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MARCH 2025

Iranian-backed Forces Raise Stakes. Rocket Attack Kills Several U.S. Coalition Troops In Iraq

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Iranian-backed Forces Raise Stakes. Rocket Attack Kills Several U.S. Coalition Troops In Iraq

A volley of rockets struck the Camp Taji military base in Iraq on the evening of March 11, killing three US-led coalition service members, two of them Americans and one British, and injuring 12 others. The targeted military base is a large facility located in a rural region approximately 27km north of Baghdad.

After the shelling, Iraqi security forces found the improvised rocket launcher used in the attack in the nearby area of Rashidiya. It was forty 107mm barrels installed on the back of a Kia Bongo truck. Three rockets were still remaining inside the barrel.

There were no immediate claims of responsibility for the attack. However, over the past months US-linked targets have witnessed a number of similar rocket attacks. Most of them led to no casualties. In general, US sources blame Kataib Hezbollah and other Iran-linked groups for these incidents.

The situation became especially tense after the US strike on a convoy of Iraqi and Iranian officers moving near Baghdad International Airport on January 3. The prominent Iranian general, commander of the Qods Force, Qassem Soleimani, was assassinated in this strike. The attack caused a large-scale crisis in the region, and prompted an Iranian retaliatiory missile strike on US military bases in Iraq. Washington swallowed a public attack on its forces by a state claiming that there were no casualties. In the following weeks, these ‘no casualties’ steadily turned into at least 110. All of them, according to the official version, received traumatic brain injury.

Additionally, the Iraqi Parliament accepted a bill demanding US troop withdrawal from the country, which Washington ignored, even threatening Baghdad with devastating sanctions, should Iraq continue to act like it is a sovereign, rather than occupied, country.

Following the attack on Camp Taji, ‘unknown aircraft’, most likely belonging to the US-led coalition, struck positions belonging to Iranian-backed groups near the Syrian-Iraqi border. The surroundings of the Syrian town of al-Bukamal, located on the highway linking Deir Ezzor and Baghdad, became the main target of the attack. Pro-Iranian sources claimed that the strikes caused material damage only.

Meanwhile, US forces in northeastern Syria strengthened their military positions by deploying additional howitzers. The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces declared in an official statement that the military buildup was needed to provide US bases with additional protection. Another troop withdrawal announced by the administration of President Donald Trump is apparently successfully ongoing.

Syria’s northwest is also a source of tensions. On March 11, intense fighting erupted among Turkish-backed armed groups in the town of Azaz. As always, the incident was caused by internal contradictions between Turkish proxies who are involved in a wide range of various criminal activities and regularly clash for spheres of influence.

In the region of Greater Idlib, Turkish-backed groups, including those linked with al-Qaeda, are preparing to sabotage another ceasefire deal. They reinforced their positions north of the M4 highway and east of Jisr al-Shughur and declared that they are not planning to withdraw from any areas south of the highway. These statements go contrary to Turkish claims that preparations for the creation of a security zone in the area and the start of joint Turkish-Russian patrols are successfully in progress. Despite these, Ankara continues blaming the Syrian government for supposed violations of the Moscow deal and threatening it with military action should the ceasefire be violated. It seems that Turkey once again seeks to sweep agreements regarding the withdrawal and neutralization of radicals under the carpet, thus pushing the region into a new round of military escalation.

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What we have learnt is that when you see someone use a language of threats every little chance they get, they are scared to death that you might actually hurt them. The Americans threatened Iranians that they’d raise several orphans if they dared attack the US. The Iranians not only attacked but demonstrated that US could easily lose 5000 troops in a couple hours across the Middle East, could even be 10,000. I wonder if Americans in their history have ever come under ballistic missile attacks – that must have been terrifying.

We saw the Turks using threats against Syria. About 5 days into the war, they wanted a ceasefire

Vince Dhimos

“Unknown aircraft” is usually a synonym for Israeli aircraft, striking without provocation but with the blessing of the US government. We need to keep in mind that almost every war or military action against any Shiite region or country, or country led by Shiites (including Alawites) is demanded by Israel and approved by Washington, and often executed by Washington. Countries with strong Shiite leadership or sympathies include Lebanon, Syria, Iraq (Shiite majority) and Iran (Shiite majority and Shiite-led). LIbya was an exception, having only a tiny Shiite population, but its leadership under Ghadaffi was unwilling to bow to Washington and supported Palestinian opposition to Israel. The Sunni Gulf States have bent to Washington over Israel and have put aside or hidden their anti-Zionist tendencies. For the moment. However, the situation is in flux. Turkey is an outlier, predominantly Sunni and Sunni-led but with strong anti-Zionist tendencies. This makes it look like it can’t decide who to support.

Karen Bartlett

Agree for the most part, but it’s not “Sunni” Muslims who support the US. It’s Wahhabi Muslims, a fanatical sect out of Saudi Arabia, and Muslim Brotherhood who are the terrorists. There are many Sunni Muslims in Syria, and in the Syrian Arab Army. It’s not a sectarian war.

Icarus Tanović

Those are Wahhabis, and they are far from Muslims.

Karen Bartlett

You’re right. I shouldn’t have used the term “Muslims”.

Hasbara Hunter

A bad Muslim is No Muslim….Like a bad Christian is No Christian….

Karen Bartlett

Yes, you’re absolutely right. I know people who claim to be Christians but think nothing of lying to get what they want. Or of doing more evil things. Just think about the US gov’t-a bunch of evangelical “Christians” (Mike Pompeo for one) who think nothing of killing innocent civilians, incl. children, in their evil wars.And all for money and “power”, their real gods.


The same guys have the temerity to speak of the Evil Assad, when Bashar has been an outstanding and inspirational leader and protector of minorities including Druze, Christian and Kurd (got no thanks from the Kurds)

Concrete Mike

Well said brother.

Karen Bartlett

Yes. I think they do that merely to fool us gullible and dumbed-down citizens of their countries. Surely they know the extent of the evil they’re engaged in, since they practice it every day with nary a qualm. And the present generation of American soldiers have been raised by the media, apparently: https://youtu.be/3y_5vxM8PYM?t=2

Vince Dhimos

I agree. Most Sunnis, the VAST majority, are decent people.This reminds me of those memes, where you have a normal human brain, and a brain on crack. The Wahhabists and the Sunni radicals like Erdogan are like that bain on crack and that cracks is calle USA.

Karen Bartlett

Ah. But do they do some other kind of drug as well?

Zionism = EVIL

The FACT is that resistance against Americunt and NATO illegal occupation of Iraq and sponsorship of Wahhabi terrorism in Syria is only increasing resistance as the people are fed up. There will be region wide attacks on the Americunt occupation forces.

Vince Dhimos

This will happen once the US has convinced everyone of its impotence.


The Turks are run by the Donmeh who are a crypto-jewish sect (according to non-Wiki historians).


Have to down vote this article because its bunk! Iran has stated that Solemani had tried to prevent attacks on US forces because it would create instability, uncertainty and hardships for the locals. Making his work on creating a coherent trained force for when needed. You would say Sadr’s forces are iranian backed but they are not. Who did most of the attacks on US forces. Some ISIS also did a lot of attacks.. We will definitely know when the PMU starts their attacks which would come after the time given for US forces to leave.

Dont do an amerikan.. Lie and make up stuff and some fantasy about such useless attacks which only gives the US reasons to improve their security and fire power..


Finish them off.


Go back to ?


Hi Natasha baby ;) Do you want me to take you out to eat some Turkey? My offer is always open :)


No I don’t like Turks


Why not?


You’re bad people they only cause trouble in the world


You’re saying all Turks are bad people? This is not true dear. There are good and bad people in every nation. We don’t control what our government is doing.

Please reconsider my offer honey, its always open.


What’s your offer


I take you out to eat dinner, if you want of course.




When you come to Turkey, I will gladly host you.


Lol, I doubt I’ll ever go there.


Turkey has some of the most beautiful cities and places such as Izmir, Antalya, Bodrum, Trabzon etc. You would be really missing out if you skip my nation. I highly recommend that you come.


You’ll probably kidnap me


When was the tourist got kidnapped in Turkey? Now that could happen if you went to the south eastern Turkey where the arabs and kurds are.


Nobody heard because you all cover it up


You believe anti turkish propaganda honey, they brainwash you. Turkey is visited by MILLIONS of tourist a year. If there was bad things happening, nobody would visit.


When the rightful owners of Turkish land get it back then I’ll visit


What do you mean rightful owner?


Turkish people are not to the true native inhabitants of Anatolia


Yes we conquer it, just like european conquer north and south america. Should european american give america back to the native?


Yes, they should


Should Isreali give land back to Palestinian?




Why not?


They’re Muslims


And you’re Jewish. What makes you better?


I’m not Jewish I’m a Christian Russian

Icarus Tanović

I don’t believe word you say.


I’m a Christian and I’m American of Russian background


See Natasha, real Jewish people seem not to have problems with Muslims/Arabs, after all they are cousins. It is the European ”Jews” who have no connection whatsoever with the Middle East who are causing chaos.


I’m not Jewish if that’s what you’re implying.


Christians and Muslims have so many more similarities than differences and they should ideally be on the same side


History doesn’t agree with that statement


History may not entirely agree but this so called war/enmity between Christians and Muslims is overrated. Granted there were serious wars in the past instigated by both sides which is quite understandable given that each one was fighting for influence. Fast forward to the 21st Century, why would a Christian be fighting a Muslim?


Why are the Turks allowing Muslim migrants to try to invade Greece?


This is politics and has nothing to do with religion. Trust me there are Christians among them. Erdogan seems to have a deal with EU and the latter isn’t respecting it, now poor Greece is being harassed for it


No muslims should be allowed into Europe


You have a personal vendetta against Muslims. In this day and age you can’t live like that. Cuz then the Muslims will say all Christians in their lands should leave and now you just went back several centuries


We need to have segregation


Build a wall including in Russia


I’m in America actually, Russian descent but born in America


Build a wall there too


We are


I don’t think you are.


Almost 200 miles of wall complete with Mexico

Hasbara Hunter

European Jews are a Bunch of Khazarian Converts…they had to chose a religion & thus they became “Jews”…but their real God is Baphomet… These AshkeZioNazi Converts/ Imposters make up 95% of the ENTIRE JEWISH POPULATION… Muslims protected both the Christians & Jews when the Roman Catholic Crusaders came to Exterminate them all…


You are right and European Jews have nothing to do with Palestine. This is blatant robbery in the 20/21st century. Why can’t the real Jews and Arabs/Muslims live together in Palestine? After all, it’s their land

Hasbara Hunter

The lived together in relative peace…until the Balfour Drclaration was executed in 1948


The British of course are in the middle of this. Anyway, they created an illegal state that is not sustainable. No way it survives

Hasbara Hunter

Queen Elizabeth is a ZioNazi (1/6 of this planet belongs to her) just like Mister Rothschild….Elitesss…

Tim Williams

Prove you’re a good TURK … shoot ERDOGAN … you will go down in history as a hero


I dont fully support Tayyip Erdogan but I respect him, he is big leader and big character. He know how to talk.

Tim Williams

Hitler was too … shoot him


We turks love strong characters.


US CENTCOM has estimated that Iran has between 2500 and 3000 ballistic missiles at its disposal.

Oh I think if Hezballah has over 100,000 rockets and tens of thousands of ballistic missiles, Iran sure has a lot more.. Iran has to expect that 80-90% of them will be destroyed by the US.. They have been very smart in how they deploy their assets..


The US has no means to destroy any missiles. They will die in thousands. What you have seen since Gulf War is a US that is often on the assault. Now Iran has the means to reduce their bases to rubble and Americans fear any country with that kind of capability

Shia man

Look how the Israeli fear for their life https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5HxEA2HdFpo


Lmao…. Sure that is IRON ZION for sure


The IDF has been seeing a decline in morale and valor since the late 80ies. Possibly earlier.

The IDF of today is nothing like the IDF of 50 years ago. Their ephemeral time of valor has vanished, they’re just like every other westernized Globohomo affiliate now; dependent on technology and large budgets.

Shia man

Lmao Iran has to expect 80-90% of their missiles to be destroyed by the US the same US which couldn’t even stop the 13 rockets fired at the ayn al Assad base Imagine if Iran decides to launch 1 thousand ICBM at a time btw Iran has millions of icbm And don’t forget how the houthis strike the heart of Saudi Arabia with icbms and drones you still underestimate Iran’s capabilities without even knowing the full power of iran


Imagine 1000 ballistic missiles fired at US bases in Iraq, Qatar, UAE, Afghanistan within a space of 2 hours. Then another 1000 at Israel the next hour. Just thinking if they will back down or use nuclear weapons against Iran

Shia man

I doubt they would use nuclear missiles Israel would get whip off the map they will target their nuclear reactors they already warned Israel long time ago and showed their exact location with Hezbollah spy drones the Zionist are not that stupid


They are that stupid. Do not count on Israel to be smart. They sleep walked into a war with Hezbollah in 2006 like they always do. I think they will use nuclear weapons against Iran seeing as 1000 missiles would be an existential threat

Shia man

Trust me one thing about the Jews they don’t like to die to them every Jew is something holy “the chosen people” crap and they fear for their money too much that’s why they are using America nato and these dumb Saudi wahabbis and turkeys to take care of their problems while they sit back and watch.

Shia man

But I do have to agree with you A 1000 missiles would be an existential threat So the war between America and Iran will be like what is happening hit for a hit until someone gives up.

Shia man

Off topic The way everything is shaping up in the world with this coronavirus stock market crashing famine war fear don’t be surprised if one day America decides to withdraw and leave Israel all alone and just focus on its self.


US exists for Israel so they will never abandon them. The day Israel will be under real threat, US will use nuclear weapons

Shia man

well see


I wouldn’t bet on that.


The Israelis may use nukes. But that will not stop the missiles headed to Israel.


Don’t threaten us you Shia kalb, if Iran shoots missiles over here they will be wiped out from the face of this planet.


You have no means to wipe out anybody. Dude, 8 million Israelis are a very small number to be threatening anyone


Try us.


It’s been done many times. What you do not get is that this is a waiting game. The hour will come when Israel has to be taken care of. I think you are already getting snippets of that from Hezbollah. You know you can’t beat them


Again, try us if you think we are so weak. Goodluck.


Dude, don’t get cocky. You will be beat, it’s a matter of time


Okay Wizzy.


By the way, when that time comes and you are still alive, remember what I told you

Shia man

Hey you Zionist pig in 2006 it only took hezbollah 5000 soldiers to make the so called 4th strongest army in the world at the time to tap out in 33 days now hezbollah has well over 60 thousands soldiers in Lebanon only they have tanks drones ballistic missiles and much more surprises And on top of it all they have loyal fighter all across the Middle East waiting to join them if a war with Israel were to ever break. Israel time is ticking in the Middle East. 2022 that’s all I got to say keep that year ingrained in your head


Don’t start something you can’t finish, that’s all I can say.

Shia man

Are you talking to yourself? ???

cechas vodobenikov

I don’t claim Israel is weak—although Hizbollah humiliated them in 2006. however it is geographically small. conventional weapons from Iran could destroy major cities in Israel quite easily. I doubt that Persians r so uncivilized that they would target civilians—something the amerikans and Israelis r noted for


yep, time to wipe the jews on palestinian land off the face of this earth.


Always big words from a cowardly Jew.


I’m not a coward, and you’re welcomed here to face me and my friends in the battlefield if you’re so brave.


You are a chicken shit jew that kills children.


Can you stop with that children thing for a minute, and tell me exactly why you hate jews?


If you tell me why you killing children first.


I don’t kill children, I killed terrorists. In some cases, Hamas / Islamic Jihad members used civilians homes to attack us and we had to return fire so unfortunately some unarmed civilans were killed aswell. In every operation I participated, I always tried to hit only terrorists, but sometimes mistakes happen. Face to face without human shields we killed them, they know it and that’s why they do it.



You have admitted it before you dirty jew rat !


Shia man

Even Nasrallah told the Israeli that Hezbollah has nuclear missiles located in Israel so don’t be dumb and think about using your nuclear arsenal


I hope you’re right.


They won’t be able to fire 1000 missiles in 2 hours. There are not that many launching pads and dedicated man power for that. they can do a 100 maybe in 2h so about a 1000 in 1 day. But before they reach that, the US will use back channels for a cease fire. 500 missiles will handicap all US operations in the middle east. And a ground assault will ensue from Iran to Saudi Arabia. They will arm Shia (representing about 20% of Saudi) It goes without saying that no NATO naval unit will stay afloat in the area.

Shia man

Not that many launching pads and dedicated man power? You underestimate the Persians way too much. iran has mandatory military service And if the nation goes to war majority of Iranians will volunteer just like the Iraq-iran war these Persians went so far as to sacrifice 36 thousands men just to clear mines in Iraq-iran war. One thing about Persians they are extremely patriotic Even if they don’t like or disagree with their leadership they will still die for their country.


I do like your analysis. Iran can do real damage to anybody around that poses a threat. Imagine all the militias across the Middle East and Iran all fighting at the same time


and what 5 min after?

viktor ziv

mate, little correction, Houtis didn’t fire ICBM but cruise missiles, few… no need for millions, 1k is more than enough.

Shia man

But I’m pretty sure the houthis have icbms and they have used them too The first recorded launch of the Burkan-2H(ballistic missile) was on 22 July 2017. The Houthis released a statement, saying that the missile successfully hit the region of Yanbu in Saudi Arabia and caused a major fire at an Aramco oil refinery. The Saudi government disputed this claim, stating that the fire was instead caused by a malfunctioning generator.

viktor ziv

indeed balistic but for intercontinental, a man needs to put satelite in orbit first. all thumbs to Houtis, very resourceful and proud people and you’re correct they have improved Luna balistics.


Ballistic missiles yes but not ICBMs. Thing is you can’t know what Houthis can or can’t do. These guys fired a Russian air to air missile from the ground


hezbollah has 99500 tubes filled with gun powder, not missiles


Once again the Middle East is a battleground for proxy war

Hasbara Hunter

Congratulations Miss you just made it to the Hasbara-Shitlist….


Hasbara Checklist:

ACTIVE PARASITES: ‎אהרון, Göktürk, Natascha, Free man, <>, Jake321, Prof. Larry Rabiesowitz, Avi Schwartz, Toronto Tonto, Critical Thinker 911, Jens Holm, Occupying Pig Meat, Jacob “the Nose” Wohl, Simon Bernstein, Neil Barron, DutchNational

Some Extra…:

Roger Smellyman, Frank Behrenstein, Baron Von GoatBanger, Joe Dirt, Smaug, Mountains, Lord of the Wankers, Just Watching, Hamster, retiredSOFguy, Terry Penis, Vidura, Total Pinocchio, Derapage, Fatime Oomayadin, King Tudor777, Velociraptor, Ajdin Aksoy, Superfly, Serious, أبو ياسر, NOD

Beware! These Folks get paid in $hekels to manipulate & speak with Crooked Tongue…



The Gulag Archipelago https://www.google.nl/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2003/jan/25/russia.books



Copy this and use it every time you run into one of those PARASITIC HASBARAT-TROLLS:


Taken from UNZ Review, article, “Use of TERMITE by Louis Farrakahn was exactly right” – “Arthur Koestler, (a person of the Jewish Faith –My, Freespirit emphasis ) is quoting from Maurice Maeterlinck’s Life of the Termites in order to establish in his readers’ minds a salient political point. Not only does Koestler find the termite to be the most accurate metaphor for society’s decay, but his other book, The Thirteenth Tribe, debunks the claim by the white Caucasian Ashkenazi Jews that they are Jews at all! His careful, scholarly, and historically accurate 1976 study found that the white people we think of as Jews—the Netanyahus, the Jonathan Greenblatts, the Alan Dershowitzes and the rest of them—are imposters with no genetic connection to the holy land or holy people of the Bible; they are not even Semites! Koestler
 proves that their Caucasian tribal ancestors converted to Judaism sometime in the 8th century. So the charge of “anti-Semitism” constantly leveled at Blacks and their leaders has no actual meaning at all.” https://www.unz.com/article….

Karen Bartlett

Hm, didn’t realize. Thanks, H.H.

Hasbara Hunter

My pleasure…she ain’t that bad though…hehehehe

Karen Bartlett

I thought she was funny. She’ll probably get fired for not being an a**hole.

Hasbara Hunter

By way of deception though shalt do war….;)

Icarus Tanović


Hasbara Hunter

Same here brother….


-Saving page just for the list. ????

Karen Bartlett

Bookmarked mine!


There are plenty of Jews with principle who don’t hide behind Zionism. Like Paul Eisen and Gilad Atzmon. The latter renounced his Israeli citizenship in protest against Israeli policies in Palestine. Hating a religion is pointless. The groups within religions that are the worst tend to be the secret societies (e.g. Muslim Brotherhood, Freemasons, Frankists and Sabbateans and Donmeh, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei)

Concrete Mike

My your full of wisdom today sir.

Hating the plebs accomplishes nothing, its the leadership thats the problem.

Hasbara Hunter

Elites…AngloZioNazi Elites…Kings, Queens, Banksters, MIC, the Vatican & a Couple of Bloodlines dating back to the Pharaohs & Babylonian times

How to Rule the Scum


Rather old than wise :)

Hasbara Hunter

I know…it is the Elites…the Puppetmasters…the One Percenters…Divide & Conquer…The Roman Catholic Church with their Jesuits are also a bunch of Witchburners & Inquisitors & Paedophiles…I‘ve got a couple of (Semitic) Jewish friends, my personal opinion is: there are good folks & bad folks…in every color & every religion…My Dutch Ancestors burned whole Islands including Inhabitants in Indonesia & elsewhere…our “German” King recently finally apologized for those Evil-doings…

The problem with those AshkeZioNazis in Illegal Occupation & Apartheidstate ISraHell is: They are still Stealing Land, Opressing & Killing Peoples including Kids at will up there

No excuses for that…the Good always suffer under the Evil peoples no matter where you come from…


sure that was swell by paul eisen but the better part of jews anywhere in the world are accomplices to the war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the jews in the illegal settlement called israel, since a very large part of the illegal settlement’s budget is funded by transfers of cash from various organisations not located on palestinian land, but in los angeles, new york, london, paris, and so on, and the sum of all those transfers amount to something like 20 25% of the budget. the jews in palestine are unable to make ends meet and should for that reason alone be evicted to kingdom come.


Sure I’m no fan of the Sayanim. That hidden hand stuff is bullshit


I think you’d do good to put natasha in the leper colony. nothing good can be interpreted from her comments and thus inferred they are bad pro-jéwish crap!

Hasbara Hunter

Southfront ain’t a friggin’ dating site…


That upvote was for your nice comment and your cute little face


Oh thanks

Karen Bartlett

(Good thing we have cute little faces, or whatever, huh?) No offense, males. Some of you have cute little faces, too.



Karen Bartlett



Why thank you Karen. Men can be cute too (simper)

Zionism = EVIL

You must be desperate bud :)

Zionism = EVIL

There is no proxy war, the Americunts and their NATO poodles invaded and destroyed Iraq and killed over a million civilians on Jew fanned false WMD bullshit and are now also sponsoring Wahhabi terror in Syria and Afghanistan and resistance is a natural consequence. Get with the program “Natasha” dear.


Why “Natasha” like that?

Karen Bartlett

NATO poodles. You’ve got a way with words!

cechas vodobenikov

this is also true in Asia, Africa, Latin amerika—amerikans r too cowardly to directly challenge competitors—they bribe, intimidate, invade weak defenseless nations, levy sanctions, tariffs…amerikan products suffer from poor design, poor quality…amerikan vehicles r one of many examples…not observed in civilized nations…nearly everything in the US is backward and poorly maintained…expected in an empire near collapse


LOL…speaking of collapse, you picked up the Kremlin talking point notes left over from your dead Russian Soviet Empire, Igor. Next time, try something new even if false.

Swift Laggard II

you are still here trolling commentators? you must be a real skunk


Bullies taken over your yard. They are beating and raping your family each night. You start to rain bricks on their heads. Multiple casualties are reported among the Gang Rapist Bullies.

The Gang Rapist Bullies swiftly do a press release, where they state: – Multiple members of our gang was hurt NO WE HAVE TO RETALIATE!!

bouncer dogsly

It is now obvious the regime change bandwagon has run out of steam and has no energy left. They are now treading water and have simply no strategy of what they are doing in Syria or Iraq. In Iraq they are now just target practice. that will be the case as soon as Idlib is over. Israel is ordering the US to stay as the plan has all gone wrong. Syria is still intact. They are now simply stuck of what to do next. All that is left is to try and extent the war and od as much infrastructure damage to Syria as possible and try and strangle it with severe sanctions in the name of “humanitarianism” and the rest of their hypocritical bull shit.

Icarus Tanović

I feel sorry for the boys.

Xoli Xoli

Good news.Let them die in masses.Conquered by own human depolarization plan.

Xoli Xoli

Killed by own destruction or fall in own trap.

Vince Dhimos

Here is why Turkey is behaving as it is: http://www.newsilkstrategies.com/military-affairs/us-israel-predictably-behind-turkish-aggression-in-syria

cechas vodobenikov

the amerikans and turks have long sought to destabilize Syria—an attempt at regime change by turkey/US was thwarted by the USSR in 1957. NATO did nothing to challenge the illegal turk invasion of cyprus

cechas vodobenikov

all collapsing empires have sought to prevent collapse via imperialism and stealing resources from other nations—the Ottomans collapsed—the US empire will collapse in less than 10 years


more and better manpads for the iraqi pmu groups in order to down the enemy jets, i.e. the us, the uk, the french and the jewish, when they appear – time to down them and force them to leave. the present situation is nothing but rampage rape and theft of iraq’s resources and as that is the case, iraq is entirely entitled to shoot them to kingdom come – jewish ones more than say french but the american ones, sure the more the better.

cechas vodobenikov

http://www.sott.net/article/430741 even the CIA now admits the US is the loser in Syria

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