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MARCH 2025

Iranian Army Spokesman: Ahvaz Attackers Linked to US, Israel

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Iranian Army Spokesman: Ahvaz Attackers Linked to US, Israel

Morteza Jaberian / ISNA / AFP

Militants who carried out a terrorist attack on a military parade in the Iranian city of Ahvaz on September 22 are linked to the US and Israel,  Iranian Armed Forces spokesman, Brig. Gen. Abolfazl Shekarchi, told the country’s news agency IRNA.

“These terrorists are not members of the Daesh [ISIS] and do not belong to groups fighting the Islamic system. These people are linked to the United States and [Israel’s] Mossad. These militants were organized and trained by two countries of the Persian Gulf,” Shekarchi told the news agency.

The military official added that Iranian forces elimiated four militants involved in the attack.

Earlier on the same day, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif stated that “regional terror sponsors and their US masters” were behind the attack in Ahvaz, in which at least 24 people were killed and over 50 were injured.

It’s still unclear what group was behind the attack. A spokesman for the Ahvaz National Resistance, an militant group that claims to defend the rights of the Arab minority in Khuzestan, said the group was behind the attack. At the same time, ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack via its news agency Amaq.

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Promitheas Apollonious

kind of a patent emerging here. Russia forget the french missiles and accuse israel as responsible now iran. I wonder this nations if they ever respond to the provocations against them, or is not time yet?

John Wallace

No they are waiting for the response o the chemical attack that was filmed several times in Idlib the other day. The film will be released as soon as the editor makes the final cut hoping that no glaring mistakes are left in. Not that that matters as the sheep would accept as fact film of dead victims getting up and assisting other victims as absolute proof.


Would a CNN film crew in the background be a ‘glaring mistake ? :)

John Wallace

No I don’t think that would register , more like a full Hollywood production with famous actors would create a query in a few minds. There was an article on sputnik yesterday showing the filming several times with same actors taking different parts such as sick or dying in one version but in another assisting with rescue or being found in a completely different place . Alleged Video of Idlib Chemical Attack Fabrication Circulated by Syrian Media . If a final cut of that comes out it will be blatantly obvious it was a setup so with that cat out of the bag I would think they will come up with a new version..

Promitheas Apollonious

too stupid for that.

Empire's Frontiers

Perhaps something really obvious, like John McCain riding shotgun with the White Helmets.

Unless they’ve got cameras in hell too.




The US and her allies are in a hurry to provoke Russia and Iran to strike back as the US/Israel leadership needs to portray the US themselves and allies as the victims.

This is because few in their countries desire war with anyone really but the best recruiting sergeant has always been war and in time of war the most outspoken against it are locked up.

There has to be a reason for all the US undue haste to war. Is it a fast approaching financial collapse ?

Promitheas Apollonious

more than likely and trying to reset it, a with a war.


That only works if the US wins though and these days even a win would be ruinous for the US especially as her population is divided on ethnic terms and political terms, so a breakdown in law and order caused by even limited nuclear attacks would enable a Hollywood Mad Max scenario.

The percentage of Americans who already seek help from psychiatrists is the greatest in the world and the majority would not be able to cope I suspect.

Promitheas Apollonious

agree but they can not win the war they started. The russians and the chinese with their allies in SCO will finish it for them, so western people this time they be not writing the history books any way they see fit.


They don’t want to win, just create chaos and sell guns.


That may well be the view of the arms makers that worked in WW1 and WW2 as the US armaments industry, indeed the US mainland itself received no damage to infrastructure and was able to feed the wars in Europe and beyond without impediment . This arms trafficking has continued to this day.

A WW3 scenario implies the use of nuclear weapons and a statement this week from a US General, was that the US has NO defence against the latest Russian ( and Chinese) hypersonic systems.

In reality, even conventional delivery systems would be able to overwhelm and ruin the USA, if only by virtue of numbers.

The US fantasists may well wish to use nuclear weapons BUT that would end the US Empire in a flash :)


The hypersonic systems while I’m sure are developed and exist, they do not exist in large enough numbers to really be threatening. That will change, depending on the rate of manufacture, it could be weeks or months away. This is one reason for this “Show Down”, over protecting their Qaeda assets in Idlib, they would love to engage, Russia before it becomes untouchable. When those systems are in place in sufficient numbers, Russia calls the tune.


You make a good point Ronald.


I think the Deep State (the Confederacy) still dreams of taking Iran in a conventional war even it requires a full mobilization. It seems as though Russia has convinced them not to use nuclear weapons, so they will try it with a .5-1 million men. They will lose, but they will inflict enormous damage on the Iran/Russia/China economic infrastructure.

This is just my view from the cheap seats.


That is a possibility I agree.

However the general public in Europe would not rush to join the forces of war and conscription would be fraught with problems, largely due to the EU immigration policies that have divided populations. Ironically such policies have weakened the EU economically and militarily :)

Without NATO in any meaningful numbers the US would be left with troops from Africa and Sauti Arabia/Gulf States. We also know that most of the men and women of fighting age in the US are ‘too fat to fight’ :)

Any US attack on Iran would also be opposed by Russia and China. This opposition would be joined by nations in Asia who also have issues with the US Empire in my opinion.


brezhnev was nt such nice liar as you :DDDD

Shy Talk

not much being said about that French frigate launching missiles at the same time israeli aircraft launching missiles, i’ve seen one report that says it was cruise missiles it launched, no reason for it or what the targets were


I heard that the French target was the technical research centre. We will likely not know the truth for some time I suspect.


There’s no reason why the Russians can’t lie to further their interests. It is a war.

Brother Thomas

Iran and Russia should not get baited into a premature response and fall into a trap. Time is on their side. Patience and focusing on their own objectives should their strategy, not hitting back blindly.


Time is on their side, but they don’t want to give Uncle Sam a good excuse to herd his people into a war. Americans don’t want another war (much less total war), and there is no good reason to give Washington the excuse. The American mercenary military can’t win a war against anyone. Why give them the excuse to conscript 2-3 million men?

Brother Thomas

Yes, good point. War has to be sold to the people back home. So best not to act in ways to give the neocons that public support.

leon mc pilibin

Remember Bolton the Zionist war criminal boasted that he and his so called Iranian freedom fighters,aka terrorists, would be celebrating in Teheran next year.So this must be the beginning of their evil scheme.


Yes, Bolton said the US Coalition scheme would oust the leaders of Iran THIS year. I would think that Iran is on high alert now as US troops moved directly to the Iranian border a few months ago.


Would you please provide the source for your claim.

Val Shadowhawk



Well of course America is behind the attack, they are proud of their war of terror.


of course.

australia can´t be?


Australia lol – sure they have invaded Iraq, attacked Libya, Afghanistan, tried to overthrow Syria. Come on we all know who the regime change specialists are.


australia was and is in all these issues as extremely active attacker


In Australian slang, a beater is a chronic masturbator.


who cares?

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

They came from SDF training camps probably, US got another 30k fresh fighting bodies there in Syria. Turks might be going for SDF again tho?


It’s easy to blame the usual suspects when Iran doesn’t want people realizing that they’re as liable to kill each other as anyone else. Also, they expect people to believe the Saudis and Israelis are working together? Also, why would we do this? Also, the US has officially condemned the attack, kinds of destroys the purpose if we did it?


Look up images of Blankfine and his good buddy the Saudi heir.

Empire's Frontiers

You asked why, but it can’t be explained to you here.

You’ll need to learn it yourself, and you can learn the language of ‘why’ starting at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammad_Mosaddegh


Also, they expect people to believe the Saudis and Israelis are working together? Also, why would we do this?

yesterday you wrote, you are american.

today israeli.


Ahem, Iran was blaming the US and allies and some headlines have even kead with the Iran’s allegations against the US so perhaps I should just https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c34b360bab2b44ad415c4dad6af027942a9d04c3b79aace7ab9d738410b1db98.jpg reword that. Also, I find it very interesting that you immediate conclude that sentence means I’m Israeli and not SAUDI?!?!


Who’s the girl, your friend?


Why would we do this you wrote! are you serious? the Saudis/US/Israelis hate Iran they want to see it toppled. Official condemnation counts for nothing if you are actively seeking regime change by covert means & fanning the flames of sectarian violence like they did in Syria.


Excuse me, but evil people don’t do evil things simply because they are evil, there is always something they seek to gain.

The US has officially condemned the attack and the attack chosen clearly shows that this was a small force looking for an easy target. If any NATO state wanted to hit the Iranians there’s a whole range of aerial and clandestine methods to be used. It seems that this attack is exactly what it reports to be: an insurgent attack by separatists.

That Guy

Welcome to Arab Ahwaz :).


The greatest threat facing humanity is Jews, Judaism, Israel, and unfortunately the US because of it’s severe Jew infestation. The US and Palestine in particular, where combined 83% of the planet’s Jews live, and the rest of our planet, need to be dejudified so that Jews and Judaism go extinct.


You are an imbecile. Its the system of financial capitalism that oppress the planet. Remove banking and finance from private capitalists, the problem is solved.


If that was true, then all of the private banking and capitalism outside of Jew control would be a problem. And it isn’t. Your juvenile name calling and false accusations doesn’t make the disinfo that you’re peddling true.


Terrorism is an integral part of the Yinon plan and Mossad and their Jew world order collaborators are behind almost all of it.

“Saudi Arabia—not Iran—is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world today and Wahhabism remains the source of most radical Islamic extremism. For years Iran has borne the unenviable title of “world’s biggest state sponsor of terrorism.” However, out of the 61 groups that are designated as terrorist organizations by the U.S. State Department, the overwhelming majority are Wahhabi-inspired and Saudi-funded groups, with a focus on the West and Iran as their primary enemy. Only two are Shi’a—Hezbollah and Kataib Hezbollah, and only four have ever claimed to receive support from Iran. Nearly all of the Sunni militant groups listed receive significant support from either the Saudi government or Saudi citizens.”


Jim Prendergast

This dirty little trick makes C.I.A. and Mossad look pathetic. Mindless fanatic cruelty. Hopefully Iran can bring some good out of this.


hahaha, how nice run the “brave” iranian soldiers. also those, who have machine gun. :DDDD

and this army should have defeat america :DDDDDD

we so IRGC years run before isis in syria

Monte George Jr

What is the medical name of that speech impediment?


Monte George Jr?

Lena Jones

Here’s a thought to ponder: for the past few days, and since israel dare NOT strike at Syria so soon after the last disastrous attack that caused the death of 15 Russian airmen: in them few “past days”, Iran has been opportunistically and safely sending the Hezb even more high caliber weaponry thru Syria. This is what Iran is being punished for presently. Taking advantage of israel’s momentary absence from Syrian skies has provided the Axis of Resistance in the Levant with fantastic smuggling opportunities.

Free man

An obsessive person like you can not be smart. No matter how many books you read, you’ll never understand the world (It’s not hard to guess your marital status). An obsessive person like you can not be smart. No matter how many books you read, you’ll never understand the world (It’s not hard to guess your marital status).

Lena Jones

LOL fucking sour-grape stalker! Why repeat the same message twice, Einstein?! LOL you know nothing about it except that I can easily wipe the floor with your sorry moron arse!


On one hand the US breaks its agreement with Iran, sanctions them, attacks their currency, and now stages terror attacks on civilians. Meanwhile, the other hand says lets negotiate a new deal.

This is Trumps art of the deal, the guy is a total moron.

Meanwhile the Democrats are too busy hiding their own crimes to actually be an effective opposition.


Well, yes, but more directly, they’re connected with the UAE and Saudi-Arabia. The UAE academic and advisor to the ‘government’ stated in a tweet that “… an attack on a military target is not an act of terrorism. Taking the battle into the Iranian hinterland is a publicized (previously announced) option. This will increase during the next phase.” (Look for his comment on Twitter @Abdulkhaleq_UAE). Note also that the Saudi crown prince Ibn Salman had basically announced such actions recently (i.e. attacks on Iranian soil).

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