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Iran will start the application of Nuclear Deal next week

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The process will officially start with the application of the main principles of the treaty.

Iran will start the application of Nuclear Deal next week

Last July, in Vienna, it was announced that Iran’s Nuclear Deal was a reality and its application was meant to start on October this same year.

By means of this agreement Iran’s nuclear program will freeze for at least ten years; besides that, the deal also stipulates that Iran will have to reduce their amount of centrifuges, also limit their uranium enrichment and plutonium production of its reactors and as a consequence of that all, reduce their stockpile as well.

Iran agreed to carry out with their part of the treaty as long as the sanctions imposed over their nuclear program are lifted, if not, the Islamic nation will unilaterally end with the deal and start once again with their uranium enrichment .

For this reason, US congressmen, specially Republicans, show themselves critical with the intentions of Rouhani’s regime regarding to the nuclear deal, also due to the conviction of the Iranian –American Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian which, according to their opinion, is another proof of Iran’s disrespect of lawful processes.


Written by Lisbeth Mechter

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