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MARCH 2025

Iran Unveils New Combat Drone With 3,000 Km Range (Photos)

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Iran Unveils New Combat Drone With 3,000 Km Range (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Source: the Young Journalists Club (YJC)

On February 24, the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) unveiled a new long-range combat drone dubbed “Kaman-22.”

IRIAF Commander Brigadier General Aziz Nasirzadeh inspected the new drone during a visit to a facility manufacturing advanced unmanned aerial vehicles. According to Nasirzadeh, the drone was designed and developed to meet all the requirements of the IRIAF.

Kaman-22 has a flight endurance of more than 24 hours and a range of 3,000 km. The drone can be equipped with various combat, optical and electronic warfare systems.

“The aircraft will contribute a high combat capability to the Air Force,” Nasirzadeh said. “Today, we have attained complete maturity in production of various unmanned aircraft, including combat, reconnaissance, and electronic-warfare [drones] that are capable of carrying out several [different] missions.”

The new drone can be armed with several types of Iranina-made glide bombs, including the Qaem which is guided either by TV or Infrared homing.

Iran Unveils New Combat Drone With 3,000 Km Range (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Source: the Young Journalists Club (YJC)

Iran Unveils New Combat Drone With 3,000 Km Range (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Source: the Young Journalists Club (YJC)

Iran Unveils New Combat Drone With 3,000 Km Range (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Source: the Young Journalists Club (YJC)

Iran Unveils New Combat Drone With 3,000 Km Range (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Source: the Young Journalists Club (YJC)

Iran Unveils New Combat Drone With 3,000 Km Range (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Source: the Young Journalists Club (YJC)

Iran Unveils New Combat Drone With 3,000 Km Range (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Source: the Young Journalists Club (YJC)

Iran Unveils New Combat Drone With 3,000 Km Range (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Source: the Young Journalists Club (YJC)

Kaman-22 design appears to be inspired by that of the US MQ-9 Reaper drone. However, the Iranian drone appears to be smaller in size.

Iran boosted its domestic military industry in the last few years to face pressure from the US and its allies in the Middle East. The Islamic country claims to be one of the world’s leaders in drone technology.


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Servet Köseoğlu

Bravo,in 3rd photo İran engineers managed to stick sat-com antenna to landing-gear with sello-tape.Brilliant…xD


40 years of sanctions, cable ties are expensive, what to do?

Servet Köseoğlu

Acceptable,understandable nothing wrong with reverse engineering as well.

Blue In Green

Good progress but it’s more than clear that this Kaman-22 drone we’re seeing isn’t the final product given all the rough edges and “loose” fitting parts we openly see.

Hopefully in the future we’ll see a more professional and well put-together version of this Prototype.

Blue In Green

It looks very good visually but my gut feeling is that this is a Prototype version with a later more well-built model coming out sometime later.

Hadi Heidary

according to what i read in state media , IRIAF says this drone is on the final stage of production .


Our drones constantly evolve. The design philosophy is to make them capable of undergoing constant upgrades with minimal cost.

Blue In Green

The production line of actual Kaman-22 drones could be in their final stages but this version they showed off definitely has some rough spots on it which to me indicates it being a preproduction model.

But I’m happy about this development nonetheless, it’s a good step forward and in the future we will see larger HALE/MALE UCAVs coming out from Iran.


That undercarriage will be retractable on production examples.


Ali, all these Western weapons being sold/ deployed in the camel jockey king-dumbs are falling in Iranian hands left and right. Iran is reverse engineering them and improving them. Thanks to the shitbilly, Iran is now largely self sufficient in drone warfare, ATGM’s and many other areas.


Iran is now in a position to reverse engineer or develop a twin engine heavy fighter. I have wondered why they have not reverse engineered an upgraded F-14A, an aircraft they have kept flying with domestic spares for over 40 years now. That would be the ultimate slap in the US face.


F-14AM airframe is 4th gen……..Iran is looking to develop a 5th gen warplane soon. It might use two of the old trust worthy GE J79’s because they are excellent engines and Iran has successfully reverse engineered the J-79. I wouldn’t be surprised seeing an upscaled Qaher F-313 with twin J-79’s sometime in the near future with a modern Aesa AI radar.Internally mounted Fokour and R-77/ 73 locally designed A-A missiles.


These drones are cost effective disposable loitering munition carriers and do need the fit and finish of a Lexus. They just need to carry enough weapons to take out targets.

Blue In Green

Agreed, they don’t need to look like luxury item since function is always preferable over form.


Yes, Iran’s military doctrine is mobile and flexible asymmetrical warfare and cheap, simple and effective swarming drones, loitering munitions and missile and explosive carrying speed boats are ideal to overwhelm any “hi-tech” aggressor. The US invests in wasteful corruption ridden weapons systems that cost millions and are not that effective, the trillion dollar F-35 boondoggle and most expensive drones are an example. Iran can reverse engineer them at a fraction of the cost, without the glossy paint job and silver rivets.

The Objective

Those functions are yet to demonstrate themselves

Adam Prisbit

just a poor chinese made scrap metal copy of US mq-1 reaper that made in 1980!! YEAR 1980!! haha 40 year behind US drone tech iran mullah regime is SHET

Servet Köseoğlu

Run before its too late..you are on the list,interpol is chasing you 😆.

Adam Prisbit

intercrap can kiss my rear! they shet heds are antisemitic crap shet heds. Israel stand forever strong UNDEFEATED icc criminal antisemite cannot do a thing


Stay out of this turkey …

Servet Köseoğlu



You won’t be saying that when it brings some bad news down on your fat head.

Adam Prisbit

in your dream 10ft bunker i am safe! now is iran syria iraq safe from mighty IDF? lol NO!!! so keep your dream only in your head tiny man

Jens Holm

Its often worth copying a very good design.

J Ramirez

SHET is spelled with an I

Just Me

DIPSHIT is a high school drop and a retard so that is expected :)

Adam Prisbit

SHET is speel how I sayz!


ummmm dont you mean the MQ-9 reaper? their is no sutch thing as the MQ-1 reaper.

Adam Prisbit

yes that what i mean!!!!! shet sometime english not good!

Adam Prisbit

Very good news! IDF set to receive 50 new F-35 stealth planets 10 V-22 Osprey helicopter and possibles B1-lancer bombing strategic skyplane!!!

Adam Prisbit

IDF having B1 lancer bombing strategic plane will make it WORLD POWER on competition with china russia

Blas de Lezo

Once Biden rejoins the JCPOA is just a matter of time before Iran gets nukes and you either get push out to the sea or incinerated F-35s, V-22s, B-1s and all.


Whoa … slow down there partner …

Yossi knows when they’re going for a breakout … Israel’s leadership has stated firmly they will not allow … a nuclear weapon in Iran’s hands … hello?

Emad Irani

it is already too late, first devices were tested on DPRK soil


In the early 2000’s LoL





Iran’s “breakout” happened YEARS ago. First, they bought Ukrainian nukes, at the same time, developed their own with North Korea inside NK. There is NOTHING Israel could do THEN and NOTHING they can do now, except wait for the Persian Judgement day.




But why is Israel still a shitty european colonial thieving nation?

Me&Myself None

All pay by us — the American tax payers; while some of our people are unemployed and can barely make ends meet.


Speak to your own legislators … just don’t show up at the Capitol unannounced … wearing face paint and Viking horns … eh?

Me&Myself None

I could, but they are all a bunch of crooks, bought and paid for by the Zionist clan; they wouldn’t listen to me, they’ll probably instead render my life a living hell for speaking out.


Good … I encourage you to do it then!

Me&Myself None

You, zionist Ashkenazis are so ingrates. I am working my butt off so that my country can provide welfare to yours, yet you are not showing me any respect. What a bunch of ingrates!!!


Ok … I’m a Canadian … eh?

Biden just stopped the Keystone XL pipeline … Trump imposed tariffs on Canadian aluminum and Biden hasn’t rescinded them …

My wife is American & my son is married in NYC


Jens Holm

Thats not related at all. You are no american and probatly not even a taxpayer.

Not Indian Paul

Hahaha, says Jens who also pretends to be an Amercian.

Adam Prisbit


Emad Irani

the designer of F-16 said F-35 is shit, so US just made business with your stupidity again

Jens Holm

Most normal people know its a little better then F16, F18 and F22 – BUT very expensive for, what we actually gets.

I can agree with the F16 designer. We should have ordered new ones of them and drones instead of those too many F35s.

William D

if F-35 was shit, China’s J wouldn’t rip it off. USA sells stupidity by somehow provides security to to the smartest entrepreneurs in world at the same time

John Brown

The F35 is a shit lemon but China made a version that works

William D

is that all you got? just John brown shit

William D

keep downvoting and maybe Xi will give you a cookie. Upvote and he will kill your family

John Brown

The US Air Force Quietly Admits the F-35 Is a Failure.

Is the USSA Air force lying????

Nothing beats the voluntary confession.


Adam Prisbit



I’m sure storks are very happy upon hearing the delivery of F-35 “jets”. And funeral houses and undertakers are ecstatic about the delivery of V-22s!

PS. Curious choice of word, :skyplane”…and a strategic one!

Jens Holm

it gives 243 mio. hits on gugggie

Fog of War

You forgot one word ” free”. Set to receive for free.

Adam Prisbit

piece of SHET IDF pay $VBILLIONS for those F35 no such thing as FREE!!! you liar why you liar!?!?!?

Fog of War

I thought Khazars had high IQ’s. You’re the second one on here to disprove that myth. Thank you.


The ONLY thing IDF needs is Balls – ‘cos they got none. All the BEST tools in the world could not make them enter 5km into Lebanon in 2006

Adam Prisbit

back off you buffoon! i throw you to ground kick you across room with my good muscle leg!1

Hasbara Hunter

3000 KM Range…nice…that is from Iran to Hell Aviv & back again….

The Objective

Iran has no intention to attack Tel Aviv. All their rhetoric is PR bullshit to woo the Muslim world for support. Their immediate goal is Mecca and Madina, not jerusalem.

Hasbara Hunter

They have no intentions to attack Mekka & Medina either…To bring Mekka & Medina back under Muslim control one has to eliminate the Devilworshipping Jewish House of Wahhabistan Lapdogs, who on their turn are controlled by their Puppetmasters in Hell Aviv & Washington….

Jens Holm

Funny farm gain.

The Objective

they won’t attack Mekka and Medina, but they WILL try to attack Saudi Arabia indirectly (domestic revolt or civil war). When you say Macca and Madina should return to Muslim rule, you should specify if by Muslim, you mean Shiite. I that’s a dream that the Mullahs will take to the grave. The Americans are their first obstacle. If they manage to overcome America (which is highly unlikely), they have the other Muslim countries to contend with (who’d not stand and watch idly when Shiite militias fight Sunnis in Saudi Arabia for control of the Hejaz). These countries include Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt, Saudan, Libya, Qatar, Jordan and the U.A.E. So, Iran has quite some challenge to overcome. We’ll see if they are able to do that in our generation. The Prophet (s.a.w) prophesied about a civil war in Saudi Arabia. But this will come during, or after a devastating war in the Middle East that kills 1/3rd the region’s population. Iran would be in disarray at that time, maybe even nuked by Israel and/or the U.S. I have confidence that Iran will not lay its hands on Makka and Madina no matter how hard it tried.


Only the ARABS will be in disarray – weakened and dispersed – exactly as they are now. The Persians are no part of that prophecy.

The Objective

Yes, the Arabs will be in disarray at the time, and regrettably, many will die. But something would kick-start this war, and I think it’s Iran. The Arab population of Saudi Arabia is under the iron grips of the House of Saud. It’s unlikely that they can revolt and overthrow the monarchy. But in the event of a war involving Iran, there’s a good chance Iran’s missiles would weaken Saudi forces to a point they can no longer maintain control over the population. Iran would target Saudi defense and oil installations and even civilian infrastructure. The Saudi monarchy would not be able to get back on its feet after that. But before they fall, they’re going to throw everything they’ve got at Iran. The only scenario where Iran and Saudi Arabia would fight is when a war breaks out between Iran and the U.S. This war is highly likely, considering the intensity of disputes between Iran and America. I don’t think any diplomacy can solve the problem. The U.S is hell-bent on overthrowing the Iranian regime (both Biden and Trump). Biden and Trump only disagree on how to go about it. History tells us that Biden and Obama prefer color revolutions. The republicans prefer using force to dislodge Iran’s militias. Trump’s assassination of Soleimani (the leader of Iran’s militias) underlines this fact. His tough line against the militias in Iraq also testifies to this. That is, Trump would have used military force to destroy the PMU in Iraq. He would also have come after Hezbollah and the Houthis. He had deployed a large number of U.S war machines to Diego Garcia and other strategic bases far from Iran. He was withdrawing U.S forces close to Iran that were in danger of Iranian retaliation, paving the way for highly risky U.S adventures. The message was clear to those who could read it: There would be no sanctions relieve until Iran negotiates a deal on America’s terms. And if Iran refused to do that, the U.S would forcibly destroy its militias across the Middle East, starting with their leader, Soleimani. And if Iran intervened, then the U.S would strike Iran directly. The democrats in America understood this, and were hell-bent on stopping another big war. The Mullahs understood this too, so they refused to give Trump any excuse to attack, and they launched a far-reaching internet campaign to derail Trump’s chances of success in the elections. Luckily for them, Trump lost. Despite all this, the problem is still far from solved. In the senate, there is a strong opposition to any Obama-style deal with Iran. It means whatever deal Biden strikes with Iran can be revoked by the next president. The chances of Trump coming back is live. But even if Trump wasn’t going to come back, the republicans are currently mad at Iran, because they’re aware of Iran’s internet campaign to undermine their party, and also they have a tougher line against the Mullahs. They are also the most supportive of Israel and Saudi Arabia. With millions of Americans angry over what they consider a rigged election, the chances of a republican coming back is very high, especially when there isn’t another voting by mail. Trump got the highest vote of any siting president in America’s history, and this happened at a time when he slacked on tackling Covid-19 and 90% of the U.S media were spewing anti-Trump propaganda just before the election. I for one, think that election was rigged. We’ll see how Biden goes about negotiating a deal that does not include the dismantling of Iran’s militias. but one thing is certain. It’d be much more difficult for him than it was for Obama.


Iran has EVERY intention of attacking HelAviv who represent an existential threat to them. Saudis are already being held in check. Hezbollah alone can defeat IDF and raze HelAviv to the ground.


So … these drones can reach Israel … having to cross Iraq and Jordan on their way to Israel …

How fast can this thing fly? How low can this thing fly?

I’m sure there’s a defensive measure to challenge this drone …

The proof is in the pudding …

Jens Holm

Thye are easy to shoot down, if You have advanced tools for it.


your tool is the one for your boyfriend. That’s the only tool you know fool.

Fog of War

They could just fire missiles from another country’s airspace , ala Israhell, I’m sure Putin will say its alright just like he allows Israhell to do.



What role would Putin have?

Putin doesn’t have a say in Israel’s actions … the deconfliction arrangement allows Israel ‘freedom of action’ … not harming Russian troops

Jimmy Jim




Fog of War

Putin supposedly prevents retaliation against the Israhelli planes only because they fire their weapons from outside Syrian airspace. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.


Nah … the S-300 knows where the IAF planes are but the IAF planes have ways and means to avoid being detected … otherwise the S-300 would have already been destroyed … and Putin couldn’t sell his tech


Fog of War

Purportedly the useless s-300 is not even allowed to be turned on, to prevent analysis of its signal signatures.



Then why bring it / sell it?

Makes NO SENSE …

BUT … it will be destroyed the moment Israel knows it’s on tracking their planes …


Then HOW did Syria down an f35 with an S200?


F-16 was shot down … both pilots ejected and escaped … one in serious condition and it was judged PILOT ERROR …

That was the first IAF plane lost in combat since 2006

Nobody’s perfect …

Fog of War

I actually totally agree with you, it doesn’t make any sense. However, many of Putin’s actions don’t make sense to me.


Yep – they avoid being detected by flying behind civilian airliners


Laughable …


Yep – just step outta your Bomb shelter in the West bank so the IRGC can send you to hell fake Joo


Coming ta git ya …


I don’t think Iran will not show what they have now … Interesting report on SN today … 24 Feb … The lies upon lies are finally coming out now –“Anti-American: Ex-Envoy slams Kerry for sabotaging Trump’s Iran policy by meeting with Zarif.” Also see The Saker — Trump had initiated talks with Iran to bring mediation about– because Trump did not want war — But he was lied to by all his so-called ME military advisers from the moment he stepped into the WH — it was based on the lies of these US traitors, that Trump ordered the killing of General Soleimani.

May the truth and nothing but the truth come to light! Substantiating the report on Sputnik, is a report what the Saker already stated in Jan 2020, “The USA is now at war, de-facto and de-jure, with BOTH Iraq and Iran (UPDATED 6X)” — This piece is very comprehensive as it already then emphasized how criminally Trump had been misled, because they wanted him out, as KK said, by any and all means– just get him out! — while the actual country behind it all, from beginning to end, was the ME scorpion, where every unholy happening originates from — to actually again use the USA to start a big hot war (WW3?) in order fot the scorpion to not only achieve its aims in the ME, but to destroy the USA in the process too …

Dear Southfront, my deepest apologies that I am unable to even contribute with a few dollars, as I can see how desperately you need support. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Jens Holm

Both Saker and Sputnik are Russian propaganda organs.

And they still deny to understand the Presidents of the United States are not dictators as at home and can do anything they wish.

Presidents are bound by the constitution and the many laws made by their parlamenets as well as local parlaments.

They cant and wont just be eroded away by some random President.

This is Russian propaganda and You eat it, so they are quite succesfull in mind control. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cb899c6c89ad2e1afdf44ee4e8ee548b7e008ba31b3385df878b3e618ea8ab96.jpg

Tomato potato

J Ramirez

Nice selfie


if hats the case jensi mohammad, then wtf yous doin here you shyster? shouldn’t you be pumping cheese at the jerusalem post stringing your pubes for music no?

Jens Holm

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a5c35182d353d0ab3ba6f9881f77567260234f311d9ccf60cf6ec053ab2f4dfe.jpg You not even know what debate is. You probatly also only can make peace among friends.

Im a nobody, but Danes actually are with 4 tools on mars.


Jens, my hat off to Iron Zion here for being who he is here and a proud yahudian……..but you…….shit! Shame on you. I have many Iranian yahudi friends and they are proud of their heritage, but you?……you letting me down! because you ain’t no Persian yahudi……..just a fake shyster aren’t you? you disgraceful man.

Jens Holm

My comments are not as Yours like simplehooligan fanaticts winning or looding on cheep point.

My world is not divided i 2 as Yours but like a movie seen from different direction. By that I see the world.

You dont. I comment anything You write as its written and do the same for all other players.

I dont care half a camel about which friends, neutrals and enemies, You have. I have knowledge about things and a lot based on that and not after whats going on under my bed blanket.

I do have changed a little after Iran gave danish Nato soldiers ballistics in Iraq after we had been asked in as helpers agains ISIS and after we reagin the public elected Bagdad Goverment.

Your friends wounded many danes for life. Danes dont forget that.

The many conflicts there are not about Israel and Iran. Iranians mainly know who they are fighting for or against, because they are not even allowed to know and debate it. I can only see Iranians on puprpuse are kept down as sheep and will remain so.

YThe conflicts there also was made already when Islam splitted up. Here Israel is only a random dot and an excuse dor doibg everything to own population. Thaty goes for other countries too.

Im not even for we are there at all. You kill each other well with no help from here. You insuist in remain as stupid as it goes too, which also makes Your everlsting poor.

The only thing changing that was oil for free. Not even that was done by someone like You, because You mainly dont educate people for it. And then You send almost just fuel and dont upgrade to all kinds of plastic and take the money from there. It makes me laugh You be stupidisme send it to support west .

Albert Pike

“My world is not divided i 2 as Yours but like a movie seen from different direction. By that I see the world.”

That’s the problem, how you see the world, because the interesting stuff you can’t see, especially when it comes to war. All citations out of: ‘The spiritual crisis in the West, seen through 2 heretical messianic movements of the 17th and 18th centuries.’: https://www.academia.edu/38532262/Sabbatianism_and_Frankism_The_spiritual_crisis_in_the_West_seen_through_2_heretical_messianic_movements_of_the_17th_and_18th_centuries?email_work_card=view-paper

’56.[Lord saysca. 1759] ” When two dogs bite at each other even if someone comes between them and beats them with a stick they pay no attention to it and go on fighting; so must it be with the extraordinary spilling of blood in this world and during this very confusion, only then will we be able to redeem our loss, which we have been pursuing. Likewise, when the water is troubled then it is a good time to catch fish; just so when the world is flooded with blood, then shall we be able to catch the thing, which belongs to us.”pp.52-54 {Jakob Frank Words of the Lord. 1759}

Just for you,Jens, once more: ‘…when the world is flooded with blood, then shall we be able to catch the thing, which belongs to us.’ (‘the thing’: first Palestine, then the world).

If you are part of what the ‘messiah’ Jakob Frank see’s as ‘us’, then you shouldn’t mind the “wonded many danes for life” (what’s “wonded many danes for life”, if it was done in the name of the salvation/tikkun of the world). If you are not part of the Frankist ‘us’, then you should know why those danes were there in the first place, and on who’s movements orders:

‘US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright •Born Marie Jana Korbelová on May 15,1937 in Prague from Jewish parents who had converted to Catholicism. UN Ambassador 1993-1997. Secretary of State 1997-2001. •Her father Josef,a professor at the University of Denver in international relations, will have Condoleezza Rice as a student, who was then Secretary of the Department of State from 2005-2009. •«I was raised in Catholicism, became a faithful member of the Episcopalian Anglican Church and later discovered that my family was Jewish. I stand ready to declare my self a Muslim out of solidarity.» –Aaretz, 25 January 2017 •-Question:”[Since 1991 and the blockade of Iraq] we know that 500,000 Iraqi children have died. That’s more dead than in Hiroshima. You know…is this price worth it?»-Albrights answered:«I think it’s a very difficult choice. But we think the price is worth it.» –TV interview, May12, 1996’

‘ “if you want to follow me, you must renounce yourself, and that means forgetting all earthly things, reason, memory, knowledge, consciousness, property and all exercises, practices and rules of virtue. Walk behind me and where ever I send you, or what ever I order you to do, do it with out thinking. What ever I ask you who belongs to you, give it without hesitation and do not dare to have your own will.” {Jakob Frank} A. Mandel, The Militant Messiah, (p. 101 of French tr.)’

Does Jens dare to have his own will and think?

Jens Holm

I already has argueed for I as well as Denmark has its own will here and it also has realistic plusses and minusses by 69.680 comnents here.

And the result so far is given for all of us or at least most of us. I in Denmark always can express my oppinion and every 4th year elect local and country politicians given them the responsability for me and the rest.

Here we have decided to be membes of many organisations UNITING with others to handle things better then the Iranian solotrips

Yoiur version of the world is a no go. We are Western Economics and by that very much related to others and debate amoing each others – which is a right – By where the main influencers in USA actually comes from, we are more connected to them then others. We also has good relations to many parts of the rest of the world whatever they are affiliated or members of EU, Nato, UN, Redcross, Amnesty and so on.

And we keep us upgraded. I can say we also spread to the world. We invented windpower and today we have 4 important tools on the car at Mars.

We could make weapons in everlasting stupidities like Iran does and make weapons just as good and much better then those, but thats a choise. We just buy them, if needed.

We since 1991 has chosen CHOSEN peace dividend, where we produce for not killing but wellfare.

I will remind You we today spend or waste about 2% of Our economy in weapons. So if we did as You and fx Russia, You would be overwhelmed with military strengt because we also has the production units and economic strength for it. The same goes for most of the rest of Nato and for thaty matter EU.

For that matter we export more to USA then they do to us.

Our ways are Our own as much at it goes. We now devellop the destroyed Neocolonioalistic leftovers from the within 100 years twice collapsed Russia. And according to You dogs, we are not agressive but helpfull to those very small ones, so they can inprove their economy and feel safe.

Here we again has Your kind of agression. It was Russia, which expanded west of Berlin and even made an iron wall dividing people i Europe in two.

WEE DONT ACCEPT THAT and are the nice dog. We will never allow Russia behaving like the agressive dogs against people there and go in the middle and be bidden too. So its a defence for sytsetms, where people decide themself is made possible and kept possible.

I dont think we collapsed Russia. They did it well by few eletes being just as stupid agressive toi keep power instead of giving it to all the human beings there. Human beings are not spendable objects as in Iran as well.

So we are prepared to defend them even they always has been their own too. By that things are not black and white in 2 dimensions only, but we give them a choise, which Russians and Putin still deny to understrand and use as propaganda from Navalnev to Krasnodar.

Russians not even understand, what its all about and cant even aceept 70% making a good job for Russia in Krasnodar. An d Navalnev is same thing. He is no upriser. He want to change Russia to the better by internal reforms, which certainly is needed. And where can he find them – NOT IN RUSSIA. He look for implementing things, which already has been invented for many decades and do work.

To me and where I come from wse do exact same things. We copy and try new ideas, if they seemes better then the old ones.

Russia has no structures for devellopments in education, corruption and for the country.

The same goes for Iran even they are better educated. Here there are so many restrictions to keep people down and vey much the bright and hardworking women. They cant even make needed reforms for food production BUT the can make more children and do. Thats also is out of balance.

Jens Holm

I have told my reasons as well as the Danish one well.

Im sekular and the more religion I see here, the more sekular I become. That includes the bad parts of the Christianity.

Religions too often are excuses for almost anything. Putting in cockroached dont make it better.

Albert Pike

Who the fuck, gives a fuck, about the red planet Mars? …but wait – here it is:

‘The secret Jewish history of Mars’ ‘..As U.K. Rabbi Zvi Solomons wrote, “Even star signs are mentioned in the Talmud. Our rabbis of old were astronomers and understood the heavens. That is how they set our calendar so accurately. The prayer El Adon is a Kabbalistic discussion of the planets.” Mars has even been imagined as the location of an eventual Jewish homeland. In his 2013 novel “Martian Sands,” Israeli-born Lavie Tidhar’s portrays a kibbutz-like settlement on the red planet called “New Israel.”’ https://forward.com/culture/464555/the-secret-jewish-history-of-mars/

Do the Danes really believe the bible bull-rubbish, that they are the tribe of dan? Is it that why you are so proud to have “4 tools”?

Lets send them all to mars…

Jens Holm

Who gives half a Baktrian Camel, where the upiside even look like tits, by seeing Iran being able to copy drones.

It would make sense if they copyed a lot of other things. But OH NO. .

Now Biden has just copied he Iraqi Iran supported milisia. Whats that among You and them?? A bana for an apple or what???

And who are the winners ???


Poppycock BS … don’t even bother replying.

Jens Holm

Thanks for the advice. I was tempted and anyway did my comments to Pike and his goldmine of good ideas.

Fog of War

” But he was lied to by all his so-called ME military advisers from the moment he stepped into the WH — it was based on the lies of these US traitors, that Trump ordered the killing of General Soleimani. ”

If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you in Tel-Aviv.


What!!— are you nuts– hehe — when the bstds in T-A are behind it all and rule the roost in the good o’le US …


Was is his ‘lying advisers’ who told him to give Bibi Jerusalem? or told him to dump JCPOA? or return Iran sanctions? or increase US support for KSA attacking Yemen? or offer the Golan to Israel? Who’s the traitor?


Way I see it, is that T had very little room to move — he was vetoed by the ziodems at every turn– even his presidential veto. I watched and interesting vid by jamesredpillsamerica on bitchute and it spells out what Trump’s world tour was all about. At this moment I sincerely believe that what’s happening at top level globally, is a farce– these ‘people’ are all compromised– while a number of global special forces are working together to take out human trafficking — especially children… this is a reality. If you’re open to it — up to you — but if you don’t already know about him — watch simonparkes.org on bitchute. The bigger picture here is mindblowing.


And please explain how the so-called vetos you mention, but do not expound on, had caused the gifts Trump gave Israel. When are you Trump believers ever going to learn that Trump was the quintessential Zionist agent? The evidence is out there and easy to find. But one has to dump emotionalism and do due diligence in researching. Especially laughable is the notion that Trump, himself likely a pedophile, long time friend of Epstein, the Mossad sex and pedo ring operator that is used to control politicians is actually going after ‘the world pedo ring’. They might be taking out rogue elements or the competition, but go after their bread and butter? Have the Israeli Mossad been caught in this? No way. How much of this article is fake: https://www.veteranstoday.com/2020/10/27/blockbuster-report-trump-settlements-for-10-child-rapes-half-boys-bankruptcies-justice-department-coverup/

Your statement that these people are all compromised is accurate (which was Epsteins forte), but that also includes Trump. I looked up Simon Parkes and found many references. This one was ‘entertaining’… https://grandmageri422.me/2021/01/29/simon-parkes-and-his-reptilian-alien-mother-millions-were-glued-to-youtube-believing-this-man-had-special-intel-that-president-trump-would-prevail-and-joe-biden-would-be-ousted/ Adultery with an alien? But, to be fair, I will look at his other stuff as well. As for jamesredpill, I have zero use for Zionists and believe me ALL evangelistic so-called Christians are Zionists. War mongers that foment hate and death in an effort to bring the end-times/messiah, supporting Israel at every turn…all while violating every tenet of Christs teachings and this guy is no different. How can a person that claims JC as his saviour support the very state that Jesus condemned as the Church of Satan? Cognitive dissonance at it’s worst.


Trump, Pompeo and the rest of the pro-zio cabal in trumps administration must take the fall for Soleimani’s murder – hopefully a few death squads are loitering around Trump towers already.


Let’s see how it all develops — but never forget, the Iranians are nobody’s fool. Kerry et al was routing to get Trump out — hence plying their corrupt shenanigans on Iran in 2018-2019. Biden is taking the US straight to pot in turbo mode. With only T left to choose from at this point, definitely he’s the better choice for the US … I greatly admired Soleimani, a good human being, but I do believe usrael was behind his killing. Experts in Iraq confirmed it had all the hallmarks of a mossad take-out.


Well, there is quite a lot out there on this assassination and events that led up to it. Trump was fully involved, personally delivering mob style threats. https://maps.southfront.org/iraqi-prime-minister-was-forced-to-resign-after-trump-threatened-his-life/ http://stateofthenation.co/?p=4012 As for Mossad, Trump has been owned by them for years, since he started running with R Cohn in 1973. All this is easy to find…unless preconceived notions get in the way.

Assad must stay


J Ramirez

Test it out on ISISrael ;}


Remarkable effort by a country under total sanctions for over four decades.

Just Me

Can’t wait to see Iranian advances when the illegal sanctions are lifted. The Zionist child killers are already crapping in their diapers.

Jens Holm

I hope they wont swim to here:)

erwin vercauteren

I can only applaud and admire the stubborn resilience and skills of our Persian brothers in arms , they show the world of US puppeteers and ZionScum that even with sanctions boycotts and coward backstabbing from those miserable creatures the Iranians still can produce manufacturing the necessary defence and offensive weapons needed to resist and fight these criminals state sponsors of terrorism Bravo Iran the days will come that Middle East , Arab people and Palestinians will walk the earth again as free and happy people


Too many promotional words almost no technical info. If it is a 2 way communication, what is the range from the last point of signal source. If it is satellite, when is the high orbit satellite being launched. If gonna use low orbit, how will you cover the whole territory while Iran is quiet a large country. Just a propaganda stunt, good effort though. Best of success in future.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı like your comments.

William D

Sexy plane. I hope Iran regains their ancient power as the Saudi’s slowly disintegrate. Call me crazy but Iran and the USA can together secure the region.

Potato Man

Persians/Iranian are more pro-west but they haven’t forgotten what West did to them, same can be said about Syrian and Iraqi. If US did cut British apes hands of Iran back then…yeah we would see Iran and US happy together, but they didn’t they back British and after that they drop their support on Zion. (If you know American and Taliban history – you see US never wanted to have strong support in ME). US back the wrong people and it didn’t work well for them – but it made US to only support Zion and you see how many dual-shitheads are in US government? Most of them are Zion.

Also Iran was and still is strong – You think Arabs (Sunnis-Wahhabi) can do anything, they are hothead people, Iranian/Shi’a aren’t like them. Having new/more weapons wouldn’t help stupid people to win a war, Zion know that – they learned that from Hezbollah. Wahhabis are much worse than Zion.

Remember UAE buying F-35 jets –

The U.S. Air Force admitted that the F-35 stealth fighter has failed


Now the thing is who wants to be friends with US nowadays? US had to pay countries to sign a deal which on paper said “we don’t care about Israel”, and you see the Americans killing each others, because they support different parts, and fail after fail…in some years US will lose more money as well. US was great….now it is run by rat zion.


Yankee must F@ckOFF home – They and European nations are not wanted or needed in the Middle east

The Objective

It has to proof its effectiveness in combat. Iran can use it against ISIS in N/E Syria to demonstrate the effectiveness of the drone.

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