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Iran Unveils New Precision-Guided Air-To-Ground Munitions (Photos, Videos)

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Iran Unveils New Precision-Guided Air-To-Ground Munitions (Photos, Videos)

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On August 6th, Iran unveiled three smart bombs that are usable on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The three new weapons are: the Yasin, the Balaban and the new series of Ghaem optic bombs. All of the new bombs are domestically manufactured.

It came short of an “unveiling” since the guided aerial bombs were already known.

The images of the Balaban and Yasin bombs (called JDAM-ER) were shown at exhibitions earlier this year among the products of the Iranian Defense Industry Organization, and the first version of the Ghaem bombs was presented together with the UAV Mohajer-6.

However, it turned out that under the name Ghaem, we now have a whole family of guided bombs for drones.

The Ghaem-9 is a new version of the bomb for large strike UAVs like Mohajer-6 and Shahed-129, the Ghaem-5 is the standard guided bomb that immediately went into production with the Mohajer-6 UAV. It’s already been used on attacking positions of Kurdish groups in Northern Iraq.

The Ghaem-1 is a smaller version of it designed for use with relatively small UAVs, such as the widespread Iranian tactical reconnaissance UAVs Ababil-3.

Speaking at the event introducing the munitions, Iran’s Defense Minister, Brigadier General Amir Hatami, said “Balaban” has folding wings designed to increase its range. It is guided by GPS and sensors and could be mounted under planes, choppers, and drones.

Balaban guided planning bombs can hit a target at a shorter distance (around 25 km), but they are also noticeably smaller.

Hatami described Yasin as a long-range smart, pinpoint and guided bomb that can be fired from a range of 50 kilometers of its target from manned or unmanned aircraft.

The Yasin (JDAM-ER) have a flight range of more than 50 km and were shown for the firs -time last year among the armaments of the Su-22 AKSIR fighter bomber upgraded in Iran and there were already photographs of them being equipped on F-7 fighters.

In closing, Brigadier General Amir Hatami praised Iranian progress in developing its weapons and said that it would never succumb to US pressure.

“The Defense Ministry will never hesitate to defend the Islamic Republic, and boost security despite the malice and conspiracies hatched by the Great Satan, America.”

Iran Unveils New Precision-Guided Air-To-Ground Munitions (Photos, Videos)

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Iran Unveils New Precision-Guided Air-To-Ground Munitions (Photos, Videos)

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Iran Unveils New Precision-Guided Air-To-Ground Munitions (Photos, Videos)

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Iran Unveils New Precision-Guided Air-To-Ground Munitions (Photos, Videos)

The “new” aerial bombs. Click to see full-size image

Iran Unveils New Precision-Guided Air-To-Ground Munitions (Photos, Videos)

The Yasin. Click to see full-size image

Iran Unveils New Precision-Guided Air-To-Ground Munitions (Photos, Videos)

The Balaban. Click to see full-size image

Iran Unveils New Precision-Guided Air-To-Ground Munitions (Photos, Videos)

The Ghaem-1. Click to see full-size image

Iran Unveils New Precision-Guided Air-To-Ground Munitions (Photos, Videos)

The Ghaem-5. Click to see full-size image

Iran Unveils New Precision-Guided Air-To-Ground Munitions (Photos, Videos)

The Ghaem-9. Click to see full-size image

Iran Unveils New Precision-Guided Air-To-Ground Munitions (Photos, Videos)

Ababil-3 UAV equipped with Ghaem-1. Click to see full-size image

Iran Unveils New Precision-Guided Air-To-Ground Munitions (Photos, Videos)

The Balaban in flight. Click to see full-size image

Iran Unveils New Precision-Guided Air-To-Ground Munitions (Photos, Videos)

The Karrar UAV equipped with the Yasin and the Balaban. Click to see full-size image

Iran Unveils New Precision-Guided Air-To-Ground Munitions (Photos, Videos)

The Karrar UAV equipped with the Yasin and the Balaban. Click to see full-size image

The video of the “unveiling” is underneath, but it has no English translation:

On August 5th, Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi, the commander of Iran’s Navy (not to be confused with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy), announced that the Iranian armed forces and the Russian armed forces signed a “classified” deal to expand cooperation through a series of projects, one of which will be joint military drills in the Persian Gulf before the end of 2019.

The Admiral said he signed the deal with the Russian Defense Ministry on behalf of Iran’s General Staff of the Armed Forces during his trip to Moscow last week

“Some articles of this agreement are classified but overall, it is aimed at expanding military cooperation between the two countries,” he said. “Of course, a large part of it includes the naval forces of the two countries and the agreement can be called the first of its kind between the two sides.”

Rear Admiral Khanzadi called the deal a “turning point” in military-to-military ties between Russia and Iran.


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probably the cheapest cruise missile in the world:)))))

Zionism = EVIL

The real deal is in two weeks when the Bavar 373 (S-400 equivalent) is operational. There are massive Russo-Persian joint tech transfers taking place.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i simply cannot wait :))))

Toronto Tonto

They look nice and aerodynamic EH . LOL


Yep better than anything Canada produced lol

Zionism = EVIL

Canada produces world class dopeheads, as dope is legal and 90% of the population is high as a kite.


About the same as the new Boeing JDAM-ER https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA827CA829&biw=1756&bih=886&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=0DVMXe-RBaWJ5wLuqbqQCg&q=JDAM+ER&oq=JDAM+ER&gs_l=img.3..0.80262.80460..82012…0.0..……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0i24.jeltJXbe8lo&ved=&uact=5

Ziønist šhill

They’re flying a lot better than those Boeing Supermaxes LMAO


its a glide bomb you moron, it can’t “fly” any better. Educate yourself, you are really embarrassing.


al saud family like dildos with striations


Some points from untranslated videos: About the Yaseen, the commander says it’s a 320kg bomb with a 215kg warhead. About the glide ratio he says if dropped at 27,000′ (8.2km), it’ll travel up to 50km (>1:6). It’s interception should be more difficult (compared to the other 2) because it flies with the velocity of a fighter jet upon release, compared to speed of piston propeller UAVs.

The Balaban (a kind of bird of prey, sub-specie of Falcon) is a smaller bomb, 120kg with a 45kg warhead, with a CEP of about 1m. He says the range is up to 25km but doesn’t mention the altitude to achieve it. Since the bomb can also be deployed with UCAVs, IMO the altitude is probably less than 5km.

Qaems can be released at the altitudes between 4.000′ to 10.000′ and can be equipped with different kinds of warhead. They say it’s CEP is between 0.5-1m.

Simon Bernstein

US had this tech in the late 80’s, sorry shias

Zionism = EVIL

Ugly repulsive Jews had nose job technology even longer, but look at yourself, did it help?

chris chuba

That will be a great comfort to any Americans killed by these weapons in our airbase in Qatar or in our navy.

How many countries can make these weapons domestically? These are simliar to the PMG that Israel uses to torment the Syrians.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Serious weaponry


good to know that Iran has a capable defense and bet that hopping mad crown prince mohammed bin salman (of fake leonardi da vinci purchase at 4.5m$ and real value 1.5m$ at best) will worry about the immediate destruction of ras tanura should saudi be foolish enough to further the atrocities the squatters are trying to get the dysfunctional states of A to commit.

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