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MARCH 2025

Iran To Propose NATO-Style Treaty To Like-Minded Allies

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Iran To Propose NATO-Style Treaty To Like-Minded Allies

Iranian military officials inspect the underground missile base built on the shore of the Persian Gulf in southern Iran’s Hormozgan on January 8, 2021. Click to see full-size image

On January 18th, Iran’s parliament announced that it is preparing a draft resolution on a “defence and security treaty for the Axis of Resistance” which it will sign with its allies, states and non-state actors.

This organization will be alongside the “Axis of Resistance”. It includes Iran, Syria, Lebanon’s Hezbollah, the Houthi-led government of Yemen, Iraq’s Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF), Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

The aim of the “NATO-style” treaty is to oblige members to respond collectively to any attack on any members by Israel or other hostile states.

The deputy of Iran’s parliament, Abu Fadl Abu Trabi, said that work is currently underway to collect the necessary signatures so that the draft resolution can be approved for discussion and voting.

“When Israel attacks one of the Resistance Front countries or if Israel takes any action against this axis,” he explained, “the other member states of the group must exert all of their efforts in the military, economic and political aspects to ward off the threat.”

This report comes in addition to the Iranian parliament reportedly proposing a bill obliging successive Iranian governments to “take the necessary measures that lead to the elimination of Israel by March 2041.”

It also prohibits “any negotiations with the United States of America on non-nuclear issues” and has an article which stipulates that Iran must work to remove US forces from the region.

The draft bill is entitled “The conditions for negotiating with Washington and supporting Tehran’s allies”. It has 16 articles which set out the need to work towards breaking the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip, the “return to Jerusalem” and “liberation of the [Syrian] Golan”. The draft also obliges Tehran to provide humanitarian aid and provisions once every three months to Yemen.

Donald Trump stepped down as US President, and his farewell strike didn’t take place, an significant escalation as a result of Washington’s “maximum pressure campaign” didn’t take place.

US President Joe Biden has vowed to return to the Iran Nuclear Deal, and a potential improvement, or at least something resembling a normalization could be on the horizon, between the US and Iran. Israel is also likely to not get as much support from Biden, as it got from Trump, and as such might be less aggressive in the region.


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Good thinking Iran! Support the move. Even though it would be even better if it goes above Shia dimension to envelope some other countries also.

Mr T

no way they are shia farsi extermist…they are doomed…

Just Me

Iran is the most respected country in the Muslim world and allies from Algeria to Pakistan, you scared ignorant little Butt hurt Jew fecal matter.



Marine Takavar 35th Division land on Abu Musa in beach assault




shia farsi extremists are you nuts?

Just Me

I guess the ignorant idiot means, Farsi speaking areas of the world.



Tommy Jensen


Mr T

weak old sick man russia cant help them… make more russian babies…

cechas vodobenikov

CIA desperate–ms t paid by word?


that is the weirdest guy i wonder if he is al qaeda minded because he sounds that way

Ashok Varma

He sounds like a Wahhabi.


no problem, bring your mommy and sisters than


New electronic jamming and EW systems came into operation in a military exercise that Iran’s Army Ground Force is holding in the country’s southeastern coastal regions.



A higher Russian birthrate would ensure a Muslim majority much faster. Common sense is perhaps not your forte.


and if they all agree to finish off the jews in palestine within the 1 year it’s bound to be a success and then they can close it down, distribute the cash not used and live in peace and tranquility in the middle east, something not possible over the last 100 years or so or due the poisonous influence by the palestinian jews.

Free man

What about keeping their citizens from escaping? https://twitter.com/KZiabari/status/1351844567394496513


Jew detected

Free man

One who didn’t flee his failing state detected. LOL.

Just Me

But, but, what happened to US “attack ” BUTT.

cechas vodobenikov

flea boy—-bitten w too many American fleas—it happens when you lie down wit USA dogs

Just Me

He/she is a total moron and barks same old nonsense daily. Must be very frustrating and embarrassing.

Just Me

But, but BUTT HURT.

Free man

If this is what you have left in your failing state. Enjoy it. Soon it will be too painful even for you.

Just Me



Military and economic analysis would not support that fallacious wishful thinking. Despite sanctions Iran has done very well in industrial output, universal education, HDI, steel production and infrastructure development. It ranks very high in scientific research and R&D. Iran with 84 million people graduates as many engineers and scientists as Russia or US. It is punching above its weight in many areas as nano-tech and nuclear field. One should never let personal setbacks and frustrations get in the way of objective analysis. As a progressive American I would hope that Biden takes a more practical approach in dealing with a powerful state like Iran with a three thousand old illustrious history. Iran and US deserve to have good relations and respect for each others. 40 years of threats and bullying have not brought Iran to its knees as Congress woman IIlhan Omar in a parting shot termed Trump’s Iran policy “spectacular failure” that has left Iran stronger than ever.

“We must do everything in our power to bring Iran back to the table and strike a deal,” she said about the prospects of the Biden administration, adding, “That would not only mean relief for the Iranian people, but also preventing a nuclear arms race in the Middle East that would threaten the United States and the whole world.”

Omar voiced satisfaction that U.S. President Joe Biden and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif have shown a willingness to engage over the nuclear issue and improve ties. Iran is a crucial state.

Mr T

axis of farsi… doomed nation…




Very well maintained Chinooks.


you do understand that farsi is a language right?


No that hasbara memo has not reached high school drop outs yet.



This appears to be alt-reality view of the region and the world. Even to a cursory observer of strategic affairs, it would appear that Iranian political and military standing in the region is substantial and growing stronger. Iran is one of the few nations that has close and friendly ties with its contiguous neighbors and world powers like China and Russia. Iran’s astute diplomacy and key geo-strategic position has allowed it to retain close ties with both India and Pakistan, which is a remarkable achievement. In comparison Turkey is in conflict with all its neighbors and committing military aggression against Syria, Iraq, Armenia and Greece. It is supporting Salafist terrorism and destabilizing the Arab world as far as Libya.

It is incumbent upon the incoming Biden administration to increase pressure on Turkey and Israel to conform to international norms and desist from aggression and destabilizing actions. Iran on the other hand has been a stabilizing force in the region and stalwart fortress against Salafist terrorism which for decades has acted as a US and western proxy force. The US needs to recognize Iranian supremacy in the region and act towards normalizing relations with Iran and lifting all the unwarranted sanctions. Iran is too big, educated and resourceful to fail as the failure of Trump’s counter-productive “maximum pressure” amply demonstrated. Normalizing relations with Iran and opening up trade and economic ties will also assist the US economy as Iran is large market with a industrious population. Let’s hope Biden shows some wisdom and common sense.

Johnny B. Allan

Lmao. Put down the bottle. Turkey is NATO member and not only that they are NATO leaders of the high responsive unit. If shit happens today Turkey is responsible for neutralizing foes.

You speak about a Country that has passed a bill to eliminate Israel by 2041. The Iranian parliament passed such a bill. So stop talking nonsense and out of your ass.

Iran is publicly claiming now ties with terrorist organisations and part of it’s military is blacklisted by the UNSC. The blacking listing may increase

Just Me


Just Me

Idiot, Jew asshole buy a newspaper.


Frankly, fuck Pisrael.

Just Me


New US President Joe Biden’s nominee for secretary of state, Antony Blinken, has lashed out at Ankara over its purchase of the Russian S-400 defense system, saying Washington could consider additional sanctions against Turkey.

Tommy Jensen

Exactly, either Turkey is with us or they are with the terrorists. No wet soap.

Ashok Varma

How so? please explain when your hemorrhoids have healed. Iran is a key mode of China’s burgeoning one belt and India’s massive investment at the free trade zone port facility at Chah Bahar. Iran’s geo-strategic position makes it a unique kingmaker in the region. It has good ties with everyone.

Tommy Jensen

After we approved it. Nobody can do anything unless we approve it.

Al Balog

Iran raising the stakes ??. Respect from a Magyar.


Johnny B. Allan

Fuking unbeliavable dumb move making public allies with officially terrorlisted groups worldwide. The Houthis are not a gov’t but a terror group that is getting contested killed and the Hezbollah are also a terror group not Lebanon’s government or Lebanon. It is interesting they have left Iraq because they won’t join them lmao.

The only people Iran has is terror blacklisted non-state actors this is embarrasing. Syria is the only state but they are under firm Russian occupation so I highly doubt they have any say..


these so called non state actors are more armed than most of the states you are thinking about


Hezbollah is better armed, trained and battle tested than most NATO puppets.


China today blacklisted almost all officials of the defunct Trump administration. US has no business being in Syria or the region for that matter. It has cost the US immensely in blood and money, for naught.

Johnny B. Allan

Assad held areas is under firm Russian occupation so who are you to call out the US occupying the east of Euphrates

cechas vodobenikov

more evidence that usa is only respected by a few colonies

Blue In Green

Just my personal perspective on the topic, to my friends on here, please don’t get too heated or hurt by my words. I mean the best of intentions, if you want to view this post as a Devil’s Advocate sort of thing, then go ahead.

The setting up of an official alliance is a good thing but the “elimination of Israel” needs some revision.—Such rhetoric has always been to the overall detriment for Iran as whole due to just how problematic such a goal comes off as. Like Israel, or hate Israel they’re still a country of human-beings and espousing the claim of “elimination” without further explaining or expanding on what that exactly entails will only bring fear and conflict to your doorstep. Countries around the world, especially spineless European ones, generally don’t want to be associated with other governments/nations that openly call for the getting rid of entire other nations. I fully understand that Israel was founded on other peoples land but stooping down to their level feels somewhat wrong and can take away the moral high-ground from your positions if you that makes sense.

Further more, I fully understand what Iran means by “eliminating Israel” which in this context would be getting rid of Israel’s Zionist government, ending occupation and creating a truly representative government, or what Iran considers as being representative.

Wish Iran would be more graceful with how it phrases things….just food for thought.

What are you guy’s thoughts on the matter?


For my part, and it certainly won’t come as a surprise, my thoughts are exactly the same as yours, as I do not condone genocide of any people, or the outright murder of any individual based on race or nationality, as I mentioned many times on this forum and as you fully know, my friend ;-)

Defending Iran is a matter of family, roots and attachment to the concept of national sovereignty, opposition to opportunistic imperialism and malign agendas from insatiable world powers, America firs tin line obviously, but also regional competitor willing to acquire unquestioned hegemony over the bodies of millions of dead Iranians. And I will uphold Iran inalienable rights irrespective of a given regime, structure of institutions, or era, so long as they keep on their own soil and do not pursue wars of choice, or imperial ambitions justified by greed rather than by need, the latter being true today in the region. As a people and its nation, both deserve respect and security, would it be in terms of territory, culture, or otherwise. The same is true of every nation on Earth, so long as it does not encroach on other people’s rights and livelihood.

This is why despite my overt, longstanding and pretty much eternal opposition to anything remotely connected with the Zionist ideology, as it proclaims perpetual expansion over innocent peoples homes, culture, and very existence all around itself and based its very presence on ethnic cleansing, war , terror , expropriation and dispossession, generations of Israeli Jews did have no choice but to be born with the implacable fait accompli post-48, took no part in past wars or historical abuses against Palestinians, and like it or hate it, deserve to have a place to call home so long as they adhere to an internationally-recognized set of borders to safeguard their national legitimacy. Just like Russians, Americans, Chinese, Persians, Guatemalan or Zimbabwean for that matter. Power, size and demographic will never be parameters that factor in when it comes to merely existing in dignity and recognition.

Bottom line is : the day Israeli cabinets and most of their people stop being overtly hostile to the Iranian nation trying every machination to break it in pieces and stomp upon its rights and soil, I will consider Iran is out of the military equation as well. Palestinians must be helped as much as possible in their legitimate plight to acquire independence by every means possible, political and economical, but in no way through proxy wars of dubious nature with sometimes obscure paramilitaries with strange agendas. Just like I do not grand their own terrorist proxies as having a modicum of legitimacy to harm foreign states whatsoever.

What I’m saying is that the world should get past such kind of feuds and patterns once and for all before it spirals one fateful day into a full-on direct conflict of proportion unseen since 45.

Coexistence or even cold ententes have made the world safer for decades of Cold War between two diametrically opposed and massively armed nuclear superpowers. I am sure somehow that smaller nation dependent on them both to this day can come to the same conclusion in order to perpetuate whatever paradigm should govern their respective institutions and cultures. Seems naive, though still possible to me. Palestinians will prevail would it be only through demographics over the next decades, and if Israel counts on self-declaring itself as a democracy, it will have no other choice than the pragmatic route or it will have to opt for head-on genocide to keep afloat, which in all likelihood and quite fortunately, doesn’t count among its options.

Secretary Kerry made it quite clear in an eloquent parting speech right before Trump came to office, I recommend it to anyone, food for thought.




Israel is simply not tenable as even a CIA commissioned study cast doubts.

CIA report: Israel will fall in 20 years

A study conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has cast doubt over Israel’s survival beyond the next 20 years.

CIA, in its report, alludes to the unexpectedly quick fall of the apartheid government in South Africa and recalls the disintegration of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, suggesting the end to the dream of an “Israeli land” would happen “way sooner” than later.

The study further predicts the return of over 1.5 million Israelis to Russia, US and other parts of Europe, and denotes a decline in Israeli births compared to a rise in the Palestinian population.2

Shia man

“Countries around the world, especially spineless European ones, generally don’t want to be associated with other governments/nations that openly call for the getting rid of entire other nations.”

Europeans seem completely okay with Israel eradicating Palestine. But when Iran threatens the bully with the same faith it’s wrong?

“I fully understand that Israel was founded on other peoples land but stooping down to their level feels somewhat wrong and can take away the moral high-ground from your positions if you that makes sense.”

you don’t understand not at all It’s not okay stealing someone’s land and claiming it to be yours. That land is for the Palestinians it’s not for these white Jews. when Iran and it’s allies plan on taking back that land and kicking the filthy Jews out and whipping Israel off the face of the earth it’s morally wrong this is not how this works. You want us to accept them and move on never I will never accept them and I know my people will never accept them i will never sugar coat my words to please some Europeans or any people that turned a blind eye to the oppressed of this world.

Fog of War

War is coming.

Ashok Varma

With whom?

Fog of War

Country starts with an “I”


Iran is aiming high as usual but I doubt they will find countries willing to upset Uncle Sam and Israel. Two countries that for sure are not daring to do that are Russia and China.


this is not aimed at russia and china but to make the resistance more coherent before they get heavily armed with next gen weapons they should cooperate properly with eachother


China has just sanction half of ex-US government and has arrest warrants for Pompeo. Russia may be perceived as weak, but China is not. US is a cowardly bully and will threaten and bully Russia, but will kiss China’s ass as Biden’s son made a lot of money off the Chinese.


We are talking about serius things here, like a military alliance with Iran which is permanently on brick of war with US.

Just Me

BRINK dude, BRICK is a furniture store in Canada :)


Thanks man.


An Iranian backer in Canada? Do you work at IKEA? lol


what? “Russia may be perceived as weak”?!? while it is only Russia that have challenged militarily US and NATO in Syria….and mighty China did only huffing and puffing when US steps on their toes. Passing US ships in Taiwan straight or South China sea under Chinese nose literally. Chinese “sanctions” are just reciprocity on US sanctions. Russia does them all the time, that way.


Frankly, Iranian power is now acknowledged by global think tanks. Firepower now rates Iran as the 14th most powerful nation on the planet, along with Turkey and Pakistan in the Muslim world. There is a very good reason that the US and its little Zionist mutt did not have the cajones to attack Iran or do a Iraq on it. Iran today is a defacto nuclear power with immense strategic reach and only among a handful of nations able to drop a whole parachute brigade along with light tanks thousands of miles from its shores and hold ground. In 2021, Iran will take a more assertive stance in the region and Zionists need to invest in leak proof diapers.


55th Artesh airborne Green Beret brigade landing near Hormuz with BMP 2


Even an insane narcissist like Trump was kept in a straitjacket by the more sober heads in the Pentagon. US has lost trillions in the quaqmire of the Middle East and Muslim world and picking a suicidal conflict with the region’s most powerful state would be the end of US. No sane person wants a conflict with Iran, just to please an untenable Israel which is now a albatross around US neck.

Ashok Varma

I was in Iran a month ago and did post that the young men were missing from the bazaars and even the teeming Vali Asr, as the elders had said they are off to defend Iran and these large scale maneuvers confirm that.

Just Me


Tommy Jensen

Because a couple of boys were missing from 2 bazaars a large global scale maneuvre was going on in a show of force against US?


Curious, does this Shia axis include Azerbaijan? Because they’re clearly Turkish puppets and most definitely NOT interested.

Just Me

Russia has other plans for Azerbaijan as Turkey is being marginalized. Look at the new railway and roads connecting the region to Russia. Iran is a Russian ally and will control the railroad. Geography favors Russia and Iran.


Nonsense. Azerbaijani’s are not “puppets”. Aliev balances relations with Turkey by using Russia’s and Iran’s influence. Geography and existence of Armenia above all block Turks. Russia and Iran both have different plans ( from Turk plans). And new war against Armenians (for Turks to get extra points with Azeri ‘s) is not possible any longer.


China sanctions Pompeo, other Trump administration officials

China’s foreign ministry said the sanctioned US citizens showed no regard for the interests of the people of China and the US.

The Objective

Complete nonsense. I don’t just understand what the problem is Iranians. Their behavior is like that of no other country. What will formalizing the alliance do? They already operate in that frame. Shiite forces are moving allover the region helping other Shiite fighters. Anyway, it’s just the usual bullshit. They may sign a hundred agreements, but if Israel attacks Iran’s terrorists in Syria or Iraq, not one of these groups (including Iran) would have the nerve to retaliate. Time shall tell if my conclusion is wrong.

Ashok Varma

Abay madar chod how is life at the Wahhabi madrassa, you gandu have been wrong every day, chutiya you need to stop positing chandu khana comments.

The Objective

We’ll soon know just how wrong I am about Iran. Russia is already gutting you in Syria.

Just Me


The Objective

Yeah, you’ll soon “cry out loud”

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