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MARCH 2025

Iran Warns Germany Of Consequences Following Hezbollah Ban

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Iran Warns Germany Of Consequences Following Hezbollah Ban

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On May 1st, Iran condemned Germany’s move to ban all Hezbollah activities in the country, and designate it as a terrorist organization.

The Iranian foreign ministry warned that there would be consequences of its decision, because it gave in to the wishes of the US and Israel.

Iranian government spokesman Seyyed Abbas Mousavi “vehemently condemned” the move in a statement.

The foreign ministry described it as a “measure serving the objectives of the US and the Zionist regime of Israel,” on Twitter.

The statement further said that the ban and designation isn’t “considering the realities in the West Asia region” and only takes into account “the objectives of the propaganda machine of the Zionist regime and the confused US regime.”

“It appears that certain countries in Europe are adopting their stances without considering the realities in the West Asia region and by paying regard only to the objectives of the propaganda machine of the Zionist regime and the confused US regime,” Mousavi said.

“The German government’s decision has been made with a complete disrespect for the Lebanese government and nation, as Hezbollah is an official and legitimate part of that country’s government and Parliament, and has always been an influential political party in the arena of creating political stability in that country,” he said, adding that Hezbollah enjoys massive popular backing in Lebanon and in the region.

“The German government’s decision has been also made with utter imprudence against a force that has had and still has a key role in the fight against the violent terrorism of Daesh (ISIS) in the region. The German government, therefore, must be held accountable for the negative consequences of its decision for the fight against the true terrorist groups in the region,” Mousavi concluded.

On April 30th, the German Interior ministry announced that all Hezbollah activities are banned in Germany, including political ones.

The move was hailed by both Washington and Tel’Aviv.

Activities of the group’s military wing have been banned in the European Union since 2013.

“Hezbollah openly calls for the violent elimination of the State of Israel and questions the right of the State of Israel to exist,” the German interior ministry said.

On the morning of May 1st, shortly before Iran’s response, Syria reported that Israel has targeted Hezbollah outposts in Syria, with potential casualties and disruption.

Up until now Germany refrained from any sort of actions that play into the “maximum pressure” campaign carried out by the United States against Iran. This action underlines that the vehement supporter of the effectiveness of the Iran Nuclear Deal may be switching camps to the US-led agenda on the matter.


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Jens Holm

Who is Iran?


Watch your Syrian Al-Qaeda buddies in action. This are the type of people that your governments support and fund. Shame on you!


Free man

This is the country abducted by the mullahs 41 years ago.

Traiano Welcome

A young nation with a glorious past who kicked the Americans, British and Zionists out in 1979 for thieving their natural resources.

Free man

And now they are robbed by fanatical Islamists.

Traiano Welcome

That is factually wrong. The government of Iran, despite what we in The West have been told is barely Islamic, and hardly fanatical.

Iran is in fact a secular state, hidden behind a facade of Islamic Jurisprudence.

Why is this so?

Because the average Iranian is by and large a Muslim, and a Muslim would not be in favour of a non-Muslim government. Therefore it’s leaders have to play to the desires of the majority, i.e, appear to be an Islamic Government a government of Muslims, for Muslims.

Now, if you want to see a fanatic Islamist state, look at Saudi Arabia, who butchers people in the streets on a regular basis, without a peep from the so called Guardians of Western Freedom.

Another fanatic Jewish State exists in Israel. You know it’s fanatic when they pass laws defining Israel as a Jewish state, rather than a nation of of it’s citizens. This is at odds with Western Values ™. But nobody says a word about this.

Now, as for your claim that they are being robbed by the Mullahs, I suppose you would be happier if they were being robbed by Standard Oil and British Petroleum during the time of the Shahs and Mossadegh? Do not lie to yourself, if there is any robbery going on it is the West and their vassals doing the robbing.

Remember the Grace-1 ? There’s just one example of who is robbing the Iranian people.

Free man

The mullahs regime is a radical Islamic regime. A corrupted and inefficient regime. Do you know what would happen to you if you tried to convert a Muslim to the Christian religion in Iran of the mullahs? Iran’s law prohibits the conversion of a Muslim.

Traiano Welcome

You’re distorting the truth.

Why? Because:

1) There is large and healthy Christian community in Iran: Christianity in Iran dates back to the early years of the faith, pre-dating Islam. It has always been a minority religion relative to the majority state religions (Zoroastrianism before the Islamic conquest, Sunni Islam in the Middle Ages and Shia Islam in modern times), though it had a much larger representation in the past than it does today. Christians of Iran have played a significant part in the history of Christian mission. Currently there are at least 600 churches and 500,000–1,000,000 Christians in Iran.

2) There are Christian CONVERTS FROM ISLAM IN IRAN: A 2015 study estimated (describing this as a conservative estimate) that there were 100,000 Christian believers from a Muslim background living in Iran, most of them evangelical or Pentecostal Christians. There is no law against conversion to Christianity

There is no Islamic state that allows conversion to Christianity without a penalty. Islam in general does not tolerate conversion well. This is not unique to Iran, but characteristic to even the Islamic Allies of the West, who are fine with this as long as these Islamic allies toe the Western line.

HOWEVER, it is against the law in SAUDI ARABIA for any other religion than Islam to be practiced – on pain of death. So why did you not instead choose Saudi Arabia to vent your anti-Muslim vitriol against?



There are hundreds of thousands of Iranian former muslims, most of them converts to Christianity and also to Zoroasterianism, to atheism and to Bahaism and there are thousands of house churches in Iran, there also unfortunately, groups of foreign elements, usually the CIA and others that contstantly infiltrate and try to use those minorities for their own propaganda or subversive agendas and the government sometimes deals with those groups who are using religion for propaganda reasons but by and large all regious minorities are safe in Iran and can fully practice their faiths provided they stay from subversive ‘missionary’ activities. To sum up, Iran is far, far more safer to ex-muslims and to non-islamic people than to Saudi Arabia.


Well-said indeed!

Also, Shiite people are generally peaceful, rational, kind and easy to live with people and they are actually perscuted, victimized, constantly massacred and are considered as ‘infidels’ by Sunni Takfiri terrorists in most countries where they are minorities such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen and in the gulf theocracies.

Just to give you an example, there are over a million of non-muslims from all religious deniminations that live in Iran peacefully with NO religious persecution and every religious group have their own temple, synagogue or church open for them and many of them have representatives in the Iranian parlaiment, in fact, there are more Jews in Iran than the rest of the islamic world combined and this cannot be said about Saudi Arabia where publickly praticing a non-muslim religion can get you beheaded! Please watch the CNN video clip below documenting the peaceful life of tens of thousands of Jews in Iran and remember more Jews were killed in America than in Iran in the past few years!


Traiano Welcome

The Jews in Iran, unlike the European immigrants from the old Russian empire, are probably directly related to the ancient hebrews.


You are right, there were there in Iran for thousands of years!


What is that now? mullahs are crying because one of their proxies is called a terrorist organization? good.


The West dances with Saudi Arabia and supports, trains and arms ISIS, Al-Qaeda and host of other Takfiri/Salafi jihadist terrorists while they sanction and condemn the very nations and groups that are really, really fighting ISIS, Al-Qaeda and other terrorists such as Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Russia. What is wrong with the West???

below are the type of people that Western governments support and fund. Watch ‘graphic’.



germany is still basically a nazi-infested country, or rather neo-nazi run operation by the grace of the disunited states of A, which seriously is a much worse case of neo-nazism which would have made Adolf Hitler green with envy.

moreover although the jews are about as much hated today in germany as during Adolf’s days, the guilt imposed by the disunited states of A on germany forces them to acquiesce to anything the embedded jews in the disunited states of A tells the white house moron to order.

Zionism = EVIL

The German faggots have been occupied since 1945 so are hardly a free or independent country.

Zionism = EVIL

hahaha and the stupid German faggots are worried about Hezbollah

Turkish soldier shoots dead German officer along Greek border: report

Porc Halal

I wonder if for the same reason (aka terrorism), MB is or will be baned (if not already) in Germany so as the AKP due to its afiliation to the above mentioned terrorist organisation…

Porc Halal

Today’s Germany is a mixture of neo-nazism (national-socialism), post-modernism (neo-liberalism), neo-socialism, neo-comunism and islamism (both wahabi and MB)..the worst ideologies human brains could ever imagine…

Free man

And you will give your right arm so you and your family could live there. LOL.

Porc Halal

what is so funny in that?!


Don’t feed the troll.


See my ‘downvotes’ for the list of trolls here today.

Free man

Germany is a favorite destination for Muslim immigrants, because it is a country with a very high quality of life. And it was happy to welcome Muslim immigrants. But now that Germany has made a decision against Hezbollah it has become “…the worst ideologies human brains could ever imagine…”. Don’t you think it’s funny Mr. Halal?

Porc Halal

I din’t say Germany is worse because it baned hesbolah…where did you came up with such thing?!… it is worse because is a mixture of shity ideologies including the one muslims are following regardles the sect they are part of……

Free man

fair enough. I also find it strange the prohibition on eating different types of food.

Porc Halal

One more thing maybe you omited…I AM NOT A MUSLIM!…THANK GOD!!!!!

Traiano Welcome

You can’t be a Jew then.

If you were a Jew, you’d know they have the same stupid prohibitions on pork:


BTW, I love me a rasher of bacon in the morning MmmmmMmm. Beef in the evening (looking at you Hindus on the forum, wink wink)

Free man

I know the different customs of the different religions, but I also eat everything, in Western terms. Food is one of the pleasures of life, religion is one of the ways to suppress the pleasures of life.

Zionism = EVIL

Pork is not good for you, pigs eat shit and were responsible for many viruses and plagues, even now there is swine flu epidemic happening. Actually, eating any red meat is not good for your health or the environment.

Porc Halal

This is the favorite rethoric muslims like to use when it comes to ‘argument’ outside their ideological comendments why they don’t eat pork…anyway, that’s completely false claim by the muslims and turns out that pork is one of the most delicious and healthy meat…

Porc Halal

…hold on a sec…what did you say?…Pork is not good for the environment?!…realy!!!…how come??…

Porc Halal

And here’s an interesting video linked to this subject…



David wood should realize that his country, the US not Hezbollah is the biggest threat to world peace. He should know that the US invades, bullies, sanctions and bombs small countries all the time killing millions in the process.

America Voted Biggest Threat to World Peace – Gallup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0bvNiKSpcA

Zionism = EVIL

He is Jew troll and has multiple accounts like Iron Zion, Azreal, Freeman etc. They all speak to one another and upvote ROFLMAO.

Porc Halal

The ‘international jews’ are ruling the world since long time a go and I am not saying that this is a good thing…for instance, they are closely related to marxism and bolshevism who made hundreds of milions of victims around the world…exactly the same thing islam did, which is another evil criminal ideology…Though I dont blame honest jewish and muslim folks…

Free man

You mean there is only one person here who disagrees with you. LOL. I’m probably the same guy who threw you out of the Iranian army, the guy that made your wife divorce you and the one who actually ruined your life, and turned you into the hateful and angry person you are. LOL.

Zionism = EVIL

I was never in the “Iranian army” you stupid Jew PUNK fuck LOL. How dumb are you cunt? ROFLMAO


What you utter is called paranoia and usually requires proper treatment, has no good friend ever told you that?

Free man

Welcome to this site. You will find here “interesting” people with “unique” opinions.


Hi there, nice to meet you :-) I already see which type of … :-D

Free man

LOL. The mullahs regime will probably stop asking for Germany’s help in saving the nuclear deal, and the mullahs will stop being admitted to German hospitals.

Traiano Welcome

It’s like the consequences the UK threatened Iran with if oil was shipped to Syria, i.e futile, because Iran has as much influence over Germany as the UK has over Iran – pretty much nothing.

Leaving the nuclear deal is a big deal, it’s going to spike the paranoia level in Europe through the roof which will definitely change the tone of German foreign policy and influence their decisions going forward.

As for the rest of the stuff you mentioned, it’s neither here nor there, Iran doesn’t need Germany, and vice versa.

Free man

And yet Iran needs Germany much more than the other way around. I don’t understand why the mullahs regime is threatening all the time, but in practice it almost never does what it threatens.

Traiano Welcome

Are you kidding? Iran has been under blockade for 40 years. Germany played zero role in the Survival of the Iranian state and people.

Iran needs Germany for nothing. Even medical care and advanced technology can be sourced from Asian countries.


You clearly have no clue. Hate-speak though in massive amounts doesn’t make it any better, troll.

Traiano Welcome

Did I make any false statement in that post? If so, please provide your references to facts debunking them. If you cannot, please concede that you’re just another internet troll.


It’s easy to see that you are not ready for normal, argumentative dialogue. Therefore I save my energy. You even don’t know the definition of an ‘internet troll’, so normally, you wouldn’t have anything to do on any such platform. Cheers.

Traiano Welcome

Great. Then I can expect no further comments from you.


Well, it’s good to see Germany is still owned. Not. When are the German people going to start saying enough is enough? Being an American, I certainly can’t bitch about them though. Americans are so damn brain dead that nothing will ever pry us loose from the Zionist fist. Even when faced with uncontested facts, the majority still believe. But in what I’m not sure. Might makes right? Ignorance is bliss? Christian (evangelical) rightousness?

chris chuba

When has Hezbollah actually called on the destruction of Israel? Whenever I’ve read comments from Hassan Nasrallah he sounds like a rather pragmatic fellow, not given to histrionics.

Jacob Wohl's Mother


Zionism = EVIL

lol, he is a punk anyway

Zionism = EVIL

Hezbollah is the most popular national political and military movement in Lebanon, the region and beyond and the dumbass German faggots are only following the Jew cunts orders as they are occupied colony anyway. This is only make Germany a target their faggots will be in danger globally. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9e962e180209c91d6270e22de05bff857c8a9ba4171af293af6f83f9e3f1178e.jpg

Free man

You are obsessed with gays, Russia, Putin, Jews, Americans, Germany …. Is there anyone you don’t hate except for Iran and Hezbollah? Hate and anger are not good for your health old evil zio.

Traiano Welcome

And what, pray tell, is your obsession?

Zionism = EVIL

Hasbara cunt with multiple trolling accounts and obsession with Iran :)

Free man

Here I usually write against Islamists and Jihadists. But still I don’t write with hatred and anger like old evil Zio.

Traiano Welcome

So you’re fine with Zionist and Jewish extremism then?

Free man

I oppose extremists in every religion. And anyone trying to restrict others in the name of religion. I personally know the damage done by the mullahs to the Iranian people in the name of religion. Jews never hurt me.

Traiano Welcome

So how did the Muslims hurt you?

I see damage done by Jewish Zionists every day, I don’t know where you’re looking.

Free man

I have no problem with any religion or group of people. Only with the extremist religious. Islamists / Jihadists are those who destroy and kill in the name of religion. They mainly hurt their people. Because of them my parents emigrated to the West.

Traiano Welcome

Then your standpoint is fundamentally hypocritical as it relates to the state of Iran.

Iran is far from the Islamism or Jihadism of the West’s allies (e.g Saudi Arabia). Iran is far from the fanatical Jewish Zionism of Israel. Iran is far from the fanatical and apocalyptic Christian fundamentalism that drives American wars in the Middle East.

You make some claim about being personally affected by Iranian islamism (not clear what this means), but you couldn’t care less about the mass murder Christian, Atheist, Jewish Fanatics are committing all over the Middle East, just as long as it doesn’t affect you personally.

Not only is that Hypocrisy, but it is also a contradiction in itself. It’s a contradiction because it means that if Islamic Fundamentalism did not personally affect you, you would be ok with it.

Free man

We probably see a different Iran and a different Middle East. I see an Iran that supports terrorist organizations, that scream in the Majles “Death to America”, calling for the destruction of Israel, where women are not allowed to ride bicycles, where women must cover their hair, where homosexuality is forbidden, which killed 1,500 protesters last November and much more. I see a Middle East where Sunni jihadists are fighting Shiite Islamists while killing everyone around. No country is perfect, but the mullahs regime is among the worst.

Traiano Welcome

To me you seem to have an extremely biased view. In my view, you have taken the lesser evil and claimed it is the greatest one. Yet you say nothing about the Greater Evils. All the actors in the middle east contain evil to a greater and lesser extent, but it is madness to take the least of them and make them the greatest, yet ignore the greatest of them.

I find your lack of mention of the Israeli, Saudi evil suspicious. There is only one kind of actor who would avoid criticising them: One who is part of their agenda.

Free man

This is an article about an Iranian threat to Germany because of a Shiite terrorist organization in Germany. How are Saudi Arabia and Israel related? I’m tired of hearing about Islamic terrorist organizations. Sunnis or Shiites. They are a major reason why all over the world, the dislike of Middle Eastern immigrants is growing.

Traiano Welcome

This is an article about a number of things, all of which are connected, none of which are not connected:

1. The false classification of Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation. This is a Zionist-American propaganda talking point constantly parroted by the hasbara.

2. The Hypocrisy of classifying a legitimate resistance movement (hezbollah) and democratically voted part of the Lebanese state as a ‘terrorist’ movement while legitimising movements like the (Mossad and CIA supported) MEK, who really are a terrorist movement in the true definition of the word.

3. The Hypocrisy of identifying Hezbollah as an extremist movement while ignoring the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, who practices forms of religious extremism on a scale Iran can only hope to match.

You need to distinguish between terrorist organisations and legitimate resistance movements. Hezbollah, Hamas, Ansar Allah are all legitimate resistance movements with a democratic base – these are facts.

The CIA, Mossad, MI6 are all State Sanctioned Terrorist movements in the true sense of the definition. They make active, documented use of methods of Terror in order to achieve the aims of terrorism:

“Terrorism, the calculated use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective. Terrorism has been practiced by political organizations with both rightist and leftist objectives, by nationalistic and religious groups, by revolutionaries, and even by state institutions such as armies, intelligence services, and police.”

– Merriam Webster Dictionary

Porc Halal

I see damage done by muslim islamists every minute if not every second, I realy don’t know where you’re looking?!…

…and, how did jews did hurt you?…i mean personaly…

Traiano Welcome

These Muslim Islamists you seem to have your eyes on, are they the ones backed by The Fundamentalist Christian State of America, The Fanatical Islamic Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Fanatical Zionist Jewish State of Israel? The ones created and funded by your non-fanatical, freedom-loving Western Regimes? Are these the Muslim Fanatics you’re referring to or are you OK with these guys?

“…and, how did jews did hurt you?…i mean personaly…”

Your question contains a false premise. You seem to have injected the unqualified term “jews” in there mistakenly. The term I’ve used is “Jewish Zionists or “Jewish Extremists”.

The question you should have asked, to make any sense, is this:

“…and, how did Fanatical Zionist Jews and Fanatical Christian Evangelicals and Fanatical Anglo-American Atheists did hurt you?…i mean personaly…”

The answer is:

1. Throwing native people off their land (Al Nakba), murdering them (The Village of Deir Yassin) and locking them in concentration camps (Gaza). I take that personally.

2. Butchering 2 million plus Vietnamese for no other reason than their economic system (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Trial_of_Henry_Kissinger)

3. Butchering 2 million plus Koreans in their attempt to colonise Asia

4. Butchering Iraqi Children (apparently 500 000 children was “worth it”)

5. Murdering children in Gaza:


These things I take very personally. The facts show that these events are driven by the satanic trinity of Christian Fundamentalists, Atheist Imperialists and Extremist Jewish Zionism.

© Proud 2b proud Greek

If in this list does not exist Muslim Brotherhood and Erdogan’ s AKP then this list is incomplete.

Porc Halal

That is what I was already posted yesterday…diference is that I mentioned ‘if not already’…

Traiano Welcome

Good. Hezbollah has better things to focus on than to waste time in an ex-Nazi washout state that is now a thorough vassal of Zionist Israel.

At least this makes it clear where they should spend their resources!


adolf hitler started a clean up of the german society and eradicated all commies and all trade unions by putting them into camps here and there, like dachau, which is reminiscent of today’s practice of the jews to force subservient ‘allies’, like neo-nazi germany, to forbid organisations that are opposing the jewish illegal occupation of palestine (lloyd.george never had any right to gift palestine to the jews), such as the boycott, disinvestment and sanction movement and now hezbollah. there is no end to the friggin german’s shame and wonder if they ever will be able to free themselves from the guilt the jews endlessly pass on to them and free themselves from the disunited states of A which, in the hands of the friggin jews, do the same. of course not, germany is a lost cause.

and rest assured that the jews are working away on all european governments to do the same. so the best way forward is to end the illegal occupation of palestine and send them packing or bury them at 6 feet.

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