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Iran To Deploy Peacekeeping Forces In Syria Upon Request From Assad Government

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Iran To Deploy Peacekeeping Forces In Syria Upon Request From Assad Government

IRGC members

On November 15, Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), revealed that Iran will deploy peacekeepers near areas held by the Syrian opposition in northern Syria upon an official request from the Damascus government.

“In light of the ongoing peace talks, the Syrian government has asked Iran to organize units as peacekeepers in Idlib and northwest of Aleppo,” Maj. Gen. Jafari told reporters in the Iranian city of Qazvin, according to the Iran Front Page news outlet.

The IRGC commander added that the force, which will be deployed in Syria soon, will be limited in numbers and will carry out peacekeeping missions only. Maj. Gen. Jafari also revealed that only volunteers are being deployed in the war-torn country.

“All those who are present in Syria have volunteered to do so and are mostly advisors.” Said Jafari.

Iran is one of the main members of the Astana process along with Russia and Turkey. Under an agreement reached during the talks, Iranian forces established seven observation posts between Aleppo and Lattakia. The new peacekeeping force will likely be deployed at some of these posts.

The U.S. has stepped up its military, economic and political pressure on Iran since the beginning of this year in order to force it to withdraw from Syria. However, Washington pressure apparently backfired and motivated Damascus and Tehran to increase their cooperation.

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H Eccles

Iranians should put out a statement that they’ll stay in Syria to prevent the unwelcome US from getting a foothold.

Jens Holm

I am afraid thats a joke seeen from here. USA hardly has 6.000 troops and hardly are in Idlib as a memory apart from Your frozens ones.


I don’t mean to be rude but I’ve read most of your messages and I just can’t understand what it is you’re trying to convey.

Your English is atrocious, and your expressions (at least I think that’s what they’re) are cryptic and unusual. Please try and make more sense when you reply to someone.

Jens Holm

Thanks for the advice.


LOL, the Israeli effort to reduce Iranian footprint in Syria has done the exact opposite and increased that footprint dramatically.

This has gotta be uber embarrassing for Israel.

R Trojson

Someone is following Israel’s plan to the letter. Ask yourself how many Iranians has Israel been able to eliminate in Iran… maybe a hundred or so. How many Iranians has Israel be able to eliminate in Syria, thousands. Israel will not attack Iran but killing Iranians in Syria is child’s play.

John Whitehot

“How many Iranians has Israel be able to eliminate in Syria, thousands”

Don’t be ridiculous, Israel has never directly hit Hezbollah (who are lebanese anyway) in Syria, and strikes on alleged “iranian facilities” have caused only some tenths of casualties, including wounded.

Asia Tatler

B.S. Israel has never stopped bombing LEBANON ,since the last time ,they run away ,losing their war on Hezbollah !Every week ,they fly over ,and bombe ,they have MOSSAD everywhere in IRAN as well !


This news is very strange doggie. Have not heard anything out of Lebanon as of late. :)

John Whitehot

doesn’t seem it’s doing them any good

Jens Holm

They have kept their territory well even they did not win Hesbollah has had many losses too.

True they retreated because they could not win. How many times has Hesbola invaded Israel. None = 0.

Rakean Jaya

Wow, Israel must be proud of you. Just info,since last month, IAF doesn’t dare to enter Syirian airspace anymore, the IDF/IAF must be have different opinion than yours, especially about ‘child’s play’.

Asia Tatler

This why they are bombing ,helpless GAZA ,residents ,ISRAELI cowards ,are great to kill ,unarmed ,helpless ,women and children ,fagots IDF.is scaring Palestinians instead ,announcing ‘REMEMBER 2015 ‘ ,by tweeter !

Jens Holm

So Israel is bombing in Gaza – and of course for nothing – to manipulate all in Idlib ? .

Do You even know where Gaza is ? It has been like that dirt in Gaza since 1948 hardly having any change.

R Trojson

Another genius that thinks the article is about Gaza not Syria. Then you state Israel wanted to attack Idlib in Syria but screwed up and attacked Gaza instead. Is there some military pattern here, do you believe when Israel attacks Lebanon they really wanted to attack Gaza? If not Gaza then who did they really want to attack when they attacked Lebanon?

R Trojson

This article is not about Gaza but I will humor your ignorance. If anyone with even half a brain wanted to destroy something in Gaza they would use their air force. You on the other hand would use a ground assault. Brilliant!

R Trojson

So you believe it is easier for Israel to kill Iranians in Iran than to kill them in Syria. Idiot.

Rex drabble

I wont say anything against you.We are ALL entitled to our dreams.

Jens Holm

No need to write them here for me.

Asia Tatler

They are bombing GAZA ,out of frustration !!!IDF.created ,lies to start 2015 allover ,they are bombing ,schools ,homes ,universities ,while the Gazans ,have no protection at all !Where is the world ,war crimes are being comite in APARTHEID ,ZIONIST ISRAEL !

Jens Holm

Now, they are bombing because of Katusjas as usual and a this time a killed bus and a soldier.

R Trojson

So Gaza has never shot any missiles at Israel? Gaza has to expect death and destruction if they launch even one missile at Israel. Imagine what would happen if Gaza launched missiles at Russia or US. They would be turned into a burned cinder.

Jens Holm


Isreal plan for Iran, Syria, Turks, Russia and USA.

If so, You all are more stupid then I even can imagine. You are sick in Your heads. Try to let swedes make a Nobel price in bad excuses, and ME will have many winners.

Try to make Swedes having a Nobel price for people kept as no learners even they can get it from the rest of them world and even themselves. And You have many winners too.

You dont deserve to be a colony for Israel, for You do Your best to stay weak. You not even liberated Yourself. And given an own country gave us this.

R Trojson

Sorry, do not understand your babbling. Do you really believe the Iranian people benefit from fighting foreign wars?


You are counting pennies not pounds. Iran has over 81 million people – of which half are relatively young – Israel has 8 million people – of which 6 million are actually jewish. This means ranked by total population per country, Iran is 18th in world, whereas Israel is 100th. That is a colossal difference in demographic scale, and potential for military force capacity.

R Trojson

Agreed, Iran has plenty of fighters to die in foreign wars. Unfortunately over 70% of those 81 million are living in abject poverty. You don’t even need to leave Tehran to see it. Just leave your mansion in north Tehran and walk the dirt streets to the slums in south Tehran. The great wealth of Iran goes to the 1% who use it to stay in power. The 1% will not be allowed to sacrifice the sons of the 70% in foreign wars for much longer.


Bog-Standard Israeli/US disinformation troll. You really have an obsessive fixation on Iran – but guess what, you have no control over them.

Asia Tatler

Out of frustration ,Israel is bombing Gaza ,with US.blessing !

Jens Holm

Same thing. Nest time 200 small missiles hit Israel they should say YES, YES and use better sunglasses and umbrellas.

Gaza is aame procedure as last year.


Again, what is it that you’re trying to say? You make no logical sense like, at all.

Bigaess Wangmane

Jens Holm is one of those special little hasbara trolls that manages to say absolutely nothing in so many words.


That evidently does seem to be the case.

Sage Durham

I guess Satan or whatever evil god they prey to demands blood of innocents

Zionism = EVIL

Iranians don’t cotton to threats, it is not in their DNA as history as shown repeatedly. Iran will support its allies and Shia anywhere in the world they face a threat. It is not Iran alone that is supporting the legitimate Syrian government, Armenia, Russia, many Orthodox Christians, Iraqis, Hezbollah and a global Shia diaspora is defending Syria from US, NATO and Zionist terrorism and regional destabilization. Iranian footprint will only grow in the region as it is also engaged in civic rebuilding. Iranians are restoring infrastructure, transportation, hospitals and education sector as well.

Jens Holm

You certainly forgot the pinquins again.

Jens Holm

Yerrrrrh, Isralians too make orkasmes and very sheep ones too.


There is very old saying – and applied concept used in psychology – that one cannot control or change behavior of others, rather only have the ability to control and change ourselves. This basic concept is apparently lost on many in leadership roles – and attempts to apply force or aggression toward an issue very often go awry under real world circumstances. As illustrated by foriegn sponsored war on Syria that has merely increased the relationship between Islamic Republic of Iran and secular Syrian Arab Republic.

Jens Holm

And Yes Bob. Its said all the time, that the big ones decide everything and especially in the debates here.

If so, they are the main responsibles too. Hafez and the Guy now byt that certainly are. The lack of reforms are well descriebed for many, many years. There are harly any try aprt from the 120.000 kurds having none citiscen ship fonally got i many years ago.

They would not be, if there were possible changes in the Parlament, in the Goverment as well as for President.

The system is just the same kind as in USSR and close to the same for Russia today. Its a closed Kremlin only for members chosen by members very unproductive as well as corrupt having internal closed elections and too often for own purpose only.

And all is based on family business as well not deciding the best to do the jobs. Gender is same thing. If men do good thinghs and are nice to their Gransparents, they get some flowers, because thats expected. Men being nice in the same way gets cars and promotion.

I agree thats the short version. But private owned companies are 80% in fx Syria. Its only 20% here and we are paid for, what we próduce by school, education, skills and hard work and byhours work.


Two points: a.) Communication – Google translation does not work.

b.) Content – You are entirely predictable – is same hyper partisan and dreary anti-Assad and Anti-Putin rhetoric every-time.


unfortunatey iran again provokes. on costs of syria. kill ayatollahs, desztroy iran! je suis free, unislamised, democratic iran.

R Trojson

Thousands of Iranian troops out in the open just waiting to be sniped. Eventually Syrians will experience the Iranians real mission… Shia runs Syria, Sunni genocide. Is Syria the next Lebanon?

Tommy Jensen

YOU are the next Lebanon.

Asia Tatler


Jens Holm

Hesbollah has many tunnels, they can get new homes there. Assads has no money for that.

Burrial could be vertical. If You liked the dead ones, its head up -and if You dont it feed up.


Okay, I don’t think you are saying these things entirely for propaganda, I know think you are actually mentally challenged. Get help.

Luke Hemmming

You smoking crack again Trojan? Dam negger I told ya to stop smoking dat shit brother. Dope gives you brain damage. Whoops seems too late for you thou.

Tommy Jensen

If Iran says they will deploy in Syria for an unknown period of time, we say that we will deploy in Syria for DOUBLE an unknown period of time, and this unknown period of time will be the toughest period of times America ever have been doing.


You’ve lost the war kike, you’re just too delusional and stupid to realize it yet.


Tommy Jensen is being saracastic lol.

Jens Holm

Its like DaBoiii writes. Any random can happen the more troops they put in too.

And USA hardly is in Idlib anymore as well. So Iraniens are symbolic.

Pictures of it only show they open their mouth, so we cant see their head :)

I am againt a lot going on there and Assdas very much, but from a military point the Iranians in stead should help to clean Iraq much better and faster and take help Syrians after that.

Its very expensive having those long supply lines.


Can I just say that IRGC photo has to be photo shopped as fuck. All those dudes look very similar, with a few of them looking almost exactly the same lol.

John Whitehot

sounds like zio-butthurtism.


Why does everyone just immediately attack? If you have seen any of my comments you would know my stance. I just thought a lot of them looked really similar and it made my laugh. Chill out.

John Whitehot

Look, I am mr. Chill actually.

it seemed a rather stretched point of fun, since they are all in uniforms and they have sunglasses.

that’s why for any adult person it rather appear as an attempt to make fun of IRCG no matter what.

Jens Holm

Funny to me as well. i like seing tatoos on TV and they are on Youtube as well.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Some users here on SF just attack and goes for the throat if you dont agree with them, or if you see something from a different perspective, and at the same time they are talking about freedom of speech and the free will and oppinion.

Apparently they never heard the phrase “I respect your oppinion but i do not accept it”.

Often the same persons goes for a childish language and call you all kinds of names because of the above or as soon as you comes with a good argument.

My neighbour believes that the earth is flat, i do not, i respect his believes but do not accept it; we agree that we do not agree.

LIke i respect your oppinion that the photo could be photoshopped, but i do not accept it, and thats it, you have your oppinion and i have mine.

If you just were sarcastic i do not know.

Luke Hemmming

That’s because they have same uniforms maybe? I noticed some are wearing those cool 80’S glasses that coppers liked to wear.


Are you blind? If it was photo shopped it would be the same face over and over. Or do they all look the same, to you?


I wasn’t necessarily being serious, but a lot of them look very very a like. Maybe it’s just the glasses? Idk, that’s what I see.

Jens Holm

I am sure they are asked to have the same kind of beard as well as haircut to homogenize for tatoo .


Fair enough, soldiers in uniform tend to look like that, that’s the whole idea.

Asia Tatler

They are not covering their faces ,but they can PHOTOSHOP ,not to be recognised !

Jens Holm

Haha. They could have same sponsors. Football teams are like that too.

Emanual Macron

LOL you have confimed 100% what a Paruski propaganda joke Southfront is by this post. Iran + Peace in the same sentence does not exist in the world

Luke Hemmming

Well guess what? It just has now. Hahaha

Asia Tatler

THEY MENTE :ISRAEL AND PEACE DOES NOT EXIST IN ONE WORD !THEY WILL NEVER BE PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST AS LONG AS ISRAEL EXIST !Zionist ISRAEL ,was put there ,for a reason !WAR/WAR/ETERNAL WARS ,FOR ARM PRODUCING NATIONS !Why do you think they created “THE SAMSON ULTIMATUM??’,to scare the world in submission !ONE DAY ‘DAMONA’ ,will explode ,and it will be peace in the world !GOD’S WILL !

Jens Holm

There was no peace before WW1 started. So where is You point. Do I just need a microskope ?


After WW1, the Arab countries were partitioned and Europeans came to to control what is now Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine. All attained independence except for Palestine which was grabbed by the white Jew.

Jens Holm

Thats a relative. Before that, they were united by Konstantinople and filled with different uprises.

But irs also true, those areas in the collapsing Ottomans were taken for own purpose.

It was meant as at Balkans to make many smaller states. After WW1 none of those Ottomans had educated people to make any Governess.

In stead of a lot of small states or almost independent ones fx named as the well known “Emirates” , they therefore started as “proptectorates” and mixed their own purposes. France and Brittain didnt do it for nothing.Many, many dies in WW1 and most of them was not from the ME region at all.

ME was taken by Indians,Pakistanis, Burmese and all supply to them incl. railroadlines were produced from there.

Same for Africa. Adfricans threw Germans out.

And we do see Emirates, dont 4. United Emirates, Yemen(2), Bahrein, Qataar, Kuwait.

We also see countries like Lebanon and Jordan. Lebanon by the way was supported very much by USA. Best known is the University.

I agree the part, which became Israel, Westbank and Gaza went into a fiasco and see no solution for it.

And Dont forget Saudiarabia actually are 3 united kingsdoms and are fine today. They have their own politics and often dont do as USA says.

The main wrong thing was to hope and work for Syria and Iraq should reach up that much in north as well as The rest should be Emirates – Such as Tripolis and Damaskus.

Hardly none could see the killings by Turks and later on Kurds and the future.

You also might forget, that many more countries were made in the world already after WW1 by Russia collapsing, and after that was in civile war even after having lost its East European Colonies, which they stole back again in 1991.

And where are the local corrections after that. As a minimum You have to add some self reflexions,but You mainly dont.

If You are not even learnoing to decide Yourself by culture and and religion, which almost always has been as now, You deny influence and others take over – And take over more cake, Here Your lost possibilities are very visible.

Before Euroeans came, oil only were for lamps and hardly that. So You did get a lot of income for free by those, which were able to devellop themselves by it.

Compared even to before the OPEC oil crises in 1973, You had a big income. That included Iran but not all had oil.

So where are all those money ??? You never change Your leaders for what they have used them for.

And things are very well descriebed and not only at the internet. I do have old highschool books here, and Your conditions before WW1 many places were terrible as well as an other geografi school danosh school book of 1924.

Its very easy. You take no responsible ad inhabitants but give it to leadrs running things with fear and bajonets. You deny to learn from others, even You can see, things are much better fx inmost parts of western europe and USA – And even all local information bias us by lies and only showing the badest sides of us.


The US/Israel thought they could intimidate Iran with sanctions, but all they have done is provoke them.

It seems to be a common tactic of Zionists to provoke others, and when the provoked respond, they cry they are picking on me because I’m a Jew, but religion has nothing to do with it. A scumbag is a scumbag regardless of the god he worships.

Now maybe if Trumpstein removes the sanctions and apologizes, Iran won’t raze Israel?

Kelli Hernandez

Remember this: the Zionist always screams in pain as he strikes you.

Jens Holm

Banzai to Bonzai .)


I thought it was the Jew always screams in pain as he strikes you.

Jens Holm

USA “intimidate” Iran very well. I dont like itin that version at all. But You are very underinformed.


Great, bring it on, the more the merrier.


Israel/USA caused this to occur, if they hadn’t started their dirty war against Syria Iran would not be in Syria moving troops closer to the Israeli border, and Hezbollah would not be getting new weapons.

It’s called Karma, suck it up Israel.

Jens Holm

Actuelly it started with Assads creating ISIL in Iraq, which for good reasons grew and Saddams could be good and fight again by handling the many free weapons there.

It qalso started by the Bagdad incompetence, where Sunnis and Kurds did not get oilmoney in correct % as well as most incomming money died in corruption.

By that the Bagdad parlament had no mnoney for vital things such as a good military force, police, cpourts and as today – even water i Basra.


So you think Assad created Sunni ISIS to attack his own country?

But you also think that Sunnis started it?

You are a perfect example of cognitive dissonance.

Actually it started when the US(General Petreaus) recruited ex Saddam officers to form death squads as part of the so called surge. Because they were part of the US military, they knew the internal workings of the US military, which they used to arm themselves, when they raised their black flag. The Americans still see ISIS as if not an ally, a useful tool to destabilize Muslim countries.

Jens Holm

Not at all. I know Assads made ISIL in Iraq to make Bagdad Shiits weak. Seberal of the fist leaders in Iraq before that was jailed by Assads, because they were jihadists.

They were free because they promised to do that(and was not in Syria anymore). They were helped at least some with guns and that.

That was the first step of ISIS and they were more succesfull then Al Qaida because they were almost local ones.

Its old hate. The old french oil line giving Saddam food for oil only was possible by hard Western pressure even it still is the best way som European consumers for Kirkuk and Northern Iranian oil.

Very strange to me. Syria could tax it and get money for nothing.


“I know Assads made ISIL in Iraq to make Bagdad Shiits weak.”

Assad is Shia, his wife is Sunni.

“Seberal of the fist leaders in Iraq before that was jailed by Assads, because they were jihadists.”

When you say first leaders, are you talking about the Sunni regime of Saddam Hussein or the regime the US installed? Can you name any of these Iraqi jihadist leaders?


The Iraq war and ‘Greater Israel

Here is from Ari Shavit – Haaretz – March 4, 2003

“In the course of the past year, a new belief has emerged in the town: the belief in war against Iraq. That ardent faith was disseminated by a small group of 25 or 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them JEWISH, almost all of them intellectuals people who are mutual friends and cultivate one another and are convinced that political ideas are a major driving force of history a partial list:

Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, William Kristol, Eliot Abrams, Charles Krauthammer”


ISIS was grounded in Syria!


“So you think Assad created Sunni ISIS to attack his own country?”

A people without shame!



Jens Holm

Harats is no reliable source to me. I have memory myself and try to operate with facts. but thanks.


Your refrain is always the same – blame Assad!!! – blame Putin!!! Same rubbish different day.

Kelli Hernandez

Oh my….the Zionist entity will now want to bomb Syria even more. But Russia no fly zone prevents Israhell from bombing with impunity. Israhell is paying a heavy price in having brought down the Russian plane. Big betrayal. Btw, Israhell begged for the ceasefire against Gaza The Iron Dome isn’t what it’s cracked up to be and the rocket landed in Israhelli settlements. The barrage scared the hell out of Israhell. Something very dramatic is going to happen soon. War, market crash and the genocide .of the American people…

Jens Holm

Again only selfmade crap or learned from birth.

Zionism = EVIL

Every lucid person knows that Iran and Russia were invited by the legitimate Syrian government to fight the US and Zionist sponsored Wahhabi headchopper terrorists. Persians and Russians are both stoic warrior people of the steppes and don’t cotton to threats. Iran will stay in Syria as long as there is any threat.

Jens Holm

Hardly 4 millions support Assads. 12 millions support none.and 3-4 millions support “others”.

Is that a legel Goverment. Not at all.

If the 12 mio. did support, Assads would have won the internal killings years ago.


Iran can be seen as a regional power, which elaborate ties and helps neighboring countries, because it has interests in creating a stabile ‘fertile crescant’.

Arab countries and leaders have a long history of backstabbing allys, however I certainly believe, that the Irianian leadership has considered this possibility – the gap between the arab and persian spheres won’t fade in a considerably short period of 5 years.

Jens Holm

Good article. I agree in the many hand and evil made nationalisme has made things worse.

A lot is gone. yesterday a stubbern turk tol me, that armenia never has been a country and kingdom and was runned by Italians by they runned Konstantinople and not the greeks. It was as usual added with bad things about Kurds.

If You learn things like that in school, it seemes they do, its no wonder they hate Greeks, armenians and Kurds – and it old hate.

And of course those Greeks,armenians and Kurds hate them too.

Syrian of today learn Kurds (and Turkmans) has invaded them from north. But facts are the state of Syria never has existed since 1258 where Bagdad was the Capitol as well as it as before that only landscape has include half of Aleppo and Raqqa areas as well as Syria had no coastline at all. And how can a state include all naming itself as an arabic state, if 30% is not.

Nationalisme can be fine well used, but we again see too much of the opposite even learned in schools.

Jens Holm

Maps show Iranians are along the IDLIB line already.I get none of this. Putting in more troops only can be some escaltion. Damaskus has no troops for it.

What does Turks say. I hardly see USA in this at all. I see no backfire unless those soldier eat bad food.


Israhell is like a trapped rat,in a self imposed trap,it’s only a matter of time before it dies.

Jens Holm

Second class Imams are only friday, if they are asked.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

To me it looks like that Assad is focusing his forces else where, letting the Iranians covering one flank, releasing forces to be used elsewhere.

Jens Holm

More like Assads themselves hardly has any good troops left of their own.

Some months ago I saw how small the famous tigers and their guarde are. It was no divions or as in Denmark – brigades.

jeg synes sgu kun, det er mærkelig danskere, der interesserer sig for dette incl. mig selv.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Assad should have enough troops left, he was sending home the reserves a few weeks back and the professional troops have more than plenty of experience in that kind of war.

If i understood it correctly, the Tigers and Guards units is only speerhead units, used as firebrigades sending them around the battlefields to either punch through a tough defence or defend against a possible breakthrough.

So following those units whereabouts tells a lot about a possible upcomming battle.

Haha vi er vel alle sammen mærkelig et sted, så det er vel relativt. Jeg syntes at krigen i Syrien er interessant for mange ting, det er ikke “bare en krig”

Jens Holm

Mange tak, Jeg vill lægge nogle soldater til min noget lavere fornemmelser.

Jeg har nærmest altid haft det sådan med en krig også er så meget andet og kan en række næsten udenad med forsyninger, politik og naturens indvirkning.

Sådan set legede jeg bare soldater sammen med de andre som børn, og så fik jeg ved et uheld lånt McArthur Stillehavskrig på biblioteket – Og kom op i næsten det samme og fik en god karakter, fordi jeg jo havde læst om ham næsten som en pændimngsroman.

Ja, så ville Jeg jo gerne vide noget mere om både WW1 og 2 og har været interesseret.

Jeg har aldrig skrevet på engelsk for. Jeg har lært en masse om ældre og gamle russiske våben og ganske meget om Syrien i alle detaljer og historiske udvikling.

Men Vi får ballade ved at skrive meget dansk her. Men ok nogen gør som de har lyst. Sommetider tænker Jeg over, hvor mange der læse her.

Best regards.


Must have been a Sumatran tiger, the Bengal and Siberian tigers are huge.

Normally a division is 10 to 25 thousand, a brigade is much smaller, around 5000 or less. Of course Denmark couldn’t field a division with such a small population.

Jens Holm

The danish brigades are 4.000. The characteristics are not their seize but they have all weapons to fight as an independent group.

Apart from the supplyline, we soon could send out 4.000 to most parts of the world as an army. Not all are fighters, but many are and well equipped. ……………………….

And Yes, Syrian divisions and at least is made after Russian dividing. They often are down to 8.000. It give some advantage in flexibility and structures, but loose others. Under WW2 they in periods didnt put new recruits in those units even they beame rather small, because the one alive all were veterans. So the criteria was, if they could handle a divison job or not.

At that time the USA infantery and the Nazi tank divisons were up to 17.000. The german big seize was for repair, supply and fuel.

But I have seen Syrian units named divison down to 1.500. Thats were my reflexions are about lack of strong units.

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