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Iran Unveils Its Indigenous Air Missile Defense System – Bavar-373 (Photos, Videos)

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Iran Unveils Its Indigenous Air Missile Defense System - Bavar-373 (Photos, Videos)

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On August 22nd, Iran unveiled its indigenous mobile air missile defense system – the Bavar-373.

The unveiling took place during the National Defense Industry Day celebrations.

The system was unveiled by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Defense Minister Amir Hatami

“With this long-range air defense system, we can detect … targets or planes at more than 300 km (190 miles), lock it at about 250 km, and destroy it at 200 km,” Hatami said.

Thee Bavar-373 is a long-range mobile air defense system which was initially revealed in August 2016. A distinguishing feature of Bavar-373 is its vertical launching system with square launchers, mostly used for air defense on warships.

The missile system uses a long-range, phased array fire-control radar and employs three different types of missiles to hit targets at various altitudes.

The new system is said to be capable of neutralizing both conventional aerial targets such as aircraft and drones, as well as high-speed ballistic missiles.

Iran is said to have launched the project in 2010 after Russia suspended a $900 million deal signed in 2007 to deliver the S-300 complex. Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, ordered the development of the missile system, after then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev banned armed sales to the country in light of UN sanctions against Tehran.

The agreement was put on hold after the UN Security Council adopted resolution 1929 that banned the sale of weapons to Tehran.

Iran Unveils Its Indigenous Air Missile Defense System - Bavar-373 (Photos, Videos)

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A senior Iranian military commander said on October 16th 2011 that the Bavar-373 (meaning ‘Belief’) system is more advanced than the Russian S-300 in terms of defense against aircraft and cruise missiles.

Whether that is true is dubious.

Back in 2011, Executive Deputy Head of Khatam al-Anbia Air Defense Base Gen. Shahrokh Shahram told IRNA that when we were talking about purchasing the S-300 anti-aircraft missile defense system it was necessary to counter the threats of that time.

During the August 22nd 2019 Defense Minister Amir Hatami said that this unveiling was not final and “in the near future” there would be a complete unveil.

Iran has a practice of unveiling weapon systems more than once, in sort of “sneak-peaks,” which is evident in some recent unveilings of drones, loitering weapons, smart bombs and so on.

Iran Unveils Its Indigenous Air Missile Defense System - Bavar-373 (Photos, Videos)

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Iran Unveils Its Indigenous Air Missile Defense System - Bavar-373 (Photos, Videos)

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Iran Unveils Its Indigenous Air Missile Defense System - Bavar-373 (Photos, Videos)

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Iran Unveils Its Indigenous Air Missile Defense System - Bavar-373 (Photos, Videos)

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Iran Unveils Its Indigenous Air Missile Defense System - Bavar-373 (Photos, Videos)

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Jim Prendergast

Well done!

stupid is as stupid does

From US to China to Iran and some other countries as well. Everybody is trying or have tried to make copy of S-300. For the publicity Russia can’t get better publicity than that.

I hope that Iran’s system is as good in every other way as Russian S-300.

Zionism = EVIL

The only real test of any system is in combat and hopefully Iranians will use it on the Zionist and Saudi scum. This should be in Hezbollah hands ASAP so that Zionists using Lebanese airspace to launch stand off missiles at Syria stop.

stupid is as stupid does

True. Specially against the countermeasures of enemy that can be used.

Zionism = EVIL

I agree, the best and internationally recognized way is for Syria to defend its airspace against both Americunt and Zionist intruder aircraft by using both the S-300 and Iranian systems. Hezbollah should also have access to modern AD systems.

Zionism = EVIL

This is an additional layer is the Iranian SAM umbrella, which was already quite strong and now the coverage is from Hormuz to all the way up in the Persian Gulf and beyond. This system was almost 9 years in the making and incorporates many anti-ECM capabilities which the Americunts and Zionist scum know fuckall about.

Bavar-373 is a mobile missile defense system designed to intercept and destroy incoming hostile targets. The system employs missiles that have a maximum range of 300 kilometers.

The system is capable of simultaneously detecting up to 300 targets, tracking 60 targets at once and engaging six targets at a time. According to the Iranian defense chief, “With this long-range air defense system, we can detect … targets or planes at more than 300 km, lock it at about 250 km, and destroy it at 200 km.

stupid is as stupid does

Missiles have maximum range of 200 kilometers… Look up the chart.

Zionism = EVIL

Well either the defence minister Mr. Hatami is misinformed or the chart is guesstimates. Iran has a history of not giving accurate information as its frigates are classified as destroyers. In any case on paper this looks like a pretty serious system and hopefully, unlike Russia and its decoration piece S-300 and 400, Iran and its allies will use it in real combat to defend their airspace.

stupid is as stupid does

“Russia and its decoration piece” keeps (as deterrent) Syria live for quite some time. When it comes to power, Russia is in totally another league to Iran as world nuke Super Power (second to none). Russia can’t be easy on trigger because with different power goes different responsibility. So it is not Iran or even China but Russia that keeps in check whole US-NATO + endless list of stooges & globalist cabal around the planet from wining the game militarily. Russia is not type of country that starts the wars Russia is the country that will finish every war as winner even if that has to be the last one. And it will be so till China rightfully takes primacy from Russia. All this agitation and chatter of calling for more war is totally irrational. Because such approach would spread the conflict outside of Syria and all over the Middle East and probably grow into the WW3 One must keep control of every move if one wants to stay on the top of the game.

Zionism = EVIL

Sorry, Russian record has been very poor as Afghanistan and now Ukraine has amply showed. They lack the stamina for a fight, it is a weak country of barely 140 million, made up of many restless minorities with massive Jew penetration and corruption. Even the USSR played the Arabs and gave them third rate weaponry.

Free man

“Russian record has been very poor as Afghanistan showed. They lack the stamina for a fight, it is a weak country … ” – You are extremely stupid. Russia is a world power.

Zionism = EVIL

Nothing to get uppity kiddo :) Russia was chased out of Afghanistan by a bunch of goat herders. They executed the war very poorly, the Pakistanis blew their airforce out of the sky at will and Russians did fuckall for 10 years and exposed its primitive military. Afghanistan was the end of USSR.. Now if you want to see real warrior nations, check out the Vietnamese, Yemenis etc.

Free man

Like I said, you are extremely biased. Everyone saw Iran’s performance in the Iran-Iraq war, it wasn’t something to brag about.

Zionism = EVIL

I agree, but remember the illiterate mullahs that run Iran decimated the Shah’s professional military and even today the turbaned arseholes will not invest in a airforce because they are afraid of educated pilots.


Sorry, but Putin said ” There are no oligarchs in Russia”


If not for the western supplied intelligence and chemical weapons, the war would have ended in Irans favor…

Free man

You can’t call it victory. Hundreds of thousands of young people died in vain in an unnecessary war. A war that the Iranian ruler could end much faster.

Zionism = EVIL

The decimated Iranian military performed very poorly, I am sorry to say that Iran was 4 times the size of Iraq and had much better western weaponry. They proved totally inept by using mass human waves and not being able to use weapons systems. I will give you an example, Iranians under pressure from the mullahs, started a spring offensive at Sussengerd using very advanced British Chieftain tanks, but did have have the combat engineers to check the ground for spring rains which bogged down most of the tanks that were captured by Iraq and then given to Jordan. I can give a million facts.


This is not so accurate.

Zionism = EVIL

How so? if you have an alternate version of history, let’s hear it without emotive overtones like some of these excitable kids. Let me tell you something, if Russia did not have nukes, it would be the Sudan of the tundra.

stupid is as stupid does

What “alternate version of history” you FILTHY TERRORIST PRODUCING BANKRUPTED GOAT FUCKING COUNTRY OF PAKISTAN can talk about “history”?

History of chopping heads of maybe?! Fuck YOU cowardly human filth!

I hope that India fucks you so hard that their dick knocks your teeth off you stinky excuse for human !!!

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, Pakistanis are goat fuckers too but still kicked Ruski arse out of Afghanistan. Sad but true.

stupid is as stupid does

Say where are you from you STINKY COWARD ! You filthy motherfucker!!

Zionism = EVIL

I never fucked your mother, she was too ugly :)


Massive Saudi finance towards foreign mujahedeen, the birth of “Al Qaeda”. CIA supplying Stingers to the mujahedeen – before that nowhere was safe for them, Russian Hinds would hunt them everywhere, and they had no answers to it. USSR was lured into a debilitating trap by a CIA coup installing an anti-communist puppet. Brezinsky plan (not Afghan). I might remember more in a minute…

Zionism = EVIL

Somewhat true, but Russians were cowards who never attacked Pakistani terrorist bases as the CIA armed and trained over 150,000 Mujahideen, the then darlings of the west, including Osama and the alCIAda. I can go on….

stupid is as stupid does

of course you can “go on” forever with your rubbish because you are full of shit you stinking pig !

stupid is as stupid does

Sorry… why are you writing all that? Yeah…I know all that… Thanks anyways. Yes US was preparing trap for USSR in Afghanistan and they try the same with Russia in Ukraine. They hope that Russia starts war against Ukraine so that they can send NATO troops in. And drain down Russian force while destroying Europe with another big European war Which would put BANKRUPTED – US in position to wipe their debt of 22 TRILLION dollars completely!

Zionism = EVIL

Russia is the modern day Sudan, and you think it can fight America. Good one.

stupid is as stupid does

So you have escaped from that pakistani shithole to UK? They can finish up your shitty pakistan and UK in one day together you filthy coward!

Zionism = EVIL

UK is a Paki shithole, I kid you not Yidski.

stupid is as stupid does

Yidski? You spit on Russia and Putin and you call me Yidski?!? What is more JEW NEOCONSERVATIVE attitude than to be anti-Russia and anti Putin like you are ?!

You filthy Zionist PIG !!!

Zionism = EVIL

Excuse me, Paki Zionist pig to you. Putin is a dimwit third grade corrupt KGB hack and totally in Jew pockets. Don’t get me started.

stupid is as stupid does

You filthy Paki Zionist pig !!!! You filthy JEW NEOCONSERVATIVE and Russian hater !!!!!!! You filthy ZIONIST LOW LIFE !

Zionism = EVIL

You missed street shitting Zionist Paki Pig :) you should ease up on your mom’s vodka seriously, have a nice day tovarish.

stupid is as stupid does


stupid is as stupid does

You’ve just confirmed that you are Muslim from UK you filthy RETARD !!

And you are to ridicule Russia you FILTHY COWARD ?! When you see JEW you SHIT YOUR PANTS YOU PIG !

stupid is as stupid does

You pathetic prick WHERE is your COWARDLY COUNTRY ?! Say it !!! Say it you pathetic low life to put Russian heroism to shame with “stamina” of your FAGGOT NATION !!

You filthy fucking ZIONIST MORON!! Is it Pakistan ? What is the name of your country you filthy COWARD ?!

Daniel Miller

he is a pakistani XD

stupid is as stupid does

Thanks Daniel my friend I really appreciate it!

Daniel Miller

np keep in mind he is very butthurt about the fact Russia dosent do temper tantrums and shit like iran and dose not shout death to america all the time.

stupid is as stupid does

Yes Must be of Arab decent or Muslim in general because they love theatrics like that. They are very much big mouth small dick sort of thing… Burning flag ritual and all other silly rituals I find that pathetic because it is the same for decades already…. But than I am not Iranian. Palestinians I can understand them, they are poor and helpless they can’t do much else… but Iran… It might be cultural difference that blocks me so I can’t understand… I don’t know.

Zionism = EVIL

You kids are hilarious though, don’t have a clue but offer free entertainment. I love it :)

stupid is as stupid does


Zionism = EVIL

Two kids in a lost world :)

stupid is as stupid does

FUCK YOU PAKISTANI PIG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zionism = EVIL

Pakistani PIGS are delicious you upset kid.

Zionism = EVIL

Get a room you PUNK faggots :)

Zionism = EVIL

Sorry, don’t like them either, good try moron :)

Daniel Miller

nah m8 your butthurt when the kashmir bullshit was up gave you away quite fast ;)

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbass Indian streetshitter, I am for the underdog. I would prefer the Pakis to you filthy Hindu swine.

Daniel Miller

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA see my point XD omfg this dude thinks i am a indian XDDDDD

Zionism = EVIL

Either a Jew fuck or an Indian, but who cares :)

Daniel Miller

Oy vey i am now a jew XD

Zionism = EVIL

You sure are dumbass Yid, your poor English gave it away :)

Daniel Miller

Oy vey the paki is talking about poor english….oh what ever will i do XD

Zionism = EVIL

Paki Jew English or Hindlish ROFLMAO…..

stupid is as stupid does

yeah no wonder … they are obsessed with India

Zionism = EVIL

You kids need to post in English, it is pure entertainment :)

stupid is as stupid does

He is most probably Paki from UK …2nd generation or similar peace of shit like that..

Zionism = EVIL

:) funny kids.

stupid is as stupid does


Zionism = EVIL

PAKI JEW PIGS ARE DELICIOUS as they both live off Americunt taxpayers, ironic ain’t it Yidski :)

Daniel Miller

agreed he seems so butthurt when you mention jews and other shit its quite funny actually.

Zionism = EVIL

Now now, don’t get uppity kiddo.

stupid is as stupid does

No need to be sorry, but there is need to be accurate if one uses accusations. You talk rubbish exactly like typical NATO Westerner calling USSR = Russia And accusing Russian military of direct involvement in Ukraine war!? Actually you sound like CNN or (God forbid) Jewish neoconservative !

1st. USSR in Afghanistan was in ideological interventions war (as stupid as any other US war) So I don’t see how it relates to the Russia in any possible way? Soviets did huge, stupid mistake with Afghanistan.

2nd. How was Russian army defeated if they were not in Ukraine?!

“They lack the stamina for a fight” ?!!??! Can’t actually believe my eyes what rubbish you write mr Zionist! USSR have had lost 27 MILLION of people of whom the largest parts were RUSSIANS ! Many of them died to win the war against the best trained army that has ever existed on this planet ! They were nothing but HEROIC in their fight ! And you accuse them of not having ” the stamina for a fight” ?!!? You must be fucking joking you loser! You have no decency in you whatsoever !

Common you must now tell me so that I can LAUGH the name of your “heroic” country?! You are from WHERE mr Zionist ? What is the name of you heroic country and how many millions have got killed in defending you heroic country?

Why would capitalist Russia make give away weapons to Arabs or to anybody? They are not interested in bribing like USSR with free handouts to spread fucking communism ! Why would they give for free?! Even though I am sure they did to Syria and Serbia and some other similar countries. But not to everybody! They do not print dollars out of nothing like US so that they can afford to give for free. Anyways Russia is already stuck with countries like Venezuela, Cuba and many others that can’t pay their debt back.

Daniel Miller

m8 the Russians killed more around 500k-1 million hagis in afghanistan and only lost 10.000 of their own. soooo what exactly is bad about that?

Zionism = EVIL

BS kiddo, the Ruskies lost 15,000 dead and Afghans perhaps 200,000 casualties.

Daniel Miller

ok i realise you are to retarded too count but for the love of god just look it up the soviets lost 9500 troops in combat while 4000 succomed to their inguries and another 1000 form none combat related deaths. so thats 14.500 troops dead in total whole the most conservative estemates for the deaths of the sand niggers goes to a minimum of 75-90k so even if we take your accund of 15k that means that for each Russian soldier 5 hagis needed to die in order to kill him. and if we do your math that will be a 13/1 K/D ratio…not bad at all.

Zionism = EVIL

More idiotic BS. You kids don’t have clue about military or strategic mass. Where do you get your info playstation. Adults don’t lose their cool and stick with FACTS. Russians or USSR got screwed in Afghanistan, pure and simple and USSR collapsed.

Daniel Miller

if you are a adult and do not know how to do basic math i feel sorry for you xD but for real you really are retarded if you think the soviet afghan war was a strategic loss…thats like saying the US lost in vietnam and afghanistan on a strategic level both Russia and the US massacered their enemys in afghanistan the only reason they cant win is that the terrain prevents then form getting a objective victory. you know for a person whom claims to know shit about military tactics or as you call it “military or strategic mass” you shure seem clewless

Zionism = EVIL

Your ENGLISH is very poor. What is your native language? Hebrew? It is SURE and CLUELESS etc. I can teach you proper Syntax, if you like, instead of getting uppity kiddo :)

Daniel Miller

my english is bad? really? point it out then m8 ;) but i know you wont since you are to stupid to even do basic math. also why are you so butthurt about jews? did you get raped by one? ;D

Zionism = EVIL

I knew it a stinking YID, ROFLMAO……

Daniel Miller

for a peson whom claims to be an adult you shure do act like a child…then again if you are a shitskin form pakistan i wold make sence since their adult IQ is in the child range.

Zionism = EVIL

Now now, Yid racism is sign that you lost kiddo, time to get a nose job :)

Daniel Miller

Oy vey i must get a nose job to please the shit skin…or i can just you know shoot some whom are trespassing on my lawn ;)

Zionism = EVIL

All big talk Yidski kiddo :) seen your bigmouth kind all over :)

stupid is as stupid does

Only children, teens use ” ROFLMAO” and similar crap. He is some UK Muslim teen retard.

Martin Petrovski

What exactly is BS about his claim? I did the math as well and i cant find any error. Also in what way did the Afghan war of the 80’s impact the USSR? From all sources i can see the USSR collapsed due to internal political and economic turmoil not the Afghan war.

Zionism = EVIL

It is combination of factors the USSR collapsed. The Russians are and were lazy, incompetent and corrupt. Most of their “communist party” was on CIA payroll. The Russian military equipment was JUNK, the GRU (military intelligence) totally fabricated the intelligence on Afghanistan in 1979 as they did not know the internal power struggles of Parcham and Khalq factions. The invading military was too small and totally unprepared for conflict and they simply lost the war and will to fight.

Martin Petrovski

From what i can deduct you are verryyy bias,your whole attitude is and you seem quite ill informed on the subject. If the USSR’s communist party was on the CIA’s payroll why did they combat echother so mutch on the geopolitical,economic and combat sene? Also i what way are Russians lazy and corrupt exactly? How was their equipment junk? And how did the GRU fabricate military intellegance? You shure are making quite alot of claims yet i see 9 sources to back them up. Also you did not awnser my original question how are his numbres BS?

Zionism = EVIL

What numbers, the guy is an idiot and claims that one million Afghans were killed by Russians, that is pure stupidity. These kids have no regard for human life as they have never seen war. The fact is that the CIA and its Pakistani proxies destroyed and humiliated the USSR and it collapsed and get over it. Russia is weak fragmented failed state with nukes and will fall to China eventually anyway and the western parts to NATO. It is only a matter of time.

Martin Petrovski

But he did not his argument was that at the least it took 5 afghans to kill one Russian soldier and if we take your numbres its 13 for one Russian form what i can see he is trying to explain to you that the Russsians dominated the afghans on the tactical level witch is 100% true. “The fact is that the CIA and its Pakistani proxies destroyed and humiliated the USSR and it collapsed and get over it. ” are you claiming that a 5 to 1 or 13 to 1 kill ratio is humiliation and that the USSR collapsed due to the Afghan war?

“Russia is weak fragmented failed state with nukes and will fall to China eventually anyway and the western parts to NATO. It is only a matter of time.” This statment is so wrong i can not even fathom what went thro your head to think this,i base my opinion on facts and form what i can deduct you do not. You claim Russia is fragmented. How? You claim its weak.How is it weak? You claim it will fall to China and NATO. Again how?

Daniel Martin

Martin the guy is a flamer ? seeking attention just ignore him, any attempt to have an rational argument with him is a futile venture.

Martin Petrovski

I noticed if someone trys to proof him wrong no matter how rational you are he seems way to agressive and trys to provoke you.

Daniel Martin

You’re absolutely correct! ?

Raptar Driver

“lazy, incompetent and corrupt.”

Sounds a lot like Americans?


No boy, also afghanistan and ss-20 were in play. the price of afghani war and military costs in SS-20/pershings tournament destroyed economically the ussr.

Martin Petrovski

What dose a intermediate range ballistic missile have anything to do with the collapse of the USSR’s econemy? A single system dose not contribute to the collapse. Debt played the biggest role in the USSR’s collapse. It took Russia more then 25 years to pay it off.

Ray " Uncle Sam"

Sorry but russia is the best army in the world! You have to understand Russia is ready for a modern War but doesnt want a big war! uncle Sam isnt ready for a modern war but whants a war!

Zionism = EVIL

I don’t think there are any “best” armies, it depends on who your adversary and their capability is. Russia so far has not fared too well in any post WW2 conflict.

Martin Petrovski

“Russia so far has not fared too well in any post WW2 conflict” Name them plz “Even in WW2 western aid defeated the Nazis” That is a common myth about WW2 but its not true western aid arrived moths after the defeat of the wearmaht at the gates of Moscow.

Zionism = EVIL

Look you sound like a normal intelligent guy. The reality is that Russia chickened out of Cuban missile crises, messed up the invasions of Hungary, Czechoslovakia and then made enemies of all of eastern Europeans by its sheer thuggish behavior. The Poles hate the Russians the most now. Russia played the dumbass Arabs and sold them junk and again chickened out when the US organized the world’s biggest airlift ti support the Zionists in 1973, and I can go on. Russians individually may be good soldiers, but their leadership has always stunk, look at the defeat in WW1 and subsequent overthrow of Czar and then the creation of Jew USSR. I have nothing personal against Russians, but their behavior has been a disaster. Every Russian wants to move to the west.

Martin Petrovski

“The reality is that Russia chickened out of Cuban missile crises” so you wold prefer for their to have been a nuclear war? i am sorry but no the Cuban missile crisis was a very close call and the Russians had been smart to back down since it was a better option.

“messed up the invasions of Hungary, Czechoslovakia” plz refer what you mean by this i think you are reffering to the Hungarian uprising and the and the Prauge spring?

“and then made enemies of all of eastern Europeans by its sheer thuggish behavior” in what way? all eastern european states had their own govt they had not been governed by the USSR directly.

“The Poles hate the Russians the most now” So you are taking the opinion of a small chunk of the population and claim that the whole nation despises another nation for what they did witch was not under their control?

“Russia played the dumbass Arabs and sold them junk and again chickened out when the US organized the world’s biggest airlift ti support the Zionists in 1973”

I am sorry but you are flat out wrong on this one the arabs have noone to blame by themselfs for their faliure in 1973 and in the 6 day war,arab armys are very incompetant all of them are history both form the 20th and the current century show this Iraq Suadi Arabia Egyipt Syria and so on are all examples of this no matter who trains them or gives them weapons arabs cant seem to grasp the concept of modern warfare.

“look at the defeat in WW1 and subsequent overthrow of Czar and then the creation of Jew USSR.” The defeat in WW1 was caused by the bolshevic revolution. Also its quite ironic you call it “Jew USSR” when the USSR was a strictly atheistic state.

“I have nothing personal against Russians, but their behavior has been a disaster. Every Russian wants to move to the west.” what behaivor has been a disaster? also migration numbres dont agree with your last sentance.

Ray " Uncle Sam"

its not worth to start a nuclear war because of in island 6000 miles away from russia! Its worth to go to war when 500 miles away from moskow!


well you are just full of sh#t, ” every russian want to move to the west”, based on what ? on your own conclusions ? you are just some narrow minded guy , blocked troll.

stupid is as stupid does

You false expert You Muslim licking Jew arse, peace of shit ! You JEW NEOCON Russian hater !

Ray " Uncle Sam"

i disagree it was Teamwork! The USa would not win alone against the Germans or the soviet would not win alone. they had to work together to defeat germany!


Yes they were partner than and they are partner now!


the russians defeated germany in ww2 , you are just an anti Russia troll or watch too much TV. meh


You have to understand ” There are no oligarch in Russia”

Semen Sh!tstain

“but muh invincible super stealthy F22 and F35 can be undetected by the most advanced radars! they can win a war in 2 minutes!” – toronto jew & unoccupied bacon brain


F 35 & F22 shit holes would be blown out of the sky as soon as they take off. Israel has one such experience of losing f 35 to Syrian air defence


F22 and F35 is 2nd layer. 1st layer of USA attack and defence is…Chuck Norris!

Emad Irani

S300 and S400 were never tested in a warfare. In Syria, the Syrian still have to use S200 against Israeli F16. That is why Russia sold to Turkey while producing S500…

stupid is as stupid does

S-300… they were tested just recently in Syria against some Israhell missile attack I think. That’s at least what I saw in some newspapers… don’t know any more where that was. Syrians do not need Russian approval to use their S-300. But they must use system well enough to obtain good results. I hope that they are trained well enough by Russians. The best way to use it would be against Israeli F-16 because S-300 is above all anti-aircraft system even though it can be used against the missiles as well..

‘That is why Russia sold to Turkey while producing S500…” I do not understand this sentence at all…. Sold what? S-400? Sold why? Write in English please so that I can understand. No Syrians are not forced to use only S-200. They have plenty of options plus S-300 on the top. Syria has also BUK-M1 and BUK-M2 modernized.. And that is some very serious medium range system.


“Russia is the country that will finish every war as winner even if that has to be the last on” … yeah sure, like when they got their asses kicked all the way back to Moscow by barefoot Mujahedin in Afghanistan


“With this long-range air defense system, we can detect … targets or planes at more than 300 km (190 miles), lock it at about 250 km, and destroy it at 200 km,” Hatami said.

Hatami and chart say one and the same thing. What part don’t you understand?

stupid is as stupid does

Can’t “destroy it at 200 km” because that is max range of the missile you retard ! Or missile flies perfect straight line and airplanes hovers and waits for missile to come to get hit ! Things don’t happen that way you fucking IDIOT !


“A senior Iranian military commander said on October 16th 2011 that the Bavar-373 (meaning ‘Belief’) system is more advanced than the Russian S-300 in terms of defense against aircraft and cruise missiles.

Whether that is true is dubious.”

Why so snarky SF? Because it indeed may be more advanced than S300? Being neutral one could say that is is not confirmed. But “dubious” implies that the Iranian claim would be intentially misleading and likely untrue. SF become more biased towards Iran in this year, this aint the first time.

Zionism = EVIL

The problem is that none of the Russian or Iranian systems have been used to bring down Americunt aircraft that violate Syrian and Iraqi airspace every day. However, a Russian/Iranian SA2 or Sayyad 2 did bring down a Zionist F-16I a while ago and since then the Zionist scum have been attacking Syria from Lebanon. It is time to really test these systems.


True that.. And with the escalation in the Persian Gulf, it will only be a matter of time.

Zionism = EVIL

Exactly, Iranian mullahs got involved in a very complex Syrian situation and let the Zionists attack Syria with impunity, Russia did the same and now crunch time is indeed coming, but I have a feeling Zarif who is spineless clod will back down as he is already sending feelers to the French for negotiating an even weaker JCPOA. If the idiotic mullahs were logical, they would have tested a nuke as they have brought so much misery on Iranian people with sanctions for nothing. Iran is being hammered for a “nuclear program” that is basically weaker than a mosquito spray factory. The Pakistanis, Indians and DPRK had real nuclear programs and did not give a fuck and tested nukes and everyone shut the fuck up and respects them.


The only way to avoid sanctions for Iran would be to fullfill all of the US demands. It has only partly to do with nukes, but with Iran being the only real danger to Israel as regional power.

And this is known very well in Iran, on all sides of society.

They play their hand very well, and Trump brought the Iranian people together, united them against the attack of the US. They know it will be a long fight, and cleverly walk the tightrope of diplomacy and escalation.

Their proxys are stronger than ever, and even though no country truely stands beside them 100% (Russia and China included), they will not blink as they know it was never about nuclear weapons, but all about erasing Iran as a regional power.

Fullfilling those demands is impossible for Iran, no matter for the Mullahs, or the so called “moderate/progressive” part of society:

1. Declare to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) a full account of the prior military dimensions of its nuclear programme and permanently and verifiably abandon such work in perpetuity.

2. Stop enrichment and never pursue plutonium reprocessing, including closing its heavy water reactor.

3. Provide the IAEA with unqualified access to all sites throughout the entire country.

4. End its proliferation of ballistic missiles and halt further launching or development of nuclear-capable missile systems.

5. Release all US citizens as well as citizens of US partners and allies.

6. End support to Middle East “terrorist” groups, including Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

7. Respect the sovereignty of the Iraqi government and permit the disarming, demobilisation and reintegration of Shia militias.

8. End its military support for the Houthi rebels and work towards a peaceful, political settlement in Yemen.

9. Withdraw all forces under Iran’s command throughout the entirety of Syria.

10. End support for the Taliban and other “terrorists” in Afghanistan and the region and cease harbouring senior al-Qaeda leaders.

11. End the Islamic Revolutionary Guard corps-linked Quds Force’s support for “terrorists” and “militant” partners around the world.

12. End its threatening behaviour against its neighbours, many of whom are US allies, including its threats to destroy Israel and its firing of missiles at Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and threats to international shipping and destructive cyberattacks.

This would make Iran defenseless, and ready for further operations ending in regime change. Especially the missiles are the only true deterrent besides irans proxys. Without them, US+Israel+Sunni Arab states would be able to invade Iran like they played in their war games since the 1980s.

Swift Laggard II

But why accept all the pain of the sanctions if you have no intention to make the real thing? The mullahs are idiots. Their people are suffering for nothing

Free man

” “dubious” implies that the Iranian claim would be intentially misleading and likely untrue.” – That’s because the Iranian claims are intentially misleading and untrue, as past experience shows.

Zionism = EVIL

Everyone lies and exaggerates the capability of their weapons. Goes back to the advent of weaponry. That is why it is good to be a cynic to see through the BS. The Jews are biggest fabricators.


Hiding true specs of equipment is a standard practice, yes. But it goes in both directions. Again, the neutral and unbiased term would be “unconfirmed”. Iranian weapons just like NK have a decades old history how they are judged in the west. First western intelligence services claim that specs are exagreated, or claim that those weapons are mere mockups. Only when proven in combat, the narrative shifts in the other direction, labeling the same weapons as threats the west needs to act against. Things is, no one knows till battle tested. And every country tries to control the narrative, that their weapons are superior, and those of the enemy subpar. Thats the info war game. I only would expect SF not to take part in this tactic, and report this neutral, until the weapon system can actually be judged by its combat statistic.


This iranian weaopn is nothing.


There is nothing wrong if it’s better than the S-300….after all the S-400 is better than the S-300 and it is Human engineers that created all. The Iranians have collaboration with Russians always… We all know that Iran has a superior missile tech also…

stupid is as stupid does

Those are not specs of the system that is “better” than S-300. They can always hide behind secrecy of data as an excuse, but I see it more as an attempt of cheap publicity. If they have better range or anything else then they can say it without giving exact numbers to still keep the secrecy.


knock down a couple of khazarian f-35s and the world will beat a path to your doorstep, as they say.

Daniel Martin

It seems like the SF moderators are on a collective vacation, since the comment section on this thread has spiraled out of control?


Too much nazis?

Allegedly on the SF there is no moderation. ;)


how so

Real Anti-Racist Action

This is testament and proof that Iran full well knows that the Russian S-300PMU2 cannot fend off an attack from the US and Israels most advanced aircraft and missiles. Iran full well knows the S-300 is good against standard US weapons, not against their most advanced weapons. In this new era, only S-400, Laser, and Bavar-373 systems can hope to defend against Israels and US attacks. Any nation depending upon S-300 beware, you have been lured into a faults sense of security.


Sure.. We saw already iranian hypermodern 4.99 generation warplanes. And they were only the copy paste of 50-60 years old american F-5.


Semen Sh!tstain

great. now deploy these in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. kike tears would be uncontrollable. they’d go running to murica for help XD


“A senior Iranian military commander said on October 16th 2011 that the Bavar-373 (meaning ‘Belief’) system is more advanced than the Russian S-300 in terms of defense against aircraft and cruise missiles.

Whether that is true is dubious.”— It is certainly better than the Russian S 400 which failed to intercept even a single seagull though Israel and turkey have conducted hundreds of airstrikes on SAA. But Iran has successfully destroyed MQ9 which intruded into their territory


iran should, like russia, aim their long distance missiles from the Caspian Sea and aim straight for tel aviv, haifa und zu weiter. then the value of the iron doom will be dawning on the squatters. hehe and then the world can have a yearly anti-zionist day to celebrate the eviction of all squatters from palestine!

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