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MARCH 2025

Iranian Air Defense Shot Down Ukrainian Flight 752 As A Result Of “Human Error”: General Staff

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Iranian Air Defense Shot Down Ukrainian Flight 752 As A Result Of "Human Error": General Staff

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The Ukrainian plane was brought down above Iran due to a “human error,” the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces said in a statement, released on January 11th.

Immediately after the passenger plane fell, a special committee comprising of technical and operation experts independent from Iran’s Civil Aviation Organization was set up with the aim to investigate the causes of the tragic incident.

The statement released, following the investigation is the following:

“Hours after Iran’s missile strike, the warplanes belonging to the terrorist American forces increased flights in the airspace surrounding Iran with reports keeping to come about some flying targets which were moving towards Iran’s defense targets. Also, numerous cases were observed on radar screens which demanded further alertness on the part of the Iranian airforce defense units.

In such a sensitive and critical situation, flight 752 of Ukraine Airlines which had taken off from Imam Khomeini International Airport, moved very close to a sensitive military spot belonging to the IRGC forces when completing a loop. The altitude and the direction of the flight’s movement were like an enemy target, so the aircraft was targeted unintentionally due to human error which unfortunately caused the martyrdom of a number of Iranian national together with a number of foreigners.

The General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces hereby extends its condolences to the bereaved families of the victims of the incident as well as those foreign nationals aboard the flight. It also offers its apology for the human error which caused the crash.

The related officials in the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) will elaborate on the details in media.”

Finally, the statement assured that such a mistake would never be repeated, since the Civil Aviation Organization would be subject to fundamental reforms and those responsible would face judiciary sanctioning.

In a separate statement, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani expressed condolences and extended apologies to the victims’ families.

“In an atmosphere of threats and intimidation by the aggressive American regime against the Iranian nation after the martyrdom of General Qasem Soleimani, and in order to defend ourselves against possible attacks by the American Army, the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran were on full alert, unfortunately leading to this terrible catastrophe which claimed lives of dozens of innocent people because of human error and an erroneous shooting,” the statement noted.

Rouhani guaranteed that those responsible for the plane being shot down will be sued.

Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, too, expressed regrets the human error that led to the disaster.

Regardless, Iranian officials maintain that part of the blame goes to the US, due to the escalation it began by assassinating General Qassem Soleimani, which led to Iran responding by launching missiles at US military bases in Iraq, and the subsequent increased level of readiness the Iranian Armed Forces and, evidently, Civil Aviation Organization were subject to.

As per IRNA, Iran’s national news agency, hours after Iran’s missile strikes, US warplanes had significantly ramped up their sorties in the airspace surrounding Iran with reports keeping to come about some flying targets which were moving towards Iran’s defense targets.

To investigate the situation further, Ukrainian Airlines flight 752’s black box was given to France, to be investigated, since Iran used all of its capabilities to investigate it, but it lacks the necessary technology to decode it, the head of the accident investigation board of Civil Aviation Organization of Iran Hassan Rezaeifar said.

Elaborating on the issue, Rezaeifar said Iran asked Canada, France and the US to bring their software and hardware equipment to Tehran to download the data of the black box of the Ukrainian plane, but they did not accept Iran’s proposal.

Regardless, Iran is the party that clearly bears the guilt for the incident, and it has decided to admit its error and attempt to rectify the situation, to the best of its abilities.


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Zionism = EVIL

At the peril of being attacked by trolls of all variety, I had posted an objective analysis of Iranian military, which is very brave and dedicated at a soldier level, but very poorly led since the hijacked revolution. Most of officers are uneducated villagers with very poor understanding of modern rules of air engagement or IFF. Any professional military would have shut down the airspace to civilian traffic, rather than send messages to its enemy warning them 6 hours before hitting empty buildings. It is a sad day for Iran and civil aviation. However, the ultimate blame for this tragedy lies with the Americunt arseholes who killed a naive Iranian general in a foreign US occupied country and setting off this chain of phoney war and unnecessary violence. Iran has shown a lot of dignity accepting responsibility for the costly error.


“hitting empty buildings” Many of us have doubts about Iranian “revenge” but do you have any PROOF for that?” That they were hitting “empty buildings”?

Ashok Varma

Can you prove otherwise?


What is your problem huh?! It was HIS CLAIM so it was logical to ask the proof if he didn’t give one! It was simple direct question because I need direct PROOF. So don’t get cynical or smart ass on me for no reason ! I have right to ask that, it is extremely important for me in evaluation of Iran as leadership!

Go on down vote logical question and show that you are another brainless or biased number on this forum.

Lazy Gamer

It could have been double edged. The civilian traffic works wonders as a shield or alternative target when and if the US sends missiles. Not saying it is ethical. As far as the Iranians were concerned i think the first wave of missiles was the most nerve wracking. But since there was no retal, they proceeded with a second wave an hour after. Several hours after that, still no retal, so i think they thought they could now go business as usual…. Or, the ayatollah just forgot. lol What is peculiar is the “accident” happened several hours after missiles were flying and there was no flight deviation.

Zionism = EVIL

It is normal practice to cancel all civilian traffic when there are hostilities in any particular region. Any competent air traffic controller would not have given take off permission and most importantly the airspace over Iran should have had been closed as Iran was launching missiles and had given the Americunts enough warning, but not its own people. A bit bizarre to say the least.


Hmmmmm….Ukraine did not shut down Donbass flights either.

Zionism = EVIL

I would have hoped that Iranians were smarter than Ukraine. In Ukraine’s case its own units downed the Malaysian plane and they were oblivious to civilian traffic. Iran was firing missiles against a very nasty “superpower” and should have done due diligence with civilian airspace. This is big oversight and hopefully should never happen again. They must seek Russian help.


Iran’s Rouhani vows to ‘identify & prosecute’ all responsible for ‘disastrous mistake’ that led to Ukrainian jet downing.

AM Hants

That is why the German relatives are suing Ukraine.

Feel seriously sorry for Iran, but, at least they were honest enough to own up. Not forgetting the USS Vincennes taking out Iran Flight 655 and then promoting the CO of the ship.

The innocents are the first casualties of war.


Must you honestly be reminded again that Iran’s first reaction was to insist that it was impossible that one of their missiles downed the airliner and how it took three days, repeated denials and overwhelming evidence from outside before Iran finally admitted their responsibility for this tragedy?

So many questions: Why did Iran not close it’s airspace while, according to you and the Iranians, they felt their airspace was a hazard?


Must you be reminded Aaron, that it was your tribe who murder Palestinian children on a daily basis. Must you be reminded, that your tribe is the largest organised criminal cabal in the history of Man. Must you be reminded, that your jewish forebearers have the blood of 30 million innocent Christian Russian and Ukrainians on their hands. Don’t come to this website to lecture us, you are in no position to own any moral high ground……….. ever.


It is common sense and standard practice to declare closed airspace if there are imminent hostilities. It appears that the Iranians mullahs refused the IRGC request.


This is simply unacceptable

This is so incompetent that goes beyond simple human error of any kind! This is totally flawed system combined with “human error”. If Russia had such air defenses half of the civil-aviation that flies over the Russia would be shot down. Since they have NATO jets and spy airplanes flying very close to their border every day. And military “pressure” is definitely not lower than against Iran.

Zionism = EVIL

You obviously have no idea how air traffic and civilian air-routes are monitored. Russia is a first world developed country with a mix of civilian/military coordination with modern integrated control systems and updated IFF (identification friend or foe) systems. Iran has been illegally sanctioned for 40 years and its airports have 1970’s communication and radars systems. Russia meanwhile like all developed nations has aviation systems integration to operate as a safe and harmonious system, nations have agreed to collaborate on a common regulatory infrastructure and, among others, have agreed on the air traffic services rendered, which includes the access and use of airspace. I have flown in Iranian airspace and the traffic controllers have very little grasp of English and are unfamiliar with military aviation recognition, largely due to its isolation from the international community, thanks to fuckwit mullahs. However. Americunts are even more dumbass and gung ho as they shot down Iran Air IR-655 with an Aegis class destroyer with supposedly the best IFF and could not distinguish the radar signature of F-14 from a large slow Airbus. As they say SHIT HAPPENS WHEN MISSILES ARE FLYING! RIP to all the victims.


This makes sense. In Ukraine there have also been problems like the Novosibirsk from Tell Aviv flight shot down by Buk in early 2000s. Old equipment.

Zionism = EVIL

I only post the FACTS. I have been a military aviator all my professional life and know how these systems operate. Iran has been isolated and its military until recently has no contact with modern forces like Russia which is very advanced in aerospace. Russia even helped India and China modernize. The fuckwit Iranian mullahs have retarded Iranian development and education. During the Shah’s era Iran had the most educated generals and the best equipment. Sadly, most were shot or escaped to the west and then the villagers took over.


I do not pretend to be “expert” of any kind on the subject so no need to put you LABELS on me. That was simple commonsense logic comparison! I didn’t know that Iran is so under developed when it comes to their BASIC security problems. They could have bought modern tech from China or Russia because their oil trade still functions with those countries even today under total sanctions! So it was only their choice not to do it that have created this situation and plenty of room for “human error” .

Zionism = EVIL

That was not to insult to anyone. Just trying to make you guys understand that errors are made. I have over 14,000 hours on military jets and have operated in both civilian and military combined runways. Mehrabad is a joint airfield and anyone with half a brain would have shut down the Tehran airspace from Qom to Bandar Abbas as most the traffic in the southwest air quadrant.


This is beyond my competences..so much that I can’t even make any answer to that. I have no problem with people knowing more than I do and I stand corrected! You are probably right (I can’t even confirm if you are right or not since I am not expert)

Why didn’t they buy equipment to at lest better perform than this one that is outdated?! Wasn’t that National Security problem for them and possibility to have dual use equipment to advance the control over their sky?

Zionism = EVIL

My friend, Iran is under total technology embargo. The Americunt arseholes will not sell anything civilian let alone military. It is all about the lack of ability to buy new stuff. Even China was the same, before Russia helped it and also China can buy western tech.


My privat opinion is (but i can be wrong!), that if iran has components for misisles, guided missiles, nuclear techology, than has also for this purpuse. At least, they can buy from Russia/China.

Zionism = EVIL

You are making rational points, but the mullahs have alienated everyone and Russia really does not want to sell Iran anything. China is a better bet for civilian equipment. However, the Iranian military leadership is quite primitive as the assassination of Soleimani amply demonstrated. Any educated country would have focused on building a airforce when it had an opportunity from 1990-1995 when Russia was a bit more amenable and sold a few MIG-29 and SU-24. Now with Putin in Zionist camp that is unlikely. Quite sad.


Putin is not “in Zionist camp” Russia is protecting her own interests that’s all. They will not start regional or World War to preserve Assad in power. He is not worth it such sacrifice. And Russia is not Syrias or anybody servant.

80% of you who are badmouthing Russia are Muslims and you all have hidden agenda against Russia for not destroy in IsraHell to be ins ervice of your country ambitions, personal revenge, hate of the Jews and what not. The other 20% of Russia bashing haters are neo-NAZI-NATO Western fanatics with again hidden agenda and they need hardly any excuse to spit on Russia.

I sincerely regret that Russia have helped Syria seeing total absence of gratitudeamong many Muslims. Since your comments luck neo-NAZI racist slurs you are probably Muslim. I just want to show you that I know what 2+2 makes.

Ashok Varma

Are you a Nazi Islamophobe?


NO I am NOT! Give me ONE comment where I say anything disrespectful of the Muslims? And as for neo-NAZI I am the rare if not only person who attacks neo-NAZI’s here on this forum or “Fort Russ”. But than I am the only who defends Russia here despite the fact that Russians here keep their mouths shut all the time…

I am for destruction of the IsraHell but not in such way that Russia must pay the price.

Jimmy Jim



Jimmy you are the neo NAZI but at least you do not hide your agenda like 90%of human WHORES here. So I do have basic respect for you in that. And I prefer always a sincere enemy than false “friends”. And this forum is full of human COWARDLY backstabbing WHORES!

As for AshkeNAZIm nuke them yourself I have no problem with that at all… as long as you don’t ask Russia to start WW3 for your preferences

Jimmy Jim



If you know how to make nuke to look like huge “bagel”

you can kill them all by calling everybody on FREE breakfast in the middle of Tell Aviv! They can’t resist “free stuff” !

Free man

This Z.P guy is a Islamophobe fool. He constantly contradicts his own posts.


Yup I’d agree as he doesn’t seem to think his country,Russia, is run by a bunch of pro Putin looters

Free man

The evidence of Z.P stupidity are plentiful. But I must confess that I also support Putin.



Free man

I think Putin is one of the most talented leaders today. He turned Russia into a world power again. Who thought eight years ago that Russia would turn out to be the most powerful and influential factor in the Middle East?


Its like sport

Sometimes you get people who look really good only because everyone else is really crap!

Putin is in this category, he wasn’t anything special in his KGB days by all accounts

He hasn’t turned Russia into a world power, as real power is the power of money and markets which Russia doesn’t contest because it hasn’t got much to contest with

He’s moved into Syria because he had no choice unless he wanted ISIS waving a black flag over his military base there,ditto Crimea, only different flag,NATO!

Sorry but Putin has been pushed and shoved around the chess board constantly having to play catch up and react to situations he can’t fully control like Syria where he has to depend upon Syria,Turkey,USA,and Iran, its like keeping spinning plates going!

Sooner or later those plates are gonna hit the deck!

Free man

The cards that Putin has are far worse than Trump’s, for example. And he seems to be maximizing them for Russia. One has to take into account the state of Russia when Putin was first elected.


I bash Putin all the time, and I’m none of the things you state

Putins economic record is poor, most of the gains came early due to high oil price,the Russian economy is still dominated by oil and gas,44% of young people would like to leave,its demographic aren’t looking good,its riddled with corruption and cronyism

In other words he hasn’t done very good for Russians, he looks good internationally only because others are to weak to counter him,although he didn’t count on Trump which i suspect has come as a nasty shock


You are in my eyes American troll and Putin hater. You love your country and fight for what you believe in. I have no problem with that. I respect patriotism as long as it is not HATRED of the other and excuse to hate Russia.

I have no problem with you defending your side EVEN when you use hate since you are being honest and consistent… but still we are ENEMIES. I see you as my enemy and rightfully so!

On the other hand (as I have said) I have BASIC respect for all enemies who are sincere and honest about it. I definitely prefer you to Russian “friends” who use every opportunity for bashing Russia and keep their positions and agenda hidden! It is BETRAYAL and back stabbing that they offer.

As proverb would say; “With the friends like these nobody needs enemies”


Well actually I’m not American, i don’t hate Putin i think he’s wrong simple as that!

I think he’s vastly overrated, mainly by the fan boys who buy into all this stuff about Russian wiz bangs

Personally i don’t have a side,other than the side of history which has proven beyond doubt that the old Soviet system was a disaster,which was the reason so much corruption and cronyism was created,which was taken advantage of by everyone once the Soviet system collapsed

Now the trouble is everyone has this type of collapse in the back of their mind,about the western capitalist system, they project this collapse scenario onto America in particular,well it’s not gonna happen,its incidentally not what Putin or the Chinese would want either because they know if it did happen they’d go down with it

The reality is the western world is creating the most advanced cutting-edge tech companies and not Russia,Putin has his big idea,his national projects for example, which are doubtful to create much increase in GDP

So all.Putin has done is replace one set of looters with those who are in line with Putin,and Putin thinks his international standing is more important than his domestic economic and international economic performance,unfortunately for Russian citizens the economy hasn’t done as well as Putin predicted, it still scores low on a number of metrics such as corruption, ease of doing business,credit flow to SME and a place for entrepreneurs

None of this can be got rid of by RT International or pro Russian bloggers or websites,unfortunately magic thinking need not apply but Putin thinks keeping terrible failed and failing states will somehow make Russia a great country,it won’t it didn’t in the past and it certainly won’t in the 21st century


American, UK, Australian who cares…

you guys are the same bunch very often. I don’t understand why are you writing to me all this….I took effort only to explain my position but I do NOT expect us to agree on anything really…

I have red your totally biased comment and you are of the target completely (as usual) Your kind of people are hopeless so I will not waste my words on you. I have nothing else to tell you and in case of global war I would have no problem to fight agaisnt people like you.


Us ‘ guys’ are the way we are because on the fundamentals about how to live in a capitalist globalised world we’re right, and people like you are living off world in some sort of fantasy world of resistance

Your last comment shows your weakness and lack of comprehension of how the world has worked and will continue,you could do the right thing and join the real world instead of blathering about fighting people like some sort of sub human savage


You believe whatever you want. But remember you guys better get ready to have your arse kicked in not so distant future since Anglo-Saxon pissing down our necks will be stopped for good one day. And once you receive your lesson you will never recover from it.


History dear boy,history!

Oh and all that ‘lesson’ stuff ain’t gonna happen as Putin will be gone soon and then some sensible Russians will come in and sell your sorry country to us


We will kick your merry arse and very hard in due time!


And we’ll own yours!


Your kicked arse will be history.


It doesn’t need to win a kinetic war though!

America can sit back and wait for Russia to basically die,which according to the most recent estimates is exactly what will happen demographically

So a combination of poor demographic,economy and state capitalism will create far more casualties that any war, plus all the costs,and i mean ALL OF THEM will be felt in Russia


so sit back and wait you are anyways overweight so you can’t do it otherwise


I’m the same weight i was at sixteen, a very athletic 85 kilos!


So you are Canadian?!! The most scared creatures on the planet ! “85 kilos”?! Your one leg probably has “85 kilos” :-)))


No I’m actually David Ickes cousin


Britt ? No wonder you are biased so much against Russians and that you consider Putin to be i “lizard” :-)


David Icke isn’t British, he’s actually the son of god, he said, not me!


I believe you he said that that’s why I don’t listen the guys like him.


“total technology embargo”from CHINA even for improving civilian traffic with high tech?! No I do not buy that sorry! China and Iran trade oil al the time and China has huge investment in Iran. If Iran offers them X% in gas, oil field they would deliver to them what they need.

Zionism = EVIL

I know for FACT that Iran approached China for the F-16 clone J-10 but was refused.


You are not suppose to “know” that. But it does sound logical since J-10 (“Lavi” blueprint) is good jet and not expensive also. They wanted it to (illegally) reverse engineer them just like China did to everything Soviet or Russian.

Assad must stay

They may have shut it down, but after they stopped firing missiles and there was no US counterattack maybe they decided to give the all clear


You know, the iranians must be able to identify civil plane elevating from their airpot.

Zionism = EVIL

Yes indeed, but there is no integrated IFF since the days of the shah. The Russian military radars on the Tor1 do not communicate with older US Westinghouse dopplars dating back to the 1970’s.


This sounds reasonable to me. For once that I agree with this guy.

Free man

All the people here who believed in the Iranian lies, suddenly explained why he did not really believe the Iranian lies. It is funny.

Zionism = EVIL

I would not gloat too much, the Americunt arseholes have shot down far greater number of civilian airplanes, and mostly KNOWINGLY! The Zionist fucks downed a Libyan 707 with full knowledge over Sinai.


VERY good point!

Free man

1. I don’t gloat. I just don’t understand how people like you believe the Iranian lies without being able to think independently and critically. 2. I also remember you believing the story of 80 American soldiers killed. 3. I also remember you cursing and slandering me when I wrote that there would be no significant Iranian response to the assassination of the general.

Jimmy Jim



Not everything is “Iranian lies” Me first, I was not believing and still do not believe in Iranian”revenge” story. So I must see what was actually destroyed there (apart from few barracks) before I accept the story to be valid “revenge”


Cognitive dissonance!

Harry Smith

Some sources said that Ukrainian plane was flying in direction to some critical Iranian military facility, so the operator made the decision to shot down the plane. It’s just rumors.

Zionism = EVIL

That is possible as I have seen those reports too. Iran has a very decentralized AD system so that it can not be jammed.


But civilian airplanes can’t go wherever they want! They have very strict flying routes. Even I (who am far from expert on subject) know that. So that Iranian claim is total RUBBISH.

Harry Smith

If civilian airplanes can’t go where they want, how 9/11 could happened?


That was 1000% against ALL regulations! Simple TOTAL BETRAYAL is the only answer why could they do that. Military jets (after warning) have normally order to shot any civilian aircraft down if they put in danger anybody on the ground (despite the passengers)

I am100% positive that “airplanes can’t go where they want”.

Harry Smith

Well then there is a possibility that Ukrainian pilot was instructed by CIA to change plane’s course and fly over military base to test anti-air Iranian system. I am NOT saying it was like this, but there is a possibility. Am I right?


If he was suicidal idiot…. yes why not… Everything is possible. I wonder why was commander of air defense considering airplane to be cruise missile if it was arriving from Tehran towards them ?

Harry Smith

1. Never underestimate the stupidity of a Ukrainian. 2. After 9/11 any plane going in the direction of the vital facility has to be considered as cruise missile. 3. Maybe they thought that Iran will NOT shoot down the civil plane. Anyway, I would not reject the version with CIA hardly involved in this incident.

klove and light

i would not be so sure of incompetents / human error……. NATO/ US are capable of “fucking” around with Radars of their advesaries…ie. make the enemy Radar “see” Things that are just not there etc…

during 9-11, the american Military used exactly this procedure….that is why if you can remember, one Aviation man says to the other during the 9.-11 “attacks”

” is this for REAL? ”

during 9-11 the us Military “made” enemy plane Signals into the Radar screens of the various air controls Centers acroos the USA, they were “ghosts”….and that is why so much confussion surrounded that day September 11 2001, with various Radar Controllers across the Nation asking their superiors ” is this for REAl??”

conclusion……i would rather now say that this Episode is clearly in the same range of the Episode with SAA Shooting down a russian Military plane AFTER IDF “fucked” around on Purpose to get excatly THAT RESULT………seems to me , that the USA fucked around and “made” Iran shoot down the plane….similar procedure…same result.

Zionism = EVIL

Guys, as much as I dislike Americunt and NATO arseholes, this is a costly Iranian mistake. If Iran was going to shoot ground missiles at Americunt bases it should have declared a civilian NO FLY ZONE. The Pakistanis whacked the Indians and closed all their airspace for 3 days and even sent their civilian aircraft to Dubai and Turkey. Iranian “generals” have their collective heads up the mullahs arse, it is that simple.

S Melanson

Thank you. I posted a discussion of this with other examples. Air space should absolutely been closed.


“make the enemy Radar “see” Things that are just not there etc…” I know about that U.S. capability,but this was not about “things that are just not there” but opposite!

“” is this for REAL? “” You are using wrong example! What he meant is: “Is this exercise?”or “real life situation”when he has received that warning about airplanes.

So no you do not have argument there sorry!


Well if your correct that pretty much means USA/ Israel can slam dunk iran anytime they want

So much for all that superior Russian military tech!


I wrote, yaou know nothing, little child!

Btw., the russian AD systems are famous. they shot down more civil/friendly planes then enemy aircrafts.

And what you write, is nothing. In normally country there is an integrated Ad systme, which 100%-ly isw able to identify civil planes.


Ya shit happens during these periods of intense alert. https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/10/middleeast/iran-air-flight-655-us-military-intl-hnk/index.html


As i wrote several days ago, 4:1 chce, that iranians short down.

The idiots who accused Il, US, NATO atc. should learn from their idiotism.

Zionism = EVIL

You were correct along with many others. It was a fatal mistake of a Tor1 missile system and older Iranian IFF systems lack of communication and overall failure of air traffic control in a combat zone. Any experienced flyer would have known that a 3 year old well serviced aircraft simply does not fall out of the sky. It is good that Iran has accepted reality as when I saw fragments peppered fuselage I knew it was a SAM hit.


Tor has an automatic regime.In that case will send missile within several second afrter registering of plane, if will not come signal, from the integrated system, that the concrete aircraft is friendly. This war mode is not good to activate nearby civil airport. Somewhere here i see the iranian mistake.

Zionism = EVIL

Right again. But Iranian civilian radars have no integration with military aviation out of Mehrabad. The Tor1 is an almost automated fire and forget system.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

I suspected MEK, if anyone. So sad. None of this shit should be happening. We ought to be prospering ourselves and celebrating life, working to make the world work better for everyone.

Zionism = EVIL

That is a possibility, the Iranian military is heavily compromised. The MEK in broad daylight killed the war hero General Sayyed Ali Shirazi, so them taking control of a Tor1 battery is not impossible.

Wayne Nicholson

“The idiots who accused Il, US, NATO atc. should learn from their idiotism.”

In the spirit of recognizing idiotism lets give a big shoutout to all the idiots who immediately said that Iran shot it down on purpose.

Any garden variety idiot can blame the country who benefit most from this tragedy but it takes a special kind of idiot to immediately jump to the conclusion that the country that had everything to lose in this accident did it as an act of pure psycotic evil.

Those brave trolls are the true heros of idiocracy.


thats right. i also told 4:1 after 1st day, when came signals, that this happened.

Jens Holm

I have seen none mention idiocrasy as well as psycotic. I dont like false accusations like that.

Any normal country firing 12 ballistic airports would have closed their own or made a narrow gateway for traffic – not this.

Jens Holm

There are others. It coud have been a bomb or firebombin the airplane as well.


Stand alone AD systems without IFF, without data link not interoperated into a bigger AD system, the ECM warfare capability’s these days you can make 747 to look like a into incoming cruise missile. Russia should push to upgrade these old cold war style systems like Tor Buk etc.


You know, theis was leavin aircraft, elevating, not arravig, declining. So, very sad story. Incompetency of iranian army.


I didn’t understand upper half of your comment but conclusion is TOTAL MISS !

“Russia should push to upgrade these old cold war style systems like Tor Buk” How come the BUK is not “updated” when they got only last year NEW “BUK M3”?! And I cannot even imagine that civil airplanes are allowed to fly over the Russian top secret installations like it seams is the case in Iran. So BUK and Tor, Pantsir are updated and have NOTHING to do with Soviet systems today!


nope still no IFF


Since when they inform you about what they have on their latest equipment that is suppose to be “top secret”. And if you are Russian badmouthing Russia than fuck you.


It’s has nothing to with Russia, you get what you buy, Iran had no interest or money in IFF or data linked AD systems. The ”enemy” these day’s can make a 747 blib on a radar screen turn into a low flying cruise missile, about to attack.


In other words Iran urgently needs that “IFF”or whatever is called.


i won’t and can’t go into details (contract singed etc) but these kind ECM warfare are really a threat these day’s. More safeguard like IFF AD linked are a way to counter it.



glad that I have confirmation on that…thanks!


Second, and same big mnistake of iranian government: why denied: They know within 1 hor, that they shot down that plane. Such lies we read here have no sence. They decrase only the credibility of iran. :(

Free man

The mullahs regime is constantly lying about everything. They are still threatening and blowing hot air about the general’s assassination. The real question is why some people believe their lies automatically without any independent thinking.

Zionism = EVIL

As I have said repeatedly, the mullahs are gift to Americunts.

Wayne Nicholson

What exactly are you accusing them of denying? They waited until the investigation pointed to the true like rational human beings then admitted to their mistake and accepted responsibility.

In1988 the USS Vincennes shot down an Iranian airliner and it took a civil court case to get the USA to admit responsibility. In the mean time the USA handed out medals to the captain and crew for bravery https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_Air_Flight_655

By contrast the Iranians have said they will investigate and and allow those responsible to face law suits if found to be criminally liable

Jens Holm

Firing a local missile into a very big and probatly slow airplane dont need any investigation. Counting registrated fired missiles should do it.

“Facing the law” according to Iran makes me sick. Its systems and not som random John Qauýne having too much bad coffee.

Wayne Nicholson

“Firing a local missile into a very big and probatly slow airplane dont need any investigation. Counting registrated fired missiles should do it.”

Oh yes it does. How do you know the missile didn’t miss or was targeting another aircraft in the vicinity?

According to your logic this Patriot missile hit an aircraft because it was “registrated fired missiles” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UP2VxvQ4WaI

What happens if the missile missed but by coincidence the aircraft ran into a flock of geese like that F-35 in Israel?

You have to invistigate and make sure events on the ground , wreckage analysis aand black box all tell the same story.

Jens Holm

Just mixing shit in like that is infame.

Wayne Nicholson

I’m fairly sure your first language isn’t English and you English is far better than my Danish however I’m confused by your use of the word “infame” It implies I was slandering someone ????

Jens Holm

You offend a lot of people. And yes its a kind of slandering telling others did same thing.

Refering to Israel and patriots in Saudi does it.

Its not my fault my english is more advanced and more common english then Yours. Its normal use for people in my part of the world for fast communication.

We normally dont communicate in doctors and lawyers english here even that was the start in school once upon a time ago.

Your english probatly are thinking in arabic, farsi or turkish being very limited languages – and then translate. It not Your fault, but You have to understand the difference in level as well as very big difference in culture and religion.

The top non-native English speaking countries 1. Netherlands 70.31 2. Sweden 70.72 3. Norway 68.38 4. Denmark 67.34 5. Singapore 68.63 6. South Africa 66.52 7. Finland 65.86 8. Austria 63.13 9. Luxembourg 66.33 10. Germany 63.74 11. Poland 62.45 12. Portugal 60.02 13. Belgium 63.52 14. Croatia 60.16

I dont know which Year its from or its 100% sober. You can only blame me for being a little too much oral.


they did not need any investigation. They knew, that their tor unit fired.

Wayne Nicholson

Fired is one thing, hit is another. If you can say that every shot from a SAM was a hit in Iran would you agree that every shot from a SAM in Syria hit a target when the USA or Israel launches strikes on Syria? It seems to me that US and Israeli supporters have a different assessment of Russian SAMs depending on whether it’s convenient or not.


Fired is one thing, hit is another.

Do you have mental illness?

Wayne Nicholson

Do you have mental illness? That depends on how you define “mental illness”

If thinking logically is considered a mental illness then yes I do.

Anyone who believe that SAM hit their target every time they are fired is talking out their ass.

Anyone who argues that these missiles are ineffective against IDF aircraft and missiles as well as US TLAM’s then argues they hit the target every time when convenient is a liar.

Anyone who believe the above argument is deluded …. which is in fact a mental illness.

So which one are you …. a liar or mentally ill.

Jens Holm

Its in different phases. Number 1 was they knew a missile or two was fired and also hit something. What else could have hit that Boing.

The next of course is after investigations. Why did it happen, who did what correct and wrong and also responsability for that fatal failure and maybee correct things.

The third one of course are handling the many victims and insurrance matters for the airplane.

Wayne Nicholson

“Its in different phases. Number 1 was they knew a missile or two was fired and also hit something. What else could have hit that Boing.”

Off the top of my head …

The IDF have a history of using civil aviation over lebanon as a shield at launch their weapons on Syria and even using Russian intelligence gathering aircraft for the same purpose.

Trump had just threatened Iran with air strikes on 52 sites in Iran at the same time as launching 52 F-35’s in quick succesion as a military exercise if they dared retaliate three days earlier. US aircraft could have taken down the airliner.

Iran had just struck a US air base with missiles an hour or so earlier and the USA had just moved B-52 missile carriers into the region a day earlier and had a fleet armed with upwards of a thousand cruise missiles as well as stealth aircraft in the Persian Gulf.

There could have been Israeli or US agents in Tehran armed with manpads waiting for Iranian air defences to fire to lay the blame on the Iranians

Seeing as the downing of an airliner would be a propaganda disaster for Iran while giving the US state department an excuse to agitate for colour revolution I believe it was correct to rule out every other cause including a coincidental mechanical failure or pilot error before concluding that Iranian air defences were the culprit.

Jens Holm

And the we go to Lebanon ta tah….

Iran didnt not admit the missiles shot down that airplane was shot down for 3 days and even lied for the whole Iranian people as wel as accused USA for doing it.

“There could be” is crap…” Missile fire is not rapported. Hitting something, which could be heard kiloeters away is not rapported and reflected??????????????????????????????????

Jens Holm

Yes, Irs as if Iran not even know, when they fire local missiles.

Mehmet Aslanak

Perhaps it’s time for Trump to confess that he was not consulted to kill Iraqi & Irani generals & blame ruling elite of the US guided rebel generals in Pentagon. Because now they have (again) innocent’s blood on their hands. That way he would definitely win the next election.


With Joe Biden knocking about, need he more help?

Lazy Gamer

He might have blundered. But he was thankfully rational enough to deescalate

Assad must stay

No i hope he loses lol

Jens Holm

We already know all about it. I dont see those 2 murderes as innocent blood. They both has killed a lot of people, where almost any Sunni in Northern Iraq pr definition is guilty.

The result also by that has been they have killed many from ISIS as well.

But I would say legal and illegal is a relative and by law perspective wrong.

I really feel a lot for all the relatives to the many, those 2 has killed. I really do.

Adding 50 extra slaves at Kermit Town in eastern Iran does it. Pathetic sick fanatisme of the worst kind. How many shoes in their mouths, before they died?

Free man

1. A civilian plane falls from the sky during an Iranian missile attack. 2. Many videos show an missile hitting an aircraft near Tehran. 3. Iranians lie about 80 dead American soldiers, as they lie about everything all the time. 4. Immediately after the crash, Iranians announce that the aircraft had a serious technical problem. 5. After the crash, all the evidence from the crash site are destroyed. But people on this site still believe the Iranian lies. Stunning.

Zionism = EVIL

All true, what you post there, but don’t forget that Americunts lie million times more than Iran and are responsible for this distasteful event by killing an Iranian general who was more of a diplomat than a soldier.

Assad must stay

Yea, all because of imaginary “imminent attacks”

Sal Sonic

Exactly. ZOG Lawlessness has long since followed Izrahell’s tactics and further devolved into, “Pre-crime” assassinations similar to the sci-fi film, Minority Report. Dumbed-down brainwashed, spoon fed Americans just swallow and return to Netflix/porn/sports.

Jens Holm

Typical miss direction. Shit happens and ours almost are american just as Rials are like dolars for petrol.

Jens Holm

Hard to see this as a competition in lying even Islam twice say its allowed.

St. Augustine

Do you not understand the difference between early speculation from various sources, and facts? Here we have authorities who just came out and admitted to an horrific mistake.

What’s stunning is your inability to reason.


But you do understand difference between biased troll like him and normal person I am sure. So why wasting your time with him? Because he is up-voted by fanatical Jew Zionist? This forum is full of biased people with hidden agendas…he is just troll.

Free man

How am I biased? Just because I don’t automatically believe lies like you? Or just because I’m not stupid like you?


you are biased AGAINST ISLAM and against Iran, Russia no doubt about that. Now fuck off Azeri-American twat!

Free man

If you could read, you would know that I am for Russia and for the Iranian people and I am not against Islam in any way. I’m against fools like you that slande other just for not thinking like them .


yeah for Russia of course…when? yeah for Iran of course except against “Islamic regime”you have said it yourself so why pretending huh?

Free man

You’re probably very young. You better not hurry and slander anyone who doesn’t think like you.


So since you don’t deny I was RIGHT and you just have confirmed your attempt to be liar on that subject! The problem is I still remember your comments you biased anti-Iranian and anti-Russian twat!

Free man

So please show me. Until then, you should hide your stupidity.


To show you what?! You think I would be insane to check the record of the comments now just to satisfy you?! I know your position since I remember some people by their comments (without remembering exact words) I know that you anti “Iranian Regime”(because religious) and that you are anti Russia for not doing Assad servant just like big majority of assholes here who also have anti Russian agenda.


Free man

Don’t distort my words. I always defend Putin’s policies here. You’re trying to discredit me in your stupid way. As if it mattered.


You have been making anti-Russia anti-Putin comments full stop. So why are you making now big fuss about that? You have been denying about “Islamic Iranian regime”but you have stopped to deny being against them. So admit for the Russians as well don’t be such pussy.

Free man

You’re a complete fool, that’s the only thing I’m willing to admit. Maybe it will help you in life, but I doubt it.

Jens Holm

That has nothing to do with Islam.

Naming him as Azari-American twat because of own lack in own security matters as well as blaming USA for it as well as not even tell Iranians themselves about it – Is Antiislam.

Which haddit is it. Which chapter of the Holy Choran is it.

It anytime is bad governess or a big miastake no matter which Goverment or Regime it is.

You use that religion as a scapegoat for Your own quamire. People are named as Kafirs for less.


I am not Muslim Yens but I still can see when people are bigots. He is Muslim origin non believer, atheist, attacking Iran very often.

Jens Holm

I know the level of free man.


The Iranians spun this from the start,nobody forced them to,plus they threatened Iranian journalist working in other countries for even daring to report this tragedy the whole of Iranian media has been under lockdown with only official propaganda tolerated

Free man

This Z.P guy is a complete fool. I tried to communicate with him but he had trouble understanding the most basic things.

Sal Sonic

Regardless, compare this understandably belated apology to the, US shooting down commercial, Iran Air Flight 655 in 1988 except the USZOG never apologized. HW Bush, “I Never Apologize for US”.

Jens Holm

He is not biased as well as troll, and You are just stupid writing that agaist all facts.

It downt matter if he is chinese or a dead camel in Australia. He is telling how it is.

You serve Your country well. Only one oppinion is allowed and often not, what the rest of us see and think. Thats not even close to debate but putting dirty hands in the soup and stones in bread.

Only well paid doctors and dentist like that.

Free man

Did they need a week to figure it out? If they knew exactly what happened, why did they lie to this day? Do you think the facts will change if you slander me?

Jens Holm

They didnt just. Just is knowing a missile is fired against a target right away. Just also is to see the difference betwen som small jet and a big 737.

“And they think they thought one of the pilots had a shoe in his left hand … “

Wayne Nicholson

You squeals of outrage are falling on deaf ears my friend.

Perhaps try typing in CAPS to express your outrage or maybe take your squealing to Fox news where you analysis will be appreciated.

Free man

I think you’re wrong. Here, too, people need to hear the truth, even when it doesn’t match their agenda.

Sal Sonic

This is the agenda and it’s solely an Izraehelli – Global Banking Cabal agenda. It’s obvious the US is the culprit (albeit indirectly in this tragedy) because they are/have been instigating/provoking Iran into a military conflict since the Revolution in ’79.

1982 Oded Yinon Plan (Mid East hegemony via expansion of Izraehell, the chess piece of the Gloabl Banking Cabal) 1983 Bring Real Muscle to Bear Against Syria (CIA FOIA) 1996 Clean Break: Securing the Realm 2000 PNAC Manifesto (“Without an event on the scale of Pear Harbor…”) 2001 9/11 2001 Weeks after 9/11 “We’re going to take out 7 countries in 5 years…ending w Iran.” Ret. Gen. Wesley Clarke.

All available online.

Sal Sonic

The US ZOG military have been reduced to, Paid Mercenaries for Izrahell and the Global Banking Cabal. Any American that gave a damn, would demand our troops leave the Mid East. To hell with Izraehell (Isisrael).

Wayne Nicholson

What I saw on this site were people on both sides jumping to conclusions both before there was an analysis of the Iranian missile strikes and before the investigation into the airliner crash.

They call the confused reporting that takes place during and immediately after an attack the fog of war. In this case both side involved in the attack made wild speculation about what was happening. It’s only now that anything remotely close to the truth is known.

Before you make a claim about how the Iranians handled the release of information about this attack read about how the USA reported the downing of Iran Air flight 655 in 1988.

It took a court case for the USA to accept any responsibility for shooting down an Iranian Airliner on scheduled flight that followed the same flight path every day. Ane even when the courts laid the blame firmly on the USA the crew of the USS Vincennes receive medals for their bravery and the results were buried in the US media. I remember it well, I followed it closely at the time/

Claims like “as they lie about everything all the time.” come off as hollow and uninformed when you consider how the USA handles their misrepresentations during the fog of war …. even during the events of the last week as Donald Trump himself keeps changing the story of why he ordered the assassination of general Soleimani.

Free man

I personally find it hard to believe politicians in general. I wrote what I wrote in the context of what has been happening in Iran over the past week. The empty threats, the reporting of American fatalities and finally the lie about shooting down the plane . The Iranian general said he reported to the leadership immediately after the incident, that the plane was shot down by the Iranian air defense system. The Mullahs regime tried to evade responsibility and lied.

Wayne Nicholson

“The empty threats” What empty threats? Just who exactly said that 80 US servicemen were killed and if you listened to the Iranian briefing they said that this attac wasn’t revenge but a demonstration of what they can do in order to keep the USA from escalating. They said that revenge was still coming.

The ‘lie’ about shooting down the plane came before there was an investigation. How can anyone determine the cause of the crash without investigating first. The black box has to match the wreckage on the ground and what witnesses saw.

The “mullahs” took full responsibility once the cause was proven.

What more do you want?

Wayne Nicholson

“The empty threats,”

What empty threats? Did you read the Iranian post strike news conference? This strike was not revenge, it was a demonstration. The USA was warned an hour before the strike to avoid casualties. The purpose was to avoid escalation by showing they could strike US bases accurately with impunity. They stated that this is not over and revenge is coming.

“the reporting of American fatalities”

Who actually reported US fatalities? was it the Iranian government or some other media source?

“The Iranian general said he reported to the leadership immediately after the incident, that the plane was shot down by the Iranian air defense system. The Mullahs regime tried to evade responsibility and lied.”

So you being a rational person believe that blame should be laid before the investigation is finished? What if missiles were launched but they missed like when that Israeli F-35 that was conveniently brought down by a bird strike at the same time that a Syrian missile was fired at it? The Iranian general was a witness to the investigation. His testimony has to match the analysis of the wreckage on the ground and the black box findings.

The “mullahs” accepted the findings of the investigation and accepted responsibility as soon as the the cause was determined.

What more do you want?

Read this analysis by a retired American Special Forces commander and who served on the ground in the Middle East on Col. Pat Langs site. It only covers the missile strike but it’s a fair evaluation of what really happened and what it all means.


Jens Holm

“read and understand as You wish or are learned to seemes to be a very common ME “must””.

You are nothing if You think Yourself. I thought it was Sunni only. Its not.

Ashok Varma

May the souls of the innocent victims find peace. Iran has showed a lot of maturity but now show transparency in its investigation. The reason for this tragedy is still US terrorists murdering an Iranian general in Iraq.

Jens Holm

7 sheep. Bah. Bah.

Iran could stp trying to make nukes and again made threats about it last week

Prince Teutonic

Looks like Tor-M1 is specially designed to bring down airliners… Well at least it works against “something” compared to U.S. AD systems…

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Iran regains the initiative on the news feed.


‘I wish I was dead’: Senior IRGC commander accepts full responsibility for downing Ukrainian plane, apologizes to nation

Commander of Aerospace Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Amir Ali Hajizadeh, said he “wished he was dead” upon learning of the Ukrainian jet downing and accepted full responsibility for the incident.

“After hearing about the crash of the Ukrainian plane, I wished to die”, Hajizadeh said during a press conference on Saturday.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Step 2 of 13 pending.


this disaster is directly linked to murican terrorism in assassinating general soleimani in cold blood……

Jens Holm

Haha. What a joke. Aramco here we comes…

Assad must stay

Damn I feel really bad for him, Ive watched many interviews with him and like him


he should not repeat it twice”I wish to die” that might give idea to his bosses how to punish him…

Jens Holm

The Ayatollah might make him to a Hindu and regain him as a worm and him live in a graveyard made by themselves. Eat that.

Jens Holm

Actually the whole world has followed and commented. But of course Iranians first took the initiave by shooting down a big slow civile airplane. And now its a kind of victory, they admit, they shot down that jet.

You are sick.

Romeo Pesiao

Admittance of the guilt were so long. Why it needs to fabricates several reasons. Because they cannot obtained concrete evidence to pinpoint the US as the culprit..

Sal Sonic

It’s obvious the US is the culprit (albeit indirectly in this tragedy) because they are/have been instigating/provoking Iran into a military conflict since the Revolution in ’79.

1982 Oded Yinon Plan (Mid East hegemony via expansion of Izraehell, the chess piece of the Gloabl Banking Cabal) 1983 Bring Real Muscle to Bear Against Syria (CIA FOIA) 1996 Clean Break: Securing the Realm 2000 PNAC Manifesto (“Without an event on the scale of Pear Harbor…”) 2001 9/11 2001 Weeks after 9/11 “We’re going to take out 7 countries in 5 years…ending w Iran.” Ret. Gen. Wesley Clarke.

All available online.


We cannot have the Iranians be fully culpable for their own decisions and/or incompetence. It’s imperative that we find ways to lay the blame at the feet of the Americans

Sal Sonic

You’re almost correct; The Iranians admitted accountability. The blame, is on the Americans/Trump admin, for being traitors to their own country and allowing US ZOG Military to be used for Izrahell and the Global Banking Cabal’s agenda of Mid East hegemony (toward world hegemony).

Same as all the other ZOG puppet-POTUSs before.

Compare this admission to: –US shooting down commercial, Iran Air Flight 655 in 1988 except the USZOG never apologized. –Izrahell attacking the USS LIberty 1967


I’ll have to correct you on one matter. The U.S. did immediately accept responsibility after downing Flight 655 and paid reparations to the families of the victims to the tragedy.

We must make every excuse imaginable for Iran, no matter how spectacularly implausible, so that we can hold the moral high ground against the Americans.

Sal Sonic

Typical BS response. “As part of the settlement, even though the U.S. government did not admit legal liability or formally apologize to Iran, it still agreed to pay USD 68.1 Million.” Wiki.

Izrahell of course, was committing a war crime to serve as a False Flag to be blamed on Egypt (in hopes of drawing US into the fiasco).


I’m sorry but I have no choice but to correct you (and Wiki) again.


“President Reagan said yesterday that he apologized to Iran on Sunday for the USS Vincennes’ shooting down of an Iranian passenger jet over the Persian Gulf that killed all 290 persons aboard and declared that reparations or compensation to the families of victims are ‘a matter that has to be discussed.'”

Sal Sonic

“Reagan issued a “written diplomatic note” to the Iranian government, expressing deep regret..”

“U.S. government did not admit legal liability or FORMALLY apologize to Iran, it still agreed to pay..”

Izraehell and the USS Liberty Attack? Still a terrorist non-apologetic rogue regime

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Great news, now Kiev can accept responsibility for the MH17 downing.


you are joking right? if they admit anything that will lead to CIA immediatly.. Apparently it was Proshenko and CIA Who ever decide to testify will be killed


Well at least the Iranian dictatorship had the balls to admit this dreadful mistake

More than can be said for the Russians!

Jens Holm

Very slow balls. Maybee the Leaders was in Saudi Arabia and lost finger for counting.

Assad must stay

Wait a minute they werent yet able to decode the black boxes so why now they say its their fault?

Dick Von Dast'Ard

News-feed (political) initiative.

Totally neuters the CIA bombing agenda of PS752.

Assad must stay

News feed political initiative? What does that mean? I know, the videos prove nothing

Sal Sonic

“neuters” the USZOG narrative for further aggression and BS “evil Iran” rhetoric (which will continue under different themes). In essence this tragedy is no different than the US shooting down commercial, Iran Air Flight 655 in 1988 except the USZOG never apologized. HW Bush, “I Never Apologize for US”


Perhaps the empty missile tubes on the ground is the first of many clues.

S Melanson

I find it puzzling the lack of discussion as to why commercial flights are flying out of Tehran shortly following the firing from Iranian soil a barrage of ballistic missiles at US military targets. All Iranian air space should have been designated a conflict zone in anticipation of US retaliation and thus order air space closed.

Iran could even close air space before the barrage, after all, Iran gave advanced warning of the attack to foreign governments – with the warning, shutting air space would not have compromised the operation and in fact, clear the air space to make it easier to identify foe.

Same argument applies regarding MH17 directed to fly over Donbas, an active conflict zone. If Ukraine believes Russia is allegedly supporting the separatists with military aid, well then reasonable to assume the separatists could obtain a Buk system from Russia, meaning commercial jets are vulnerable – the right thing to do is order air space be closed over the active conflict so long as fighting continues.

Then there is Damascus with commercial flights regularly flying in and out in the middle of a conflict zone. At many times battles were raging in the vicinity of Damascus and even in the capital’s suburbs and commercial traffic continued unabated. The accidental shooting down of the IL-20shows the dangers of operating in a conflict zone. The Israeli Air Force attempted to draw Syrian air defence fire in a way that would put at risk commercial flights out of Damascus. Syrian operators learned their lesson and did not take the bait.

It is fortunate that there have been so few incidents but still enough to make clear why commercial traffic has no place in active conflict zones. So it is strange the cavalier attitude when it comes to allowing commercial flights in the middle of conflict.


Jens Holm

Thats right. They could stop flying or make safe routes.


At least the Iranians have admitted their error, a few days silence are not really a cover up. High alert situation, outdated radars, an unexpected turn from the plane with a malfunction and human error are most likely the causes. The speculations on this site about the video showing the impact where not convincing, anyone has a camera nowadays. The pictures of the scattered plane in flames on the ground pointed also to a missile strike.

AM Hants

At least Iran were honest enough to own up. What is happening with the MH17 investigation, where verdict first, sentence to come later, rule applied?

So with regards France having the black box, there is nothing left to spin, where the agents of the Atlantic Council are concerned. There again, France does work with Iran, with regards oil interests, do they not?


Russia will never own up for MH 17 so they’ll have to live with sanctions just like Iran!


Sanctions have little effect on Russia if anything its made their own domestic producers more efficient.


They don’t produce anything of any real value,oil gas, then what?

They have not one significant world class high tech company in the worlds top 100,if you doubt me see Top 100 Global Tech Leaders Thomson Reuters,

If Russia wants to be a world leader it’ll have to do better than sell gas oil grain and wiz bangs

Unfortunately all the evidence is pointing in the wrong direction

Russia is a country going nowhere and doing so very slowly

Jens Holm

I agree 100%. The system keep all poor aprt from the oil and gassy garcks.


Apparently theres been no real income growth for the vast majority for about the last three years

The economic outlook, growth, doesn’t look exactly brilliant


………………..You sound soooooooooooo jealous.


Why should i be jealous, they’ve got to live with the consequences not me!

Jens Holm

You probatly are right as low as the productivity is.

AM Hants

Because when those that took down the MH17, believing it was President Putin coming back from a very successful BRICS summit, was nought to do with Russia.


So what you’re saying is some rogue element within the Russian state tried to assassinate their own President?

AM Hants

Darling, not Russia as stated. Now who was expecting President Putin to be flying through Ukrainian airspace following a very successful BRICS summit? Clue, who was the oligarch that apologised for taking the wrong plane down, who was in control of Ukraine aviation and Ukraine air traffic control and hasn’t he also got heavy investment in Ukraine International Airways? Not forgetting his dual or is it triple citizenship?


I don’t know!

Can i call a friend?

Hello, is that you David Icke?


…………….Don’t you find it strange Bob, David never takes your calls ???????


He doesn’t need to as he’s the son of god, he already knows!


What is also not widely mentioned , were the 2 IAF F-15s which had taken off from their base in Azerbaijan and had hoped to take Putins plane out……………. only to get jumped by Putins escort Su’s. Scratch 2 F-15’s………..ouch !

AM Hants

Cheers, they kept that quiet and never knew. I bet the pilots needed more than NATO strength pampers, that were stupid enough to try and pull that trick. Did they make it back to their base?


One was operating in an EW mode spoofing radars in the area that they were “Friendlies” . The other was tasked to launch long range Air to Air missiles………….. It was, in all probability one of those which exploded in the proximity of MH17. The info I am quoting was sourced from an intel drop from VT. They did not mention if the Yids survived the attempt. The pilots who escort Pres. Putin are some of the “Top Guns” of the RuAF, and they carry the latest CEW kit. Irrespective of the attempted spoofing, the Russians knew in advance that the Israelis would try to whack the Pres. so they waited and baited the trap………………and the rest, as they say, is history.

AM Hants

Thank you. Russian military pilots are top of their game, even when flying the standard planes, so one can well imagine the skills of the President’s escorts. Amazing President Putin is so tolerant to Netanyahu, although he does have a wonderful sense of humour and no doubt enjoys a serious wind up, whilst being the world’s leading statesman. Same with Sergey Lavrov.


I whole heartedly agree. If I were Pres.Putin, I would have whacked Nutty-yahoo and most of the Israeli political spectrum a long long time ago. That tribe of ‘roaches have a lot to answer for, especially to the Russian people. Sergey Lavrov is just superb, I am in awe of his limitless patience and problem solving abilities, a statesman par excellence.


Is SF taking down some of your comments or are you doing that yourself?

AM Hants

Wish they could clone the team in the Kremlin. They all work so well together and seriously show up the idiots we elect in the West.


Good morning ! Saw this in VT and thought it would be worth dropping you a line…………………

As most thought…………….

“THE ISRAELI’S DID IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Looks very likely that the IDF’s unit 8200 hacked the Iranians AA defences. This was confirmed in one of VT’s earlier articles.

So there you have it, and here are the words directly from the Horses mouth ; –

“An Israeli military expert revealed, “The Israeli message of shooting down the Ukrainian plane in Tehran’s airspace last week, means that the Israeli Ben Gurion Airport in the next war will be closed, and Israel has received such a message in previous wars with hostile organizations that possess heavy and accurate missile capabilities, which It has made its airspace more risky than in the past. “

AM Hants

Thanks for that. Popped over to the Daily Mail, before checking out the site, and they are so over the top, blaming Iran for everything and trying to stir up the masses, for invasion. Just like when Blair was lying to Parliament, to get permission to invade Iraq, with the media fully supportive.

Just hope the stories keep coming out, showing the other side of the story.

AM Hants

Just tried to find the full article, but, could not find it. Went into VT and not the VT News site, so hope to find full article later.


Try this article, here is the link;- https://www.veteranstoday.com/2020/01/10/ps752/ Watch the video too as it has plenty of back ground knowledge to impart. I think the connection to attempting ( armed via the MEK ) insurrection and regime change are the actual goals……… and forget the DM or any other UK rag, they are just presstitutes controlled by the zionists. Its not any different here, although the populous here is far more aware of the evil Banksters and their zionist-jewish connections. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2020/01/12/ps752-shot-down-in-regime-change-attempt/

AM Hants

Mega ythanks and will check out the video.

AM Hants

DM I do not read it to believe it, just to check out the comments section and see which stories somebody is spending a lot of money on, with regards media disinformation trolls.

AM Hants

Found this, regards what came up in the first article you linked, which fits in with the story.

‘…As the story goes, Iran managed to change the codes on its own supplied S-300 missile systems, then sent engineers to Syria to change the codes on unspecified Syrian air defense systems…

…The simpler explanation is that Israeli radar jamming is very good and outmatches the older S-300 technology…’



Popular Mechanic is not a trustworthy source. Its articles are all biased, and if you are using it, then you must know your onions when filtering or trawling for intel. For instance, their stance on the whole 911 issue is laughable, almost criminal, so it becomes obvious who is controlling their narrative. None the less, in this specific instance, they maybe telling the truth……………..

AM Hants

You would never cite them in an academic paper, but, liked that little tit bit in the article, owing to making sense.


Yes, I agree. I do make the mistake of being very dismissive of sites which I class as untrustworthy. But occasionally they turn up the odd piece of a puzzle that fits, well spotted !

AM Hants

I go looking for the little gems, but, my overall view, on most sites, is we all have our own agenda and ways of playing with words. Don’t trust any of them, but, like some of the gems that make you curious.


Yes, let us all quickly forget that Iran first said how impossible it was that one of their missiles downed the airliner and, after repeated denials, how it took three days and overwhelming evidence before Iran would turn honest enough to own up to this tragedy.

Ukraine, Syria and now Iran. Interesting how Russian radars and missiles repeatedly target and hit the wrong aircraft.

Jens Holm

Easterns are famous for low or none security matters to make products cheep.

Typical for Russia they put all Moscaqw garbage to Archangelsk and make a new mountain there.

They should learn from here in Denmark. Many years ago we took out the things, which can burn, and made it into heat and electricity. We still do and try to recycle the rest a bit better. We save millions a year by that and only have hills.


no total backed out of the oil business in Iran – the MH17 was most likely downed by a buk-missile fired by the ukrainian forces (compare the israeli jet downed by a ukrainian buk missile at 33000 feeet despite the buk’s ceiling was supposed to be 28000 feet) and they, like all poltroons, tried to avoid blame by blaming someone else, like Russia.

Jens Holm

France and others asked for that box because they of course saw something was terrible wrong. Trudeux is Canadian.

Bruno Giordano

Right. Now Russia’s turn to finally “own up” for MH17. Same type of stupid mistake. Only in this 752 case it was just three days of denial and lying (in which period the Iranian government obviously precisely knew what had happened – they needed just one phone call with the air defence unit). Only under pressure from the evidence that western intelligence and other sources presented, at last they admitted their stupid mistake. Russia keeps lying, denying, twisting and obstructing investigations, for more than 5 years now, just because they deny their active support for the Eastern Ukrainian separatists. With a BUK launcher and crew in this case.

Xoli Xoli

USA applied same tactic of Israel against the downing of Russian reconnaissance jet.USA wanted hijacked the presence of Ukraine plane to violate Iranian airspace which actually failed.


all in all – the ultimate blame for the mistake to down the ukrainian airliner is the disunited states of america, it started with a crime and then a mistake on the hands of the personnel on the ground – trump has thousands of lives on his conscious and latest the 176 dead just the other day – what happened with the 80m$ bounty on his hand – made for mrs trump to take advantage of or a long line of handy professional shooters (that hollywood is so much in love with). looking forward to trump on lit de parade in st patricks cathedral sooner rather than later.


Big protests now gathering in Tehran,against the regime, apparently people blame the mullahs for the tragedy which is now upon their country

Jens Holm

Its news to me. Do You have a fast link?


To always reliable guardian,uk,oh and Radio Farda

Jens Holm

thanks I will “guarde”.

Raptar Driver

The Iranians are pussies, forced to admit something without final evidence. Just give in to the Empire now and save yourselves the hassle of resistance.

Jens Holm

They lied 3 dfays about it and even blamed americans for it.

Raptar Driver

No they didnt, this is a political manuover. The Americans are the culprets, all the evidence has not come in.


What nonsense is this? The Iranians finally fess up and you don’t don’t believe it. That’s phuqued up!

Raptar Driver

Think for once in your life, it was a Ukrainian airliner, why? They are a NATO colony.


I’m sure your comments make sense to you. However, I feel compelled to repeat myself.

After days of denials and wild, completely unsubstantiated, finger pointing toward others the Iranians finally admitted their mistakes in destroying this airliner. That you refuse to accept the Iranian government’s confession after this incident is completely phuqued up.

You have a wildly overactive imagination.

Raptar Driver

Those that plea a bargain are usually inocent. You don’t under stand American justice, guilt is not necessary for for conviction.

Raptar Driver

It is a plea bargain and guilt is not needed for conviction. Perhaps you lack imagination?


While that’s been fascinating conjecture here and across other small corners of the internet would you happen to be aware of any actual evidence of what you’ve come to believe?

I’m curious, a plea “bargain” in only 3 days? Can you think of an example of a bargain reached between Russia, The U.S., China, NATO, Israel, the GCC and Iran in only 3 days? It seems to me that you and yours are imagining far too much far too soon.

Raptar Driver

The fact that you, a dis info agent is keen on discrediting my intuition means that I am on the right track.

Jens Holm

You are brainwashed – Or shoud be.

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