraptor, Ajdin Aksoy, Superfly, Serious, أبو ياسر, Wise Gandalf… Beware! These Folks get paid in $hekels to manipulate & speak with Crooked Tongue… http://www.gilad.co.uk/writ…



Remove me from this list of stupid people I never agree with and always mess up with.


You Folks all pretend to be something which you are not…


Better remove me and replace by Putin. Putin pretend to protect Syria.


Putin did More for Syria than Bibi Satanyahoo, Trump, May, Macroni & NATO together….at least ISIS is Gone…sort of… they are called SDF right now… we will see were this Whole story will End….I don’t Trust any Leader to begin with…the Years will tell the Truth… not the words coming out of their mouths… Politicians are all Professional Liars…got that one from Matt… and he is right…


Putin did nothing. The ones who were dying of the ground helped Putin to keep his military bases. I don’t trust a man who let soldiers die on the ground to please his “partners”.


Who are the ones fighting? And who started this whole thing?

Hey… I gave you six minutes you could have googled that by now….you guys are always so friggin’ fast… and now I ask something and no one answers….

Jacek Wolski

I rang Putin, but he didn’t pick up the phone. At least I tried, hey cuzzy bro ?


You forgot Daula.


I’m adding New names at the moment…. many switch names or have multiple accounts…Good Cop, Bad Cop….Pro vs. Con same individual…


You don’t really believe ALL these people are paid trolls? Velociraptor for example (his former profile name was solomon krupacek or something) he is east european, mayebe polish, dislikes russia (not weird for a polish) and is a bit pro israel. That doesn’t make him a hasbara troll… baron von mulebanger is a stupid racist, jens holm believes in the west europe superiority propaganda, as well as most others on your list, they are just a bit misinformed, that is all…. Why would israel pay people to comment here? the reach of this website is very small on an international scale and i know several people that never take the time to read our silly comments anyway


What I believe is that those people are trying to sell nonsense in favour of themselves… just because they think it is funny…(which is sort of sick especially in times of a war in which kids are beheaded). And then you have students that get paid for spreading false information…or just Pure Propaganda spread by Siri or intelligence to influence the narrative on facebook & twitter it is very diverse …I just replaced the word Troll or Disinfoagent with Hasbara…Being Hasbara is an idea… a Thought… a very dangerous one in my opinion…something created by the Mossad and can be seen as psyops…I just take my freedom of speech… because that is my freedom..


I agree with the first part, but look: this article had 1,178 views. that is no reason to pay someone, unless those people post the same comments on at least 50 other websites…..so that would make 1178×50=58900, almost 60k people, that ALL need to take the time to go through the comment section. It just doesn’t make sense to pay someone money for so little “propaganda”




Perhaps they don’t get paid… but here it says they do..


The fact that matt is denying confirms your statement. They are hasbara, they are paid and as they are wiped off from Syria they are trying to save face. Whether hasbara or trolls, they are here for one reason: to confuse and push forward their propaganda. Well, they must be really desperate. It is funny to see them all pushing their nonsense, believing themselves.I can only have fun with all these mental cases. I check the comments and when I recognize the names I skip. No need to give them semi-humans any attention.


but the people on your list aren’t excactly promoting israel policies….to put it carefuly, at least i haven’t seen it. remember i was on that list as wel ;) it seems more a list of people you don’t agree with…


It is more a list of people trying to push a narrative to silence others that are trying to speak “Truth”… (whatever Truth is…) discussions are good… but why should it become a stupid harrassing of intelligent people or just dumping stupid information and repeating that one Hundred times.. by a small group of Dwarfs? And when I ask something… I don’t even get an answer…That is what annoyes me.. different visions are always welcome…it only adds to perception… but someone yelling in your ear constantly sucks… I took you of the list because you aren’t the man you presented…you also chose an annoying approach for a long time (which is your personal choice & freedom)….but the Man inside is a different one….that is what I noticed, so it is fair to correct things…every now & then…


ok, good point

Wise Gandalf

You should believe in church and not here, retard!


You should use Some Magic and make yourself disappear…Mr. Wizard….I mean Mr. Wise Arse

Wise Gandalf

Mafic is for elves. Not for humans.

Baron Von MuleBanger

You dütch faggöt,relax. Watch this therapy video and calm down. https://vimeo.com/273384176

Baron Von MuleBanger

For your information,you are the only one that look like paid troll. You literally live here and call others paid troll? lmao


I’m my own boss cunt….I ain’t a slave like you…and never will be….

Baron Von MuleBanger

So you are unemployed…as I thought.


That is a GREAT way to describe it…yup…

Baron Von MuleBanger

And this makes it even more possible that you are a paid troll? How much $hekel you get for each comment?

Wise Gandalf

Nazi checklist: Merijn, gambrino, tudor, florian, etc… too long.


Putin should know that RT NEWS and http://www.rt.com is a Zionist Israel controlled media. They spread anti Russia, anti Iran and anti Palestine disinformation.


And so are you, a Zionist to the core, so am I, both my dogs are Zionists, and I’m pretty sure that wallaby down the drive is also a Zionist, they are everywhere, can you hear them whispering?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idVY2KumIcA Pentagon Pain: F-35 stealth fighter jet ‘one of the worst planes we’ve ever designed’.

Joe Dirt

Coming from Russian propaganda


When you try and build something via a committee they usually fail. The US no longer has the knack, they are cactus, but are taking a while to fall down.

Tom Tom

Oh yeah??? We attack YOU 20 times more! Haha, no really. Speak softly, sneak attack. That’s how you do it.

Joe Dirt


Trolling Iran with a “Mean Girls” GiF, LOL

Joe Dirt

It’s about time to nuke Iran! LOL

Lena Jones

You just love your holocausts, don’t you? LOL!


I, as a Sunni Turk, prefer to support Iran instead of Saudi Arabian (traitor), UAE, USA and Isreal


So far Iran is all talk

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