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MARCH 2025

Iran Will Supply Russia With ‘Arash-2’ Heavy Suicide Drones

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Iran Will Supply Russia With ‘Arash-2’ Heavy Suicide Drones

A handout picture provided by the Iranian army on May 28, 2022 shows Arash-2 suicide drone in an underground base at an unknown location in Iran.

Iran is set to supply Russia with a shipment of Arash-2 suicide drones which can hit targets thousands of kilometers away, several Iranian news channels on Telegram reported on October 15.

Very little is known about the Arash-2, which have a range of around 2,000. The warhead of the Arash-2 is said to be heaver then those in Iran’s Shahed-131 and 136 suicide drones, which are currently in service with the Russian military as Geran-1 and 2.

The Shahed-131 has a range of 900 kilometers and a 15 kg warhead, while the Shahed-136 has a range of up to 2,500 kilometers and a 40 kg warhead.

Iranian sources said that the Russian military will use Arash-2 suicide drones in Ukraine where it is currently conducting a special operation. In the last few weeks, dozens of Russian Geran-1 and 2 drones were used to destroy targets of Kiev forces.

Just like the Shahed-131 and 136, the basic version of the Arash-2 is guided by a satellite-aided inertial navigation system. Very recently, Iran showcased new versions of the drone equipped with TV and infrared seekers. In theory, these new versions should be able to detect static and moving targets and engage them after launch.

According to a report released by The Washington Post on October 16, Russia is not only looking to acquire more drones from Iran, but also tactical ballistic missiles. The newspaper said that Iran is currently preparing a shipment of Fateh-110 and Zolfaghar precision-guided missiles for Russia.

The Fateh-110 missile has a range of 300 kilometers and a warhead weighting 650 kg, while the Zolfaghar has a range of 700 kilometers and is armed with a 450 kg warhead.

The low cost and high performance of Iranian missile and drones made them a perfect option for Russia to boost the fire power of is military. While most news sources are claiming that these weapons are being supplied from Iran, it is more reasonable to assume that they are being assembled in Russia under agreements with Iranian arms companies.



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Comandante Hugo Chavez

Now we are talking 👏

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

Russia will deliver wheat, technology products and other commodities in exchange for the heavy drones. The trade is fair.

Florian Geyer

Russin/Iranian trade has the advantage of the Caspian Sea route as well that would avoid NATO warships.

You can add making a powerplant for them.


USA, Ukropistan and NATO states of EU consider they can sacrifice more of their LGBT gender-fluid supersoldiers than Russia, Iran, North Korea, maybe even China, Brazil, Venezuela can produce conventional weapons 🤣.

I wonder how far this woke superheroes uncertain of their gender, sexuality and everything else can go against sturdy Russians growing up on a steady diet of pull ups, pistol squats and kettlebells play

Florian Geyer

Drones are obviously the way forward, but the issues of navigation in hostile electronic and kinetic defence’s will require continual and easily installed upgrades.

Defence fighter drones will also be needed in very large numbers to help repel enemy swarms, as well as hardened communications.

Slava Rossiya.

Pro Russian Axis of Resistance

God Bless Russia 🇷🇺 and The Axis of Resistance.


I wonder what secret Russian-Iranian trade is going down. Russia probably gave Iran weapons that haven’t even been unveiled yet

Bigg Chungus

Russia’s military institutions have long favored traditional manned aircraft over drones. Iran’s have gone the other way. Many reports are that Russia is trading future deliveries of its excellent aircrafts for immediate deliveries of Iranian drones and missiles.


I have no military kowledge, other than beginning smoking cigarettes 50 years ago in the Italian military service where barracks were drugs smuggling centers, all kinds of drugs, so I started smoking because cigarettes were given us free of charge by the Gladio, Stay Behind State… Anyway, to me this case of Iranian drones and ballistic missiles used by Russia is not because of shortages of Russian made weapons, but – I just guess – a way to show the combined West that Iran is not a “flip-flop” walking bunch of guys with AK 47, and be careful not to mess with Iran ( and Eurasia…), even though the last “wars” won by the West were in the Malvinas and Grenada… And also ” be careful ” as to what is going to happen these days with the Saudis and UAE, aka MBS and MBZ. Cheers, West !


Who are the moderators on this site? Why are my polite and pro-Russian comments being deleted? Obvious pro-NATO trolls and childish obscenities about anuses are apparently fine as far as the moderators are concerned but my comments are not for some reason. Maybe the moderators have been infiltrated or maybe the entire site is suspect. This is not the first time either, the same has happened on a number of occasions. Apparently “would love your thoughts please comment” does not apply to me. I’m not one to hang around where I am not wanted so this is the last comment SF will ever get from me.


Admins on all forums and sites are always low IQ soy boy sociopaths.

jens holm

People here dont see we will harm Iran, so they understand.


every fuel truck entering NAZI ukraine needs to be hit.


every source of energy for the NAZI regime must be hit.


these iranian drones are too noisy on approach.

in the videos a few days ago, the NAZIs were running away before the drones struck because they were too noisy.

they need electric motors for the last few kilometers so the NAZIs can’t hear them coming.

The International Rules-Based Order of War

Their purpose is less to kill ukronazis and more to kill their weapons of war, including those dual use weapons that the US declared long ago to be electricity and water.

Tony the Tiger

Wouldn’t it be a fine piece of irony if Russia demanded that Kiev broadcast 3 hours of RT every day, like Clinton’s left foot bunion, Albright demanded Belgrade do with CNN?

Curious George

You think that old dogcrap bag Albright is looking up from Hell celebrating what her handiwork has wrought or is she still waiting for the nuclear option to kick in to satisfy her bloodlust?

Last edited 2 years ago by Curious George
Masters of the Unitaz

Give credit where credit’s due. She was only one of a cadre of neoconnivers and satan worshippers hell-bent on bringing hell on earth to all those not ready to worship America’s God-given right to world hegemony.

That would be a mistake: as long as there is one single Ukronazi alive, Russia will be threatened. The purpose of this war should be the total EXTERMINATION of Ukropistan army, mercenaries and all. Anyone from anywhere in the world willing to fight against Russia must be killed.


How can a country with 90 million people do this under sanctions?

Imagine what the world could be if we get rid of the psychopathic New World Order!

Icarus Tanović

Best Iranian technology indeed.

Assad Defeated Zionists

The slaves of the Zionists must be shitting their panties.


Russia may have these operational while the NATO games carry on. They should WATCH out for shenanighans and false flags. Zelensky was laughing and scoffing that Ukraine was going to laugh and Russians would be crying soon.


Why are you posting the cocaine psychosis-induced ramblings of Krusty the Klown of Kiev?


Now iran is using Ukraine as a proxy against the west…lol…joy


Don’t forget every item nato sends to Ukraine they deplet their own weapons and munitions. The west no longer has an industrial economy only a service economy. It will take nato years to replace the weapons and other ordinance they have sent to the regime in Kiev……

Last edited 2 years ago by Bobo
Iron Zion 🦾🇮🇱

This prove exactly what Israel has been saying for years, Iran export terror and we see their terror in Lebanon and Syria and now Ukraine. But we can see they have people revolting against their terror at home. Soon much more. And we will work with our brothers to shoot this terror junk down. Watch cowards. Watch

USA = No. 1 State Sponsor of Terrorism

Terror? Are you serious? What does Ukraine engage in then?

Gaza is a Concentration Camp

Pay him no mind. Iron Zion’s been lobotomized. Jaded over Israel’s slow motion genocide of the Palestinians too, no doubt.

Barbara WaWa

What’s been up with Israel these past few weeks? Have they killed any more journalists?

Arch Bungle

They killed four kids.

Iron Zion 💪🇮🇱

4 shitskins dead. God is happy.

Iron Zion 💪🇮🇱

Dead propagandist is a good propagandist. Shitskin journo killed – great day!!!


Take swimming class …

Arch Bungle

Neutered and Lobotomized.

Arch Bungle



Fuck the ass NATO directly with these arrows!


The cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran in the defense sector is not a secret, and is not illegal or unlawful. The two nations are friendly, and neither forbid or deny cooperation in this field, among others. This cooperation does not constitute involvement in hostilities in any theatre by either side, strictly speaking. Both parties are very well within their legal and lawful rights to cooperate in this field in any way that they deem to be necessary, appropriate, and/or beneficial, and they are not obliged to explain themselves.

Terry Terrific

It is so funny watching mercenaries in Ukraine running for their lives from these things and seeing a few tossed high into the air as these drones chase them down then explode! Boom! I would pay to watch these drones live stream their kills 24×7. Now that’s entertainment!!!

Wladimir Putin

Slava Ukrainie

Wannabe Qaher 313 Pilot

It looks amazingly impressive ( https://iranpress.com/content/66112/iran-arash-world-longest-range-suicide-drone-with-high-precision ).

I’m wondering what engine powers this pushprop. The 4 cyl 2-cycle boxer engine used in the Geran-2 probably isn’t powerful enough for this weight class. (Or maybe it might just barely be with variable pitch propellers?)

Last edited 2 years ago by Wannabe Qaher 313 Pilot

Iran’s Drone Superstore https://youtu.be/dN96WwnNG4E


A range of around 2,000, must be easy to sink US Pacific warships with those, interesting thought. Pigs swimming and the sharks having their bacon.

Last edited 2 years ago by DogFart
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