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MARCH 2025

Iran TV Broadcasted Call To Offer $80 Million Bounty For Trump’s Head

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Iran TV Broadcasted Call To Offer $80 Million Bounty For Trump's Head


The call for a bounty on US President Donald Trump was broadcast live on Channel One on January 5 during the nationwide funeral processions honoring General Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Qods Force, who was assassinated by the United States on January 3.

The call was made by an unidentified Islamic eulogist at the funeral procession in Mashhad.

“We are 80 million Iranians. If each one of us puts aside one American dollar, we will have 80 million American dollars, and we will reward anyone who brings us (Trump)’s head with that amount,” the eulogist said to acrowd in Mashhad.

“And we would give this $80 million, on our own behalf, as a gift to anyone who brings the head of the person who ordered the murder of the grand figure of our revolution. Anyone who brings us the head of this yellow-haired lunatic, we would give him $80 million on behalf of the great Iranian nation. Chant if you agree.”

The crowd reacted with loud chants.

The identity of the eulogist remains unknown and the bounty has not been confirmed by Iranian officials. However, such developments demonstrate the state of the Iranian society after the act of agression conducted by the United States.

Iran’s media outlets are also actively working to deliver the message:


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Fair is fair.


tit for tat or what goes around comes around.


The mouse says to the elephant just before it gets stamped on.

Concrete Mike

You had 40 years.to stamp Iran.

Wtf are you waiting for pussy?

Jens Holm

Thats historical very incorrect.

Ilya Grushevskiy

A very honourable escalation. And just what they say they are doing anyways – targeting leaders.


didn’t the unhinged states of A put up 25m$ for bin laden and never paid up, or was it 50m$? however I can’t see why just 80m$ – 100m$ would make more sense but possibly wouldn’t attract a whole lot more prepared to try out. but sure as a klucking bell wish anyone luck and success in the attempt.

on the issue of ambassadorial bounty, a 2m$ bounty on america’s ambassador to germany, grenell – a prime shithead if ever there was one – would be about right and probably far easier to collect than the 80m$ on trump’s head (in the latter case, I doubt you would have to see a grieving mrs trump, on the contrary she might just say, he’s mine and make out the check in my maiden name to be received on the news the asshole is out).

Mehmet Aslanak

Head including the wig or without the wig?

Black Waters



US is corrupt and money hungry enough that someone close to the orange dotard might knock him off for $80 million.


Yes, and IF the deed is done, the US retards will blame Iran, when in reality it will likely be a US Libtard that pulls the trigger.

John Wallace

Plenty of democrats would do it for free. How close would they be to civil war ll if he re elected or assassinated.

Tony B.

More likely his Israeli “friends.”

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

the tv show the simpsons did an episode where trump became president, many years before he actually did, and then on facebook i saw later on in the same episode he ended up in a casket, and the person said be patient everyone hahahaha



Codenamed 'Gordon'

Muahhahah XD


What about “Additional Bonus” for Bibi’s head…

Mehmet Aslanak

Bibi would ask someone to put a reward for his wife’s head. She robbed entire state to the toe & he was accused for that.

Tony B.

And, of course, he had no clue and is against her theft. Dream on.


Now THAT would be the icing on the cake ! Yeah, now would someone PLEASE slot that fucker !

Jens Holm

If its for footballit must be with no hair:)

John Wallace

Actually it is his own hair grown very long at the back and combed forward to ” appear ” like it is his front hair. I saw the wind blow it up one day and he is bald underneath , not completely bald with tufts of wispy hair here and there.


I’m surprised he doesn’t get a neck injury when it comes uncombed in strong winds…

Concrete Mike

Lmao an extra million if you get the wig!


He says it’s not a wig. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/90ce386e2ae15ef1af582163dcff59a1d6ef0a07ebc0e9f898936b8d92c0a1ca.jpg


Brother and Sister!!!

Reality [brother and trans brother] CIA, Runs in the family!!


Family https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b723a3ebfbd21a3bbd64e73d43b17eede5ded8d82ba9de9abad7f7b5bfa0ea51.jpg In their youth

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/76372481af81764815abd556228c873547f32882c61ce8489a96b17b48aec862.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/26744773cc815e53aa66eb75dc92425dc49ae93fe51eb18c55fb11ff95b28d6a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/056b20b04c1d9a0ba36e839cddc816e6b8168428b3d8929f855c0aa90cc7e76f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/36e7abc84454a9abe0b05fc2cd03ef2c5738c8fc5993a67e2210a0c54c5dfcaa.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9368891b70eebfc45cd7e18bf657c253a4147c70bb3cc36356bf931928cb0ab2.jpg

The more you know….


Please don’t forget the maga hat


best news today – and if I could afford to I would pitch in a few bucks myself (but I can’t). otherwise, american ambassadors around the world could well motivate a bounty of say 1m$ per ambassadorial head and say a similar amount for israeli ambassadors around the world .

Charles Homer

Here is an article that looks at the little-covered responses by both Russia and China to the Soleimani assassination:


Washington has conveniently either forgotten or is ignoring one key aspect of today’s geopolitical reality; Iran does not stand alone.


Indeed, Iraq was an isolated small country, Iran has wide support in the wider Muslim world as well as is well respected.


Sure, Islamist Shi’a Iran has lots of support among the 90% of Muslims who are Sunni. What the F have you been puffing on?

Jens Holm

A carrot?


Maybe a mushroom.

Jon Ganji -

Hi Jens

Concrete Mike

Yes because they support the palestinian cause.

How fucken stupid can you be? You must be a white dude, only white dudea would say something as ignorant as that!


Wayne Nicholson

You’re correct, Shia have in fact been persecuted by sunni for most of history. Where Shia do have a majority are Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Azerbajian and Bahrain …. the location of the US fifth fleet headquarters.

This is what scares the shit out of Americans. There may not be as many shia as sunni in the world but the Shia are located in key strategic locations. They also have a lot of influence in Turkey and Qatar despite these countries having Sunni majorities as well as 15% of the Saudi population.

As far as Iran is concerned you should be more concerned that they are Persian not Arab. They are in fact the original Aryans that Hitler believed to be the master race.

I don’t know what d’Artagnan is smoking but I’ve got some sweet Blue-Hawaiian I’m gonna fire up after this post. What the fuck have you been puffin on?


Great, another Aryan racial myth. That doesn’t bode well for the Iranians given what happened to the last country that held that myth.

Jens Holm

Most muslisms not even live in the middle East being affiliated to it.

Have You ever left Your garden or balcony? I dont think so.

Tony B.

Iranians are Persians, not Arabs. There is a huge difference


Sure, Putz Putin has made his bare chested muscular support known by questioning whether the hit was legal. And that great giant of support, China, read a fortune cooky that said, Can’t we all just get along?

John Wallace

As if you would have a clue of what day it is . Not even the blind would ask you to check their lottery ticket.

Concrete Mike


Jens Holm

Trump, USA and others has not forgotten that at all.

China as well as India has dispensation for buying oil. You expect we are as stupid as the ones, You are with.

Russia being a friend. Ha ha. Its for selling them a nuke plant and maybee some more weapons or right to produce copies only.

China, India, Japan, South Korea and Turkey are the big buyers. Of course they dont like this boycut at all. You might see the Turkish oil agression according to Cyprus, Greece and Libya in that perspective too.

Codenamed 'Gordon'

For 79M I bring his head with filthy paws and nail


mrs trump, aka melania, could have use of the 80m$ if her hubby suffers a deadly head injury in a bedroom-brawl – she pushes him away and he strikes the mantelpiece when falling and he’s dead as in iranian dead when he lands on the floor or he falls down one of them secret staircases in the white house when he grabs her by the pussy, she push him away and he tumbles down the narrow staircase and breaks his ugly neck. she tells them to make out the check in her maiden name to be cashed in moscow.

a good lawyer will get her off to collect the 80m$ to live in bliss with the latest boyfriend.


LOL…Most notable and telling is they are offering 80 million US Dollars, NOT 5 billion Putz Putin Rubles or 3.5 TRILLION Islamist Iranian Rials.

Jens Holm

No train can transport that much money in Rials.


Heck, given how poor the Islamists and US sanctions have made Iran, I doubt there are that many Rials in the whole damn country.

Codenamed 'Gordon'

This reward has been offered for any free Westerner if you don’t understand this you are a hopeless case

Jens Holm

News for me too. He is not alone, if he is a he. We never know. Many longbearded Niqabs here.


Hey, dodo, the hopeless cases without heads or most else will soon be a really great number of Islamist Iranians and the unfortunate everyday Iranians who will be dead if this idiocy continues. You and they don’t yet understand that with a guy like Trump, this will NOT be last week’s little wars. Trump and some of his top advisors want to destroy Islamist Iran in addition to physically eliminating its nuke program. I hope you and your friends get this through your thick skulls while you still have them.

Jens Holm

So funny. 80 millions hahaha.

Just showing how poor Iran is. Do we get paid in Persian goats, cats or carpets?


No ………….YOU get paid in Lead, the 9 millimetre kind, simple shimon.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

This sound fishy, in no way would it benefit Iran, on the contrary. It would only benefit the US and every one blinded by the iranfobia. The fact that Iran has not officially said it, kinda proves my point.


No need to pay anything plenty enemies would do it for free given half a chance.

John Andris

All United States forces across the globe should be valid targets for extermination.


Yes, as all if Iran would be valid target for turning into a glow in the dark parking lot. You might go help them but take your Iodine pills with you.

John Andris

Oh, I am not talking about Iran. Any citizen of any country should resist the evil of the US by either taking political action to help push US forces away from his country or take direct vigilante/rebel action to kill as many as possible. Not US civilians of course but solely US military and government personnel.




Trump is a new Mussolini, may end up the same

Joao Alfaiate

I wonder how many Americans would like to make a donation to this fund….


there is a lot more to this than meets the eye! but as usual, everyone here is a fucking cave man!

This assassination was done by request of the Ayatollah! (So those in the intel community are saying) Lets not forget that this General WAS A JEW!!!! So those of u who hate Jews but love this General, CHOOSE A SIDE! A JEW IS A FILTHY JEW! END OF STORY!

the Ayatollah, THROUGH TALKS needed a hand! Just as did Kim Jung Un who himself is surrounded by Generals (handlers)! The General, marked by the media as the second most important person in Iran, was doing his best to KEEP the USA in the middle east! Yes it was Iran’s goal to keep the USA there until collapse, just like the Soviet union did in Afghanistan!

He was planning an attack that would entrench the USA for at least another 5 years. perhaps much much more! the Ayatollah on the other hand was trying to stem REVOLUTION from within Iran! He does want to make a deal because like Saudi, the royals want to save their own skin from their own people! Revolution is the biggest fear of religious or royal leaders! They cant be voted out! Iran was also over stretched! So at one end u had the Ayatollah trying to keep iran from throwing out its religious rulers via a “off with their heads 2.0” French like revolution! But the other military type industrial complex, want their war, revenge and also use their book and beliefs as their back up!

Think of the bay of pigs event! The US military wanted pay back!

In the end, its a politican a religious leader and a Gerneral who were at odds with each other but not being able to denounce one another! they were supposed to be seen working hand in hand like a glove!

That wasnt and is not the case!

So the USA obliged!

Dont be surprised (after some revenge and counter revenge attacks) that Iran folds on this! They are literally broke! dont let this so called Martyr make u think feeding ur own family comes second! i know a lot of u hate hearing this! yet logic makes u cringe inside!

but u are men, not women! u know whats right! u know who loses and who wins!

even if they killed trump, it would mean total and complete nuclear destruction of every city in Iran!

So think!

why did the usa do this? are they dumb and stupid? u sure about that? Whats Trump been able to do whilst in office? What is still yet to come? He is backed up by the military, the senate and the supreme court!

Safe as houses!

It is iran who is on the ropes! not the other way around!

now the Ayatollah has a job to do! Stem the attacks or face certain death by US strikes or its own people!

And trust me, Russia wont do jack shit! Russia will see its dreams come true! Oil at $300 per barrel!


” This assassination was done by request of the Ayatollah! (So those in the intel community are saying)”……………..Tell your waiting audience Justin, just what sources this so-called intel was gathered ??????? Mossad, Bnai Brith, Site etc ???????????. If you believe what you have written, you have been hoodwinked ‘cos NO ONE with a braincell is gonna believe you.


OK let me explain this for u! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7e1b209cf3bbbe6b6b50f0d29139bf93ff2cb87869031cda35819d32161c7f96.jpg

This letter is the Draft that was delivered to an Iraqi Official from the US that the Head Jojnt Chief’s latter said “was a poorly written draft” and was not meant to say “we are leaving Iraq” we are just moving some forces around!

This Draft was a trap to pull the Iranian General from Iran as a setup where he could be taken out soon after he landed! Like cheese for a mouse! The US wanted the General to THINK the US was leaving Iraq! They know the General and THE DEEP STATE are trying to keep the USA in the middle east to collapse it!

i have said this before, its all about lifting China and squashing the USA!

i will get to the Ayotolla later!

Think of NK and Kim Jung Un: He and Trump were blasting each other, Trump threaten “fire and fury”! Soon after an explosion occurred in the mountains of North Korea! Not long after, KJU meet Trump in Singapore! (tell me does this seem normal to u??)

Time goes by and there are more meetings (public) but also some were private! NK stop testing long range missiles, medium range too! pulls down one or 2 missile sites! One day Trump crosses the DMZ and shakes hands with KJU (Does this seem normal to u???)

What YOU dont know is that these LEADERS have handlers! The world isnt what u think it is! YES its easy foir u to believe that the CIA and MOSSAD created ISIS and Al-Quieda and u are dead set correct! But your problem is that u are limited to what u think is possible!

The Former CIA and Mossad not only control ISIS, Al-Quieda but also politicans… The House Intelligence Commitee Adam SCHIFF (jew) has his son wearing a Mossad t-shirt!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2828cf7a8134e65af95993391323b1794d5dff372536f26216615a64e4301f9a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7fb4bddce962433f757aefdea165e607c5a607d72eb849bdc8d182d6e896fd01.jpg

Both Bagdaddi and the General have been killed by Trump without Trump informing the Director of National Intelligence, the senate or house intel committees! WHY? Why is the Washington Post changing their headline of Bagdaddi’s death from “Terror leader” to “Religious Schollar”? Why is the New York times saying that the General was a “Reververed Leader” and not a “terrorist” as even Obama called him and is also stated by the UN? WHY? they felt like being nice? They hate Trump so much they wanted to make Trum look bad? Just politics?

Why is the NYT leaking information in plain site about the exact scenario in which the General was killed only hours before he was actually killed?

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/16a660c4c9b236ef214863883642fa414979ab345106f196ca426d2034b52839.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dbaa7401603c1e30906e764e8b3595f3b423f6dfecef180f4112aa9abbd31985.png

So i have illustrated to u, things arnt NORMAL when u think of Trump and North Korea (meeting and crossing the DMZ and NK to much of an extent cooperating)

Trump not going through the normal channels to inform certain intel groups of upcoming top secret missions!

Now think about the Ukraine Scandal and how not only Joe Biden is in deep shit with the kick backs of payments he and his son are receiving from Gas companies, but also John Kerry’s son, Pelosi’s son are in ukraine getting kick backs too! In fact much of foreign aid is a kick back!

Moving onto Iran! John Kerry (and i have the photos to prove it) (YES I HAVE THE PHOTOS OF THE SPY WHO TOOK THEM) was caught in Paris meeting with 3 Iranian officials just recently (Which Sec of State mike pompeo just talked about in a senate press meeting and on Fox news)! Caught red handed meeting with TOP Iranian officials (a violation of the Logan act)! Why would they be meeting? Why is Obama meeting with them too? Do u know about this?? do u?

That 130 billion dollar payment to Iran plus with 13 billion in cash flown from Switzerland on pallets on hired cargo planes also were kick back to Kerry, Biden, obama etc too)!

Now WHY would Obama and Kerry and Iran for that matter, send a terrorist state all of this money and fly 13 billion of it in cash? Do u ever question this? Listen to me close and listen to me good! The leadership of Iran as well as the leadership of North Korea is woned and controlled by Mossad and the Former CIA! Just like ISIS and Al-quieda!

The fact u cant get your brain around this is why u cant see what i KNOW! But dont worry, u will know soon!

Like KJU of NK, the Trump admin has back channels to Iran! Iran has a problem! It has its revolutionary guard corps running the show! The General was in all respects the real leader! Because he controlled the power of the military! All leaders were at his behest!

The Ayotolla, just like KJU is surrounded by Generals (handlers)! ISIS Bagdaddi had a handler, his name was john mcain! DEAD! The Ayotolla has a handler, he was the General! And remember this General is a JEW! FACT!

Im sorry to wake u up buddy, but the world isnt what u think it is! Iran, just like isis is controlled! NK was also Controlled but now free’d!

Did u see Netenyahu say “we had nothing to do with this, this was not what we intended”?? Did u see that?

Listen buddy, youre not there yet! im flying at 300,000 feet! youre at 20,000 feet! im seeing the whole picture because i get the intel leaks! u are stuck on SouthFront!

But like i said….. ull be uo here at 300,000 feet very soon! dont worry! The worst thing ull have to do is say to yourself “holy shit, that Justin guy was right”!

see u when u get there! The Ayotolla was given a way out! He is being aided by Ahmadinajad! Ahmadinajad is the back channel!



my replies to u are being blocked! very strange


Fuck it, you’ll find out! i wrote a massive piece for u with documents and much proof! its getting blocked! i spent a good 30 mins writing it! Now its gone!

youre going to find out anyway! So im not fussed with what u think! im flying at 300,000 feet whistlt your still at 20,000 feet!

Dont worry the penny is going to drop soon! Think of North Korea and KJU! He had handlers too! U cant tell me the NK meetings were normal! The Turn around of KJU with Trump!

Same happening in Iran! Iran is controlled just like NK was! ull see! its a shame u didnt get to see my write up with the docs and pictures! With the death of this man, Iran is free!

Watch what happens!


ok fuck it ill try again! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7e1b209cf3bbbe6b6b50f0d29139bf93ff2cb87869031cda35819d32161c7f96.jpg

The Joint Chief General Milley said that this document was “poorly drafted” and was not meant to indicate that the USA is leaving Iraq, only moving forces around”!

This document was made on purpose (a setup / trap) because they knew it would be leaked from Iraq to Iran to get the Iranian General to Iraq! He was then killed on his way back from the airport! Why would the General suddenly leave Iran after getting this news? His plan was to make attacks on the embassy using certain weapons they had stashed! The Generals goals were to stop the USA leaving in Iraq, keep them in endless wars for many more years! Thus his killing was “to end a war, not start one”!


what u do know, since u are flying at 20,000 feet (im at 300,000 feet) is that the Mossad and CIA created ISIS and Al-quieda! But thats all u see with a few false flags!

Way up here at 300,000 feet u will see that the FORMER CIA and Mossad also controlled more “bad guys”! North Korea and Iran! Yes thats what u get to see up here at 300,000 feet! the whole picture!

North korea: First KJU and Trump were at a war of words! Telegrams of messages that were firey and threatening! Soon an explsion occurred in a North Korean mountain! Next thing u know, KJU and Trump meet in Singapore! Are u starting to see? No? lol Okay! NK pulls down a few missile pads, stop test launching long and medium range missiles! a year or so later Trump crosses the DMZ and shakes hands with KJU! Seem normal to u? Things seem a little different dont they! Why are the suddenly friendly with each other? Who and why was KJU brother killed with chemicals?

Ill tell u this! NK (soon after the fall of the Soviet Union) became a CIA black site! A controlled boogie man (just like isis and al-quieda)!

“Search your feelings Luke, u know this to be true” lol “NOOOOOOOO” haha bit of empire strikes back there!

Yeah so when the USA had no equal enemy because Russia had bread lines and China was still a peasant farm, NK didnt have nukes, people were corrupted even more so and controlled by money and threats in NK!

The same happened in Iran! i know u want to reject this and say “prove it” but i dont need to prove it! u know how corruption and threats work! How do certain people control the world? u have to create and own ur enemy! fund both sides of a war! etc etc etc!

Not only that, but yes the story was leaked!

Iran was getting nuclear tech from NK! The CIA was leaking that tech to China, NK etc! NK was selling it! that way the CIA was one or 2 steps away from it! The whole plan is to bring down the USA and prop up China! deep down u also know this to be true! Globalists shifted western economies to China after the fall of the Soviet union! China was welcomed into the WTO where they were also gifted technology. So the chinese bought, hacked, stole etch and much of it was even transferred (clinton pay for play)!

Iran is the last piece of the puzzle! the Ayotolla (like KJU) is surrounded by Generals who are controlled by the former CIA and Mossad!! Did u know this General is a Jew? Anyway, these Generals are what is called “Handlers”! like Epstein had a handler (Ghislaine maxwell), Bagdaddi had a handler “John McCain” etc etc! The General is the handler of the Ayotolla! The Ayotolla (just like KJU) is trying to get out from under this control! Just like NK, the Trump team has created back channels! former PM of Iran Ahmajinedad is the back channel to the Ayotolla! Iran’s religious leaders fear what most royalty fear! Revolution! You see, iran was taken over by its own military, namely the Revolutionary guard! The General was the real leader but the Ayotolla had to seem like the real leader to keep that balance of belief the people were used to! the iranian military couldnt simply take over officially because that would cause a rebellion!

The General, like McCain, like bagdaddi and like many of those killed in the NK mountain explosion, had to be taken out!

Pictures, i have on my HDrive that blocked my first HUGE reply to u have been leaked! im talking about spy photos! i have them! buyt u can find! just google “John kerry, paris meeting with iranian officials”! This only occurred a few days before the Generals killing!

Why is both Obama and Kerry meeting with these iranians? Do u even focus on this stuff or do u purposely ignore it? This is why im at 300,000 feet and ure at 20,000 feet!

God i could give u so much info! including on Ukraine, bidens, pelosi and kerry’s kids all get kick backs! The obama payment to iran along with the 13B in cash was all a CIA payment plus a kick back! that 130 billion released to Iran (always seen by the USA as a sponsor of Terrorism) was for Iran to fund its shiia Crescent drive with proxy armies)

There is a grand plan, deep state, self enrichment! u dont get it! but its gonna come out soon! certainly before the US election or shortly after!


A Warning??? (why does the WaPo state “bagdaddi was a religious Scholar” and the NYT say the General was “a revered leader”? becuase its true? hahaha they are on the most wanted terror list) The deep state is very deep! They dont just OWN and Create Al-Quieda, they owned and controlled NK and Iran too! im at 300,000 feet! Youre at 20,000 feet!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/16a660c4c9b236ef214863883642fa414979ab345106f196ca426d2034b52839.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dbaa7401603c1e30906e764e8b3595f3b423f6dfecef180f4112aa9abbd31985.png In the end (when u find out and join me at 300,000 feet) im going to REQUEST you say one thing! That thing is explained in this video below!



I dont care if u dont believe me or not! The information Hopefully went inside ur head and is locked away somewhere!

Because this information is going to come out! So just lock it away and [[[remember my name!]]] U heard it here FIRST FROM ME!



this will be you FOLLOWING ME within the next 12 months!

Come join me at 300,000 feet buddy! u see a lot more than at 20,000 feet flying with helicopters, come join me in space buddy! Come see what i see :)



https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/46e2593fc1912195bad82f5da54f632eb74b950789759edfc49bab93f51898f8.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aa5ea7c6c3e464453e3604eb0255cc2748d61f4ed92c555c6b4be0d789dbcc83.png https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mUOkufkO04

DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON???????????? I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a2f4d241a33d975dac6098b2250843f6190c5813b7c868fe43d1a09f1c185e16.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8d18fcf699f3cc048f826fda40953cb7b6c252ac21fe0d07c3a5f4192a8b1b04.jpg

there is SOOOOO much more to this than u realise! THEY DONT JUST CONTROL ISIS AND AL-QUIEDA!


The Generals death allows the Ayotolla to shrug off his handlers just as did Kim Jun Un!

u dont get it do u!

im at 300,000 feet! your at 20,000 feet!

come join me!


Wizards and Warlocks SEE ALL! 300,000 feet!!! [Do The Math]

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f2fc2b43881f0dfdb399797378954180b3af9734699a0f1ba9ea25e81a606c59.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7c3b94149723ce8916abf6c3db992135d04d0bbec6b81c9162490631f73e4efb.gif https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3733278ba639007b467351f1ac9ea787315cda55ba91d7741aff8f63ebbfb622.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/43b6ce9ca591f5598bd83c69699befe4c777db099c9db6612e8a278c19534ac1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ea154a4f3495d054485e792879c9ab898ecbfc85e4fb1a5167441ecc2e2848e2.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a4baf983e524abb4a9608d5d05c919a557e2059af46fb996f59474bf7a5ca0e0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5c599e157f9e2f3ed93fa9663d20a112722a3df6e83a3e5f3a9aab5612dd5a4e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7d0050070b6568c8ce89c898915080e80d3d95c130a7cfdedf828c59e21441ad.jpg

300,000 feet!!! [Do The Math]

Find out who he was! then link it and link it again! THINK! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cc10f1a31eda2761bfd42d348b1e6519243f6b56a7cfe3a5ef9444ce41932495.png


Handlers are being taken out! Back channels are setup! BIGGER than you know! 300,000 Feet! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3cc85e41464b078b8bf648889e8a6c88a99738091bd1249fbeaabe8a4017e017.jpg

WHO took this photo? Eric Prince? Double agent (white hat) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ab3454b99d57d856dadf1724b00a1f9fa112c4819f9bec1683c42812ca8b030c.jpg

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2828cf7a8134e65af95993391323b1794d5dff372536f26216615a64e4301f9a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e605b960942b80805308fd4f3b40aa4fde752a18d8862f744ce96d73b35de2d5.jpg

Rachael Chandler (C Handler) [Child Handler] [[Honey Trap to control who?]] https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d84dff432f43628ed92d3db2f2bbf2639a8b1e46e22ac4f9199e97297d8360bc.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8df15699a5f4edefb393821147a4417297eef7cfbc9b3d630e1f45ba4966500c.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e53993f69d00c04c67e1f3e4d142d0100dfa4682e7751c539c0aa944a54a1d46.jpg


Access to knowledge!! (You asked, “how do you know???) i am not here to waste your time! (nor mine) ACCESS!! NSA/ 8Chan = 1 (8kun) Software required! “The choice to know is yours”! UNDERSTAND?? THE Biggest Intel leak in history!

In this war, the public being awake is of paramount importance! minimum 5% (currently approx 10%) more than enough! :) 300,000 feet! Wizards and Warlocks! Nothing to be laughed at! JOIN!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d013fa2fe28d3fd7f1eb3323df05d3a7d3bd6bbf6a65e2bd467bc121bff40fec.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1ed379fc3228dd45d767c2660761908b827fa7ee878efc768eebb03fc03ec313.jpg

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/50b6e8580684c142075e2e5a16dbae6e28dcca36bb68d1cecc38ae85644e94d5.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a238aa69430623322e7a6476b66737c3a39f9dd9b53499ae4480cf545daa441f.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3c198eba1560ee82510abd9dc729938261ee290f8b14fff5ed59585d8d788698.png


a large offer ($ 50 million) appears to have come from the US. the anonymous donor from nik Killary …


A bad call by Iran………………..Trumps rotting carcass is not worth 80 cents……………… who in their right mind, would pay 80 million for a sack of shit !

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