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Iran Unveils Underground ‘Missile City’

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Iran Unveils Underground ‘Missile City’

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On January 10, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) released footage of what it called an underground “missile city,” claiming that weapon production had ramped up, contrary to Israeli claims.

The video shows IRGC Commander-in-Chief Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami visited an underground missile production facility with tunnels large enough to hold large trucks and multiple production areas.

“Maybe the enemy thought that our production power had stagnated,” he said in the televised speech. “But the growth rate of our missile power” is rising.

Among the weapons shown in the facility were Fattah hypersonic missiles that were used last October in an attack on Israel.

Iranian state-linked media claimed that only 10 percent of the complex underground facility had been shown in the footage.

A day after the unveiling of the facility, Iran held air defense exercises in what appears to be another message to Israel.

“In these exercises… defense systems will practice the fight against air, missile and electronic warfare threats in real battlefield conditions… to protect the country’s skies and sensitive and vital areas,” Iranian state television said.

The exercises were part of two months of frills launched on January 4 that have already included war games in which the elite the IRGC defended key nuclear installations in Natanz against mock attacks by missiles and drones, state media said.

The Iranian military said that new drones and missiles were used in the exercises, without elaborating on the matter.

The unveiling of the underground missile city and the air defense exercise are clear offensive and defensive messages by Iran, not only to Israel but also to the U.S. These messages come amid growing threats from the two allies against the Iranian nuclear program as President-elect Donald Trump is preparing to assume office.


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Globalist California Smokes

with iran’s security agreement with russia the independent development of an oreshnik type weapon is likely. the zionists have spent all of their political capitol on their gaza genocide. it will now take an enormous amount of propaganda for the american people to support zionist aggression. the zionists should now beg for peace. israel is becoming indefensible


the main problem is that american people decide nothing. their choice is reduced to : left zionist or right zionist. the last antizionist potus was kennedy. he was killed because he wanted to register the aipac as foreign agent lobby. lee harvey oswald was a puppett and the pupett was silenced by jack leon rubenstein a member of the tribe.


he was catholic like biden and just like biden under catholic president the world is again on the brink of nuclear war .wakey wakey hand off snakey ” the greatest threat to america’s democracy will come from pope’s and princes ” george washington he knew a bit more about it all than the average joe. imo .


hahaha such a moron who proves his factual.ignorance with his fake votes .


biden is not catholic. he may be culturally catholic but his support of the genocide shows he is not a christian of any kind.


so fake for the globalists. so transparently too .


russia will abandon iran when times get hard.


it’s just rubbish iran’s not orthodox


there is very little difference between shiism and orthodox christianity


i am bitter gay retired toilet scrubber abandoned by my mulatto ex husband


chances are better that a government change will cause the switch of iran to the other team just like it happened in armenia, argentina and syria allready. transnistria has been cut of the supply and people are angry and serbia is pressured to kick russia out of its energy sector. the eu will probably soon outlaw anything transported to russia throug the baltic sea and commit acts of piracy. all the talk about a shadow fleet is the pretext for it.

Last edited 2 months ago by kotromanic

vucic is lucky he hasn’t been assassinated imo he’s hated by serbians universally but the globalists protect her .imo .


give an example of when russia has done this


hahaha. you’re funny .. clueless but funny .


as soon as the samson option is deemed to be zero threat. it’s game over for israel. they want ww3 to start in the me and they want to relocate to ukraine. (which is why nato are emptying ukraine of males), and why currently israel is antagonizing every single country in the me so aggressively


grow up .biden entrapped them plain as .imo .

Shlomo's little weenie

there is yet to be any mutual defence agreement signed.


ahah we know what happens to russia allies , or they run or they are miserable starving countrys


dumb and dumber try to keep up maybe if you stopped dunking your head into do nuts you could think like a normal person? any normal person heard poiliviere announce that canada will now be with trump and israel all the way committed to a united offensive against their enemies. that means putin can negotiate with reasonable people now. imo .


all of that will belong to israel.

russia will abandon iran just like it did syria. north korea too, after they have used them.


i don’t think they can afford to do that. russia and china will prevent that because the alternative is putting the clock back to 1953 with iran as a us vassal with nuclear weapons on its southern border. 90% of iran’s oil goes to china. they can’t afford to lose that. or iran’s role in the brics north-south corridor. russia previously supported us sanctions on iran and refused to supply s300s or finish bushehr in return for a worthless promise from the us (never kept) ……..


…… not to put us missiles on russia’s western border. hopefully they have learnt from the experience. russia and iran supported syria, but you can’t expect them to continue fighting for syria when the syrian army just wouldn’t fight and went home. both offered to send extra forces to syria but assad turned this down.


staged nonsense for show pony monies to the mic ..total fraud for bucks .they used that to make billions with rumours of wars ,buf even jfk fell for it .too young imo .they set las vegas up to milk returning soldiers on r@ r of their saved up pay packets. set it up az the world casino. made billions more .all because people are simple. imo .

Shlomo's little weenie

yeltsinist laissez faire neo-liberalism has been running the place for over thirty years. they could be trusted as much as an used car salesman running around in a zoot suit spruiking his fibre glassed touched up rust buckets. any political alternative in the russian parliament has been subjugated with this “smo”, the gift that keeps on giving for the ‘putinistas’ and their elitist backers.


yeltsin needed ti get blind drunk to do what he was told to do .by them we are all disposable to them .

R. Ambrose Raven

maybe. it could equally be seen as a desperate effort to cover up iran leadership’s dismal failure to use its arsenal effectively when it mattered. a souffle will not rise twice.


hasn’t got an arsenal what’s wrong with you everyone knows the cia set iran up after removing the shah. its boring. it’s all a show imo .the ayatollah s nothing but a puppet for them imo .it’s a racket .all of it ” they’re all in it together ” diana .


i am bitter retired amerikunt janitor payd 4$ hour shekelstein janitorial services–demoted by my mulatto supervisor


well you could always try writing fiction .that pays peanuts

F Celine

amerikunt mollusks humiliated—they tantrum at south front

Just me

we live in the 12th century 2.0 with rulers in palaces sending messages to other rulers to show how well they can hide behind others. why doesn’t the mufti of iran send a video of him boxing training or one of him preparing for a ball game?


charles grand dad hand sew all the needlework on the state dining room.chairs he was very handy at that .charles is a good gardener and not too bad at polo once upon a time


well hope the people who face energy outages dont see this they are allready angry cause iran wasted money on iraq, syria, lebanon and gaza instead of repairing the pipelines isrealis damaged when they supposedly hit nothing. seems they hit exactly what was neccesary to cause energy scarcity to people and now try to leverage it to start a revolution.

Last edited 2 months ago by kotromanic

no to steal everything and enslave 99% .imo .

Shlomo's little weenie

why does this irgc have to publicly skite about this facility ? why did raisi and his foreign minister attend this event in azerbaijan when their energy minister ( or equivalent ) would have sufficed ? it’s not as if the two countries’ are politically aligned, and the existential threat from the zio’s is very real. strange.


carry on luggage allowance wirh diplomatic immunity


salami for light lunch


looks like something out of a hollywood syfy movie, very impressive!


just one purpose of an underground missile hangar – to make it untouchable for the americ*nts andcollect missiles to an extent that the jews in illegally occupied paleßtine can all be buried and no surviving jew. what could be better for mankind!? jews elsewhere can then be dealt with one at a time.

Lance Ripplinger

looks like iran has a lot of soviet/russian designed air defense radar platforms. i can only guess they have made efforts to modernize a lot the electronics. one can hope it will improve when iran and russian sign the strategic partnership like russia did with north korea.


iran has a lot of stuff the jews can’t handle with what the americ*nts have supplied them with. first they have a good idea on how to breach the jews’ iron dome and that is enough for them thieving murdering jews to seek a truce with hamas so to come back with more updated stuff at a later date. the truce agreement is shamful and i fail to see what induced hamas to sign the agreement.

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