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MARCH 2025

Iran: US Aircraft Carrier Was Threat, But Now It’s Target

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Iran: US Aircraft Carrier Was Threat, But Now It's Target

Forces of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) in the Persian Gulf. FILE IMAGE: IRNA

US forces stationed in the Persian Gulf are in range of Iranian forces and “will be hit on the head” in the case of escalation. Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the commander of the IRGC’s Aerospace Division, stressed on May 12.

“If Americans make a move, we will hit them on the head,” he said commenting on the recent US-related developments in the Middle East. “This is the current state of affairs in the region…. It was not like this in the past. These [US forces] were previously a threat to us, but they are not an opportunity.”

He claimed that the US says nothing about waging war on Iran because its forces “are vulnerable.”

“An aircraft carrier with at least 40 to 50 fighter jets and 6,000 personnel was a serious threat for us in the past, but is now a target and threats have turned into opportunities,” Brigadier General Hajizadeh said.

On May 10, Brigadier General Yadollah Javani, a political head of the IRGC said that the US does not dare to wage a war on Iran despite its decision to deploy an aircraft carrier and bombers in the region.

“The American officials are suffering from some mess in their thoughts,” he said adding that Washington thinks that it can intimidate the Iranian nation and force the leadership to sit for talks by combining military rhetoric with the sanctions war.

Brigadier General Javani emphasized that this scenario is not possible.


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Promitheas Apollonious

so the next move belongs to the retards in white house and pentagon. I wonder if they will open the Pandora box for them and their stupid followers. I do hope that they do.


I believe even the chickenhawks like Bolton would be kept on a leash, due to the tremendous danger of a regional conflict with unknown consequences. Iran is not Iraq of 2003. It is four times the size and the US is simply out of friends in the world to create a million man invasion force required to wage war on a large mountainous nation of 83 million. Iranians have not been sitting around sipping tea for the past 40 years.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

You are probably looking at something that isn’t a direct invasion of Iran, but either intervention in Yemen or an occupation of an Iranian island in the Persian Gulf.


You have a valid point, but once bullets start flying, the consequences and end game is hard to predict. US is having a hard time unseating Maduro and I believe Iran is a bridge too far.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

What the U.S. is after is embarrassing Iran, so that Trump picks up a few percentage points next year. Remember the U.S. sailors and boats that were detained by Iran under the Obama regime… Did not play well with Republicans in the U.S.


The Iranians could take thousands of American troops in Afghanistan prisoner stick them in front of potential targets and film the US bombing its own troops.

Realistically the US can’t do anything until it withdraws from Afghanistan.


Either this or last year the US placed troops directly on the borders of Afghanistan and Iran where there is a largely Sunni population.

The US as always is using identity politics to inflame dissent. However in most countries the wishes of all sects are of ‘country first’ when they are invaded.

We only have to consider that the majority of the Syrian Army today are Sunnies who care for the Nation State of Syria first and foremost.

Promitheas Apollonious

have you ever try to take a bull by the horns and keep him? You think what ever thew americans try to do will be with out retaliation beside they can not do what you saying?

Promitheas Apollonious

bombing a place and shooting missiles at it from a distance, require no foot soldiers and that is what the zios with the american stooges of them, including british and french planning to do, not invading. Worst than anything they think they can win and that is the deciding factor in what ever moves they decide to make.


Israel will in fact become the Achilles Heal of the US I think. Israel is very vulnerable to mass missile attacks and in the event of such attacks the Palestinians would have the opportunity to create havoc within Israel itself.

Promitheas Apollonious

well said.

Icarus Tanović

Oh yes, I love how you put it together.


Thank you. I am not ‘amazingly smart’ like Trump or Bolton either :)


In real geo-strategic terms so-called Israel is a mere nuisance and drain on the west. Sooner or later it will be ditched when the Achilles Heel spreads fungus in the west. It has no real value as the US has plenty of Sunni Arab puppet regimes in the region. US wants to create a new Sykes-Picot and the dismemberment of Syria and Iraq is part of that pipe-dream. Iran is an obstacle and hence the sabre-rattling.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

They have been preparing, upgrading, training, building, you name it!

Albert Pike

Agree on everythind up to the “I hope they do”, because they are all mad people and lunatics. Also everybody will ask themselves. Who is next. North Korea, what is with Pakistan and India. No this might be a good excuse to let it turn into something big – the ultimate malthusian culling, the wet dream from everybody who is a member in the Club of Rome…


Iran has built a very credible defensive deterrent and asymmetrical warfare capability based on its experiences in the 1980’s when it was bogged down in a war of attrition with Iraq which was supported by the whole western world. Iranians over the years have been under the strictest sanctions regime which has curtailed their access to modern weaponry, so they resorted to hybrid missile development and now excel at it. The Iranian regular military (Artesh) and the IRCG (Sepah) will definitely surprise any idiotic aggressor.

Romeo Pesiao

Talking of asymmetrical warfare I think the US has the advantage of that matter, geographically Iran are surrounded by US military bases, the US can launch an attack to Iran from different locations.


You seem to lack the understanding of asymmetrical warfare.

Surrounding an opponent is not and never has been asymmetrical warfare.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

iran can wipe out all those bases


The memories of the US are short. The US regime has forgotten the dreadful war that was essentially between Iran and Iraq and the Western world. Despite casualties that rival the British dead in WW1, the Iranians never surrendered.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

agree, iran will always be triumphant

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

agree million procentage

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Now entering the realms of bluff and counter bluff.

However, Iran is now part of the 2020 U.S. presidential campaign, whether the Islamic Republicans like it or not.

Promitheas Apollonious

americans and allies, as the retards they are may be bluffing, but Iranians are dead serious in what they saying they do.


with Israel in charge of the USA, i dont think America is bluffing although it’s a possibility. trump wants to do whatever bibi says and he needs a distraction at home, he also wants to see the oil market skyrocket and weapon companies stocks to go very high so him and his neocon zionist friends can make massive profits off of war and oil


Iran should never trust EU and Washington. Iran should never give up their nuclear capabilities otherwise their result will be worst than Saddam Hussain and Qaddafi. Be strong and ready all the time, nobody can defeat Iran. If Afghani Taliban can defeat America without any heavy weapons then definitely Iran can also defeat them and can teach them a lesson that lie, cheating and stealing is not a good policy.


No sane American commander would put his ship at risk in the Persian Gulf. If the US does attack, which is looking highly likely, they will stand off in the Arabian Sea, supposedly out of range and sight of Iran. That would leave Iran dependent on submarines to locate the American ships. Of course they could just ignore the American ships, and invade Afghanistan and overrun US forces there.

I find it hard to believe the Americans are so stupid as to risk their troops in Afghanistan and their money tree in Saudi Arabia, but the current President is a madman, so anything is possible I guess.

Promitheas Apollonious

Iran will not invade any country and especially afghanistan to get to the americans. Their main targets are in iraq -syria and israel itself. So if they are sending army to another country that will be in iraq and syria in order to eliminate the ziowhores they use, i.e. the kurds.


So you think that if the US attacks Iran, Iran will attack the Kurds? Why not attack Japan? It makes about as much sense.

Promitheas Apollonious

maybe you should read what I wrote and understand what I did say first? kurds are the foot soldiers of zioamercans in syria and also who hold the oil of syria for their masters behalf. So yes it be a primary target along with the nato bases in that territory same as in iraq and of course israel.

They dont need to attack afghanistan as there they have allies and the talibans that soonest americans take a bigger bite they can chew in ME they be under attack in afghanistan no doubt about that. as to what make sense to you I come to understand that you not very good connecting the dots and see peripherally what is happening, so dont worry I dont hold it against you that much you understand that much you say.


You find hard to believe because you do not realize that these are small fishes to feed them to justify the very big shark that comes after. It is not the first time, and it will the last time that USA uses the type of trap. USA do not care the life of their own people, just as an example USS-Liberty.


If the US loses the money it gets from Persian Gulf oil, it will be the US that is fish food.


Never my friend, never. USA is fed by war, and always need it. USA is capable to do anything to create a war, for example demolition of twin tower.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes you right but that was then before they pay any price. Now is now.

Icarus Tanović

Iran isn’t Twin tower.

viktor ziv

I believe “gustavo” drew parallel between carries strike group and “twin towers”. And yes, sane commander will take care of the troops, but insane one at the safe distance?

Mustafa Mehmet

My Iranian friend telling me. Iranians can’t wait to get rid of the mollas.. they want change people suffering

Icarus Tanović

They rather care about Jews, not about americans.

Harry Smith

Vice Adm. Scott Stearney was found dead in his residence in Bahrain (Dec 1, 2018) https://edition.cnn.com/2018/12/03/politics/us-naval-commander-stearney-death-suicide/index.html


That is exactly what USA wants. USA put some good fishes to be cached and justify to bring the shark to destroy everything. However, this setting depends a lot on what Russia would do. Russia must take into account that, after Iran, Russia is next, better to stop Israel-USA-NATO plans in Syria and Iran.

Promitheas Apollonious

you think that any usa government or any western government can afford to lose what the americans put as what you claim as bait? americans especially the ones who run the country today think that bullying it will work and they dont have to go farther, than that and forget that is not only up to them and it is a big possibility the iranians if they are convinced the americans will attack them will not wait for the americans to initiate first move.


USA already has made the first move, and you have not noticed it. USA retired from Nuclear agreement with Ira, USA has imposed sanctions to Ira (one of them is to prohibit Iran to sell oil, and to prohibit Europe-Japan to by Iran, WoW !) , and USA have put war ships in the Persian Golf. Now, USA is just waiting an Iran attack to justify its total destruction, just as Israel wants.

Promitheas Apollonious

no kid you are the one who dont notice and understand what you see. war ships in the persian gulf always been. also learn to recognize a bluff for bullying and what you think is first move from the americans that is not.


Agreed. Also don’t forget classifying irgc as terrorists.


Exactly, and China is aware of that as well. Even Europeans who are not infected with Zionism , realise that the economic future of Europe is with Russia, China and commercial trade in civilian goods, not wasteful weapons of war.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


Lena Jones

A waning Empire is a bullshitting Empire. The orange Emperor bluffs bigly.


The Orange Emperor is sweating, waiting to see how China will respond. I think the Chinese will keep him sweating for a few days, before they make their move.


US announces 25% tarriffs on Chinese imports! US companies leave China and head back to the USA! USA was China’s biggest consumer! WAS!!!

Bye bye China! Bye!


Keep in mind that NK gave an ultimatum to US to come up with a plan until the end of this year. Otherwise expect some major NK moves starting next year.


NK would rather starv to death than to give in the neo-nazi bunch of crooks and criminals. so whatever dunny the dunce thinks or hopes for, it’s a sure fail. from his point of view, reelected 2020 requires no more wars or wars means 250 bucks/bbl and no reelction – I’d guess he’ll go for the former alternative. particularly now that china hasn’t caved and will eventually, boycott crudes from the environmentally disastrous tight oil production. dunny is in a tight spot between hell or high water.

Romeo Pesiao

The US objective is regime change, invasion in not necessary, selective targets inside Iran especially nuclear facilities are a big factors to weekend Iran deterrents to fight. Iran rely mostly on their sea and land base missiles in which Washington hastily installed the patriots missiles to neutralize it. The US can engaged Iran in a shooting war without single soldier maneuver in Iran soil. US air superiority brought Iran oil export to zero, economy collapsed, uncontrolled peace and order resulted to a domestic chaos…

Promitheas Apollonious

try and ease on the acid you taking as it shows in your post and dont post your hallucinations when under the influence.

Romeo Pesiao

Wait and see, and my hallucinations will surprise you someday…


Have the Patriot missiles solved that nasty problem of going after the booster rather than the warhead? This video was of the attack on the Riyadh airport with an improved scud. Scuds are basically improved WW2 vintage German V2’s. None of the Patriot missiles took out the warhead which landed just outside the airport fence. The Patriot missiles did more damage to the Saudi’s than the the missile they were trying to intercept. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YS4i2InVB-Y


Iran has what NK has. Iran and NK share research and development and technologies such as ICBMs, SLBMs, subs, etc. NK tested some missiles and US still can’t figure out what those missiles were. NK said long range and US said short range first and then said it is still figuring out. NK missiles traveling at an altitude of 40 km and yet long range. What do you think they are?

If US makes a mistake or two in either Persian gulf or Korea, that could be the end of US.


” If US makes a mistake or two in either Persian gulf or Korea, that could be the end of US.”

Oh, I do hope so. The many decent people of the US surely deserve a better government that the Zionist crazies in power today.


It is their modus operandi for sure. But sooner or later the targeted nation will have the capability to actually strike back. I don’t know if it will be Iran but it will happen and when it does it will be interesting to see what comes of it.


Patriots and Iron Dome have peen proven to be largely ineffective , even against crude missiles in Israel and Yemen.


Iron Dome and THAAD failed to detect and intercept 2 LONG RANGE Palestinian HOMEMADE rockets last month! i mean cmon, even a SA-8 from 1970’s could have shot those down lol


The Israeli crews were eating bagels as they watched a boy masturbating I would think :)


Thank you for showing us exactly how the US “leadership” thinks at the moment. The scenario you suggest is exactly what they think. But it is the lazy scenario – we are going to bomb them into submission. It ain’t gonna work. Iran is no Iraq under Saddam Hussein (where sanctions/bombing didn’t work either, but Iraq’s plains are easy for the Empire to set up for overwhelming force). Estimating that war against Iran could be 10x more expensive than Iraq. Massive bombing of Iran would set the world opinion against US powerfully and quite possibly break up NATO etc. Every US vessel sunk by the Iranians would become a cause celebre for hundreds of millions in the world. The whole thing is silly.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

patriots suck

Pave Way IV

“The American officials are suffering from some mess in their thoughts…”

I couldn’t have said it better, myself!


The “American Officials” even take much pride in being shitheads :)


Iran will annihilate the US fleet there if they are forced to do it. Iran and NK jointly share research and development and technologies. Most of Iran’s military facilities are probably deep under the ground. Iran has been producing a lot of missiles of all types not to mention submarines.

Ryan Glantz

Hey guys, don’t forget, USA already has a space force…. so uh, death from above, so they say ;)


I forgot about that, thank you.


“WikiLeaks Releases MOON LANDING Cut Scenes Filmed In Nevada Desert (A MUST WATCH)”


Why do you post such crap? You nor anyone else can point to a Wikileaks link that documents this , and this is not the first time this fake news has been floated. It’s repeatedly been debunked , and it keeps coming back only because gullible dupes keep sucking it up.


There have been allegations that the US moon landing was faked for generations.

Why cannot Space Ex et all replicate the moon landing as they wish to, 50 years later when computing power and launch vehicle technology makes the computing power of 1969 look like an abacus ?


Point us to the link to Wikileaks. You can’t , because your source is crappy fake news clickbait. That was my point , and now you’re trying to change the subject to save face. Man up and admit you’re peddling junk.


Or is it that you are unable to consider anything that has valid questions to answer? Such as Jesus rising from the dead , or the US flag fluttering on the ‘moon’. Perhaps Aldrin farted.


As if Julian Assange doesn’t have enough problems , he now has junk websites fraudulently linking him with crackpot conspiracies , and scum like you spreading the bullshit message (WikiLeaks Releases MOON LANDING Cut Scenes Filmed In Nevada Desert ).

You claim to value valid answers to questions and yet you smear someone who has provided more such answers to us than perhaps any single person , ever. You should hang your head in shame.


It seems that Iranians realize the frustration of the super power and the inability to maintain so many fronts in bulling state for long. On the other hand they are very well prepared and very serious on what they say. They (Iranians) even constracted underground cities connected with tunnels to withstand a nuclear hit. And it seems that they have the people with them, which is a major winning factor.

Samuel Vanguard

Iran and China can defeat America through Asymmetrical war.

Chris Saunders

A very brave people and nation . .


America is only playing scare tactics here, but this won’t work a country like Iran.


since US aircraft carriers are protected by multiple RIM interceptor missiles, Phalnx CIWS machine gun, torpedo decoys, and effective ECM radar/Infrared jamming equipment the only way for Iran to target them is by salvos of anti-ship missiles or torpedos otherwise one missile by itself would be intercepted or jammed successfully


True, but Iran has the numbers. And more importantly the mere threat of a sunk US carrier (which is realistic) is simply too much.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

dont forget the subs, thousands of speedboats, and other toys iran has that the abraham lincoln would have to deal with :)))


the american armada will be at the bottom of the sea once they start ita long planned assault on iran. iran can defend itself and will do so. a sunk aircraft carrier would be reason for the morons (including the squatters) to go nuclear. question is why the rest of the world stays mum when the belligerence of two nuke-armed war mongers are reaching levels pure hysteria.

the sole way forward to end this middle east tension, before a ‘real’ war is started is to discontinue the squatters occupation of palestine and send them to, yes, where, another bergen belsen or to the north american continent as refuges. I’m sure the washington dc neo-nazi morons would be happy to issue green cards for the bunch of them. and canada. lloyd-george’s deal with theodor henzel a hundred years ago has been a disaster which he foresaw but could not stop.


and then, of course, there is the price of oil. minor damage to a couple of tankers oil reacts 2+% what if something serious happened?

D.T. can forget the 2020 election. forget summer drives in the country. forget farming. forget driving to work.

how long will the bolton war machine survive w/o oil? murikans FUBAR!

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