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MARCH 2025

Iranian-backed Forces Challenge US Military In Iraq With Increasing Rocket Attacks

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In the recent weeks the US-led coalition in Iraq experienced a turn for the worse.

On the evening of August 10th, a military convoy carrying equipment for US forces near the Iraq-Kuwait border was reportedly targeted by an explosion. The Iraqi Shiite armed group, Ashab al-Kahf, issued a statement claiming that its forces had destroyed “equipment and vehicles belonging to the American enemy” in a bombing, targeting a border crossing south of the Iraqi city of Basra. The group also released a video purposely showing the attack.

Ashab al-Kahf is one of multiple anti-US resistance groups, which have surfaced in Iraq since early 2020 after the US assassination of Iran’s Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani, the deputy chairman of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and several other prominent Iraqi officers leading the fight against ISIS in Iraq. All these new groups declare their goal to be forcing US troops to leave Iraq and conduct attacks on US military infrastructure and forces. This has already become an everyday reality for the US military.

Additionally to the August 10 attack, there were at least 4 more military incidents blamed by the US and mainstream media on these groups during the past weeks.

Early on August 12, 3 rockets fell near the US embassy building in the Baghdad Green Zone. No casualties were reported. On August 5, at least one rocket was launched at the US embassy area in Baghdad. The rocket was reportedly intercepted by the C-RAM [Counter-Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar] system which was recently deployed in the area by the U.S. military. On July 30, two rockets targeted the military section of the Baghdad International Airport, where US forces were deployed. On July 27, multiple rockets pounded the US-operated military base ‘Camp Taji’ north of Baghdad.

The structure and intensity of these attacks demonstrate that they are mostly aimed at pressuring the US military and political leadership into directing a troop withdrawal by creating a hostile environment rather than causing large-scale damage to US forces. If Washington decides to ignore them and accepts instead an increase in casualties in the region, such a resistance may continue for years without a breakthrough. Nevertheless, an especially successful rocket strike leading to significant casualties might well lead to an open military response from the United States. The most likely scenario would then be large-scale airstrikes on what Washington would call ‘Iranian and Iranian proxy targets’ in Iraq and eastern Syria. However, such an isolated even if powerful response would not be enough to change the situation strategically. Therefore, if the situation develops in the current direction, the low intensity conflict between the US and Iranian-led forces in Iraq would enter a lingering phase. The prospects for the stabilization of the economic and security situation in the country would be seriously in question.

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The rockets are filled with pillows to avoid human casualities.

Free man

There are three main laws of war in the Middle East: 1. Fight only against the weak. 2. Pretend you are fighting against the strong. 3. Always say you won.

Traiano Welcome

That applies only to Israel. The laws of war in the middle east, for Arabs and Persians are:

1. Fight against the Superpower of the day and it’s western allies. 2. Fight with your body if you have no weapons.

3. Always persist even in defeat.


Deluded dumbfuck, look at Lebanon after 2006. You want to bring more destruction upon them, but 50 times fold.

Traiano Welcome

Truth hurts, right?

Al Carbone

you demons from hell just bombed beirut and israelis got their azzes handed to them in 2006 so like the cowards they are bombed women and little girls


The inbreeding which takes place in Israel will kill them faster than wars.

Al Carbone

it will take to long

Macho Mann

And on top of it, as a population, the jews are struggling to maintain their numbers. They can kill like professionals but CAN’T get it up to make babies to feed their war machine. That’s why they pay the stooge politicians in Washington D. C. to have American kids die for israel.

Al Carbone

yea but the inbred settlers are wailing out psycho babies. remember jews are 1000 times better then any gentile they do not do the dying that is for american kids. only a handle die fighting the Pals and when they got annihilated by Hezbollah I dont think they gave the death toll but it couldnt been more then 200

Kenny Jones ™

Today Beirut port, tomorrow Haifa port..


Nah Kenny, Hezbollak knows better than this. They can try ofcourse, but then they’ll see our response to such action.

Kenny Jones ™

How’s the balloons?


Doing just fine, even though it hurts me to see our lands on fire we have no casualties. Once the traitor will be gone, the IDF can get an order to mobilize army units into the strip. You think Hamas can keep doing it forever without a response? they can now thanks to the traitor, but even he will be gone sooner or later. You should watch how many Israelis are taking to the streets demanding he resigns, he is already sweating.


You are an anti-Semite and I’m tired of your constant hatred and insults against two very prominent Jews, his excellency the PM Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahoo and Miss Piggy which I support very much.

I’m going to report your Anti-Semite arse if you persist on your anti-Semitic rants. You have been warned!


Good one Garga, can you report me to the Bibi’s police? you already know how it works since you have the same dictators in Iran. Not to worry, he WILL be gone in a good way or a bad way, you however are still stuck with a mullah regime that has killed more Iranians than Israel since the revolution. Keep it up, your family might be next.


I hope he never goes away. No, I won’t report you to police or something, I’m not a rat you anti-Semite. But if you are interested, you can go and report yourself. My work is with higher echelon. Keep insulting Bibi and you’ll find out!

I tells ya’, he ain’t goin’ nowhere. We wants him right where he is and we won’t let anybody pull him down.

And the Iranians you are talking about that “regime” killed. Nobody here feels any sympathy for MeK, Jondollah, PJAK and other various terror groups which your murderous regime supports. We catch them, we prosecute them, if found guilty we punish them, jail time, fines, or even execution if they spilt blood. “Iran killing its own people” propaganda won’t work on me, because I live here and see things.



Kenny Jones ™

So you found a new scapegoat, the traitor gantz this time, every time someone else..


Actually they are both taitors, Bibi betrayed Israel but Gantz betrayed my voice and gave it to Bibi once he joined his government, after he promised for 3 campaigns he won’t do it which is why I voted for him in the first place. We are run by thieves and corrupted politicians, that is why you can win us. For now…

Kenny Jones ™

Don’t think this will change, once a greedy jew, always one


Not all of us, some of us are true patriots like me and we don’t follow the money.


“proclaim victory and withdraw” sounds like a good plan to me.

Macho Mann

Those are the jew laws right?

Kenny Jones ™

For now it may look like that, but it is about making it difficult for the US in Iraq, not escalating, they’ll leave in a few months, they barely move from their bases, it’s Iraqi traitor contractors doing their job

El Mashi

Death by a thousand cuts. The US has been in the Middle East for forty years. Iran has been in the Middle East for 4,000 years. Iran is not leaving. All it has to do is have its proxies to launch some missiles every month or so till the end of time, and kill or maim Americans now and then ad infinitum while destroying equipment and infrastructure.

Fog of War

” and kill or maim Americans now and then ad infinitum while destroying equipment and infrastructure. ”

How many ZioAmericans in Iraq have been killed because of these impotent attacks ? At this rate it’ll take ten years just to kill two. This is no way to wage an effective insurgency.

Macho Mann

Well… I think what you REALLY mean is how many that they’ll admit to.

Fog of War

However, that kind of logic wont get us anywhere. You can say that about any fighting force, Russia included.


Your crew are retarded … don’t expect much … eh? 2 in 10 years might be a bridge too far … lol


Without the U.S, your country would be in deep shit. Ungreatful Arab.

Joao Alfaiate

Exactly. Ever since Uncle Sam worked his magic by removing Saddam Iraq has been a paradise. Ditto Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, occupied Jerusalem, etc., etc.

Traiano Welcome

Yes, in Baghdad’s Green Zone, hordes of European tourists swarm around with their families enjoying the safe, clean streets, charming restaurants and shining malls. Tour operators provide daily trips to the fully Iraqi owned and operated oil fields in northern Iraq, where hassle-free day visits across the Iranian border are possible with a minimum of paperwork … Sunni and Shia walk hand in hand in the streets singing Kumbayah …

Macho Mann

Kamala Harris? Is that you??


Go to Tel Aviv

Le Ruse

Yupp.. Quote:These plunderers of the world [the Romans**], after exhausting the land by their devastations, are rifling the ocean: stimulated by avarice, if their enemy be rich; by ambition, if poor; unsatiated by the East and by the West: the only people who behold wealth and indigence with equal avidity. To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire; and where they make a desert, they call it peace.

** Guess who are the Romans today ?? Note! No lollipop for correct answer ..

Антон С

Millions of people from EU seeking a place in this paradise!

Free man

“Ungreatful Arab.” – This is exactly why the US should not fight in the Middle East. In every conflict, the Arabs call on the United States to intervene and save the day. And then they hate the Americans for intervening.

Traiano Welcome

Bullshit. Stop lying.

The USA never ‘intervened’ in the Middle East. The USA scrambled in to steal the oil and resources of Arab countries. They were the cause of the issues they ‘intervened’ in. Example, nobody asked the USA to come in and support Hosni Mubarak with billions every year as a dictator over his people.

Free man

What oil is there in Afghanistan? You should think before writing.

Joao Alfaiate

Afghanistan is not an Arab country. Plse consult Wiki before posting here.

Traiano Welcome

He should think before writing.


…and Afghanistan never did anything to the US. 9./11 was done by Israel, Saudi Arabia and the CIA.

Macho Mann

Careful now, you’re talking to a history/geography/English major. Don’t know shit about history, nor geography AND can’t spell. ?

Traiano Welcome

Are you on drugs? Afghanistan is not the middle east!

Free man

You wrote Afghanistan before you edited.

Traiano Welcome

You are on drugs. Get rehab, quickly

Free man

I usually don’t reply to people like you. it won’t happen again. Go bark at someone else.

Traiano Welcome

I was just reacting to your original statement which turned out to be a pack of lies. But go ahead, try to distract with name calling and other evasive maneuvers.


That’s why he’s for it. Plenty of good heroin now


They have poppies that the taliban stopped production of definitely better money than oil and easier to cull and transport innit

Macho Mann

Well yeah, now that the U. S. troops are there to guard them.

Al Carbone

they got heroin

Icarus Tanović

They get plutonium. It is rop secret too.


Opium asshole,the US are a drug cartel,they make Escobar look like a local chemist.


The impoverished US population who is working themselves to death and in constantly pains of all sorts needs these opiates.

Icarus Tanović

Escobar was a CIA guy to destabilise Colombia.

Macho Mann

And flood the ghettos with crack cocaine. Oh I’m sorry, that was the CIA via Panama and Manuel Noriega.




Who will build a pipeline through Afghanistan? There is zero infrastructure.

Macho Mann

Unocal wanted to and Karzai was their boy.

Icarus Tanović

Geostrategical position, you liar.

Macho Mann

Did he SAY there was oil in Afghanistan or did you just hear what you wanted to AGAIN?


The US wants to control the value of the Petro Dollar and therefore the US has to take competition out of the market – so Saudi Arabia can survive.




Not one country asked the us for squat youtard

Macho Mann

Except israel. Don’t forget israel, the proverbial beggar, hand ALWAYS out, looking for some freebies.


Hmm, who in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Palestine, Syria etc. called you American? What are you smoking or drinking?

Ashok Varma

You are one of the most uneducated hasbara trolls on this site. “Ungrateful Arabs” did not ask US and NATO to invade their countries and kill millions of people and plunder their resources..

Free man

Are you copying and pasting directly from the page of the mullahs’ propaganda office , or are you stopping the read what you are copying?

Macho Mann

STFU Schlomo! Everybody on these boards knows your limp dick game.

Macho Mann

WOW! We got us a history scholar here folks. He spells like a scholar as well. ?

Traiano Welcome

Even more so, yours. Ungrateful inbred zioprick.


When have I been ungrateful to the U.S? idiot.

El Mashi

A larcenist is always grateful.


One day the Jews in America will feel the wrath of the American public and that will make look Auschwitz like Kindergarten.

cechas vodobenikov

u r in “deep shit” and USA gives u 3.8 billion $ annually…your ignorance and racism is farcical


Spend your 3.8 billion farce money in impoverished, under employed and homeless America. Nobody wants your blood money – America – it stinks – just like your disgusting what you call culture.

Icarus Tanović

You mean 380 billion$ annually?

Al Carbone

go back to hell you demonic jew bas tard 1.5 million iraqis killed by the sanctions and the war

El Mashi

It is the US/Israel who is in deep shit. Shalom.


Yeah, you would like to be murdered, bombed, incarcerated etc.. What are you?

Icarus Tanović

Ungrateful Zionist.

Ashok Varma

You are an Iraqi Arab/Jew yourself and the Zionist entity is running on US tax dollars, so should rightly be grateful that while mum works, you collect hasbara dollars for teenage trolling sans Vietnam era landa bazaar uniforms.


Keep laughing about my uniforms Ashok, it makes little difference which color they are when we’re out there :) Also, I know what the U.S has been doing for Israel, and I thank them. He forgets the U.S is giving his country 1.4B$ annually.

Ashok Varma

US is also stealing from Iraq too, that is the land of your ancestors. Saddam for all his faults made Iraq into almost a developed country, even Jews were safe in Iraq, like they are in Iran. Now Iraq is a total shambles and if the headchopping Salafists get hold, no minority is safe.

Macho Mann

Forgets? What are you stupid Schlomo? In your country the handouts go to your military to finance your campaigns of murder against unarmed Arab men, women and children. In his country the money goes into the pocket of the lackey put into the governing position to serve the American and your jew needs. Pull your head out of your ass, the methane is causing you confusion.


bla bla bla..

Macho Mann

STFU retard…


Bacon eating American here and agree with Mashi.

You are the folks that are ungrateful for all the Americans casualties resulting from fighting in your M.E. regime change wars. BTW, your wars provide the funders of these wars, >the American taxpayers<, ZERO benefit !


You don’t fight for us, we do our own fighting and our own blood. Tell me when any U.S soldier has died in a war involving Israel and other Arab countries? when? even in 1973 we pushed Syria and Egypt back on our own.


The M.E. Yinon Plan regime change wars that we fight benefit Americans, NOT. You, 100%.

“…and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off Iran.”

*Add Yemen

Tell us how the American taxpayers that have funded these wars have benefitted, clown.


You get the oil, stop complaining.

Ashok Varma

US and 56 NATO and assorted vassal states, as far away as Australia and tiny NZ sanctioned, embargoed and then invaded Iraq on WMD false premises.They deliberately killed over a million civilians and destroyed the infrastructure, so resistance is natural and it will grow.

Tommy Jensen

If you break it, you own it. Therefore we cant leave before we have fixed it, plus we are spartans. We dont move an inch.

cechas vodobenikov

Jackie wohl is now the fake freeman—another idiot from the CIA

Free man

You’re probably one of the smart ones. LOL.


And Smaug is strangely absent. I wonder what is his name now…


go for it guys give them hell ! make them run for their lives and piss their undies ! let them show how scared they can be !


What is Iranian – the Shiite population in Iraq? The US is a terrorist organization unfortunately it has to many accomplices or even unwilling accomplices.


15 million out of 25 million; https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/iraqs-oppressed-majority-95250996/

Антон С

Good news for everyone except occupants. Now Trump is in need to hide more losses since murder of Suleymani.


they can’t complain when they are not wanted.

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