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MARCH 2025

Iran Unveiled New Missiles Named After Qassim Soleimani, Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis (Videos)

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On August 20, Iran unveiled two brand new, advanced long-range missiles on occasion of National Defense Industry Day.

The new missiles were named after Quds Force Commander Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Deputy-Commander of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units. The two commanders were killed earlier this year near the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, in a U.S. drone strike.

The missiles were unveiled in a virtual ceremony due to coronavirus protective measures. The ceremony was attended by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

The first missile “Martyr Hajj Qassem Soleimani” is ballistic with a range of up to 1,400 km. The missile reportedly has the capability to penetrate anti-missile systems.

The second, dubbed second “Martyr Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis,” is a cruise missile with a range of up to 1,000 kilometers. The missile can also penetrate anti-missile systems by flying on low-altitudes.

Iran is currently under immense pressure by the U.S. which is demanding the country to limit its missile development program.

The U.S. pressure coupled with threats from Israel pushed Iran to boost the development of several weapon systems. Many advanced systems entered service with the Iranian military and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps over the last year.


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Zionism = EVIL

A large Iranian defence team is headed to Moscow this week to discuss S-400 immediate delivery as well as SU-35. Russian media has confirmed it too.


Secret playground where you can meet different people – http://sex-url.com/uDimC


Will it be just our secret? Jonta :)


Its my little secret as well, PZIVJ.

Zionism = EVIL

Not likely :) you are pretty ugly though.

Blue In Green

Once Iran acquires a competent modern air-wing, their offensive/defensive apparatus is more or less complete and they would have one of the most potent operationally lethal/retaliatory capabilities in the region. Let’s hope you’re right bro, if Iran gets S-400s and Su-35s in large (or respectable) numbers then man lol, it would be REALLY stupid for neighboring nations to try and pull any military moves on Iran.

What needs to be stated here is the 1,400km Hajj Qassem Soleimani Quasi-BM is a cheap to produce long-range weapon, one that Iran can fabricate in large volumes within short periods of time and field. This effectively would allot Iran the ability to conduct tactical operations against Israeli or any longer range enemy asset using FATEH like accuracy and reliability at any time they choose. Such a capability would be spell utter disaster for militaries not equipped to deal with such deadly munitions. I suspect this missile will also be fitted into its own underground canister sooner or later.

Some cursory information on the Hajj Qassem Qausi-BM reveals its kinematic performance. -Mach 12 atmospheric reentry speed (very difficult to impossible for modern ABM systems to counter) -Mach 5 terminal approach (bunker busting capability) -Easily produced and fielded -FATEH level accuracy and reliability

Ladies and gentlemen, this missile the essentially the culmination in Iran’s decades off effort in basing its current military paradigm of deterrence via missiles.

Such a missile is only a foot note though. Larger, heavier and more advanced versions of this missile will come out over the years.


He is liar! He would be posting link immediately if he had any official one! And official can be TASS news for Russia , IRNA ili something similar and not some anonymous blogger sending news pout of his basement ! It is just click bite to collect up-votes he does that all the time because he is addicted on that and ready to say any nonsense to harness popularity and up-votes!


He seems to be a very needy person. But am not a psychiatrist, that’s someone elses mess to fix. :)


Can’t agree more! I keep telling people but nobody is listening… They buy anything from that CROOK and even worse they are starting to imitate him ! Collective madness like that sect guru who 30 years ago has convinced 1000 people to take cyanide and kill themselves because he saw END of the world coming

Zionism = EVIL

LOL, you hasbara kiddie cunts are hilarious.


It’s known as ‘Special Need’s’ in UK schools.

In the past such cretins were known as ‘Village Idiots’. This was until political correctness became popular with the elite, and at that time most state mental asylums were sold off for private housing, with the inmates now ‘self medicating’ their lives away in hostels or sleeping rough. :)


Ali journalists must sell their news! And if they don’t have announcement from Iranian or Russian government or military(generals) they simply guessing and making bombastic titles without single proof! They know like we all know that Iran is going to buy something from Russia or China or from both countries…But they still GUESSING what is going to be! Nobody still knows what Iran is going to buy and from whom!

I am pro Russian and I would be happy that Russia can sell weapons to Iran but it is to early for celebrating yet ! The talks are SECRET because Iran must not let Israel and US know what are they going to buy and when in advance! I am sure that Israeli and American spies are ruining around the Moscow already trying to find out anything they can ! Iran WILL NOT ANNOUNCE weapons acquisition in advance because of Israel and US I am sure of that ! Also it is logical that if Iran chooses SU-35 and S-400 I doubt that they will buy SU-57 as well. I think they will buy Chinese jets to have big number of “light” single engine jets that are not very expensive but still very good. Iran, might also go for TOT=transfer of technology option and production of SU-35 or SU-30 domestically in Iran (like India does) So do not get me wrong I am 100% for Russia selling weapons to Iran but that must be CREDIBLE NEWS coming from IRNA or TASS-official Russian agency as source !

Blue In Green

Fair assessment, I would also concur with this.

Iran can’t afford to be openly brazen with its future military acquisition given the current climate.


And acquiring some level of ToT is not even a question, it’a MUST. Iran can’t afford to perfrome net imports in huge quantities like say rich gulf monarchies that have given up on any form of severeinty on their hardware,know-how on their technology or even independance of their military structure.If the recent conflicts are any indication, namely Saddam’s aggression in 1980 where the embargo actually hit IRAN while it was an unquestionnable, explicit invasion by Iraq, Tehran needs to be able to stand on its own two feet for as much of the production chains as it can,and fortunately this has been their core military doctrine and industrial policy ever since 1992. Times have shown their major powers aren’t even interested in even protecting their satellite states unconditionnally nowadays, alliances ,defense treaties and ententes can only go that far,Syria being a prime contemporary example in the face of both Turkish and Israeli aggressions that go “unnoticed”by Moscow. There always comes a point where your vital interests can only be defended by yourself and not even the most sincere and able “protector” as foreign agendas will always diverge and your own national integrity becomes a bargain to them.

I am glad to see that Iran is going the quasi-ballistic route for its newer BMs,as US and Israeli ABMs wil struggle to intercept its atypical flight envelope. Ditto the long range anti-ship missile,it can interfcit USN carrier group at the very lilits lf their planes’ combat radius,which almost none of their potentiel adversaries bar Hina and Russia have the demonstrated ability to do,this is a huge step indeed. I presume their detection apparatus involves dqta fusion from net-centric sensors of various types and ranges like EW and OTH radars, relay Drones and even future satellites for optical correlation in the terminal guidance phase. The defense minister also made the very first mention of TERCOM a few months ago, that was also quite notworthy as Iran was not known to employ such technology ever before even though they obviously had somethung to work on with the smuggled kh-55 they got back in the early 2000s. An modernized and replenished air-wing is truly the only achille heel for Iran’s condinionnal power nowadays. If some kind of deal finally goes through after the embargo ends in November we could be looking at a virtually untouchable Iran for the generation to come.

Zionism = EVIL

Look, these hasbara cunts are in a perpetual state of delusional denial. These arseholes are paid to spread doubt and confusion. The reality is that the Americunt and Zionist cunts policy has utterly failed and Iran is doing very well. It is one of the few countries in the world that can produce jet engines even. I don’t to convince the grown up and educated folks about anything. It is fun to make the stupid hasbara cunts squirm though.

Zionism = EVIL

Iranian missile forces can handle any eventuality in the region. BTW, let me make the illiterate hasbara cunts jump higher LOL.

Iraq considers buying large batch of Russian MiG-29 jets to replace F-16s: media

I had posted about this one a few months ago too. Iran and Iraq are synchronizing their militaries and Iraq is moving to buy Russian weapons as the Americunt arseholes forced occupied Iraq into buying 34 F-16 which are useless for Iraqi needs and very expensive to maintain and in any case most are parked in Iran anyway as the Americunts cut off spares. Iranian pilots and engineers are now experts on F-16 as they have examined them in detail. Iran was supposed to be the first international customer of F-16 when in 1978, the Shah had ordered 300, but was later cancelled after the revolution, but Iran had already received most of the ground maintenance equipment, so Iranian Homafaran (NCO technicians) had already certified on their maintenance.


“Mach 12 atmospheric reentry speed (very difficult to impossible for modern ABM systems to counter)”.

What you fail yo appreciate is that thanks to Trump’s new ‘Space Command’ , Captain Kirk has the latest ‘super dooper’ Photon Torpedo’s that have the speed of light and according to Pompous Pompeo this exceptionally clever US defence weapon is a game changer. :)

I have even posted a photo of it as proof.



Here is a detailed look inside the top secret Type 6 Photon Torpedo Florian. :) The front section has 4 containers of anti-mater and a blue mixing/detonation chamber between them. Behind those are 2 tanks of Deuterium. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/49862d07897bf417256bb873b2cb77e4f13facde8c24e00e3bf7a095c1c69e68.jpg


Wow, PZIVJ, you must have contacts in Langlywood to get documents like that.

Do you have information on the inter galactic nerve agent ‘ Pompeostupidium’ ? Apparently that is a game changer for US Space Command.


Hillary MAY have accidentally leaked this document on one of her computers. Oh, by the way. I was never on this site and we never had this discussion. :DD


We must retain our Homing Pigeons for secure comms. :)


I would suggest Klingon security code as additional safety measure of your communication in the case that one of the Pigeons is mole and works for Putin (of course)




You have no link to confirm that LIAR !

Simon Ndiritu



almasdarnews is not credible source! They are only credible if they can offer official source of their news with exacta types and concrete numbers of weapons systems ! For the moment all this is JOURNALISTS guessing because if they are going to talk about that Iran and Russia prefer SECRET TALKS without shouting what are they going to buy.

Almasadarnews is NOT offering “IRNA” or any Russian official site (I have verified TASS Russian official agency from top to bottom and there was NOT WORD on “sale of S-400, SU-35 and SU-57” what Zionist EVIL was calming!!

It is ONLY RUMOR from Avia.pro that they will talk about “defense” and they of course have NO OFFICIAL SOURCE or CONFIRMATION for their “news” ! Smoke and mirrors and too much excitement here on the forum and nothing concrete

They just try to make their article interesting without having anything concrete! I do not say that they will not talk about sale of weapons all I say is that for the moment NOBODY has anything concrete what is Iran going to buy from Russia!


Sometimes official sources won’t say things in order to keep the deniability card, but the information will reach the public through other means. Although it won’t be as accurate


That is true what are you saying, but can’t be applied on this situation in my opinion….

The problem is, Iran has ALL the reasons to keep secret the acquisitions ( not to reveal them in advance) of the Russian and Chinese weapons because of US,UK, Israel threat.


I cannot make my mind on this one. It make sense what you’re saying


Tell me please, where is exactly written “”sale of S-400, SU-35 and SU-57” and which official Russian or Iranian source is behind that news?

Simon Ndiritu

I still add that Iran Needs numerous cheap area air defense systems, close to Tor or Pantsir-type. This will strengthen resistance Units making it safer for them to operate in Syria and Iraq. It will make them more deploy-able as Zio-terror-oil- thieves will not have easy time targeting them. With Zionist-oil- thieves having limited boots on the ground, limiting the effectiveness of their air-raids will greatly curtail them. On the other hand, this will multiply resistance’s force and their strategic importance.

Zionism = EVIL

There is no attack or any kind of raid on Iran PERIOD!

Simon Ndiritu

Most of the conflict between Iran and its enemies happens in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon or Yemen. My Idea is that Iranian units and allied resistance groups in these areas need area air cover. However, am not and expert.


I think this might be in the making. Slowly but surely, maybe even keeping the surprise factor

rightiswrong rightiswrong

US Maximum Pressure at work, lol.

Zionism = EVIL

Sure worked out well for the Americunt dumbasses. It appears that Russia has delivered or is about to deliver S-400 from its own stocks. General Amir Hatami and a large Iranian delegation is on the its way at the invitation of General Shoigu and Russian Federation top brass. A large Chinese military delegation is coming next week to Tehran.

Iranian Defense Minister heads to Russia to discuss potential purchase of S-400: Russian media

“According to Russian media reports, the Iranian defense department intends not only to obtain information about modern Russian weapons, but also to conclude many contracts – on top of the list is Russian S-400 air defense systems, Su-35 and Su-57 fighters, T-90 tanks, coastal missile systems and, obviously, tactical missile weapons,” Avia.Pro added.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The best laid plans of mice and …. Pompous Mike, falling apart, lol.

Zionism = EVIL

The Americunts are loudmouth dumbass cunts who behave like brats on Ritalin, threatening Russia and China is today’s Eurasian centric world in insane, the Americunts are deadbroke and imploding and have pissed off most of the world now, so Russia and China will double down in arming Iran and pissing off the stupid lardass cunts even more. Just watch and enjoy.

Jens Holm

Hardly none opf that are true.

Trumps has.

The Objective

What is your reply to the guy debunking your lies about an Iranian delegation to Russia? You didn’t say a word about it but are shamelessly putting forth other comments. Most of you guys (Iranian and Russian trolls) on SouthFront are liars. The sad news for you is that few people are deceived by your lies.


Iran has always been a bridge too far. The US and its Zionist chihuahua have been barking for a very long time now and even the EU vassals ignore them as the recent UNSC vote clearly showed. Utter humiliation for US.

Jens Holm

It wasnt like that with Obama. Im sure things will be calmer and better with Joe Biden. We do prefare stabilityand negosiations.


With Obama, all of Iran’s allies were getting hit with sanctions, provocations, and attacks. Around the same time of the JCPOA with Iran’s mostly Shia Muslims, Obama supported starving out Yemen’s Shia Muslims.

What? Was Iran supposed to enjoy some profits from the JCPOA while the country’s real partners got picked off piecemeal…?


The banker gangsters running the US (and a number of other countries) do have some victories against Iran already, like the World War 2 invasion or the overthrowing of Mosaddegh. Maybe the geopolitical situation has evolved beyond what their methodology is capable of overcoming, but that is a maybe, isn’t it?


The US might have had more success if they treated their vassals as allies and not ‘indentured servants’ to the US Military Industrial Complex. :)

The NATO vassals are not happy bunnies at the moment and Pompous Pompeo cracking the whip over their heads about Freedom Gas and US corporate sales is just making the vassals angrier.

Jens Holm

Its a safety plan. The missiles was made for liras of Syria. It collapsed and now they consolidate the many many rubels with rials.


WHERE is the link of ANY “Russian media” with that news?! I was on Russian media few moments ago NOT a WORD about that ! Nobody has that much money to buy” S-400 air defense systems, Su-35 and Su-57″ in the same time! Russian news would be covered completely with such “news” !

HERE TASS Russian News Agency official! https://tass.com/ Not word about yours sale of the century !

You are click bite LIAR!


Iran is a large resourceful nation and it has immense technological infrastructure and its titanium, iron ore and other minerals alone are estimated at $4 trillion by a recent European geological survey.

Jens Holm

You offend the dwarfs.

They couls not even readthe black box fromthe airplane, they shot down themselves. Now they are upgrading T90 and build jets opnly usefull against unarmed kurds.


I don’t feel terrified at all, how’s your dog Soleimani doing in hell? I hope he’s burning good there.

Zionism = EVIL

HUSH stupid TWAT!


Nah Ali, I pray to you make your stupid move :-)

Emad Irani

Dear Hasbara Idiot, time to spend some billions on Davids Sling and Arrow 2 upgrade because of Mach 12 Soleimani missile hahah


The mullahs know very well what will happen to Tehran if they shoot one missile from their territoy into Israel. I’m not worried, and you?

Emad Irani

why should we hahha this missile was built some years ago, just changed the name. Wait for the newer +4000km nuclear capable missile special delivery wherever you try to swim khkhkh


Are you another Iranian mullah troll? you will never have nuclear weapons we will make sure of that.

Emad Irani

you can’t even control ur own streets but ok. Before you search for 500m deep facilities, make sure where the other missiles are buried Rambo khkh

Séamus Ó Néill

We ? Is that you and your wet nurse ?

Zionism = EVIL

This Zionist idiot is an attention seeking teenager.


lol Russia even captured a fully intact David Sling missile in Syria back in 2018. They studied reverse engineered it :)


Russian technicians reverse engineered ‘Davids Sling’ for a bit of fun and created a catapult. :)


Christopher Petrov


El libanes

Dont you remember your soldiers crying in south lebanon?Dont you remeber them being shoot at in the back because they flee hezbollah? Stfu


Only in your head, we were ready to go all the way to Beirut to capture Nasrallah. His balls shaked, so he asked for a ceasefire. Next time the bastard will be dead and he knows it.

Séamus Ó Néill

Yes, you go on ahead, pray to your prince of darkness, Satan really loves the Jews !


Still a teenage delinquent.

Jaime Galarza

It’s interesting to see how when ali writes about zioterrorists and wahhabi dogs, you immediately jump to attention. So you feel alluded eh?

Zionism = EVIL

This is the actual picture of desperate hasbara




Séamus Ó Néill

You really are a horrible piece of regurgitated vomit, you MUST be a scheming , lying, stealing Jew !….But how would we know, when Jews can’t tell the truth !


Kudos Iran.

Fleecing Rabbi

Amrikan meshuggenah making problems for my flock, all big talk no Iran action. Iran and Khizbullah now more missiles.

Jens Holm

You make Yourself to an exelent target.

Jens Holm

How much lack of food is that?

Jens Holm

we invented this, where I am from

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_power_in_Denmark https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6ec2ecfdc7c24da4b3d46396bedbfbbc8669f8896c71905c793bcbe44893ae2b.png


tommy jensen is a troll. he really is pro Russia/ pro SAA. trust me

Tommy Jensen

Its called a reverse troll.

Christopher Petrov

do u know what happened to our mr jacob wohl by a chance? I heard his nose is being used as a makeshift hospital for COVID treatment in california right now


But where did the chalk board come from ! Can you give me the two factors of this? :) 2xsquared + x -6 = ( ) x ( )


X = 1.5 , -2 One more please I like math.


The x squared was not clear I guess,the x can not be answered alone. It’s a polynomial ! (x+3) times (x -2) = 2xsquared + x – 6


It may be possible to express a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 as a product (px + q)(rx + s) = 0. X should have 2 answers, if it doesn’t then it’s not a quadratic equation.

John Wallace

We does not include you and as usual you are talking shit.

The first electricity-generating wind turbine was invented in 1888 in Cleveland, Ohio by Charles F. Brush. The turbine’s diameter was 17 meters (50 feet), it had 144 rotor blades made of cedar wood, and it generated about 12 kilowatts (kW) of power. 1887: The first known wind turbine used to produce electricity is built in Scotland. The wind turbine is created by Prof James Blyth of Anderson’s College, Glasgow (now known as Strathclyde University).

Servet Köseoğlu

your serials are excellent too…ı love forbrydersen

Tommy Jensen

Worlds most expensive energy.


Try to think GREEN Tommy. And open up your dam wallet ! Didn’t Trump send you some free green cash?

Tommy Jensen

Tired of bs and stupid green brainwashed people fooling around.

Tommy Jensen

….and one more thing. When I get elected into the Congress I will vote high octane lead 98 gasoline in again. Take that one green freaks.

Tommy Jensen

The earth rotate around the sun with 107 000km/hr, while it rotate around itself with 1670km/hr.

At the same time the moon rotate around the eart while rotating around itself, with forces pulling the earth to gliding tides over the earthly Sea’s surface.

Plus the sun needs to penetrate 8 different layers and spheres before its light and heat reach the eart.

Anyone who believe we can calculate 2C temperature rise on earth or 2-5cm sea level rise because of diesel cars with these parameters, belongs to a mental hospital. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/74423b104a35cbb1e9876cff95ca4af02254f5dc5124e911e315f171edcc793d.jpg


> Windmills are the worlds most expensive energy form. Glasfiber/epoxy wing graveyards, extremely expensive maintenance cost.

So why are so many being deployed? You’re right that the epoxy-glass wings are having a shorter-than expected lifetime, due to damage of the leading edge. And nice videos of windmills catching fire.

Tommy Jensen

Warren Buffet said the only reason for windenergy was a leftish politician who fell in love with the concept. That there was no economic, environmental, society, energy reason for it. The bankers love it because it creates more public debt to their usury business.


Who are you kidding? you can’t even take Iraq so you want to take over the entire ME including Israel? I guess Persians have a good sense of humor!


I’m not worried Ali, maybe for a change you will taste our full firepower but then again nothing would be left of you after that, we might still survive.

Jens Holm

Maybe the russians will get paid in oil and by that keep the price of their own oil up in a kind of de-mineralising:)

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

they can all evade usa made anti missile batteries. patriots dont work on anything lol

Jens Holm

Russia is not brave enough to commit suicide themself, thats why they sell missiles to their enemies.


Denmark commits suicide by letting in hordes of migrants.

Jaime Galarza

Jens belongs to one of those hordes.

Jens Holm

The big bang in Beirut was S400 missiles, which Assads after 6 years could not pay for.


Please cut down on the drugs Jens. It is an expensive habit and you are no longer young. :/

John Wallace

Trump needs to build that wall with Jens Holm because then you could guarantee NOTHING would get through just like nothing gets through to that dumbfuk.

Christopher Petrov

Wonderful. Soon Iran might have J-10, J-20, HQ-9, or S-400/SU-35/Pantsir :)


Nonsense! You are talking out of your arse! J-20 is not even for sale and I am 100% sure that you don’t have decent proof for your claim!

Do you have any link?! (not blog and similar bollocks but official Russian or Chinese news site) I am sure that you don’t have it

Jim Allen

Stupid troll, prove he’s lying. He has no obligation to prove anything to you, and he’s correct. Iran has one S-400 already, Iran has been dealing on Su-30, and 35 for a while, and has Su-57 ordered. It will be quite a long time before Su-57 are available for export. Upgraded MiG-29 is more than capable of dealing with whatever the West has, or will have for years to come. For someone so pro-Russia as yourself, you seem to know little about it. This is reflected in the statements you make. Fact is you can’t prove the man’s lying, and you’re obligated to do that when you make allegations. If you wish to be taken seriously,and in some places risk being fed to the hogs, when you can’t back up you fat stupid mouth.


I have to “prove” that his FALSE NEWS ( WITHOUT HIM GIVING SOURCE ) is false news????!!! How can I prove that NEWS IS FALSE WHEN ARTICLE DOESN’T EXIST

because he is LIAR ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????

If he claims that aliens exist WITHOUT SHOWING ANY PROOF do I have to “prove” that they do not exist, because he is LIAR with no proof ?!!! Why would I prove anything about aliens if they exist or not exist when HE was talking about aliens not me!

YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY THE MOST IDIOTIC PERSON ON THIS PLANET ! And this was the most stupid and absurd logic that I have ever heard in my life!!



Also Iran has bought S-300PMU2 not S-400. You know jack shit about anything you moron !

Christopher Petrov

Iran has only a small number of S-300PM2, not S-400. And as for HiaNd, he’s the most salty, angry person on the internet for some reason who knows lol

Christopher Petrov

Wow, again what a salty response. You’ve got a lot of build up anger for some reason. That edgy profile pic of yours (if it even is you) explains this teenage rage.

It’s very likely Iran will buy SU-35, coastal defense systems and maybe S-400.


Your estimate …that might be wrong also. Being pro Russian I am absolutely for it but I do not believe it …that everything we want or hope for happens in life. They can also go for few hundred SU-30MK2 +TOT and few hundred Chinese single engine light fighters. SU-30 can come with Indian “Super Sukhoi”(upgrade of SU-30 to SU-35) option of upgrades(thus TOT for SU-35 engines and Irbis radar would be great for Iran) + capability for Brahmos-P-800 Oniks anti-ship, air to ground missile that would be particularly interesting for Iran TOT for P-800 Oniks?

I believe in sale of coastal defense….If true that Iran has received instead of S-300PMU2 the latest and greatest S-300PMU3 than they have already S-400 (to try to copy it) Why would they buy very expensive S-400 when they can build plenty of Iranian “Bavar” that would be not as good but much cheaper? Unless Bavar is not as good as they claim.

Heavy fighter Sukhoi TOT+ Chines light fighter + coastal defense (no SU-57) ….S-400 no clue?

Christopher Petrov

They need fighter jets (that’s 1 thing forsure, a certainty). Whether its Mig-29SMT, or SU-30, or Su35 who knows yet.


or MIG-35


Must be because they have tried to put all the best in that jet J-20 not being an export product most definitely I have seen that info more than once! J-31 is for sale though So if Iran wants stealth on the cheap J-31 it is ! looks like F-35 copy just with 2 engines “You’re by far the most unfriendliest moron on here by the way, definitely not a fun guy to hang around for anyone I’m sure “ Thanks for the compliment, I’m trying my best, but there is room for improvement always…


HiaNd may have stopped his anger management classes a while back. So now he uses the internet. :DD


Did you see “anger management”? Jack Nicholson was quite good (not his best obviously since he was only acting mad but not insane person which is real element really)


One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest? Watched it several times.Yes, I get the meaning. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2b817fec6eafca0de637f57cf57b088b245b2fb2c9ec3d46c35f3d24dd4a7210.jpg

Christopher Petrov

makes total sense :)


Iran already has or soon will have: nuclear subs with slbms (nk has them) ICBMs (nk has them) cruise missiles (nk has them) hypersonic missiles (nk has them) su-35, su-57, etc s-400 t-90s etc in addition, iran has their own weapon systems under development.

John Wallace

Poetic justice would be if they used American homing technology to find those stars and stripes targets.

Séamus Ó Néill

American technology is so 1990’s. Ask their pilots flying their “Growlers” in the South China Sea, or the crew of th USS Cook….they use a lot of underwear !

Servet Köseoğlu

”The missile reportedly has the capability to penetrate anti-missile systems.”…ı am afraid of asking but how?considering shooting Ukranian Boeing 737-800….

chris chuba

The cruise missile flies low and is not detected until the final few seconds of the target, plus it has a motor, fins, and a guidance system so that it can make a few turns to confuse ABM systems. The ballistic missile, has fins, if they can make even a rudimentary twist in the arc of its trajectory it would reduce the effectiveness of many ABM systems because they rely on the ballistic missile arch to calculate the destination before choosing the endpoint battery which would then intercept it and use active radar for the final tracking. ABM systems even now have an error rate in knocking down ballistic missile systems, so even a relatively unsophisticated mid-flight turn would increase that failure rate.

Regarding the passenger jet, a total apples to oranges comparison. That was an old, stand alone, analog Russian bought anti-missile truck with its own radar which misidentified the passenger jet. It was able to track destroy it. A ballistic missile would fire without needed a RADAR to control it.

Servet Köseoğlu

in theory yes..ı know.. but somehow ı dont have a trust to İran missiles but maybe they get assist from china..

chris chuba

We will have to wait and see then but Iran’s technology is mixed.

Southfront did an analysis of their missile attack on Al Asad Airbase. That was a range of about 300 miles and all of the missiles hit their target within their blast radius. The base is in the middle of a desert so the meme of ‘hitting tents’ is not accurate. All you need in a desert is a metal shed, hitting one is not dumb luck. Also, Iran was able to strike targets in Deir Ezzor a couple of years ago which would have been twice as far.

Short version: Iran’s missiles are pretty friggin’ accurate over an impressive range. These aren’t your Saddam Scuds.

Their Aviation: lacking but drone technology, not bad. Air defense? Remains to be seen. It looks like integration is an issue.

Emad Irani

the system that shot down the plane was a Tor M1 Russian made, not an Iranian made system. Beside that I hope you know BM and ADM are two different things…

Servet Köseoğlu

thanks for replying


“The cruise missile flies low and is not detected until the final few seconds of the target” ? This all depends on the height and sophistication of the detecting radars and interlinks, take the failed strike on Syria as an example. :)


Yes, Iran should limit their missiles/defenses. Otherwise the US and Israel will be hard pressed to attack them….which is their right…just ask them. They might as well tell Moscow to get rid of their hypersonic weapons…so it will be safe for NATO to attack Russia.

Christopher Petrov

every @HiaNd comment ever made: ?????????


Fuck… why are those 2 yellow?! All should be only red!!

Was I not angry EVERY TIME??!!! Do not try to present me nicer than I am !!!

Christopher Petrov

yes in hindsight, all should have been red. and at least 100 of them :)

Assad must stay

very nice mister iran continue the great work

cechas vodobenikov

1000km—designed to destroy US bases in Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Iraq—-their bajar anti missile system is reported to equal to or superior to the S-300….US will never directly engage Iran—they try to steal oil, then Iran seizes a UAE oil tanker…..impotent amerikans “amerikans love big because they feel so small”. Philip Slater


Dont forget this, Iran dont need offencive systems, AmeriTars do, its an majore difference since Iran can build up multi layered defence systems all around Iran and Iran is hughe, mountainius etc and strategicly, have their enemys on gun point, incl the terror state ISISrael, the various Princedomes are just an joke, and so on, AmeriTards weapons are in them self questionable when it comes to reliability and effectivness, but Iran have already demonstarted their capacity witch was to be frank really impressive, and I could mention some other equally impressive shoot downs but drops it for now.

Airplanes have become more and more obsolite, like carriers, and when the range goes up on the deffence systems build by the Iranians, the attackes have to move further away, and then everything is moved over to simple logistics, and this alone will reduce the Yankikes ability to encounter Iran, because I hope and know they have much more than just this, missiles are the future, drones is ok, but is just an smaller airplains and the offencive effectiveness depends as much on the defenders ability to detect them, Russians have really good radar systems and so on, and basicaly shoots down everything thrown at them.

Thats why I dont really bother to say or debate airplains, I like the Russians Suckohoy, hehe, but my favorite is an SAAB. Yeah, needs just 800 m. with flat ground/road and a 3 man crew to refuel and rearm and up it goes again, perfect for nations with terain and mountains, etc. Why we never bought them is stil an mistery, but then again Norway have always been just an stupid bitch with to much mooney for their/our own good, apart from that, we dont have much other than some useless ameriTard crap.


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