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Iranian-Backed Afghan Group Is Redeploying Its Fighters In Syria’s Deir Ezzor – Report

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Iranian-Backed Afghan Group Is Redeploying Its Fighters In Syria’s Deir Ezzor – Report

Members of the Fatemiyoun Brigade during the Palmyra offensive in December 2016

Liwa Fatemiyoun, an Iranian-backed Afghan group operating in Syria, was redeploying its fighters in the eastern governorate of Deir Ezzor, the Deir Ezzor 24 blog reported on August 23.

According to the pro-opposition blog, Liwa Fatemiyoun deployed its forces in the vicinity of Deir Ezzor city. At the same time, the group evacuated few of its posts in the area, while maintaining all of its key positions.

“The militia withdrew from a number of posts on al-Nahr Street upon orders from the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC),” Deir Ezzor 24 reporter said, adding: “the village of al-Malha, south of Deir Ezzor, also witnessed a complete withdrawal of Fatemiyoun militias.”

Deir Ezzor 24, which has a network of sources throughout Deir Ezzor, said the motive behind this redeployment are still unclear.

Liwa Fatemiyoun has 10,000 to 20,000 fighters in Syria. The Afghan group is funded, trained, and equipped by the IRGC. The group is active in Aleppo, Homs and Deir Ezzor.

Earlier this month, Liwa Fatemiyoun fighters carried out a combing operation in the southern countryside of Deir Ezzor. The operation targeted ISIS cells.

The Afghan group may be preparing to launch a new combing operation in Deir Ezzor, or even to participate in a highly anticipated military operation by the Syrian Arab Army against ISIS remnants in the nearby Homs desert.


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I hope these men have plenty of hardened veterans spread out thru their ranks, because that is what theyre going up against .


They’ll win unless the US terrorists or Zioscum airforce intervene to help ISIS yet again.

Jens Holm

Idddiotic comment.

They love ISIS, Assads and Iranians are killing each other and makes no disturbens when they do.


Much obliged, but I see you’re not just high as the Everest on your glue, but so drunk you make Yeltsin sober in comparison, likely with Budweiser Zioterrorist piss.


More Iranian-backed Afghan antisemites and Nazis fighting the humanitarian globalist project of Ziowahhabi corporate democracy, freedom and business entrepeneurship. They impede transhumanist progress by not letting Ziocorporte-pantented history designers liberate Syria for Petrodollar investment…

El Mashi

So much confusion in two sentences. Impressive.


Thanks. Remember, if USA bombs rip you apart, it’s because of love, humanitarianism, freedom and democracy.

johnny rotten

I can certainly be wrong, but I seem to see a series of moves that prelude to the expulsion of the invaders and the showdown with the Kurdish, we will see what will come anyway the moment is propitious given a disengagement of the Yankees for electoral reasons, strike the iron while it is hot.

Jens Holm

I see a prelude for being a milionaire. I have seen it since I was born.


Great news,East of Deir Ezzur,that means they may attack those US occupation bitches.

John Wallace

That won’t happen just like they won’t touch Al Tanaf .

Jens Holm

Its a permanent microbase.

Jens Holm

Whatever. It has changed from a strongpoint to a microbase. Thats USA politics instead of few big bases.

Zionism = EVIL

Be patient, that is what they said about Iraq too, and today Iranian officers sit comfortably in the largest Americunt base at Taji which last year was hit by a massive headache inducing missile barrage. Al-Tanf is middle of scorpion and snake infested nothing and not a key priority for Iran, it is costing the stupid Americunt losers a lot of money to sit in the middle of a snake pit near the Jordanian midget kingdom and pay the Jordanian beggars for that it.

John Wallace

How much longer .. Al Tanaf controls the Damascus – Baghdad highway with access to the Reuban camp for conscripts. What strategic value does the US consider it to be worth while money is no object. Will Biden double down or he wouldn’t know what is going on anyway , bit like Trump has no say.. Jordanian US airbase close by for cover and SAA haven’t advanced one step closer than 55km since Palmyra days.. Will you be saying be patient in 5 years or will pragmatism accept the status quo.. Maybe the civil war after the election may change things but who knows..


The Persians invented chess, they will simply wait out any alien presence in the region as Iran is there permanently as US is on rapid decline and may indeed end up in a civil war in a few months, regardless of the outcome of its controlled fake “election”. I does not serve any purpose for Iran to escalate at this stage, while events are being shaped it its image anyway. Besides the protection of a unsustainable Zionist entity in occupied Palestine, US taxpayers wasting their dwindling resources and blood in Arabian deserts is sheer insanity. Considering the new geo-political landscape where US and NATO are inching towards full spectrum encirclement and destabilization of Russia and a growing cold war with China. US now considers Russia as a prime easier target, largely due to societal infiltration and covert intelligence presence as the Navalny case and German NGO/CIA involvement has shown. Belarus is being primed for massive destabilization and annexation by NATO.

Zionism = EVIL

Time, geography and history are on Iran’s side, so there is no need to hasten anything. Iran is undergoing the largest military build up and a large Iranian defence team is in Moscow coordinating policies, weapons sales and joint strategy. The Americunts are literally fucked.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/eef114ffad8af25e483d1cc9ef215db5a4c896264437ca618cbb1765b5e69ccc.jpg President Putin presiding over defence talks via video link as Iran-Russia sign mega deals.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran will be purchasing up to $10 billion in military hardware from Russia, a senior Russian official told reporters on after a day long meeting between Russian and Iranian top military leaders according to TASS news agency.“The package of contracts that have been discussed by now and Iran’s demand are estimated at about $10 billion. It is not an amount to be provided over one year. It will take far more time,”.

Iranian General Amir Hatami was provided with a personal demonstration of the Russian S-400 missile system which along with the SU-35 fighters is on the top of Iranian shopping list. The Russian company Uralvagonzavod has offered to license produce third-generation T-90S main battle tanks in Iran, which is already producing a domestic versions of the tank named Karrar (Striker).

Sylvain Jeuland

They could build another highway by Al-Bukamal, Deir Ezzor, Palmyra, Damascus when the combing operations will be done. Then protect it. Or just use the current road and make it very effective.

Sylvain Jeuland

That single secure corridor could be used to host a train line, an oil line, a gas line too. One corridor, many usabilities, many historical cities, many Bavar-373.

John Wallace

They have been using tha road ever sice they reached Al-Bukamal. It is slightly longer and perhaps not as good as the one through Al Tanaf. If the Yanks are so concerned about that road why can’t they build a base across it on the Iraq side or won’t Iraq give them permission or they wouldn’t be allowed too use it for training the groups they do without oversight in Al Tanaf. Doesn’t really matter as they have no right being there doing whatever they are doing.

Zionism = EVIL

A convoy of Kataeb Hezbollah newly supplied Iranian Safir jeeps with The Haseb 107mm rocket in 12-tube 107 mm MRL, which has proved very effective in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen.


Zionism = EVIL

Regular al-Qods units moving into Syria. So much for the stupid Zionist cunts.

Zionism = EVIL


Ashok Varma

Have to admit, things are not looking very rosy for the US and Zionists in the region.


US has been simply outclassed by the canny Persians. The CIA and Zionist created explosion in Beirut also backfired. Hezbollah has come out the clear beneficiary there as well.

The US, Israel and Beirutshima

by Taxi https://platosguns.com/2020/08/06/the-us-israel-and-beirutshima/

Zionism = EVIL

Sayyed Nasrallah: Hezbollah Fights Will Never Be Limited to Lebanon’s Border and now in a position to defeat the Zionists all over the region.

Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized that Hezbollah will never abandon assuming his responsibilities in Lebanon and the neighboring countries, adding that the party takes into consideration Lebanon’s national interests.

In this regard, Sayyed Narallah maintained that the Hezbollah support to the Palestinian resistance will prevent the naturalization of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, adding that the Axis of Resistance victory over the terrorist groups protected all the Lebanese from the danger posed by the takfiris and their western masters.



Jens Holm

That makes no sense.

Ashok Varma

You are IDIOT and make no sense ever.

Jens Holm

Iraniens dont attack SDFs and USAs.

Of there was, there would be a counterattack right away.

Your comment has less substance then air on mars.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran is following a very clearly calibrated, very successful policy in Syria and Iraq and it is paying off bigtime as the Americunts are in headlong flight and the cowardly Zionist cunts have accepted defeat. In 2015, there are around a couple of dozen Iranian backed militias operating in Iraq numbering about 100,000 men, today there are over 40 groups including Shia Diaspora, Afghans, Pakistanis, Christians, Armenians, Palestinians and a growing presence from the Arab world numbering more than 200,000. Iranian footprint is so large that officers from regular Artesh have been seconded to lead some of these growing units.The main focus now is the liberation of eastern Euphrates, building a military infrastructure (missile factories and bases) and securing the Tehran-Beirut highway which is now totally safe as the Americunts have even handed over the largest Taji base to the Kataeb Hezbollah (PMU).



Indeed. I use a 7m long stiffened plastic that I use to blow pesticide directly into a Wasp Nest. The wasps and the Queen are dead within about 30 minutes.

I realise its a chemical attack, but, hey, it works and the US wasps are pests.


My target would be the US Queen’s.


and he’s an outright shame for the human race and a racist to boot. he would have been at home in hitler’s SS clean up crew.

Ivan Freely

POTUS is a meat puppet. Follow the money.

Jens Holm

People in Syria, Lebanon and Iran dont do that anymore onless they have a wheelbarrow.

Jim Allen

The City of London would be a better choice.

Zionism = EVIL

The stupid cunt is getting more paranoid too :) Kellyanne Conway, one of President Donald Trump’s most influential and longest serving advisers,has been fired with immediate effect according to the White House.


Shouldn’t a queen be a bit more, er… queen-like? A bit more… er…. bent, the manners of waving hands, those ugly handbags, corgis, shaking head to toe, getting angry if you look at her things and a few weeks younger than god.

I prefer a Borg queen over this orange thug. But still, I’d like him to win or steal the Nov. elections and remain POTUS. Please don’t exterminate this one bug for me. Please? I’ll vacuum your house, cut the grass and do the dishes. Deal?

Toni Liu

Just use buratino to erase them, their dead body still able to be used by propagandist especially gentile money sniffing race

Lone Ranger

CIAisis will cry and rage :)


Excellent news!

Finally many good things are starting to happen and all starts to move in right direction.


if the end motive is to remove finally each and every friggin criminal and corrupt jew from palestine, then it’s for the common good of the world. so lets hope they are successful in their mission to evict the jews from palestine or bury them 6 feet under.


You bark alot considering to an Iranian, you better know your place. We will give you a good kick with our boots and send you back to Persia for good.


So much for the IAF strikes getting the militia out of Syria, doesn’t appear to be working

Zionism = EVIL

Opposite has happened and the Zionist cowardly cunts have accepted defeat. They don’t even bother to fire 2 stand off missiles from the Lebanese coast even after Iran carted off the Popeye and Delilah missiles a few months ago and cloned them.

Zionism = EVIL

HUSH stupid TWAT :) you have barking for a decade now LOL and Iranian presence and the Axis of Resistance has grown ten fold.

Ashok Varma

Silly chit of a boy, don’t you ever get tired of your pathetic nonsense. So-called Israel is falling apart as the CIA virus is wreaking havoc.

Lux et Veritas

Jews are evil by nature, the Talmud is Satan’s manifesto.


Either you are the dumbest teenager has has ever hired or simply a attention seeking buffoon. The glaring reality is that Iran has slowly built up a permanent presence in the Shia Crescent, which has always been its goal dating back centuries. The rotten Zionist entity on the other hand has been exposed as impotent and viciously criminal considering that the Zionist now hold the dubious world record of moral perversion with the Eilat mass rape case. Each day the world is exposed to a new Zionist degenerate act.


We’re not going anywhere, we like to take a look inside the occupied lands every now and then and would very, very, much like to see if we can fit your own boots up your tokhes.

But I must thank you, I am still rolling on the floor each time I remember the half-bald you.

30 Savages in Eilat gang raped an unconscious 16 years old girl. I saw the city but had no idea what kind of animals live in that $hithole. Poor girl, I’d dispatch every single one of them, why are you sitting on your ass?

Zionism = EVIL

It just confirms the sick mentality of these Zionist cowardly criminal perverts. From gang rape of kids, mass murder, organ harvesting, money laundering, human trafficking, prostitution, drug peddling, you name it, Zionist evil is behind it. Some of their crimes like this mass rape of child in Eilat in occupied Palestine is so revolting that even the Jew Bilderberg media could not sweep it under the rug.

Al Errani

they are all illegal immigrants and refugees……………they probably want citizenship of syria. wherever they go they create anarchy and chaos. they have never been able to create a civilization. always loot and plunder

Jens Holm

Very good for the unimplyment rate.

Ashok Varma

Israel is an artificial state propped up by western tax dollars and is unsustainable by any measure. It is an moral, political and economic failure.


Kudos to Iran for securing its strategic goals in the region.

cechas vodobenikov

the best Israel can do is starve Gaza by prohibiting fishing in their own territorial waters—they cannot challenge Iran, nor Hizbollah—-humilited in 2006 as benny herself admitted

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